Volume 9 Issue 2
The Messenger A WAY OF LIFE By Lakan Mariano Discipleship is not a formula nor a program. It is a way of life. Many discipleship programs are good. Kim and I went through Navigator 2:7 course. We learned the discipline of reading and studying our Bible, memorizing scriptures, praying, and sharing Christ in a normal everyday way. But programs are only delivery systems. Like a car. A car gets you from point A to point B. Discipleship is not limited to the once-a-week meeting. Discipleship is life on life. There are some important principles on discipleship we can learn from Paul's second letter to Timothy. Paul writes, “You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also” (2 Timothy 2:1-2). First, what we accomplish in discipleship can only come from the strength that is not ours but a gift from the Lord. Because discipleship takes time and patience we depend on the Lord's grace to produce the kind of fruit that will last. Second, the content of discipleship is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Word of God. Not a new fad. “What you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses.” What will grow a believer is the Word of God. Third, we have to be prayerful and watchful about the people we spend time with. The goal is generational reproduction, not just gathering a bunch of people. “Entrust them to faithful men.” The effectiveness of discipleship is not measured by how many people you have right now, but how many people are reproducing themselves. This requires reliability or faithfulness of the men and women you are discipling Another important thing to look for is whether the person you are spending time with is changing into the likeness of Jesus Christ. Is he beginning to have a heart for God, for the things of God? For holiness, for worship, for church, for sharing Christ? Does he delight in spending time with the Lord? Is he developing a heart to help people? Does he value the things that Jesus values?“ In This Issue From the Pastor
A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher” (Luke 6:40).
AWANA Clubs Events & Upcoming Dates Ministry Opportunity Youth Ministries College Ministries Contact Information
God has blessed me over the years with men—Wallace Bruce, Scott Steele, Ken Sheppard--who poured out their lives into mine. Nothing fancy, just the steady life-on-life relationship. By God's grace, what they started in my life continues to produce ripples in God's pond of discipleship. ~Lakan
Volume 9 Issue 2
The Messenger Foster Care Closet It is so exciting to see God work through our Closet to touch the lives of children and adults alike. We helped 10 kids in January! We have helped 7 in February.
If you are interested in helping out with the Foster Closet contact Rhiannon Kelso (325-234-0452) or Michelle Smith (325-656-0208)
Weekly Meetings: Sunday School: Sunday - 9:30am Preschool-5th Grade
Gift cards to Ross, Burkes, Marshall’s, & Mastercard/Visa cards area always welcome. Thank you! *************** “We care for the orphaned and vulnerable because we have been greatly cared for by Jesus: The gospel is our why. ~Jason Johnson Blog
Extended Session: Sunday - 10:45am Birth-Preschool Summer Activities for Kids Wednesdays - 6:00pm
FMI: Contact Philip Cross 277-7980 or @ the Church
Cancelled for this week. Join us next week 3/13. Wednesday Prayer Meeting 12:00 – 12:55 PM Room Behind the Church Office
Christ in the Passover Seder on April 14 Resurrection Sunday April 21
We appreciate all our extended session workers. Please be in your place by 10:20am so you can be there before the children arrive. Please call Philip Cross @ 277-7980 if you are unable to work your extended session or if you have any questions.
Extended Session Schedule: 03/10
Preston Lewallen
Esther Bream
Elizabeth Torbett
Grace Allen
Cody Enck
Marie Thorn
Volume 9 Issue 2
The Messenger
First Day to Buy tickets for Christ in the Passover
3 to 6 Expository Teaching Conference 10
Day Light Savings Time Begins
Elder Meeting
10 -15 14
Youth Mystery Trip
Sunday School Meeting Youth Burrito Fundraiser, Bring your $$$ to purchase before Sunday School
Parent Night Out, Youth Fundraiser
Parent Student Basketball Game, Location TBA
Last Day to Buy tickets to Christ in the Passover
Volume 9 Issue 2
The Messenger
Christ in the Passover SEDER
FORT CONCHO STABLES 630 south Oakes SUNDAY APRIL 14TH 6:00 P.M. TICKETS $5.00 for Adults, $2.00 for Students TICKETS WILL BE REQUIRED FOR THIS EVENT Available March 3 through March 31 Nursery will be provided up to preschool. Sign up at ticket purchase. FMI: College Hills Baptist Church 325-949-5788
Volume 9 Issue 2
The Messenger 14 17
Youth Mystery Trip Burrito Fundraiser, Bring your $$$ to purchase before Sunday School
22 24
Parents Night Out, Youth Fundraiser Parent Student Basketball Game, Location TBA See Trevor for more info!
Monthly Mission Prayer Time & Fellowship Tuesday March 19 at 6pm At the Siefker Home 1734 Weston Please bring a finger food to share. FMI Chel, Connie or Stacy
Get Involved: Youth Ministry Sundays: Bible Study - 9:30am Upstairs Youth Room Wednesdays: Outbreak - 6:00pm
Wednesdays: "Release" Bible Study & Fellowship (at the Hub) ……………......................6:30pm Fridays: English International Bible Study 6:00-8:00pm (College Hills Fellowship Hall) Sundays: Bible Study ………………… ……...... 9:30am Worship……………………......….......10:45am BodyLife College Home Group…6:00pm (Calloway’s)
Volume 9 Issue 2
The Messenger HOW TO CONTACT US: By Mail: College Hills Baptist Church 2102 Johnson Avenue San Angelo TX 76904
By Phone: 325.949.5788
Home Groups
BodyLife Home Groups meet each Sunday evening at 6pm in host homes throughout the city to share a meal, join in fellowship, study the Word of God and pray for one another.
By Fax: 325.949.6877
All groups are open to anyone, so choose one and join us!
By Email:
Host Homes:
Online: www.collegehillsbc.org
1223 JUNE LANE (TOM & ESTHER BREAM) at 5PM LED BY TOM BREAM 3229 CANYON CREEK DR (Rex A& Stacy Stephenson) at 6pm Led by: Jimmy Allen & Rex Stephenson 201 CHURCHILL BLVD (Sam Tracy Torbett) at 6pm Led by: Philip Cross & James Reid
YOUR CHURCH STAFF: Lakan Mariano: Senior Pastor Philip Cross: Family & Education Pastor Trevor Hanson: Student Pastor Cole Calloway: Worship Pastor
Maggie Gonzales: Ministry Assistant
2639 PARKVIEW (JT & Chel Smith) at 6PM LED BY: JT SMITH 305 S. GARRETT ST (College) at 6pm Led by: Cole Calloway Childcare for Birth-PreK available at church nursery
ELDERS AND DEACONS: These men are responsible for hospital visitation and are available to anyone who has needs. Elder Fred Rike…….….. 227-4208
Deacon Charles Harrison...653-4386
Elder Andrew Siefker…...212-4410
Deacon Jerry Walls……...944-1876
Elder Rex Stephenson…..942-9537
Lunch Break: Noon—1:00PM
Elder Scott Steele (562) 665-1349 Elder JT Smith……….... 656-6205