International Pre-Orientation 2013

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dear INcoMINg studeNt, Welcome to Columbus College of Art & Design. I know you had plenty of choices for your higher education, and I am delighted and proud that you have chosen CCAD. Frankly, it is a great time to be here. The CCAD curriculum is a terrific mix of studio work, traditional liberal arts, and new opportunities to gain key business skills throughout your time on campus. Not to mention our exciting CCAD MindMarket—which gives you the chance to do projects with real-world companies and organizations while you are still a student. Please accept my very best wishes as you begin your journey at CCAD. We cannot wait to see where your creative path takes you. Sincerely,

Dennison W. Griffith President

WelcoMe to the uNIted states, coluMbus, aNd the ccad faMIlY! Congratulations on being accepted into The Columbus College of Art & Design (CCAD)! Soon you will become part of a wonderful creative community. My name is Elizabeth Smith and I will be leading your International Student Orientation in August. This program will welcome you to your new home and provide you with some important information to help you succeed at CCAD. For now, please take a few minutes to read this e-booklet very carefully. You will have a lot of questions as you prepare for college life, and we want to help you with some answers: about orientation, housing, placement testing, and more. This e-booklet is something you can refer to all year, both before and after orientation. If you have any orientation-related questions or concerns over the summer, please contact me at or 614.222.6175. I look forward to meeting you! Sincerely, Elizabeth J. Smith Coordinator, Multicultural Affairs & Student Support P.S. If you haven’t registered yet, do so as soon as possible. All new students are required to attend. Just use the online form and select “International Session: August 18–23” as your first choice.

gettINg froM the aIrport to ccad We recommend that you schedule your flights to arrive on the CCAD campus during the designated residence hall move-in times (August 18 from 9 a.m.-6 p.m.).

baggage claim area for assistance on where to find taxicabs. The addresses of both CCAD residence halls are located at the end of this message.

Be sure to exchange currency in your home country or at your initial port of entry airport in the U.S. The Port Columbus International Airport currency exchange counter is rarely open. You will need U.S. dollars to pay for taxicab transportation to the CCAD campus.

The cost of taxicab transportation from the airport to CCAD averages $25–$30 depending on the number of bags you have. Travel time is usually 10 to 20 minutes. It is also customary to offer the taxicab driver a tip equal to 10 percent of the fare amount.

It is easy and inexpensive to obtain a taxicab to CCAD from the Port Columbus International Airport. Taxicabs are readily available at the airport at all times. Upon collecting your luggage, follow the “ground transportation” signs or contact the information desk in the

A taxicab is the method of transportation that we strongly recommend for traveling from the airport to the CCAD campus. Do not try to take a local bus to CCAD. CCAD is not able to provide airport pick-up service to students.

What WIll I do at orIeNtatIoN? You will meet and mingle with your international mentors, as well as other international students. (You will make friends before classes even start!) You will also: •

Move into your residence hall

Learn about — CCAD, Columbus, and the United States — counseling and wellness — safety and security — residence hall life — learning support — visa rules and regulations — international health insurance plan — campus dining

Visit places around Columbus

Go on shopping trips for your basic living necessities

Set up a bank account

Set up your cell phone

orIeNtatIoN detaIls

During orientation, all students will participate in orientation and registration sessions during the scheduled times. The date and times of these events will be given to you at the Orientation Welcome Session on August 19. At that time, you will also receive a packet containing city and campus maps, important information regarding immigration regulations, campus safety and security, and general college policies.

Your INterNatIoNal MeNtors Five current CCAD students will serve as your International Mentors (IMs). They will show you around, lead small-group discussions, and, most importantly, make sure that you feel comfortable and have fun. They are very excited to meet you and tell you all about CCAD!

haleY behNfeldt

Major: Fashion Design Year: Junior Hometown: Archbold, Ohio Favorite Places in Columbus: Dirty Frank’s, The Columbus Library

ashleY McclaIN-Vega

Major: Fine Arts Year: Senior Hometown: Aguadilla, Puerto Rico Favorite Place in Columbus: The Short North

aNdrea raWsoN

Major: Animation Year: Senior Hometown: Buffalo, New York Favorite Place in Columbus: Hound Dog’s Pizza

chelsea taNksleY

Major: Photography Year: Junior Hometown: Columbus, Ohio Favorite Place in Columbus: CCAD

caItlIN Wolle

Major: Illustration and Fine Arts Year: Sophomore Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada Favorite Places in Columbus: Easton Town Center, Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams

orIeNtatIoN faQ Where should I go WheN I arrIVe?

hoW do I set up MY cell phoNe?

