www samedaywindowrepair com Built Rite Pole Buildings State-wide Prices star ting at 24x40x10- $18,300 00 30x40x10 - $20,400 00 Erected on your site Call for price not shown on any size building or go to www builtritepolebuildingsmi com Or call 989-259-2015 or 989-324-0035
Adjustable Bed Brand New with mattress Made in U S A , in plastic, with warranty Retail cost $3,995 00, sacrifice for $875 00 Call for showing or delivery: 989-923-1278
DanDanTheMattressMan com
Bath & Shower Updates in as little as one day! Affordable prices - No payments for 18 months! Lifetime warranty & professional installs Senior & Military Discounts available Call: 844-587-8518
Budget Appliance Service. Prompt, Professional and Affordable Service Call us today for your appliance repair needs. (269)685-8902 Ted LaFountain, Owner
Buying Junk Cars, Trucks, scrap metal, farm machinery Kalamazoo Metal Recyclers, Inc , 1525 King Hwy , Kalamazoo, 269-381-1315 Bring this ad!
E and N Services (269)680-1550 Lawn care, spring cleanup, landscaping, retaining walls, land clearing, power washing, painting, general hauling, tree and bush trimming Commercial/residential Fully insured ennservices49080@yahoo com
Need A Logo For Your Business? New Business Cards? Forms, brochures and more? We can design it for you! Email, call or stop by the Shoppers Guide! Reasonable prices, professional quality (269)694-9431 info@communityshoppersguide net 117 N Farmer St , Otsego
Standing Timber Wanted: Walnut, Oak, Maple Highest prices paid Payment in advance 269-998-1839
Walking Route in Otsego for the Community Shoppers Guide E Orleans/Cour t St area Route open end of March Make between $100-$125/mo The paper is delivered between 6:30am Friday and noon Saturday Must have working phone www CommunityShoppersGuide net - Apply online on in person
Wanted: Farmland or wooded lot, 20 acres or more, for 2025 hunting lease Call (269)673-5188
Items For Sale
Omaha Steaks Wines 12 world class wines (and bonus g ifts) for ON LY $79 99 (plus s/h ) Save $160! 12 new wine selections plus a F R EE $25 Omaha Steaks E-reward card every three months Cancel any time 100% guarantee! Call 1-833-652-3787 and mention code AGJ F002 or visit our website www GetOSWine com/sip134
Amish Log Headboard and queen pillow top mattress set Brand new- never used, sell all for $375 Call anytime 989-923-1278
Need a Website? It’s so affordable at $399 plus $35/mth hosting fee Get a professional website for less We design it, you can update it Easily post pictures, videos, coupons, flyers and so much more and you can do it yourself! Of course we’ll be here for suppor t if you need us! No waiting, no spending a fortune for a professional to do it for you! Contact the Community Shoppers Guide @ 269-694-9431
Community Page Community Page
TO ALL P ERSONS whose address is unknown and whose interest in the matter may be barred or affected by the following, TAKE NOTICE: Jessica Maye Krumm has filed a petition for name change A name change hearing will be held on March 10, 2025 at 9:00 AM at Family Cour t Cour troom before Judge Hon Jolene A Clearwater, P74848 to change the name of Jessica Maye Krumm to Jesse Mace Krumm
Adventist Community Services is taking donations We are especially in need of blankets, towels and wash cloths 218 S Farmer St , Otsego (269)694-4775 Open Tues 10-4 and Thurs 1-6
American Leg ion Post #84 of Otsego, meets at 410 E Orleans, 7pm, the 2nd Wednesday of each month New members welcome For info call 1-866-676-7884
Share your news on the Community Page S p
Shoppers Guide, 269-694-9431
Your local Menards home improvement stores in Kalamazoo are now serving as drop sites for a local food pantry through the month of March 2025 We're excited to par ticipate in this wonder ful oppor tunit y while lending a helping hand to the communit y! Menards offers a wide variety of non-perishable food items that can be donated to the food pantries, from boxes of cereal to cans of soup that can be found in our g rocery depar tment for immediate donation
Missing a Flyer or an Inser t that you would like to see included with our paper? Contact that store directly & let them know!
t our veterans! Schedule a fast, free vehicle pickup and receive a top tax deduction! Call Veteran Car Donations at 1-877-691-4117 today!
