Genesis I

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GENESIS I by Prof. Corrado Malanga June, 2010

Preface This work creates a strong link between the abduction experiences, their reality, and the Myth world. We re-interpreted the Jewish Qabbalah using the information coming from the abduction phenomenon. This is a modern interpretation for the Qabbalah, and it drops the veils still present after considering Luouria’s studies. We strongly suggest you to read, before this work, “Alieni o demoni” (Aliens or Demons, still not available in English, T.N.) and also to read the articles: “La fisica delle Abduction” (available in English: “The Physics of Abduction”,) “Il tempo e la sua percezione”, “Mental Simulations”(still not available in English) in order to make sure you can have a better understanding of the concepts presented in this work. Introduction The time has come to shed light on the genesis of the Universe. In the previous articles we had shaped a certain idea about the cosmos, the Aliens, the Creators’ role in the Universe and so on. Such articles described the results achieved thanks to our research on the issues related to abductions and alien interferences on our planet, within the limits of the techniques we used to examine thoroughly such phenomena. We now are able to give a better and more detailed image for the map of the territory. We obtained such information through hypnosis, a useful tool to bring to awareness our abductees’ Soul component, and also through some mental simulation techniques (SIMBAD and Flash Simulation). Such mental simulation systems do not require an external simulator, but they can be self-induced. However, we’ll talk about this specific subject in our next work. For now, It is sufficient to know that we tried to use the abductees (who already had solved their abduction issue,) as remote viewer, so to say. Their Remote view capabilities were extremely interesting and gave us excellent cues that allowed us to create an organization chart for the entire creation. We, ourselves, couldn’t believe the results we reached at the end: a final surprise! But let’s proceed in an orderly manner. In plain words, we asked the Soul component, once separated from the triad, to describe some of the events about the past and about the evolution of our planet. We listened to certain statements that were pronounced by the abductees: they were not always the result of a question. They came up in both cases: if we were there asking, and also if we were not there. During the first stage the abductees we worked with couldn’t contact each other; we allowed their statements to be compared only afterwards. The 3D organization chart which we present you here represents the Creation of the Universe based on the descriptions provided by the Soul components. In such organization chart we made a major adjustment to the previous hypothesis: this adjustment concerns the character and figure of Primordial Man (PM). With “PM” we indicate the expression and creation of the Primordial Man by the first Creator, one of the two Creators produced by the initial Consciousness. Many people recently asked us to clear this character’s position. We thought at first, when we had just started our research, that he was our good father and Creator; and instead he is a really shady character. But let’s proceed in an orderly manner, and let’s see what happens in the moment when the creation wakes up. The big picture We did prepare the picture below in order to describe the whole Universe. This will be our reference point, the outline to follow and to compare with our written description of the events, moment after moment.

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