Cool Whip Frosting

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frosting celebrating everyday occasions

contents Creating the Perfect Play Date Snack with Pumpkin


Caramel Pumpkin Cupcakes with Cool Whip Cream Cheese Frosting


Celebrate the Everyday With Cool Whip Frosting


Raspberry Filled Gourmet Cupcakes


Celebrate the Everyday With Cool Whip Frosting


Ooey Gooey Cake With Cool Whip Frosting


Celebrating with Cool Whip Frosting


Pumpkin Cake and Celebrating Everyday Occasions


Milk Chocolate Mocha Cupcakes


Low Calorie Shrimp Cupcakes With Lime Dill Cool Whip Frosting


Celebrating Everyday Occasions With Brownie Cupcakes


Apple Caramel Cupcakes With Cool Whip


Celebrating with Dulce de Leche Cupcakes & Cool Whip Frosting


Baking With Mommy


Pumpkin Pie Cupcakes With Cool Whip Frosting


Easy Triple Berry Cupcakes


Celebrating Everyday Moments With Peanut Butter Cupcakes


Mandarin Orange Cake With Pineapple Cool Whip Frosting


An Everyday Celebration


Great Day Cupcakes


Pink Champagne Cupcakes


Cherish The Little Things In Life


Celebrating Fall Days Everyday


Frosted Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes


Carrot Cupcakes


Five Ingredient Pumpkin Cupcakes


Chocolate Strawberry Cloud Cupcakes!


Apple Spice Cupcakes


Acorn Snickerdoodle Cupcakes


Everyday Occasions With Cool Whip Frosting


Candy Sugar Skull Cake


Tie Dye Spider Cupcakes


Pumpkin Roll


Showing Off My Baking Skills


Cupcakes for Breakfast!


Fall Fun Cakes


OREO Ice Cream Cake


Frosting Our Halloween Cake


Kraft Recipes


Cool Whip on Twitter


Cool Whip on Facebook

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Danielle Simmons

Creating the Perfect Play Date Snack With Pumpkin and Cool Whip Frosting Every year I wait in anticipation for Fall to arrive. No, it's not for the cooler weather. I wouldn't kid myself with that in Southern California (it's in the high 80s this week). I love Fall for the pumpkin! And as soon as canned pumpkin hits the shelves I hoard it so that I have an awesome supply to last the rest of the year. And every year I try to test out a new pumpkin recipe to add to the list of recipes I know and love. And after a few minutes perusing Pinterest, Kraft recipes and my favorite recipe blogs I decided I'd tackle a pumpkin bar recipe. Pumpkin bars not only need to be amazingly moist and tast as they also need to be topped with an equally tasty frosting. Normally I would go with my go-to cream cheese buttercream but I thought this recipe might be better with a lighter, fluffier frosting. This is where Cool Whip's new Cool Whip Frosting came into play. Since I love Cool Whip on my pumpkin pie I was sure my guests would love the Vanilla Cool Whip Frosting on the pumpkin bars.


Kristy Still

Caramel Pumpkin Cupcakes With Cool Whip Cream Cheese Frosting I am going to let you in on a little secret. Did you know that Cool Whip now has Cool Whip Frosting? Gasp! I have mentioned before that I can easily eat Cool Whip straight from the container, so is it true for their frosting? Yes! Unbelievably delicious! They are carrying Cream Cheese, Vanilla, and Chocolate; all of which are located right next to the regular Cool Whip at the store. As soon as I saw the options I immediately knew that I wanted to use the cream cheese on top of my Caramel Pumpkin Cupcakes. The result was the most delicious cupcake ever, of course!




Arlene Mobley

Celebrate the Everyday Once I learned about the new Kraft Cool Whip Frosting I couldn’t wait to try it. Wow, was I impressed. The new Cool Whip Frosting is thick, and creamy. It has a much denser texture than Cool Whip but lighter and fluffier than the standard can of frosting you might be used to. And it tastes wonderful. It’s not too sweet. It pipes on a cupcake perfectly. It glides out of a piping tip and holds its shape on top of a cupcake. It also does not start to melt like a homemade frosting does in room temperature. It is my favorite new frosting. I may never buy another brand or make homemade again. I actually have three more containers in the freezer. So the next time you want to put a smile on the face of one of your cutie patooties grab a container of the new Cool Whip Frosting and give it a try yourself. There will be smiles all around.


