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Providing accessible English translations of international authors to enrich worldwide dialogue



5 | Exploring Faith with New Eyes 6 | A Prophetic Bishop Speaks to His People. The Complete Homilies of Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero (Vol. 1, 2 & 3) 8 | A Study Guide on the Reign of God 9 | For Love or Money: Rampant Capitalism an the Praxis of Jesus | A Face for God. Reflections on Trinitarian Theology for our Times 10 | The Way Opened Up by Jesus: A Commentary on the Gospel of Mark | Words of Liberty: The Biblical Message of Liberation 11 | From Anxiety to Peace | The Prayer that Jesus Taught 12 | Meditation with Children | Believe? Tell Me Why: Conversations with Those Who Have Left the Church 13 | Forgive Yourself | Persons Are Our Best Gifts 14 | The Living and True God. The Mystery of the Trinity | Gospel & Tradition 15 | Jesus: An Historical Approximation 16 | Jesus Christ: Salvation of All | God’s Reign & the End of Empires 17 | Morality in Social Life | Called to Freedom 18 | A New Introduction to the Synoptic Gospels | A Different Priest: The Epistle to the Hebrews 19 | The Way Opened Up by Jesus: A Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew | Paul: The Great Scandal 20 | The Banquet: A Reading of the Fifth Sura of the Qur’an | Builders of Community. Rethinking Ecclesiastical Ministry 21 | Hispanic Ministry in the 21st Century: Present and Future 22 | Following in the Footsteps of Jesus. Years A, B & C 23 | The Art of Purifying the Heart | Transparencies of Eternity 24 | The Goal of Life | Why Are We Here? | Experiencing God in a Time of Crisis

a. Ediciones SM ©Sergio Cuest

Dolores Aleixandre Parra RSCJ, has doctoral degrees in both Trilingual Biblical Philology and Theology, and has been Professor of Sacred Scripture at the University of Comillas in Madrid. She is an internationally known author and spiritual leader, giving retreats, courses and conferences in several different countries. She has contributed to the inclusion and promotion of women in theology, describing herself as «a woman of and for the Kingdom» rather than a «consecrated soul». In recent years she has lived in an inter-congregational community in a Caritas Centre for immigrant families, experiencing hospitality and forming bonds with people in very difficult social and economic situations.

THEOLOGY & SPIRITUALITY To commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the Second Vatican Council, three of the most important authors in the field of Spanish religious and theological studies offer their reflections on the subject of faith. Each of them is a child of a Council member whose memory we are celebrating. The authors, each with their individual and distinct style, expose aspects concerning the Christian faith that can help readers to personalize it and make it ever more deeply their own.

Exploring Faith with New Eyes Addressing the Crisis of Belief in a Secular Age Dolores Aleixandre Parra José A. Pagola Juan Martín Velasco 978-1-934996-60-7 144 Pages Library Bound US $ 26.99 Fides Series

José Antonio Pagola was born in Spain in 1937. He completed his theological studies in 1962 at the Pontifical University in Rome and his studies in Sacred Scripture at the Papal Biblical Institute in Rome in 1966. He also studied biblical sciences at the École Biblique in Jerusalem. Pagola is a professor at St. Sebastian Seminary and at the Faculty of Theology of Northern Spain.

Exploring Faith with New Eyes offers sections for personal reflection and suggests ways in which groups can come together for study and discussion of the text. This book will help those who read it —whatever their personal or ecclesiastical status— feel lovingly looked upon by the Lord and be able to sincerely say those words of St. Paul: «I know whom I have believed».


a. Ediciones SM ©Sergio Cuest

Juan Martín Velasco is one of Spain’s leading philosophers of religion and critics of the religious situation in our world. He is currently Professor Emeritus of Phenomenology of Religion at the Pontifical University of Salamanca, as well as in the Faculty of Theology of «San Damaso» in Madrid. He has taught at the Institute of Religious Sciences at the Complutense University of Madrid, and at the Comillas Pontifical University and the University of Granada. He was Rector of the Seminary of Madrid (1977-1987) and, for sixteen years, was director of the Institute of Pastoral Theology in Spain. His publications include more than 30 books and numerous articles and contributions to collective works worldwide.


Editor and Translator,

Joseph V. Owens, is a Jesuit who has spent most of his active career working in the Caribbean and Central America. His various ministries have included grass-roots organizing, pastoral work, radio apostolate, and teaching. He is currently working on a translation of the complete homilies of Archbishop Oscar Romero.

This volume is the first in an ambitious initiative by the Romero Trust to provide English translations of a series of books about the martyred Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero. Romero has been attracting a growing interest worldwide because of his prophetic words and his option for the poor, which he faithfully lived out until his assassination at the altar. With an integrity and authenticity rare in the contemporary church, Romero managed to find an extraordinary synthesis between orthodoxy and the way it is practiced, and he exhibited a beautiful blend of deep prayerful spirituality and effective action for justice. Because of these achievements, he has become an increasingly attractive ecclesiastical figure for the twenty-first century and a genuine icon for our skeptical times. The United Nations has recognized him, and the Anglican Communion has virtually canonized him by including him with a special collect prayer in its annual liturgical calendar. From the time Romero was named archbishop of San Salvador on February 22nd, 1977 until he was murdered at the altar on March 24th, 1980, he delivered 193 homilies that were broadcast to the nation by radio. These homilies were later transcribed and published in six volumes in El Salvador. The homilies are the impassioned voice of a prophetic pastor addressing his people and his nation at a time of unprecedented crisis and violence. Romero unrelentingly condemns the repression of the people at the hands of the powerful and resolutely commits the Church to the difficult and dangerous struggle for justice and human rights. The homilies offer an unsparing indictment of the harsh political reality of El Salvador but never cease to summon Salvadorans to respond courageously to the Gospel precepts of peace, love, and social equality. Presented in a style suitable for both specialists and the general readership, the present volume is an English translation of the first 46 homilies, delivered between March 14th and November 25th, 1977, corresponding to the first volume of the original Spanish edition. Besides the regular Sunday homilies, this volume includes others given at the funeral masses of Fr. Rutilio Grande, Fr. Alfonso Navarro, and Foreign Minister Mauricio Borgonovo, all victims of death squads.



