June 4 - June 18, 2010
g”a, jrue - jka ,arp
Vol. 6 Issue 156
tkukhv FARBRENGEN kvev kf sucfk inzun
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Features June 4, 2010 Next Advertising Deadline June 11, 2010
Circulation June 18, 2010
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THE COMMUNITY LINKS is published bi-weekly and is distributed free to the Jewish Community of Southern California. THE COMMUNITY LINKS accepts no responsibility for typographical errors or reliability of Kashrus of any advertisers. All submissions become the property of THE COMMUNITY LINKS and may be shortened and/or edited for length and clarity. Articles published in THE COMMUNITY LINKS express the views of the individual writers and may not necessarily represent the views of THE COMMUNITY LINKS. No artwork or any part of the magazine may be reprinted or otherwise duplicated without the written permissions of the publisher.
Creative Ways To Improve Jewish Marriages
Should the Jewish community tackle this issue of requiring premarital classes? Are there other techniques which can help young couples in best establishing a new Jewish household? Dr. Robert Rome
Job Placement
One week the young designate decided that he had enough. He wanted to be afforded the same dignity as Rabbi Avraham Shmuel. He woke up early that Shabbos and came to shul before anyone arrived. Parshas Korach Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky
Luminous Mitzvot
Mitzvot bring G-dliness into the dark world, but we need light, spiritual awareness, to recognize it. Tzaddikim are our candles. Rabbi Reuven Wolf
Is Happiness A Realistic Goal?
As a society, I believe that we confuse happiness with acceptance. Someone who accepts his flawed life with a smile, refusing to succumb to depression and the lethargy that so often accompanies this emotional state, is considered a "happy" person. Rabbi Naftoli Silberberg
community links • Volume 6 Issue 156 4
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Creative Ways to Improve Jewish Marriages By Robert J. Rome, Ph.D.
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fter the conclusion of Shavuot, our mailboxes fill with wedding invitations. Following the end of the Omer period and entering the summer months, we commence the wedding season. It is exciting to open the beautiful large envelopes with wedding invitations and RSVP cards enclosed. Some of these invitations are formal announcements of weddings previously celebrated through engagement parties and “L’Chaims” that we attended. Some invitations are surprises as we had not previously heard that so-and-so’s daughter or son was getting married. Each invitation reflects the dreams of two families. The whole community gets excited as two young people commit themselves to build a Jewish household. Marriage is at the heart of Jewish tradition. Marriage sets the foundation for the Jewish family. So many Jewish traditions and celebrations center around the family. Good marriages often lead to successful families and childrearing. Despite the promise that marriage presents, there are a variety of problems currently associated with marriage in the Jewish community. Intermarriage rates continue to climb. Divorce rates in the Jewish community have never been higher. Within the traditional Jewish community, we are witnessing a disturbing trend of divorces leaving many young couples with young children separating. What is in store for these couples that just a year or two earlier seemed so happy under the Chupah? There are other concerns as well. You know the television ad where the young girl says, “I just got into one of the best colleges in the country,” but the father hears the daughter say, “I just got into one of the most expensive schools in the country.” Many fathers and mothers come to a realization hours after the joy of the announcement of an engagement
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that a wedding is going to cost up to $60,000 or more. Even when the list of invitees is limited and the in-laws-to- be share totally in the cost, a wedding can easily cost $35,000 or more per family. With the cost of the hall, and the costs of the caterer, the photographer, the videographer, the band, and even the invitations and stamps, among many other costs, the next weeks and months preceding the wedding present challenges to keep the costs lower while trying still to make a beautiful and memorable wedding. This becomes a stressful period for the families. The stresses often filter down to the young couple who many times end up arguing about what is indeed necessary and what goes beyond what is required. This is not a good way to begin a marriage and family. A father of two adult children who recently got married shared with me his personal experiences regarding planning simultaneously two separate weddings, one in New York and one in Los Angeles. The New York wedding was