Looking For Extra Cash? Driving Route for the Community Shoppers Guide is open in the Doster area Route is approx 2 5-3 5 hours/week done between Friday at 6amSaturday at noon $200-$250/month Must have reliable transpor tation, working phone and 2 people to deliver (one drives, one hangs papers) Apply in person, downtown Otsego or at communityshoppersguide.net
Powerwashing, Replacement Windows, doors, and roofing Call Farmer Construction Local Builder Check us out on Facebook 269-420-9748
Let Your Favorite Business Know you saw their ad in the Shoppers Guide Shop local!
www communityshoppersguide net Check out our website! View the paper online, place a classifed, and much more! View The Shoppers Guide online! www communityshoppersguide net
Budget Appliance Service. Prompt, Professional and Affordable Service Call us today for your appliance repair needs (269)685-8902 Ted LaFountain, Owner
Amish-Built Mini-Cabins star ting at $5,295 Made in Michigan! We deliver statewide Call 989-832-1866 MyNextBarn com
Place A Classified Online! Over 20,000 local people view the ad! Only $13 for 1-15 words (add $1 for each additional 5 words) www.communityshoppersguide.net
Prepare For Power Outages today with a Generac Home Standby Generator Act now to receive a F R EE 7-Year warranty with qualifying purchase* Call 1-855-922-0420 today to schedule a free quote It’s not just a generator It’s a power move
We Buy 8,000 Cars A Week Sell your old, busted or junk car with no hoops, haggles or headaches Sell your car to Peddle Easy three step process Instant offer Free pickup Fast payment Call 1-833-324-2582
Self-inking Stamps, Rubber Stamps, signature stamps, date stamps, notary stamps you name it, we can get it for you! Call us at the Shoppers Guide (269)694-9431 or stop in at 117 N Farmer St and we'll get that business or personal stamp set for you! Professional and easy to use at great prices
Lawn & Garden
Home Improvement
Pole Barns: We Build All Year Long! Built best barns in a rush? Call us! Best quality, best service Now in our 25th year! Over 4,000 buildings in Michigan Licensed/insured Call for quotes: 989-205-2534
Roofing: Licensed Builder Farmer Construction Free estimates, call 269-420-9748
Monty’s Tree Service: Licensed/insured Free estimates (269)204-8207
Swegles Handyman Service: Roofing, plumbing, decks, all home repairs Insured, quality work 269-243-0468
Tree Removal, Trimming & stump g rinding Fully insured Over 30 years experience in tree work, very reliable and reasonable Free estimates Also, firewood for sale! RC Tree Service, owned and operated by Carl Sparks (269)377-0284 or (269)568-7231 Randy www rctreeservice com
Eliminate Gutter Cleaning Forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection Schedule a free LeafFilter estimate today 20% off entire purchase Plus 10% senior & military discounts Call 1-844-369-2501
E and N Services (269)680-1550 Lawn care, spring cleanup, landscaping, retaining walls, land clearing, power washing, painting, general hauling, tree and bush trimming. Commercial/residential. Fully insured ennservices49080@yahoo com
Metal Roofing Regular and shingle style, Half off special colors! Lifetime hail asphalt shingles Vinyl siding Licensed and insured builders for 40 years Amish crew 517-575-3695
Replace Your Roof with the best looking and longest lasting material – steel from Erie Metal Roofs! Three styles and multiple colors available Guaranteed to last a lifetime! Limited time offer - 50% off installation + Additional 10% off install (for military, health workers & 1st responders ) Call Erie Metal Roofs: 1-888-718-1856
- HOMES on the MARKET -
135 N Anderson (269)225-1061
Drywall: New Construction, remodels, repair work Fully insured Over 38 years experience Tom Teunessen (616)218-2877
Monty’s Tree Service: Licensed/insured Free estimates (269)204-8207
The Brake Doctor Mobile Service 90% cheaper than the garage! We will come to you! Call (269)330-1767 or (269)330-6412
Quality Built Pole Buildings Built year round! All sizes, options available! Financing Available! C L Kruithoff Building Company, Lic /Insured Call (269)217-3850 www pole-barns com
