Let's Explore Technical Careers

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1 Bridgestone Park Nashville, TN 37214 www.tbr.edu

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ommie and Tammie T-Cat were super excited. Today was Technical Career Day at their school.

They would be talking about all sorts of jobs they could have one day when they were grown-ups. Mr. Dudley said lots of the careers they would discuss required less than two years of training after they graduated high school. Both Tammie and Tommie liked that idea a lot! And, Mr. Dudley said many companies in their home state of Tennessee needed more people to learn how to do these important jobs. After hearing about all these interesting careers, Tammie and Tommie started noticing how many people all around them worked in jobs that needed technical training.

In the spring, as the weather got warmer,

Tammie had a class trip and met a farmer.

She learned farmers grow crops or sometimes raise cows.

Tending the land takes lots of know-how!

Tommie spoke to the chefs, where he likes to eat. Watching them cook was such a treat. After meeting the chefs, Tommie was wishing He could learn how to make yummy meals in the kitchen.

Tammie woke up with a bit of a fever!

So they went to the doctor, where they could treat her.

They found that nurses often know just the trick

To make you feel better when you are sick.

Tommie met the driver of a really big truck. He wondered if getting that job took lots of luck. The lady said, “Driving a semi is a very big deal. You need special training before you get behind the wheel.�

Tammie and Tommie saw a home going up next door.

So many workers with different skills to explore.

Carpenters, plumbers, and electricians, gee!

There’s more to building a house than most people see.

Tammie was thrilled to tour a new factory And was amazed when she saw all their new technology. Operators programmed robots to do all kinds of things. Like lifting, and shifting, and flipping, and clamping!

Tammie was on her computer playing a game, When the screen went black. Oh, what a shame! Where do you go when your laptop is blue? Ask a computer tech, she’ll know what to do!

Tommie wanted a new style for his mane. Something fun, he thought, and easy to maintain. When the stylist was done, Tommie was impressed! He thought his hair was looking its very best!

Tammie was due for a trip to the dentist. She was a bit nervous, to be very honest. The dental assistant got her teeth healthy and clean, Even after she ate that whole bowl full of jelly beans!

Tommie knew his mom took their car to the shop To figure out why the engine had started to knock. The mechanic examined all the car’s moving parts. Keeping a car running smoothly takes someone really smart.

Tommie went to a factory that makes parts for cars, Where he saw people working with big metal bars. The welders sent bright sparks flying all day long As they joined the pieces to be sturdy and strong.

Tammie has a cousin who spends his days working on planes. One day she asked him if he could explain. He said planes need strong engines to soar the blue sky. Mechanics like him keep them ready to fly.

At the end of the week, Tommie and Tammie realized there were all sorts of possible career choices all around them. There seemed to be something for everybody, whether they liked working with their hands or on a computer or with people – even for those who wanted to work outdoors or indoors! Tammie and Tommie gave their class a short presentation telling them about the people they met and what they had learned. They thanked Mr. Dudley for telling the class all about the different types of jobs they might have one day and decided to continue learning how to train for these exciting careers.

Join Tommie and Tammie T-Cat as they explore a variety of exciting careers they may pursue when they grow up, from farming to teaching, to welding, to computer science, and more!

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