Mosey Issue 02

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CONTRIBUTORS Jessica Ivankovic

Name: Profession: Assistant Editor/ student My name is Jessica Ivankovic and I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember. I’m close to finishing a Bachelor of Arts in Professional and Creative Writing at Curtin. Interests: I love vintage fashion, theatre and classic literature. Ambitions: My ambitions are to get as rich as possible with as little effort as possible ... no, not really! I want to spend my life doing what I love, writing for arts magazines, reviews and plays. I hope to travel the world and write about everything I see and do.

Tanaya Harper

Name: Profession: Musician/ Student/ Writer I've just recently graduated from WAAPA studying an Advanced Diploma in Contemporary Music. Interests: Music is a huge part of my life! I really value the imagination. It serves me very well in times of dire boredom. Why are there black points surrounding that light globe? I know why, because beyond the ceiling is the green, light globe eating monster. Honestly. Ambitions: Deep, deep down, I do hope that one day I will have written a children's book, recorded an album, become a small time screen actor and maybe have a regular radio slot. In the unlikely case that this plan just might fail, I will open a book store/coffee lounge/vinyl store. This year I will be travelling to Nepal, India, France, Germany and London, so hopefully I will receive some kind of cliché sign of direction.

What Mosey is About

Mosey is a gossip magazine for young girls of 17-25 years old. Here at Mosey we are positive and light-hearted, and we hope to deliver an important message with every story. Have you got something gossipy or juicy you’d like to submit to Mosey? Contact us at! We’d love to hear from you.

By Mosey

HELP I’ve Lost my Bff!

by Jessica Ivankovic

(what to do if you lose your bestie) When The Beatles sung “I get by with a little help with my friends,” I know what they were talking about. My friends help me be the best person I can be; they laugh at my jokes when no one else does, are there when times get rough, and introduce me to guys I think are gorgeous, even when I’m trying to run in the other direction. But sometimes you can lose a best friend, even when you thought you were going to be best friends forever (bffs). I lived with my best friend for three years, but recently we had a fall out. I can’t even remember how it happened, how someone that was like a sister suddenly became a stranger to me. I know one thing though: the most important thing to do is cheer yourself up. Whether your best friend has moved away, or you’ve had a fight, or you just aren’t talking anymore, these tips are for you:

1. Cheer Yourself Up

Photography by Jessica Ivankovic

Here’s a tip: be extra nice to yourself when you’re feeling sad. Everyone has different tricks that work for them; for me, I go to the video store and find the funniest, cheesiest comedy I can and make a big bowl of popcorn and watch it (I recommend Mean Girls (2004), Bring it on (2000) and Clueless (1995) when it comes to girl rivalry.) To cheer up, try to: ♥ Exercise Until couple of weeks ago, I never ever exercised; window shopping was my exercise. But when I started jogging, or doing yoga, it cleared my mind.

♥ Meditate When I started meditating for the first time I thought it was silly. But after a couple times it actually worked! Meditation can improve your concentration, reduces anxiety and helps the body heal. ♥ Make yourself laugh and smile They say “laughter is the best medicine.” Laughter oxygenates your brain, helps lower your blood pressure and decreases stress. If you read a funny book, watch a funny movie, or tell jokes to your friends and family, the laughter will increase your mood.

2. Accept that people change I know this sounds like something my mum would say, but its true! Sometimes a friend might stop talking to you and you don’t know why, or may say something bitchy behind your back, or just act differently. When you’re close with someone who changes their behaviour, you might be wondering, what the hell happened? Why is he/ she acting this way when I have done nothing wrong? Why don’t we hang out anymore? But all we can do is try to accept them for who they are. If you accept that your friendship has changed, you can learn to accept it and start the healing process.

3.Be your own bff Even though you may have many friends, don’t forget to be your own friend; write a list of things you love about yourself and treat yourself how you would treat your best friend. If you accept that people change, learn to be your own friend and cheer yourself up, you’ll give the situation time to cool down (as they say “time heals everything”.) And in the end everything will be just fine, with or without your best friend.