Swegles Handyman Service: Roofing, plumbing, decks, all home repairs Insured, quality work 269-243-0468
Snow & Ice Removal For Your Home For all your roofing and gutter screen installation needs, call Scott Keyzer Roofing @ (269)929-3149
Nature’s Outdoor Services is scheduling for spring! Lawn care, landscaping, light excavation, brush clearing/removal and more 269-615-8800
We Buy Houses for Cash As Is! No repairs No fuss Any condition Easy three step process: Call, get cash offer and get paid Get your fair cash offer today by calling Liz Buys Houses: 1-855-504-0056
Tree & Brush Clearing, yard clean-up Fallen tree and stump removal, tree cutting Reliable and insured (269)929-3149
Acculevel Your Foundation Repair and basement waterproofing exper ts Whether basement, crawl space or concrete slab we’ll guide you on the right path to a healthy home Act now! Up to $600 off Restrictions apply Call for a free consultation 1-844-700-4986
Dan's Tree Service: Free estimates Senior discount Fully insured (269)664–5455 or Matt (269)569-1031 www danstreeinc com Veteran-owned
Tree Removal, Trimming & stump g rinding Fully insured Over 30 years experience in tree work, very reliable and reasonable Free estimates Also, firewood for sale! RC Tree Service, owned and operated by Carl Sparks (269)377-0284 or (269)568-7231 Randy www rctreeservice com
Standing Timber Wanted: Walnut, Oak, Maple Highest prices paid Payment in advance 269-998-1839
Quality Clock Repair House calls on Grandfather clocks, free pickup & delivery of all others Call Andrew Dirkse (616)990-8885 Real Estate
Exper t Cleaning Services, since 1985 Christian business, expanding and hiring. Commercial/residential Free estimates! (269)349-1414 calltheexperts com
We Buy Houses! Cash for your home, any condition Call Brad Boone (269)207-5691
West Michigan Glass Concepts, LLC, 116 E Allegan St , Otsego 269-694-1611 For all your glass needs, same day glass replacement! www samedaywindowrepair com
Kathy, a beloved mother, grandmother, and friend, passed away peacefully on February 26, 2025, at the Alamo Cove Nursing Home
She was born on March 14, 1941, in Martin Township to Frank and Claressa (Williams) Bowen Throughout her life, Kathy dedicated herself to her family and her work She had a compassionate spirit that led her to serve in several area businesses, including Sandy Creek Nursing Home, where she worked as a nurse's aide, as well as Kessler's in Wayland, Freeland in Allegan, and 4-L Farms A woman of many talents, Kathy enjoyed crocheting and sewing, creating beautiful afghan blankets that will be cherished by those who received them She was also fond of doing crossword puzzles and cooking, always ensuring that her family was well taken care of A member of the East Martin Christian Reformed Church, her faith and community were central to her life On May 23, 1958, she married George Edward Adrianson who passed away in 2015 Surviving are her children, Calvin (Mae) Adrianson of Shelbyville, Ken (Janice) Adrianson of Shelbyville, and Peggy (Rod) Bourdo of Plainwell; six grandchildren; twelve great-grandchildren; one great-great-grandchild along with many nieces and nephews She was preceded in death by her parents, husband, George and fourteen siblings Friends may visit with Kathy’s family starting at 10:00 A M , Friday, February 28, 2025, at the East Martin Christian Reformed Church, until the time of the funeral service at 11:00 A M , with Pastor Jake Weeda officiating Burial will follow at East Martin Cemetery Contributions in memory of Kathy may be directed to East Martin Christian Reformed Church Arrangements by Winkel Funeral Home - Otsego Messages of condolence may be posted at www WinkelFuneralHome com
Iris Elaine (Meacham) BARTELS
Iris Elaine (Meacham) Bartels passed away peacefully at AccentCare Hospice in Cumming, Georgia, on February 1, 2025