You will move directly into your residence hall (Schottenstein Hall or Design Square Apartments) when you arrive for orientation. Please bring all your luggage to your assigned building. International Mentors, Resident Advisors, and other staff will be there to help you.

There will be a trip to a local cell phone store on Monday, August 19.

hoW caN I get the basIc IteMs that I Need for lIfe IN coluMbus? There will be an optional trip to a Target store the first night (Sunday, August 18). You should use this trip to buy the essential items you need, such as bedding and pillows. There will be another trip the next day (Monday, August 19) for you to buy additional items.

What tIMe Is orIeNtatIoN?

do I Need to take the freshMaN eNglIsh eXaM? 1. did not submit TOEFL or IELTS scores, or 2. have a TOEFL high score less than 85, or 3. have a IELTS high score less than 6 are required to take the Freshman English Exam. (You will receive a letter before orientation if this applies to you.) Questions? Contact Advising at 614.222.3242.

What If I haVe college credIts that I WaNt to traNsfer to ccad?

Check-in for orientation is on Monday, August 19 from 12:30-1 p.m. in the Canzani building. An International Mentor will be in the lobby of your residence hall to show you how to get there.

Submit an official transcript with those credits on it to the Admissions office. The Advising office will then review the transcript, determine which credits will transfer, and mail you a letter with the results.

hoW caN I set up MY baNk accouNt?

Is orIeNtatIoN MaNdatorY?

There will be banks on campus from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. on Monday, August 19 in the Crane Lobby.

Yes, attendance is mandatory for all new students. The information you learn and people you meet are an important step in getting ready to attend CCAD.

orIeNtatIoN schedule Subject to change. A full schedule will be handed out during check-in.



9 a.m.–6 p.m.

International students arrive at CCAD

9:30 a.m.–12 p.m.

City bus tour

7 –9 p.m.

Shopping trip for essentials*

12–1 p.m.


1–2 p.m.

9–10:30 p.m.

Unpack and free time with International Mentors

Small group: American social customs

2–3 p.m.

Health insurance information

3–3:30 p.m.


3:30–4:30 p.m.

International Mentor panel: Tips and tricks to succeed at CCAD

4:30–5 p.m.

Visa rules and applicable laws

5–6 p.m.

Pizza party with International Mentors

5:30–8 p.m.

Trip to Franklin Park Conservatory*

5:30–10:30 p.m.

Free time

MONDAY, AUGUST 19 10:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

Bank Fair

12:30–1 p.m.


1–2:30 p.m.

Welcome to your new home!

2:30–3 p.m.


3–5 p.m.

Shopping trip for essentials

5:30–6:30 p.m.

Welcome dinner

6:30–7 p.m.

Back to campus

7–9 p.m.

Trip to phone store*


THURSDAY, AUGUST 22 10–11:30 a.m.

The American art classroom

11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Lunch at The Hills Market

10–12 p.m.

Campus tour

12–1 p.m.

Small group: dining in America

12:30–1:30 p.m.

USA Jeopardy!

1:30–2:30 p.m.

Show and Tell

1–3 p.m.


2:30–3 p.m.


3–3:30 p.m.

City safety/campus security

3–4 p.m.

Question/answer session and closing activity

3:30–4 p.m.


4–4:30 p.m.


4–4:30 p.m.


4:30–10:30 p.m.

Free time

4:30–5:30 p.m.

Learning support and counseling

5:30–9 p.m.

Dinner at Easton Mall and shopping

* optional activity

FRIDAY, AUGUST 23 10 a.m.–5:30 p.m.

August orientation

5:30–7 p.m.

President’s Picnic

resIdeNce lIfe CCAD’s residence halls provide an opportunity for you to both study and live right in the heart of the CCAD community. This provides the best environment for you to succeed, especially during your first year of college. Relationships formed with classmates in the residence halls often are maintained throughout your time at CCAD. The research supporting the value of oncampus living is so strong that CCAD requires all freshmen and transfer students under the age of 21 who have fewer than 24 completed

credit hours to live on campus for their first year at CCAD. (Many students choose to continue living on campus well beyond that required year.) Some exceptions do apply; contact Residence Life at 614.222.3294 or if you have questions. Two professional staff members and 13 Resident Advisors (RAs) oversee the residence halls. The staff provides educational and personal assistance while serving as a resource and ensuring the safety and security of all residents.