planned through a few long distance phone calls. The L.A. wedding took weeks of meetings and much hard work in finalizing plans. In New York, there is a relatively new kind of establishment: The comprehensive, one-stop wedding hall. With a single call to one of several establishments throughout New York City, a wedding can be arranged, complete with the wedding planner, the ceremony, the caterer, the photographers, and even the flowers. There is a $35-40 per person fee for a beautiful wedding, far less than the typical cost of up to $200 per person for a relatively standard wedding in Los Angeles. This father stated that the food choices in New York actually exceeded what he could get in Los Angeles. Not only was the New York wedding significantly less expensive and complicated to plan, this father concluded that the actual event was in many ways superior to what was held
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in Los Angeles. We in Los Angeles may need to think of weddings in a different way. This new wedding business model now in use in New York seems needed here in L.A. Regarding some other aspects of weddings and marriage, I read recently two articles. One article addressed the challenges of wedding costs and the stress of planning weddings in the Jewish community. In some communities, Rabbis have set limits now as to how many people can be invited to a wedding. Rabbis in some locales have taken the steps to actually issue rulings that put the 600-800 participant wedding off limits. Limits have been established in these places which serve to cap what is appropriate in terms of the number invited to a wedding affair. Cutting the invitee list by 200 can limit the expense by many thousands of dollars. There is a need for creativity to lead to weddings that do not unnecessarily add to the costs and stress that arise. Young couples need parents that are there to support them in numerous ways during the often trying first months of marriage, not parents whose energies and finances have been exhausted by the wedding. I most recently read an article which compared marriage trends in the Jewish community with other communities. This article cited the impact of pre-marriage counseling and marriage classes on lowering the subsequent divorce rates and raising positive features which are associated with “happy” and successful marriages. Various religious
groups, especially groups under a central authority like the Roman Catholic Church now require 8, 10, or 12 weeks or more of either individual and/or group pre-marriage counseling or pre-marriage classes. Psychologists and sociologists have been studying the positive impacts of having couples attending such programs where they develop a budget before marriage, where partners study conflict resolution strategies and the various other components required in such counseling or classes. The reported results of having required counseling or therapy: Long-time trends are reversing where Catholic couples are experiencing fewer divorces while divorces in the Jewish community and other communities where such programs are not required are increasing. Should the Jewish community tackle this issue of requiring pre-marital classes? Are there other techniques which can help young couples in best establishing a new Jewish household? We Jews have historically shown great intelligence in addressing community problems. We need to acknowledge the presence of some pressing problems impacting negatively on weddings and marriages in the Jewish community. We then can work together to address these problems. We are a creative people. We can work together to creatively address disturbing trends and restore the strengths of the young Jewish family. •
Robert J. Rome, Ph.D., is a licensed Psychologist in clinical practice in Encino, California He can be reached at RJRome@aol.com.
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In the adjoining Torah portions of Shelach and Korach, one can learn two profound lessons in the proper service of G-d.
Luminous Mitzvos
What is the role of spirituality in a religion directed towards action?
By studying a bit about Judaism, we discover that there are two main elements. The first is comprised of many practical obligations: Mitzvot to observe and commandments to follow at particular times. The Shulchan Aruch is filled with dos and don’ts - what and how to eat, what to wear, permissible and forbidden types of business transactions, even special activities like wearing tefillin or shaking a lulav and esrog. There is also an aspect of Judaism which addresses the inner dimension of the person. The Torah guides us in character refinement - to be kinder, gentler, and more caring. It demands that we have an emotional attachment to G-d, love and fear of G-d, and that we develop and fill our minds with holy intelligence by probing the wisdom of G-d through Torah study, prayer and meditation.