With her at the time of her passing were her daughter, son-in-law, and her nurse, Miss Pat Iris was born July 6th, 1934 in Plainwell Michigan to Clarence and Beatrice (Osborn) She was raised in Plainwell and graduated from Plainwell High School in June 1952 On June 28, 1958, she married Donald Bartels of Kalamazoo, Michigan Together, they shared 50 years of marriage and were blessed with three children: Timothy Mark (Tamy Nogel), Wendy Hope Karn (Gary), and Matthew John (Hali) A devoted homemaker Iris found joy in reading and was deeply committed to her church She was a lover of animals (especially her grand dogs), game shows, seek and finds and the masked singer She was a writer of every detail in her life If it happened she would write it down with every detail so she wouldn't forget In her later years, she became a steadfast protector of her fellow assisted living residents, always looking out for their well-being Iris was preceded in death by her loving husband of 50 years, Donald; both parents, grandparents, brother (Duane), sister (Charlene), sister & brother-in-law (Marie and Lawrence Middlestadt), sister (Judy), niece Caroline Prolo, nephew Denny Shook, nephew Lawrence Middlestadt, Jr , nephew Darrell Middlestadt and great-granddaughter Ellie Maeve Bartels Iris is survived by her children, 16 grandchildren, 16 great-grandchildren, brother-in-law (Daniel Harrington), many nieces, nephews, great nieces and nephews and cousins Her cremains will be placed in a dual urn with her beloved husband, Donald, and they will be laid to rest together at Hillside Cemetery in Plainwell, Michigan, on June 14, 2025 There will be a gathering at Tim and Tamy's farm in Plainwell afterwards to celebrate her life with family and friends May her memory bring comfort to those who knew and loved her
Barbara M Witkoske, lovingly known as Barb, passed away on February 20, 2025, at Bronson Hospital in Kalamazoo Born on June 24, 1940, in St Clair the daughter of Henry and Marion (Schmidt) Schneider, Barb lived a life rich in family, career, and community
She graduated from Midland High School and attended Michigan State University After dedicating over 20 years to Consumers Energy, Barb retired in 2002, leaving behind a legacy of hard work and commitment Her professional life was marked by service and she carried these values into her personal life, touching the hearts of all who knew her Barb had many interests that brought joy and excitement into her life She had a passion for shopping, enjoyed watching old movies, and loved reading Her talents as a skilled cook were evident in her delightful pies and cookies, which she often shared with family and friends Barb was also known for her love of dancing, particularly square dancing, and relished the opportunities to spend time outdoors camping Additionally, she found pleasure in playing cards and participated in choir starting in high school where her love for singing blossomed and continued in church choirs Family was at the center of Barb’s life She cherished time spent with her husband, Edward Witkoske, whom she married on November 5, 1960, in Midland
Together, they created a warm and loving home, full of laughter and cherished memories Barb was a devoted mother to her two daughters, Shelley (David) Pohanka of Zeeland and Sondra (Todd) Kingsley of Traverse City, and a proud grandmother to four grandchildren: Paul and Dan Pohanka and John and Christina Batsikouras Many joyful summers were spent with her grandchildren at the cottage in Irons, where precious memories were made Barb was also a member of the Zion Lutheran Church in Kalamazoo and the American Legion Ladies Auxiliary, actively contributing to her community and fostering connections that enriched her life She is survived by her husband, children, grandchildren, and her sister, Jane Chitren, along with several nieces and nephews Barb is preceded in death by her parents and siblings, John Schneider, Marilyn MacAdoo Henry Schneider and Karen Smith
According to her wishes cremation has taken place
Friends may visit with Barb’s family starting at 11:00
A M , Saturday, March 29, 2025, at Zion Lutheran Church in Kalamazoo, until the time of the memorial service at 12:00 P M , with Pastor Mark Couch officiating Contributions in memory of Barb may be directed to Zion Lutheran Church of Kalamazoo Arrangements by Winkel Funeral Home - Otsego Messages of condolence may be posted at www WinkelFuneralHome com
