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This award bestows special recognition on a Colorado PGA Professional for excellence in golf instruction, along with overall performance While the candidate's entire record should be taken into consideration, emphasis should be placed on a member's performance over the past three years. Promotion of golf, use of teaching aids, involvement in junior golf activities, teaching techniques, service to the Section as a volunteer instructor at Section clinics, and articles published are some of the criteria considered for this award
This award is designed to recognize a Colorado PGA Professional who is a leader in junior golf, reflects the image and qualities that juniors can emulate, and provides opportunities and experiences for juniors to learn and play golf
The Colorado PGA Assistant Golf Professional of the Year is awarded to a PGA Member or Associate for Overall Performance, including leadership and service, and promotion of the game of golf Overall Performance at the member's facility, level of service to the PGA Section and to the Association, Colorado PGA Assistant Professional Association, and image as a golf professional are some of the criteria considered for this award. Finally, active participation in programs such as tournaments, education, and volunteer service to the Section is considered