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We might call these two aspects the physical and spiritual dimensions of Judaism, or, the body and the soul. Mitzvot dominate the physical realm and the spiritual demands of Judaism are focused on mental and emotional awareness. There is yet another difference between these two aspects of Judaism. When it comes to the physical performance of mitzvot, all Jews are the same. All Jewish males put on the same tefillin - all pairs of tefillin are made the same way, with the same words written inside. Every Jew is obligated to eat Matzah the same way at the seder. With matters of the soul, within the mind and the emotions, nobody is the same. Some people have a very high level of awareness and connection with G-d and others don’t feel anything. Some people are great scholars, filled with knowledge and understanding, even delving into the mystical, while others understand very little or don’t know anything at all. What takes precedence? Does G-d want our actions or is Judaism about the spirituality of the experience? In the desert, the Jewish People experienced a purely spiritual lifestyle. G-d provided everything for them - manna from heaven, they were surrounded by glorious clouds of security and light and they were immersed in learning and spirituality. In the desert they could pray for hours - there was no rush to get to work. The Jews spent their days learning with the greatest teacher of all time, Moshe Rabeinu. It was an amazing time of spiritual connections, but they couldn’t observe many of the mitzvot until they got into the land - Israel. Their physical observance would be in full action when they got there. However, when the spies arrived in Israel, they immediately understood that the Jewish People would also have to give up their spiritual bliss. Arriving in the land meant that they would need to become farmers and merchants and involve themselves in working for a living, performing all kinds of other distracting physical activities. The incident of the spies was a result of their wanting to stay in the desert and continue to work on the spiritual and emotional aspects of G-dly service. The Jewish people didn’t want to go into the Holy Land and begin working the physical dimension; they wanted to give • 323-965-1544 •
up the physical completely, so they could have the ultimate spiritual relationship with G-d. This was a terrible mistake on their part. G-d wants us to work and transform the dark physical world into light. The physical performance of the mitzvot fulfills the ultimate purpose of creation, for man to elevate the creation back to a G-dly level and make it a dwelling place for Hashem. All of this can only come through mitzvah observance, though physical actions with G-dly purpose. That’s why it’s worth coming into the land, so we have the opportunity to elevate the physical - even if it is at the cost of our spiritual growth. This is made clear within the Shulchan Aruch. The code of Jewish law says that if someone is engaged in Torah study and there is a mitzvah to be done he is obligated to close the book and perform the physical mitzvah. Only after the physical obligations have been fulfilled can one return to delving in his Torah study. This was the primary lesson of the incident with the spies. An entire generation perished in the desert because of this lesson. G-d wants our hands even more then our hearts. This is exactly the message that Korach understood, and immediately after this incident, he gathered his assembly and complained about Moshe and Aharon’s leadership. If the main purpose is the performance of mitzvot, then, in that aspect all Jews are equal. Of course, some might be more saintly or more learned, some might pray or meditate longer than others, but even so, all of these things should be secondary to the physical performance of the commandments. Since our primary purpose lies within the realm of physical action, why should one Jew be better than any other? Korach asks “why do raise yourselves…?” Why should Moshe be the leader of the Jewish people? Why does Aharon get to be the High Priest? What makes them so special if their merits only come from a secondary purpose? Korach thought that the primacy of physical action makes spirituality secondary to it. He didn’t understand that even though physical observance is primary, in order for it to be effective, it must go hand in hand with spiritual refinement. It’s quite possible for a person to perform a mitzvah with selfish motives. If a person gives charity so that people will see and think how kind and charitable he