Christian Neighbors – Plainwell
People Helping People – Pullman
Martin United Methodist Church – Martin
Christian Neighbors – Douglas
Ladders of Hope – Fennville
Memorial Service • March 8 at 1pm
Faith LINK
There are some things we cannot live without such as making a living, food, water and shelter We can add to the list such things as love, fr iendship & ser vice In our relationship with God, there are three things we definitely cannot live without Let’s call them “God’s GPS” as follows:
G - Grace
The grace of God is the most visible sign of God’s love Many of us can say with Apostle Paul “But by the grace of God, I am what I am ” (I Cor inthians 15:10) Grace has been defined as unmer ited favor and mercy We are saved by grace (Ephesians 2:5), strengthened by grace (2 Cor inthians 12:9) and empowered by grace (Acts 4:33) With the hymn wr iter John Newton we can sing, “Through many dangers, toils, and snares we have already come ‘Twas grace that brought us safe thus far and grace will lead us home ”
P - Pardon
Jesus was the pardon God sent for our sins In Psalm 55:7 we read, “Let the wicked forsake their way and the evil man his thoughts Let him tur n to the Lord, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for he will freely pardon
S - Salvation
The pardon (forgiveness) of God leads to personal salvation In John 3:16 we read, “For God so loved the wor ld he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not per ish but have eter nal life ” Salvation, or new bir th, is only the beginning of a life time of growth and ser vice We have heard it said, “We are saved to ser ve ” When we exper ience God’s grace, pardon and salvation, we will have ever ything we need for a meaningful life
When you find yourself facing the loss of a loved one ... we can assist in making the details you face a little e a s i e r To p l a c e yo u r o b i t u a r y announcement on our community pages, simply ask the funeral home to send the details to the Community Shoppers Guide or call/email us yourself Obituar ies are approximately $75 and are included in our online edition and on our website
N Far mer St ,
net email: info@communityshoppersguide net
Otsego Church of God,
Kalamazoo St , Otsego
Community Page Community Page
Are you wondering what happened to your balance, wobbling a bit when you walk, wavering some when you stand, or avoiding activities because you ' re afraid of falling?
Join us for a FREE, 8-CLASS SERIES to help older adults reduce the risk of falling and increase activity levels. This class involves conversations and light exercises
Classes will be held Mondays & Wednesdays 12:30-2:30pm (except Thursday, March 27 instead of Wednesday, March 26) at the Christian Neighbors Event Space - Education Resource Center lower level - 282 12th Street, Plainwell
Class size is limited to 12 participants. Advance registration is required by scanning the QR code at right OR contacting Sharon by email scarper@christianneighbors org or (269) 685-4166, ext 107
Join with your friends at First Congregational Church of Otsego for our Ash Wednesday Service this Wednesday at noon (March 5) Come during your lunch break You’ll be back to work by 1:00 The Ash Wednesday Ser vice is a solemn event that gives us a chance to remember our mor tality and our need for God’s goodness and grace
- Here Are SOMe upCOMing eventS At FCC -
March 5: Community Ash Wednesday Service at 12noon
April 12: FCC Spring thing at 10:00am Kids will hunt for Easter eggs and enjoy fun games, while adults enjoy some good grub! This is a free event!
April 13: palm Sunday Celebration Service at 10:40am Cute kids waving branches, people getting baptized, and me sharing a message of hope!!!
April 20: easter Sunday Service at 10:40am We anticipate a packed house so get here early for the celebration of Jesus He gives life abundant and eternal!
April 27 & May 4: parenting Well in a Broken World at 10:40am. The Bad NewsParenting is hard! The Good News-God’s word provides ancient wisdom for today’s parenting challenges If you are a parent or grandparent who wants to invest in the next generation, you won’t want to miss this!
