2018 los angeles congress feb 28

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Books for Spiritual Living and Religious Thought

2018 Los Angeles Religious Educ ation Congress





We promote reading as a time-tested discipline for focus and enlightenment. We help authors shape, clarify, write, and effectively promote their ideas. We conceive, create, and distribute books. Our expertise and passion is to provide healthy spiritual nourishment in written form.

Dear Friend, We are happy to be with you at the 2018 Los Angeles Religious Education Conference. Enjoy this special time of being together, sharing and learning together! It is our goal to offer you materials that can help you reach deeper into the rich tradition of our faith and come closer to the experiences of the saints and masters we have in our midst. You are welcome to peruse our booth and catalog. During the month of March we offer to you a special discount. As always we welcome your comments and suggestions which you can send to info@crossroadpublishing.com Sincerely, Gwendolin Herder


2018 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress

Index  Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2  Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3  Pope Francis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4  Ignatian Spirituality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9  Fr. Timothy Gallagher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10  Michael Kennedy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16  Ignatian Spirituality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17  New and Recently Published . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22  Richard Rohr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28  Robert Barron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32  Paula D’Arcy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31  Henri Nouwen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34  Joan Chittister . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36  Thomas Keating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37  Ronald Rolheiser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38  Crossroad Fiction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39  African Perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42  Paschal C. Mbagwu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43  Peace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44  Spiritual Direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45  Women’s Perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49  Family Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52  Empty Altar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53  Coming Soon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54  Order form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 WWW.CROSSROADPUBLISHING.COM

New and Recently Published See page 22 Crossroad Fiction See page 39 Spirituality Direction See page 45 Order form See page 55


The foundational exclusive texts by Jorge Bergoglio POPE FRANCIS

“I WOULD LIKE TO CONTINUE to ref lect on our joy in ministering.True joy

Jorge Mario Bergoglio

is forged in work and in the cross.Joy that has not been “tested” is no more

Open Mind, Faithful Heart Reflections on Following Jesus

fruitful ministry. Jesus prepares us for testing, and he cautions us so that we

Introduction by Gustavo Larrazábal CFM Prologue by José María Arancedo Archbishop of Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz

will stand strong: “You have pain now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you” (John 16:22). Saint Ignatius also exhorts us to persevere in temptation and desolation by remaining constant and trusting that eventually we will again experience consolation and joy: “One who is in desolation should strive to preserve himself or herself in patience. This is the counterattack against the vexations which are being experienced.” (SpEx 321). In desolation and times of trial, it may seem that the Lord is far away or

PoPe FRAncis

than simp[e enthusiasm; it is often undiscerning and therefore cannot guarantee

This book is not just for reading. It is a path for prayer and a guide for life. Pope Francis connects with people, especially the young, the forgotten, and the forlorn. The cameras show him in Rome, in Brazil, in Lampedusa reaching out to the crowds, holding infants, embracing the disabled. What is the source of his energy and his spiritual vitality? This book is perhaps the best introduction to what makes the Pope the engaging pastor he is.

fast asleep (as he was in the stern of the boat during the storm [Matt8:24-25]). Other times, it may be our worldly or sinful attitude that makes the Lord seem distant from our heart. He is always there, but we don’t see him – or don’t want to see him. And when he got into the boat, his disciples followed him. A windstorm arose on the sea, so great that the boat was being swamped by the waves; but he was asleep. And they went and woke him up, saying, “Lord, save us! We are perishing!” (Matt 8:24-25)

“The secret of Pope Francis is found in this book.” —Bishop Martinez Camino

Those who work in ministry can sometimes suffer from pastoral fatigue.It is usually an effect (and symptom) of inconstancy and spiritual apathy. Doing justice by God’s faithful people means being ever constant in pastoral ministry. It means responding eagerly to people’s sometimes tiring requests to be anointed (touched) by God at any moment – through blessings, words, and sacraments. It’s curious but true: the faithful wear us out because they ask for concrete things. On

PoPe FRAncis

PoPe FRAncis

FRoM cHAPteR FouR: JoY And PeRseVeRAnce

FROM THE INTRODUCTION “Among the large number of publications that have appeared in the months since the conclave, we do well to distinguish between books ‘about’ the Pope and books ‘of’ the Pope…the Pope’s own books, of which this is one, come directly from his own hand…These are the books that show us all the depth and breadth of Francis…” —Gustavo Larrazabal, CFM, The Editor of the Pope

During his years as archbishop of Buenos Aires, Jorge Bergoglio often spoke to those collaborating with him in pastoral ministry. His constant theme was how to follow Jesus unreservedly, even in the hectic turmoil of our modern world. The texts of these talks, handpicked by the author for this volume, reveal the spiritual depths of Pope Francis as perhaps no other work does.The strong scriptural orientation of the Pope is evident in the countless references to both old and new testament. To help the reader, this edition has supplemented the original text with appropriate scriptural citations. The language of these pages speaks to the heart as much as to the mind. These are meditations to be savored rather than just read quickly and filed away. The Pope Francis Resource Library 978-0-8245-2085-4 $16.95 pb / 320 pages E-book editions available

the other hand, we may sometimes be seduced into the kind of work that allows us to take refuge in fantasy. Within our minds, we are kings and queens,lords and ladies. Those who dedicate themselves solely to cultivating their fantasies will never feel the urgency of concrete reality. The pastoral work in our parishes has nothing of fantasy; it is very concrete. It demands ref lection, intellectual effort, and prayer, but the greatest amount of time must be spent basically in doing “works of charity.”


2018 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress

FRoM tHe BooK “WE WILL NEVER be able to explain to our complete satisfaction the mysterious designs of God, who has wanted to reveal himself in the course of history. Over a long stretch of time we humans have been learning, like little children from their father, how to recognize and respond to the face of God. None of the Lord’s past revelations was partial; they all mysteriously contained the totality of the mystery of God in Christ; we perceived it only slowly, in bits and pieces. It is the same with our personal histories: the Lord reveals himself ‘historically’ in the unfathomable mystery of those who seek God and also in those who reject God and flee from him. That is to say, God reveals himself in the historical mystery of our movement through grace and sin.” WWW.CROSSROADPUBLISHING.COM


A clear map to the Pope’s central thoughts and feelings

With Pope Francis, what you see is what you get

Diego Fares, S.J.

Dario Edoardo Vigano

The Heart of Pope Francis

The Voice of Pope Francis

How a New Culture of Encounter Is Changing the Church and the World

Communicating to Understand and Embrace the Others

There is public speaking, and there is human connecting. They can come together, but not always do. Pope Francis communicates with a deep desire to encounter the people he communicates with. Msgr. Vigano offers here an intelligent analysis of the motivation and spirituality of the way Pope Francis communicates – from the heart and mind, spontaneous, truthful, even taking the risk of being misunderstood. If you are in the church or in communications you should read this book.

This small book, written by a friend and fellow Jesuit who has worked for many years with Jorge Bergoglio, offers clear and encouraging insights to better understand and dare to follow the Pope.

PoPe FRAncis

PoPe FRAncis

The culture of encounter is like a map to the thoughts and feelings of Pope Francis. At the heart of his vision lies a keen interest in people, a passion for understanding the life experience of the other. By reaching out, welcoming, and listening to others, especially those at the margins, Pope Francis has already changed the Church more than we might even understand.

Pope Francis reaches everyone thanks to the remarkable awareness and sophistication in his use of linguistic and cultural codes. We see Pope Bergoglio abandoning written texts to communicate at arm’s length, using metaphors and anecdotes that anchor his speech in daily life. Francis does not seek television, and the media in general, yet is able to dominate them with extraordinary ease. How does he do it?

The Pope Francis Resource Library 978-0-8245-2074-8 $14.95 hc / 112 pages

The Pope Francis Resource Library 978-0-8245-2332-9 $19.95 pb / 180 pages FROM TH E FO RE WO RD BY AN TO N IO SPADARO, S . J .

“I remember,” says Father Fares “the first conversation with Jorge took place at the headquarters of the Provincial Curia, an old, stately house in the neighborhood of Flores. I came from Mendoza, where I worked with the Jesuits in a poor neighborhood and the Office of the Provincial was striking me as quite wealthy, with old furniture and a good library. I think he understood because before leaving for the Novitiate, he wanted me to come along to get his coat. We climbed up to the terrace and he showed me where he lived: it was one of those little rooms that are usually found on the terrace of houses and are used as closets for brooms and junk. That day was cool and I noticed that the door did not keep out the cold. Since that day, my feelings and opinion of Jorge, especially on the coherence between what he says and what he lives, never changed. As says Peguy, friendship happens in a moment.” Jorge and Diego have been friends for almost forty years. To read the pages of this book, therefore, is to enter into the veins of a friendship that has developed over time on a spiritual and intellectual level, within a pastoral and social context. In a recent interview when I asked Diego Fares about the future of the Church he said: “The arrival of Francis is a time of consolation, not only of the Church but throughout the world. We live what St. Ignatius describes as consolation: an increase of hope, of faith and charity, inner joy that calls and leads the Gospel and all those things that are good for the soul…” 6

2018 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress

Starting from these deep roots in the Gospel, Bergoglio has built for himself a certain popularity from knowing how to speak to contemporary people without fear of hearing about realities with which he is unfamiliar, and indeed, on the contrary, recognizing the values of such realities. His revolutionary travels have brought him among peoples, cultures, and values such that the Gospel Word is not simply an act of communication but becomes the communication itself. Bergoglio is following a path set in place nearly a half century before with the Second Ecumenical Vatican Council, and it is no coincidence that the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy opened on the same day as the fiftieth anniversary of the closing of Vatican II—December 8, 1965 to 2015, tracing out thereby a path of continuity. His revolution, that is to say, his return, is indeed to this Council, following ideals that link him to John XXIII and Paul VI. But we need not overlook his own way of acting, his determination to redirect the attention of the Church and the world toward Jesus Christ, the continuity he also shares with his two immediate predecessors, John Paul II and Benedict XVI. Indeed, continuity in change. “Interesting, sharp and full of ideas for reflection. Flowing style and original themes. I recommend it to anyone who wants to approach, or deepen, the topic by learning from a master of communication.” –Marco Zingaretti



Justice & Spirituality

I Ask You Be Shepherds Reflections on Pastoral Ministry

These encouraging reflections for all who minister to God’s people combine texts from Pope Francis’ homilies authorized by the Vatican, and texts, exclusively translated by Herder & Herder, from Bergoglio’s time as Archbishop of Buenos Aires. The Pope Francis Resource Library 978-0-8245-2057-1 $16.95 pb / 120 pages

The People Wish to See Jesus

In these unique volumes that aim to give deeper insight into the spirituality and theology of Pope Francis, you will find carefully selected texts from works by Archbishop Bergoglio (exclusively published in English by Crossroad), and texts by Pope Francis (authorized by the Vatican for these editions).

Dean Brackley, S.J.

The Call to Discernment in Troubled Times New Perspectives on the Transformative Wisdom of Ignatius of Loyola

A new classic, this groundbreaking book by esteemed pastor and teacher Fr. Dean Brackley shines the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola on the social and spiritual crises of our era to lend hope and heart to our difficult times. Confronting complexities and problems in our lives can be overwhelming. We can face discouragement about a whole spectrum of issues from personal relationships to violence, greed, poverty, environmental crisis, and intractable injustice in the world. Fr. Brackley helps us bring faith and insight to the small and large conundrums in our lives so that a spirit of discernment can sustain us even when we experience pain or confusion.

