FRAM Fresher Car

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Bloggers talk about air quality in their cars

contents Say Goodbye to AllergiesWith a Fresher Car Filter


Allergy Relief with FRAM Fresh Breeze


How to Reduce Dust & Allergens Inside of Your Car


Replacing an Air Filter


How to Clean the Air Inside Your Car With FRAM Fresh Breeze


How Fresh is YOUR Car?


Breathing Easier this Springwith FRAM Fresh Breeze


Only the Freshest Air Will Do For My Kids! Even in My Car!


FRAM FreshBreeze Cabin Air Filters


Fresher Car with FRAM FreshBreeze Cabin Air


{DIY} Change Your Car’s Cabin Air Filter


FRAM Fresh Breeze Cabin Air Filters


FRAM Fresh Breeze Cabin Air Filter Made with Arm & Hammer


Have You Changed Your Cabin Air Filter Lately?


How Dirty Is YOUR Car’s Cabin Air Filter?


FRAM Fresh Breeze Cabin Air Filters


FRAM Fresh Breeze andA Healthier Commute


Keeping Our Air Fresh andAllergy Free w/FRAM



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publication art direction by: COVER PHOTO Kim Ritter


Rebecca E. Parsons,

PUBLISHER Collective Bias


Melanie Roberts

Say Goodbye to Allergies With a Fresher Car Filter Wonderful, here I have a brand new car, and now it’s 18 months old. We all sneeze, cough and hear noises and no one knows why. Till the other day when I walked through the Walmart car care department, looking for new wiper blades; and my eyes caught a shelf with filters. I thought it was a regular air filter. You know, the ones that hubby replaces every so often. I took a closer look and saw that this is a filter for the inside of your car, somewhere in your AC unit. That was interesting to say the least. I scanned the Q code on the package to see what it was all about and if it was available for my car, and quickly got some answers. I learned that the air inside your car can be dirtier then the air outside; to be honest, I had no idea that there is such a filter thingy inside my car. I also learned that a lot of newer cars are equipped with an inside AC cabin filter, that should be replaced at least once a year if not twice a year if you are in a high pollen area or think the filter needs to be changed. Again, I had no idea. The phone app that loaded when I ran the Q-Code on the packaging even gave me my car model, the filter I need and an installation video to show me how to do it. How super cool was that. I learned in five minutes by scanning the shelf at Walmart and a little Q-Code on a box that my car had an air filter inside the car for better air quality, plus what kind I need and how to replace it. I quickly grabbed a box.


Esther Irish

Allergy Relief with FRAM Fresh Breeze It’s that time of year again. You know, the weather is gorgeous. I want to open all the windows and air out the house. Surely it’s a great time for a hike right? It would all be so perfect if not for the horrible allergies that plague my husband and daughter. I am absolutely forbidden from opening windows. It’s not even safe in our family van. We arrive at our destination miserable from traveling in a stuffy van with no air. My husband cannot stand to have all that pollen blowing on him. As soon as my husband got home we went to work installing our new FRAM Fresh Breeze car filter with Arm & Hammer Baking Soda to absorb odor. I was especially excited about the added benefits of Arm & Hammer. ;) Are you a ‘read the directions’ before you start a project kind of person? If so FRAM has step by step videos on the installation process. We are not the read the directions first sort of family. We’re the try to do it yourself until you’re so mad you’re kicking the thing and then go find the directions sort. But my husband had no trouble installing the new filter without directions. Two points for him!




Samantha King

How to Reduce Dust & Allergens Inside of Your Car I have been spending the last week starting my spring cleaning routine throughout my house. This weekend was extremely nice outside, so while my husband did some yard work, I took spring cleaning to our vehicles, as well as my Mom’s. The cars needed cleaned out, washed and freshened up. A new part of our car spring cleaning routine includes changing the cabin air filter. My Mom suffers from allergies and it is that time of the year where it gets pretty bad. In her home, I know they installed a special air filter, so why not in the car as well? Air flows in the car from outside through the vehicle’s air conditioning, heating, and ventilation system, passing through a filter; but it may not be catching everything and probably hasn’t been changed in a while (if at all). Using FRAM Fresh Breeze Cabin Air Filters has great benefits including: With the addition of Arm and Hammer baking soda, the two work together to absorb odors and keep the air fresh. • It filters 98% of contaminants such as road dust and pollen. • Air blowing in your filter will no longer be smelly and stale (I hate that). • The filter only has to be changed every 15,000 miles (once or twice a year). • It is simple to install.


