Fork Global Foods Brand Guideline

Page 1




Background Pages 4-7

Logo Pages 8-9

Colors Pages 10-11

Typography Pages 12-13

Mock Ups Pages 14-17


Brand Background Fork Global Foods exists as a way to show and teach our members about the vast variety of different foods from all across the globe, without them having to leave their hometowns. We seek to help our members experience as many different food cultures for themselves as possible, through a fun interactive cooking workshop alongside our family of professional chefs. 4


We at Fork Global Foods believe in educating people about all the delicious dishes from across the globe that they might otherwise have never discovered on their own. In doing so, we hope to help our members taste all that the world has to offer.


While our main goal at Fork Global Foods is to educate people on all of the varieties of food available across the globe, we demand from ourselves that we do so in a fun, interactive, and entertaining way that will be sure to please all of our precious members.


Logo While the main logo for Fork Global Foods is the F with the negative fork outline within it, this logo can be seen in other forms as well. For example, as a wordmark and emblem. No matter which form the logo is taking, they all are accpetable representations of Fork Global Foods.




The main color for Fork Global Foods is Red, specifically C=0 M=97 Y=89 K=0. The logo should always appear in the specified shade of red unless there are special marketing circumstances that require it to be seen in black and white. Other approved colors that can be used in conjunction of the main one are visible on the next page.




Franklin Gothic has been chosen as Fork Global Food’s main typeface since it displays the crisp, clean, and accessible feel our brand desires. While the logo and wordmark must ALWAYS be in Franklin Gothic Heavy, other brand elements are free to be in any of Franklin Gothic’s other weights. 12

Franklin Gothic Book Franklin Gothic Demi Franklin Gothic Demi Cond Franklin Gothic Medium Franklin Gothic Medium Cond Franklin Gothic Heavy 13

Mock Ups



Mock Ups



Designer: Colleen Hogan ©Spring 2021 18



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