Volume 9 Issue 26 09/10/19
The Messenger REAGAN GRACE By Lakan Mariano I sat silently trying to process what Rex and Stacy just told me. Reagan wanted to run cross-country. Reagan had hiked with us a few times. Last year at Williams Creek trail in Pagosa Springs, we had not hiked fifty yards when she sat down on a rock and announced that she was tired. Yesterday was the meet. Runners wearily but bravely ran past where I was standing, about a hundred yards to the finish line of the two-mile run. Then I saw Reagan, sweat covering her face, her pony tail rhythmically bouncing with her every step, looking tired but still running. I cheered her on, screaming my head off. Then as I jogged along with her I asked her if she was okay. “No,” she said wearily as she sprinted to the finish line. It was amazing to me that Reagan finished the two-mile run. It seems like just yesterday when the heart she was born with functioned at only five percent. A heart beats. Reagan’s heart simply quivered. More than once I saw her heart rate shoot up to over 200 beats per minute when she cried. We would hold her tiny months-old body to keep her from crying, to protect her heart. Places and conversations are like snapshots filed in an album in my mind. Rex and Stacy bringing baby Reagan to my office for prayer. The struggles the family had in the ensuing months leading up to Reagan being airlifted to Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston. Rex calling me while Kim and I were driving home from buying an artificial tree at Dillard’s after Christmas, telling me that they had decided to fight for Reagan’s life. The night Rex and Stacy found out that Reagan was getting a heart, Rex and I drove excitedly to Houston all night long. We laughed a lot, giddy at God’s grace shown to Reagan and to their family. We cried also as we thought and prayed for the family donating the heart Reagan was getting. There were medals awarded to the top finishers at the meet yesterday. Reagan did not get one. But to me, what she wore was much more precious than any medal or any award she could get. For yesterday I was reminded again that it was God’s grace that allowed her to survive the months before she got her new heart. It was God’s grace that kept her safe during her surgery. It is God’s grace that has kept her healthy and functioning normally. It was God’s grace yesterday that carried her step-by-step all the way to the finish line. It is easy to be misled to thinking that our health and life and success are simply the results of us trying hard enough. But when you face hardships and the inevitable in life, like death and dying, you learn quickly how dependent you are on God’s grace. In This Issue From the Pastor AWANA Clubs Events & Upcoming Dates Summer Events Ministry Opportunity Youth Ministries College Ministries Contact Information
Once I heard that, I was glad to let it happen. I quit focusing on the handicap and began appreciating the gift” (2 Corinthians 12:9-10, MESSAGE). God’s grace for Reagan Grace, and for all believers. Step-by-step, all the way to the finish line. The Lord Jesus tells believers, “My grace is enough; it’s all you need. My strength comes into its own in your weakness. Once I heard that, I was glad to let it happen. I quit focusing on the handicap and began appreciating the gift” (2 Corinthians 12:9-10, MESSAGE). God’s grace for Reagan Grace, and for all believers. Step-by-step, all the way to the finish line. ~Lakan
Volume 9 Issue 26 09/10/19
The Messenger Co-Ed Bible Study class taught by Candy Blackwood. Open to anyone in our community. Tuesdays from 9-11AM Fellowship Hall Begins 9/10/19
Weekly Meetings: Sunday School: Sunday - 9:30am Preschool-5th Grade Extended Session: Sunday - 10:45am Birth-Preschool Summer Spectacular for Kids Wednesdays - 6:00pm FMI: Philip Cross 277-7980 or @ the Church
Saturday September 21 Men of all ages‌. you are welcome to join us for a great breakfast, a time of fellowship & a short Bible Study.
7:00 a.m. Fellowship Hall Tuesday September 17 6:00 p.m. Conference Thursday September 12 6 to 8:30 p.m. Fellowship Hall for the meal at 6 Classes following, led by our Awana Missionary
Nacho’s R.S.V.P. to Debra 656-4697 by 9/15!
We appreciate all our extended session workers. Please be in your place by 10:20am so you can be there before the children arrive. Please call Philip Cross @ 277-7980 if you are unable to work your extended session or if you have any questions.
Extended Session Schedule: 09/15
Susan Johnston
Sofia Elder
Kayla Parsons
Cody Enck
Camille Parker
Preston Lewallen
Jessalyn Cherry
Victoria Elder
Volume 9 Issue 26 09/10/19
The Messenger
Precept Begins
Mission Prayer Night, 6 p.m., The Smith Home
Awana Conference 6 pm to 8:30 p.m.
Ladies' Dinner Out, Nacho’s at 6:00 p.m.