Tiffany Merritt

Replacing an Air Filter I live in one of the top 12 WORST cities in the nation for allergies, and I am definitely feeling that right about now. The inside of my house is not too bad thanks to the air purifiers we have, but I also spend a fair chunk of my day in my car. The air in my car is just as pollen-filled as the outside air. But FRAM, a company that makes air filters, has just released the FRAM Fresh Breeze cabin air filters, made with Arm & Hammer Baking Soda, that are specifically designed to help keep pollen particles, as well as road dust, out of the air you are breathing while inside the vehicle. We bought all this for around $17. Heck yes!!!! But I had a second motivation for replacing an air filter, as well. As a mother to two girls, I think I am especially sensitive to instances where I see stereotypical gender roles being enforced or played out. After having a great conversation with my daughter about what boys can’t do (grow babies in their bodies) and what girls can’t do (NOTHING!), I was feeling pretty darn smug. My daughters are going to be SO independent!!! And then I realized something: while I’m being a good role model to them in theory, I am making some BIG mistakes in practice. There are certain chores or problems that I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS leave for Tim to fix. Now, I’m mature enough in my views of how to run a household that I know a division of labor is not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes it is just more efficient to know that you are in charge of x and someone else is in charge of y. But some of these tasks that I never do aren’t because I’m just trying to be efficient. It is because I don’t know how to do them, and I assume that Tim, as a guy, does. Car maintenance is one of those chores. SO LAME OF ME!!!!



Jennifer Burg

How to Clean the Air Inside Your Car With FRAM Fresh Breeze As a long-time allergy sufferer I am surprised that I never thought about the cleaning the air inside my car. Because I am highly allergic to dust and pollen, I have special air filters on our central air at home. We even have an air purifier in our bedroom (that needs a regular filter change). Clearly it makes sense that the car would have one too, and yet I never thought about it. (Here’s hoping I am not the only one.) The whole conversation began when I was asked to go to Walmart to get a FRAM Fresh Breeze filter for my car. Fresh Breeze is a new product by FRAM; it became clear just how new when I had to visit three Walmarts to get my hands on the product that is just now being rolled out to stores nationwide. Don’t worry though; I was assured that it will be everywhere soon. What makes FRAM Fresh Breeze filters unique is that they include the odor absorbing power of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda embedded within the carbon filter. So not only does the carbon filter remove 98% of contaminants such as dust and pollen from the air before circulating it inside the car, but the baking soda also helps neutralize odors.






Ginger Bowie

How Fresh is YOUR Car? Did you know that the air inside of your car can be dirtier than the air outside of your car? Yes, it can! Ewww! As a mom of 5 & with a hubby who has severe allergies, I want the air inside our car to be as clean & smell as fresh as possible. That why we recently replaced our car’s air filter with a FRAM Fresh Breeze Cabin Air Filter made with Arm & Hammer Baking Soda. Did you know that the air inside of your car can be dirtier than the air outside of your car? Yes, it can! Ewww! As a mom of 5 & with a hubby who has severe allergies, I want the air inside our car to be as clean & smell as fresh as possible. That is why we recently replaced our car’s air filter with a FRAM Fresh Breeze Cabin Air Filter made with Arm & Hammer Baking Soda. Outside air that flows through your car’s air conditioning, heating & ventilation system can bring in pollen, road dust & contaminants from outside your car to inside your car. FRAM Fresh Breeze Cabin Air Filters can filter 98% off these from the air coming into your car. Isn’t that amazing? My husband has been suffering with allergies almost all his life. During the fall & spring he is miserable. Right now he is even getting allergy shots every week to help him out a little. So it is important for us to remove as many as these allergens from our environment as possible. So we headed to Walmart to pick up a FRAM Fresh Breeze Cabin Air Filter. The FRAM Fresh Breeze Cabin Air Filters are located in the automotive section at Walmart (as you might of guessed!). ;) Our Walmart had a huge selection and all different sizes. So we used the air filter catalog to look up our vehicle (a 2009 Dodge Grand Caravan). We easily located the air filter for our car; a CF10743.


