Hot Pockets Snacks

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snacks Social Fabric Bloggers Love Hot Pockets After School Snacks

contents Social Fabric BloggersLove Hot PocketsAfter School Snacks


Hot Pockets Great Anytime Snack


Hot Pockets - the Best After School Snack


After School Snacking with Hot Pockets


After School Snack Ideas


A Great Afternoon For An After School Snack


Hot Pockets - A Hearty After School Snack


Hot Pocket Snacks A Yummy Choice for Both Kids & Adults


Hot Pockets After School Snacks


Feeding the After School Munchies


Hearty After School Snacks from Hot Pockets


After School Food Ideas


After School Treats


An After School Snack They Love


After School Snack Idea for On-the-Go Kids (and Moms!)


Adding Hot Pockets to My After School Snack List


Hot Pockets Afternoon Snack


Hot Pockets to the Rescue!


Hot Pocket Snacks


Hearty After School Snack Solution


Hot Pockets


Nestle Kitchens on Twitter


Hot Pockets on Facebook


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Patricia Cook

Hot Pockets Great Anytime Snack It was such a beautiful day that we went out on the deck to enjoy our Hot Pockets. I made three different kinds and I knew we would like them all! Lemonade and a little salad made our snack even more fun, though my grandsons don’t eat much salad. Summer will be winding down soon and the boys will be very busy with kindergarten and preschool. My grandson loved his Pizza Hot Pocket, and even tried the BBQ Beef variety. This is big for him because he thought he would only like the pizza kind. I told him I had more Hot Pockets to eat on our special days after school for him and his brother. He was pretty happy about that! I do like how easy Hot Pockets are to fix, and this can be a big time saver for busy moms on the go. We are so excited about this little guy starting preschool. He loves eating and loves his snacks. He had two helpings of Hot Pockets and then asked for more. He loved the Chili Cheese kind!



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Tiffany Cruz

Hot Pockets - the Best After School Snack I remember back when I was a child in school, coming home to find Hot Pockets in our freezer was definitely a treat and something I looked forward to. I never thought that many years later, my daughter would enjoy the same after school snack that I did. Jasmine’s first official day of kindergarten was today. On our way home from school I told Jasmine that if she opened the freezer when we got home she would find a new kind of after school snack waiting for her. Needless to say, she was very happy with what she found waiting for her. She thanked me many times for letting her eat pizza as an after school snack. Did you know there are more than 30 varieties of Hot Pockets that have 0 grams trans fat per serving and contain 7 essential vitamins and minerals. Hot Pockets are also stuffed with REAL CHEESE, and we love cheese in our house. Whether it’s part of breakfast, lunch or dinner, remember …anytime is a good time for Hot Pockets sandwiches! Make sure you connect with Hot Pockets on Facebook & Nestle Kitchens on Twitter.


Stephanie Friel

After School Snacking with Hot Pockets I now have another snack alternative that at least 3 of the 4 of us can enjoy (Bbear is still ultra picky). Cbear doesn’t start preschool until mid-September, and for the time being he still takes a short nap in the afternoon. Often our lunches are fast and furious so I can make sure my boys have a little time to digest before naptime begins. This also means that after-nap snacks need to be easy as well so that they don’t overeat and ruin dinner. Even though Cbear’s school year hasn’t begun yet, it doesn’t mean we can’t get in the habit of having an after-school snack of Hot Pocket Snacks now. In fact, it’s even the perfect size for Cbear as a quick lunch! CBear was so excited for his first Hot Pocket – Four Cheese! He was all smiles.



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Shasta Walton

After School Snack Ideas I am always looking for after school snack ideas and this week my kids had the pleasure of testing the deliciousness of Hot Pockets! When I asked who thought Hot Pockets were the best after-school snack ever, this was the response. (see photo) I have started keeping kid-friendly after school snacks and meals on hand. I have found that if I choose foods that the kids love and can easily cook themselves, life is a little less stressful for everyone. My kids don’t have to fear certain death by starvation, and I don’t have to worry about making a last minute run to the grocery store. Hot Pockets are a great afternoon snack for the kids because they have zero grams of trans fat, are made with real cheese, and most importantly they taste great! Hot Pockets are a convenient after school choice, and are so easy to cook that the boys can prepare everyone’s snack while I get dinner in the oven, wash clothes, and do everything else that needs to be done before the next day starts. With well over 30 varieties your children will never get tired of this after school snack! You can find Hot Pockets in your local Walmart’s freezer section. I have yet to find a Hot Pocket that my kids won’t eat.