Reflections for Those Who Teach Written with expressive gratitude for the work of teachers, and translated exclusively for this volume from talks by Archbishop Bergoglio for the catechists of Buenos Aires, offering deep understanding and challenge for successful catechesis, teaching, and education. The Pope Francis Resource Library 978-0-8245-2036-6 $19.95 pb / 140 pages

“The Call to Discernment in Troubled Times is challenging, yet infused with passion and hope, this book will provide valuable insight both to students of Ignation spirituality, and more generally, to those who wonder how Christian spirituality can continue to shape a creative and faith-filled response to ourcrucified world.” —J. Matthew Ashley, Notre Dame

“This is a service that the Bishop of Rome is called to carry out, yet one

i g n At i A n s P i R i t u A L i t Y

PoPe FRAncis

The Pope Francis Resource Library

“A new kind of spiritual classic.” —Richard Cassidy

Fr. Brackley’s inspiring examples and lucid reasoning point us beyond paralyzing fear and emotional withdrawal to inner freedom, constructive response, and hope. This book can strengthen us to answer our callings, lend our hands to service, and discover a sense of true purpose. 978-0-8245-2489-0 $19.95 pb / 176 pages

“This is it—genuine spirituality, intellectual integrity, and committed pastoral practice. It really works.” —Michael Kennedy, author of The Jesus Meditations

to which all of us are called, so that the star of hope will shine brightly. Let us protect with love all that God

Stefan von Kempis Philip F. Lawler (editors)

A Call to Serve

Pope Francis and the Catholic Future This thoughtful, vivid introduction to Pope Francis’s life and his promising future in the Vatican details the historic events surrounding Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation, the subsequent election of Pope Francis, and the particulars of the new Pope’s spirituality and thought. The Pope Francis Resource Library 978-0-8245-5005-9 $16.95 pb / 160 pages 8

Father Dean Brackley moved to San Salvador University

has given us!” Pope Francis, March 19, 2013


in 1990 to take up the work of six Jesuit priests who had recently been murdered there. His tireless efforts brought a spirit of peace to an extremely tense and volatile situation. Before settling in El Salvador, Brackley taught at Fordham University and was employed by South Bronx People for Change, a church-sponsored group that offered rehabilitation programs to drug addicts, helped tenants organize, and mediated community and law enforcement disputes. Brackley died of cancer after 11 years of teaching, writing, and devoted service in El Salvador. His life is a testament to his transformative vision for personal and social change in the world.

wo veteran Catholic journalists, one based at the Vatican and the other in

the U.S., collaborate to explore the unprecedented papal election of Pope Francis. Drawing from conversations, interviews, inside information and the Pope’s own writtings and talks, A Call To Serve offers first-hand information, moving reflections, and profund insights into the workings of the Catholic Church, the challenges ahead, and the heart of Pope Francis.

2018 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress



New in 2018

About the Author Father Timothy M. Gallagher, O.M.V. was ordained as a


Titles on Ignatian Spirituality Hundreds of thousands of readers are turning to Fr. Gallagher’s Ignatian titles for reliable, inspirational, and clear explanations of some of the most important aspects of Christian spirituality. Whether you’re a spiritual director, priest, or minister, longtime spiritual seeker, or beginner, Fr. Gallagher’s books have much to offer you in different moments in life.

Setting Captives Free Personal Reflections on Ignatian Discernment of Spirits FR. tiMotHY gALLAgHeR

member of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary, a religious community dedicated to spiritual formation and teaching according to the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola. Fr. Gallagher obtained his doctorate from the Gregorian University in Rome. He has taught at St. John’s Seminary in Brighton, MA, and Our Lady of Grace Seminary in Boston, MA, and served two terms as provincial to his community. Father Gallagher is the author of a profound program of books, audio CDs, and video lectures teaching the methods and wisdom of Ignatian spirituality. Fr. Gallagher currently holds the St. Ignatius Chair for Spiritual Formation at St. John Vianney Theological Seminary in Denver.

An unusual and very personal set of reflection from one of the premier experts in Ignatian spirituality. SCF provides a personal guide through the Ignatian exercises and clarifies many issues for the modern seeker. 978-0-8245-9907-2 $24.95 pb / 256 pages

 When you need short, practical exercises for young and old: An Ignatian

Introduction to Prayer

Group leaders who are looking for practical exercises for groups, including groups who may not have much experience in spiritual development, will want to acquire An Ignatian Introduction to Prayer: Scriptural Reflections According to the Spiritual Exercises. This book features forty short (two-page) Ignatian meditations, including Scripture passages, meditative keys for entering into the scriptural story, and guided questions for reflection. These exercises are also useful for individual reflection both for experienced persons and beginners: beginners will recognize and resonate with some of the evocative passages from Scripture; those familiar with Ignatian teaching will appreciate the Ignatian structure of the guided questions.  When your life is at the crossroads: Discerning the Will of God If you are facing a turning point in life, you know how difficult it can be to try to hear God’s will amid the noise of other people’s expectations and your own wishes. Ignatius of Loyola developed a series of exercises and reflections designed to help you in these times so that your decision can be one that conforms to God’s will for your life. Discerning the Will of God: An Ignatian Guide to Christian Decision Making is a trustworthy guide to applying those reflections to your own particular circumstances. This guide, which does not require any prior knowledge of Ignatian spirituality, can be used by people of any faith, though some elements will be more directly applicable to Catholic readers.  When you want classic spiritual discipline to apply every day: The Examen Prayer

and Meditation and Contemplation

Individuals wanting to deepen their prayer lives using a spiritual discipline will find The Examen Prayer an important resource. The examen prayer is a powerful and increasingly popular resource for finding God’s hand in our everyday lives and learn- ing to be receptive to God’s blessings. This easy-to-read book uses stories and examples to explain what the examen is, how you can begin to pray it, how you can adapt it to your individual life, and what its benefits for your life can be. Highly practical! Because The Examen Prayer draws from the experiences of everyday life, it can stand on its own as a guide to the prayer of examen. Those looking to begin their practice of meditation and contemplation, which for Ignatius is always based on Scripture, may choose their own Scripture passages or draw from the forty examples in An Ignatian Introduction to Prayer, mentioned earlier. A second favorite is Meditation and Contemplation: An Ignatian Guide to Praying with Scripture. Anyone familiar with Ignatian spirituality has heard about meditation and contemplation. In this volume, Fr. Gallagher explains what is unique to each practice, shows how you can profit from both at different times in your spiritual life, and reveals some of the forgotten elements (such as the preparatory steps and colloquy) and how the structure can be adapted to your particular spiritual needs. 10

2018 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress

The Discernment of Spirits

Discerning the Will of God

The Examen Prayer

Discover Ignatius’s Rules for Discernment, their keen insight into the human soul, their ability to explain life’s struggles, and to guide us towards spiritual growth.

Are you ready to make the shift from “What do I want for my life?” to “What does God want for my life?”

Recently widely embraced The Examen offers a highly accessible spiritual discipline to discover God’s presence in your everyday, and learn how to receive life’s blessings.

Here are proven methods, and real-life examples, to help discover God’s plan for your life.

It makes a difference when your guide offers Fr. Gallagher’s understanding, personal and pastoral experience.

978-0-8245-2489-0 $19.95 pb / 176 pages eBook editions available

978-0-8245-2367-1 $19.95 pb / 192 pages eBook editions available

An Ignatian Guide for Everyday Living

By integrating contemporary human experience and Ignatius’s Rules, their practical viability becomes easily apparent. 978-0-8245-2291-9 $24.95 pb / 232 pages eBook editions available

The Ignatian Guide to Christian Decision Making


Ignatian Wisdom for Our Lives Today


A remarkable teacher of Ignatian spirituality



“A clear, concise resource for presenting the freedom inherent in the structure of Ignatian prayer.” —Presence: An International Journal of Spiritual Direction

The Discernment of Spirits: A Reader’s Guide An Ignatian Guide for Everyday Living

A practical tool to facilitate group and individual study of The Discernment of Spirits to begin applying the Rules to daily life. Offers for each chapter a clear synthesis, key concepts, case studies, and engaging reflection questions. 978-0-8245-4985-5 $12.95 pb / 104 pages

The Discernment of Spirits

Discernimiento de espiritus (Discernment of Spirits)

Memorably read by Fr. Daniel P. Barron, O.M.V., a member of the community of Fr. Gallagher, and himself an expert in Ignatian spirituality.

Una guía imprescindible para aprender a aplicar en la vida diaria las reglas de discernimiento de espíritus, contenidas en los ejercicios espirituales de san Ignacio de Loyola.

978-0-8245-2004-5 $39.95 / 8 CDs / 9 hours digital download edition available

978-0-8245-2218-6 $24.95 pb / 232 pages

Read by Daniel P. Barron, O.M.V.

An Ignatian Guide for Everyday Living The Unabridged Audio Book

Guía ignaciana para la vida cotidiana

We asked Fr Gallagher to expound on Ignatian spirituality and its benefits for growth in the Christian life. Here’s what he had to say: Why are further teachings on discernment in Setting Captives Free important today? “I view this new book, Setting Captives Free, as a conversation with the reader that explores additional understandings and applications of the rules. It has arisen from the delight—and the labor—of learning, deepening, experiencing, and sharing the rules, witnessing the joy and new hope they have given to so many, and knowing, too, the difference they make in my own life. These Ignatian guidelines set captives free, free from the discouragement and sadness of spiritual desolation. They offer hope precisely where persons may have felt hope was not possible, and so release new energy for the spiritual journey. This new book, like the former one, explores Ignatius’s rules for discernment as applied to the ordinary, daily experience of those who love the Lord. As always, the focus is living the spiritual life—these rules are given in a book of spiritual exercises: they are concerned with what is to be done and how to respond to various spiritual situations. Though at times the rules will require careful thought and clear distinctions, the goal will always be their concrete supplication in daily life.”

How is it that these teaching from hundreds of years ago are relevant for the busy, modern person seeking spiritual direction and why are these teachings in A Handbook for Spiritual Directors beneficial for seekers and directors?

Read by John Wykes, O.M.V.

Discerning the Will of God

An Ignatian Guide to Christian Decision Making The Unabridged Audio Book Read with knowledge by Fr. John Wykes, O.M.V., a member of Fr. Gallagher’s community, and also an expert of Ignatian spirituality. 978-0-8245-2027-4 $39.99/ 5 CDs / 5 hours digital download edition available


Discerning the Will of God

An Ignatian Guide for Spiritual Directors Ten Lectures on DVD with Study Guide Accompanied by a Study Guide, these engaging lectures filmed in Boston’s beautiful St. Clement’s Shrine offer an ideal resource, and companion to the bestselling book. Especially valuable to enhance reading group meetings, and for spiritual and retreat directors. 978-0-8245-2033-5 $89.95 DVD+booklet

A Handbook for Spiritual Directors An Ignatian Guide for Accompanying Discernment of God’s Will

”This highly practical and lucidly written book is yet another example of why Father Timothy M. Gallagher, O.M.V., is America’s preeminent interpreter of and writer on Ignatian spiritual direction and discernment.” —Harvey E. Egan, S.J., Professor of Systematic and Mystical Theology, Boston College 978-0-8245-2171-4 $19.95 pb / 144 pages eBook editions available

2018 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress

“Ignatius was not a monk in a monastery but a man deeply immersed both in God and in the world of his day. He shaped a spirituality that assists persons, as his classic phrase says, to “fi nd God in all things’: in the midst of intense activity, in the thousand occupations of daily living, or in the quiet of prayer. He was, in words used by a contemporary, “a contemplative in action,” as every disciple of Jesus in every walk of life can be and is called to be. Additionally, “many sensitive and sometimes complex issues arise in accompanying others in spiritual direction: issues of struggles, growth, and stages in prayer; experiences of consolation and desolation in the spiritual life: psychological wounds and relationship with God; discerning God’s will in significant life-choices; and so forth. Generations of spiritual directors have turned to Ignatius and found in his teaching the clarity they needed in accompanying directees. Their experience explains why so many directors have turned and are turning to Ignatius today.”