Amber Edwards

Raspberry Filled Gourmet Cupcakes The Cool Whip Frosting worked absolutely beautifully for this style of cupcake! The frosting is light and fluffy enough to give a great appearance and not too thick to weigh down the cupcake or the look. In Fact when J., my 8 year old saw the cupcakes his first words were, "It looks like ice cream!" And low and behold, he was right! It really does look like soft serve ice cream you get out of those fun machines! What I loved about the Cool Whip Frosting is the flavor! It was very light, fluffy, smooth, and yet it wasn't overpowering. It had the perfect level of sweetness. Not too rich yet not bland. I had more than just my kids tasting these cupcakes. What I really loved about the Cool Whip Frosting is how easy it was to work with. It is stored in the freezer, but you simply thaw it in the fridge for 4 hours or on the counter for one hour before use. Then it is completely ready to be used right away without any need to do anything else. It definitely was a time saver; and even better is that it's the closest I've ever come to finding a substitute for whipped frosting!



Rebecca E. Parsons

Celebrate the Everyday With Cool Whip Frosting I decided to make Choco-pumpkin cupcakes with a caramel drizzle. They are so delish…you can’t sit still and eat them…mostly because of this yummy new frosting. I didn’t stop there though; I created a beautiful fall parfait with the same ingredients… Cool Whip is a name we all grew up with. Everybody knows how good Cool Whip is on pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving. Well, imagine all that creamy cool goodness plumped up to the consistency of icing. Thick, but not greasy like buttery icings, it literally melts in your mouth. We found vanilla and chocolate at our Walmart.



Ginger Bowie

Ooey Gooey Cake With Cool Whip Frosting Lately we have been making cupcakes for everyone’s birthday, but for my birthday this year we decided to make a cake. This is one of my family’s favorite dessert recipes ~ Ooey Gooey Cake made with Cool Whip Frosting. We usually use regular Cool Whip for the “frosting,” but I just heard that Cool Whip has Cool Whip Frosting available at Walmart. Yum! I wanted try it out so I headed to Walmart to pick some up.




Andrea Kruse

Celebrating with Cool Whip Frosting Because Fall is here and I love seasonal flavors, I chose a Pumpkin Cupcake recipe to make. This one is super easy because it uses a boxed mix base with only a few added ingredients. My kids love decorating their own cupcakes, but I made it a special treat for my son to help me make them. The Cool Whip Frosting is so easy to use! Just take it out and let it thaw on the counter. I used some to pipe onto my cupcakes with a zip lock bag. Just snip off a corner and gently squeeze. Since this was a simple everyday treat I didn't feel the need to even get out the decorating tips. I am thrilled at the frosting consistency. It was easy to mound and pipe. The result? The frosting was a lighter and not overly sweet alternative to the traditionally heavy and rice version. I loved how it had the light taste and feel of regular Cool Whip topping.


Brandie Valenzuela

Pumpkin Cake and Celebrating Everyday Occasions When I was recently invited to create a cake to celebrate an “everyday family occasion� using new Cool Whip Frosting, I knew instantly what I wanted to do. I wanted to make a cake to celebrate our amazing kids. The kids knew I was baking a Pumpkin Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting. Once the cake was completely cooled, I frosted it with the Cool Whip Frosting. It was light and fluffy and spread easily on the cake. I was concerned that one tub might not be enough for my cake, so I bought two tubs to be safe, but one tub was definitely more than enough for this pumpkin bundt cake.