Lori Pace

A Great Afternoon For An After School Snack Sarah helped me put two Hot Pockets in their microwave sleeves and Megan helped me put some SideShots on the plate to heat up. All of the items went in the microwave at the same time, and in three minutes we have some really good, warm snacks! I have to tell you, I was a little surprised at how much my kids LOVED the Hot Pockets! I was not aware of all of the ‘improvements’ they have made to the product since I last had them! The outer crust is soft and easy for even little kids to bite into and the inside is stuffed with great ingredients! And let’s face it, that IS the best part, right? My kids gobbled up the Hot Pocket snacks and Katie declared, “This is the best Hot Pockets I ever had!”



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Laura Kromer

Hot Pockets - A Hearty After School Snack I’m glad that Hot Pockets come in so many varieties, so the kids won’t get bored of them. Our local Walmart has a great selection of Hot Pockets. I try to mix it up a bit and get some of each: original variety, Crispy Crust, Croissant Crust, and Lean Pockets. Our Walmart carries the new Snackers which are more of a bite size (or two) version of the Hot Pocket. They come in some really fun flavors like Fiesta Nacho Bites and Loaded Baked Potato Skin Bites. I love that there are even Lean Pockets available for us moms who are watching our k waistline!



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Tammy Litke

Hot Pocket Snacks A Yummy Choice for Both Kids & Adults One of the newer products that our Walmart has been carrying in the Hot Pockets selection are the Hot Pocket Snackers. They come in different flavors but Amber wanted to try the Five Cheese Ravioli. These make super snacks for after school, or for when the gang is watching football games or even before bedtime. I’m loving these as a mom for snack ideas because they’re baked and not fried.


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Kristy Still

Hot Pockets After School Snacks As we gear up for Back to School season one of the biggest things on the list is finding good items to send the kids with in their lunch pack and also items to eat as after school snacks! This past week, I was reintroduced to a long time favorite of mine; Hot Pockets. I headed to Walmart to grab a few different varieties and was surprised that there are so many to choose from now. When I used to eat them there was a smaller selection. My favorite at the time were the pizza pockets and I had to pick up a few of those. I was also interested in the Pretzel Bread Hot Pockets. I grabbed a box of those too. I knew both my husband and son would enjoy them. I found the Hot Pockets in the frozen foods section near the snacks and pizza at Walmart. Hot Pockets made our lunch and snack time so easy! Plus, my son was a very happy little man because he loved what he called his pizza.



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Kathy Murphy

Feeding the After School Munchies I went to Walmart to stock up on a birthday present and a few other things and grabbed four packages of Hot Pockets to try. I have not had them in a while and was surprised at the HUGE variety of flavors they now offer: three cheese pizza, pepperoni pizza, stuffed crust pizza, ham and cheese, sloppy joe, pretzel bread with bacon and cheddar, barbequed beef, meatball; so many to choose from! Look for them in the frozen food aisle. Needless to say the four flavors that I bought were a big hit at our house. The crispy pizza was excellent – with gooey cheese filling and flavorful pepperoni. I plan on keeping some on hand for after school snacks – for those days when he is really hungry and dinner is a long ways off. I could also see them as a quick breakfast when we are running late. They are quick to make and inexpensive.



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cover story - Amber Edwards

Hearty After School Snacks from Hot Pockets Hot Pockets provide easy on-the-go after school snacks that keep kids full. Hot pockets offer the convenience of a snack that is very quick to heat up and eat for those times when you are just stretched for time and can’t fix something more substantial. I can heat them up in just a few short minutes and they keep kids full for hours, instead of needing another snack 30 minutes later. Plus they come in such a large variety of flavors. It is so nice to have a quick and easy go to snack option for when the kids need something a little more substantial in their after school snacks, yet I need more time to get dinner ready!