“It becomes clear in Gallagher’s work that a persevering practice of spiritual discernment helps us to gather the fragments of life into a pattern of greater freedom and hopeful living.”—The Way “Miraculous! Timothy Gallagher makes the Ignatian rules of discernment the most easily accessible I have ever read. He skillfully combines creative case studies with clear explanations of the subtle movements of the Spirit.” —Michael K. Kennedy, S.J., author of The Jesus Meditations

Meditation and Contemplation

An Ignatian Guide to Praying with Scripture The cornerstone of Ignatius’s spiritual practice, meditation and contemplation are clearly explained in this simple guide to the Ignatian method, its challenges, and benefits. With examples from the experience of practitioners and quotations from Catholic spiritual teachers through time. 978-0-8245-2488-3 $14.95 pb / 112 pages eBook editions available

Spiritual Consolation

An Ignatian Guide for the Greater Discernment of Spirits

An Ignatian Introduction to Prayer Scriptural Reflections According to the Spiritual Exercises

Through the use of real-life examples and the Ignatian principles from the Second Rules, Fr. Gallagher teaches how to hear and follow God’s leading.

In this guide for prayer with Scripture, Fr. Gallagher offers 40 practical, directed meditations for learning the Ignatian way to pray. For groups and individuals.

Are my feelings authentic in a spiritual sense? Discover God’s plan for your life.

Two-page meditations include scripture passages, meditative keys for entering into the story, and reflection questions.

978-0-8245-2429-6 $19.95 pb / 196 pages eBook editions available

978-0-8245-2487-6 $16.95 pb / 96 pages eBook editions available

“Fr. Gallagher gives readers the insight and tools needed to lay the foundation for discerning the will of God, to remove the human and spiritual obstacles to discovering it, and to form the proper disposition of heart for cooperating with it.” —Dr. Christina Lynch, St. John Vianney Theological Seminary, Denver, CO

“Fr. Gallagher is a sure guide who leads us with clarity and helpful precision through Ignatian terminology and method.” —Paul Empsall, spiritual director, Ignatian Centre, Montreal

Praying the Liturgy of the Hours “As Father Gallagher unlocks the depth of the Divine Office, the reader is led to understand and embrace this prayer of the Church with a renewed sense of appreciation and awe.” —Donald Cardinal Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington

“Delight, struggles to continue, boredom, and peace: these are all words to describe what happens to anyone who desires a continued relationship with God through prayer. Father Gallagher lives them all.” —Elizabeth Koessler, spiritual director, wife, and mother

Begin Again

The Life and Spiritual Legacy of Bruno Lanteri The authoritative biography of the founder of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary, the community of Fr. Gallagher, the Venerable Bruno Lanteri (1759–1830). A man who served God courageously in times of persecution, ready to pay the price. 978-0-8245-2579-8 $24.95 pb / 358 pages eBook editions available


Praying the Liturgy of the Hours A Personal Journey

For 40 years Father Gallagher has prayed the daily Catholic prayer of the Psalms. In this book he shares his own spiritual journey.

“… his greatest contribution is the sharing of his personal struggles with the ‘office’ over many years.” —Bishop Robert Barron

Through ups and downs to a deeper appreciation of the relevance of this age-old discipline. 978-0-8245-2032-8 $16.95 pb / 112 pages eBook editions available

2018 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress

“Praying the Liturgy of the Hours stirred my interest right away and kept me fully engaged from beginning to end… I heartily endorse Praying the Liturgy of the Hours: A Personal Journey, and recommend it in particular for priests and religious, and for all those who want to grow closer to Jesus in their daily lives.” —Most Reverend Thomas Olmstead, Bishop of Phoenix, AZ

“… his greatest contribution is the sharing of his personal struggles with the “office” over many years. His honest and searching self-examination will prove invaluable to anyone who has undertaken the responsibility of praying this great prayer of the Church.” —Bishop Robert Barron, rector of Mundelein Seminary and author of Catholicism: A Journey to the Heart of the Faith, Word on Fire: Proclaiming the Power of Christ, and others

“I have prayed the Liturgy of the Hours for over forty years, and Father Gallagher has helped me find new depths in it, as well as offering paths to other ways of enriching this form of prayer…” —Sister Linda Sevcik, S.M., regional leader, Marist Sisters WWW.CROSSROADPUBLISHING.COM


Meditations for a changed life

“You are like an artist when you pray.” —Ignatius of Loyola

MicHAeL KennedY

Fr. Kennedy’s proven techniques bring Jesus and the Gospel to life in a new way as the text –and the CD featuring Martin Sheen—open doors to a reinvigorated experience of prayer and contemplation. “Michael Kennedy certainly helps us find and experience God in the modern world.”

Michael Kennedy, S.J.

The Jesus Meditations

A Guide for Contemplation With CD narrated by Martin Sheen Have you ever longed to walk beside Jesus on the dusty roads of Palestine? Entering into the world of these meditations will change forever your relationship with Jesus, yourself, and the world around you. 978-0-8245-1929-2 $19.95 pb / 192 pages

–Martin Sheen, actor

Joseph A. Tetlow

The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola With Commentary

i g n At i A n s P i R i t u A L i t Y

Michael Kennedy, S.J. is the founder and director of Jesuit Restorative Justice Initiative to create restorative practices and retreats for incarcerated people with an emphasis on youth tried as adults. He speaks throughout the United States on his method of Ignatian meditation. Hugo Rahner, editor

St. Ignatius Loyola Letters to Women

This readable translation and step-by-step commentary unfolds the relevance of a spiritual classic to modern life for every reader, Christian or not. Stories, analogies, and approachable language make this an ideal companion for anyone seeking inspiration and personal growth.

Reprinted by popular demand, this major volume in Crossroad’s library of Jesuit Spirituality unveils Ignatius’ spiritual wisdom for women. Rahner’s research and insights offer a priceless glimpse into Loyola’s relations with women—as spiritual directees, supporters, and confidantes.

978-0-8245-2539-2 $16.95 pb / 168 pages

978-0-8245-2475-3 $45.00 pb / 612 pages

FRoM tHe BooK

Michael Kennedy, S.J.

Los Ojos en la Cruz

Una guia para la contemplacion Ilustraciones por Bernardo Gantier Zelada, S.J. “Michael Kennedy verdaderamente nos ayuda a encontrar y experimentar a Dios en el mundo modern.” –Martin Sheen, actor 978-0-8245-2315-2 $29.95 pb / 256 pages

Michael Kennedy, S.J.

Michael Kennedy, S.J.

A Guide for Contemplation With illustrations by Bernardo Gantier Zelada, S.J.

Ten Mediations for a Changed Life With CD narrated by Martin Sheen and Janne Shirley

Eyes on the Cross

"Another extraordinary, and powerful work that brings forth the richness of the gospels through the stark reality of personal stories and the mediations that accompany them.” – Martin Sheen, actor 978-0-8245-1879-0 $19.95 pb / 224 pages


Experiencing Jesus

In the midst of a changing world faced with challenge there was never a greater need for Christians to return to Jesus in prayer and contemplation. Let this book take you by the hand to find your own way to Christ. 978-0-8245-2146-2 $19.95 pb / 144 pages

2018 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress

In 1540, two decades after Leonardo da Vinci’s death, a disciple collected the sheaf of notes and sketches that the artist had intended as A Treatise on Painting. That same year, Ignatius of Loyola put the final touches on the sheaf of notes that became Spiritual Exercises. Four centuries passed before Leonardo’s notes were published, and they never have been used to teach others how to paint. Ignatius’s book has a different history. By the time he put final order in his sheaf of notes in Rome, Ignatius had been using them for nearly twenty years. And for several years before 1540, his Companions had been using them as well. They had been following manuscript notes that Ignatius had given them as he guided them through the Exercises, which he had either written out for them or dictated to them. By 1540, scattered away from Rome, they felt they needed a more certified text. At the same time, the Companions were being criticized and yet again denounced to the Inquisition. Ignatius decided that it would be useful to have official church sanction of the book. This meant that the text had to be in Latin, the church’s and Europe’s official language, and a Latin rather more sure than the simple text, probably his own, that Ignatius had been using since Paris, where everyone spoke it. So Ignatius secured one and then another translation by scholarly Companions (one was a famous humanist, André des Freux) and brought them both to the Vatican. Paul III gave an unusually solemn approval in 1548 with a papal brief. That same year, the text was printed, but not published; it was meant for use only by Jesuits and Ignatius kept the five hundred copies under his own control. It has not been controlled since. Exactly four centuries after this first printing, leading authorities estimated that the Spiritual Exercises had been printed the equivalent of once a month during all that time. If anything, the frequency has increased, particularly in the last hundred years as translations have appeared in many languages.



Central questions discussed in brief

With study guide for parish reading groups

Óscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga

Antonio Spadaro, S.J.

The Challenge of Inequality

Friending God

Social Media, Spirituality and Community With Reflection Guide

978-0-8245-2081-6 $12.95 pb / 76 pages

A truly Christian perspective on global economic inequality from a prominent Cardinal and close ally of Pope Francis. In this treatise, author Cardinal Rodríquez Maradiaga, one of the most outspoken members of the Catholic hierarchy on this issue, offers a clear analysis of the expansion of economic inequality and its root causes, followed by a review of suggested solutions, and a hopeful outlook based on a new model of economic and human growth. Maradiaga asserts that it is imperative for any Christian community to look at the dire state of social justice in the world, and to work for positive change, requiring a clear understanding of the issues at hand, and a comprehensive practice based on the laws of ethics. A perfect book for anyone who is ready to study the urgent issue of social disparity, and willing to work for a better world.


“If a prophet is a figure who with courage and compassion denounces what is wrong with the present and not just someone who predicts the future—after all, we have economists for that!— then Maradiaga belongs to the admittedly thin ranks of genuine prophets.”

Óscar Andrés RodrÍguez Maradiaga, SDB, is a Honduran cardinal

of the Catholic church. He is the archbishop of Tegucigalpa, the president of Caritas Internationalis, and the former president of the Latin American Episcopal Conference. He worked as the Vatican’s representative to the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and has spoken out on social justice and inequality for many decades.


2018 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress

CHURCH AT THE CROSSROAD SERIES Understanding the new coordinates of cyberspace, community and faith

i g n At i A n s P i R i t u A L i t Y

i g n At i A n s P i R i t u A L i t Y


The internet has become an existentially new reality of our lives. It stirs questions about who we are as people, and what we long for in the depths of our souls. Jesuit Antonio Spadaro is one of Pope Francis’ close advisors on social media and cybertheology. He offers here clear, and simple principles to understand the spirituality of the internet, its promise and peril.

