ANNUAL REPORT Rionegro site � 2015
Bello site � 2014
Apartadó site � 2012
Belén site � 2012
El Poblado site � 2007
Main Campus � 1947
Annual Report
EDITORIAL We are pleased to present our 2016 Annual Report, in which we show the growth we’ve had as an organization and the contribution to the academic and cultural processes in the department of Antioquia. We would like to highlight that this year, 2017, we are celebrating our 70th anniversary. Seven decades of teaching English as well as strengthening cultural exchanges between Colombia, the United States and other countries. During this time we have opened 5 new sites in the department of Antioquia; Apartadó, Belén, Bello, El Poblado and Rionegro and are proud to announce that this year we will be opening in Envigado. With our main site in downtown Medellín plus our 6 alternate sites, The Centro Colombo Americano de Medellín is proud to present 7 sites in 7 decades. In 1947, American citizens living in Medellín and a couple of “Antioqueños” saw the need to create a center capable of promoting actions that would make Medellín a more global and competitive city, where processes of social transformation could take place. 70 years later, this idea, which was born in heart of the downtown area of Medellín, was transformed into a Cultural and English Learning Center which has contributed to the personal and academic growth of many citizens of Medellín. During the first year, a total of 180 students studied with us. They believed that learning a second language, English, could create opportunities in opening doors to other parts of the world. In 2016 a total of 15,586 students enrolled in our classes for children, youth and adults; which demonstrate the continuous interest of the community to access new knowledge. All this has been possible thanks to the efforts of students, teachers, employees, graduates, friends and public as well as private companies that have believed in us and that with their help we can continue to grow together.
Michael Cooper | Director
Vélez Ángel Building, first site of the Colombo Americano Medellín (1947)
Annual Report
This annual report is the result of the institutional labor of the Centro Colombo Americano Medellín with the support of the following affiliated partners:
Armenia Barranquilla Bogotá Bucaramanga Cali Cartagena Manizales Medellín Pereira
Annual Report
Annual Report
ABOUT US The Centro Colombo Americano Medellín is a private non-profit institution with 70 years of experience promoting the use of English and culture in and around the city.
Annual Report
BOARD OF GOVERNORS Juan Manuel Cárdenas Vásquez
We have three quality certifications granted by ICONTEC (NTC 5580- NTC 5555 e ISO 9001), expanding in 2017 to five municipalities in Antioquia by means of our seven branches located throughout the department: Centro, El Poblado, Belén, Apartadó, Bello, Rionegro and very soon Envigado.
Davis Duyen Marie
We are one of nine Binational Centers (BNC) in the country recognized by the United States Embassy in Colombia.
Tulio Enrique Gómez Tapias
Thanks to projects carried out in cooperation with public and private entities since our foundation in 1947, we have established ourselves as a leading institution in academic and cultural projects that promote artistic expressions through the use of English as a second language that allows for diversity and impact on new populations.
ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL Michael Cooper General Director Claudia Villa Academic Director Andrés Murillo Kinetoscopio Film Program Director
Sergio Fajardo Valderrama Aníbal Gaviria Correa Juan Felipe Gaviria Gutiérrez Carlos Mario Giraldo Moreno María Clara Gutiérrez Navarro Javier Jaramillo Velásquez Carlos Manuel Londoño De La Espriella Embajador EEUU (o su Delegado) Ann Mason Juvenal de Jesús Mejía Escobar Jorge Humberto Melguizo Posada Federico Moreno Vásquez Fernando Osorio Mora Sergio Andrés Piedrahita Wood Gonzalo Alonso Restrepo López Gary Dean Sander John Kurt Schober Mauricio Toro Bridge Ricardo Toro Ludeke
Alejandro Vásquez Paul Bardwell Art Gallery Director
Jorge Enrique Uribe Escobar
Luisa Mejía Special Projects Director
Marcos Eugenio Wittig Wood
Juan Ricardo García Finance and Administration Director
Juan Fernando Uribe Navarro
Ángela Cardona Human Resources Director
Paula Restrepo Duque
Natalia Urrego Marketing and Communications Director
Pilar Velilla Moreno Clara Mónica Zapata Jaramillo Susan Walley de Jaramillo Felipe Zárate Gutiérrez Juan Alberto Gaviria Vélez
Annual Report
VISION By 2018 the Centro Americano of Medellín:
• Will have been acknowledged, nationally and internationally as an institution with top quality, innovative, cultural and academic programs. • Will have consolidated its leading position as an English teaching center. • Will reconfirm its position as cultural referent. • Will have generated more social impact through its programs and projects. •Will have increased and strengthened strategic global alliances.