Kristen Jeffery

Breathing Easier this Spring with FRAM Fresh Breeze Ahchoo!!!! Unfortunately, now that it is Spring that is a common sound here at our house. My husband and our oldest daughter both suffer from seasonal allergies. Thankfully their allergies are not serious enough to require a trip to the doctor but they are frustrating to my husband and daughter. When we go outside, they both start sneezing and blowing their noses‌over and over and over. On gorgeous sunny days our oldest daughter will spend all day playing outside with her sister. Then all night long her eyes are swollen and her nose runs like a freight train. My husband is a Postal Carrier and in Spring he is quite miserable for a few weeks until whatever he is allergic to has finished blooming. While we don’t know exactly what causes their allergies for a few weeks each Spring, we do know that it is in the air outside. Inside the house they are ok. Outside or when we are driving around, they are not ok. Thankfully I have found a product that can clean the air for them, while we are driving around together. FRAM Fresh Breeze Cabin Air Filters for your vehicles. These filters are capable of filtering out 98% of the road dust and the allergy-inducing pollen. I headed to our local Wal-Mart to pick one up for our family vehicle. Finding the right one for our car was easy. $18.94 is a great price! It is much cheaper than a trip to the doctor. Plus, right now, FRAM is offering a FRAM Fresh Breeze! I picked up our filter and presented it to my husband. He had planned to take us out for a Sunday drive after church. When I gave him the filter he decided to go ahead and install it while in his dress clothes! I think he was tired of sneezing and wondered if this would help him out.



Jeannette Fender

Only the Freshest Air Will Do For My Kids! Even in My Car! Allergies have a long history in my family. Thankfully I’ve only suffered from mild seasonal allergies over the years and I thought I was clear of the days where the allergens and pollen in the air really could have a huge impact….until I had my kids. Both J-Man and MillerBug suffer from allergies. And we’re not taking allergies that make their nose run a little. We are talking sneezing, runny eyes, stuffy nosed allergies that just make them miserable. And I guess they got them fair and square from the hubby. So, where I thought my mom had it bad with one person in the home with allergies, I’ve got that times three! And since Spring has sprung and along with it a nice, thick, yellow coat of pollen has descended on everything, I’ve been looking for ways to make the air cleaner for my boys. Now, inside the home I’ve got it down pat. But did you know that when you’re in the car, pollen particles and road dust can come right on in through your air filters! In fact, the dirtier they get, the less that they filter out. Learning this was an “aha moment” for me because I had been wondering why my boys starting sneezing the moment we got in the car in the mornings. But as they say, identifying the problem is half the solution. And I needed the other half – a way to clean the air that was entering my car to make it better for my boys to breath. And since I had recently heard that FRAM had come out with a Fresh Breeze cabin air filter that is made with Arm & Hammer Baking Soda (a name I already trust), I wanted to see what these filters could do to help my boys. But first I needed to make sure that they would fit my car. So, I went to the FRAM website and entered my information.




Tiffany Ivanovsky

FRAM FreshBreeze Cabin Air Filters I didn’t even drive home; I sat in the parking lot of my Walmart and opened the box. The first thing I noticed was that I would have to remove my glove compartment. I’m not going to lie, when I read that I hoped I wouldn’t mess this up, but it was a piece of cake. You will need to open your glove box, pop in the side locks then the glove box just drops down. That is when you will see the Cabin Filter door. Just pull it out, replace the filter and put everything back the way it was. It literally took me 4 minutes, and I think most of that was reading the directions. If it is easier for you to watch a how to video, and FRAM has that too. They make this process so simple, it just amazes me that I have paid the dealership to replace this filter. NEVER again. Just look at all the dirt that was in the old filter! It’s disgusting. I could tell the difference right away. Even during the drive home, no one in the car was coughing or sneezing. I am definitely going to keep up with changing these filters. I have already put a reminder in my phone; I can’t believe it took me so long to figure this out.