Tonia Larson

Milk Chocolate Mocha Cupcakes To frost the cupcakes, I used a new frosting that I bought at Walmart called Cool Whip Frosting. There were only 2 flavors available at the Walmart that I visited, which were chocolate and vanilla; but from what I saw online there is also a cream cheese flavor available. I am so delighted with this new Cool Whip Frosting! It was easy to pipe on and it tastes delicious. I can't wait to try out the other flavors. It also held up really well, which is good to know. These cupcakes had to sit out to be photographed and were transported here and there. All the while, the frosting kept its shape. So, what did my family think? The cupcakes were a huge hit and I had the opportunity to share. First, Christine tried a cupcake before leaving for work. After school, I picked up Zack and my nephew so they each got a cupcake. Then, we stopped by my mom's house and she had two additional nephews at her house so all three of them got a cupcake. Next, Vanessa arrived at grandma's house so she had a cupcake. Once we left grandma's, we stopped back home to pick up some more cupcakes which we sent home with my nephew for my sister and two of my nieces. Finally, later in the evening we stopped by our friend’s house to visit for a couple of hours and we brought them cupcakes! Everyone agreed that the Milk Chocolate Mocha Cupcakes were delicious!


Jennifer Medeiros

Low Calorie Shrimp Cupcakes With Lime Dill Cool Whip Frosting Cool Whip is one of the splurges my diet center allows me to have. Compared to most sweet things, it is relatively low in calories and comes in lite and fat free. I knew I would be able to create a cupcake masterpiece using the Cool Whip brand. The Cool Whip Cream Cheese Frosting only had 30 calories per Tablespoon which was the perfect amount to top my Shrimp Cupcakes. If I would have made it the traditional way, the frosting alone would have had more calories than the entire finished cupcake I created.




Jeannette Fender

Celebrating Everyday Occasions With Brownie Cupcakes For a while now, I’ve wanted to make brownies into cupcakes. But brownies are so sweet that topping them with regular icing is just a sugar overload. But what about Cool Whip, I thought? That is what I would normally put on top of brownies, right? And the idea began to knit itself together in my head. So I grabbed my brownie mix, threw in into the cart and headed for the frozen section. Once there, I located the Cool Whip. But regular Cool Whip would not do for this creation! We had to have something special. And there it was – Cool Whip Frosting! With three amazing flavors to choose from – cream cheese, vanilla and chocolate – it would be the perfect cool topping to our gooey brownie cupcakes! And I have to admit, the Cool Whip Frosting was what completely made the dessert! It was light and fluffy and completely decadent! In fact, Miller Bug licked all the frosting off of his cupcake and didn’t even want to eat the cupcake! And while the brownies were great, the frosting was what stole the show! In fact, J-Man passed up seconds on the cupcakes and instead opted for something that I hardly ever let him do – eat straight frosting out of the icing bag!


Lyuba Brooke

Apple Caramel Cupcakes With Cool Whip This was the first time that I used store-bought frosting. I loved it! I have been taking bites of this frosting and dipping apples and strawberries in it, even after the cupcake. I found this frosting while shopping at Walmart. There are three different kinds: vanilla, cream cheese and chocolate. I got vanilla and cream cheese to try and I am definitely going back for the chocolate!




Amber Gabrenas

Celebrating with Dulce de Leche Cupcakes & Cool Whip Frosting When it comes to holidays and special occasions, I usually make my own cakes or other desserts from scratch. But for a weeknight celebration, I'm more than happy to go "semi-homemade." For this recipe, I picked up the new light and fluffy Cool Whip Frosting: If you're a regular reader, you know I did some prep work ahead of time by making my homemade dulce de leche for filling the cupcakes. I suggest making that the night before, or at least in the morning so it has time to cool. The rest of the recipe comes together fairly quickly. The rich dulce de leche goes perfectly with the light, airy Cool Whip Frosting. For me, it tastes like the "whipped" frosting they use on bakery cakes.