Jennifer Soltys

After School Food Ideas The first thing on my kids’ minds when they walk in the house after school is food. It doesn’t matter how much I pack them for lunch, it seems they are always starving the moment they get home. I think a huge part of it is that they’d like to procrastinate as long as possible before starting homework. Which is why I like giving them homework friendly food… After School Food: With after school activities like gymnastics, soccer, karate, and so forth, homework, snack time, dinnertime, and showers sometimes have to overlap. Dinner in the shower?! No, okay I’m not that crazy. However, sneaking a snack food into homework time is great if it won’t get messy, sticky or distracting. Which is why we love Hot Pockets! They can easily be found in your Walmart’s freezer section. Hot Pocket Snacks can be made by the kids themselves. They won’t break the bank. They come in a variety of flavors. Kids love them.




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Amber Killmon

After School Treats Mom, I’m hungry! If I had a nickel for every time a kid came home from school and said that, well, I’d have a lot of nickels. Seriously. That’s one of the most uttered phrases in this house, right up there with “It wasn’t me.” I know if I don’t offer up an after school snack it’ll take an obscene amount of time before homework is done. The problem there is I don’t always have time (or energy) to create a lavish after school snack. Hot Pockets are at the top of our snack ideas list as something that’s filling, delicious and easy. Three of the things that make the ideal snack for this home! The only negative thing I’m able to say about Hot Pockets is they don’t last long!

When my kids get home they expect a snack. Negotiations don’t go over well with them. If we want to have homework done in time for some family time (be it games, a movie, general chit chat or what) we have to cater to them. I know how bad that may sound to some, but it works for us, and as long as their education isn’t faltering we are pleased.


Crystal Celentano

An After School Snack They Love Hot Pockets are a great choice for larger families. Since my kids all like something different, it’s hard to please everyone. Hot Pockets offers a truly wide selection of varieties to satisfy even the pickiest of eaters, and I can always count on Walmart as the place to find them all. Just as my kids like different varieties, they all eat their Hot Pockets in different fashions as well. My oldest eats his in the crisp n’ carry sleeve – Mom likes this because it’s less mess! My middle son savors every bite by cutting it in two’s because it looks like more – you’ve got to love a kids logic.



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Kelly Carpenter


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After School Snack Idea for On-the-Go Kids (and Moms!) Rosie eats snacks in her car seat more often than I’d like to admit. I don’t even want to know the statistics for how often Americans eat in their car. I’m sure it’s crazy high. We really do try to eat meals at home, but snacks? No way. I just can’t work out how to sit down at the table after school for a snack every day. Enter Hot Pockets! I’m sure I’ve tried them in the past, but I hadn’t had them for years. Hot Pockets are a great back to school snack solution for those days when you are running around and need a filling snack for the kids that they can eat in the car. Throw one in the microwave before you leave home or just before the kids are getting off the bus. There are a bazillion varieties of Hot Pockets – something for everyone! If you haven’t looked for them lately, stop by the freezer section of your Walmart store. There are two main kinds – Hot Pockets and Lean Pockets. Lean Pockets have 9 grams of fat or less, o grams of trans fat and 360 calories or less.





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Karen Coutu

Adding Hot Pockets to My After School Snack List Over the weekend, we picked up some Hot Pockets in the freezer section at Walmart. They were priced at about what our supermarket usually sells them for during a sale. We usually buy the Pepperoni Pizza variety, but I wanted our children to try some of the others, so I bought one Philly Steak & Cheese and one Ham & Cheese. They all agreed that they wanted to try the Philly Steak and Cheese first. Before I left the house to meet the children at the school bus stop this afternoon, I heated two Philly Steak & Cheese Hot Pockets in the microwave. Then I cut each one in half to make them more manageable for little hands and packed them in a food container, which then went inside an insulated snack cube. It was nice to be able to give our children a hot snack to eat, especially on a damp and rainy day such as today. I will have the children try the Ham & Cheese Hot Pockets next and will need to stock up on the steak and cheese variety. As you can see, we still have plenty of the Pepperoni Pizza . . .