Brittany Clark

Fresher Car with FRAM FreshBreeze Cabin Air Springtime is also a time for family vacations. We are on the road often this time of year. To keep our family as allergen free as possible when traveling, we like to make sure we change out our cabin air filters on a regular basis. By replacing our cabin air filter once or twice a year, we can improve the air quality in our vehicle. Did you know that the air inside your car can be dirtier than the air outside? Did you know even know that you had a cabin air filter in your car? Recently, we found FRAM FreshBreeze Cabin air filters made with Arm & Hammer Baking Soda. You can find these cabin air filters at your local Walmart. I went to Walmart to find my new air filter. You can see signs of springtime at my local Walmart! The trees have new leaves! My local Walmart had an entire aisle dedicated to FRAM products! Don’t worry! You’ll be able to find the FRAM FreshBreeze Cabin Air Filters easily. They are the ones in the bright green boxes and they may be located at the top of the shelf. The Arm and Hammer baking soda logo is located on the boxes. You’ll see a variety of sizes and model numbers.



Amy Fulcher

{DIY} Change Your Car’s Cabin Air Filter Did you know you can easily change out the cabin air filter in your car? Or are you like me and had no idea your car had a cabin air filter until the guy at the oil change place tried to talk you into letting him change it for an arm and a leg? My dad taught me long ago to always say no to everything when I’m getting my oil changed. Why would you say yes? It’s easy to change your own wiper blades and bulbs and filters. Even that cabin air filter you didn’t know you had...’ It’s the time of year here in North Carolina where yellow pine pollen covers everything. It’s horrible. It’s messy. It makes my allergies go crazy. But it’s also a good reminder to change your cabin air filter. (Note to self: keep a filter handy for the second the pollen appears next year.) So what is a cabin air filter? Luckily if you have a newer car it probably comes equipped with one. This filter can help protect you from all of those outside contaminants. FRAM Fresh Breeze filters also have the bonus of baking soda in the filter to help absorb odors. (So if your air conditioning has that “stale” smell...this will help!)



Thuy Bui

FRAM Fresh Breeze Cabin Air Filters I am a victim of allergies and so is my family! I have been suffering from allergies since childhood and now that I am older, I see the same trend happening to my own children. With all the pollen flying around outside, it’s rare that I even roll down my windows anymore when driving due to sneezing and watery eyes. I am so excited to try FRAM Fresh Breeze cabin air filters for my car. We get so busy with life that sometimes we don’t notice that there are air filters in our car that need to be changed out on a regular basis. Otherwise, we may end up breathing bad air within our car. I love the fact that FRAM Fresh Breeze cabin air filters uses Arm & Hammer baking soda to preserve freshness in my car which is so important as summer is approaching, and kids are more sweaty in the car. The replacement of the filter was a very easy process. We used our owner’s manual to locate where our air filter is located. Now that I am more aware of how important it is to change the air filter in the car, I will set a reminder on my iPhone to alert me when it’s time to change my filter again. I want to ensure that we are breathing the cleanest air possible and to help reduce any allergy issues I can. After using the product for a few days, I noticed my car had a cleaner scent versus the days before.



Dana Zeliff

FRAM Fresh Breeze Cabin Air Filter Made with Arm & Hammer Before we headed to Walmart to grab our air filter, I checked the FRAM Fresh Breeze website to see which filter I needed. After I watched the video, it was really easy to install the FRAM Fresh Breeze cabin air filters made with Arm and Hammer baking soda. I was AMAZED at how dirty the filter was, and so glad I would know that the air he was breathing would be that much cleaner thanks to FRAM FreshBreeze cabin air filters made with Arm and Hammer! I’m also pretty excited to see if the new filter will help with the summertime ‘stink’ that cars sometimes get from sitting in the hot sun, especially when they’re perpetually filled with Hubby’s sports equipment :)



Danielle Bishop

Have You Changed Your Cabin Air Filter Lately? Shopping for the FRAM Fresh Breeze Cabin Air Filter We went to Walmart in search for the FRAM Fresh Breeze cabin air filter. Not only is there a big catalog, but there is an electronic computer hat you can use to look up your car. Changing the Cabin Air Filter Now to find out if the video was right... it was supposed to be super easy and quick to locate the cabin air filter, take out the old one and install the new one. I watched the video one more time and went out to the car. Our cabin air filter is located behind the glove box. It’s really easy to remove the glove box, and you can see the door to the cabin air filter - just like the video showed!


