COMMUNITY August 13, 2022 Phone (269) 694 9431 117 N Farmer St P O Box 168 Otsego, MI 49078 Fax (269) 694 9145 Reaching over 13,000 homes in Otsego, Plainwell, Martin, Cooper and Alamo areas since 1945 w w w . c o m m u n i t y s h o p p e r s g u i d e . n e t email: info@communityshoppersguide net O p e n M o n d a y T h u r s d a y 8 : 0 0 a m 5 : 0 0 p m ; F r i d a y 8 : 0 0 a m 4 : 0 0 p m DEADLINES Display Ads: Wed , 5:00pm Classifieds: Thurs 3:30pm Attention Alumni Plainwell High School’s ALL SCHOOL REUNION Saturday, August 13 Potluck at 1pm 5pm 684 Starr Road (102nd Ave ) Located in the Plainwell High School Cafeter ia Bring a dish to pass and your own table service CLASS OF 1ANNIVERSARY 972 50TH 1962 60TH COMEINFOR BESTPRICING &SELECTION RECLINERS STARTAT $39995 SPECIALFINANCINGAVAILABLE* ReedPowerReclinerPinnacleRocker/Recliner MorrisonRocker/ReclinerJasperRocker/Recliner AsterRocker/Recliner VielReclinerCaseyRocker/Recliner ColemanRocker/ReclinerCollinsStationarySofaJamesDualReclinerSectionalw/Console Paxton3-PieceSectionalKennedySectionalReeseSectionalw/DualReclinersMorrisDualReclinerSectionalw/Console MackenzieStationarySofaTrouperDualReclinerSectionalw/Console Motion&StationarySectionals TheWorld’sBestSellingRecliner FURNITUREGALLERIES COUNTRYHOUSE FURNITURE Mon.-Sat.9:00-5:30 CloseSunday 08337M-140 SouthHaven,MI (VillageMarketPlaza) FURNITUREMATTRESSAPPLIANCE “YOURCOMPLETEHOMEFURNISHINGSSTORE” 269-637-6135269-686-1155 212TrowbridgeSt. Allegan,MI (DowntownAllegan) WAREHOUSE OVERSTOCK Astor Rocker/Recliner Vail Recliner Collins Stationar y Sofa & Loveseat Trouper Dual Recliner Loveseat w/Console Morr ison Dual Recliner Sofa James Dual Recliner Sofa HOTSALE

COMMUNITY SHOPPERS GUIDE OTSEGO, MI 49078 August 13, 2022 Phone 694 9431 10% Veteran & Senior Discount* 1211-B M-89 P LAI NW E L L (NEXT TO BURGER KING) We accept most a mar ket warranties (269) 685-5700 REE uttle rvice We Install New & Used ENGI N ES AN D TR ANSM ISSIONS PARTS & LABOR WARRANTY New: 3 yr/100,000 mile Used: 2 yr/24,000 mile LLC . OPEN MON. FRI. 7:30AM 5:00PM www proautomotiveplainwell comEst 2009 Stay Cool! A/C Special $6990 R134 up to 2 lbs Help Wanted! Certified Technician Apply Within HIGH QUALITY, LOW PRICES! DISCOUNT FLOORING • C A R P E T • V I N Y L • L A M I N AT E • H A R DWO O D • C E R A M I C • LV T Hours: Mon , Tues , Fr i 8:30am 4pm, Wed & Thurs 8:30am 5pm, Closed Sat & Sun New Construction Customers, by appointment only Yo u r H o m e t ow n F L O O R I N G S t o r e ! e m a i l : h q f l o o r i n g @ s b c g l o b a l n e t H U G E R E M N A N T 5 9 9 A l l e g a n S t , O t s e g o (269) 692-3167 Perfect for the dorm room! 100s to choose from! $700 Double Cheeseburger and fr ies Home of THEMonster Home Monster 307 N Sherwood, Plainwell Large Ice Cream Soda CRUISE NIGHT • MONDAYS 4PM 7 Days a Week! Open 10am 9pm $600 As a part of the Otsego Public Schools Purple Community Week, we can turn the town purple with light post banners to honor loved ones impacted by cancer. Each banner will be custom made to feature a picture of someone who has battled cancer with their name Banner Donation: $150 (also includes a first opportunity to sponsor the banner in subsequent purple community events for just $50) These are in limited quantity! Get yours today and show the town what purple means to you! Turn the Town Purple! Turn the Town Purple! Banners will hang in Otsego starting September 26 Contact Holly McCaw, Otsego Public Schools Director of Communications at: for more information Deadline to order for the 2022 Purple Community Week Wednesday, August 31, 2022 at 4:00pm P l a i n w e l l , M I Full Color Business Cards! We Offer Design Services, or Bring In Your Own Ideas, Design or Logos! 117 N Farmer St , Otsego 49078 (269)694 9431 shoppersguide@sbcglobal com 250 $30 500 $37 1000 $47 2000 $82 Your Card Announce the Par ty in the Community Pages 1 column x 3” Ad for ONLY $25 2 column x 3” Ad for ONLY $45 Community Shoppers Guide 117 N. Farmer, Otsego • (269)694 9431 shoppersguide@sbcglobal net Miscellaneous Readers: This publication does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of any advertisement, nor the quality of the goods or services adver tised Readers are cautioned to thoroughly in vestigate all claims made in any advertise ments, and to use good judgment and reason able care, particularly when dealing with per sons unknown to you who ask for money in advance of delivery of the goods or services advertised The family of Treva E Schoneboom would like to extend our sincere g ratitude to eve ryone for their sympathy and condolences to the family during this difficult time Thank you to the Orangeville Baptist Church for the help they provided Gus Macker Is Back! Save the date August 27 28, 2022 Otsego Free Clothes Here! All sizes from infant to adult We’re here to help! Otsego Adventist Community Services Tuesday 10am 4pm, Thursday 1pm 5pm 218 S Farmer St , Otsego (269)694 4775 Let Your Favorite Business Know you saw their ad in the Shoppers Guide Shop lo cal! Husky Puppies For Sale! 6 Females $600 each Call (269)330 5654 Bottled Water Donations Needed for the Gus Macker Tournament! Help us provide water for the volunteers, referees and staff! Donations can be dropped off at Otsego City Hall (117 E Orleans) or the Shoppers Guide (117 N Farmer St ) before Aug 26 Lawn Care, Tree Services, yard cleanups, re taining walls & all your landscaping needs Call E&N Services 269 680 1550 or email Ennservices49080@yahoo com Viagra and Cialis Users! 50 generic pills special $99 00 Free shipping! 100% guaran teed 24/7 Call now! 888 835 7273 Habla mos Espanol

COMMUNITY SHOPPERS GUIDE OTSEGO, MI 49078 August 13, 2022 Phone 694 9431 Laundr y Detergent (unscented preferred) Bleach Dawn Dish Soap Paper Towels Kitchen Garbage Bags Large Outdoor Garbage Bags Scr ubbing Sponges Distilled Water Hot Dogs and/or Pill Pockets for giving dog medications Gently Used Towels and Washcloths Gently Used Blankets and Bedding Hard Dog Toys Cat Toys Large Dog Har nesses Dog Slip Leads Cat and Dog Grooming Tools Office Supplies Canned or Dr y Dog & Cat Food for our Pet Food Pantr y Program Money $$ or just your time! Please bring any of the following items to donate to Wishbone Pet Rescue Alliance! Furr y-friends will be onsite! Donate to a wor thy char ity or help volunteer! Slam Dunk Contest $500 First Prize OTSEGO, M I egister ed Of ficials On ALL Cour ts $160 Per Team It’s Back! 9 & UNDER BRACKET with 9 foot rims C h a r i t y Macker B a s k e t b a l l G a m e Friday, August 26 • 6:00pm in front of City Hall, E Or leans & Fair Featur ing Otsego teachers, administration, community members & city officials! FRIDAY • August 26 4:00pm - 7:00pm Registration/Packet pick up at City Hall Courts Open to Practice/Have Fun 6:00pm Charity Basketball Games for Wishbone Pet Rescue Alliance Community Teams Compete SATURDAY • August 27 6:00am Staff Arrives 7:00am - 12:00pm Registration/Packet pick up at City Hall 8:00am Opening Ceremonies 8:30am Games Begin 9:00am - 4:00pm 3 POINT COMPETITION Finals at 4:30pm 12:00pm SLAM DUNK at 12Noon PRIZES FOLLOWING: $500 Top Prize $200 2nd Place $100 3rd Place 4:00pm 6:00pm Games Wrap Up SUNDAY • August 28 7:00am Staff Arrives 8:00am Games Begin 9:00am 3pm Free Throw Competition 4:00pm-6:00pm Games Wrap Up & Clean Up SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Register your team at: ON LI N E DEADLI N E EXTEN DED August 15 @ Midnight ON LI N E DEADLI N E EXTEN DED August 15 @ Midnight CommunityShoppers Guide 117 E Or leans St Otsego • 269 692 3391 MEDIA MEDICAL MACKER MASH TENT Presenting Advertiser & VIP Room DREAM COURT FREE THROW CONTEST CLIMBING WALL KIDS KOURT Brought to you by Proceeds from this event will benefit continued Otsego Main Street Community development efforts & Otsego High School student organizations & athletic teams. Tournament located on Fair Street and E. Orleans Street REGISTERED OFFICIALS HOTEL SPONSOR SLAM DUNK SATURDAY & SUNDAY • AUGUST 27 & 28 Volunteers Needed FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 8:00am - 8:00pm Placing hoops on streets, set the stages, sports courts, kids court, Threads by Gus, trophies, registration/packet pick up, the charity game and more SATURDAY & SUNDAY AUGUST 27 & 28 8:00am - 5:00pm 40 people needed (2 shifts) both days, the refs keep score, you record it Call Otsego City Hall 269-692-3391 for more information.