Oscar Romero, born in Ciudad Barrios, on August 15th 1917, studied theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome and was ordained priest in 1942. He served the diocese of San Miguel for 25 years. In 1977 he was the surprise choice as San Salvador’s new archbishop. Over three years he became the voice of the voiceless poor, speaking the truth about the violations of human rights and the exploitation of the poor. His weekly sermons were legendary and gave hope to the communities suffering terrible repression. He saw six of his priests and dozens of lay leaders assassinated by the security forces before he himself was gunned down at the altar as he celebrated a requiem mass on Monday March 24th 1980. He is venerated in Latin America and throughout the world as a Vatican II Bishop who made a fundamental option for the poor and gave his life for his people. He is already «Servant of God» Romero —the first step on the ladder to Sainthood.The cause for his Beatification was accepted in Rome in 1997. Ten years later Pope Benedict XVI stated «that Romero himself merits beatification, I do not doubt». In that light the official recognition of Archbishop Romero’s sanctity will surely be forthcoming.


A Prophetic Bishop Speaks to his People The Complete Homilies of Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero

A Prophetic Bishop Speaks to his People The Complete Homilies of Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero

A Prophetic Bishop Speaks to his People The Complete Homilies of Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero

Volume 1 (of 6) Translated by Joseph V. Owens SJ

Volume 2 (of 6) Translated by Joseph V. Owens SJ

Volume 3 (of 6) Translated by Joseph V. Owens SJ

978-1-934996-58-4 504 Pages Library Bound US $ 39.99 Martyria Series

978-1-934996-62-1 532 Pages Library Bound US $ 39.99 September 2015 Martyria Series

978-1-934996-58-4 468 Pages Library Bound US $ 39.99 September 2015 Martyria Series


THEOLOGY & PASTORAL RESOURCES Following his acclaimed God’s Reign and the End of Empires (see page 17), Antonio González has provided A Study Guide on the Reign of God. This new guide presents a challenging «social theology» that is especially suited for use in Bible study groups, small parish communities, and youth groups. Conversation starter discussion questions for each unit are included in an appendix.

a noted Spanish theologian, has taught at the Jesuit University in Guatemala and various centers of higher education in Europe. He shares with liberation theology the perspective of God’s option for the poor and the centrality of praxis in the Christian message and life. He is a member of a Mennonite community and is author of Structures in Praxis, Trinity and Liberation and Theology of the Evangelical Praxis. Editor and Translator,

Joseph V. Owens, is a 8

Jesuit who has spent most of his active career working in the Caribbean and Central America. His various ministries have included grass-roots organizing, pastoral work, radio apostolate, and teaching. He is currently working on a translation of the complete homilies of Archbishop Oscar Romero.

A Study Guide on the Reign of God Antonio González Edited by Joseph V. Owens 978-1-934996-35-5 232 Pages Library Bound US $ 26.49 Ministeria Series

González offers a fresh biblical theology for Christians who are struggling to understand how to live their faith in today’s swiftly changing, globalized world. It shows how the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, tells a story of God’s desire to liberate people from the political, economic, and social powers that subjugate them. The first ten units of the guide, «Messianic Longing», introduce the reader to the «radicality» of the Bible’s understanding of human nature, grace, and sin; it then summarizes the powerful message of the Jewish scriptures in terms of election, exodus, and the reign of God. The second ten units, «Messianic Reality», present the heart of Jesus’ message: the reign of the poor, the community of disciples, the conflict with the powerful, and the meaning of the cross. The final ten units, «Messianic Community», recount the outpouring of the Spirit of the risen Jesus in the early Christian communities, where social relations were dramatically transformed, setting an example for how Christians should live today.


Antonio González,


José Antonio Pagola was born in Spain in 1937. He completed his theological studies in 1962 at the Pontifical University in Rome and his studies in Sacred Scripture at the Papal Biblical Institute in Rome in 1966. He also studied biblical sciences at the École Biblique in Jerusalem. Pagola is a professor at St. Sebastian Seminary and at the Faculty of Theology of Northern Spain.

Present day neoliberal ideologies are generating a frightening and unpredictable growth of poverty, leaving millions of unemployed citizens and thousands homeless-mercilessly pounding the weakest, creating and growing real dramas of inequality between rich and poor.

For Love or Money Rampant Capitalism and the Praxis of Jesus José A. Pagola 978-1-934996-70-6 Library Bound US $ 22.59 Upcoming 2016 Sapientia Series

At the same time, we are witnessing the deterioration of the existing social model, cutting such basic rights as the right to health care or education, growing the risk of public exclusion of the poorest groups, weakening the defense of communal property, and damaging social cohesion. The difficulties seem insurmountable. What can be done of the tyranny of financial powers to the world community? José A. Pagola stresses the urgent need for us to study what Jesus thought of money and to learn through his words and gestures the messages that can bring us together towards a common destiny that serves a united humanity.



Maria Clara Lucchetti Bingemer is Brazilian. In 1975 she graduated as a journalist at the Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro where she also completed a Master in Theology. She obtained her Doctoral Degree in Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. She is regarded as an expert on lay spirituality emerging from the basic Christian communities in Latin America. Among her publications are: Simone Weil: Una mística en los límites; Un rostro para Dios and Sentir y experimentar a Dios de un modo femenino.

Since the dawn of time, humans have been seeking the face of God. Our times are no different. We live in a world in which we find the coexistence of secularism and atheism, and religious institutions with ancient roots existing alongside new religious movements that formulate their own new synthesis in order to give expression to the reality of God. Within this pluralism, which points toward the never-ending search in the human heart, a need emerges for a deepening of the Christian conception of God.

A Face for God Reflections on Trinitarian Theology for our Times Maria Clara Lucchetti Bingemer 978-1-934996-54-6 184 pages Library Bound US $ 28.99 Traditio Series

A Face for God is a spiritual and theological reflection on contemporary beliefs about God. After addressing the philosophical background of today’s prevailing post-modern attitudes and rapidly changing cultural expressions, the author questions whether it is still possible to offer a profile and face for God, one with consistency and personality, amid the ambiguous religious feelings of our times. The author offers useful suggestions for enriching the search for, and the experience of, God in our lives by drawing a profile and face of God through the Trinitarian understanding of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


The Way Opened Up by Jesus A Commentary on the Gospel of Mark José A. Pagola Translated by Margaret Wilde 978-1-934996-61-4 Library Bound US $ 36.99 Upcoming 2016 Kyrios Series

For followers of Jesus, the four gospels are a unique and irreplaceable resource.They are not textbooks, expounding an academic doctrine of Jesus. They are not detailed biographies, tracing his life in history. These stories bring us close to Jesus as the first generations of Christians remembered him, with faith and love. On the one hand, they show us the great impact Jesus caused in the people who first were attracted to him and followed him. On the other, they were written to inspire new disciples to do the same. They are narratives of conversion, and that is how they must be read, preached, meditated on, and kept in the heart of every believer and every Christian community. Pagola offers an approach to the story of Jesus as it was compiled and presented by the Gospel of Mark. It will remind us of Jesus’ call to a real-life commitment to the vision of the reign of God in today’s society (See also: page 19).