Paula Krueger

Hot Pockets Afternoon Snack Now that school is back in session, so are all the extra curricular activities. On soccer nights it is imperative to have back to school snacks, because soccer practice lands right in the middle of dinner time. Last week we gave Hot Pockets a try as an afternoon snack and it was a huge hit! I went shopping at Walmart and picked up three different types of Hot Pockets and Lean Pockets along with some Hot Pocket Snackers to try with the kids. The kids and I tried three different Hot Pocket Snacks for an after school snack.I had the Lean Pocket Pepperoni, Buddy had the Hot Pocket Pepperoni and the little two had Hot Pocket Ham and Cheese. The kids really enjoyed them. Monkey loved it so much she yelled, “Thank you mom for the awesome snack! I love it!� They are so easy to make. You can pop them in the microwave if you like; they have a crisper sleeve. I like to bake mine. It takes 28 minutes to bake them so I can pop them in the oven before leaving to get the kids, set the stop timer and come home to perfectly cooked Hot Pockets!



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Teresa Foskey

Hot Pockets to the Rescue! With school back in session, I am now dealing with the wonderful phrase “Mom I am starving.” This is a common phrase that I hear, not only everyday after school but also during the weekend. Now anyone that knows my kids knows that they are far from malnourished and are pretty good snackers. So with this on going struggle I’m left with to having to find snack ideas that are healthy, tasty and make everyone happy. Well I now have a solution with Hot Pockets! I love that you can buy Hot Pockets for breakfast, as well as for back to school snacks and easy lunches. And if that weren’t enough to make you want to run out and buy them, they also have awesome Lean Pockets. These are sooo tasty and have fewer calories and fat. On my most recent grocery trip I came home with quite a few different flavors for everyone to try. As a mom of five kids, I have been woken up by smoke detectors going off because one of the kids has decided to be a chef and cook something without knowing exactly how to make it. (Be honest you have had this happen before too!) Well with Hot Pockets I don’t have to worry about this. Making them is sooo simple.


Kailani Okamoto

Hot Pocket Snacks When I think of Hot Pockets I think of traditional pizza fillings. So when I went to WalMart and saw how many varieties that were available, I was impressed. Garlic Chicken White Pizza? Sloppy Joes? Yum! What I really liked about the Hot Pockets is how easy it was to make. Just put the frozen pocket into the crisping sleeve and microwave for 2 minutes. Then close the bottom of the crisping sleeve and use it to easily enjoy your meal. The kids loved this concept. This allowed them to carry their afternoon snack anywhere they wanted . . . the backyard, the car, or to their extracurricular activities. We found Hot Pockets to be the perfect afternoon snack. They’re delicious, portable, and easy to make. In fact, the kids have been asking me to purchase more since we ran out in a couple of days. Looks like I’ll be headed to WalMart’s frozen aisle again very soon!



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Trish Rosenquist

Hearty After School Snack Solution Mommy! I’m hungry! What’s for lunch?? I quickly realized that I needed something more substantial that a standard after-school snack - something that would carry him through until dinner. Bryce and I had a fun “Monkey Morning” at the library class and then headed over to Walmart to do some shopping. I knew that I needed something that could be prepared in a hurry and that he would really enjoy. Something hearty and satisfying and that’s where Hot Pockets entered the scene. The variety is truly amazing - there really is something for everybody! I really love the variety of flavors as well as the packaging options. The Family Value Pack is great if you already know what your favorite is and the smaller 2-packs are perfect for trying out new flavors.





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Blog Post Link

Tiffany Cruz

Kristy Still

Stephanie Friel

Lori Pace

Shasta Walton

Laura Kromer

Kathy Murphy

Tammy Litke

Jennifer Soltys

Amber Edwards

Amber Killmon

Crystal Celentano

Trish Rosenquist

Kelly Carpenter

Karen Coutu

Patricia Cook

Paula Krueger

Teresa Foskey

Kailani Okamoto




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