COMMUNITY SHOPPERS GUIDE OTSEGO, MI 49078 August 13, 2022 Phone 694 9431 SHOW THEM WHAT YOU DO Full BUSINESSColorCARDSstartingat $30 (250 cards) Bring us your ideas, logos, etc. and we’ll help make your business stand out! WITH A BUSINESS CARD Designed....just for you! Proudly serving your community for over 70 years! Community Shoppers Guide 117 N. Farmer St. • Downtown Otsego (269)694-9431 email: Petals Florist 1234 Washington Street Somersville Heights, XY 00000 000.000.0000 • Bouquets • Events • Weddings m Norris • Floral Designer 250 20001000500 ....................................$30$37................$47................$82

COMMUNITY SHOPPERS GUIDE OTSEGO, MI 49078 August 13, 2022 Phone 694 9431 • SITE WORK • DRIVEWAYS • YARD LEVELING • LAND CLEARING • DEMOLITION • NEW BASEMENTS • DRAINFIELD REPAIRS • SEPTIC SYSTEMS and more! ALAM O DIRT WORKS Free Estimates Otsego & Surrounding Areas 269 217 5410 matt@mattrogersplumbing com Give us a call Licensed & Insured Full Service Excavating Residential / Commercial NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL! (269) 720-8388 LICENSED & INSURED BELDEN Sand & Gravel 951 20th St Otsego •Screened Topsoil •Processed Road Gravel •Stone •Sand •Fieldstone We offer Dozer & Backhoe Service FOR ALL YOUR EXCAVATING NEEDS CALL FOR PRICES (269) (269) 694 4101 672 5826 Monday Friday 8:00am 4:30pm DELIVERY AVAILABLE • SEWER & DRA 269•903•2 email: preferredplumbing w w w p r e f e r r e d p l u m b ✃ Clip ’n Save✃$20 on your next service call with this ad Limit one coupon in a 30 day period Not valid with promotional services & pricing Prompt , Local, Professional Ser vice PERSONAL TAX RETURNS Consulting, Financial & Management Accounting Ser vices • Business & Personal Taxes Computer Accounting Ser vices • Business Star t Ups (269)685-1256 211 E Bannister St Suite A 11 DOWNTOWN PLAINWELL Trestle Bridge Building C e r t i f i e d P u b l i c A c c o u n t a n t Michael Kimble Home never felt so good! Candi Dunham 1711 Oak Street Otsego, MI 49078 Phone: (269) 694 9370 Fax: (269) 694 9371 email: candidunham@gmail com FREE Estimates Otsego & Surrounding Areas Ask about our drain inspection services TODAY! mattrogersplumbing com EverythingWater . We make it flow! Hometown Ser vice! OU R PROF ESSIONAL STAF F IS R EADY TO SERVE YOU! Locally owned & operated! • STATE LICENSED & CERTIFIED MECHANICS • CALL THE EXPERTS YOU CHOOSE THE REPAIR SHOP Not Your Insurance Company! 745 N Main St , Plainwell (269) 685-5832 WE FIX FENDER BENDERS! Quality & Professional Auto Body Repairs! YOUR COLLISION REPAIR PROFESSIONALS Summer HOURS: Open Mon Thurs 8am 12pm & 1pm 5pm Fr i by appointment We Guarantee All Insurance Work! Stop by for a FREE Estimate ESTIMATES BY APPOINTMENT OR WALK IN WED 8 12 OR 1 5 381 W Allegan St (M 89) Otsego (269)692 3128 fax (269)692 3134 jiffyprint216@sbcglobal net • B&W and color copies Blueprint copies (B&W) • Custom design Offset (lithographic) pr nting • Typesetting • Binding • Faxing Laminating • Signs of all kinds Scan and email • UPS shipping Wedding inv tations Your personalized, customized PRINTING SERVICE!JOE’S LAWN ‘N’ GARDEN JOE’S LAWN ‘N’ GARDEN SALES & SERVICE & PARTS Trailers • Blowers • Trac tors • Mowers • Riders Rototillers Chippers • Snow Blowers Complete Small Engine and Trailer Repair Commercial and Residential DEALER FOR: White • Cub Cadet Husqvarna • Troy Bilt SMALL ENGINE REPAIR Briggs Tecumseh Kohler Onan Kawasaki Honda Subaru (Most warranties accepted) Locally owned & operated for over 30 years Corner of 26th & M89, Allegan 269 673 8736 Porches • Patios Driveways & more! All Concrete No job too big or too small! Standard Concrete ONE CALL - DOES IT ALL!! (269) 491-2895 Landscaping & Excavating Senior Discounts 125 W ALLEGAN ST , OTSEGO • (269) 694 4855 BOB’S Hardware OPEN 7 DAYS: Monday Friday 7:30am 7:00pm Saturday 7:30am 6:00pm; Sunday 10:00am 3:00pm Chainsaw 20” or 24” Chainsaw 16ft Pole Saw Stump Gr inder Dosko Log Splitter 22Ton www trueValue com/bobs Wood Chipper 27HP Power Rake 22” Aerator 22” and much more! FOR ALL YOUR TREE CUTTING NEEDS! SINCE 1952 SEPTIC TANK & DEVELOPMENT CO. Septic Tanks . . . Installed,andManufactured,Pumped PHONE (269) 673-4791 FAX (269) 673-4339 ALLEGAN,MI 49010 WRAY’S EXCAVATION - DRIVEWAYS Sand & Screened Topsoil Deliveries Business Director y P L AC E YO U R A D I N T H E B U S I N E S S D I R E C T O R Y O N LY $35.00 PER WEEK CALL TODAY! Community Shoppers Guide (269) 694 9431 sm a l l b u s i n e s s w h e n y o u SHOP LOCAL “Multiple studies have shown that each dollar spent at local, independent businesses on average generates at least three times more direct local economic bene fit as a dollar spent at absentee owned formula businesses ” www buylocaltwincities com/why buy local PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD Online 24hours a day 7 days aweek www communityshoppersguide net

COMMUNITY SHOPPERS GUIDE OTSEGO, MI 49078 August 13, 2022 Phone 694 9431 Prepare for power outages today WITH A HOME STANDBY GENERATOR *To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. REQUEST A FREE QUOTE CALL NOW BEFORE THE NEXT POWER OUTAGE (866) 643-0438 $0 MONEY DOWN + LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT OPTIONS Contact a Generac dealer for full terms and conditions FREE 7-YearWarranty*Extended A $695 Value! PRESCHOOL OPENINGS (Children 0 5 years old) and Support for Pregnant Women Preschool and home based openings across Allegan County including our Otsego & Plainwell Centers ALL PROGRAMMING AT NO COST! NEW THIS YEAR! If you receive SNAP/Food Stamps you automatically qualify! For more information complete an interest form at www helpmegrowallegan org/preschool or call (269) 673 5472 x237 FREE L ifet ime T ire Ro t at io n with purchase of a set of 4 tires. WE CARRY MOST Major Brands of TIRE Ser vice You Can Trust ~ Since 1980! 1437 E M-89 • OTSEGO (269) 694-9879 MONDAY FRIDAY 8AM 5PM www.harring WE ARE ALWAYS ACCEPTING NEW CUSTOMERS! C O U P O N $10.00 O F F A / C R E F I L L Expires: 8/31/22 Some restrictions apply Cannot be combined with any other coupon or specials C O U P O N 10% OFF LABOR ON BRAKE REPAIRS Expires: 8/31/22 Some restr ct ons apply Cannot be combined w th any other coupon or specials Oil Change • Tires • A/C Repair Front End • Alignments Batter ies • Transmission Exhaust • Used Engines Full Engine Repairs - WANTEDFULL-TIME MECHANIC Willing to train Must be reliable . APPLY IN PERSON www onstaffusa com to complete an online application (269) 692 2478 Recruiting firm with professional, technical and temporary divisions. R$100 Beferral onus G R EAT JOBS I N SOUTHWEST M IC H IGAN! • Assembly • CNC Machining • Machine Operation U P T O $20.00 p e r h o u r A P P LY T O D AY ! Hiring Blueberry Pickers Paying in cash each week for clean, quality picked berries Pickers as young as 14 yrs old to adult may apply Picking 7 days/week Call now for in formation and when we star t Forstner Blue berry Farm (269)673 3475 Help Wanted: Cer tified Technician Apply in person at Pro Auto, 1211 M 89, Plainwell Allegan County Fair Is Now Hiring: Night g rounds crew, backstage crew and parking lot attendants Apply in person 150 Douglas St , Allegan or at www allegancountyfair com Help Wanted: Pizza Cooks and Managers Managers needed at both Salvino’s Plainwell (1290 M 89 (269)685 4800) and Salvino’s Wayland (700 W Superior St (269)792 8000) Full time and par t time, flexible schedule, both opening and closing Experience preferred Must be fun, energetic and able to take initiative Help Wanted: Lawncare helper David’s Lawncare Text for more info 269 685 8612 or 269 806 7088 Help Wanted: Commercial/Residential car pentry Experience preferred, but will train Call Jeremy (269)338 9444 Body Man Wanted: H&H Auto Body Experi enced needed, full time, apply in person 745 N Main St , Plainwell (269)685 5832 Direct Careg iver Wanted: Full and par t time available 2nd & 3rd shift positions available Star ting at $15/hr Paid holiday and vacation time Please call (269)271 7462 Help Wanted: Moving Stuff between Hast ings and Plainwell (Vehicle/Gas covered) Responsible teen, etc Kate (269)685 7532 Waitstaff and Bar tenders: Cheshire Hills Golf Course is hiring reliable, friendly, wait staff and bar tenders Day, afternoon and evening shifts, full and par t time Apply in person and/or call for more information 269 673 2882 Attention Employers!!! Reach across the state with a Michigan MegaMarket Statewide Classified Network EM P LOYM ENT classified ad Reach 1 9 Million households within highly read, local home delivered newspa pers and shopping guides each week! A 25 word ad is just $249 00, $10 for addi tional words per week! Buy 3 ads, receive each 4th ad F R EE! Call 1 800 783 0267 to day! “Area’s Largest Selection of Greeting Cards” 685 1400 Ask about our CROWN REWARDS SAVINGS CARD Hours Mon Sat 10am 7pm Sunday 12pm 5pm FAMILY OWNED & A PART OF YOUR COMMUNITY SINCE 1987! CONVENIENT LAYAWAY AVAILABLE! JO’S50% OFF select merchandise August 19th thru August 28 50% OFF select merchandise on the sidewalk ...and in store Thank You... ...for helping our delivery driversby keeping the tall grass around your mailboxes cut down. Community Shoppers Guide Community Shoppers Guide 269-694-9431 Items For Sale Jayco Jay Flight Series M 232R B 2018 RV, sleeps 5 Asking $16,900 269 692 3948 Davals Used Furniture & Antiques 6 build ings with 15,000 Sq Ft of quality furniture, antiques and collectibles Save time and money Shop Davals for the best selection, best quality, best price You have to see it to believe it We are truly a destination place and wor th the drive We buy estates Laya way terms available Visa/Mastercard/Dis cover accepted 2 miles west of Hastings at 2084 W M 43 Hwy near Bob’s Gun & Tackle Hours: Sun 12 5pm; Mon Fri 10am 6pm; Sat 9am 5pm (269)948 2463 Shutters For Sale: 3 sets brown, vinyl lou vered shutters 13 5”w x 58 5”l Good con dition Only $20/pair Call (269)370 9469 For Sale: Deer Hunting Collection: Pants, coats, suits L/XL 2 bows and arrows (in cases), tree stand, shells Make an offer! (269)998 6487Boxer Puppies For Sale: 10 weeks old, 3 girls, purebred Amish Log Beds, Dressers, Rustic Table and Chairs, Mattresses for Cabin or Home Lowest price in Michigan! dandanthemat tressman com 989 923 1278 Health/Fitness Aloe Care Health, medical aler t system The most advanced medical aler t product on the market Voice activated! No wi fi needed! Special offer call and mention offer code C AR E20 to get $20 off Mobile Companion Call today 1 877 542 1384 CL ASSI F I ED DEADLI N E: TH U RSDAYS 3:30PM DISP L AY AD DEADLI N E: WE DN ESDAY 5:00PM Adult Foster Care Looking For Assisted Living, memory care, or independent living? A Place for Mom sim plifies the process of finding senior living at no cost to your family Call 1 888 978 0584 today!

