A message from Coach Keller Dear player, Welcome to Wildcat basketball. The coaching staff at CLHS is honored and excited to work with you on becoming the best player, teammate, and student athlete you can be. By joining this program, you are committing yourself to the program. This means putting teammates ahead of yourself, holding yourself and your teammates to a championship level both on and off the court, maintaining a positive mental attitude whether times are easy or challenging and always giving your best effort at all you do. This commitment is an investment, and the returns will be many; respect from coaches and teammates, a stronger work ethic, selfconfidence, fulfillment, and a trove of great memories that will last your lifetime. As part of this program, you can expect to be a valued member of the team regardless of what your role on the team is. You are wanted, needed and integral to our success. As coaches and players, we all will work hard to achieve the goals we set. There will be times when this is very challenging, both physically and mentally, but with perseverance and the support of teammates we will overcome the challenges we face. Your coaching staff will strive to produce an environment that allows you to thrive as a person and player. A culture where each player is held accountable to each other by each other and where nothing, but best effort is acceptable will be the norm. Your best effort will be required at every meeting, practice, game, and event we participate in. This commitment of best effort will allow us to develop a “can do’ attitude as a team and achieve what we set out to achieve as a team. Your coaching staff is very excited to be a part of your season. Your teammates are very excited to be a part of your season. Are you ready to work for greatness? GO WILDCATS!! Coach Keller
My Philosophy on Coaching I am passionate about the role athletics can play in the development of well rounded young men and women and this will show in my coaching. It is in the role of coaching that I believe the strongest relationships can be built and the most impact can be had on the players the coach has contact with. -Discipline – Desire - Details I believe in hard work, attention to detail and focus on being the best player on the floor is the roadmap to success. I will first coach their heads and hearts, as their arms and legs will surely follow. I believe in the story of the starfish. Making a difference is what is most important. Making a difference in their game, in their education and in their development as young adults. I will guide them and prioritize by family, faith, education and athletics, in that order. I return to the place where I played basketball. To teach them the blend of old school basketball with newer game and newer skills to map our journey of success. I have two number rules.
80% of the time you don’t have the basketball in your hands. We will add focus to excelling at that 80%. Smart teams beat athletic teams 95% of the time. We will play smarter.
As a team we will work hard. As a team we will strive to improve each and every day. As a team we will compete to the best of our ability. As a team we will hold each other accountable as human beings and basketball players. As a team we will win and celebrate together. As a team we will lose and support one another. As a team we are stronger than the individuals that make it up. As a team we will hold our heads high in victory or defeat and represent Chisago Lakes High School and the Chisago Lakes communities with pride. TEAM. -
Play Hard - Play Smart - Play Together
Coach Keller
Player Buy In As a member of the Chisago Lakes Girls Basketball program, it is imperative that you believe in, accept and honor these fundamental beliefs: ● The team comes first. ● Strive to make teammates better with friendship off the court and play on the court. ● The effect of choices on the team and teammates, provides guidance. ● On the court, in the classroom and school, on the bus, in the community; ACT LIKE A CHAMPION. ● Anything other than full effort is unacceptable. ● Work, work, work, because anything that comes easy is probably not worth having. ● Win or lose, opponents deserve respect through good sportsmanship. ● Pride in being a Wildcat!
Program goals ● Foster an environment that allows individual players to o o o o o
have fun build self-confidence compete at a high level value hard work reach their potential
● Foster a “team comes first” attitude. ● Lifelong good memories for every player. ● Improve the work ethic of every player. ● Develop the basketball skills and knowledge of scheme in every player. ● Support the development of the student in our student athletes. ● Learn how to win and lose with grace and humility. ● Build excitement in the community.
● Be positive ambassadors for the school and community.
Team goals 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Be the hardest working team on the court. Be the best conditioned team on the court. Be the best defensive team in our conference and section. Become a team held together by mutual respect and caring between teammates. Be good communicators on and off the court. Focus on execution and discipline. Win Section Championship Enjoy playing the game of basketball with teammates.