978-0-8245-2214-8 $12.95 pb / 80 pages FROMTHEBOOK:

“We the people of the 21st century are creatures of the World Wide Web, always online, always connected, always communicating. And we—like all others throughout history—have created this technology in our own image, which gives this creation of ours a spiritual dimension as well.”

Antonio Spadaro, S.J., is the editor-in-chief of the Jesuits’

biweekly review, La Civiltà Cattolica. Since entering the Society of Jesus in 1988, he has worked in a variety of capacities, including joining the review’s community in 1998. He has been a part of the review ever since. In late 2011, he became the review’s editor-in-chief. Fr. Spadaro considers his work to be part of the new cybertheology – “thinking faith in the Internet age.”



Central questions discussed in brief

With study guide for parish reading groups Philip Jenkins

Leonardo Boff

Toward an Eco-Spirituality

The New Map of the Global Church

An action plan, based on Christianity, to study and understand the challenges and ramifications of the global ecological crisis. Known as one of the major liberation theologians, Leonardo Boff has long seen the terrible cost of the ecological crisis to the poor. In this engaging brief, he outlines a new vision for human stewardship of the earth. This is an ideal first step to take for individuals and groups to study ecology in a Christian context, and to understand that ecology is no longer a luxury for a few, but an imperative for everyone working for a more just world.

Offers an inviting way to understand the facts and implications of the major demographic shifts happening within Christianity. By 2025, 75 percent of Catholics in the world will be non-European; the new global church will have its center of gravity in Latin America, Asia, and Africa. This fascinating brief explores the metamorphosis taking place in the global community of believers: the church’s new life comes from what historically has been labeled the periphery. The book also looks into the radical ramifications for all churches.

978-0-8245-2076-2 $12.95 pb / 80 pages

978-0-8245-2078-6 $12.95 pb / 100 pages



“I have worked my whole life on behalf of the poor who cry out for justice and liberation, along with that of the Earth which we have been systematically destroying over a number of centuries only to now find ourselves coping with global warming as the result. The theme of my work here is hope: what will the next stage in the life of humanity look like?”

Leonardo Boff is a former Franciscan monk, a theologian and

a poet known for his strong voice for the promotion of human rights and ecological responsibility. He is the Professor Emeritus of Ethics, Philosophy of Religion, and Ecology at Rio de Janeiro State University. He is the author of more than 60 books in the areas of theology, spirituality, philosophy, anthropology and mysticism.



i g n At i A n s P i R i t u A L i t Y

i g n At i A n s P i R i t u A L i t Y


2018 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress

“Of its nature, Christianity must be a worldwide faith, which carries its message to all cultures, all peoples and races: it must be global.”

Philip Jenkins is the distinguished professor of history at

Baylor University and codirector for Baylor’s program on Historical Studies of Religion in the Institute for Studies of Religion. He is the author of The Jesus Wars, The Lost History of Christianity, and The Next Christendom. He is a contributing editor for the American Conservative, writes a monthly column for the Christian Century, and has written articles for the Atlantic, Christianity Today, and First Things. He lives in Waco, Texas.



“What if God really depends on us to manifest God’s love?”

Barbara Fiand

On Becoming Who We Are

Passionate Musings in the Winter of Life Barbara Fiand

n e W A n d R e c e n t LY P u B L i s H e d

Faith Seeking Understanding in the 21st Century

978-0-8245-2196-7 $19.95 pb / 240 pages

We live in a time of bridging that invites us to learn, then to accept with utmost respect, that what has provided us with a certain wisdom and security for several thousand years of movement around our star is today ebbing away and has, in fact, done so for at least a century. A time of bridging involves allowing for this realization and, with serenity, courage, and trust, seeking the footprints revealing who has walked among us unobserved all this time. Today this realization is lighting up with ever greater brilliance and being recognized and acknowledged with ever more urgency due to our scientific discoveries and spiritual insights. In this new book, with the wisdom of years, Barbara Fiand explores what time of bridging offers in new insights, and how we can understand our Christian faith in this new time.

“This book marks a paradigm shift between a faith of the past obsessed with certitude and finality and an organic evolutionary sense of faith beyond boundaries that isolate and paralyze us. In her attempt to bridge the divide, Barbara Fiand creates a bold, prophetic synthesis of Christian faith and a fresh articulation within the cosmic worldview of our day. For some it may be a bridge too far, but for a rapidly growing body of Christian seekers, it is a vision that will challenge and inspire, affirm and provoke. An invaluable resource for faith-filled discipleship in the 21st century.“ —Diarmuid O’Murchu, Priest, Psychologist, Author, and Specialist in Adult Faith Development

n e W A n d R e c e n t LY P u B L i s H e d

Come, Drink Deep of Living Waters

Addressing the eternal conflict of new ideas challenging old practices, Catholic scholar Barbara Fiand offers a poignant resource for seekers and faithful alike, determined to resolve their own struggles between the rational world and the spiritual one. Identifying numerous moments when old ways of viewing reality begin to crumble in light of new information, Fiand draws freely from the findings of physicists and philosophers to advance her argument that old religions can be remain current, and even better understood, when complemented with advances in science and technology. Encouraging her readers to trust science and embrace the wonders of new mysteries, the faithfully devout can find spiritual treasures far greater and more satisfying than settled doctrines alone can offer. 978-0-8245-0024-5 $19.95 pb /240 pages Barbara Fiand

Embraced by Compassion

On Human Longing and Divine Response Exploring a “theology by immersion,” Barbara Fiand shows how our search for ourselves can and should lead us to God, and how or search for God will be rooted in our own deeply personal experience, revealing the ways in which faith development and human development can and do mutually enrich each other. “Embraced by Compassion is a penetrating, brilliant analysis of the human predicament leading the reader through intellectual cognition to experiential awareness of the wild, stubborn, and relentless tenderness of God. A boffo achievement!” —Brennan Manning 978-0-8245-1382-5 $14.95 pb /144 pages

Barbara Fiand

From Religion Back to Faith

A Journey of the Hearts the world a better place because we believe? Whom does religion serve? Can we stop seeking once we believe what religion asks us to believe? Jesus asked his followers “Who do you say that I am?” In this unsettling and honest new book, Barbara Fiand takes us back to the disruptive power of this question, stirring “the ancient hunger in our souls” to encounter the living God. Fiand shows us that as seekers, we need to move beyond the easy answers of many religious systems, taking the insights of science seriously, and taking responsibility for loving each other as a sign of God’s love. Fiand invites us to walk into our Story – the Christian Story into which we were baptized – to make it truly our own.“All of us have a lot to learn from the way our world truly is, as science is showing us. From Religion Back to Faith will lead us to a much deeper retrieval of faith relevant to today’s honest concerns.” —Michael Crosby, author of CAN RELIGIOUS LIFE BE PROPHETIC? 978-0-8245-2417-3 $16.95 pb /200 pages Barbara Fiand

In the Stillness You Will Know Exploring the Paths of Our Ancient Belonging Barbara Fiand teaches spirituality at the Institute of Pastoral Studies of Loyola University Chicago and is the author of books that include From Religion Back to Faith: A Journey of the Heart, In the Stillness You Will Know: Exploring the Paths of Our Ancient Belonging, and On Becoming Who We Are. She lives in Cincinnati, Ohio.

In the Stillness You Will Know addresses itself to the depth questing necessitated by soul hunger. It situates itself right in the center of the changing world view that is happening upon us at this time in history and invites us into the stillness necessary to face the questions that surface there. The author hopes in writing this book it will help deepen the reader’s understanding of the interface between religion and science. She believes this cannot be done on a purely intellectual and conceptual level. People need to first touch the deepest aspects of the human faith encounter. We need to allow ourselves to connect with the age-old longings of the human heart, with our hunger for love and authentic relationships. We need to understand our interconnectedness with all of creation. We cannot be transformed without confronting our faith with personal experience. This book hopes to help open the road into stillness and encounter. 978-0-8245-2650-4 $16.95 pb /176 pages


2018 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress



A Christian approach to near-death experiences

Arnold O. Benz

Patrick Theillier, MD

Astrophysics and Creation

Near-Death Experiences Examined

Perceiving the Universe Through Science and Participation

978-0-8245-2213-1 $19.95 hc / 144 pages

Arnold Benz, a renowned astrophysicist and Christian, insists that human perception reaches further than science and demonstrates this in various examples, personal, biblical and literary. Cosmic finetuning and other coincidences are no proof of God, but are amazing, astounding and will never be fully explained. Amazement is the appropriate emotional perception of reality. It implies that the objective world is not a matter of course and may well not exist at all; thus reality, at times, is experienced to be very special. In such an “aha moment,” essentials like our lifetime, the beauty of nature, the habitability of planet Earth or the universe are sensed to be like undeserved gifts. In the light of such a gift experience, the universe is metaphorically interpreted and existentially believed as a divine Creation, thus becomes trustable and meaningful. Science cannot create such faith but can foster it.

“Benz, an eminent scientist, describes brilliantly the wonders revealed by modern astronomy about the origin and structure of galaxies, stars and planets. But he also demonstrates with great clarity how other levels of reality lying in a different plane or dimension are an equally important part of human experience and a search for meaning.”

n e W A n d R e c e n t LY P u B L i s H e d

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What has astrophysics to do with our deepest questions?

Medical Findings and Testimonies from Lourdes

Near-death experiences are not new, but never has a doctor, working in Lourdes, and enlightened by deep respect for science and a faithful understanding of the 2,000 year old Catholic approach to life, developed such coherent, hopeful explanations. Near-death experiences have been more talked about in secular and new age terms than in Christian circles. Dr. Theillier shows that they are not at all at odds with the teaching of the Church; on the contrary the Catholic Church, with its millennia of experiences of spiritual realities beyond what we see, has an important contribution to make to our deeper understanding of this widespread phenomenon.

978-0-8245-2217-9 $24.95 pb / 260 pages

Patrick Theillier, MD, speaking about near-death experiences: “They show that the soul is not an invention of the Church, it actually exists. We have within us the ability to be connected to heaven by our spiritual soul.” —Interview by Raphaël Zbinden, 10/27/2015 (cath.ch apic-)

—Eric R. Priest FRSE FRS, Prof. em. University of St Andrews, UK Renowned physicist and mathematician; Author of several research monographs on the physics of the solar atmosphere

Professor Benz’ frequent appearances on European radio and

TV have made him known to a larger public interested in new developments in the area of astrophysics and its implications for the understanding of human life. The Faculty of Theology of the University of Zurich awarded him an honorary doctorate in 2011 for his interdisciplinary work in the dialogue between science and theology, which explores the relation between astrophysics and faith.


2018 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress

Dr. Patrick Theillier was for decades the head of medical research in Lourdes, France, and his main duty was to record and authenticate unexplained cures. A GP with 25 years’ experience and a deep respect for science, Theillier is also a practicing Catholic.



A formidable book at a pivotal time

“Self-worth is not created, it is discovered.”—Richard Rohr James W. Heisig

For God and Profit

Jesus’ Twin

From Christianity’s very beginning, it has had a difficult relationship with the world of money. Christian theologians, philosophers, and financiers have exerted considerable influence upon the emergence and development of the international financial systems, helping unleash a revolution in the way the world thinks about and uses capital. In For God and Profit, Samuel Gregg underscores the different ways in which Christians have helped to develop the financial and banking systems that have helped millions escape poverty for hundreds of years. He also provides a critical lens through which to assess the workings—and failures—of modern finance and banking. Gregg illustrates how Christian faith and reason can shape financial practices and banking institutions in ways that restore integrity to our troubled financial systems.

