PILLAR TWO: DONOR SERVICES Ensure CFB delivers the most enriching and impactful donor experience in South Florida OBJECTIVE 1: Define and articulate CFB’s donor products and services, our core business and value proposition and what differentiates us. Measurable Outcomes: By June 2022, the Board has reviewed and approved a statement that reflects the Foundation’s core business, articulates our products and services and defines our value proposition to stakeholders.
OBJECTIVE 2: Define donor levels of service and Fundholder benefits. Measurable Outcomes: By December 2022, new levels of service, Fundholder levels of service and Fundholder benefits are implemented.
OBJECTIVE 3: Reorganize Donor Services and Community Impact teams to enhance donor services. Measurable Outcomes: By June 2022, Donor Services team reorganized and separated from
C O M M U N I T Y F O U N DAT I O N O F B R O W A R D | S T R AT E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 2 - 2 0 2 6
Community Impact team’s functions.
OBJECTIVE 4: Develop and provide more valued donor education and interactive experiences, including online content and services. Measurable Outcomes: By June 2023, completed baseline assessment of current donor education and interactive engagement experiences; by December 2025, donor feedback indicates a higher degree of satisfaction with offerings and experiences.
OBJECTIVE 5: Broaden donor support for CFB’s priority grantmaking focus areas. Measurable Outcomes: By December 2022, document current level of donor support for CFB priority grantmaking areas. By June 2026, show a documented increase in the number of donors and dollars contributed to CFB priority grantmaking areas.