Role of Stakeholders Coach ● Communicate ● Teach the game of basketball. ● Ensure the fundamentals are sound ● Encourage players to reach potential. ● Build confidence of players and team ● Motivate ● Be accountable to your family, your team, your school ● Display good sportsmanship. Player ● Communicate ● Have a team first attitude
● Be open to coaching ● Work to achieve your potential ● Play with your head and your heart ● Be accountable to your family, your team, your school ● Display good sportsmanship Parent ● Support the team, all members of the team ● Encourage your player on and off the court ● Help your player achieve their academic and athletic goals ● Promote healthy training, diet, and sleep habits ● Allow coaches to coach ● Display good sportsmanship
Attendance It is assumed that players would never want to miss a practice or game. It is expected that players will attend every practice and game on the schedule. Any absence from a practice or game is detrimental to our team, regardless of your role on the team. The attendance policy is designed to reward those players who put in the work and are dedicated to the team. It is not designed as a punishment surrounding the circumstances for a player missing practice(s). Excused Absence 🡪 is any absence where the coach is notified before the practice or game due to education requirement, illness, prescheduled appointment, injury, college visit and family activity.. ● the coach will be notified prior to the practice or game
o requires a note signed by your parent(s) for any absences scheduled that conflict with basketball. (Please be mindful of the basketball schedule when making appointments) o requires an email or text if due to an illness on that day. **Even if you are absent from school you still need to notify your coach that you will not be at practice or game** ● Family emergencies and extenuating circumstances can be excused on an individual basis. Loss of playing time or extra conditioning can/will result depending on the number of and reason for excused absences. Players cannot start a game if they have an excused absence. Unexcused Absences 🡪 is any absence where coaches are not notified in advance. ● 1st unexcused absence: miss next 1/2 game ● 2nd unexcused absence: miss next full game ● 3rd unexcused absence: Miss 2 full games, player/parent meeting with coach and activities director to discuss standing with team ● More?? dismissal from team Tardy 🡪 player is not ready to practice at the time practice is scheduled to start. Arrive to practice early enough to ensure that equipment is proper, and you are focused and ready to go. If you need attention from the athletic trainer, make sure to consider that and plan accordingly. Excused tardies will follow the same format as excused absences. If a player needs to meet with a teacher then plan that ahead of time and don’t forget that we have time built into our school day for getting help from teachers. Coming late and saying, “I had to meet with a teacher to make up a test” will not count as an excuse for your tardiness. ● 1 unexcused tardy: extra conditioning drills at the end of practice ● 2 unexcused tardies: not eligible to start next game ● 3 unexcused tardies: not eligible for 1st half of next game ● 4 or more unexcused tardies: not eligible for next game
Team Formation We are allowed to field 3 teams in our program: varsity, junior varsity and C squad. All teams will practice together full time while the C squad may occasionally practice separately during game film review and other specialized focus for varsity/junior varsity.
The varsity/junior varsity squads will consist of the top 14-16 or so players 7-12. Emphasis is placed on keeping classes together to build relationships and team success unless an individual’s skills, knowledge of the game, teamwork and maturity level can make an impact at the varsity level or the player’s development requires a move up to the next level. It will be at the coaching staff’s discretion to keep more than 16 players at the varsity/junior varsity level. In addition to the JV/V roster there may be up to 2C squad players chosen weekly or per game to suit up with the varsity team. These “coaches callups” will be chosen based on their demonstrating all the values this program holds at its core. The C squad will usually be comprised of the younger players, but based on numbers and talent, middle school players and/or freshman/sophomores could be placed on this team. Players selected for the V/JV team will have the best combination of: ● Basketball skills ● Concept of team ● Positive mental attitude ● Focus ● Effort ● Athleticism ● Knowledge of game Practices during the first two days of the season are used as evaluation for our team selection. If numbers dictate, underclassmen may be brought up to fill specific needs, but only when their individual skills have developed enough to potentially make an impact. Middle school players will be allowed to tryout from their middle school or traveling teams on an invitation only basis. We will keep up to 10 players on the C squad team. If numbers exceed 16 for the varsity/JV selections those seniors who do not make the top 10 on the varsity team will not be selected and those juniors who do not make the next 10 will not be selected. Selections will be based primarily on the skills demonstrated during the first two practices, but other things will be taken into consideration including but not limited to the following; offseason preparation, work ethic, and previous experience. Players who are injured prior to or during the first week of practice will be judged primarily on their off-season preparation and previous experience.