Jessica Toothman

Baking With Mommy Judah has been mommy's little helper around the house lately. He insists on using the broom, helping feed the dogs and following behind me as I do laundry. He loves making sure his sister has a blanket and always gives her a paci when she's crying. With all the help he's been giving me I wanted to figure out something fun we could do together that would also be a treat for being so awesome. I love baking so I decided that we could make cupcakes! I headed out to Walmart and picked up some mix, the new Cool Whip Frosting and some sprinkle decorations to top them off. I love using Cool Whip Frosting; it is super yummy and is really light and fluffy! I mixed the cream cheese flavor with a few drops of blue and green coloring.




Emily Lyon

Pumpkin Pie Cupcakes With Cool Whip Frosting Because it is Fall, and I have pumpkin on the brain ALL. THE. TIME., I decided to go with the cream cheese frosting. Oh so tasty it is. I would love to just dip graham crackers in it for a snack, but I have something even better for you: Pumpkin Pie Cupcakes with Cool Whip Frosting!! The Cream Cheese Cool Whip Frosting atop these little babies was the perfect way to complete them! I couldn’t believe how delicious this frosting is, and it’s pre-made!


Heidi Meek

Easy Triple Berry Cupcakes I had an idea to use the berries we loved from our summer inside of a cupcake and then I'd top it with a new frosting I'd heard about, Cool Whip Frosting. I checked out the Cool Whip Facebook page the other day and was reading all the comments from people who have tried it out. It sounds delicious and I just had to get my hands on some for a cake; so off to the store I went. I had a plan in my head to make a triple berry cupcake. I knew that Walmart would have the ingredients I needed at a good price. I found everything I needed and more. The Cool Whip Frosting was easy to find in the freezer section, right by the pies and desserts. I love shopping at Walmart because they always have what I need, and my money goes a long way there. I love how the cupcakes I made turned out! On the top is a delectable red strawberry Jell-O and then on top of that is a creamy sweet ring of new Cool Whip Frosting in the Cream Cheese flavor (it contains real cream cheese).




Whitney Baugh

Celebrating Everyday Moments With Peanut Butter Cupcakes This week, we celebrated with easy peanut butter cupcakes topped with Cool Whip Frosting. To make these cupcakes, I simply took a boxed cake mix, followed the directions, and then mixed in 3/4 cup creamy peanut butter. Bake according to time on the box, allow the cupcakes to cool, and then finish off with the delicious Cool Whip Frosting. I had no idea Cool Whip Frosting existed until last week, but I am so glad I’m no longer in the dark. I found chocolate and vanilla flavors of Cool Whip Frosting at Walmart. The kids like both flavors. I think the chocolate tastes like chocolate ice cream, but my favorite is definitely the vanilla Cool Whip Frosting. It reminds me of whipped frosting from a bakery and I’ll definitely be purchasing it from here on out. So what did we celebrate this week? Fun preschool activities. A new haircut for mama. Planning our fall activities. Racing on trikes in the driveway. A hardworking husband. The WEEKEND. Enough said.


Sarah Marturano

Mandarin Orange Cake With Pineapple Cool Whip Frosting Danika started preschool this year and I can’t believe she is already 4 years old and riding the bus to school 2 full days a week! To celebrate her starting preschool we decided to have our own little party with mandarin orange cake and pineapple Cool Whip Frosting! It’s an everyday occasion worth celebrating! I headed to Walmart with the kids to see if I could find the new Cool Whip Frosting! Author: Sarah @ Minnesota Mama’s Must Haves




Stephanie Chan

An Everyday Celebration We were SO PROUD of our girls as they had a great first day of Kindergarten. It’s been a month, and everything has been going so smoothly. I think back to that first day of preschool and I marvel at how far they’ve come. So when I was asked to create a cake with Cool Whip Frosting for an everyday celebration, I knew their Kindergarten Victory was definitely something worth celebrating! So the girls went shopping with me at Walmart to pick up some Cool Whip Frosting. They chose chocolate: I had planned to make a layer cake, but the girls decided they wanted their own individual cakes. I wish I had bought smaller pans so the cakes wouldn’t be so flat! Oh well, this detail wasn’t important to the girls. There was enough frosting in the container for both cakes and some left over. So if you were going to layer the cakes, it would be enough for one cake. The frosting was really light and fluffy, which we really enjoyed. And I loved that it was ready to go, right out of the container. And the most important part is that it tasted really good. The consistency was like homemade chocolate whipped cream. This was definitely a special day, and it was great to see the pride in my girls’ faces as we commended them for a great start to their school life. Thanks Cool Whip Frosting for helping us create another warm memory.