Inspired by: Bob Dylan. The Clash. The Beatles. The 13th Floor Elevators. Members: Rufus Marmaduke, Doctor Blythe, Alex Elbery and Marko Remarko Debut EP: It's Alright, It's OK, Satellite Commander Price: $25 Available at: I recently found myself at the Velvet Lounge listening to a local band called Stereoflower, and went in search for their latest album “It's Alright, It's OK, Satellite Commander.” This was a terrible, terrible mistake. For the past week I have annoyed friends, family and co-workers by constantly humming and singing their popular songs The Cocaine Bebop and I Love You Like Lost Time. When Alexander sings “I wanna be the one that makes you wanna smile, I wanna be the one that makes you stay a while,” it gives you that overwhelming feeling of your first baby-faced crush. My other favorite being We All Think You’re Dreaming which reminds me of when I was little and thought there were ghosts in my room at night and hid under the coversevoking an eerie, tingling shiver that’s both exciting and frightening. Stereoflower’s album is a good investment, the kind of songs you can play to cheer you up at the end of a bad day, and completely change your tune.

Voltaire Twins Members: James and Tegan Voltaire Debut EP: Cabin Fever Price: $6.99

By Jessica Ivankovic Photography by Felix Mann

Nothing gets my feet tapping like a brother-sister duet, especially the funky beats of the local band Voltaire Twins. Their sound has been described as “indielectro” or “eighties pop,” or a girl version of New Order. Voltaire Twins have supported bands such as Ladytron, Maximo Park, Lost Valentinos, Midnight Juggernauts and Art vs. Science. I really liked their new Debut EP “Cabin Fever”. Although their songs “London” and “Cabin Fever” had me dancing in my underwear, I really wanted the album to continue after five songs, but instead if left me hoping for more!


Shafto Ln London Crt

Bon MarchĂŠ

Title: Timeless Beauty. Pictures by: Luo Qi Stylists: Kelly O’Connor and Karamea Ngatai-Stokes from DeA Style Hair: Maree Giglia from Decode By Hair Make-Up: Penny Ngu from Penny Ngu Make-Up Artistry Model: Mikka H. From Catherine Ruze Location: South Perth

Fashion Spread 1: Soot-ii Hothersall “Anyanka” Dress; $110.00, Heels; models own, Vintage Cape; Stylists own Fashion Spread 2: DeA “Ocean Party” Dress: Price on Application Fashion Spread 3: Soot-ii Hothersall “Willow “ Dress: $100.00



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Easy A: An A+ Film (2010) With all the hype, I had high hopes for this film ... and I wasn’t disappointed. Michael Cera is the biggest cutie, and is well-known for his roles in Youth in Revolt (2009), Year One (2009) and Super Bad (2007). He’s the perfect poster boy for ‘geek culture.’ The director Edgar White has adapted a video game style comic to the screen, with visual candy and retro bands. The script delivers many wise-cracking one liners.

Released in September, Easy A really hits home about what its like to be a girl in high school, and how reputations can change really quickly, friends can become enemies and rumours spread as fast as fire. It’s based on the old school film The Scarlet Letter (1995), which is a bit intense! The film is full of witty dialogue and a good message, so I strongly recommend this movie to all you girls. It’d be a great movie for a sleepover!

Despite all the fight scenes and karate moves, Scott Pilgrim vs. the world is a romantic film; you will come out of the cinemas feeling warm and fuzzy! Scott, the protagonist, falls hard for the girl of his dreams, Ramona Flowers, who has the coolest haircut you’ve ever seen. But to be with her, he has to defeat her seven evil exes. Yet despite all the lovey-dovey stuff, this is not a chick flick, which is great because its easy to drag your boyfriend or guy friends along. Even though Scott Pilgrim vs. the world wasn’t a smash hit in cinema, that is, wasn’t as popular as Iron Man 2 (2010) or Toy Story 3 (2010), I believe it is a great movie to bust out on a Friday night and one that both family and friends will enjoy. In shorteveryone loves a hero (especially if he’s super cute).



By Jessica Ivankovic

By Jessica Ivankovic

Scott Pilgrim vs. the world (2009) Now out on dvd

Starring Gossip Girl’s hottie Penn Badgley, Easy A tells the story of a young girl, Olive (played by Emma Stone), who tells everyone at her high school she’s lost her virginity ... when she hasn’t. Overnight, Olive becomes really popular, and gets a lot of attention from boys, but it all goes terribly wrong!