Men’s Breakfast, 7 a.m., Fellowship Hall
Women’s Spiritual Gifts Workshop, 9 to 12, Fellowship Hall
Women’s Ministry Fall Classes Begin 2nd Week of September Classes offered will be Navigator 1 & 2
The mission team would like to invite you to a time of prayer for the missionaries, local and far away, that our Church has the privilege of supporting. We will enjoy a light meal and spend time praying for those the Lord has entrusted to us to encourage.
Monthly Mission Prayer Time/Fellowship September 10 at 6:00p.m. The Smith Home 2639 Parkview Dr
Call Patsy Steele (562) 665-6880 to sign up or for more info! ***********
Wednesday Nights at 6 p.m. Personal Spiritual Life:
What the Believer Should Know and Do Regarding Jesus Christ Join us! We welcome you in our Class.
Volume 9 Issue 26 09/10/19
The Messenger College Hills Baptist Church Women’s Ministry
“Spiritual Gifts Workshop” According to the Scriptures
September 28, 2019 9:00 a.m. to Noon (Doors open at 8:30 a.m.)
CHBC Fellowship Hall
Teacher: Candy Blackwood
Bring your Bible & Notebooks
Refreshments Provided
Be prepared to look intently at
Free of Charge.
what the scriptures say.
Be our Guest
Don’t Miss This….
“After God’s Own Heart” Space is limited so turn in your $50.00 deposit ASAP For More Information See Lakan Mariano
Volume 9 Issue 26 09/10/19
The Messenger Adopt Students Make an impact in the lives of college students by adopting them! We have college students from around the country and around the world coming to our doorsteps. We are looking for couples/ families who will adopt them. Two students per couple/family. What does adoption entail? Pray for them regularly; Have them over for dinner or take out to dinner at least once a month; Invite them over for birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and other family events. Text or call them at least once every two weeks. Share your salvation testimony and the gospel with them. Write your name on your connection card and the words “Adopt Students” and we will pair you up with your college students. ~Lakan
Foster Care Closet It is so exciting to see God work through our Closet to touch the lives of children and adults alike. For More Info on the Foster Closet or to volunteer contact: Rhiannon Kelso (325-234-0452) or Michelle Smith (325-656-0208)
Current Need: Coats for all ages Gift cards to Ross, Burkes, Marshall’s, & Mastercard/Visa cards are always welcome. We care for the orphaned and vulnerable because we have been greatly cared for by Jesus: The gospel is our why. ~Jason Johnson Blog
Get Involved:
Youth Ministry Sundays: Bible Study - 9:30am Upstairs Youth Room Wednesdays: Outbreak - 6:00pm
Wednesdays: "Release" Bible Study & Fellowship (at the Hub) ……………......................6:30pm Fridays: English International Bible Study 6:00-8:00pm (College Hills Fellowship Hall) Sundays: Bible Study ………………… ……...... 9:30am Worship……………………......….......10:45am
Volume 9 Issue 26 09/10/19
The Messenger HOW TO CONTACT US: By Mail: College Hills Baptist Church 2102 Johnson Avenue San Angelo TX 76904
By Phone: 325.949.5788
By Fax: 325.949.6877 By Email:
Home Groups
BodyLife Home Groups meet each Sunday evening at 6pm in host homes throughout the city to share a meal, join in fellowship, study the Word of God and pray for one another. All groups are open to anyone, so choose one and join us!
Online: www.collegehillsbc.org
Host Homes:
3229 CANYON CREEK DR (Rex A& Stacy Stephenson) at 6pm Led by: Jimmy Allen & Rex Stephenson 201 CHURCHILL BLVD (Sam Tracy Torbett) at 6pm Led by: Philip Cross & James Reid
YOUR CHURCH STAFF: Lakan Mariano: Senior Pastor Philip Cross: Family & Education Pastor
2639 PARKVIEW (JT & Chel Smith) at 6PM LED BY: JT SMITH 305 S. GARRETT ST (College) at 6pm Led by: Cole Calloway Childcare for Birth-PreK available at church nursery
Trevor Hanson: Student Pastor Cole Calloway: Worship Pastor
Maggie Gonzales: Ministry Assistant
ELDERS AND DEACONS: These men are responsible for hospital visitation and are available to anyone who has needs. Elder Fred Rike…….….. 227-4208
Deacon Charles Harrison...653-4386
Elder Andrew Siefker…...212-4410
Deacon Jerry Walls……...944-1876
Elder Rex Stephenson…..942-9537
Lunch Break: Noon—1:00PM
Elder Scott Steele (562) 665-1349 Elder JT Smith……….... 656-6205