Carolina Moore

Great Day Cupcakes Recently, my four year old, L, had a great day at Preschool. He has been having a tough time adjusting to being in a classroom, so it was reason to celebrate. We whipped up these "Great Day" cupcakes. It was also a great excuse to try out the new Cool Whip Frosting... yum! After baking the cupcakes, we let them cool. Applying frosting to warm cupcakes isn't usually a good idea - it will often melt the frosting and slip right off! While the cupcakes cooled, I grabbed the Cool Whip Frosting. This is new and tastes exactly how you would think the love child of Cool Whip and frosting would taste! My favorite cupcakes as a kid always had a heaping mound of frosting on them. This is easy to do with the Cool Whip Frosting! Just grab a spoon and pile it on! The fluffy texture lends itself well to mountains of frosting... yum! Of course we had to add sprinkles. And adding sprinkles is serious business!




Laura Petersen

Pink Champagne Cupcakes Today is Day 5 of “31 Days of Pink” and I was asked to create a special treat for an everyday occasion! So I created my Pink Champagne Cupcake with the new Cool Whip Frosting! I made the cake mix with the ingredients called for on the box with one exception. I made 1 cup of the Champagne Punch and used that in place of the water and I added PINK food coloring. This gave it a nice mild Champagne flavor and a pretty PINK color. I baked them according to the directions for cupcakes. I took the Cool Whip Frosting and added PINK gel color and gently folded it into the frosting making sure not to over beat it. It came out a beautiful shade of PINK!


Megan Bray

Cherish The Little Things In Life On our recent trip to Walmart, I discovered Cool Whip Frosting, which can be found in the frozen food section. Knowing I wanted to make pumpkin cupcakes for our Friday night baking date with my daughter, I picked up a couple containers to try out. My quick recipe involves just three ingredients; well now four because I’ll always make it with Cool Whip Frosting. It took literally minutes for my daughter and me to make our muffins. Make sure you’re happy with how the muffins look as they are going into the oven. Because when they come out, they pretty much look the same. That’s one of the reasons why Cool Whip Frosting works so well with these muffins. The frosting is so thick that you can spread over the top of the muffin evenly and no one has to know how lumpy and bumpy your muffin tops really are!


Patricia Cook

Celebrating Fall Days Everyday I decided to make a cake just to celebrate the gorgeous fall days we have been having lately, and to remind myself to try and find little things to celebrate in the everyday moments of my life. This was the perfect opportunity for me to try the new Cool Whip Frosting I have been hearing all about. My family loves Cool Whip on desserts and hot chocolate, so I was pretty certain we were going to like Cool Whip Frosting too! Chocolate frosting is always my favorite as I love chocolate! This chocolate flavored frosting is made with real Dutch Cocoa, and all the flavors are whipped. Do you celebrate the fall season with special plans or recipes? Cool Whip frosting can help you make an easy dessert, and put a little more celebration into your everyday.



Kelli Mullins

Frosted Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes Craving pumpkin after today’s big Sunday family dinner? We were too, so we whipped up a quick batch of mini-cupcakes and topped them with the new Cool Whip Frosting [sprinkled with pumpkin pie spice] and added a sweet pumpkin marshmallow. Each Sunday we splurge on dessert and this week’s after-dinner-treat did not disappoint! Gotta love Walmart, our one-stop-shop to pick up everything we needed to make this delicious little number. We snagged cake mix, pumpkin mallows, pumpkin pie spice and the new Cool Whip Frosting in the yummy cream cheese flavor, [also in chocolate & vanilla]. You guys, this is the easiest dessert! From start to finish you’ll have a beautiful batch of mini-cupcakes that took like they took a lot longer to make. Topping it off with Cool Whip Frosting makes a simple recipe look simply gourmet:


