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Colin Perini Copyright Š 2011 Colin Perini colinperini.com creativesecrets.com.au


Some people say that this is a true story, I am not sure. It is up to you to decide. If it was true it would be very exciting. Secretly, I hope it is.

There was a space traveller named Splunk. His name may have been Glunk or Plunk, but I think it was Splunk.

He was an ordinary space traveller. He lived in infinity. He had no body. He was an idea, like a see-through brain.

He was made of energy and if you passed by him, you would say that he looked like a fuzzy ball of light or a floating see-through brain.

He could travel anywhere simply by thinking of anywhere. Then he would arrive there. Infinity is like that, So easy to travel and it始s always so much fun.

In infinity there is no distance or time, everything is sort of all together. It is a crazy place where everything can be here or everything can be a long, long way away.

Each see-through brain like Splunk, creates his own world in infinity. That way it is easier to understand what is happening.

Imagine if you tried to understand every thing and every where and every idea all at once. You would probably explode.

Splunk did not want to try it, in case it happened. Infinity is like that, anything can happen. So it始s best not to think about crazy things.

He had always lived in infinity. Infinity always has everything that is possible, so you just can始t be born into it. You are always in it.

In infinity, you cannot arrive and you cannot leave. Very strange indeed. Every thing in the past is always there. Every thing in the future is always there, very weird.

Splunk was an ordinary see-through brain that floated around infinity. There are many, many, many ordinary see-through brains like Splunk.

Because infinity is so big, he would often meet other see-through brains, floating and flitting around. They all looked different and some had weird shapes or made funny sounds.

Some were as tiny as an ant and some bigger than a mountain. It does not matter in infinity, it is up to you to be whatever you feel like being. You can be anything and anywhere.

Sometimes, Splunk would feel like going somewhere and having an adventure. He had lived on many different planets. So he was good at having adventures.

In infinity there are countless worlds to visit. It is like an endless computer game. Just imagine, adventure after adventure and you cannot die.

Every world wants you to join in and play. They all have problems to solve before you can leave. Every world is like a playground with all sorts of interesting things to do.

These problems are like strange puzzles that you have to work out, before you can get the magic key to leave. They are all very different and all so interesting.

Splunk had been to many exciting planets. They were all so different, with magical colours and secret places to visit. You wear different bodies on different worlds.

Bodies are like space suits that allow a see-through brain to travel around and live a normal life on the planet. They can be fat, flat, long, strong, thick, thin and often very odd to look at.

There was Planet Glassy. Here you have to really concentrate, to get the right mix of colour and light. When you can do that, you sink down onto the surface of this pretty world.

Then you can play amongst the wonderful rainbows and light shows. Then there was Metal World, where all of nature is made of shimmering, singing metals.

It is a lot of fun listening to and learning to sing many of the different songs. You can only leave Metal World when you can sing all of the songs just right. It can be quite tricky.

The strangest planet of all was Earth. Splunk was sort of tricked into thinking that this would be a wonderful adventure because it looked like such a beautiful planet.

He arrived and was born, then immediately forgot that he was Splunk. Now he thought he was Bob, or Sam or Sue. He could not remember that he was a see-through brain.

He really thought that Earth, was the only place you could possibly live. Like most people on the planet, he believed that he was only a body, nothing else, just a funny, heavy little fleshy lump.

He totally forgot about his happy adventures in infinity. He did not remember anything about other planets and worlds. He did not even believe that they could possibly exist.

Planet Earth had really trapped him. Everything is heavy on planet Earth. Life can be difficult. You have to work hard all of the time just to live.

Your body is slow and sometimes gets sick, which slows it even more. Bodies need to be fed, exercised and rested. People always complain and are easily upset.

And the things that everyone loves doing, are always the things, that are not good for you. When you are a kid, you are always in trouble for doing what is not good for you.

Crazy planet! This planet is like driving non stop on a roundabout. You go round and round and round, thinking that this is normal and that everything you see is real.

The more you think it is real, the harder it is to get off the roundabout and back to infinity. You are so busy going around and around that you do not even have time to think about infinity.

You are born, die, believe only in the earth and back again, to be born, die, believe only in the earth and back again, to be born, die, believe only in the earth, over and over and over.

It took years and years and years and years before he finally remembered that he was not a body. He was something more, much more. He came from infinity.

“Iʼm not Bob, or Sam or Sue… Iʼm Splunk” Nobody would believe him. His friends thought he had gone bananas! They did not want to hear anything that they thought was not normal.

Splunk had finally realised that he had forgotten who he was. He was a see-through brain having fun and floating freely in forever. It did not matter that nobody believed him, he knew.

As soon as he remembered, he was able to break from the roundabout. Not long after that, he returned to forever. Splunk was thrilled to be home again.

It is so much more fun to be free. In infinity, there are no rules. You can go anywhere and do anything and it always makes you happy and nobody bosses you around.

In infinity, there are so many jokes that it is not funny! Now Splunk can even laugh at how he got stuck on planet earth! He said, “I must have gone nuts to think it was all real�.

Infinity is everywhere and everything. Infinity is all around you. It is above you and goes on and on upwards. It is under you and goes on and on downwards.

It is inside and outside of you, it is everywhere. It is wrapped around you. It is an endlessly big place that goes on forever. And there are so many good things to do.

Anything can happen and sometimes everything seems to happen. It makes you laugh. Fancy thinking that there was only Earth and nothing else, that始s so funny!

Imagine if you could live on other worlds like Splunk does. You would be so happy. I wonder if your real name is Splunk?

Bye Splunk

Bye Splunk

Colin Perini Copyright Š 2011 Colin Perini colinperini.com creativesecrets.com.au

Colin Perini Copyright Š 2011 Colin Perini colinperini.com creativesecrets.com.au

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