COMMUNITY SHOPPERS GUIDE OTSEGO, MI 49078 August 13, 2022 Phone 694 9431 Open Every Friday & Saturday 9:00am-5:00pm M ER STR EET • DOWNTOWN 269-694-1771 GREAT SELECTION OF ITEMS! More Arriving Weekly! All sales final - No returns ! MART & SIMPLE DISCOUNTS Save Big! WOW! 75% off ORIGINAL PRICES WOW! WOW! Auto | Home | Life | Business | Farm | Lake Estate (269) 381-2311 ashanno@ 6221 W. Main St., Kalamazoo Call Angela Shannon today! When it comes to Business, the EXPERIENCEMATTERS. Clippers Cafe MARTIN Stop in for our FRESH Blueberry Pancakes! Only 6 miles nor th of downtown Plainwell 1566 10th Street, Martin • 269-672-4556 HOMEMADE BREAD • White • Wheat • Rye • Sourdough • Raisin AVAILABLE BY THE LOAF! Mon Fri Breakfast 6:30am 11am Lunch 11am 2pm Sat Sun 6:30am 2pm Breakfast Only Breakfast & Lunch 1 2 4 N M a i n S t r e e t D OW N TOW N P L A I N W E L L ( 2 6 9 ) 6 8 5 5 2 7 4 Hours: Tues.-Fri. 10am-5pm; Sat 10am 1pm, Closed Sun & Mon DID YOU HEAR? NEW Jewelry will be here soon! 269-967-8241 • Digital TV Antennas • Towers • Cell Phone Boosters Home Improvement Pond/Lake Weed Removal Tools (The #1 al ternative to chemicals ) Per forms C P R Cuts Pulls Rakes Veteran Invented and made in Michigan Still $150 00, no price increase! 989 529 3992 Weedgator Products com Safe Step Nor th America’s #1 Walk In Tub Comprehensive lifetime warranty Top of the line installation and service Now featuring our F R EE shower package and $1600 Off for a limited time! Call today! Fi nancing available Call Safe Step 1 866 319 1374 Handy Man Service: Jack of All Trades! In sured, quality work Construction, roofing, plumbing, more 269 213 6430 Household/Appliances Bath & Shower Updates in as little as one day! Affordable prices No payments for 18 months! Lifetime warranty & professional in stalls Senior & Military Discounts available Call: 877 401 2404 Beds Beds Beds! Mattresses any size and any comfor t Delivery anywhere in Michigan DanDantheMattressMan com Budget Appliance Service Prompt, Profes sional and Affordable Service Call us to day for your appliance repair needs. (269)685 8902 Ted LaFountain, Owner Wanted Standing Timber Wanted: Walnut, Oak, Maple Highest prices paid Payment in ad vance 269 998 1839 Bottled Water Donations Needed for the Gus Macker Tournament! Help us provide water for the volunteers, referees and staff! Donations can be dropped off at Otsego City Hall (117 E Orleans) or the Shoppers Guide (117 N Farmer St ) before Aug 26 Buying Junk Cars, Trucks, scrap metal, farm machinery Kalamazoo Metal Recyclers, Inc , 1525 King Hwy , Kalamazoo, 269 381 1315 Bring this ad! Husky Puppies For Sale! 6 Females $600 each Call (269)330 5654 Lawn Care, Tree Services, yard cleanups, re taining walls & all your landscaping needs Call E&N Services 269 680 1550 or email Ennservices49080@yahoo com Wanted: Quads, mini bikes, AT Vs, go car ts, snowmobiles Paying cash for wrecked, non runners, & par ts Free pick up, call (616)666 0312 www communityshoppersguide net Check out our new website! View the paper online, place a classifed, and much more! Special Rates on the Community Page Share a s p e c i a l o c c a s i o n , b i r t h d a y s , g r a d u a t i o n s , anniversaries, wedding announcements $25 and $45 sizes available and includes a picture! Call today! Community Shoppers Guide, 269 694 9431

COMMUNITY SHOPPERS GUIDE OTSEGO, MI 49078 August 13, 2022 Phone 694 9431 29 102nd Avenue legan, MI 49010 69) 673 2882 Cheshire Hills GOLF COURSE 2 7 H o l e s of Natural Beauty at an Affordable Price!Sherwood s Cove 9:00am Shotgun Start –––––––––––––––Sunday, August 27 Mass City Open 9:00am –––––––––––––––Lab or Day Weekend Open Golf U P C O M I N G E V E N T S Driving Range • Pro Shop • Golf Lessons • Leagues • Golf Outings • Banquets • Restaurant • Spor ts Bar 18 Holes w/car t only $30 Monday Thursday before Noon SCommunityhoppers Guide 117 N Farmer Street Otsego, MI 49078 CommunityShoppers Guide 117 N Farmer Street Otsego, MI 49078 SChoppers Guide 117 N Farmer St , Otsego • 269 694 9431 N ow o f f e r i n g E N V E L O P E P R I N T I N G Return Address • Invoice Envelopes • Personal Softener Checkup PERFORMED BY AN EXPERIENCED SERVICE TECHNICIAN Pro Water Treatment • 269 694 9000 N$49 ow Only R e v e r s e O s m o s i s S y s t e m s R e m o v a l S y s t e m s • I r o n & S m e l l • S a l t a n d D e l i v e r y R E N TA L S AVA I L A B L E 5716 WEST D. AVE. UNIT B KALAMAZOO, MI 49009 2 6 9 - 6 9 4 - 9 0 0 0 AN AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR 32 Years of Experience in the Water Treatment Industry WAT E R S O F T E N E R S A L E S A N D S E RV I C E Iron horse ORANGEVILLE DAY 2022 August 20th Noon 5pm or angeville Township park 7350 Lindsey Road, pl ainwell Registration begins at 10am; double elimination tournament begins at 11am Hands on clinic sponsored by Innova Discs with Rex Roscoe & Casey Kroll e Delroys, on Stampfler ethi Lewis nd Electric Pineapple Be sure to check out the or angeville History Displ ay! We will be honoring the Or angeville Township Fire Dept hosted by gun l ake boys & show stoppers detail eville il Dee Jay e Clown! VIAGRA and CIALIS USERS! 50 Generic Pills SPECIAL $99 00 100% guaranteed 24/7 CALL NOW! 888 445 5928 Hablamos Español Dental insurance Physicians Mutual Insurance Company Covers 350 procedures Real insurance not a discount plan Get your free dental info kit! 1 855 526 1060 www dental50plus com/ads #62588 Attention oxygen therapy users! Inogen One G4 is capable of full 24/7 oxygen delivery Only 2 8 pounds Free info kit Call 877 929 9587 Prepare for power outages today with a GENERAC home stand by generator $0 Down + Low Monthly Pmt Request a free Quote Call before the next power outage: 1 855 948 6176 Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter the most advanced debris blocking gutter protection Schedule free LeafFilter estimtate today 15% off Entire Purchase 10% Senior & Military Discounts Call 1 833 610 1936 AT&T Internet Starting at $40/month w/12 mo agmt 1 TB of data/mo Ask how to bundle & SAVE! Geo & svc restrictions apply 1 855 364 3948 BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little as ONE DAY! Affordable prices No payments for 18 months! Lifetime warranty & professional installs Senior & Military Discounts available Call: 855 761 1725 Donate Your Car to Veterans Today! Help and Support our Veterans Fast FREE pick up 100% tax deductible Call 1 800 245 0398 HughesNet Finally, super fast internet no matter where you live 25 Mbps just $59 99/mo! Unlimited Data is Here Stream Video Bundle TV & Internet Free Installation Call 866 499 0141 !!OLD GUITARS WANTED!! GIBSON, FENDER, MARTIN, Etc 1930’s to 1980’s TOP DOLLAR PAID CALL TOLL FREE 1 866 433 8277 Become a published author We want to read your book! Dorrance Publishing trusted since 1920 Consultation, pro duction, promotion & distribution Call for free author’s guide 1 877 729 4998 or visit dorranceinfo com/ads Paying top cash for men's sportwatches! 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Four free months of monitoring! Call to customize your system 1 833 841 0737 Safe Step North America's #1 Walk in tub Comprehensive lifetime warranty Top of the line installation and service Now featuring our free shower package & $1600 off limited time! Financing available 1 855 417 1306 Protect your home from pests safely and affordably Pest, rodent, termite and mosquito control Call for a quote or inspection today 844 394 9278 Discount air travel Call Flight Services for best pricing on domestic & international flights inside & from the US Serving United, Delta, American & Southwest & many more Free quote! Have travel dates ready! 844 951 2014 Reader Advisory: The Nat onal Trade Assoc ation we belong to has purchased the above classif eds Determining the value of their service or product s advised by this publ cation In order to avo d m sunderstandings some adver t sers do not offer employment but rather supply the readers w th manuals director es and other materials designed to help the r cl ents estab ish mail order se ling and other businesses at home Under NO c rcumstance should you send any money in advance or give the c ient your check ng license ID or credit card numbers A so beware of ads that c a m to guarantee oans regardless of cred t and note that f a credit repair company does business only over the phone t s i lega to request any money before de ivering its service A l funds are based in US dollars To l free numbers may or may not reach Canada ADS A d v e r t i s i n g D i s t r i b u t i o n S e r v i c e s 8201 Douglas Ave COOPER (269) 532 1167 Tues Fri 10am 5pm; Sat 9am 12pm Hunting Blinds IN STOCK! Get Your Food Plots! S E R V I N G T H I S A R E A S I N C E 1 9 5 5 8004 DOUGL AS COOP ER CENTER (269) 343 5147 or 343 0252 Hours: Mon Fr i 7:00am 5:00pm C O U P O N C O U P O N SLEEMAN’S AUTO CENTER Our Mechanics have Over 75 YEARS comb ned Au o Exper ence! Oil, Lube & Filter $3 4 95 Includes: 21 point safety inspection Plus $3 00 environmental fee Conventional oil for most vehicles Up to 5 quarts Appointment Recommended WITH COUPON Miscellaneous We rebuild carburetors! We also do A/C, suspensions, steering, alignments, brakes We do it all! Little Pines Auto Repair, down town Otsego Accepting waste oil from the public (269)692 3233 If you notice a mistake in your ad, let us know right away. We will not be respon sible for errors brought to our attention over 7 days past the run date Thank you The Shoppers Guide Lawn & Garden Monty’s Tree Service: Licensed/insured Free estimates (269)204 8207 We also sell and deliver bulk firewood! Lawn Care, Tree Services, yard cleanups, re taining walls & all your landscaping needs Call E&N Services 269 680 1550 or email Ennservices49080@yahoo com Home Improvement Eliminate Gutter Cleaning Forever! LeafFil ter, the most advanced debris blocking gut ter protection Schedule a F R EE LeafFilter es timate today 15% off Entire Purchase 10% Senior & Military Discounts Call 1 844 369 2501 Metal Roofing Regular and shingle style, Half Off On Special Colors! Also, lifetime as phalt shingles available Licensed and in sured builders Pole Buildings Quality work for 40 years! Amish Crew! 517 575 3695 DISH Network $64 99 for 190 Channels! 