The Messenger Newsletter 03/19/19

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Volume 9 Issue 4


The Messenger LOVE DEEPLY FROM THE HEART By Lakan Mariano John kept on and on. He had found out that Rob, the newest guy in our group, did not have any formal background in church work. “So you're making the church pay you while you learn the ropes?” Everyone in the van knew it was more an accusation than a question. The atmosphere in the van was becoming intolerable. Finally, Glendene, the group leader, told John to be quiet. When we arrived at Texas Women University in Denton, Texas where we were attending a conference, John and Rob were assigned the same room. Which was interesting because John was hobbling on crutches with a broken foot. Rob helped John with his suitcase to get to their room. We saw them in the cafeteria where Rob would carry John's tray. When they went to their sessions Rob carried John's bag. The whole time we were there Rob took care of John. It would have been easy for Rob to simply ignore John and not help him. And for most people that would be understandable. But that is not the way for believers in Jesus Christ. While we can still speak tit-for-tat, the language of the world, we have been given a new nature that allows us to speak God's language, the language of love. To seek what is best for another person, even one who has hurt you. “Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for each other, love one another deeply, from the heart” (1 Peter 1:22). Loving someone who has hurt you deeply from the heart is an impossible task when you let your emotions rule you. But when we take to heart that Christ has given us a new life in him, and this new life is what gives us the ability to truly love, even one who has hurt you, then you can take the steps to seek what is best for that person. Your new nature in Christ is what will make you love deeply, from the heart. In This Issue From the Pastor AWANA Clubs Events & Upcoming Dates

“Love one another deeply, from the heart. Your new life is not like your old life. Your old birth came from mortal sperm; your new birth comes from God’s living Word. Just think: a life conceived by God himself!” (1 Peter 1:22-23, MSG). ~Lakan

Ministry Opportunity College Ministries

Wednesday Prayer Meeting 12:00 – 12:55 PM

Contact Information

Room Behind the Church Office

Youth Ministries

Volume 9 Issue 4


The Messenger Way Off Broadway of Eldorado presents

Cowgirls By Mary Murfitt Jo is in a pickle. She has 24 hours to save Hiram Hall from foreclosure. But what will pack in the crowds to make the money she needs?

Weekly Meetings: Sunday School: Sunday - 9:30am Preschool-5th Grade

Book a Cowgirl Trio!

Summer Activities for Kids Wednesdays - 6:00pm

One, problem, she booked the Coghill Trio, classical musicians, by mistake! ______________________ If you would to join us on this outing on March 30 to Eldorado From 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Meet at the church parking lot at 1:30 p.m. Tickets are $15.00 each. Deadline for tickets is March 27, 2019

FMI: Contact Philip Cross 277-7980 or @ the Church

Contact: Karen Cross to order your ticket, with any questions or for more information.

Extended Session: Sunday - 10:45am Birth-Preschool

Christ in the Passover on April 14 Fort Concho Stables 6:00 p.m. Tickets on sale until 3/31

Resurrection Sunday April 21 We appreciate all our extended session workers. Please be in your place by 10:20am so you can be there before the children arrive. Please call Philip Cross @ 277-7980 if you are unable to work your extended session or if you have any questions.

Extended Session Schedule: 03/24 03/31

Cody Enck

Marie Thorn

Volume 9 Issue 4


The Messenger


Mission Prayer Night, 6 p.m. , at the Seifker Home


Parent Night Out, Youth Fundraiser


Parent Student Basketball Game, Location TBA


Last Day to Buy tickets to Christ in the Passover


Lord’s Supper


Final Precept Upon Precept for this season


Christ in the Passover, Fort Concho stables. Tickets Required


Good Friday, School Holiday


Resurrection Sunday


Ladies Dinner Out, Location To Be Announced


CLT Meeting

Volume 9 Issue 4


The Messenger

Christ in the Passover FORT CONCHO STABLES 630 south Oakes SUNDAY APRIL 14TH 6:00 P.M. TICKETS $5.00 for Adults, $2.00 for Students TICKETS WILL BE REQUIRED FOR THIS EVENT Available March 3 through March 31 Nursery will be provided up to preschool. Sign up at ticket purchase. FMI: College Hills Baptist Church 325-949-5788

Volume 9 Issue 4


The Messenger


Parents Night Out, Youth Fundraiser


Parent Student Basketball Game, Location TBA

Monthly Mission Prayer Time & Fellowship Tuesday March 19 at 6pm At the Siefker Home 1734 Weston Please bring a finger food to share. FMI Chel, Connie or Stacy

Get Involved: Youth Ministry Sundays: Bible Study - 9:30am Upstairs Youth Room Wednesdays: Outbreak - 6:00pm

Wednesdays: "Release" Bible Study & Fellowship (at the Hub) ……………......................6:30pm Fridays: English International Bible Study 6:00-8:00pm (College Hills Fellowship Hall) Sundays: Bible Study ………………… ……...... 9:30am Worship……………………......….......10:45am BodyLife College Home Group…6:00pm (Calloway’s)

Volume 9 Issue 4


The Messenger HOW TO CONTACT US: By Mail: College Hills Baptist Church 2102 Johnson Avenue San Angelo TX 76904

By Phone: 325.949.5788


Home Groups

BodyLife Home Groups meet each Sunday evening at 6pm in host homes throughout the city to share a meal, join in fellowship, study the Word of God and pray for one another.

By Fax: 325.949.6877

All groups are open to anyone, so choose one and join us!

By Email:

Host Homes:


1223 JUNE LANE (TOM & ESTHER BREAM) at 5PM LED BY TOM BREAM 3229 CANYON CREEK DR (Rex A& Stacy Stephenson) at 6pm Led by: Jimmy Allen & Rex Stephenson 201 CHURCHILL BLVD (Sam Tracy Torbett) at 6pm Led by: Philip Cross & James Reid

YOUR CHURCH STAFF: Lakan Mariano: Senior Pastor Philip Cross: Family & Education Pastor Trevor Hanson: Student Pastor Cole Calloway: Worship Pastor

Maggie Gonzales: Ministry Assistant

2639 PARKVIEW (JT & Chel Smith) at 6PM LED BY: JT SMITH 305 S. GARRETT ST (College) at 6pm Led by: Cole Calloway Childcare for Birth-PreK available at church nursery

ELDERS AND DEACONS: These men are responsible for hospital visitation and are available to anyone who has needs. Elder Fred Rike…….….. 227-4208

Deacon Charles Harrison...653-4386


Elder Andrew Siefker…...212-4410

Deacon Jerry Walls……...944-1876


Elder Rex Stephenson…..942-9537


Lunch Break: Noon—1:00PM

Elder Scott Steele (562) 665-1349 Elder JT Smith……….... 656-6205

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