In Jesus’ Twin, a scholar shares his personal reflections into the Gospel of Thomas, offering a learned, accessible introduction as well as inspiring insights into these ancient texts that have long stirred curiosity and inquiry. James Heisig, who has read and studied the texts throughout his distinguished career as a scholar and teacher of religions, shows that the reasons for excluding the Gospel of Thomas from the Christian tradition are largely meaningless for us today. After more than half a century of concerted dialogue with other traditions, we are in a better position to recognize that not every alter Jesus is a Jesus alias. At the same time, attention to the spiritual demands being made on Christianity by our present age helps draw us more deeply into the text itself and control the tendency to immunize ourselves against its discomforts, whether through the distractions of scholarly disputation or the preoccupation with preserving orthodoxy.

A Dialogue with the Gospel of Thomas

How Banking and Finance Can Serve the Common Good With a forward by George Cardinal Pell

978-0-8245-2188-2 $29.95 hc / 300 pages


978-0-8245-2031-1 $19.95 pb / 180 pages E-book editions available

“For God and Profit is a formidable book, packed with interesting and regularly unacknowledged and unknown historical information, especially about the contribution of Christian thinking to the development of banking, the rise of the markets and Western prosperity. It is also closely argued with Christian and natural law categories of right and wrong being used to evaluate the economies and financial systems of today an yesterday.”

“This is not just another book on the Gospel of Thomas. Heisig leads us in a meditation on this Gospel and invites us to discover that it is ‘a bridge to a multi-religious spirituality,’ that it enables a ‘fully Buddhist reading of Jesus and his teachings,’ and that ‘our image of Jesus is …impoverished without the Jesus that we meet in the Gospel of Thomas.’ He succeeds splendidly! ”

—Cardinal George Pell, Prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy, Vatican City

—Paul F. Knitter, Paul Tillich Emeritus Professor of Theology, World Religions, and Culture, Union Theological Seminary

Samuel Gregg is an author, speaker, and research director at the Acton Institute. He lectures regularly on faith, morality, and economics. He is the author of several books including his prizewinning The Commercial Society. He publishes in journals such as The Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy; Journal of Markets & Morality; Economic Affairs; Law and Investment Management; Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics and Public Policy; Evidence; Ave Maria Law Review; Oxford Analytica; Communio; Journal of Scottish Philosophy; University Bookman; Foreign Affairs; and Policy. His opinion-pieces have appeared in the Wall Street Journal Europe; National Review; Public Discourse; American Spectator; Australian Financial Review; and Business Review Weekly. He holds an MA in political philosophy from the University of Melbourne, and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in moral philosophy and political economy from the University of Oxford.

2018 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress

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Samuel Gregg

—New Orleans Tribune James W. Heisig is a professor of philosophy at Nanzan University and a permanent fellow at the Nanzan Institute for Religion & Culture. He is the author of several books, including Dialogues at One Inch Above the Ground, Japanese Philosophy: A Sourcebook, Nothingness and Desire: An EastWest Philosophical Antiphony, and Philosophers of Nothingness.



New, beautifully illustrated book by Richard Rohr

“Self-worth is not created, it is discovered.” –Richard Rohr

Richard Rohr

What the Mystics Know Seven Pathways to Your Deeper Self


978-0-8245-2039-7 $19.95 pb / 176 pages E-book editions available

Richard Rohr


Richard Rohr’s spiritual classic— revised and with a new reading guide

The Freedom of Letting Go

Everything Belongs

St. Francis’s ancient call to the simple life of freedom and happiness, as seen by America’s foremost Franciscan. Richard Rohr shows you how to: recognize radical dependence on others; understand why less is more; break through to contemplation; embrace deeper spiritual freedom.

The one book every Rohr reader must own. This bestselling guide goes to the heart of Christianity and teaches us how to let go of ego and open to the connecting and integrating power of contemplation.

978-0-8245-2115-8 $19.95 pb / 192 pages

The Gift of Contemplative Prayer

978-0-8245-1995-7 $17.95 pb / 192 pages


Drawing from the best and most poetic of Richard Rohr’s writing from nearly a quarter of a century, each chapter in this new collection examines one of the seven core mystical truths. Organized according to the mystical path that every seeker must follow, Rohr identifies the pitfalls of everyday life, and shows us opportunities for change even in the face of pain, thereby transforming one’s deeper self into a beacon of light. Illuminating these insights with reflections on Christian and Jewish scriptures while citing the greatest religious writers throughout the ages, Rohr offers an unparalleled window into the wisdom of the mystics, within a succinct volume that represents the best treasury of his vast library of writing.

Richard Rohr

The Naked Now

Learning to See as the Mystics See “The Naked Now is a deep breath of fresh air. Richard Rohr invites us, all of us, to slow down and to find God, or be found by God, in all the places we never thought to look.” –Jim Wallis, President of Sojourners 978-0-8245-2543-9 $19.95 pb /192 pages

“Richard Rohr opened a new spiritual path for a lot of Americans.” –Dr. Mehmet Oz

Fr. Rohr with Oprah on Super Soul Sunday

JOY IN IMPERFECTION “Christian maturity is the ability to joyfully live in an imperfect world.” –From What the Mystics Know

FROM THE INTRODUCTION BY THE AUTHOR: “I hope that this book can invite you into the seemingly simple yet always profound realm of those who have found their way close to God and all of creation, and it can place the path of the mystic within your reach. Through each of the seven pathways outlined in the book, we can discover, in the context of a mature Christianity, or any religion, the God who is “closer to me than I am to myself” as St. Augustine puts it. Through the use of scriptures and both traditional and new metaphors, I want to give thoughtful guidance from classic sources, so you can know that your experience is not just your experience but the common domain of the perennial, or wisdom, traditions, which will always come to the surface in every age. By applying what the mystics know to your momentary outlook, you will be able to bring open-heartedness into the life you lead and the work you do. Then you might just be able to recognize that the ordinary path can also be the way of the mystic. It is all a matter of the eyes and the heart.”


2018 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress

Richard Rohr

Adam’s Return

The Five Promises of Male Initiation Richard Rohr, a leader in the men’s spirituality movement, shares the key concepts of traditional male initiation, and shepherds readers toward an awakening into a conscious, alert, and mature masculinity. A catalyst for a transforming revelation of true self—from a master. 978-0-8245-2280-3 $19.95 pb / 224 pages


Richard Rohr and Andreas Ebert

The Enneagram A Christian Perspective

Richard Rohr and Andreas Ebert’s runaway bestseller unveils the dynamic, personal evolution that the Enneagram offers. This updated resource discusses the applications of the ancient tool for discernment and reveals the harmony between its principles and the core truths of Christian thought. 978-0-8245-1950-6 $19.95 pb / 320 pages 29

“I laugh because it’s silly, and I cry because it’s true.” –Paula D’Arcy

PA u L A d ’A R c Y


“Only those who love rightly see rightly.” – Richard Rohr

Paula D’Arcy, a writer,

Richard Rohr

Contemplation in Action Where else can you find spiritual inspiration from Richard Rohr, Edwina Gateley, Thomas Keating, Basil Pennington, Paula D’Arcy, and others in one accessible volume? This book, designed for bedside devotion, offers the best of Richard Rohr’s Radical Grace newsletter, published by Rohr’s Center for Action and Contemplation.

Richard Rohr

Quest for the Grail Using the mythological investigations of Joseph Campbell and Robert Moore, Richard Rohr brings alive the ancient legends of knights and the search for King Arthur’s grail, and shows how they can serve as models for a journey of the psyche and spirit. 978-0-8245-1654-3 $19.95 pb / 192 pages

Grace in Action Inspired reflections by Richard Rohr and his colleagues at the Center for Action and Contemplation on how to be a healing presence in the world today, Grace in Action is a hopeful book that looks to the Church community as a positive change agent--a place where justice, healing, love and faith are ushered into a world hungry for meaning and direction. 978-0-8245-1379-5 $14.95 pb / 214 pages


Job and the Mystery of Suffering Spiritual Reflections

Richard Rohr plumbs the depths of the Job’s story to reveal its relevance for us today. This important book shows how the tension between suffering and faith can be a powerful means to an authentic connection with the divine.

Richard Rohr

The Good News According to Luke Spiritual Reflections

Richard Rohr shares his understanding of Luke’s message for today’s reader. Grounded in scholarship, but accessible to a general audience, this commentary sheds light on the main themes of Luke’s gospel.

RESURRECTION TAKES CARE OF ITSELF “It is not quick or easy, we find, to allow the true self or to allow the true God. The task of life is the gradual unveiling of both. . . Resurrection takes care of itself. It comes naturally once the false self is abandoned. But what an abandoning! Every movement toward union will feel like a loss of self-importance and self-control.” —What the Mystics Know

978-0-8245-1966-7 $19.95 pb / 192 pages

2018 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress

Paula D’Arcy

Paula D’Arcy

A Mother’s Journey Through Grief and Beyond With an Afterword by Beth Starr D’Arcy

The Story of a Divine Encounter

Song for Sarah

In this diary of tender, loving letters before and after her daughter Sarah’s death, D’Arcy transforms her sorrow into a gift of love that offers peace, comfort, and true hope. 978-0-8245-2523-1 $12.95 pb / 144 pages

978-0-8245-1734-2 $19.95 pb / 192 pages

978-0-8245-2388-6 $16.95 pb / 160 pages

Richard Rohr

Richard Rohr

retreat leader, and speaker travels widely in the United States, Canada and abroad. She is also President of Red Bird Foundation that supports the growth and spiritual development of those in need.

Gift of the Red Bird

D’Arcy’s spiritual journey took a radical turn when she lost her husband and toddler daughter in a car accident. From that event, D’Arcy draws the hope and strength that have inspired so many readers. In this classic, she writes about venturing out into the wilderness on a vision quest to wait for God to speak. A red bird appeared and, without words, began to teach... . 978-0-8245-1956-8 $14.95 pb / 152 pages

Paula D’Arcy

Paula D’Arcy

Paula D’Arcy

Encountering God’s Presence Today

Guidance for Grievers and the Friends Who Care

A New Set of Eyes

Seeking with All My Heart

Join Paula in this book of comforting reflections, and receive her extraordinary wisdom of living, open your eyes to the knowledge, intuition and love that are like a wellspring already present in your deepest soul.

A series of parables and reflections designed to guide the reader on their path into greater awareness and openness to the presence of the divine in everyday life.

Encountering the Hidden God

978-0-8245-2573-6 $14.95 pb / 144 pages

978-0-8245-2599-6 $16.95 pb / 160 pages


When People Grieve

This classic manual is filled with practical advice on how to deal with profound grief, including, Loss, Shock, Depression, Anger, Moodiness, The Body’s Response, Things Not To Say, Ways to Help, Honest Conversation, Tips on Visiting and many more. 978-0-8245-2339-8 $12.95 pb / 144 pages



Robert Barron

Thomas Aquinas

Proclaiming the Power of Christ

Word on Fire

Word on Fire is one of the leading introductions to Catholic faith and culture. Based on specific Bible readings from the Old and the New Testament, Fr. Barron shares enthusiastically from the riches of Christian belief and tradition. His lively presentation of Catholicism uses art, music, painting, poetry, philosophy, and saints’ lives to illustrate the Biblical message. With major sections on God, Jesus, the Church, the Liturgy, Living the Spiritual Life, and the Saints — each one featuring a beautiful illustration by Michael O’Neill McGrath — this book offers passionate evangelism for discerning readers interested in Catholicism, whether in private reflection or in group discussion.