MISSION The Centro Colombo Americano of Medellín is a nonprofit organization that furthers human and social development through academic, multicultural experiences among Colombia, The United States, and other countries.
VALUES In and out of our workplace we value: • Respect • Commitment • Pluralism • Responsibility • Honesty • Equality
Entrance to the Downtown Site of the Colombo Americano on Maracaibo Street (1971)
Datos destacados
OVERVIEW of 2016
Impacted Population
Cultural Academic Total
164.568 26.066 190.634
US $ 895.083 US $ 482.722 US $ 1.377.805
HIGHLIGHTS for 2016 A total of
16.309 students
have received language training through our English courses, institutional agreements, scholarships, and social projects.
A total of
US $ 541.674 was managed in free press.
through the dierent cultural programs oered by the library, people were impacted cinema, gallery, and special projects.
164.568 More than
US $ 466.667
was invested in social programs and scholarships for English language education.
44.741 people
received services through our various channels of communication.
Annual Report
English / Social
The following programs form a part of the humanistic and social vision that the Colombo Americano Medellín has, as they directly contribute to the development of Antioquia through academic and cultural experiences which foster multicultural exchange between Colombia, the United States, and other countries.
English Access Microscholarship Program The English Access Microscholarship Program provides academically high-achieving young people from disadvantaged sectors of the city the opportunity to broaden their horizons through English language learning and exposure to U.S. culture and customs. This program, which was set up by the U.S. State Department in 2004, is run in over 85 countries around the world and started in Colombia in 2009 with groups in Medellín, Apartadó and Quibdó.
ACCESS Microscholarship Program beneficiaries in Apartadó (2016)
The 2015 cohort in Antioquia is made up of 40 young people from the Municipality of Apartadó and 39 from the city of Medellín, who ended their English language learning reaching B1 levels of English according to the CEFR.
College Horizons Outreach Program This social impact program, which is run on a global scale, is designed to provide academically gifted, lowincome Afro Colombian and indigenous high school students with English and leadership training so that they can obtain goals that seemed out of their reach hitherto. The program allows students to reach a solid B1+ level in the English competences, and involves the development and improvement of leadership and professional skills through a series of workshops which include mentoring as well as cultural and immersion activities. Upon ending the program, students take an English test preparation course so that they can be better prepared for the admissions process at a university in Colombia or possibly abroad.
College Horizons Outreach Program students from the Medellín group (2016)
In 2016, 60 Afro Colombian and indigenous students from the Municipality of Bello and Medellín participated in the program, which ends in 2017.
English / Social
Annual Report
MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM The Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK) Fellowship Program is an institutionalized, sustainable initiative that selects highachieving university students of Afro- and Indigenous Colombian heritage to receive a total of two years of English language training and leadership activities designed to make them better-prepared for the educational and professional challenges they will face upon graduation from the university. Inaugurated in 2006, the Martin Luther King, Jr. Fellowship Program was designed to address a problem of the social, economic and racial inequality in the awarding
of scholarships and in educational and employment opportunities in Colombia. Highly qualified Afro- and Indigenous Colombian students were being overlooked for these opportunities, and the lack of English language skills was most often cited as the principle reason. As a result, the MLK program was designed to provide a vehicle for change for exceptional students to become fully prepared to compete nationally and internationally, effectively leveling the playing field so that well-deserving students from even the most in-need communities could reach their goals.