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COMMUNITY SHOPPERS GUIDE OTSEGO, MI 49078 August 13, 2022 Phone 694 9431 Sara Smith (616) 558 9580 RENE E PRO RayLene Hubbard (269) 743 9069 Kendra Sweeting (269) 760 4127 144 S Main St , Plainwell 269 685 5866 Choose a Realtor That Knows YOU R Local Housing Market! Sue Cornell 694 4129 Assoc Broker SFR GRI RAM ABR Nancy Whitney 720 1473 Assoc Broker SFR ABR GR CRS E Pro Wendy Conner 492 5172 Broker SFR ABR GR CRS Local R EAL ESTATE Exper tise Your Area Since 1972! complete liSt of all area open houSeS & our current liStingS at: www homesbycornell com OPEN MON FRI 10AM 2PM OR BY APPT Our Realtors Live and Work Here In Our Community! C O M M E RC I A L 2 19 acreS: prime commercial Site in otSego townShip on buSy m 89 corridor offerS a choice location! Spacious building adaptable to many uses with 2 floors of office spaces, large reception area, 2 conference rooms, 3 half baths, & 2 kitchenettes, plus a fully finished basement to use as desired Pole barn on premises currently rented $475,000 Take a look at this exceptional buy call wendy, or raylene. Summer "eScape" or year round lakefront living with 19 acreS of privacy, offering 1100+ feet of lake frontage on private Canterbury lake! The rustic style home has 2 bedrooms each with their own bath, Much new carpeting & fresh paint, including the exterior staining of the wood siding Walk out basement has wood stove in case you prefer that to propane heat Addt'l room ideal for office /den, small FR Finished room off the attached 1 car garage, great for "man cave" If that's not enough, there's also an extra 4 stall pole barn Frontage on 2 roads $439,900 ask wendy, Sara or kendra L A K E F RO N T Phone: 269 694 9445 Toll Free: 877 496 5636 Fax: 269 694 9797 Email: info@nulty com www nulty com Office is Open Monday thru Friday 8am 5pm 354 West Allegan Street Otsego, MI 49078 Family owned and operated in your hometown since 1945 Home • Auto • Life Insurance plans that are right for you Call us today! PERSONAL INSURANCE SALES HOME • AUTO • LIFE NULTY INSURANCE 354 W Allegan Street Otsego, MI 49078 nulty com Call today for a F R EE ESTI MATE 269-694-1220 W W W.LEGACYROOF I NGGR.COM SHOW THIS AD AT POINT OF PURCHASE FOR A BONUS and whole window replacements. FINANCING AVAILABLE 10% DISCOUNT Thank You! Display ad deadline Wed , 5:00pm Classified ad deadline Thurs , 3:30pm • All political ads must be paid for before publication • All political ads must have who paid for the ad (ex paid by the committee to elect John Doe) • Community Shoppers Guide has the right to refuse any ads that are offensive or in bad taste All content in political ads are the opinion of the candidates and their representatives. The Community Shoppers Guide remains neutral to all political ads POLITICAL AD R EQU I R EM ENTS P l a c e Yo u r C l a s s i f i e d A d s O n l i n e 2 4 / 7 COMMUNITY Shoppers Guide 117 N FARMER, OTSEGO • 269 694 9431 www.communityshoppersguide .net Home Improvement West Michigan Glass Concepts, LLC, 116 E Allegan St , Otsego 269 694 1611 For all your glass needs, same day glass replace ment! www samedaywindowrepair com Jeffrey B Hoy t, Builder, (269)760 0035 All your building needs, no job too big or small Licensed/insured Senior discount DI R ECT V for $79 99/mo for 12 months with CHOICE Package Watch your favorite live spor ts, news & enter tainment anywhere First 3 months of H BO Max, Cinemax, Show time, Starz and Epix included! Directv is #1 in Customer Satisfaction (J D Power & As soc ) Some restrictions apply Call 1 888 351 0154 American Standard Walk In Tubs Buy from a brand you trust Patented Quick Drain® technolog y 44 hydrotherapy jets Lifetime warranty on tub and installation! F R EE in home consultation at your convenience Limited time offer $1,500 in savings in cludes a F R EE right height toilet Call 1 833 591 1961 Replace Your Roof With the best looking and longest lasting material steel from Erie Metal Roofs! Three styles and multiple colors available Guaranteed to last a lifetime! Lim ited Time Offer $500 Discount + Additional 10% off install (for military, health workers & 1st responders ) Call Erie Metal Roofs: 1 888 718 1856 P R ICE R EDUCED! 2 White Vinyl Double hung replacement windows 35 5”w x 53 75”l $100 each 2 white vinyl double hung replacement windows 35 5”w x 37”l $75 each Great condition! Call (269) 370 9469 www communityshoppersguide net Check out our new website! View the paper online, place a classifed, and much more! CL ASSI F I ED DEADLI N E: TH U RSDAYS 3:30PM

COMMUNITY SHOPPERS GUIDE OTSEGO, MI 49078 August 13, 2022 Phone 694 9431 $500 People’s Choice Award 4th Annual Otsego Creative Arts Festival During the Creative Arts Festival Art displayed in Mezzo Coffee House. Registration Deadline: Aug. 31, 2022 $40 EntryFee.Registration includes invitation to private reception.Event proceeds support future arts programmingin our community. Call for Artists! $1000 Grand Prize! 2nd place $300 3rd place $200 September 16-24, 2022 For more information go to: A r t C o m p e t i t i o n V o t e S P O N S O R E D B Y Q u e s t i o n s ? email: Paulette Carr at P L A I N W E L L A U T O S U P P LY 1 5 5 N . M A I N ST. • P L A I N W E L L 6 8 5 - 5 8 17 OPEN DAILY 8:00am to 6:00pm; Sat 8:00am to 1:00pm www localnapadeals com • www napaonline com Paint for most years, makes & models! We can put your specialized PAI NT into SP R AY CANS! Call today and receive a FREE SHOWER PACKAGE PLUS $1600 OFF With purchase of a new Safe Step Walk-In Tub. Not applicable with any previous walk-in tub purchase. Offer available while supplies last. No cash value. Must present offer at time of purchase. CSLB 1082165 NSCB 0082999 0083445 applicable Call1-855-517-1892todayandreceiveREE 600PACKAGEOFF SPECIALOFFER AUCTION Saturday, August 20th 10:00am 5681 N. 27th Street • Kalamazoo, MI Located: From Gull Road 1/2 mile Nor th on 27th St to sale SHOP TOOLS • VINTAGE PIECES Vintage Coke machine, Vintage EvinRude Skeeter snowmobile, lots of lumber, Vintage Johnson Seahorse boat motor, Simplicity 2110 lawn tractor w/snowblower, Allis Chalmers B110 lawn tractor, tires, Large vehicle hand jack, Mechanic’s test machine, key making machine, air compressors, Wheel Horse r iding mower, generator, large gas powered log splitter, power cement trowel, dr ill press, jointer, Vintage Mobile oil barrel, greenhouse frame, par ts washer, par ts washer man hand tools, lathe, several ladders, pole lights, lots and lots of hand tools, batter y chargers, vintage school desks MANY MANY ITEMS NOT LISTED, PLAN TO ATTEND! For additional information and photos visit EstateSales net or auctionzip com ID #13989 Auctioneers Note: A great sale with many unique items We look forward to seeing you at the auction! Terms: Cash or good check w/ proper ID Not responsib e for acci dents or oss of ar ticles Announcements made sa e day take precedence over pr nted mater a Ever ything sel s as s where is A l items to be paid in fu l the day of sa e Vis or www brownsauctionservices com Saturday, August 20 • 10:00am 2550 S 44th Street, Galesburg Direct ons: Off I 94 from Kalamazoo take Climax exit 88 tur n r ight and go 4 miles to 44th Street, r ight to sale HORSE TACK: Saddles, har ness sets, saddle pads, show halters, halters, whips, blankets, lead ropes, tack tr unks, fancy br idles, bits, stock tanks, hay feed ers (stable), roll around tack car t, horse hardware and more! COMMERCIAL SEWING MACHINES: Heavy Duty Dur kopp Adler, Ar tisan heavy duty for making/repair ing horse accessor ies, many spools of cone thread! and much more! For more go to: www auctionzip com #23371 KENDALL TOBIAS • Auctioneer Pau Lettinga and Kenneth Tobias 269 945 5016 • Hastings, MI LARGE! TACK AUCTION Auctions Coins, Firearms, Vehicles, Tools, Farm Equip , Spor ting, Household, Antiques Es tate, Personal Proper ty and Real Estate Auc tions going on now at bid sherwoodauction servicellc com Call to schedule your Live or Online auction now 1 800 835 0495 Pole Barn Auction: Saturday, August 20, 10am 5681 N 27th St , Kalamazoo Hand tools, power tools, table saws, saw and blade sharpening equipment, metal lathe, building materials, electrical, plumbing, auto motive, some vintage items and tools, vin tage chest Coca Cola machine, housewares, much misc Auction by Brown’s Guns, Ammo & Shop Tools are selling now We are adding new quality auctions to our calendar weekly Shipping available, bid from anywhere at johnpeckauctions com Looking to sell? 989 426 8061 Since 1979 Estate Sale; August 19 21, 10am ? Furnitue, dishes, too much to mention 623 Thomas Street, Plainwell Live John Leibold Estate Auction Saturday, August 20, 2022 at 10:00 a m 11439 Faus sett Rd Fenton, M I Several firearms; Trac tors; Lawn & Garden; Implements; Toy trac tors; Farm signs; Tools, www NarhiAuctions com 810 266 6474