We are a friendly, but not smothering, growing congregation on mission to love and ser ve our community Our worship ser vices are shor t but impactful
We also have a fun-filled and safe program for kids ages 0-10
~ Pastor Lenny Luchetti
com Questions? Call 1-800-835-0495
March Online Consignment Auction! Vintage tools Electric and air power tools, coins, currency, watches, jewelry, GI Joes, collectibles Over 200 lots and g rowing! Visit NarhiAuctions com for information, to bid Call 810-266-6474
Epic Spring Firearms Auction, 10 a m , Sat, March 15 Long guns, Handguns, ammo, spor ting collectibles, and more! View the catalog/bid EpicAuctionsAndEstateSales com Questions? Call 517-927-5028
E and N Services (269)680-1550 Lawn care, spring cleanup, landscaping, retaining walls, land clearing, power washing, painting, general hauling, tree and bush trimming Commercial/residential Fully insured ennservices49080@yahoo com
Looking For Extra Cash? Driving Route for the Community Shoppers Guide is open in the Doster area Route is approx 2 5-3 5 hours/week done between Friday at 6amSaturday at noon $200-$250/month Must have reliable transpor tation, working phone and 2 people to deliver (one drives, one hangs papers) Apply in person, downtown Otsego or at communityshoppersguide net
Powerwashing, Replacement Windows, doors, and roofing Call Farmer Construction Local Builder Check us out on Facebook 269-420-9748
Let Your Favorite Business Know you saw their ad in the Shoppers Guide Shop local!
Budget Appliance Service Prompt, Professional and Affordable Service. Call us today for your appliance repair needs (269)685-8902 Ted LaFountain, Owner
Mar tin Transmission- Not just transmissions We offer full service auto repair Locally owned & operated for over 20 years Free quotes 565 Lincoln Rd (M-89), Otsego (269)694-5500
50% Off All Consignment Clothing at Bushel & A Peck! 130 N Main St , Plainwell (269)225-1108
269 Exteriors: Now Booking for siding, gutters, drywall and decks Licensed/insured Free estimates (269)806-0690
Rogers Plumbing, Heating & A/C Service, Inc Call the company that’s local & experienced Serving this area since 1966, licensed and insured 269-694-4673, 269-217-5454
E and N Services (269)680-1550 Lawn care, spring cleanup, landscaping, retaining walls, land clearing, power washing, painting, general hauling, tree and bush trimming Commercial/residential Fully insured ennservices49080@yahoo com
Concrete Flatwork: For all your concrete flatwork needs! Pole barn, floors, driveways, driveway replacement, sidewalks, patios Bobcat services available (269)509-2153
If you notice a mistake in your ad, let us know right away We will not be responsible for errors brought to our attention over 7 days past the run date Thank you - The Shoppers Guide www communityshoppersguide net Check out our website! View the paper online, place a classifed, and much more!
Invitations - Save the date cards, g raduation par ty invitations and much more! Bring your ideas or use ours Add photos! Give us a call and see if we can help you design the per fect invitations Community Shoppers Guide 269694-9431
Propane Tank Filling: All sizes including RVs Ace Hardware, downtown Plainwell 135 N Anderson (269)225-1061
Mention To Your Local Business that you saw their ad in the Shoppers Guide
entire home Call AmeriGlide today! 1-833-399-3595
Home break-ins take less than 60 seconds Don't wait! Protect your family your home your assets now for as little as 70¢/day! 1-844-591-7951
Items For Sale
Davals Used Furniture & Antiques 6 buildings with 15,000 Sq Ft of quality furniture, antiques and collectibles Save time and money Shop Davals for the best selection, best quality, best price You have to see it to believe it We are truly a destination place and wor th the drive We buy estates Layaway terms available Visa/Mastercard/Discover accepted 2 miles west of Hastings at 2084 W M-43 Hwy near Bob’s Gun & Tackle Hours: Sun 12-5pm; Mon -Fri 10am-6pm; Sat 9am-5pm (269)948-2463
Maybe you should do something nice for someone every single day, even if it is simply to leave them alone
Hiring! Par t-Time Cooks at Brewster’s, Otsego
Great full-time or par t-time position Commission paid weekly Territories in upper or lower M I Call Kevin Dines, sales manager American Brewers (269)443-3519
Direct Care Staff Wanted: Full or par t-time 2nd and