Graduation ceremony for MLK fellows (2014-2016)
In 2016, 120 fellows from Colombia completed their studies, 26 from Medellín and 19 from Quibdó. The program will continue in 2017 with a new cohort, its fifth to date, with the following cities as part of the nationwide coverage – Bogotá, Cali, Buenaventura, Cartagena, and Barranquilla; the Colombo Medellín is in charge of the program in the cities of Medellín, Apartadó, and Quibdó.
Annual Report
English / Social
Citizen Program This program which is spearheaded by the Social Inclusion and Family Secretariat of the Medellín Mayor’s Office, organized English classes for senior citizens from the Comunas 10 and 11 in Medelín, offering them this unique experience that aimed to improve their quality of life.
A total of 50 senior citizens from Comuna 10 (Downtown area) and 55 from the Comuna 11 (Laureles and Estadio) received English classes throughout 2016. Beneficiaries of the Senior Citizen English Program at its inauguration in the Colombo Americano (2016)
This program was created thanks to the interest from the local government authorities in the Municipality of Rionegro through their Secretary of Education, in reaching the objectives outlined in their development plan for the period 2016-2019; Rionegro, Tarea de todos! related to bilingualism. This initiative had the support of the Colombo Americano de Medellín from its Rionegro site. This training program was focused on providing basic English language training to primary school teachers and teachers of other subject areas from public schools in the Municipality of Rionegro. The English classes were accompanied by pedagogical workshops that sought to provide strategies to further develop the use of English in their classes, both by the teachers and their students.
Throughout 2016, a total of 40 primary school teachers and 40 teachers of other subject areas from 16 public schools in the Municipality of Rionegro participated in this training program.
Special Projects
Annual Report
SPECIAL PROJECTS A CAPPELLA: DUKE’S MEN OF YALE The all-male A Cappella group from Yale University ¨The Dukes of Yale¨ was started in 1952 by the student Basil Duke Henning who adapted an original song from Yale´s Wiffenpuffs and started a new male A Cappella group. In its 63 years, more than 375 young men have participated in their concerts and toured the world with the group. While in Medellín, the group carried out a master singing class for the choir group of the Medellín Network of Public Music Schools. Three free concerts were offered at Los Molinos and Puerta del Norte shopping malls as well as in the theater at CES University.
A total of 582 people enjoyed the concerts and the workshop. Duke’s Men of Yale Choir during their presentation in Medellín (2016)
PROMISING ARTISTS OF THE 21ST CENTURY JAZZ PROGRAM For the eighth consecutive year, the Centro Colombo Americano offered its traditional Jazz Program in the city of Medellín.
Jazz Camp: This is a weeklong workshop on the principles of vocal training and improvisation, working with students from the Medellín Network of Public Music Schools, EAFIT and Fundación Universitaria Bellas Artes. During the Jazz Camp, an EducationUSA advising session was also offered to give students information on higher education opportunities in the United States. Jam Session: The Jazz Camp activities ended with a jam session that allowed the participants to musically merge their styles by putting on a small show onstage at Parque de los Deseos.
Annual Report
Special Projects
Blair Jazz Quartet from Vanderbilt University during their presentation at the CES University in Medellín (2016)
University Jazz Festival: Two concerts were held at the CES University theater featuring the University of Texas El Paso Jazz Quartet and the Bellas Artes Jazz Fusion, as well as the Blair Jazz Quartet and the EAFIT University Jazz Quartet. The concerts were planned and carried out with the help of Medellín Cultural and Teatro Metropolitano Medellín, which was closed in 2016 for renovations. Jazz in my Neighborhood: Two workshops and subsequent concerts were offered free of cost at ¨UVA La Imaginación¨ in the Boston neighborhood and the Santa Elena rural music school.