For any
“These things I have spoken to you that my joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full ” John 15:11 (ESV) By Rev Dan Minor revdminor1945@gmai com
The Perry family is being cared for by the Avink, McCowen, Secord Funeral Homes and Cremation Society 120 S Woodhams Pla nwell MI 269 685 5881 Please take time to Kandice
Arrangements by Hite Funeral Home Indiana Messages of condolence may be posted at www hitefuneralhome com
Allegan, Barry & Kalamazoo Counties with affordable & dignified cremation & burial services for
s guestbook and/or share a memory with his family www amsfuneralhomes com
Arrangements by Hite Funeral Home Indiana Messages of condolence may be posted at www hitefuneralhome com Community PageCommunity Page or (269)
S i mp l e C r e ma t io n $1,695 B u r i al s st ar t i n g a t $6,895
years Avink, McCowen & Secord Funeral Home Plainwell Chapel l (269)
The above verse, another one of my favor ites, reminds us of the joy we have in our hear ts b e c a u s e J e s u s l i ve s t h e r e T h e r e i s a d i f fe r e n c e b e t we e n h a p p i n e s s a n d j oy H a p p i n e s s d e p e n d s o n c i r c u m s t a n c e s Believers in Jesus Chr ist exper ience joy in spite of circumstances Here are some examples: JESUS Jesus exper ienced rejection by His own people His enemies taunted Him His closest fr iends deser ted Him His joy was made complete by fulfilling His Father’s will and making our joy complete by dying on the cross for our sins (Hebrews 12:2)
Providing over 80 685 5881 Kandice Lee PERRY AGE 65 KALAMAZOO, MI Kandice Lee Perry of Plain well, MI passed away on Thursday, August 4, 2022, at the age of 65 She was born in Kalamazoo, MI on September 23, 1956, the daughter of Charles and Mary (Caldwell) Tolhurst Sr She graduated from Gull Lake High School in 1974, following graduation she welcomed her first child: Shannon (Perry) Fritz into the world Wanting to provide for her family she started working at Fabri Kal in 1980 where she met her future husband: Tim Perry, on her first day at orientation On May 19, 1984 the two were mar ried at Sunnyside Methodist Church of Kalamazoo Combining their families, Kandice welcomed John and Joe Perry as her sons During their marriage they moved a lot for work moving between: South Carolina, Chicago, and Michigan Tim and Kandie went to the same Nascar races on their 25th wedding anniversary that they went to on their honeymoon She is preceded in her passing by her parents and granddaughter: Sara ise Perry Left to cherish her loving memory is her husband: Tim Perry; children: John Perry, Joseph Perry, and Shannon (Jack) Fritz; grandchildren: Jordan, Kaylee, J D , Mary Jane, and Navah; brothers: Charles Tolhurst Jr and Timothy (Lois) Tolhurst; and several aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces, and cousins In accordance with the fam ly’s wishes a public service will be held at Avink, McCowen & Secord, 120 South Woodhams Street, Plainwell, MI 49080, on Wednesday, August 10, 2022, with a time for visiting beginning at 11:00 a m until the time of service at 1:00 p m Kandice will be laid to rest at Mt Ever Rest Memorial Gardens following the service Memorials made in Kandice’s memory may be directed to Centrica Care Navigators or The Association for Frontotempora Degeneration En velopes are available at the funeral home
COMMUNITY SHOPPERS GUIDE OTSEGO, MI 49078 August 13, 2022 Phone 694 9431 REMEMBERING Bet t y Ahlberg Please join family and friends on Satur day, August 13th 2 5pm Gun River Conser vation Club 689 11th St Plainwell, MI 49080 Faith LINK “THE JOY-FILLED VERSE”
PEOPLE I HAVE KNOWN Over many years of pastor ing churches I have witnessed the joy of people even in times of hardship and loss Being a Chr istian does not exempt us from pain and hur t, but it does come with the promise of God’s presence One day we will know and understand In the meantime “we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face ” (I Cor inthians 13:12) One day the stor ms will pass, the sun will come out and the skies will be blue Our joy will be fulfilled The psalmist said, “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the mor ning” (Psalm 30:5) Prayer: Dear Lord, complete our joy by living within us In Your strong name Amen Tyrel Z “Heathen” CALDWELL AGE 38 PORTAGE MI On August 5, 2022, our son Tyrel Z Caldwell was in volved in a motorcycle/au tomobile accident, where he passed away Tyrel was born on October 6, 1983 in Kalamazoo, MI He at tended school in Otsego, MI His goals in life were to achieve a promising career where he was proud to be able to build many memories with his family and friends 2012 was the beginning of reaching these goals as he pursued a “promising” career in Industrial Roof ing Beginning with Hoekstra Roofing Company leading him to join the local 70 Roofers Union of Ann Arbor, MI, where he excelled through the apprenticeship on into his journeymen’s position with Bloom Roofing With his passing Tyrel leaves behind his mother Vickey and step dad Kevin Christopher His fiance’ Katlyn Garlic, and four children, Adrianna L Castaneda 17, Olivia L Caldwell 14, Rebel Caldwell 5 and Ryder Cadwell 3 Grandparents Douglas and Sandy Duryea, niece Trinity Almaguer, nephew Thomas Almaguer and Johnathon Holdeman Recently with the loss of his sister Danyel A Caldwell to A M L only 35 days prior this was a great loss to all Tyrel’s enjoyment in life, he cherished so much, was the vacations and putting those memo ries into stories He would share stories of hunting, fish ing, camping, boating, snowmobiling and the love of all his motorcycle going on the runs with many Tyrel was part of a large family, beginning in 1994, when Rickey L Lynch, Sr became his step dad with his step siblings, Terri Meyer, Rickey, Jr (Jams) Lynch, and Christy (Mike) Billmas Only continuing growing larger in 2014, gaining 2 more step sisters, Danielle (Marcus) Sleeman, Katie (Rob) Kuiper and step brother Devan Christopher with many more aunts, uncles, nephews into a world of lifelong friends Tyrel was preceded in death by his father John L Caldwell, Jr , step dad Rickey J Lynch, Sr , grandmas Shirley Dunryea and Gloria Guideabeck, grandpa Donald Christopher and his “special angel” life long best friend his little sister Danyela Caldwell Cremation has taken place There will be “A Celebration of Life” for both Tyrel and Danyel Caldwell held at the VFW Post 3030 in Otsego, MI on Saturday, August 20, 2022 from 2pm 6pm Please RSVP (due to circumstance of our loss of two so close) we wanted to be able to accommodate who wish attend kind donations contribu in Tyrel’s memory, please contact his mother at: christophervickey61@gmail com or through FB mes senger
APOSTLE PAUL Apostle Paul testified of being physically beaten and shipwrecked He knew danger on many levels, sleeplessness, hunger and thirst, cold, nakedness and daily pressures of concer n for all the churches he had helped (2 Cor inthians 11:25 27) He knew pover ty, physical illness and impr isonment Yet he said, “I have lear ned to be content whatever the circumstances” (Philippians 4:11) In fact the great letter of Philippians is known as “The Epistle of Joy ”
sign or call 269 694 9431 Judy Nieuwenhuis Jo n an d F amily When you find yourself facing the loss of a loved one ... we can assist in making the details you face a little e a s i e r To p l a c e yo u r o b i t u a r y announcement on our community pages, simply ask the funeral home to send the details to the Community Shoppers Guide or call/email us yourself Obituar ies are approxi mately $75 and are included in our online edition and on our website. Community Shoppers Guide 117 N Far mer St , Otsego • 269 694 9431 www communityshoppersguide net email: info@communityshoppersguide net CL ASSI F I ED DEADLI N E: TH U RSDAYS 3:30PM DISP L AY AD DEADLI N E: WE DN ESDAY 5:00PM Share your news on the Community Page S p e c i a l $ 25 a n d $ 4 5 s i z e s n o w a v a i l a b l e I n c l u d e s p i c t u r e C a l l t o d a y ! C o m m u n i t y Shoppers Guide, 269 694 9431 View The Shoppers Guide online! www communityshoppersguide net