978-0-8245-2453-1 $16.95 pb / 240 pages

978-0-8245-2496-8 $14.95 pb / 192 pages



Spiritual Master Thomas Aquinas is widely considered the greatest and most influential of Catholic theologians. Yet too often his insights into the nature of God and the meaning of life are seen as somehow cold, impersonal, and divorced from spirituality. In this award-winning book, Robert Barron shows how Aquinas’s profound understanding of the Christian mystical life animates and helps explain his writings on Jesus Christ, creation, God’s “strange” nature, and the human call to ecstasy.

“Robert Barron’s reflections on the scriptures weave vast learning, beautiful prose, and his own vivid faith into a seamless whole.” —Lawrence S. Cunningham, University of Notre Dame

“Clear and lively — highly recommended.” —Howard P. Bleichner, author of View from the Altar Robert Barron

“Anyone introduced to Thomas in a way that missed his mind and heart will find here a fresh appreciation of his teaching as well as his inner life.”

Heaven in Stone and Glass Experiencing the Spirituality of the Great Cathedrals

—David Burrell, CSC, Theodore M. Hesburgh Professor in Philosophy and Theology, University of Notre Dame

Like a mystical tome waiting to be deciphered, a Gothic cathedral holds many secrets about Christ, the Christian life, and the soul’s yearning for God. In Heaven in Stone and Glass, Robert Barron teaches us how to read these secrets, with beautiful meditations on aspects such as light and darkness, the labyrinth, gargoyles and demons, and vertical space. Whether you’re preparing for a pilgrimage to York Cathedral or Notre Dame in Paris, or looking ahead to bedside reflection on sacred space, this book is the perfect guide.

“Father Barron does a beautiful job of making the writings of Aquinas come alive for today.” —The Catechist’s Connection

“Barron leads the reader beyond the technical theological language to the spiritual experience underpinning the writing.” —Review for Religious

“A charming and appealing volume. Highly recommended!”

978-0-8245-1993-3 $14.95 pb / 128 pages 32

2018 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress


—Library Journal, ROBERT BARRON is a Cathoic priest and professor of Theology at Mundelein Seminary at the University of St. Mary of the Lake in Muldelein, IL. He is the author of several books, including And Now I See, Thomas Aquinas: Spiritual Master, and Word on Fire. 33

Focus on Father Henri Nouwen

“Listen to a spiritual book as a voice that addresses you directly.” –Henri Nouwen

Henri J. M. Nouwen

In the Name of Jesus Reflections on Christian Leadership

HenRi nouWen

978-0-8245-1259-0 $14.95 pb / 120 pages

Translated into 26 languages

Life of the Beloved Spiritual Living in a Secular World

This spiritual classic began as a simple request from one friend to another. Fred Bratman, a secular journalist and writer, asked Henri Nouwen to write a book explaining the spiritual life in terms that he and his friends could understand, avoiding theology and technical language. Nouwen’s answer has become one of the most cherished books of our era.

The Only Necessary Thing

Finding My Way Home

This meaningful collection of Henri Nouwen’s best writings on prayer and meditation was edited with love and care by one of his close friends, Wendy Greer.

Bringing together four core essays of Henri Nouwen’s work, The Path of Peace, The Path of Power, The Path of Waiting, The Path of Living and Dying, this book “allowed Henri Nouwen to speak about our collective sense of homelessness and the universal thirst for the experience of truly being at home.” –Sue Mosteller C.S.J.

Living a Prayerful Life

978-0-8245-2493-7 $15.95 pb / 224 pages

Encounters with Merton

Our Second Birth

Encounters with Merton brings together two of the 20th century’s most important and articulate Christian voices. Henri Nouwen explores themes of solitude, nonviolence, and the encounters between Eastern and Western spirituality as presented by Merton.

Taken from Henri Nouwen’s diary of his last year on earth, the inspirational readings of Our Second Birth throw light on the meaning of life, friendship, and the love of God, and are seen from the perspective of the life to come.

Spiritual Reflection “Only Thomas Merton and C.S. Lewis have had a comparable impact on Christian spirituality in the United States.” –America Magazine ... Michael, a core member at L’Arche community near Toronto who cannot walk or speak ... Hillary Clinton, then First Lady in Washington D.C., one of the most listened-to people in the world ... The late Cardinal Bernardin of Chicago, a beacon of forgiveness and charity to millions ... Whether it is a famous politician, a volunteer in Namibia, or a seminarian in England, people around the world share admiration and enthusiasm for the life and work of the internationally renowned priest and author, professor Henri Nouwen. Without doubt, Father Nouwen has shaped the spirituality of several generations.


2018 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress

978-0-8245-2149-3 $14.95 pb / 144 pages

Show Me the Way

Readings for Each Day of Lent Share the forty-day Lenten path with Henri Nouwen, from the solemn beginning of Ash Wednesday to the joyous climax of Easter. Each daily section offers a paragraph from the Bible, a Lenten reflection by the author, and a prayer. 978-0-8245-1353-5 $19.95 pb / 192 pages

978-0-8245-2274-2 $15.95 pb / 160 pages

978-0-8245-1986-5 $16.95 pb / 160 pages

“Invited to Washington, D.C., to give a lecture on Christian Leadership of the Future, Nouwen demonstrated his own style of leadership by bringing with him a member of the community of the mentally handicapped he served at Daybreak, in Toronto. What is he to do when, standing at center stage and acknowledging the applause following his lecture, Bill walks up to him and asks if he, too, may address the audience? Here is a lesson in Christian leadership the reader will never forget: identifying the three temptations that everyone faces, Nouwen shows us how to make leadership truly Christian, by admitting our weaknesses and embracing Christ as the source of forgiveness and integrity.”

Pathways to Life and the Spirit

HenRi nouWen

In the Name of Jesus is Henri Nouwen’s bold, honest, and heartwarming message about Christian leadership. According to Nouwen, Christians must give up their desire to be powerful and embrace authority based on prayer and forgiveness. His emphasis on a vigorous Jesus-centered life will be helpful to every committed Christian and in particular to all leaders and teachers in the Christian faith.

Christian Reflections on Death and New Life

978-0-8245-2365-7 $14.95 pb / 224 pages


Here and Now Living in the Spirit

Henri Nouwen wrote this book to express what mattered to him most. He shares new insights, new stories, and new information not to be found elsewhere. Now with reflection guide. 978-0-8245-1967-4 $16.95 pb / 232 pages

Beyond the Mirror

Reflections on Life and Death Foreword by Robert Durback “With his brutal self scrutiny and honesty, Nouwen takes us through the interior meaning of his trip to ‘death’s portal,’ and gives us courage and hope for our own encounter some day.”–Church and Synagogue Library Association 978-0-8245-1961-2 $14.95 pb / 96 pages


“Life is a teacher of universal truths.” – From The Rule of Benedict

“God loves infinitively and always.” —Thomas Keating, O.C.S.O.

Joan Chittister, O.S.B.

The Rule of Benedict

JoAn cHittisteR

The Rule of Benedict is a little guidebook that was written 1500 years ago by Benedict of Nursia. Ever since, its simple words have attracted people wanting to walk the spiritual path in community with others. Even today, tens of thousands of people follow The Rule of Benedict, both in monastic and in lay communities around the world. This book includes the original text of The Rule of Benedict, each chapter followed by the visionary and inspiring commentary by one of the most influential Benedictines alive today. Like no other, Sr. Joan is able to draw out the contemporary relevance and urgency of this short yet so influential book. The book is accompanied by carefully chosen images, and via a download, prayers sung in the ancient Gregorian Chant cultivated through the centuries by Benedictine monasteries. Together the texts, images, and music invite you to a special experience of The Rule of Benedict. 978-0-8245-2594-1 $16.95 pb/ 328 pages Includes 84 two-color photos and illustrations

Fr. Keating is a monk at St. Benedict’s Monastery in Snowmass, Colorado. He is one of the principal architects and teachers of the Christian contemplative prayer movement for renewal of the contemplative dimension of Christianity.

An Introduction to Centering Prayer

An Introduction to Contemplative Christianity

A founder of the Centering Prayer movement, Cistercian monk and bestselling author Thomas Keating offers here an introduction filled with insight and practical advice. “This is perhaps Keating’s most readable and enlightening work.” –Spiritual Book News

The Heart of the World The Christian heritage is rich in contemplative wisdom literature and practices. As fresh and vibrant today as when it was first published, this classic book is essential to a deeper understanding of this spiritual center of Christianity.

978-0-8245-2529-3 $16.95 pb / 232 pages

978-0-8245-2495-1 $14.95 pb / 100 pages

Thomas Keating

Thomas Keating

Thomas Keating

978-0-8245-1044-2 $16.95 pb / 136 pages

A Lenten Passage

—New Oxford Review “Chittister’s interpretation . . . arranged according to the three-cycle reading Benedictines accomplish each year, is one of the best I have seen. Her commentary is itself a modern reworking of the Rule for contemporary Christians.”

“Any religious or lay person will welcome and identify with her book’s universal themes and concrete examples. Its message is profound and yet accessible to those ‘beginners’ for whom Benedict intended his Rule in the first place.” —Review for Religious


Thomas Keating

Intimacy with God

“By offering informed commentary that links St. Benedict’s Rule with contemporary questions (stewardship, relationships, authority, community, balance, work, simplicity, prayer, and spiritual and psychological development), Sr. Joan succeeds in her task of making an ancient document accessible to a modern reading public.”

—The Episcopal New Yorker

Joan Chittister with Oprah on Super Soul Sunday

Thomas Keating

t H o M A s K e At i n g

Joan Chittister is one of the most influential religious and spiritual leaders of our age. For over 30 years she has been a passionate and energetic speaker, counselor, and clear voice for the global community. A Benedictine Sister of Erie, PA, Sister Joan was prioress of her com¬munity for 12 year, and received many awards for her work on the renewal of spirituality, especially on women in the church.

2018 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress


Journey to the Center

Thomas Keating


The perfect companion for the 40 days of Lent, this book offers a bible reading, a commentary by Father Keating, and a prayer for contemplation for each of the days of Lent.

978-0-8245-1149-4 $18.95 pb / 132 pages

978-0-8245-1895-0 $9.95 pb/ 120 pages

Two wonderful collections of Fr. Keating’s best biblical reflections. Each volume contains 30 bible texts and Fr. Keating’s reflection.


Mediations on the Parables of Jesus Gathering the strongest texts from The Kingdom of God Is Like, Awakenings, and Reawakenings, this book shows you how to apply meaning of the parables to your spiritual journey today. 978-0-8245-2607-8 $16.95 pb/ 144 pages


Lady of the Light, Woman for the World

Books by Ronald Rolheiser

Joan Ohanneson

Hildegard of Bingen

Ronald Rolheiser, O.M.I. is one of the most wellknown authors of Catholic spiritual books. He is president of the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, Texas, and a specialist in the fields of spirituality and systematic theology.