Heidi Ferguson

Carrot Cupcakes It was General Conference weekend this week, which for all you non-LDS folks means that all of our major church leaders speak to the entire LDS population via TV and satellite broadcast. It’s also a great time because we get together with lots of family and have huge dinners. It’s seriously like a pre-Thanksgiving. And I’m not kidding because I had two turkey dinners yesterday: one for lunch and one for dinner. And I was in charge of making dessert. I thought it would be a great occasion to make some carrot cupcakes with Cool Whip Cream Cheese Frosting. These are very easy, very fast, and impressive to look at! They are the best type of desserts. First you make the cake (I just used a carrot cake mix). After they have completely cooled off, I used a spoon to dig out a little hole out of each cupcake. To fill the cupcakes, I spooned the cream cheese frosting into a zip lock baggy and cut off the corner. Then I squeezed some cream cheese into each hole and then a little on top. Then I shaved a little carrot onto the top to make it pretty. Easy as that!




Angie Holden

Five Ingredient Pumpkin Cupcakes So let's get started baking with just five ingredients. Oh yes, that is all you will need for these. Best part? No oil or eggs needed for this recipe! Yes it is even a healthy version of your typical cupcakes.

Yellow Cake Mix (16.5 oz.) Canned Pumpkin (15 oz.) 2/3 cup water 1 T. plus 1 Tsp. pumpkin pie spice Cool Whip Cream Cheese Frosting The size of these ingredients is important. If you buy a different size cake mix, be sure to adjust your water accordingly.


Glenda Embree

Chocolate Strawberry Cloud Cupcakes! Tonight, I decided to take every day cupcakes and make the grandkids something special using the new Cool Whip Frosting I found at Walmart. Cool Whip Frosting comes in three varieties: Vanilla, Chocolate, and Cream Cheese. And wow, is it ever delicious! I discovered that it is comparably priced to other pre-made frostings; but the light, whipped cream texture, with the delicious creamy flavors is sensational and very different from others we’ve tried. You can pick it up in the freezer case, right next to Cool Whip. With my favorite chocolate cake recipe, Cool Whip Vanilla Frosting and a few sliced strawberries, our everyday dessert for Thursday Night with the Grandkids made Grandma a rock star!


Jill Parkin

Apple Spice Cupcakes Who needs an excuse to make dessert! I wanted to try out Cool Whip's new Cool Whip Frosting, and with apple picking season and Fall upon us, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to create an apple cupcake dessert. These Apple Spice Cupcakes have a yummy Pecan Caramel filling which can also be drizzled over the top. The Cool Whip Frosting adds a creamy, light topping that is a perfect complement the muffin-like texture of the cupcakes.


cover story-Kathy Hodson

Acorn Snickerdoodle Cupcakes To celebrate fall, I wanted to make it festive and fun so I created some candy acorns that I saw on Pinterest a long time ago. It all starts with the cake. I purchased a simple yellow cake mix and doctored it up to make the cupcakes taste like Snickerdoodle cookies. Busy moms need shortcuts, and I seem to be the queen of finding them! All I did was add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, and 1/2 teaspoon of almond extract to the batter. I picked up the new Cool Whip Frosting in vanilla flavor. This new frosting is light and fluffy just like Cool Whip topping and makes an excellent frosting. You can find it in the freezer section right next to the regular Cool Whip. Constructing the acorns is a very simple 3 step process. First, apply royal icing to the bottom of a Hershey’s Kiss. Next, top it with a mini wafer. Finally, dip a mini chocolate chip into the royal icing and place on top of the wafer. As soon as the cupcakes were cool, I frosted and sprinkled the top. I don’t like a lot of frosting on my cupcakes so there was enough in that little tub to cover all 24 cupcakes! We loved them!