What should I purchase for school? Note: The following lists are not exhaustive; if you have questions, just contact Residence Life at 614.222.3294 or Please also note that you will not be able to travel with many of these items. However, you can buy them during the scheduled trips to Target during orientation. If you will live in Schottenstein Residence Hall, go here for a list of items that you are expected to provide. If you will live in Design Square Apartments, go here for a list of items that you are expected to provide.

Think About:

What does it take for me to get ready in the morning?

How am I going to organize my stuff? Do I need shelving? Containers? Crates? A shower caddy?

What will my roommate do with his/her space? Should we coordinate what items we bring, talk about how we will live together, discuss decorations?

I know I’m responsible for any wall damage in my room. With that in mind, how am I going to decorate?

What are my eating habits? Will I want to have some quick breakfast options on hand?

What environment do I need to sleep? Will I want headphones or ear plugs? A night mask? Extra pillows?

What does “cleaning” mean to me? How often, using what products, and what do I expect from my suitemates? Do I know how to use a washing machine?

More Online Resources

Medical Information Form (due August 1) Student Technology Buyers’ Guide

coluMbus Weather Columbus has four distinct seasons. Spring usually begins in March and lasts through June. Temperatures start to rise in April and by June it can be very warm. Spring in Columbus often has many days of rain and thunderstorms. Temperatures range from 40–70 degrees Fahrenheit (5–21 degrees Celsius). Summer is the hottest and driest season in Columbus. Summer months include July, August, and September. Summer temperatures range from 70–100 degrees Fahrenheit (24–38 degrees Celsius). Fall generally lasts from September until early December. (Fall is sometimes referred to as autumn.) Foliage begins changing color from green to brilliant oranges, reds, and yellows. Temperatures begin to cool down during these months; they range from 40–65 degrees Fahrenheit (4–18 degrees Celsius). Warm clothing is often needed during the latter part of fall. Winter is the coldest season. It generally lasts from December until March. The months of January and February are usually the coldest, and often there is snow and ice on the ground. Everyone should be especially careful when walking or driving during winter. Temperatures range from 0–30 degrees Fahrenheit (-18 to -1 degrees Celsius). Warm clothing (heavy coats, hats, and gloves) is an absolute necessity.

aVerage MoNthlY teMperatures (ºf / ºc)

coluMbus lIVINg Your stay in the United States will be an excellent opportunity to learn about American people and their way of life firsthand, as well as to visit famous places you have heard or read about. Columbus is the state capital of Ohio. Columbus is the 15th largest city in the United States and continues to grow at a rapid pace. With a metropolitan-area population of more than 1.8 million people, Columbus is larger than many well-known cities such as Boston, Miami, Denver, Washington D.C., and New Orleans. Columbus houses the world’s largest nonprofit research and development organization: Battelle Memorial Institute. Also located here are the corporate headquarters of JPMorgan Chase Bank, Nationwide Insurance, Wendy’s International, and Limited Brands (as well as many more). An abundance of activities is available for your enjoyment. Many are free or have a minimal fee. Annual events in Columbus include internationally recognized arts, music, food, cultural, and community festivals.

useful WebsItes

coluMbus festIVals

Columbus City information

Festival Latino

Columbus’ official web site

India Festival

Columbus Visitors Bureau

Greek Festival

Art events in Columbus

International Festival

Asian Festival

NeIghborhoods arouNd ccad •

Discovery District

Short North Gallery District

Arena District


coNtact INforMatIoN Topic

OfďŹ ce


Academic advising






Computers or technology

I.T. Help Desk


Counseling and wellness

Counseling Center


Dining options on campus

Dining Services


Disability support

Learning Support


Emergency alert system

Safety & Security


Financial aid

Financial Aid


Health insurance

Student Affairs


Jobs and internships

Career Services


Meal plans

Dining Services


International orientation

Multicultural Affairs


Student organizations

Student Involvement


Supplies and books

Supply Store


Any other questions

One-Stop Student Services


Your questions are welcome! For questions about orientation, please contact Elizabeth Smith at or 614.222.6175. For any other questions, please contact Jonathon Neeley at or 614.222.3265.

