2 minute read
WEDNESDAYSliceofPie $3.50

Propane Tank Filling: All sizes including RVs Ace Hardware, downtown Plainwell 135 N Anderson (269)225-1061
Mar tin Transmission- Not just transmissions We offer full service auto repair Locally owned & operated for over 18 years Free quotes 565 Lincoln Rd (M-89), Otsego (269)694-5500

Metal Roofing: regular and shingle style, half off special colors! Lifetime asphalt shingles Steel and vinyl siding Licensed and insured builders Pole Buildings Quality work for 40 years! Amish Crew 517-575-3695

Quality Clock Repair House calls on Grandfather clocks, free pickup & delivery of all others Call Andrew Dirkse (616)990-8885
269 Exteriors: Now Booking for siding, gutters, drywall and decks Licensed/insured Free estimates (269)806-0690
Rogers Plumbing, Heating & A/C Service, Inc Call the company that’s local & experienced Serving this area since 1966, licensed and insured 269-694-4673, 269-217-5454

Dan's Tree Service: Professional trimming, removal, lot clearing, tree bracing/cabling, custom sawmilling, high ranger chipper, stump grinder, free estimates. Senior discount Fully insured Veteran Owned www.danstreeinc.com (269)664–5455 or Matt (269)569-1031

West Michigan Glass Concepts, LLC, 116 E Allegan St , Otsego 269-694-1611 For all your glass needs, same day glass replacement! www samedaywindowrepair com
Drywall/Repair Work: Over 35 years experience Big and small jobs Fully insured Tom Teunessen (616)218-2877

Powerwashing, Replacement Windows, doors, and roofing Call Farmer Construction Local Builder Check us out on Facebook 269-352-8881
Concrete Construction: Basement floors, patios, driveways, sidewalks Residential Free estimates Call (269)377-3950
Budget Appliance Service Prompt, Professional and Affordable Service Call us today for your appliance repair needs (269)685-8902 Ted LaFountain, Owner

Concrete Driveways, Floors, Patios, excavating, lot clearing, pole barns, garages, roofing, siding, doors/windows. Call (269)623-4788
Concrete Flatwork: For all your concrete flatwork needs! Pole barn, floors, driveways, driveway replacement, sidewalks, patios Bobcat services available (269)509-2153

Monty’s Tree Service: Licensed/insured Free estimates (269)204-8207 We also sell and deliver bulk firewood!
Guitar lessons $40/wk(1hr) or $120/mo Call to inquire or schedule today 269-225-9317
Lake Doster Storage is auctioning the contents of unit #20 rented to Jessica Polley by sealed bid at 2pm on 7/22/23 Contents will be visible from the door from 1-2pm on 7/22/23 Winning cash bidder must remove the contents immediately Renter does have the option of paying total rent & fees due prior to auction Call 269-501-6102 for information
E&N Services: Providing Lawn care, yard cleanups, tree services, retaining walls & all your landscaping needs 269-680-1550

Ennservices49080@yahoo com

Concrete Driveways, Floors, Patios, excavating, lot clearing, pole barns, garages, roofing, siding, doors/windows Call (269)623-4788

Garage Sales
4-Family Garage/Yard Sale: Friday 7/28 and Saturday 7/29 9am-? 921 Miller Rd , Plainwell Too much for the garage! Something for everyone No early sales
Garage Sale: Thursday 7/27 and Friday 7/28 9am-4pm 884 Howard, Otsego
Household items, toys, spor ting goods, Christmas items, books, bedding, DVDs, clothing (kids-adult), shoes, 4 tires (235/60 R18), misc

2-Family, 2 Estate Sale! Thursday 7/27 and Friday 7/28 9am-4pm Saturday 7/29 9am-noon 658 W Bridge, Plainwell Vintage, household, jewelry, beer brewing kit, Christmas, crafts, misc
Garage Sale: 1080 Wedgewood Drive, Plainwell (Wedgewood Condos) Friday, July 28 9AM-4P M, Saturday, July 29 9AM-1P M Furniture, Yard Sticks, Collectibles, Jewelry, Misc
Living Estate Sale: Thurs -Sat , 7/27-7/29 9am-4pm 1391 Hill Rd , Otsego Household goods, furniture, washer/dryer, garage and workshop items
Lake Doster Storage is auctioning the contents of unit #20 rented to Jessica Polley by sealed bid at 2pm on 7/22/23. Contents will be visible from the door from 1-2pm on 7/22/23. Winning cash bidder must remove the contents immediately Renter does have the option of paying total rent & fees due prior to auction Call 269-501-6102 for information

Yard Sale: Aug 4th 9am-4pm and Aug 5th 9am-noon 331 Union St , Plainwell
Moving/Garage Sale: July 27, 28, 29 9am-6pm 2128 Fox Mountain Dr , Otsego Quilting supplies/material, furniture, popcorn popper on wheels, household items, XL clothes, holiday, bikes, decor, exercise bike, book shelving, dishes, books, much more
If you notice a mistake in your ad, let us know right away We will not be responsible for errors brought to our attention over 7 days past the run date

Thank you - The Shoppers Guide