Monica Benavidez

Everyday Occasions With Cool Whip Frosting Usually I make cupcakes or cakes to celebrate a birthday or holiday. I was tasked with making cupcakes/cake to celebrate an everyday occasion. There are those moments in life where one does need to just celebrate and enjoy! So, I decided to make cupcakes to tell my co-workers how much their hard work is appreciated. For this project I had to try out the new Cool Whip Frosting. I’ll admit that I am a buttercream girl, so I was expecting the Cool Whip Frosting to be an alternative to my usual icing, but not anything spectacular. I was so wrong. Y’all…this stuff is SO GOOD!!! I’m in love. I hope they add more flavors to the line-up such as mint, or even cinnamon sugar for the holidays. Just an idea Cool Whip! It’s in the freezer section at Walmart for about $2.28. It’s easy to use and affordable. You can make everyday a special occasion!




Candy Sugar Skull Cake I find it important to celebrate everyday occasions, especially culture related, with the kids now that they are old enough to understand. With Hispanic Heritage in full swing, we talk about the foods I ate as a kid and the foods they now eat that are part of the Mexican culture. With Dia e los Muertos, (Day of the Dead), around the corner, what better way to remember my grandparents than with a Candy Sugar Skull Cake to get the celebration started! We headed to our local Walmart to pick up some of the ingredients we needed to get our cake dessert started! Our first stop was frosting, so we stopped by and picked up the new Cool Whip Frosting. They had 2 flavors, Dutch Chocolate and Vanilla, in the freezer section. When it was time to frost the cake, I was super amazed with the consistency of the frosting. I used maybe 2/3 of the frosting and was excited to have some left over. We enjoyed our cake and talked about our upcoming celebration of my great grandma and grandpa during Day of the Dead! I like to think they were present in spirit because our pictures had this odd white spot in them. It was the perfect celebration in our everyday life.




Kelsey Sapp

Tie Dye Spider Cupcakes My parents had us over for dinner the other night and my job was to bring the dessert. With Halloween right around the corner and one person who is petrified of spiders, I knew these super simple cupcakes would be perfect (insert witchy cackle here). I was short on time because it was a weeknight and had to pull the dessert together quickly. I opted for a boxed cake mix and Cool Whip Cream Cheese Frosting from the frozen food isle. I whipped up the cake mix according to the box directions, divided it into three bowls and added food coloring to each one. Then I filled up the cupcake liners with a little of each color and used a toothpick to swirl the colors for a tie dye effect. After the cupcakes came out of the oven I let them cool completely. Right before we left the house I filled a piping bag with the Cool Whip Frosting and after frosting each one I embellished them with a creepy plastic spider! The cupcakes were a complete hit and so was the frosting! I loved using this frosting because it is a little on the thicker side and held its shape after being piped on. These babies looked and tasted better than any store bought cupcakes – plus they were super simple! (My “kind of” dessert!)


Ashley Whipple

Pumpkin Roll I hope you are ready for holiday baking. I know that I sure am. Today I am sharing one of my favorite holiday recipes. It is a pumpkin roll with COOL WHIP Cream Cheese Frosting. That's right, COOL WHIP makes frosting now. It is in the freezer section right next to the regular COOL WHIP. It is a whipped frosting and it comes in Cream Cheese, Vanilla, and Chocolate flavors.




Shanna Shoffner

Showing Off My Baking Skills Let me begin by admitting that I’m not what you’d call an “expert” baker. So when I got the chance to put Kraft Cool Whip Frosting to the test, I chalked it up as a fun opportunity to bake some cupcakes for our twoyear-old. Then I realized that they’d be the first homemade cupcakes she’d ever had. Suddenly the pressure was on. To make the experience extra special, we bought Cinderella on DVD and decided to make not regular cupcakes, but princess cupcakes. I wasn’t 100 percent sure what “princess cupcakes” would be, but I was pretty sure they’d be pink and sparkly. Truth be told, I wasn’t even aware that Cool Whip made a frosting. I chose the vanilla frosting because I planned to add a little red food coloring to make it pink. Unlike regular cake and cupcake frosting, the Cool Whip Frosting was much lighter and creamier. It was very much like the Cool Whip whipped cream, but just a little thicker and a little sweeter. What I liked most about it was that it spread very easily. I also liked that it wasn’t as dense as regular frosting, which gave the cupcakes a much lighter, airier taste and texture. So what did our two-year-old princess think about her princess cupcakes? She loved them, which made this inexperienced baking momma very happy.