IMportaNt dates fall 2013 acadeMIc dates

eVeNt dates

august 18

Residence halls open 9 a.m.

august 26

Fall Semester classes begin

august 30

septeMber 2

Deadline to add classes and register for credit/audit Labor Day holiday (no classes, offices closed)

septeMber 3

$10/course drop fee begins

NoVeMber 1

Deadline to drop/ withdraw without failure

NoVeMber 27–29

Thanksgiving Break (no classes; offices close at 12 p.m. on Nov. 27)

deceMber 13

Fall Semester classes end

deceMber 14

Schottenstein Residence Hall closes at 2 p.m.

deceMber 16– JaNuarY 10

Winter Break (no classes; offices open December 16–20 and January 2–10)

JaNuarY 3

Spring Semester tuition due

JaNuarY 11

Schottenstein Residence Hall opens for returning students 9 a.m.

JaNuarY 13

Spring Semester classes begin

august 23 august 26–30

President’s Picnic 5:30 p.m. Welcome Week

august 28

Involvement Fair 11 a.m.–1 p.m.

august 29

Leonardo Drew artist talk and exhibition reception

august 30

Welcome Fest

septeMber 27–28

october 4–5

Mix 2013 Comics Symposium Alumni & Family Weekend

october 11–12

SculptureX Sculpture Symposium

october 18

Internship & Job Fair

october 26

Big Boo! Halloween party

NoVeMber 25

Campus Thanksgiving meal

deceMber 7

CCAD Art Fair


14 13

N. Grant Ave.

E. Spring S

E. Long St.





15 10






E. Gay St.

N. Ninth St.

Cleveland Ave.


N. Washington Ave.


E. Gay St.

N. Grant Ave.

N. Ninth St.


E. Broad St. (U.S. Route 40)

CCAD building

CCAD neighbor


Faculty/Staff Parking

Emergency call-box

Senior thesis galleries

Campus map 1


THE JOSEPH V. CANZANI CENTER holds the President’s office, as well as offices for the VPs for Academic Affairs, Advancement, and Student Affairs; the Admissions, Advancement, and Continuing & Professional Studies teams; Information Technology; and the Packard Library. There are also themain campus auditorium, the Canzani Center Gallery (CCAD’s main public exhibitions space), a senior thesis exhibition gallery (the Acock Gallery),the boardroom, and a multipurpose room. THE CRANE CENTER for Design’s ground floor is home to Student Affairs, including Student Life, the Learning Resource Center, Counseling Services, and One-Stop Student Services (comprised of Advising, the Registrar, Financial Aid, and the Bursar). Also on the ground level are a game room and ATM. On the upper floors are faculty offices, Interior Design and Advertising & Graphic Design classrooms, and computer labs geared toward CAD (computer-aided design) work.


BATTELLE HALL contains dimensional studies, which include sculpture, jewelry, and metal and welding shops, as well as faculty offices.


THE VISITING ARTIST RESIDENCE consists of two apartments used to house visiting artists, lecturers, and faculty.


DESIGN STUDIOS ON BROAD is the home of the CCAD MindMarket. It also holds a senior thesis exhibition hall, the Faculty Presentation Space, faculty offices, the Career Services office, and the Fashion Design, Foundation Studies, and MFA programs.


GRANT LAB used to contain Foundation Studies classrooms.


DESIGN SQUARE APARTMENTS provide apartment style living for mainly upper-level students.


STUDIO HALL used to be the home of the Fashion Design program, which is now in Design Studios on Broad.

THE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING houses the Business Office, Human Resources, Security, Facilities, and the mailroom. There are also several student work areas.




CIRCLE HALL houses faculty offices, the Liberal Arts department, and a 3D illustration lab.


THE SCHOTTENSTEIN RESIDENCE HALL provides suitestyle living units for first-year students.



KINNEY HALL houses Animation, Cinematic Arts, Illustration, and Photography faculty offices, classrooms, studios, and labs, including electronic publishing labs. Also in Kinney are the Fab Lab (fabrication lab); the IT Help Desk; glass-blowing, ceramics, illustration, and industrial design studios; a printmaking lab; computer labs; the CCAD Supply Store; and the campus print lab.

THE AMELITA MIROLO FINE ARTS BUILDING houses painting and drawing classrooms; individual studio spaces for fine arts seniors; and the Beaton Gallery.


60 Cleveland Ave., Columbus, OH 43215 // 614.222.6191

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