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is, it’s like offering G-d a diamond covered in mud. Praying loudly with intense commotion that stems from a desire to be noticed is completely hypocritical. Mitzvah performance is about connection and submission to G-d, not about attracting attention to one’s self. A person filled with pride, arrogance or self interest leaves no room for another, especially not G-d. This type of person is distanced from G-d. Chassidic and kabbalistic teachings say that when a person does a mitzvah this way, G-d forbid, they are actually increasing the darkness in this world. This person is endorsing himself to the exclusion of the exclusivity of G-d. Nevertheless, even if we are incapable of pure motives, the Shulchan Aruch clearly states that we should still perform the mitzvah, because one day, through teshuva, we will peel away the muck and reveal the diamond within. So, true and proper mitzvah performance, illumination of the world, comes through actions that are pure of heart and filled with spiritual awareness and deflation of ego. But, even if our soul is pristine, and constantly yearns to fulfill G-d’s will, our body naturally drags us in the opposite direction. The soul needs to be placed within a physical body so she can interact with the physical world, but this very process is what gives rise to the existence of ego, and makes the work of the soul quite difficult at times. It seems self-defeating. To counterbalance the drives and desires of the common body, Hashem sends tzaddkim, supremely righteous people, into the world. Tzaddikim are mega-souls that enter into the physical world but are not impacted or influenced by its lowliness. The bodies of Tzaddikim are translucent, they remain egoless, unaffected by physicality and their souls, in this world, shine just as they did when in heaven. This enables even the tiniest physical action of a tzaddik, and especially the mitzvot of tzaddikim, to influence and infuse the world with light that is supremely powerful. Their physical actions may match ours, but their spirituality and purity is projected throughout the world to all of the other Jews. We need these extra spiritual Jews, pure souls, to influence and guide the rest of the Jewish people. They empower and inspire us to perform the mitzvot, and reach beyond our own shortcomings. G-d saves these souls and spreads the tzaddikim throughout the generations. Of all these pure souls,
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Moshe was the highest. When he was born, as Rashi says, the whole room was filled with light. When his mother held him, she was holding a soul. Moshe was the most humble person in the world, because when he opened his eyes, he saw nothing but G-d’s light. When he felt anything, it was only G-d’s feeling. He didn’t feel any of his own existence, and lived within the spiritual realm of creation. This is why he was the leader. Aharon also had a similar spiritual capacity, and was therefore the Kohen Gadol. Korach didn’t understand the nature or need for Tzaddikim. Moshe’s answer to Korach said it all: “In the morning, G-d will make known who is His…” Simply, he meant that in the morning they would have the contest, and G-d would choose who he wanted for the position. But why the morning? Moshe was telling Korach to observe the world. We have mountains and trees, a sky with clouds and birds, rivers, lakes, oceans, forests, desserts and many other wonderful things. They exist at night just as much as they do in the daytime, but with one difference. At night, without light, we can’t see them. It’s only during the day, starting from the morning when the world fills with light, that we can see and recognize the uniqueness and beauty of each thing. Mitzvot bring G-dliness into the dark world, but we need light, spiritual awareness, to recognize it. Tzaddikim are our candles. They illuminate the world with intense spirituality so that G-dliness can be seen everywhere. This is also one of the principal teachings of the Baal Shem Tov. We need tzaddikim to guide and influence us. The proper performance of mitzvot goes hand in hand with a spiritual refinement and awareness. We need to cultivate our spirituality on our own through prayers and meditation, as well as through a connection to those tzaddikim that inspire and guide us along the way. May we merit seeing the imminent revelation of the ultimate G-dly light, through Moshiach Tzidkenu, speedily, in our days. • Excerpt from "The Parsha In My Life" class by Rabbi Reuven Wolf. Maayon Yisroel was founded by Rabbi Reuven Wolf, a renowned educator and inspiring lecturer who has devoted his life to reaching out and rekindling the spirit of Yiddishkeit in his fellow Jew. Over the past five years Rabbi Wolf has been teaching a 2-4 hour class on the weekly Parsha, named affectionately "The Thursday Night Shiur".
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arely do we find that Hashem's commands assume personal connotations. The commands are meted for the sake of Judaism and the glory of Heaven. Yet, disturbingly, we find the mission of the spies defined with very personal invectives. The Torah begins with Hashem commanding Moshe, "Send for yourself spies to scour the land of Israel." Why is the command tainted with such a personal epithet? Is Moshe sending the spies for himself ? In fact, Moshe reviews the entire episode in Deuteronomy, stating how the idea of spies found favor in his eyes. The commentaries are quick to point out that the idea found favor in Moshe's mortal's eyes, but Hashem disapproved. Therefore He told Moshe send the spies for yourself. "As far as I am concerned," Hashem infers, "it is a mistake, but if that is what you desire, then proceed." Thus the words, "send for yourself spies." Of course, the dire consequences of the mission are well known. The spies returned and maligned the Land of Israel. They were punished along with the entire nation that joined them in their misconceived sorrow, and the next 40 years were spent wandering in the desert.