Game Day Expectations Home games ● JV players should arrive 40 minutes before game time to prepare with their team. ● Varsity players should arrive in time to attend the JV game ● C Squad players are expected to attend the varsity game o If a player has to leave early a coach must be notified prior to leaving Away Games ● All players must be prompt in reporting for the scheduled departure time ● All players will ride the bus to the game ● All players will ride the bus home from the game to promote our team culture o If there is a preapproved reason, a player may leave with a parent ● Players may not ride home with another player’s parents unless preapproval given to coach
Lettering Requirements ● Participate in 26 varsity halves ● Complete 3 hours of service to the basketball program o This could include assisting the LARA skills and drills nights, working with a traveling team at practices and tournaments, working the clock at our youth tournament. ● Comply with all Minnesota State High School League rules during the season ● Complete the entire season if healthy ● Coaches discretion will also guide lettering policy
Communication Ideally the culture of our team will promote confidence in players to freely communicate appropriately with teammates, team leaders and coaches. We hope to promote self advocacy, communication skills, trust and confidence in the players. Players are expected to discuss any issues or misunderstandings with the team leaders and/or coaches before discussing with anyone else. Coaches expect to hear directly from players about any issues before hearing from parents.
● 24 hour rule will be utilized. Parents, if something is troubling you, please follow the 24 hour rule before contacting coaches. We all love our children and sometimes emotion can cloud judgement. Take 24 hours to think about whatever is bothering you and then by all means, please feel free to contact Coach Keller. ● Playing time will not be a topic for discussion. All playing time decisions are made, thoughtfully, by the coaches. If a player is confused about their role on the team, again, that player is encouraged to approach their coach with their concerns. ● If a meeting is needed with parents, it is expected that the player will also attend. ● The Heja App is the primary means to communicate, locate game schedules and find basketball related posts.
Leadership ● Players will be given the opportunity to develop their leadership skills outside of the season in order to be team leaders during the season. ● Depending on the number of seniors that take advantage of this opportunity it may be extended to underclassmen as well. ● These leaders will be the leaders throughout the course of the season. ● At coaches’ discretion season, weekly, or game captains may or may not be chosen from this group of team leaders.
Social Media ● It is each players’ responsibility to use discretion when using social media. ● It is important to understand that a player’s posts are a reflection of themselves, their family, their school and their team. ● Consequences may result from players posting inappropriate content or content detrimental to our team and/or teammates. ● Post like a champion!
Important Contact Information Roger Keller, Head Coach Email: rkeller@isd2144.org Cell Phone: 651-226-4683
Rikki beaver, Assistant/JV Coach Email: rbeaver@isd2144.org Cell phone: 763-244-0140
Rich Beaver, C squad Coach Email: rmbeaver72@gmail.com Cell phone: 651-332-0848 Sara Dahlquist, Assistant Volunteer Coach Email: 25sarahgreene@gmail.com Cell Phone: 651-366-0113
Valerie Rogers, Activities Secretary Email: vrogers@isd2144.org Work phone: 651-213-2528 Jodi Otte, Activities Director Email: jotte@isd2144.org Work phone: 651-213-2528
Amanda Farrell, Assistant Coach Email: afarrell@isd2144.org