1,323 people attended the concerts and 95 participants enjoyed the Jazz Camp activities.
Special Projects
Annual Report
KAO & THE COLLECTIVE VIBE CITY MUSIC BOSTON Berklee City Music Boston is a non-profit organization that was created by Berklee College of Music to offer the children and youth of the city of Boston musical training before they enter a formal college program. Participants have access to the Berklee College of Music campus and all its professors offering musical and personal enrichment. KAO and the Collective Vibe is a musical movement, also from Boston, led by local musicians and artists that have gone through the Boston City Music Program. The music style performed was R&B and hip hop as well as special adaptations of Latin songs like Fruta Fresca and Ojala que Llueva Café en el Campo. Kao presentation at the Parque Cultural Nocturno (2016)
The group also offered a master class on vocal training and general musical theory with students from the popular music group from the Medellín Network of Public Music Schools. Fifty students attended this master class. Approximately 6000 people attended the concert.
A BROADWAY STROLL For the Book and Culture Fair, the Centro Colombo Americano of Medellín partnered with a community theater group from Massachusetts to bring a choir show special called A Broadway Stroll, bringing the public of Medellín a collection of Broadway favorites from famous musicals such as Les Miserables, the Phantom of the Opera and West Side Story. A Broadway Stroll offered five concerts in the city of Medellín at Centro Colombo Americano downtown site, The Book and Culture Fair at the Botanical Gardens, Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo, Univerisidad de Antioquia, and the Columbus School.
Musical choir presentation at the Botanical Garden in Medellín (2016)
A total of 1545 people enjoyed the activities and concerts offered by this musical theater group.
Annual Report
Inauguration of Lab52, Urbanism and Social Justice, at the Colombo Art Gallery (2016)
This social-artistic laboratory was directed by Max Page, professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA. In the laboratory, groups of students participated from seven educational institutions such as Colegio San Ignacio, Normal Superior Maria Auxiliadora, Colegio de Maria, Institución Educativa Felix Henao Botero, Colegio Antares, Institución Educativa Fe y Alegría, and Institución Educativa Presentación. Each group of students participated in a workshop that led them to reflect and create based on the following questions: Who are the people that have lived in this neighborhood
for many years and who are the people that have recently moved here? Where did they come from? What are the “places that matter” most to the community? What are the greatest resources of this neighborhood – the kinds of people or the special sites like the library – and what are the greatest flaws – bad transportation, political corruption, and housing conditions? Seven art teachers, five interns from the Universidad de Antioquia, and more than 200 students from the aforementioned schools and institutions participated in these activities.
Annual Report
SUB)OBJECTIVE ZOOMLAB Three international artists and one local artist gave workshops to groups of students from the following universities: Universidad de Antioquia, Fundación Universitaria Bellas Artes, and Colegiatura Colombiana. A total of 27 students from different major programs related to fine arts and photography participated in the workshops. Additional to this, the exhibition called “Sub)objective” was held between September 2nd and October 28th, where over 6,000 visitors viewed samples of work which came out of the workshops led by these guest artists. Inauguration of Zoomlab at the Colombo Art Gallery, Downtown Site (2016)
CHILDREN AND ART WORKSHOP (WITH TONY ROCCO AND PAVEL GARCÍA) The workshops that were held during 2016 were primarily based on a theory presented by the Austrian artist Hundertwasser. His theory focuses on a world view built with a series of layers, or as he calls them skins, with each skin representing a different facet of the environment and context of each person. Sofía Bustamante worked with 20 children from the Las Golondrinas Foundation with the first laboratory based on the theme of the first skin (dermis). Tony Rocco, photography professor and director of “Photographers without Borders” (a program for children in vulnerable conditions in Philadelphia and Colombia) worked with the same group of children on the theme of the second skin (clothes). Pavel García, a Cuban cultural worker, ran the third workshop with the same group of children focusing on the third skin (the house). The first two experiences, dermis and clothing were shown at the Centro Colombo Americano from August 31st to October 28th of 2016 with more than 1000 people visiting and appreciating this artistic look on the world.