Dawn McAlexander

How Dirty Is YOUR Car’s Cabin Air Filter? Allergies and You: Changing Your Cabin Air Filter Is Easy Peasy I will be honest, when I learned I was going to get to review a FRAM air filter, I thought it meant the one under the hood. The cabin air filter is a little bit different, though – and just as important. Don’t let ‘different’ scare you, though, ladies. This one is just as easy peasy to change as the one under the hood. And, if you are still daunted, the awesome folks at FRAM have supplied some awesome printables and videos to help you on your clean air journey. Or you can just make your husband do it. There’s always that. ;) We decided to get a FRAM Fresh Breeze Air Filter with Arm and Hammer Baking Soda for our 2007 Chevrolet HHR. The FRAM instructional video estimated full installation time to be about 15 minutes. That’s awesome! I definitely don’t want to fill my Saturday afternoon with long and tedious car maintenance – so anything FRAM can do to help me out is thoroughly appreciated. ;) Installation of the FRAM Fresh Breeze Cabin Air Filter in our 2007 Chevy HHR was a breeze and it was affordable too!




Mellisa Swigart

FRAM Fresh Breeze Cabin Air Filters Before last week, car maintenance for me consisted of driving my car to the dealership and letting them do the work for me. I was never taught how to do car maintenance so I just assumed it was something I couldn’t do on my own. Well I was wrong! Last week I was given the task of changing my car’s air filter. I’m going to admit that I was a little intimidated wondering if this would be something that I could do on my own or if I would totally jack my car up. Walmart carries the FRAM Fresh Breeze Cabin Air Filters in their auto department. I wasn’t really sure what type of filter to get but luckily they make it easy for you to look up the make and model of your car and find which filter is right for you. Instructions couldn’t be easier because on the front of the FRAM box you simply scan the code and it takes you to a video with step by step instructions on how to replace your old filter. The real test came with me actually replacing the filter. I followed the instructions and low and behold I had changed my first filter in less than five minutes. I was pretty proud of myself! I was also shocked to see how dirty my old filter was; just look at it.



Becky Branch

FRAM Fresh Breeze and A Healthier Commute Terence and I both have crazy commutes every day to and from work. Living in the DFW metroplex, I wouldn’t say the air is clean. Actually it makes me sort of sick to my stomach thinking about the smog we are breathing in. We have a pretty good air purifier for our home, but our cars….which we spend 10+ hours a week in???? Nothing. We headed to Wal-Mart and checked out FRAM air filters. FRAM air filters are designed to be easy to install as well as help rid your car of dust and allergens. First we looked our car up on the FRAM database to see what kind of filter our car would need. Then we headed to the store to search for a new filter. The process was super easy and now we are ready for another work week with nice clean air filtering through the car. Did you know you are supposed to change the air filter in your car twice a year? I sure didn’t! I’m going to make a point to remember to do this more often. I never thought something this important in our car would be so easy to change. Why I waited so long and endured the nastiness of the old filter is beyond me. So excited to start our cleaner, healthier commute using Fresher Car FRAM Fresh Breeze air filters!


cover story~Kim Ritter

Keeping Our Air Fresh and Allergy Free w/FRAM We live in a small town in a rural farming community and travel often. This means we often drive on gravel and dirt roads. We pass fields filled with dust, pollen and other allergens daily. Not only does this get the outside of our car dirty, but I can tell the dirt is making its way into the inside of our car too. Often I have to dust the dash of my car and wipe down the insides of our vehicle. This dust and pollen is also brutal on the allergies that both my son and I suffer from. We spend, on average, a couple hours a week in the car and it’s no fun to spend most of that time sniffling and sneezing. I knew there had to be a better solution for keeping some of this mess outside of our car, and I was right when I was recently asked by a sponsor to go to Walmart and p urchase FRAM Fresh Breeze cabin air filters. I didn’t even know we had an in-cabin air filter, much less that it needed changed! Our old air filter was the original from the factory and was about two years old. It was pretty gross! It was covered in dirt, pollen, seeds, and even animal hair and bird feathers.



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