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I DA R E YO U TO B E L OV E D . . . When people listen, God speaks
When people obey, God acts When God acts, people are chang ed
You have searched me, Lord, and you know me You know when I sit and when I r ise; you perceive my thoughts from afar Psalm 139:1-2
Therefore, brothers and sisters, we have an obligation – but it is not to the flesh, to live according to it For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God Romans 8:12-14
REFLECTION: The first fr uits of the new creation come from being united with Jesus Chr ist As a result, we have become adopted children of God We are no longer in debt to our sins but have become indebted to the Spir it Let me explain Bor n from above people are led by the Spir it of God As God’s children we are set free and no longer a slave to the desires of our old sinful nature Instead we have the Spir it of God guiding us and helping us walk the path to eter nal life No one can please God without first receiving the Holy Spir it Ephesians 4:30 “And do not br ing sorrow to God s Holy Spir it by the way you live God has identified you as his own This is a guarantee that we will be saved on the day of redemption ” To live with this guarantee sets us free to ser ve the one we love Galatians 5:24-25 “Those who belong to Chr ist Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and cr ucified them there Since we are living by the Spir it let us follow the Spir it’s leading in ever y par t of our lives ” This major shift in our lives causes us to tur n away from the passions of the flesh Staying close to Jesus is not difficult when the Spir it comes alive in our hear ts and minds This force of God settles in our minds, and we leave behind our old nature In doing so we become witnesses of our faith by loving God and one another
When we are pressed upon by God’s Spir it we are mar ked by our acknowledging Chr ist as a living sacr ifice for our sins
PRAYER TIME: Lord Jesus, you searched me, and you know me You know my name and ever y hair on my head Thank you for br inging me into your presence I no longer perceive you from afar In Jesus Name, Amen
Need a Bible? Stop by our Little Librar y located in front of our building
We have complimentar y Bibles and other Christian literature available
Would you like to know more?
Visit our website: otsegocongregational org for a full weekly devotional
You can listen to our worship service each Sunday, beginning at 10:35am, by calling 269-218-2682, use access code: 479926744#
Join us for in person worship at:
First Congregational Church Rev Bruce J VanDer Kolk, Pastor 120 W Morrell St , Otsego • 269-694-6085 • fccotsego@sbcglobal net
22nd Annual 5K RUN/Walk & 1K Fun Run
Otsego Ready or Not
Saturday, August 5 • 8:00am
Otsego Memorial Park
Cor ner of Dix Street & Far mer Street
Online Registration: $25, Day of (6:30am-7:45): $30
1K Fun Run is FREE!
Presented by Legacy Running SIGN UP ONLINE AT: https://runsignup com/race/mi/otsego/otsegoreadyornot5k
P L AI NWELL Class of 1959
is gather ing again this year on August 11, 2023
We are having trouble contacting some very impor tant members of our class and would appreciate any help getting a hold of them:
David Ayers
Dr Alan C Early
Betsy (Hoyt) Feinberg
John Kennedy
Robert Lester
Donna Petersen Jacobs
Donna Pierce Stahlbaum
Linda Sackett White
Nyla Schultheiss Rypma
John Stewart
Lucy Stout Haiduk
Lynn Stout
Kathleen Bowen Adrianson
Sharon Parkin Hawley
Jean Scott Norton
Sandra Wertzler Vanatter
Contact Karla (Rowley)
Zantello at 269-694-4180 or (cell) 269-501-1862
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JVA Memorial
4 Person Scramble
The Shoppers Guide is open: Monday Noon-5pm Tuesday Noon-5pm Wednesday 8am-5pm Thursday 8am-5pm
Friday 8am-12:30pm Send a message or place a classified ad on our website: www communityshoppersguide net
You can always leave a message for us at (269)694-9431 Send an email to info@communityshoppersguide net or use our drop slot outside the door
Saturday, July 29, 2023 9AM Shotgun Start Shamrock Hills Golf Club Includes: 18 holes of Golf, Cart, & Steak Dinner (with Vegetables, Salad, Rolls and Dessert)
$60 each
• Cash Prizes and Door Prizes
• Hole Sponsors Available $60 each
SIGN UP by calling (269)694-4615, visiting https://vfw3030.org or on Facebook
You do not need to be a VFW member to participate
Proceeds from this fund-raiser will benefit our veterans and our community