Children and Art participants visit an art exhibit at the Gallery
Annual Report
Youth showcase their art at the Gallery
Desartepaz is the social program of the Colombo Americano Art Gallery, and it promotes cultural development through social and artistic practices in diverse populations. Art and School is one of the program’s divergent lines of action which allows for national and international artists to directly impact the school system in the city. Each year as a part of the social-artistic laboratories, students from public and private schools are invited to participate in the academic activities, which include workshops by guest artists and guided tours of the Art Gallery. In 2016, a total of 7 public and private schools from the city participated. They were: • Colegio de María • I.E. La Presentación • Colegio San Ignacio de Loyola • I.E. Fe y Alegría • Colegio Antares • I.E. Félix Henao Botero • I.E Escuela Normal Superior María Auxiliadora in Copacabana. This year, the students got to work in the social-artistic laboratories with Max Page, professor at the Massachusetts Amherst University, USA.
Annual Report
EDUCATIONUSA COMMUNITY COLLEGE INITIATIVE Community College Initiative (CCI) is a program from the Bureau of Cultural and Educational Affairs of the State Department of the United States, which gives four students from the city of Medellin the opportunity to advance their academic, technical or vocational studies for one year at a community college in the United States. Students traveled between May and August 2016 and returned to Colombia in mid-2016. The CCI program covered all travel expenses and student participation. This program offers candidates the opportunity to study at a community college in the United States in the areas of agriculture, applied engineering, business administration, business, early education, computer science, journalism, and hotel management and tourism. The year of study could be used to obtain a vocational certificate or gain professional experience through academic or professional internships. The selection process was based on the academic and professional merits of each candidate. Nevertheless, experience or interest in the selected area of study and leadership potential were also important aspects in the decision-making and preference was given to students from vulnerable communities.
Community College Initiative scholarship recipients for the program 2016-2017
SUSI FOR STUDENT LEADERS SUSI is a program from the Bureau of Cultural and Educational Affairs of the State Department of the United States, which gives one student from the city of Medellín the opportunity to study in academic program courses aimed at undergraduate students, with an objective of strengthening their leadership skills and promoting a greater understanding of the United States. This 5-week program, which took place between June and August 2016, includes an academic component (classes, seminars, readings) of approximately four weeks and a tour of approximately one week.
Annual Report
CINEMA AMERICAN FILM SHOWCASE The American Film Showcase brings awardwinning contemporary American documentaries, independent fiction films, and documentary knowhow to audiences around the world, offering a view of American society and culture as seen by independent filmmakers. Funded by a grant from the State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) and produced by the University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts (SCA), the showcase highlights the value of film in fostering understanding and cooperation, dialogue and debate. The AFS films explore diverse topics including civil rights, disabilities, social justice, sports, freedom of press, technology and the environment. The American Film Showcase consists of two main components: a person-to-person cultural diplomacy program and a film collection with which U.S. embassies and consulates may organize screenings, Q&As, and discussions. Working with 35-40 selected US embassies and consulates per year, AFS sends American filmmakers and film experts on 7-10 day international cultural diplomacy trips made up of screenings, master classes, workshops and press engagements.
Official image of the event
Attendees: 170
The Cinema Program of the Centro Colombo Americano Medellín, with the support of the mayor’s office of Medellín, organizes Cinema Realidad on the last Wednesday of every month. Offering free entrance, this cinema cycle has sought to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities and older adults through cinema for the past nine years. During this year, organizations working with this population such as Amigos con Calor Humano and Comité de Rehabilitación were invited to attend film screenings which deal with the subjects of special interest for the public of this cycle.