Helen Lois (Gehring) JANES AGE 80 PLAINWELL MI Dec 2, 1941 Aug 1, 2022 Helen passed away peace fully at her home with family by her side She was born in Kendell, MI and was a life long resident in the Plain well area Helen was very dedicated to and involved with family, working with her husband, Tom Janes, in many capacities, mainly his photography business Helen was a long term employee at Big Top Market in Plainwell, from where she retired She was preceded in death by her husband Tom in 2013, her parents Lewis and Bernice (Ritchie) Gehring, sisters Donna Gehring and Leora (Gehring) Bacon, and brother Henry Gehring She is survived by her sons, Rodney Janes of Plainwell and Dennis (Amy) Janes of Bedford Twp, grandchildren Michelle (James) Flynn of Tomahawk, Kentucky, Abigail (Brandon) Groetsma of Otsego, MI, Paige Collins of Bedford Twp, MI, sisters Audrey McKinstry of Otsego, MI and Linda (Bill) Hinga of Climax, MI, brother Kenneth Gehring of Kalamazoo, MI, along with numerous great grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and cousins Crema tion has taken place A luncheon/gathering to celebrate Helen's life will be announced at a later date Any con tributions and donations in Helen's memory can be made in her name to Centria Care Navigators (formerly Hospice Care of S W Michigan) in Kalamazoo, MI 694-9431

5 Size: A Residential s structures shall be permitted and not be specifically limited, however the total lot coverage of all structures upon a given lot shall not exceed thirty five (35) percent Structures shall not exceed the height limitations for the applicable zoning district B Commercial and Industrial Accessory structure size shall not be specifically limited; Zoning District regulations for bulk standards shall apply
3 Semi truck trailers, box truck trailers, cargo/shipping containers, recreational vehicle or any part of any vehicles shall not be permitted to be placed or used as accessory structures
1 Accessory structures shall be permitted only upon parcels with an established principal building
2 Accessory structures shall not be permitted for use as a dwelling unit or residence of any kind
ARTICLE III SEVERABILITY: The various parts, sections and clauses of this Ordinance are hereby declared to be severable If any part, sentence, paragraph, section or clause of this Ordinance is adjudged unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of the Ordinance shall not be affected thereby and shall remain valid and in effect
email: ksweeney@cityofotsego org cell (231) 818 5196 www otsegomainstreet org Kahler Sweeney Main Street Manager 117 E Or leans St , Otsego Inside Otsego C ty Hall Where Volunteers Make It Happen. Meijer Simply Give July 3 October 1, 2022 Double Match Days: August 13 & Sept 10 Turn your $10 gift into $30 Plainwell Meijer Only Thank You from Christian Neighbors T O P S #610 Plainwell Meets Mondays 10:00am at Church of Christ Plainwell For info call 269 344 8643 O T S E G O V.F.W. Post 3030 124 N. Farmer Street Otsego • 269-694-4615 Breakfast Sunday Aug.14th 8-11am $10 per per son Kids 4+under eat FREE! Ser ved by your local veterans. All are Welcome! Charity Macker Basketball Game Friday, Aug. 26 • 6pm in front of City Hall, E Orleans & Fair BRING IT! GAME ON! Come Watch the Fun! FREE Fun Event! Laundr y Detergent (unscented preferred) Bleach Dawn Dish Soap Paper Towels Kitchen Garbage Bags Large Outdoor Garbage Bags Scr ubbing Sponges Distilled Water Hot Dogs and/or Pill Pockets for giving dog medications Gently Used Towels and Washcloths Gently Used Blankets and Bedding Hard Dog Toys Cat Toys Large Dog Har nesses Dog Slip Leads Cat and Dog Grooming Tools Office Supplies Canned and Dr y Dog and Cat Food for our Pet Food Pantr y Program Money $$ or just your time! Charity Basketball Games! Featuring Otsego teachers, administration, community members and city officials! Donate to a wor thy char ity or help volunteer! FURRY FRIENDS WILL BE ONSITE! Please bring any of the following items to donate to Wishbone Pet Rescue Alliance! Community PageCommunity Page or (269) or call 269 694 9431 Bottled Water Donations Needed for the Gus Macker Tournament! Help us provide water for the volunteers, referees and staff! Donations can be dropped off at Otsego City Hall (117 E Or leans) or the Shoppers Guide (117 N Farmer St ) before Aug 26
COMMUNITY SHOPPERS GUIDE OTSEGO, MI 49078 August 13, 2022 Phone 694 9431 The 2022 Plainwell Music Society concert season has ended with a crash and a bang Thank you to our season sponsors and contributors, who are listed below, for their support. Thank you to our patrons. It is for you and your love of music that we exist. Thank you to our performers who made the music for a most enjoyable musical summer See you at the bandshell! Plainwell Music Society SEASON SPONSORS Tom Holmes Anna R. Pipp Foundation CONTRIBUTORS H&H Auto Body Hart's Jewelry LLC Steensma Lawn & Power Equipment Avink, McCowen & Secord Funeral Homes Otsego Legion Post 84 "The Wild Bunch" Brave Industrial Fastener, Inc Hoard Chiropractic Clinic Lapham Heating and Cooling, Inc MLJ Automotive (Muffler Man) Plainwell Ice Cream The Hairacy Winkel Funeral Home ThankYou! S P A G H E T T I F U N D R A I S E R Saturday, August 20 at 5pm Proceeds go to Officer Tom Maher and family! Suggested Donation $15/person Spaghetti & Meatballs, Garlic Bread, Salad, and a drink Our Table Family Restaurant 108 E Allegan St. Otsego, MI Event sponsored by the IRON BANDOGS LE/MC For more information contact SloMo @ 269 760 7907 Happy 24 T H B I R T H D AY Schyler AUG 19 Love, Grandpa VILLAGE OF MARTIN, ALLEGAN COUNTY, MICHIGAN AMENDMENT TO THE MARTIN VILLAGE ZONING ORDINANCE Ordinance No 67 Adopted: 8/8/2022 Effective: 8/22/2022 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE VILLAGE OF MARTIN ZONING ORDINANCE TO REGULATE ACCESSORY STRUCTURES IN ALL ZONING DISTRICTS VILLAGE OF MARTIN, ALLEGAN COUNTY, MICHIGAN, ORDAINS: At a properly scheduled special meeting of the Village Council for the Village of Martin, Allegan County, Michigan, held at the Village Offices on 8/8/2022, the following amendment to the Martin Village Zoning Ordinance was offered for adoption by Village Council Member Dykstra and second ed by Village Council Member Martin Yeas: G Brinkhuis, Kelsey, Bouwman, Dykstra, Martin, J Brinkhuis, Doezema Nays: None Motion passed Ordinance #67 adopted ARTICLE I Amend The Village of Martin Zoning Ordinance by Repealing the Following Provisions: Sections 3 01 2 A, 4 01 2 A, 5 01 2 A, 6 01 2 A and 8 05 2 regulating accessory structures
ARTICLE II Amend the Village of Martin Zoning Ordinance by Adding Section 8 16 to read as fol lows: Section 8 16 Accessory Structures Accessory structures shall be permitted on a lot within all zoning districts subject to the following reg ulations
ARTICLE IV. REPEAL AND EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance is ordered to take effect the eighth day following publication of notice of its adoption in accordance with the Michigan Public Act 110 of 2006 as amended All ordinances or parts of ordi nances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed Gary Brinkhuis, President Darcy Doezema, Clerk I, Darcy Doezema, Clerk of the Village of Martin, attest that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of an ordinance adopted by the Village Council of the Village of Martin, at a regularly scheduled meet ing held on August 8, 2022, which meeting was held in accordance with state law Darcy Doezema, Village Clerk Free (269) 692-3391
Clothes Here! All sizes from infant to adult We’re here to help! Otsego Adventist Community Services Tuesday 10am 4pm, Thursday 1pm 5pm 218 S Farmer St , Otsego (269)694 4775
4 Location: A Residential Accessory Structures shall be placed no nearer to the front lot line than the front face of the principal dwelling Accessory structures shall be placed a minimum of ten feet from the dwelling and five feet from the side and rear lot lines B Commercial and Industrial Accessory Structures shall meet all required setbacks for principal structures within the applicable zoning district

Sing praises to God, our strength Sing to the God of Jacob Sing! Beat the tambour ine Play the sweet lyre and the har p Psalm 81:1 2 Jesus said, “I have come to set the world on fire, and I wish it were already bur ning! I have a terrible baptism of suffering ahead of me, and I am under a heavy burden until it is accomplished Luke 12:49 50