BIBLICAL STUDIES / OLD TESTAMENT Italian Jesuit Pietro Bovati reminds us that each section of the Old Testament contains expressions that explain and supplement narrated events that bring a powerful message of freedom and liberation for today. Pietro Bovati SJ, teaches biblical hermeneutics, exegesis and theology of the Old Testament at the Pontifical Biblical Institute (Rome), where he was also dean. His publications include Ristabilire la giustizia (Restoring Justice), Il libro del Deuteronomio, (The Book of Deuteronomy), Cosi parla il Signore, Studi sul profetismo biblico (Thus says the Lord, Studies in Biblical prophecy), and Il libro del profeta Amos (The book of the prophet Amos).

Words of Freedom The Biblical Message of Liberation Pietro Bovati SJ 978-1-934996-68-3 Library Bound US $ 41.99 Upcoming 2016 Biblica Series

His systematic study will facilitate insight of the sacred texts by examining both the stories themselves and particular phrases— such as those of the Patriarchs and of David. His methodology of combining both exegetical and thematic perspectives provides a valuable articulation, revealing a rich reinforcement of the the importance of the theme of liberation as integral part of the whole theology of the Old Testament.


José Antonio Pagola was born in Spain in 1937. He completed his theological studies in 1962 at the Pontifical University in Rome and his studies in Sacred Scripture at the Papal Biblical Institute in Rome in 1966. He also studied biblical sciences at the École Biblique in Jerusalem. Pagola is a professor at St. Sebastian Seminary and at the Faculty of Theology of Northern Spain.

The first Christian communities thought of themselves, above all, as followers of Jesus. For them, believing in Jesus meant walking in his «way» by following his footsteps. One ancient writing, known as the letter to the Hebrews, calls it a «new and living way». It is not the path trodden in the past by the people of Israel, but a way «that he opened for us» (Hebrews 10:20).

PERSONAL GROWTH & MEDITATION Spiritual awareness and growth are high priorities for many people today. Meditation is the path to growth, the way to deepen our own commitment to life.

John Main OSB a Benedictine monk, was born in London in 1926. During his youth his teacher was a Hindu monk, Swami Satyananda, who taught him the technique of Hindu meditation. Later Main discovered that similar practices existed in Christian tradition. Main brought Christian mediation to the 20th century and proposed it to contemporary women and men seeking deeper spiritual growth in their lives. He moved to Canada in 1977, to open a house of prayer in Montreal and died in 1982.

From Anxiety to Peace

In the tradition of meditation the space for the expansion of our spirit is to be found in silence. Through contact with the Life Source we can begin to understand the mystery of our being and to realize our potential to enter into fullness of life, fullness of love, and fullness of wisdom. The practice of meditation is quite simple, but it requires discipline in repeating a mantra again and again. Once rooted, it flourishes.

John Main OSB 978-1-934996-51-5 104 Pages Library Bound US $ 12.99 Meditatio Series



Gerry Pierse (1940-1999) was a Redemptorist priest from County Kerry in Ireland. In the early years of his ministry, he served primarily in rural missions, while in later years he specialized in giving retreats. He was greatly inspired by the teaching of Benedictine monk, John Main. Pierse had a gift with words that made his teaching simple, clear and effective. He produced several books to help others persevere on the path of Christian meditation.

Gerry Pierse offers reflections that encourage readers to engage in daily meditation by surrendering all thought and repeating a prayer word, called a mantra. Such meditation is a discipline to be followed every day as we attempt to create a space for God in which we grasp nothing and want nothing. We do not pray to be successful; we pray to be faithful.

The Prayer that Jesus Taught Gerry Pierse 978-1-934996-52-2 96 Pages Library Bound US $ 12.99 Meditatio Series

Through this meditative experience we die to the self and are reborn into Christ. We do not need to seek God’s presence, because he is already within us; we must simply recognize it, for «The Kingdom of God is within you». Conviction comes through the meditative experience. We must always come back to the prayer word, persistently but gently.


Meditation with Children Laurence Freeman OSB (editor)

Meditating in a spiritual tradition can help re-balance the whole human system. It offers children as well as adults an opportunity to become aware that there is another way of relating with themselves and others, through a support system, a community, and a context of spiritual friendship which are vital to growing in one’s humanity.

978-1-934996-53-9 72 Pages Library Bound US $ 12.99 Meditatio Series



José Antonio Pagola was born in Spain in 1937. He completed his theological studies in 1962 at the Pontifical University in Rome and his studies in Sacred Scripture at the Papal Biblical Institute in Rome in 1966. He also studied biblical sciences at the École Biblique in Jerusalem. Pagola is a professor at St. Sebastian Seminary and at the Faculty of Theology of Northern Spain.

This book addresses questions and uncertainties expressed by those who have distanced themselves from the faith in which they were nurtured as children. Their faith is still there, flickering in the depths, but it is surrounded by doubts and prejudices. Pagola understands their reluctance to search the past for those once-comforting certainties, and is aware of their unwillingness to return to the beliefs and practices of former times.

Believe? Tell Me Why: Conversations with Those Who Have Left the Church José Antonio Pagola 978-1-934996-56-0 104 Pages Library Bound US $ 19.99 Fides Series

Offering guidance in their need for understanding various things about the faith, Pagola proposes not a process of catechesis, or meetings for religious formation, or prayer meetings for believers. Rather, he suggests that the most helpful way through this stage would be to make the return journey with a group of fellow seekers who are taking the first steps toward a new faith by sharing their anxieties and experiences with others.


Laurence Freeman OSB is a Benedictine monk and Director of The World Community for Christian Meditation. He studied theology at the Universite de Montreal and at McGill University. He was a student of John Main with whom he helped establish the first Christian Meditation Centre in London, dedicated to the practice and teaching of Christian meditation. Freeman is the author of many books and articles including Christian Meditation, The Selfless Self, First Sight, and Jesus: The Teacher Within.

This book focuses on teaching meditation to children, who can be naturally and totally present in the moment and are thus capable of pure prayer, prayer of the heart. Meditation can be a powerful way to allow their spirit the deepest possible contact with the Life Source and the space within which to expand.

PERSONAL GROWTH & MEDITATION Many people feel guilt and anger about hurt inflicted on them by the actions of others. Physical and emotional wounds cause serious inabilities to forgive and function in many aspects of their lives. Anselm Grün OSB, is spiritual leader and director of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach near Würzburg, Germany. His study has combined the traditional teachings of his monastic fathers with modern psychology, philosophy, theology, and economics. He is one of the most widely read Christian writers of our time with over 300 titles published, which have sold well over 14 million copies in more than 30 languages .