When I was fourteen my aunty let me wear eye shadow for the first time. I ran into my grandma’s bathroom to look at the heavenly purple powder that made my eyelids glitter like a runway models. I batted my lashes all night, feeling like the most lovely thing that ever had lived. I didn’t know then that I was at the beginning of a habit that would later leave me embarrassed to leave the house without makeup. When I look around me I know I’m not the only one. Admit it, we’re all a little self-conscious sometimes; “Is my hair straight/curly/long/short enough?” … “Do these stockings go with this skirt?” … “My feet are killing me but I have to wear these shoes!!!” And as for makeup, how much is too much and how can we tell? I love makeup, I really do. Makeup gives me heaps of confidence. Makeup can make a fashion statement, complement a new hair colour and make me look like I haven’t just woken up. It gets rid of the dark circles under the eyes, the spots that appear mysteriously overnight, and makes my eyes look ENORMOUS (which in turn, takes the attention away from my nose, which I don’t like). My bathroom is a virtual battlefield, littered with the spent carcasses of tubes of coconut body cream, apricot cleanser, corrective serum, every colour of lip pencil you can imagine, half a dozen fruit-flavoured lip glosses, thick swirls of liquid eyeliner, about a million half-used metallic eye shadow pallets, five ex t ra length-defining-magic mascaras and about twenty different types of cheek-accentuating powderblushes. I can’t get enough of it. Is there a new trend? Smokey eyes, red lips, golden tones? Defined eyes, pink gloss lips, autumn highlights? Matt/shiny/natural!!! Vamp! Camp! Tramp!!! If I buy it, will it make me look like the blemish-less six-foot blonde model in magazine ads? It will??? Give it to me and give it to me now! My housemate, a die-hard-anti-makeup uni student (with unkempt eyebrows it has to be said), always teases me about my obsession with looking my best at all times, even while at home on the sofa. “Cake face”, “Drag queen”, “Girly girl,” she calls me. I’ve heard it all. My favourite being, “When was the last time you actually saw your face?” Even though I love makeup, here’s the problem: I can’t leave the house without it, and it drives my friends and my boyfriend insane. They actually held an ‘intervention’ in my lounge room they were so worried. An intervention!!! I have friends on heavy drugs in trouble with the police and no one seems to bat an eyelid about that but the over use of ‘Angel Blue Mist’ eye shadow seems to send everyone into a panic!!! OMG! Prior to this, to make a point, my friend Heather even posted a photo of herself overweight on ‘that’ social website we’ll call FB, with the caption, “This is

to show Jessica that looks DON’T matter!” Now, I don’t care what anyone says but Looks Do Matter. Come on, be honest, you KNOW they matter. How MUCH they matter is the issue here. And if they matter that much you can’t function without the ‘shield of steel’ that a perfectly made-up face provides, then yes, there is a problem. So I guess I have a problem. I was curious to know how guys felt about this important issue. Do they care what makeup we wear? They don’t seem to notice when I change my hair colour! had an article that warned “never hit on a woman who wears too much makeup. You don’t know what’s underneath,” followed by a description on how to position the woman in natural light, or even light a cigarette near her face to see if she’s naturally beautiful ... or not (this made me feel uncomfortable since I’m trying to break the makeup habit). So I went out and asked some man-friends of mine what they thought, and I was surprised what they had to say.

Guys, what do you think of women who wear too much makeup?

Jono (22 years old): “It depends whether its done right or not, some girls have it caked on and it looks bad, some do a really good job and the lucky ones don’t need much or any at all...” Mark (21 years old): “It can be off-putting. Like they’re not that confident.” Kim (23 years old): “If you think about it ... makeup, used in the right way, can accentuate different features of a woman’s face, lips and eyes especially. Sometimes it can be stunning, but some people just need to learn how to use the stuff in moderation.” Ryan (18 years old): “I guess it’s overkill, bluntly put. Trying too hard. But then I’m talking about the extreme examples, where you can almost see the cracks in the foundation. Moderation is good.” Kenny (21 years old): “Makeup shouldn’t be a painted on face. A little bit of colour in the right spots and they should try to maintain a natural look. Its so wrong seeing a girl with a brown face that’s been painted on that ends at her white neck. The saying is true, less is more. Makeup should only be used to accentuate a girls beauty, if you’re getting the point of Mimi from the Drew Carey show then you need therapy...” From what the guys said I realised we have opposing views about makeup. Unfortunately, we are expected to look our best at all times and to do so, makeup must be worn! But too much and we’re criticised as being ‘try-hards’ and ‘wannabe’s’. It’s almost like we just can’t win. So, armed with my man-friend’s opinions and a huge support group behind me, I lost the lipstick, surrendered the shadow and went naked in public! (face only girls). I thought I would keep a diary to keep track of what I experienced (and also to prove to my friends that I could do it). Look out for the next issue, which has my diary, describing what happened day-by-day in my experiment!