PRAYER TIME: Lord Jesus, lift my eyes toward heaven today Fill me with Your Spirit of truth and wisdom Continue to open my eyes and ears to hear Your word so I can drown out the rest In Jesus’ Name, Amen. First Congregational Church 120 W Morrell St , Otsego • 269 694 6085 • fccotsego@sbcglobal net our website: otsegocongregational org a full weekly devotional You can listen worship each Sunday, beginning at 10:35am, by calling 269 218 2682, use access code: 479926744# Pets of the Week! of the ROSIE & DAISY are 4 month old pit mix puppies! They came from a rough situation and were ver y underweight These two are currently in a foster home getting fattened up and lear ning what it is like to be par t of a family Rosie is the dar ker of the two pups with a little white snip on her nose She is more outgoing then her sister She loves belly r ubs and investigating ever ything Rosie would benefit from having another dog or children in the home for her to play with Daisy is the pup with the white blaze on her face and big adorable pointy ears She is the more shy of the two and takes some time to war m up to new people Daisy would do best in a calm er, low key hom e She would also benefit from having another dog in the home One that can help her adjust to her new environment They are currently being fostered in a home with other dogs, cats, a couple of kids and have met the family’s horses The gir ls are working on potty training, crate training and some basic commands If either one if these little ladies seem like a good fit for your home, you can fill out an adoption application at wishbonepetrescue org Allegan County Animal Shelter is operated by Wishbone Pet Rescue
Join us for in person worship at: I DA R E YO U TO B E L OV E D . . . When people listen, God speaks When people obey, God acts When God acts, people chang e Would you like to know more? Gus Macker Is Back! Save the date August 27 28, 2022 Otsego Crafters Wanted: for Craft shows on Satur day, September 24, 2022 at First Cong rega tional Church in Otsego and Saturday, No vember 19, 2022 at Plainwell High School Please call: Melissa 269 491 0590 or email: craft show@yahoo com All items must be homemade Musicians Wanted! River Cities Concer t Band, a 64 piece family and fellowship ori ented g roup, has openings for clarinet, French horn, percussion, trombone, trumpet and tuba Come join us a we star t our 41st Concer t Season on Aug 29, 2022 Call Dave for more info, leave a message (269)692 2155 Local Farmers’ Markets: Otsego: Saturdays 9am 2pm Church of God parking lot, 112 Kalamazoo Plainwell: Thursdays 3:30 6:30pm SW Donut Mill parking lot, 554 Allegan St grow with us! Otsego seventh day adventist church growing inward growing outward growing upward Community Service Center Fellowship Room 218 S Far mer St , Otsego www otsegosda org Weekly Topical Bible Studies! Ever yone is Welcome! Wednesdays at 6:30pm 269 694 4775 A l l e g a n C o u n t y A N I M A L S H E LT E R A D O P TA B L E
COMMUNITY SHOPPERS GUIDE OTSEGO, MI 49078 August 13, 2022 Phone 694 9431
REFLECTION: The meaning of these two verses, from the book of Luke, is simple Chr ist has intro duced a fire stor m to bur n down the powers of this wor ld It is going to cause the utmost confusion His intention is to commingle heaven and ear th He is placing pur ity against poison, launching good ness to overcome evil The gospel of Chr ist is metaphor ically compared to fire because it violently changes the face of life as we know and exper ience it In our jour ney of faith we are like the disciples who falsely imagined that the kingdom of God would come to them with ease Chr ist declares that there must be a dreadful firestor m to kindle the wor ld first That is what Jesus does His refining power begins in us When we come to gr ips with our sinful nature, we tur n and submit to His author ity of love This is what it means to be woke We are awakened to the light of God’s tr uth and brought out of dar k ness Other phrases that are more familiar are: bor n from above, bor n again, and bor n anew Chr ist encourages us to contemplate His words by inviting us to consider the wisdom and power of this Good News Ever yone I know who is a Chr ist follower has had a fire stor m hit their life It causes a person to look inward to hear the Good News of God That is why Jesus says there is a reason we should tremble A fire stor m has spur ned us to action as it bur ns in the hear ts of His children Once I am renewed and made alive in Him, I find eter nal peace, a peace that passes all understanding My par t is to rejoice in this fr uit of Chr ist’s labors It has come to me and you, and now we see the invisible grace of God through the visible exper iences we share with others
COMPANION Animal Veterinar y Clinic, Inc. 2 0 1 E B R I D G E S T , P L A I N W E L L • ( 2 6 9 ) 6 8 5 5 4 8 4 Sponsored by Community PageCommunity Page or (269) or call 269 694 9431 FOOD PANTRY OP EN R EGU L AR HOU RS Pantr y Pick-Up Will Continue Outside . A Volunteer will meet you For financial requests please call 269 694 9005 and leave a message . Thank you & God Bless. Mon 1:00pm 3:00pm Tues & Thurs 10:00am 12noon Wed 3:00pm 5:00pm 134A W Allegan Street, Otsego 269 694 9005 St. Vincent de Paul is able to ser ve Otsego, Plainwell and Mar tin School distr icts only Be a good neighbor & help others in our community by br inging in your clean, gently used clothes and household supplies We will place the items out on tables Find other items you would like Don’t have items to bring in? That s OK! ALL ITEMS ARE FREE! Annual Community Clothing Exchange Day “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself ’ There is no commandment greater than these Mark 12:30 31 NIV Saturday, August 13 9:00am 2:00pm Donations can be dropped off at the church beginning Aug 1st 13th Please call the church in advance Thank you! Questions, to Volunteer or to drop off donations: Call the church (269)685 9491 Friendship Wesleyan Church 1285 102nd Ave., Plainwell Attention Alumni Saturday, August 13 Potluck begins at 1pm 684 Starr Road (102nd Ave ) Located in the Plainwell High School Cafeteria Bring a dish to pass and your own table service Plainwell High School’s ALL SCHOOL REUNION CLASS OF 1ANNIVERSARY 972 50TH 1962 60TH Th i n k m o n e y t h i n k t h e c l a s s i f i e d s ! B u y y o u s a v e m o n e y ! S e l l y o u ' l l m a k e m o n e y ! C a l l t o d a y S h o p p e r s G u i d e , 269 694 9431 Maybe you shouldn't go for looks; they can deceive Don't go for wealth; even that fades away Go for someone who makes you smile, because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright Find the one that makes your heart smile Share your good news. 1 col. x 3” ONLY $2 Announcing...OurlittleGirl Birth Announcements in the Community Shoppers Guide SunshineSarah Born Any8Length00/00/0021”lbs.,2oz.LocalHospital2:00am Proud Parents John and Jane Sunshine Announcing...OurlittleGirl Sarah Sunshine Born Any8Length00/00/0021”lbs.,2oz.LocalHospital2:00am Proud Parents John and Jane Sunshine Why wait 6 months to see your baby’s birth announcement in the paper? Place your announcement before Wednesday at 5:00pm and see it in the very next issue of the Community Shoppers Guide. Don’t want a picture but would still like to announce the birth of your new baby? 1-15 words is only $1 .00 and it will still appear on the Community Page in the paper. 2 col. x 3” ONLY $4 Place A Classified Online! Over 20,000 local people view the ad! Only $13 for 1 15 words (add $1 for each additional 5 words) www communityshoppersguide net
to our

COMMUNITY SHOPPERS GUIDE OTSEGO, MI 49078 August 13, 2022 Phone 694 9431 103 W. Allegan St., Downtown Otsego • (269) 692-2200 Amish Oak Treasures & More MON FRI 12:30PM 5:30PM SAT 9AM 3PM • Curios • Bookshelves • Benches • Bedroom Sets • TV Stands • Dining Tables and Chairs • Rocking Chairs • Framed Prints • Sofas • Living Room Sets • Chests • Jewelry Boxes and more! Over 15 different wood shades. We can match yours too! Quality made furniture! NEW HOURS MIDWAY CHEVROLET M a k i n g i t w o r t h y o u r d r i v e ! 