Forgive Yourself Anselm Grün OSB

German Benedictine, Anselm Grün discusses the phenomenon of forgiveness and reconciliation from the Bible’s perspective in relation to today’s society —examining both personal as well as political dimensions. He describes steps of the reconciliation and offers practical meditation exercises that will help us become accepting of ourselves and others, and to open ourselves to the accepting love of God.

978-1-934996-69-0 Library Bound US $ 24.99 Upcoming 2016 Sapientia Series



Hedwig Lewis SJ, was born in Mumbai (Bombay), India, in 1945. He joined the Society of Jesus, Gujarat Province in 1964 and was ordained a priest and was appointed as lecturer at St. Xavier’s College, Ahmedabad in 1977. He received the Rev. T.A. Mathias Award for Innovative College Teachers from the All-India Association for Christian Higher Education (AIACHE), New Delhi, in 1993. Lewis has authored over thirty books that have been translated into Spanish, Lithuanian, and several Indian languages.

People are our greatest assets; persons are our best-loved gifts. We treasure people and particular persons for the varied ways in which they enrich our lives and bring out the best in us. Persons Are Our Best Gifts is a treasury of «people-gifts» —a collection of over one hundred inspiring and motivational «stories-with-a difference» centered on personality and relationships.

Persons are our Best Gifts Inspirational Stories for Person-Centered Living Hedwig Lewis SJ 978-1-934996-55-3 224 Pages Library Bound US $ 29.99 Sapientia Series

The first section highlights the value of «persons» in our lives. The second section emphasizes «close encounters» with people and presents a gallery of personality types. The stories mirror the realities that make up our lives and provoke personal reflection, and they also provide powerful tools for parents and teachers for instruction and discussion. This book is a handy reference for speakers, presenters, preachers, and writers.

THEOLOGY This study is an absolute must for students of theology, be they professional or simply curious non-specialist general readers… An excellent pick, very much recommended reading for community and college theology collections. — Midwest Book Review

The Living and True God The Mystery of the Trinity New Revised Translation Luis F. Ladaria

This volume documents the historical development of the doctrine of the Trinity and its significance for the Christian faith. In a broad and systematic way, Luis F. Ladaria traces the debates within the early Christian church as the concept of the Trinity developed. He also reflects on the great masters of church tradition concerning their understanding of the Trinity and is in dialogue with various contemporary theologians on this subject.

978-1-934996-06-5 496 Pages Library Bound US $ 52.95 June 2010 Traditio Series



Bernard Sesboüé SJ, is Emeritus Professor of the Theological Faculty of the Centre de Sévres in Paris. Born in 1929, Sesboüé is a worldrecognized French Jesuit scholar and ecumenical specialist with more than 50 publications translated into several languages. His works offer a contemporary presentation of the Christian faith and its relationship to Patristic Christology and interreligious dialogue. He is a consultant to the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.

With rootedness, not only in the Catholic tradition, but in a broad irenic catholicity, Sesboüé draws on the church’s traditions of doctrinal development, deft adaptation to cultural circumstances, and confidence in the power of the gospel message to be borne by a variety of ecclesiological images in order to offer rich insights into the possibilities of how ‘tradition’ might function as a vital category in the church’s contemporary witness. Theologians across geographical and ecclesial boundaries will benefit mightily form this work.

Gospel and Tradition

— Robert C. Saler, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago

Bernard Sesboüé 978-1-934996-17-1 208 Pages Library Bound US $ 25.95 December 2011 Traditio Series

Gospel & Tradition is a concise, tightly written work mapping out how the Gospel has impacted the Tradition in a variety of epochs and cultural situations—creeds, sacraments, liturgy, mission, society. His work reflects a long standing involvement in ecumenical dialogue. It doesn’t intend to propose subtle solutions to complex problems, but goes a long way in elucidating the issues and questions facing us during the rest of the 21st century. — George Griener SJ, Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University, Berkeley, California


Archbishop Luis F. Ladaria, a Jesuit theologian who is currently the Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, has been a professor of theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University of Rome since 1984. Since 2004 he has been the general secretary of the International Theological Commission. His works have greatly contributed to contemporary theological debates.


José Antonio Pagola was born in Spain in 1937. He completed his theological studies in 1962 at the Pontifical University in Rome and his studies in Sacred Scripture at the Papal Biblical Institute in Rome in 1966. He also studied biblical sciences at the École Biblique in Jerusalem. Pagola is a professor at St. Sebastian Seminary and at the Faculty of Theology of Northern Spain.

This is an extraordinary work of scholarship. Beautifully written, it is also an expression of the author’s profound faith commitment… The author presents a compelling ‘approximation of that life’… A highly readable book that deserves a wide readership in the Church and the academy. — Roberto Goizueta, Boston College, Former President of the Catholic Theological Society of America

Jesus An Historical Approximation José A. Pagola Translated by Margaret Wilde ERIC HOFFER BOOK AWARD FINALIST

978-1-934996-09-6 560 Pages Library Bound US $ 49.99 Kyrios Series

Pagola’s little book is excellent. Jesus: An Historical Approximation is a model of what the academy in service of the church should be: it is scholarly, faithful, ecumenical, and very well-written. — Christopher Bryan, C. K. Benedict Professor of New Testamentemeritus at The University of the South, Editor of The Sewanee Theological Review

Pagola has a simple message to convey. God must be understood as compassion, not power. In his book he set out to depict, in clear, accessible layman’s language, as much as the historical sources allow, a comprehensive picture of Jesus of Nazareth. Just who was he? What was his contemporary world really like? Why did he want to go beyond complex religious codes and ritual practices? And why did he end up on collision course with the local Jewish authorities and the delegates of imperial Rome? — Mark Dowd, The Tablet, UK

This is an original account of contexts related to Jesus, and is among the most inspired books in biblical studies I have read during the last decade. — Yves Laberge, Faculté de philosophie, Université Laval, Québec, Canada

The controversial book, Jesus, Aproximación Historica, has sold more than 100,000 copies since its release in 2007. Convivium Press has now made it available in English as Jesus: An Historical Approximation. In this bestseller, greeted with both enthusiasm and controversy in Europe, José Antonio Pagola, criticized by some of depicting a too-human Jesus, offers a scholarly and thought provoking biblical rereading of the life of Jesus. Pagola reconstructs the historical figure with a scholarly exegetical and theological approach, presenting a lively and passionate narrative of Jesus of Nazareth within the milieu of the first century.