Hair & Airbrush makeup: Lily Webb Photography/re-touching: Christine Kopti Models: Kelly Holmes from Scene, Rebecca O’Donovan

My name is Tanaya Harper and I'm 19 years old. With a serious case of 'itchy-feet' I've finally taken the first few steps of my yearlong adventure. I will be taking French courses in France, trekking in Nepal, eating (too much) curry in India, taking train rides through Europe, possibly even take a dip in the freezing waters of Finland. I've chosen to begin this adventure in Ghana, West Africa where my father lives. I have decided to write a brief article to describe to people who've never been to this wonderful country just how it looks, smells and sounds. Maybe I'll even convince a few people to visit Ghana. Now, like most, you may think of ‘Africa’ and instantly envision scenery much like that found in ‘The Lion King’, home to thousands of exotic animals much those in ‘Pride Rock’. I hate to be put in the same category as the one who told you that Santa isn’t real, but in Accra, and throughout most of Ghana, rather than Giraffes and Elephants, there is a healthy supply of Goats, Chickens, Cats and Monkeys. When stepping off the plane and into the capital city Accra, the first thing I notice is the air. The Ghanan air feels thick and heavy. This, combined with a nice dose of humidity (thanks to the nearby equator) makes it feel like you’re wearing an extra layer of clothing. Next in line is the smell of the constant burning of

rubbish and small crops, makes for a very unusual scent.

by Tanaya Harper


Home to nearly 2,000,000 people and with more than half of the population being under 24 years of age, Accra is a vibrant, energetic city. Every day I see ladies and men of all ages walking down the streets dressed in Nike and talking on their mobile phones whilst balancing a large tub of food or drink on their heads. A foreigner can easily make the mistake I did, in thinking that communities like these are so isolated and out of touch with the rest of the world. That was until I passed a bright red hut with the ‘Vodafone’ logo painted on each of the four walls. Alongside impressive government buildings and houses are small 3x4 meter steel huts that can fit up to a whole family inside.


The happiness of the Ghana people is contagious. They’re among some of the most joyful people I’ve ever encountered. When they talk they sound like they’re singing, and when they walk, they look like they’re dancing. Anywhere you go in Ghana, you’re likely to hear ‘Hip life’ music, a fusion of Hip Hop and Highlife styles. With its festive sound and strong beats, ‘Hip life’ plays a huge role in reflecting and maintaining the vibrant energy which pulses throughout the country.


When it comes to food, there’s not much variety in Ghana. Most meals comprise of rice dishes and deep fried meat. Plantain is the most common snack eaten throughout the country. This banana like fruit is usually deep fried or smoked and can be bought on most street sides. When in a restaurant, I advise you don’t get too excited about what you see on the menu. More often than not, the waiter will take your order, only to return to tell you with a toothy grin that “the pancake is finish.”


In Ghana villages appear out in the middle of nowhere; a rich, red dirt growth surrounded by lush, dark green jungle. When I saw a Ghanan village for the first time, I couldn’t believe that there really are huts made of mud, and their communal water pumps are often the only source of water for entire villages! There are young children wearing waist beads around their bodies to measure their growth, and ladies wear the most gloriously coloured materials I’ve ever seen. One of the most liberating experiences of my life was to dance around in a circle with a group of Ghanan children, on the top of a mountain under the stars. Ghana is a very beautiful and safe country to visit. The people here are so very gracious and welcoming to visitors. I love observing the people; how they interact with each other and what it is that they do day by day in comparison to my own way of life. To walk into a culture where you are the minority and have to learn how to blend in with their culture is an overwhelming but exhilarating experience; this is what brings me back time and time again.

Classic Rocky Road

by Jessica Ivankovic

When I was a little kid my mum made me a treat. If I was really, really good, she’d make me our own rocky road ice-cream. Now that’s summer is coming round, there’s no better time to make your own! I’ve decided to bring it back- rocky road ice-cream isn’t just for kids.

You need: 1.8 Litre of Peters classic vanilla ice-cream 200g of Sunbeam glazed cherries 200g of Nestle Dark Chocolate Melts Marshmallows (as many as you’d like) Crushed nuts ¼ cup of desiccated coconut Skill level: Easy as! Time: 4 hours

Method: 1. Leave ice-cream out of the freezer for about ten minutes to soften. 2. Chop marshmallows and cherries into halves. 3. Chop up Nestle Dark Melts. 4. Spoon ice-cream into a big bowl. 5. Add ¼ cup of desiccated coconut. 6. Fold chocolate, marshmallows, peanuts and cherries into the ice-cream with a spoon- distribute evenly. 7. Spoon the ice-cream back into the original container and leave for 3-4 hours.

Cover photography by Lou Qi, design by Stanka Budosova

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