Ronald Rolheiser

Ronald Rolheiser

Rediscovering a Felt Presence of God

The Finger of God in Our Everyday Lives

The Shattered Lantern

This evocative, readable book looks at how practical atheism and disbelief have crept into our world and how, in the face of it, we can restore the “shattered lantern” and bring back the light of God. 978-0-8245-2275-9 $14.95 pb / 192 pages

In breathtaking prose, Joan Ohanneson has crafted an unforgettable encounter with Hildegard, the astonishing visionary and prophet, artist and healer, whose music is sweeping the charts again today. Weaving into her text Hildegard’s own vivid accounts of “the Living Light,” the author brings to life the “feather on the breath of God” – Hildegard of Bingen, who shattered stereotypes of women, of saints, and of God for all time. “This is a new edition of Scarlet Music”

Against an Infinite Horizon

cRossRoAd Fiction

RonALd RoLHeiseR

Lady of the Light, Woman for the World

978-0-8245-2018-2 $16.95 pb / 288 pages

Fr. Rolheiser speaks of the deepest human longing in words that have reached hundreds of thousands of readers. This book is an attempt to develop a vocabulary that can help decipher the accidents in every life everyday, that might aptly be called divine providence.

Updated Edition

978-0-8245-1965-0 $16.95 pb / 240 pages

“Ohanneson has dramatized the life of 12th-century Hildegard of Bingen in this fascinating novel. Highly recommended”. —Library Journal “In this fictional biography Ohanneson firmly anchors Hildegard of Bingen’s life and prophetic witness in the historical events both religious and secular of twelfth-century Europe, yet weaves for us a remarkable portrayal of a woman, deeply steeped through her visionary insights and mystic experience into the numinous feminine divine which expresses itself as Wisdom and Love.”

“Clear and readable. Rolheiser knows the spiritual terrain like few others. Read and be astonished.” —Richard Rohr, author of Everything Belongs

“We need to become missionaries again within our own culture that, it would appear, the Church must address in terms of taking to heart Jesus’ parting challenge: “Go out to all nations and baptize ’them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.’” —Ronald Rolheiser

—Miriam Schmitt, co-editor of Medieval Women Monastics: Wisdom’s Wellsprings

Ronald Rolheiser

Secularity and the Gospel

“Hildegard of Bingen will rivet the modern reader with its masterly evocation of times and peoples past, of saints and sinners, abbots and popes, and the shadows of great monasteries spreading across the landscape. ... an episode of Masterpiece Theatre at its most arresting and enlightening.” —Eugene Kennedy, author of Queen Bee and On Becoming a Counselor

Being Missionaries to Our Children

Today, our own children might know little about the Gospel. In this important contribution Fr. Rolheiser offers original chapters on the topic, then introduces leading voices in Catholic thought to show how Christian faith can thrive in a secular world. 978-0-8245-2412-8 $24.95 pb / 240 pages


2018 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress

The late Joan Ohanneson was an author, producer, teacher, and international speaker, lecturing extensively on Hildegard of Bingen. Ohanneson’s work brought insight and understanding to the areas of spirituality, sexuality, and women’s gifts to the church.



500 YEARS REFORMATION Maria Calasanz Ziesche

Asta Scheib

Katharina and Martin Luther

Herman of Reicheneau

Read the reformation’s most stormy and scandalous love story written from the heart of Katharina’s experience of life, Luther, his friends and foes.

The fascinating life story of one of the most remarkable personalities of the middle ages. A deeply encouraging book especially for people struggling with illness and physical handicap. A book about culture, inspiration and the grandeur of the human spirit.

The Story of the Salve Regina and the Triumph of the Human Spirit

Asta Scheib is one of Germany’s most celebrated contemporary fiction writers. This is one of her most memorable novels: the love story at the center of the reformation.

Herman of Reichenau was severely crippled, yet one of the Middle Ages most brilliant minds. He was marginalized and even mistreated by his fellow monks, yet still today is celebrated for the ground breaking scientific work, and the beauty of his musical compositions.

Written with historical accuracy, and a sensitivity that takes its cues from the time rather than imposing today, this novel, hugely successful in Germany, offers a balancing perspective of the events 500 years ago.

978-0-8245-2366-4 $16.95 pb / 240 pages

978-0-8245-2084-7 $14.99 pb / 400 pages

“Scheib effectively illuminates the complexities of Katharina von Bora and of relationships in general. [The book] engages readers in this manner, treating its religious backdrop with historical objectivity and remaining accessible to a diverse audience. With the alphabet re-beaded to dress a foreign tongue, translator Ward and author Scheib present this English version of Kinder des Ungehorsams, which was originally met with wide acclaim when first published in Germany in 1996. Reflecting the author’s ample research, including documented letters from Martin Luther to Katharina, the novel is faithful to history, and merges a seamless blend of events and emotions.” —Foreword reviews

“With suspense and great empathy, Asta Scheib tells the turbulent and moving story of the marriage of these two extraordinary people.” —Pressebuero Berghoff


cRossRoAd Fiction

cRossRoAd Fiction

The Scandalous Love Story at the Heart of the Reformation

2018 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress

This Benedictine monk lived at one of the most influential and powerful Medieval Monasteries, situated on a small island in the Lake of Constance where today Austria, Switzerland and Germany border. 1,000 years ago this was a center of learnedness, art, science and spirituality as there were few. Herman was a quadriplegic since childhood, and had been brought to the monastery at an early age. As he grew and studied, investing his hope in the medical promises of the time to alleviate his physical ailments, his days meandered between deep despair, patience and growing faith. When his music was played and sung an exhilarating joy entered his and the whole community, and the monks came to see the extraordinary spiritual strength, beauty and true happiness coming from the weakest among them, the one they had called ‘a nothing’, and who had answered: ‘if I am a nothing, I am God’s nothing.”



Africa & African-American Perspectives

A biblical and theological study of great relevance Paschal C. Mbagwu

Where God and Human Meet

The Paschal Mystery, Priesthood and Sacrifice Among the Igbos The meeting between the Divine and humans is experienced in greatest measure in the liturgy of the Eucharist mediated through the role of the priest. Igbo religion and culture offer surprising aspects that invite ecclesiastical consideration for a profound worship.

—Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr., Trinity Cyprian Davis

The History of Black Catholics in the United States This book makes an extremely valuable contribution to our understanding of African-American religious life by presenting the first full-length treatment of the Black Catholic experience. It should be read by all interested in the history and culture of Black Americans. 978-0-8245-5008-0 $24.95 pb / 366 pages Revised Edition Coming Soon!

Joyce Hollyday

On the Heels of Freedom


AFRicAn PeRsPectiVes

“When you read the stories of those whose lives were blessed by this AMA effort, you will have a glimpse of the glory of God, the fruit of the missionaries’ hard labor and the joy of Victory in Christ Jesus in spite of the harshness of racism at the end of the 19th Century!” UCC, Chicago, Illinois

Starting with the priesthood and sacrificial ritual in the Igbo tribe which is the seed-bed of Christianity in Nigeria, and suggesting areas in the Igbo culture and tradition that may be enculturated into the church’s worship, this book contributes to giving Christ and the Church a true home in Igboland.

The American Missionary Association’s Bold Campaign to Educate Minds, Open Hearts, and Heal the Soul of a Divided Nation “…provides a rare, well-researched, anecdotal history of the blossoming of education among former slaves in the post-Civil War South. I was riveted to and challenged by every page.” —Stephen A. Hayner, Peachtree Professor of Evangelism, Columbia Theological Seminary 978-0-8245-2348-0 $19.95 pb / 240 pages

978-0-8245-2219-3 $29.95 pb / 256 pages

“I realized again the significance of that liturgical gesture at every Mass in which the priest or deacon mingles, at the preparation of the gifts, a few drops of water with the wine and prays quietly: “By the mystery of this water and wine, may we come to share in the divinity of Christ Who humbled Himself to share in our humanity.” The water that represents our humanity is to be elevated to the divinity of Christ so that we become one in Him. At Mass and in Christ, you and I are to become an acceptable offering to the Father.” —Edward J. Slattery, Bishop of Tulsa

Nwaka Chris Egbulem

Benezet Bujo

Inspirations from the Zairean Liturgy

Beyond the Universal Claims of Western Morality

The Power of Africentric Celebrations In 1988 the Vatican approved a special rite of the Catholic mass initiated in CongoZaire, and based on the African spiritual experience. This practical guide introduces readers to the practice of worship as celebrated in the African tradition. 978-0-8245-1489-1 $14.95 pb / 168 pages


Foundations of an African Ethic In this groundbreaking book, Benezet Bujo, a leading voice in African Christian theology, offers an informed critique of Western ethics and lays the theoretical groundwork for a new African ethic. 978-0-8245-1905-6 $24.95 pb / 232 pages

Frederick Quinn

African Saints

Saints, Martyrs, and Holy People from the Continent of Africa Episcopal priest and former foreign service officer, Frederick Quinn, who spent many years in Africa, offers a much-needed retelling of lives, prayers, poetry and sacrifice that together form the rich story of African spirituality, nurtured by Africa’s people.

After his ordination, Paschal C. Mbagqu served as a parochial vicar for a year. He also served as the Archdiocesan Master of Liturgical Ceremonies and taught in a minor seminary before proceeding for further studies. Rev. Mbagwu obtained a Licentiate and Doctorate degrees. in Liturgical/Sacramental theology from the University of St. Mary of the Lake Mundelein, Illinois.

978-0-8245-1971-1 $22.95 pb / 248 pages

2018 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress



Violence, Peace, and Redemption

The call to Spiritual Direction is a sacred task


sPiRituAL diRection

Thomas Merton

Honorable Reader Reflections on My Work

Passion for Peace

Reflections on War and Nonviolence

William H. Shannon

Silent Lamp

The Thomas Merton Story “A wonderful biography of Thomas Merton. Essential for anyone interested in this fascinating man.” —ALA Booklist “By far the most authentic Merton and Merton story we have to date.” —The Catholic Historic Review

“Essential information in the mosaic which was not just Merton’s personal journey, but a quest made for thousands of readers in many foreign cultures.” — Resources for American Literary Study

In times of violence we seek resources for peace. This essential book presents the core of Thomas Merton’s insights into the nature of violence, and terrorism, and the Christian call for active, non-violent engagement in the world.

978-0-8245-1125-8 $19.95 pb / 172 pages

978-0-8245-2415-9 $14.95 pb / 176 pages

Gil Bailie

Michael H. Crosby

Francis Cardinal Arinze

Humanity at the Crossroads Introduction by Rene Girard

From Control to Compassion

A Call for Solidarity to the Religions of the World

Everything regarding violence, nonviolence, and compassion begins with power. Power is the ability to influence. Whether you are in a personal relationship, a corporate or political leadership role, this book offers new insights into understanding and dealing with power.

“This is a book that needs to be read, reflected on, and responded to by all who care for the future of mankind.” –Rabbi Sr. Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi of Britain and the Commonwealth

Violence Unveiled

“Anyone concerned about the rise of violence and social disintegration in our culture, and who wants to understand what is really happening, must read this book.” –Sojourners 978-0-8245-1645-1 $29.95 pb / 312 pages


Thomas Merton

The Paradox of Power

978-0-8245-2470-8 $19.95 pb / 192 pages

978-0-8245-1281-1 $19.95 pb / 304 pages

Religions for Peace

978-0-8245-4700-4 $16.95 pb / 165 pages

2018 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress

Gernot Candolini

Karen L. Kuchan, Ph. D.