— David Sielaff, Associates for Scriptural Knowledge

Jesus Christ Salvation of All Luis F. Ladaria 978-1-934996-04-1 152 Pages Library Bound US $ 30.95 October 2008 Traditio Series

In this collection of essays, Ladaria addresses why it is necessary to maintain that Christ is the universal savior, even though this assertion may sound unintelligible, perhaps shocking, and even arrogant to some of our contemporaries. Ladaria holds to the uniqueness of the person of Christ as being essential for the ultimate salvation of all humankind.



Antonio González, a noted Spanish theologian, has taught at the Jesuit University in Guatemala and various centers of higher education in Europe. He shares with liberation theology the perspective of God’s option for the poor and the centrality of praxis in the Christian message and life. He is a member of a Mennonite community and is author of Structures in Praxis, Trinity and Liberation, and Theology of the Evangelical Praxis.

God’s Reign & the End of Empires Antonio González 978-1-934996-29-4 384 Pages Library Bound US $ 32.95 Kyrios Series

González masters a vast variety of economic, political, sociological and theological issues with a high degree of scholarly command, clarity, and elegance. He offers a meaningful way forward and the courage not to lose hope —for those of us who have theoretically and academically struggled for quite some time with the structural, cultural, psychological, and overt violence of imperial capitalism… and for those of us who simply feel in our hearts that something is basically going wrong in our society, culture and world and are looking for meaningful alternatives. This is social theology at its best. — Ulrich Duchrow, Professor of Systematic Theology at the University of Heidelberg

In this book, Antonio González analyzes the nature of global empires since the time of Babylon. Within God’s reign, God alone rules, with mercy, love, justice, and special concern for the oppressed. Imbued with this faith, a new community of believers developed, who lived what Jesus proclaimed, sharing resources and practicing equality and forgiveness.


Archbishop Luis F. Ladaria, a Jesuit theologian who is currently the Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, has been a professor of theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University of Rome since 1984. Since 2004 he has been the general secretary of the International Theological Commission. His works have greatly contributed to contemporary theological debates.

Ladaria presents a powerful statement openly advocating the doctrine of universal salvation (as well as divination or deification of the saved as the goal of God for individual human beings). This eminent Spanish Jesuit scholar carefully chooses his words throughout his book, making sure he goes only slightly beyond the latest doctrinal statements of the Roman Catholic Church. Nevertheless, his advocacy of universal salvation is undeniable and openly proclaimed.


Sergio Bastianel SJ, is currently Ordinary Professor of Moral Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome and also serves as its academic vice-rector. He spent his early years teaching and lecturing at the Pontifical Theological Faculty of San Luigi in Naples, Italy, and in later years he served as Dean of the Theological Faculty of the Pontifical Gregorian University.

Morality in Social Life is a valuable work on the centrality of relationships, story, and virtue to morality in the social sphere. Those who are quick to advocate for public policies based on theological principles will be disappointed in this work, but they would do well to remember Bastianel’s central thesis: …God communicates himself in the man of Nazareth, in his gestures, words, his human way of living out relationships on this earth, in his living and dying, in his remaining present through the gift of the Spirit.

Morality in Social Life Sergio Bastianel 978-1-934996-14-0 360 Pages Library Bound US $ 32.99 Episteme Series

— National Catholic Reporter, Arlene Helderman Montevecchio, Director for Social Concerns, Gannon University

Bastianel views moral personal life as more than a private and individual reality. He makes it clear that one’s relationship with the «other» is basic to the moral experience, and it constitutes part of the inner unity of a free and conscious responsible human being. With that understanding Bastianel addresses the interconnections between personal morals and social justice, raising fundamental questions about political life and economics, about hunger and development, about common good and institutions. 17

BIBLICAL STUDIES / OLD TESTAMENT With it primary focus upon freedom within the context of Israelite history, Professor Meynet’s Call to Freedom is a work of seminal and impressive biblical scholarship that will be of special interest to theologians and non-specialist readers alike. Roland Meynet SJ, a French Jesuit, is presently professor of Biblical theology at the Papal Gregorian University in Rome and was the former director of its Department of Biblical Theology. He is a founding member and currently the secretary of the International Society for the Studies of Biblical and Semitic Rhetoric in Rome and is one of the most important and renowned promoters of the rhetorical method as it applies to Biblical and Semitic texts.

— Midwest Book Review

Called to Freedom Roland Meynet 978-1-934996-08-9 296 Pages Library Bound US $ 41.95 Rhetotica Semitica Series

Called to Freedom from Roland Meynet’s series on Biblical rhetoric presents a unique method of textual interpretation. In this volume, Meynet posits that the concept of freedom in the Hebrew Bible is the guiding core of all the sociopolitical distinctions within Israel’s religious experience and history. This original study leads us through the experience of the people of Israel in the Exodus. It guides us into a new reading of the Law in the two narrative sections of the Decalogue, seeing it as an expression of the search for the authentic meaning of human freedom. Called to Freedom makes an important contribution to the field of Biblical studies and is a topic that is especially relevant for modern society.


A New Introduction to the Synoptic Gospels Roland Meynet 978-1-934996-11-9 296 Pages Library Bound US $ 43.99 Rhetotica Semitica Series

— Review of Biblical Literature, Tobias Hägerland, Lund University, Lund, Sweden

Meynet offers a new perspective on the study of the Synoptic Gospels adding further insights within the growing body of modern research into the meanings of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke. Utilizing the rhetorical method of analysis, Meynet studies the composition of the Gospels and makes it possible to understand them in systematic and unexpected ways.



Cardinal Albert Vanhoye is one of the most recognized scholars on the Epistle to the Hebrews. He has taught it at the Pontifical Biblical Institute and has written a great number of articles and books on the subject. He is honorary president of the International Society for the Study of Biblical and Semitic Rhetoric.

Vanhoye’s main concern is to examine how the distinctive rhetorical and oratorical elements of Semitic rhetoric shaped the profound theology of Christian faith and how it was proclaimed through the distinctive literary genre of the sermon. His book is a unique contribution to biblical rhetoric and Christian theology, and it will be a fascinating resource —rare and invaluable— for preachers and scholars of preaching. — Rev. Eunjoo M. Kim, Ph. D., Director, Doctor of Ministry Program, The Iliff School of Theology


978-1-934996-20-1 456 Pages Library Bound US $ 26.99 Rhetotica Semitica Series

Albert Vanhoye begins with an overall scan of the text’s structure (which, he notes, takes a homiletic form more than that of a letter) and then provides a section-by-section analysis, noting the rhetorical styles and concluding with a substantial section on the interpretation and meaning of the segment.The first part, which only examines one theme, “the Name of Christ”, offers a general and contemporary Christology. The next two parts offer a priestly Christology, firstly more general and then more specific. Finally, the last two parts show the result of this for the Christian life, lived out in faith, hope and charity.