Annual Report
EUROCINE Eurocine is the most important European film festival in the country and it celebrated its 22nd edition in Colombo cinemas. After 22 years of bringing the best of European films to the country, this edition comes with more than 40 films and showcased Switzerland as the guest country. Switzerland is a nation full of diversity and cultural richness, and the development of the film industry is no stranger to this influence. Over the years, Swiss cinema has been gaining ground in the middle of the global scene. Currently, many films, documentaries, and short films give a little more knowledge about how we perceive life from our perspective. Through images, cinema can take people to different destinations, situations and experiences that connect the viewer, awakening all kinds of emotions. Eurocine has positioned itself in Colombia as a space where film culture and magic are found, and where through films, shorts and documentaries it is possible to know the wealth of European film heritage.
Attendees: 1,776
Eurocine Festival inauguration at the Colombo Americano (2016)
This program has been running in Medellín since 2001 as a space to visualize, identify and discuss issues related to sexual diversity. It became important not only because of the promotion of national and international audiovisual productions made by homosexuals or because the productions address sexual diversity issues and gender, but also because it allows the LGBTI community to relate to the screened material at Colombo Americano which has been carefully selected leaving aside any censorship or moralism. In order to achieve a culture of respect for others and their sexual preferences, Ciclo Rosa insists and persists in its founding objectives: “Identify and discuss issues related to sexual and gender diversity in the city through films, lectures and workshops with civil servants, law enforcement and industry organizations who claim LGTBI rights”
Attendees: 807 Ciclo Rosa Inauguration at the Colombo Americano (2016)
Annual Report
KINETOSCOPIO MAGAZINE For 2016 Kinetoscopio magazine continued working and maintaining its national ranking as the oldest cinephile publication in the country still in force. At the end of the year, we had a total of 135 subscribers and 30 distribution sites in seven major cities, making it easier for film lovers to have access to the magazine. It is important to highlight the growth in social networks creating a community of 4,750 followers on our fan page. This process is aligned with our founding principle to make the public more aware of the magazine which has been developing for the past 26 years with 116 published editions. Kinetoscopio seeks to ensure that the content of each one of the editions is in accordance with events occurring in the world of cinema, its themes and characters that are timeless. This year the publications were titled: Printed Editions • Dos creadores: Mendoza y Ospina • Caminos de la animación contemporánea • Ken Loach: 80 años • El cine en Medellín 2016 Digital Editions • Cuadernillo 2016-I: Ettore Scola. • Cuadernillo 2016-II: Las diez mejores películas del S. XXI según la BBC.
Kinestoscopio during the Cartagena de Indias Cinema Festival FICCI (2016)
Annual Report
Annual Report
Diploma � 1949
Graduation � 1968
Ceramics Exhibit � 1958
Old Site at La Playa � 1954
Sede Apartadó � 2012
Librarian � 1960
Graduation � 1978
Announcement � 1949
Electronic Laboratory � 1980
Facade Blueprint � 1968
Access Program
MLK Quibdó
A cappella
A Broadway Stroll
Sede Apartadó � 2012
Promoting Bilingualism
CHOP Program
Children and Art
Cinema Realidad
Annual Report
Should you need to contact us, please see below the contact information of some of our department directors: Michael Cooper
General Director / mcooper@colomboworld.com
Claudia Villa
Academic Director / cvilla@colomboworld.com
Andrés Murillo
Kinetoscopio Film Program Director / amurillo@colomboworld.com
Alejandro Vásquez
Paul Bardwell Art Gallery Director / avasquez@colomboworld.com
Luisa Mejía
Special Projects Director / lmejia@colomboworld.com
CERTIFICATIONS The Centro Colombo Americano Medellín has three national and international quality certifications given by ICONTEC (NTC 5580 – NTC 5555 and ISO 9001).
Centro Colombo Americano MedellĂn 2017 All Rights Reserved.
Sites Centro | El Poblado | BelĂŠn | Bello | Rionegro | ApartadĂł | Envigado