Summer Flood

Cupcakes for Breakfast! Or, How I Learned to Make My Family Smile in the Morning

Breakfast cupcakes… I was thrilled just thinking about it. I mean, hey, we all have to wake up each and every morning. And it’s a fact of life that some mornings are just better than others. But, my goal was to make this one memorable in a good way! I happened upon Cool Whip Frosting a couple weeks ago and was really excited to finally pick some up in the freezer section. I loved how the packaging for Vanilla said it was “Made with Real Milk & Butter,” which is just perfect for breakfast, don’t you think? Cool Whip Frosting is so different! It’s hard to describe – soft and light, sweet, and I’d even go so far as to declare it silky. Traditional frosting just doesn’t compare. I bought up all three flavors of the frosting (Cream Cheese, Vanilla, and Chocolate) because I just knew I would be able to find great excuses to use it. You know, like for breakfast ;) After frosting the cupcakes and sprinkling them with Fruity Pebbles, I placed them out on the table with a sign for my family, encouraging them to look on the bright side! That today was going to be a GREAT day! And you know what? Those frowns from the day before turned upside down. There was my sweet family smiling, even at O-Dark-Hundred in the morning. It was so fun to laugh and smile and eat cupcakes together before we all headed out the door. It’s something I will always remember, and I hope they do, too.



Esther Irish

Fall Fun Cakes You know how I love holidays! When I found out Cool Whip now had frosting, I HAD to try it. I loaded the kids up in the van and went to Walmart. We found the Cool Whip Frosting in the freezer section. The kids and I discussed which flavor to frost our Halloween layer cake with and finally decided we just had to try all three: vanilla, cream cheese, and chocolate. “This is the best frosting ever…in the whole wide world!” said one of my kids as they enjoyed their cakes. Regular frosting is so much heavier that they usually leave chunks of it on their plates and tell me it’s too sweet. With the Cool Whip Frosting they licked the plates clean!


Miriam Tirips

OREO Ice Cream Cake I was so impressed with the flavor of the Cool Whip Frostings and loved how much easier they were to work with than some of the traditional shelf-stable frostings. They’ll definitely be a great frosting to top any cakes, cupcakes, or other desserts. Most of us are familiar with the traditional Cool Whip whipped topping, but this would be the first time I would use Cool Whip Frosting. I found the Cool Whip Frosting in the freezer aisle, next to the regular whipped topping. There were three flavors to choose from – Cream Cheese, Vanilla, and Chocolate. For my ice cream cake, I grabbed a tub of Cool Whip Frosting Vanilla and Cool Whip Frosting Chocolate.


Jayna Denbow

Frosting Our Halloween Cake Do you ever make a cake for no good reason? I do! Last week, on our grocery run I picked up a new product that’s a lot like Cool Whip but better – It’s called Cool Whip Frosting! I’ve used regular cool whip on angel food cake, which I love because it’s guilt-less. The frosting is pretty much the same, as it’s a little thicker in texture and not quite as light and airy, but it’s sweet and perfect for frosting cake (less the fat and extra calories)! This is why it makes the perfect every day cake frosting for me! I decided on the cream cheese flavor as opposed to chocolate or vanilla. The Cool Whip Frosting had a really nice, thick texture to work with. It worked really great in a pastry bag if I needed it to. In this case, I just used my spatula and spread some on. The orange food coloring mixed in really nicely with the hand mixer. The only way I can best describe it is that it was a lot like regular cool whip, but thicker and sweeter. A cake mix + cool whip = a delicious, (lower) calorie dessert option that is sumptuous!





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