Roland Meynet SJ, a French Jesuit, is presently professor of Biblical theology at the Papal Gregorian University in Rome and was the former director of its Department of Biblical Theology. He is a founding member and currently the secretary of the International Society for the Studies of Biblical and Semitic Rhetoric in Rome and is one of the most important and renowned promoters of the rhetorical method as it applies to Biblical and Semitic texts.

Meynet is to be acclaimed for taking the pains to engage in such a profound reading of the original texts… Not only does [he] relate the texts to the «biblical context», but his interpretations are also clearly guided by Catholic principles, as these are expressed in various Church documents that Meynet explicitly recognizes as authoritative. In fact, by not being restricted to pure description but also including hermeneutical application, his work seems to correspond quite well to what the Second Vatican Council expected and demanded of Catholic exegetes. It is a truly theological book.


José Antonio Pagola was born in Spain in 1937. He completed his theological studies in 1962 at the Pontifical University in Rome and his studies in Sacred Scripture at the Papal Biblical Institute in Rome in 1966. He also studied biblical sciences at the École Biblique in Jerusalem. Pagola is a professor at St. Sebastian Seminary and at the Faculty of Theology of Northern Spain.

The Way Opened Up by Jesus A Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew José A. Pagola Translated by Margaret Wilde 978-1-934996-28-7 264 Pages Library Bound US $ 36.99 Kyrios Series

Spanish theologian and biblical scholar José Pagola presents a powerful and distinctive «commentary» on the pastoral theology of Matthew’s gospel. This is not a technical, verse-by-verse commentary but a passionate reading of the gospel, concentrating on key passages in sequence, offering a succinct and insightful analysis of the text under consideration and a drawing out of its implications for Christian discipleship today. The purpose of the gospels, Pagola contends, was to give the Christian reader an encounter with the person and message of Jesus. This dynamic exposition of Matthew surely facilitates that purpose. — Donald Senior, CP, editor of The Bible Today and President of Catholic Theological Union

Matthew’s perspective shows Jesus transforming the expectations of the People of Israel —He is the fulfillment of God’s ancient promises to them; he is God’s new presence with them after the destruction of the Temple; he is the Prophet of a new Law proclaimed from a new Mount Sinai; and he is the Messiah who calls together the new Israel, which Matthew calls the Church.



Archimandrite Vassilios Bakoyannis, born in Greece, was ordained and serves in the metropolis of Patras, Greece. He studied at the University of Belgrade (Serbia), St. Vladimir’s Seminary (New York), and Atlantic International University (USA). He is the author of over fifty books on spirituality.

Archimandrite Bakoyannis uses scripture, especially Acts to tell readers about who Paul was, who was his family and where he family comes from. How does Paul’s conversion actually happen and what does it mean? The short four-part volume is quite detailed in recounting Paul’s personal history and the history of his messages along the way. — National Federated Priests Council, This Week

Paul The Great Scandal Vassilios Bakoyannis 978-1-934996-34-8 160 Pages Library Bound US $ 12.99 Sapientia Series

Bakoyannis surveys the life and teachings of the Apostle Paul and presents colorful details and events including some unknown facts about Paul’s life that captivate and challenge the reader into full admiration for Paul’s life, his epistles, and his mission. The author brings both enjoyable reading and a significant message to the contemporary world.


— Midwest Book Review

The Banquet A Reading of the Fifth Sura of the Qur’an Michel Cuypers 978-1-934996-05-8 568 Pages Library Bound US $ 54.95 Rhetotica Semitica Series

Michael Cuypers work is a groundbreaking contribution to Islamic-Christian studies and is being warmly received by the Islamic community. He applies recent methods of rhetorical textual studies to the analysis of the Qur’an, the holy book of Islam, which previously has been seen by many as a fragmented text with little sense of order. He has achieved a systematic and organized reading of the Qur’an text that is in absolute accordance with the Islamic faith, a task that has never before been accomplished.



José Ignacio González Faus was born in Valencia, Spain, in 1935. He has a PhD in Theology from Innsbruck and is currently Professor of Theology and Director of the Centro de Estudios Cristianismo y Justicia in Barcelona. He is author of more than 40 books, including Where the Spirit Breathes: Prophetic Dissent in the Church.

Gonzalez Faus’s analysis and vision future provides hope for the ministry for the twenty-first century. He offers a formidable challenge to those who characteristically view the ministry as consisting of «power, dignity, superiority and remoteness» and offers hope to those who view the ministry as consisting of «service, surrender, sameness and nearness». — Anglican Theological Review, Scott M. Myslinski

Builders of Community Rethinking Ecclesiastical Ministry José Ignacio González Faus

González Faus is among the most influential theologians of the past fifty years, yet his work is largely unknown to English-speaking audiences. In this important work, he brings his ground-breaking Christological insights to bear on contemporary issues of ecclesiology and ministry. Once again, he paves the way for a theology that responds to the demands of the world church of the 21st century. — Roberto S. Goizueta

978-1-934996-25-6 176 Pages Library Bound US $ 21.99 Traditio Series

The reader of this book will find a profound examination and revision of the missionary caritas as the fundamental spark of the ministry’s Christology, of the ministry’s biblical theology, and of the configuration of that same ministry through the whole of its history.


Michael Cuypers is a Belgian Brother of Jesus, the religious community founded by Charles de Foucauld. Since 1994 he has utilized the method of rhetorical analysis in focusing his studies entirely on the composition of the Qur’an text. Cuypers is professor at the Dominican Institute for Eastern studies which was founded in Cairo half a century ago, and is a member of the International Society for the Studies of Biblical and Semitic Rhetoric at the Papal Gregorian University in Rome.

Understanding the Qur’an is essential to understanding Islam… Michel Cuypers presents an engrossing discussion of the actual text and makes a comprehensive scholarly study of what this means for Christian and Islamic relations. With his work appreciated by both Christian and Islamic scholars, he provides much to ponder for any scholar of the Holy Texts of the God of Abraham, and where the paths merge and where the paths diverge. The Banquet is a strong addition to any Christian, Islamic, Judaic, and religious community and college library collections.


Hosffman Ospino teaches pastoral theology and religious education at Boston College where he is the director of the university’s graduate programs in Hispanic Ministry. Dr. Ospino is an officer of the Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States.