M. Basil Pennington

Walking Toward the Center With a foreword by Paula D’Arcy

A New Practice of Prayer for Healing and Growth Find God’s healing, forgiveness and unconditional love through Visio Divina. This new practice combines meditative healing prayer with divinely revealed inner images, leading us to discover hidden wounds and desires. Dr. Kuchan weaves practical explanations with tales of overcoming shame to find divine acceptance and love. 978-0-8245-2317-6 $16.95 pb /192 pages

Renewing the Ancient Practice of Praying the Scriptures


“These pages are a rich, wondrous blend of history, faith’s deep call, and the wisdom gleaned from the journey.” –Paula D’Arcy 978-0-8245-2102-8 $16.95 pb/ 146 pages Including 40 b/w illustrations

Visio Divina

Lectio Divina

A popular introduction to the “way of friendship,” the ancient meditative practice of the West. No matter where you are on the spiritual journey, Lectio Divina can guide you to wisdom, guidance, and joy. 978-0-8245-1736-6 $16.95 pb / 184 pages

Carole Ann Camp

Joyce Rupp

Joyce Rupp

Meditations for Walking the Labyrinth

The Path of Midlife Spirituality

Hope and Strength in Times of Suffering

Praying at Every Turn

Carole Ann Camp’s insightful book deepens our understanding of the transformative practice of walking the labyrinth. Bible readings, prayers, and stories from the author’s many years of experience with this powerful ritual support us as we take a journey of faith. 978-0-8245-2387-9 $16.95 pb/ 176 pages

Dear Heart,Come Home Joyce Rupp shares her own midlife journey—its ups and downs—with honesty and insight that will support and inspire other seekers looking to deepen their spiritual lives. 978-0-8245-1556-0 $19.95 pb / 208 pages eBook editions available


Your Sorrow Is My Sorrow A sensitive reflection on the seven sorrows of Mary, connecting the divine mother’s suffering and pain with the trials and afflictions that every human must bear. Let Mary’s patient wisdom guide you as you face life’s difficulties. 978-0-8245-1566-9 $16.95 pb / 192 pages eBook editions available


Carolyn Gratton

Art of Spiritual Guidance A must for retreat leaders and spiritual directors. This eminently readable work, widely recognized as an essential reference for both guides and those seeking guidance, integrates into one coherent whole a wide variety of psychological and spiritual insights about spiritual formation.

A practical book for those who want to make a vital connection between their faith and their lives. The authors describe theological reflection as “the artful discipline of putting our experience into conversation with the heritage of the Christian tradition.”

978-0-8245-1223-1 $29.95 pb / 264 pages

978-0-8245-1401-3 $17.95 pb / 168 pages

Judah Ronch, William Van Ornum and Nicholas Stillwell

True Self, False Self

The Counseling Sourcebook A Practical Reference on Contemporary Issues

A comprehensive, up-to-date, and practical reference book. The definitive helping book for everyone who counsels. 978-0-8245-1241-5 $29.95 pb / 552 pages


Patricia O’Connell Killen and John de Beer

The Art of Theological Reflection

M. Basil Pennington

Unmasking the Spirit Within

Integrating his own powerful spirituality with the humanism of Teilhard de Chardin and the contemplative wisdom of Thomas Merton, a Trappist monk deftly uncovers the direct route to happiness and peace our age so desperately seeks. 978-0-8245-1845-5 $12.95 pb / 128 pages

“The intelligence of our heart is our spiritual intelligence.”

—Robert Frager

Robert F. Morneau

Benedict J. Groeschel

Principles and Practices

The Psychology of Spiritual Development

Spiritual Direction One of today’s most eminent Christian leaders describes 10 principles of spiritual direction and 10 guidelines for prayer, discernment, and asceticism. Morneau shares a rich understanding of reverence, the primacy of joy, and gives a series of delightful spiritual exercises for “eclectic nomads”. 978-0-8245-1202-6 $11.95 pb / 144 pages

Carmen Renee Berry

When Helping You Is Hurting Me Escaping the Messiah Trap

Do you find yourself trapped in a relationship where you do all the giving and the other person does all the taking? If so, this wise and supportive book borne from experience is your ticket out. 978-0-8245-2108-0 $16.95 pb / 176 pages

2018 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress

Spiritual Passages

This book is intended to relate some of the more sound insight of contemporary psychology to the classical outline of the spiritual journey contained in the immense and fascinating literature of spirituality. 978-0-8245-0628-5 $19.95 pb / 224 pages

Evelyn Eaton Whitehead and James D. Whitehead

Christian Life Patterns

The Psychological Challenges and Religious Invitations of Adult Life This classic of personal and spiritual development, co-authored by a prominent psychologist and a theologian, draws on the best in social sciences research, along with scriptural and theological resources, to illuminate the challenges and opportunities of each stage of life. 978-0-8245-2338-1 $24.95 pb / 216 pages

Robert Frager, editor

Edited by Suzanne Buckley

Current Approaches to Spiritual Direction and Guidance

Formation and Transformation in Spiritual Direction Programs

Sharing Sacred Stories

This outstanding resource for spiritual directors and teachers offers wisdom by the world’s premier authorities about the core components of spiritual direction and guidance across diverse religious and cultural traditions. 978-0-8245-2446-3 $19.95 pb / 184 pages

Dolores Leckey

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Quarks, Chaos & Christianity

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An Argument for the Restoration of the Female Diaconate in the Catholic Church

Wayfarers in the Cosmos

Discipleship of Equals

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Here, best-selling author Diarmuid O’Murchu presents a vision of the intersection of quantum physics and spirituality. It is now revised to reflect the most recent advances in physics. From black holes to holograms, from relativity theory to the discovery of quarks, this book is an original and rich exposition of quantum theory and the way it unravels profound theological questions.

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2018 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress

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Women Saints

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2018 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress

Lyn Holley Doucet and Robin Hebert

Lyn Holley Doucet and Robin Hebert

When Women Pray

When Wisdom Speaks

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Living Experiences of Biblical Women

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WoMen’s PeRsPectiVes

WoMen’s PeRsPectiVes

Women Saints

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Jim McManus, C.Ss.R.

All Generations Will Call Me Blessed Mary at the Millennium

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Gregory K. Popcak, Ph.D. Guide to Toe-Curling, Mind-Blowing, Infallible Loving

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This book makes a prophetic proposal, respectful of church teaching, that addresses the growing deficiency of priests in the Catholic church. Based on sound theology and firsthand experience, this book is presented in an illustrated and easily digestible form and was written by an author with decades of experience who has studied the situation as a theologian and developed realistic solutions as a pastor and bishop.

e M P t Y A LtA R

FA M i LY L i F e

Holy Sex!

Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle

Prayerfully Expecting

A Nine Month Novena for Mothers to Be. With Foreword by blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta. With special blessing by Pope John Paul II

Fritz Lobinger

Transform the traditional nine-day prayer of preparation for the feast days into a nine-month devotional practice for your pregnancy. This keepsake prayer journal offers a place for expecting mothers to celebrate the mystery of pregnancy in prayer and reflection. Each part of the novena is accompanied by inspiring prayers, monthly updates about baby development, and supportive quotes from Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Pope John Paul II, and others.

Un libro ilustrado para debatir sobre la falta de curass

Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle is the mother of five children and the author of The Heart of Motherhood and Catholic Prayer Book for Mothers. 978-0-8245-2459-3 $19.95 pb / 192 pages

El Altar Vacio

978-0-8245-1850-9 $19.95 pb / 176 pages

David Robinson

The Busy Family’s Guide to Spirituality

Este libro sugiere preguntas a través de las ilustraciones para ayudar a tomar conciencia de muchos aspectos sobre los que nunca se pensó. Las respuestas que propone Fritz Lobinger están contenidas en su libro Equipos de ministros ordenados donde propone la figura de los “ministros ordenados”: personas con familia y una profesión secular pero que trabajarán, en equipo y a tiempo parcial para la comunidad a la que pertenecen.

Practice Lessons for Modern Living from the Monastic Tradition

978-0-8245-2524-8 $16.95 pb / 248 pages 52

Drawing on timeless principles of monastic communal living, this spiritual guide for families offers effective tools to meet many challenges and counteract the divisive forces that can splinter a healthy home. Cultivating a sense of togetherness and nurturing the spiritual development of both the family and its individual members is a challenge that many find difficult to meet. Though hectic schedules and competing interests chip away at the sense of community and the support systems that family members need to thrive, each chapter of this book includes a practical lesson from the rule of St. Benedict and the Benedictine traditions which have been cornerstones of Western Christian monastic life for millennia. Spiritual practice, making time, discipline, sharing, hospitality, and changing family dynamics are some of the topics addressed in this wise and wide-ranging handbook, while exercises, checklists, and ideas for family activities are included at the end of every chapter. The gentle, reassuring tone offers encouragement to both traditional and nontraditional families, and reinforces the importance of parenting as a spiritual calling. 2018 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress

Ideas complejas se pueden hacer más sencillas y comprensibles a través de ilustraciones; y éstas pueden ayudar a la reflexión compartida. El objetivo de este libro es promover el debate en torno a la escasez de sacerdotes actuales: ¿La solución sería tener dos tipos diferentes de presbíteros? ¿Cómo hacerlo sin generar confusión? ¿Qué hacer para que colaboren entre todos en lugar de competir? ¿Haría falta cambios en la formación de los curas actuales? ¿Qué papel desempeñarían las comunidades?

Las grandes preguntas sobre el ministerio presbiteral en la Iglesia de hoy no pueden ser respondidas por una sola persona. Juntos, debemos tratar de encontrar las respuestas.



Ruth Pfau

The Last Word is Love

Adventure, Medicine, War and God

coMing soon

HoW to oRdeR

A truly inspiring memoir focusing on the healing perspective of life deeply enjoyed, deeply suffered. As a young doctor, Ruth Pfau discovered Christianity, converted and entered a religious community that sent her to Pakistan to care for lepers. Seeing Christ in the faces of her patients Dr. Pfau worked initially under illegal circumstances, set up clinics in the inhospitable mountains of Pakistan, trained nurses, and eventually was honored with the highest award of the state of Pakistan and offered a position with its health department - she, a woman and a Christian. Her life, and the lives of those she continued to care for were filled with pain, suffering, joy, hope and love, a living proof of the power of faith, and friendship. 978-0-8245-2369-5 $22.95 pb / 208 pages Robert J. Cormier

Better Than We Believed 2

More Basic Questions Enlightened by Faith

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A recipient of the Eric Hoffer award, the first volume, Better Than We Believed presented a vision of faith that can be experienced and verified by everyone. In this second volume Robert Cormier presents us with more people who seek, and find that faith –and the church —makes sense to them. Justin wants to know if we believe in hell Jerome wants to know if we believe the Bible Margaret wants to know if we believe in Mary Nick wants to know if Jesus was God Al wants to know if what was wrong is now all right Donna cannot afford to have any more children Matt has a difficult decision to make Again, the answers are far better than we believed. . “Make no mistake, Bob Cormier is the real thing. Thoughtful, attentive, direct, he is unafraid of addressing the toughest issues of life and providing the spiritual framework for understanding them.” —Rick Hamlin, author, Finding God on the A Train “Robert Cormier is a superb communicator. He makes faith come alive in words that people can understand. He makes you want a life of faith, and he shows you how to find it.” —Rev. Arthur Caliandro, Marble Collegiate Church, New York “Father Bob brings the hope and light of practical faith to the human experience of stress, depression, and anger. This book lifts me up and propels me forward in new ways with the same faith I have always had.” —Sr. Diane Driscoll, SSJ, Holy Family Academy, Bayonne, NJ


Pierre-Hervé Grosjean

Love Is Real

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2018 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress

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