381 12TH STREE T • PL AINWELL (269) 685 6871 or (800) 683 4159 SALES: M & W 8:30am 8pm T, Th & F 8:30am 6pm S 9am 2pm SERVICE: M F 7:30am 5 30pm, W til 8pm , Sat 9am 1pm (o l changes on y), C osed Sundays WWW MIDWAYPLAINWELL COM M I D W AY C H E V R O L E T See our website Sheila Jones Sales and Leasing (269) 685-6871 Direct (269) 204 4370 Stop in and talk to Sheila She will help you find your next New or Used Vehicle! LOST DOG! Help Me Get Ho me DO NOT CHASE I AM SKITTISH & AFRAID Wearing a blue & yellow collar with flowers and tags Ginger Missing Since June 21st 2022 Female 9 pounds Half Docked Tail CONTACT: (269) 720 4486 L U N C H S P E C I A L S udy’s Res 692-6118 BREAKFAST d ll d ! Open 6am-2pm • 7 days a week!120 W Allegan St , Downtown Otsego Monday, August 15 Chicken Salad Sandwich Tuesday, August 16 Wet Burrito Wednesday, August 17 Chop Suey Thursday, August 18 Hot Chicken Sandwich Fr iday, August 19 Beef Tips & Noodles HELP WANTEDLINEPCOOK art timeAPPLY IN PERSON WEDNESDAY Slice of Pie $2 95 57 Y E A R S I N B U S I N E S S ! SERVING GREAT FOOD Just how you like it! Call Jason (269)673 6240 1277 Lincoln Rd (M 89), Allegan improve the Value & Appearance of your Vehicle Auto DetAil Shop Shampoo Interior, Tires/Rims, Vinyl, Glass, Buff & Wax, Trunks & MORE ...OR VIEW ONLINE! www.communityshoppersguide .net C O M M U N I T Y S H O P P E R S G U I D E NEED A COPY? Pick one up at these locations! OTSEGO Shoppers Guide (outs de boxes) Otsego Party Store Brookside Market Casa Real Brewster’s Smokehouse Our Table Restaurant Turn It Around Judy’s Restaurant Mobil Gas Station Mannies Pizza & Subs Mezzo Otsego Health VFW Jesse s Party Store M 89 STRIP Sunoco Gas Station Circle K Gas Station BC Pizza Dollar General M89 Cinema Walgreens Walmart Wesco Salvino s Pizza Hut MARTIN Clark Gas Station Clippers Cafe Marathon Gas/Subway Dollar General Shelbyville Tavern PLAINWELL Harding s Plainwell Laundromat Dollar General (10th St) The Fly Inn Joe’s Market 3rd Base Party Store Eastside Grocer y Nancy s Kitchen Old Plank Road Sweetwaters Donut Mill WEST MAIN KALAMAZOO Colonial Kitchen (Both locations) Harding’s Meijer Gas Station RICHLAND BP Circle K Gas Station Sarafino s Party Store Harding’s NORTHERN KALAMAZOO Nena s Cooper Cafe Cooper Market BP Gas Station D Avenue ALLEGAN Sunoco Gas Station Village Market OTHER Pine Lake Grocer y Doster Store Prairieville Fast Stop Orangeville Sunoco SAVE MONEY! Receive Special Advertising Offers! SIGN UP NOW AND RECEIVE THE FIRST OFFER! Whether you are a business or just need to sell an item or have a garage sale It pays to sign up! Click on “Special Advertising Opportunities” and Sign up to receive emailed offers. Miscellaneous Place A Classified Online! Over 20,000 local people view the ad! Only $13 for 1 15 words (add $1 for each additional 5 words) www communityshoppersguide net The Generac P WRcell, a solar plus battery storage system Save money, reduce your re liance on the g rid, prepare for power out ages and power your home Full installation services available $0 Down Financing Op tion Request a Free, no obligation, quote to day Call 1 855 476 9698 Services 269 Exteriors: Now Booking for siding, gut ters, drywall and decks Licensed/insured Free estimates (269)806 0690 We rebuild carburetors! We also do A/C, suspensions, steering, alignments, brakes We do it all! Little Pines Auto Repair, down town Otsego Accepting waste oil from the public (269)692 3233 Concrete Flatwork: For all your concrete flatwork needs! Pole barn, floors, driveways, driveway replacement, sidewalks, patios Bobcat services available (269)509 2153 Standing Timber Wanted: Walnut, Oak, Maple Highest prices paid Payment in ad vance 269 998 1839 Monty’s Tree Service: Licensed/insured Free estimates (269)204 8207 We also sell and deliver bulk firewood! “We Install Gutter Screening for a fraction of the cost of the gutter filters seen on T V Call us at Scott Keyzer Roofing 269 929 3149 Work will be completed by our crew NOT sub contractors ” Roofing Repair & Replacement Call Farmer Construction Local Builder Check us out on Facebook 269 352 8881 Budget Appliance Service Prompt, Profes sional and Affordable Service Call us to day for your appliance repair needs (269)685 8902 Ted LaFountain, Owner RC Tree Service, owned and operated by Carl Sparks (269)377 0284 and Rod Fuller (269)685 4034/(269)808 2402 or visit www rctreeservice com Quality Clock Repair. House calls on Grand father clocks, free pickup & delivery of all others Call Andrew Dirkse (616)990 8885 Quality Built Pole Buildings Built year round! All sizes, options available! Fi nancing Available! C L Kruithoff Building Company, Lic /Insured Call (269)217 3850 www pole barns com Lawn Care, Tree Services, yard cleanups, re taining walls & all your landscaping needs Call E&N Services 269 680 1550 or email Ennservices49080@yahoo com Drywall/Repair Work: Big and small jobs Fully insured 35 years experience Call Tom Teunessen (616)218 2877 Scott Keyzer Roofing: Call Scott for all your re roofing, gutter and repair needs Free esti mates (269)929 3149 Preferred Timber Management of Allegan County can help you gain control over your proper ty with tree trimming, tree removal and stump g rinding Tree trimming and cut ting is handled by exper ts with over 15 years experience We have insurance! Call us at: 269 929 3149 Prepare For Power Outages today with a GEN ER AC home standby generator $0 Money Down + Low Monthly Payment Op tions Request a free Quote Call now be fore the next power outage: 1 855 922 0420 Mar tin Transmission Not just transmis sions We offer full service auto repair Lo cally owned & operated for over 18 years Free quotes 565 Lincoln Rd (M 89), Otsego (269)694 5500

COMMUNITY SHOPPERS GUIDE OTSEGO, MI 49078 August 13, 2022 Phone 694 9431 GOLF ◗ EVENTS ◗ GRILL 900 Lincoln Rd (M 89) • Otsego (269)694 5969 5 MINUTES WEST OF US131 LYNXGC com A l l e g a n C o u n t y ’ s B e s t G o l f . . . a n d D i n i n g w i t h a V i e w ! A l l e g a n C o u n t y ’ s B e s t G o l f . . . a n d D i n i n g w i t h a V i e w ! , q g Join us Every Friday Night for Dinner 4pm-8pm Prime Rib Dinner 44085 CR BLOOMINGDALE,388MI269-521-4900 x1 Many Amish Homemade Products! Fresh & Free DONUTS COFFEE A D ARDS 2 0 1 F L Every Day Low-Priced Specials! WE WILL BE CLOSED JANUARY 1ST THROUGH JANUARY 6TH. RE-OPENING TUES., JANUARY 7TH. The New Year Has Arrived! WHILE SUPPLIES LAST! box bag bag ea. ea. ea. ea. pkg.WholePicklesGummiefruitteCandyDillKosherNonGMONamebrand Non GMO Organic CrunchCocoaCereal MarshmallowCreme BlueberriesWhole StrawberriesApplePieWholeSourPatchGummiHearts$1.49 $2.49 $1.29 $1.99 $1.99 .79¢ .99¢ .99¢ 1.4 oz. pkg. - 12 pkg. per box 12 oz. Bag 10 oz. Bag 28 oz. 49 oz. Sweetened with Equal 10 oz. pkg. 7 oz. AUGUST is time for BLAZING PRICES! 269-217-3137 2620 Douglas Ave ., Kalamazoo• Corner of Mosel (behind Mar tin Spring) w w w. c a r l st i r e . c o m 26 years experience! ANY SIZE TI R ES! N EW & USED TI R ES! Lawnmower Tires to Farm Tractor Tires and EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN! Rim Welding and Straightening Independently owned!! ( No BIG corporation rules to limit our capabilities) COM PETITIVE PR IC I NG! Tim Andrus, AAMS® Financial Advisor 113 E Allegan St Otsego MI 49078 269 692 2280 By appointment only Ginger Titus, AAMS® Financial Advisor 711 E A legan St Otsego MI 49078 269 694 1548 By appointment only Morgan Yaw, AAMS® Financial Advisor 101 S Main St Plainwel , MI 49080 269 685 1181 By appointment only edwardjones com Member SIPC Low interest rates getting you down? Let’s talk. 133 North Main Street • Plainwell 269-680-6017 • Attention HospitalAttention Hospital SpecialEEmployeesHospitalandmployeesandEmployeesandEmployeesandEmployeesandTTTTTeaceaceaceaceacherherherherhers!s!s!s!s!DiscountsonAuto&Home Otsego Hair Depot Over 30 Years Combined Exper ience! FULL SERVICE FAMILY SALON Check our facebook for more specials! 128 E. Allegan St. • Otsego For an appointment call: Katie 269 266 6176 Della 269 998 2590 H a i r C u t $ 1 7 Shampoo & Sets Seniors & Kids $ 1 5 Get Ready f o r S c h o o l ! P l a i n w e l l , M I Community Shoppers Guide 117 N Farmer, Otsego • (269)694 9431 shoppersguide@sbcglobal net Email your photo & details, or call the: When it’s this exciting share it on the Community Pages! 1 column x 3” Ad for ONLY $25 2 column x 3” Ad for ONLY $45 West Michigan Glass Concepts, LLC, 116 E Allegan St , Otsego 269 694 1611 For all your glass needs, same day glass replace ment! www samedaywindowrepair com Rogers Plumbing, Heating & A/C Service, Inc Serving this area since 1966, licensed and insured Call the company that’s local & experienced 269 694 4673, 269 217 5454 Concrete Construction: Basement floors, patios, driveways, sidewalks Residential Free estimates Call (269)377 3950 Dan's Tree Service: Professional trimming, removal, lot clearing, tree bracing/cabling, custom sawmilling, high ranger chipper, stump grinder, free estimates Senior dis count Fully insured Veteran Owned (269)664 5455 or Matt (269)569 1031 Real Estate We Buy Houses! Cash for your home, any condition Call Brad Boone (269)207 5691 Large apar tment located on a lake, 2 miles west of Otsego, with beautiful g rounds and much to offer: fishing, hiking, bird watching and peacefullness 1 2 bedrooms, cable T V, air conditioning, large living room, garage and storage Pets allowed (no elephants please) $950 with deposit Move in ready 269 694 6193 We Buy Used Mobile homes in parks and on land, cash Please call Dave Walker @ (269)365 8310 Wolf Lake Home Sales, LLC Garage Sales Garage Sale: 808 Bar ton Street, Otsego 8/19 8/20 from 8:30am 5:00pm Kids toys (boy and g irl), g irls 8 16 clothes Womens bike Miscellaneous items Large Multi Family Sale: August 12+13, 9 5pm, 229 W Allegan St, Plainwell A little of everything you won’t want to miss! Sale: Gas dryer, upright freezer, 2 genera tors, cement mixer, canning jars, John Deere plow, tools, and more! August 18 & 19, North 10th St Plainwell Services Estate Sale; August 19 21, 10am ? Furnitue, dishes, too much to mention 623 Thomas Street, Plainwell www communityshoppersguide net Check out our new website! View the paper online, place a classifed, and much more!

COMMUNITY SHOPPERS GUIDE OTSEGO, MI 49078 August 13, 2022 Phone 694 9431