This bilingual volume is quite thorough in its treatment of the history, challenges, and future of Hispanic ministry in the United States. Such important issues as engaging youth and young adults, socio-economic realities, discrimination, the missionary status of the Catholic Church, and social compassion for the poor and alienated are examined with great care and research. For anyone involved in ministerial leadership and education, this resource presents a fine dialogue for ministers and the faithful. — Arthur Quinn, St. Vincent De Paul Regional Seminary

Hispanic Ministry in the 21st Century: Present and Future Hossman Ospino (Editor) Bilingual Edition 978-1-934996-16-4 452 Pages Library Bound US $ 22.99 Hispania Series


S Hispanic Ministry and U.S. Catholicism Timothy Matovina 2

S Hispanic Ministry, Evangelization, and Faith Formation Hosffman Ospino 3

S Hispanic Ministry and Theology

Jorge Presmanes and Alicia Marill 4


Hispanic Youth and Young Adult Ministry Ken Johnson-Mondragón 5


Hispanic Ministry, Liturgy, and Spirituality Raúl Gómez-Ruíz 6


Hispanic Ministry and Social Justice Arturo Chávez 7

S Hispanic Ministry and Leadership

Formation Elsie Miranda and Hosffman Ospino



El ministerio hispano y el catolicismo en los Estados Unidos Timothy Matovina 2

S El ministerio hispano, la evangelización

y la formación en la fe Hosffman Ospino 3

S El ministerio hispano y la reflexión

teológica Jorge Presmanes and Alicia Marill 4

S El ministerio hispano y la pastoral

juvenil hispana Ken Johnson-Mondragón 5

S El ministerio hispano, la liturgia

y la espiritualidad Raúl Gómez-Ruíz 6


El ministerio hispano y la justicia social Arturo Chávez 7

S El ministerio hispano y la formación

para el liderazgo Elsie Miranda y Hosffman Ospino

For readers outside the Catholic tradition, this book offers an excellent panorama of the struggles of Hispanic people in the U.S. Most importantly, it describes the crucial issues that have to be dealt with by any church organization that is being impacted by and wants to be responsive to the presence of different racial/ethnic groups. The discussion about leadership training and about the need of a more inclusive theological reflection of ministerial training will be equally helpful to theological institutions and denominations concerned with a more relevant and culturally sensitive theological education of both white and nonwhite church leaders. For those in the U.S. who are truly concerned with the present and future of the church at large, this book definitely sets an unavoidable agenda for reflection and action. — Interpretation, Fernando A. Cascante, Association of Hispanic Theological Education

Ospino brings an edited collection of essays written by leading voices in the field of ministry and theology that explore the present and future of Catholic Hispanic Ministry. The essays were crafted as study documents for a national symposium on this topic and were edited for further reflection in ministerial and academic contexts. This book offers an important contribution to understand the future character of Catholicism in the U.S. The contributors for this edition are: Arturo Chávez, Mexican American Catholic College; Raúl Gómez-Ruiz, SDS, Sacred Heart School of Theology; Alicia Marill and Jorge Presmanes, O.P., Barry University; Timothy Matovina, University of Notre Dame; Elsie Miranda, Barry University; Ken Johnson Mondragón, Instituto Fe y Vida; Hosffman Ospino, Boston College.


MEDITATION / PASTORAL RESOURCES More than ever we need Jesus. We need him as the centre of our personal lives and of our Church. But Jesus, too, needs followers afire with His passion for God’s reign, who will join Him and spend themselves for the Kingdom of God in today’s world… José Antonio Pagola opens before us unsuspected paths in our following of Jesus. — Vasco do Rego SJ

What Pagola impresses upon readers is that fact that following Jesus is serious business and not to be taken lightly. In the introduction Pagola makes the point: “People change from within”. Perhaps one of the most serious problems of our religion is that we do not change, because only what flows through our hearts changes our lives, and frequently is not the vital sap of Jesus that passes through our hearts. — National Federated Priests Council, This Week

Pagola affirms that we can best perceive the truth of the Gospel by meditating long on the words of Jesus. Heartfelt familiarity with the Gospels inspires us with his love for the world, builds up enthusiasm for the Kingdom of God, and makes room for his Spirit to rest in us. We are invited to begin or begin again with these meditations.


José Antonio Pagola was born in Spain in 1937. He completed his theological studies in 1962 at the Pontifical University in Rome and his studies in Sacred Scripture at the Papal Biblical Institute in Rome in 1966. He also studied biblical sciences at the École Biblique in Jerusalem. Pagola is a professor at St. Sebastian Seminary and at the Faculty of Theology of Northern Spain.


Following in the Footsteps of Jesus Meditations on the Gospels for Year A

Following in the Footsteps of Jesus Meditations on the Gospels for Year B

Following in the Footsteps of Jesus Meditations on the Gospel for Year C

José A. Pagola

José A. Pagola

José A. Pagola

978-1-934996-23-2 164 Pages Library Bound US $ 6.95 Ministeria Series

978-1-934996-27-0 160 Pages Library Bound US $ 16.75 Ministeria Series

978-1-934996-49-2 168 Pages Library Bound US $ 15.95 Ministeria Series

PRAYER & MEDITATION There is no doubt in my mind that Špidlík’s work is the most comprehensive general resource for the study of Eastern spirituality available today in a Western language. — Fr. John Meyendorff Tomáš Špidlík, S.J. was born in the Czeck Republic. His Sunday homilies in the Czech language have been translated and published in various languages including Polish, Romanian and Italian.1955 marked the beginning of his university career as a professor of Patristic and Eastern Spiritual Theology at various universities in Rome as well as around the world. He was made Cardinal in 2003 and has become known as one of the greatest experts in the spirituality of Eastern Christianity today.

The Art of Purifying the Heart Tomáš Špidlík 978-1-934996-18-8 112 Pages Library Bound US $ 8.95 Sapientia Series

Špidlík addresses prayer and the spiritual life together with the experience of grace and goodness and through the discernment of evil and human passions in our everyday experience. Reminding readers that everyone must construct his or her spiritual life under the guidance of the Spirit, Spidlik quotes from Saint Ignatius of Loyola, who said, «It is not the richness of science which satisfies the soul, but feeling and tasting things from within», and extends a heartfelt invitation to readers to build their spiritual lives with discernment and prayer of the heart.



Rubem Alves is a pedagogue, poet and philosopher for all time, chronicler of everyday life, storyteller, essayist, theologian, academician, author of children’s books, psychoanalyst, and one of Brazil’s most respected intellectuals. A prolific writer —his bibliography to date includes more than fifty titles in different languages, each with a strong autobiographic bent.

God is not a concept simply understood by many. Transparencies of Eternity is scholarly prose and poetry from Ruben Alves, as his work studies the concept of God, faith, and the love that goes both ways, presented a study that presents much to ponder for readers and much to understand for those who want to more completely understand their world. Transparencies of Eternity is a strong addition to religious studies collections, highly recommended. — Midwest Book Review


978-1-934996-19-5 136 Pages Library Bound US $ 10.95 Sapientia Series

As a master of the word, Rubem Alves relates events and experiences in life where God, religiosity, love, beauty and the meaning of life are always present. They are his Transparencies of Eternity —a collection of poetic and spiritual chronicles that reveal both a profound knowledge and experience of the major existential questions of humankind. The texts flow with a simplicity of rare beauty, and the result could not be better: spirituality is presented through a new lens, attracting, instigating and enchanting readers who want to broaden their horizons.


Sarah Bachelard is an Anglican priest and theologian who lives in Canberra, Australia. She has taught theology, ethics and spirituality at Charles Sturt University and is an honorary research fellow at the Australian Catholic University. Sarah is the founder and leader of Benedictus, a contemplative church. She teaches meditation, leads retreats and is currently writing a book on resurrection and moral imagination. She is a member of the wccm and was a keynote speaker at the John Main Seminar in Montreal in 2007.

— Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury

The practice of meditation —the simple practice of silence and stillness— harmonizes and integrates all that we think and say and do. In this series authors from around the world each present a meditative guide on a core element of Christian life and spirituality. They help readers focus on going to the heart of the Gospel teachings and integrating them into their lives.


Laurence Freeman OSB is a Benedictine monk and Director of The World Community for Christian Meditation. He studied theology at the Universite de Montreal and at McGill University. He was a student of John Main with whom he helped establish the first Christian Meditation Centre in London, dedicated to the practice and teaching of Christian meditation. Freeman is the author of many books and articles including Christian Meditation; The Selfless Self; First Sight; and Jesus: The Teacher Within.

What people of all ages recognize in these practices is the possibility, quite simply, of living more humanly —living with less frantic acquisitiveness, living with space for stillness, living in the expectation of learning, and most of all, living with an awareness that there is a solid and durable joy to be discovered in the disciplines of self forgetfulness…


The Goal of Life

Why Are We Here?

Laurence Freeman OSB

Laurence Freeman OSB

Fr. Freeman shares insights into understanding Jesus to better understand ourselves and the goal of our lives.

Fr. Freeman engages the radical question of our being in the world and guides the reader to an openness to the prayer of Christ in our hearts.

Experiencing God in a Time of Crisis Sarah Bachelard

978-1-934996-30-0 80 Pages Library Bound US $ 12.50

978-1-934996-31-7 80 Pages Library Bound US $ 12.50

Bachelard, an Anglican priest, suggests how the practice of meditation may help us endure and integrate times of crisis, collapse, and distress in our lives. 978-1-934996-32-4 120 Pages Library Bound US $ 13.95

The Meditatio Series is a joint venture of Convivium Press with the World Community of Christian Meditation with presence in over 100 countries. The series offers brief contemporary guides to the practice of meditation found in the teachings of the first Christian monks leading to a felt sense of God’s presence and closeness.








Hombres de la comunidad. Repensando el ministerio eclesial José Ignacio González Faus

Sorprendidos por la esperanza. Repensando el cielo, la resurrección y la vida eterna N.T. Wright

El cristianismo como comunidad y las comunidades cristianas Pedro Trigo

Llamados a la libertad Roland Meynet

Un sacerdote diferente. La epístola a los Hebreos Albert Vanhoye


US $ 25.95

978-1-934996-22-5 US $ 20.99

978-1-934996-03-4 US $ 35.95


978-1-934996-21-8 US $ 25.99






Una nueva introducción a los Evangelios Sinópticos Roland Meynet

El aro y la trama. Episteme, modernidad y pueblo Alejandro Moreno Olmedo

Caminemos con Jesús. Hacía una teología del acompañamiento Roberto S. Goizueta

Cristo nuestro compañero. Belleza y seguimiento de Jesucristo liberador Roberto S. Goizueta

Humanidad del hombre, divinidad de Dios Antoine Vergote




US $ 29.99

US $ 56.95

US $ 31.99

US $ 24.99






El camino de la meditación. Momento de Cristo John Main

El Dios de la intemperie. El principio de incertidumbre Armando Rojas Guardia

El Evangelio para cada semana. Ciclo litúrgico A José A. Pagola

El Evangelio para cada semana. Ciclo litúrgico B José A. Pagola

El Evangelio para cada semana. Ciclo litúrgico C José A. Pagola





US $ 6.95

US $ 14.99

US $ 10.99


978-1-934996-07-2 US $ 39.99

978-1-934996-12-6 US $ 18.99

US $ 19.95



US $ 28.99





Transparencies of Eternity

Rubem Alves



Experiencing God in a Time of Crisis

Sarah Bachelard



Morality in Social Life

Sergio Bastianel



Paul: The Great Scandal

Vassilios Bakoyannis



Words of Freedom: The Biblical Message of Liberation

Pietro Bovati



The Banquet. A Reading of the Fifth Sura of the Qur’an

Michel Cuypers



Meditation with Children

Laurence Freeman



The Goal of Life

Laurence Freeman



Why Are We Here?

Laurence Freeman



Forgive Yourself

Anselm Grün



A Study Guide on the Reign of God

Antonio González



God’s Reign & the End of Empires

Antonio González



Builders of Community

José Ignacio González Faus



Jesus Christ, Salvation of All

Luis F. Ladaria



The Living and True God

Luis F. Ladaria



Persons are our Best Gifts

Hedwig Lewis



A Face for God

María Clara Lucchetti Bingemer



From Anxiety to Peace

John Main



A New Introduction to the Synoptic Gospels

Roland Meynet

$ 43.99

Called to Freedom

Roland Meynet


Hispanic Ministry in the 21st Century: Present and Future

Hosffman Ospino (ed.)

$ 22.99

Believe? Tell Me Why

José A. Pagola



Following in the Footsteps of Jesus. Year A

José A. Pagola



Following in the Footsteps of Jesus. Year B

José A. Pagola



Following in the Footsteps of Jesus. Year C

José A. Pagola



For Love or Money: Rampant Capitalism and the Praxis of Jesus

José A. Pagola

$ 22.59

Jesus: An Historical Approximation

José A. Pagola



The Way Opened Up by Jesus: A Commentary on the Gospel of Mark

José A. Pagola



The Way Opened Up by Jesus: A Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew José A. Pagola




Exploring Faith with New Eyes

Dolores Aleixandre Parra

$ 26.99

The Prayer that Jesus Taught

Gerry Pierse



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A Prophetic Bishop Speaks to his People (Vol. 2)

Oscar Arnulfo Romero



A Prophetic Bishop Speaks to his People (Vol. 3)

Oscar Arnulfo Romero



Gospel & Tradition

Bernard Sesboüé



The Art of Purifying the Heart

Tomáš Špidlík



A Different Priest. The Epistle to the Hebrews

Albert Vanhoye

$ 26.99



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