But we are human, and our intentions are tinged with mortal bias. Isn't every mortal action filled with human bias and mortal partiality. Adam Parker Glick, President of the Jack Parker Corporation, told me a wonderful story: A wealthy man decided to take up the sport of fishing. He rented a cottage near a Vermont lake and barreled into the local sport and wildlife shop and demanded to see the manager. "I want to buy the best of everything: the most expensive rod and tackle, the best hooks, anglers, and even the most exquisite bait!" The store owner, who had seen his share of city-folk, was not impressed. He instructed a young salesman to follow the man around the store and serve as a human shopping cart. The man chose the most exquisite rods and reels; he selected a mahogany tackle box and a refrigerated bait cooler. Money was no object, and the fisherman-to-be selected the finest of all. The enthusiastic young salesman was extremely eager to please and offered him every imaginable fishing item and accessory. The owner, a crusty and seasoned Vermonter just
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smirked at the naivete of the new-found angler. As the tycoon approached the checkout counter, he noticed brightly colored, hand-painted fishing lures whose prices were as outlandish as the colors. "Wow!" he exclaimed, as he gathered a bunch into his hand. "These look really wonderful!" Then he turned to the manager and in a voice sounding as well informed as possible, he asked the owner, "do fish really go for these?" "Don't know," shrugged the old-timer. "I don't sell to fish." Moshe reluctantly agreed to the whims and premonitions of a nervous and anxious nation. He agreed to their pleading to allow spies to check the land that they would ultimately inherit. But by no means was it a Divine mission. Hashem told Moshe send spies for yourself. He taught Moshe that missions that are fueled by self-fulfillment are doomed.
We offer counseling for: Domestic Violence/Anger Management Groups
Often, we stand at the check-out counter of life and choose the impulse items with the view that they are necessary for our success. We marvel at the brightly-colored lures and find it hard to imagine life without them. We rationalize that they are needed for the sake of family, livelihood, and even spirituality. We think we are purchasing them for lofty reasons and negate the fact that perhaps selfishness and insecurity are the driving forces behind the proverbial sale. We buy them thinking that they are the items that will catch the fish, but ultimately, we are the only ones caught!
Sexual Addictions Drug/Alcohol Education, Assessments & Testing Parenting Classes Monitored Visitation /Child Exchange Individual/Family/Marriage Counseling
Moshe was about to send spies on a seemingly sacred mission. The mission may have been falsely justified in hundreds of different ways: the operation would save lives, it would prepare a young nation for a smooth transition and pave a new level of spirituality for the fledgling folk. But those were not the true objectives. There was selfishness involved. And the mission was doomed. For the road to the lowest of places is paved with disingenuous holy-intent. Therefore Hashem told Moshe that there is only one motivation behind the mission. They are not sending spies for Hashem. The nation is sending spies for its own ego and insurance. "Send them for yourself." G-d does not need scouts, guides, or pathfinders. He does not sell to fish. He just may yield to those who are selfish. And ultimately they get the hook.•
Eating Disorders Teen Counseling DNA/Paternity Testing Women Support Groups
Dennis Brown
Non Profit Organization
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by Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky
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What About the Educators? BY: An Original Angelino
In our community we have been blessed with Educators who have a made a difference! Many have been in our community since the “Early Years” or at least since the early 1960’s when Los Angeles had a community in which everyone knew each other. There were not as many schools, shuls, restaurants, nor politics. There are those educators who are still teaching and are teaching the children, if not the grand children, of their original students. What then do we do to assist our founding pillars, those who are/were the Yesod of our incredible community? Do we know what is going on with them, are they able to retire and reap the rewards of what they have built, are they working, do they want to work? Recently I received an e-mail asking for memories regarding one of my earliest pre-school teachers, she was Niftar and an alumnus of this fine teacher wanted to put together an album for her family so that they could see how much she affected our young community, and how much she had contributed to same. This made me think about educators I know who have given to the community, have built schools, have helped to build our community and yet are struggling just to pay their bills. Must we wait for them to pass before we show them and their families how much they mean and meant to us? There are those in our communities who have given, who have been involved in many facets of our community, and not just building or leading the school in which they were located. They helped to build other facets of the community that we all enjoy now. These original educators paved the way for most of the institutions we all partake of today, from Yeshivas to Kollels, Chassidishe to Modern Orthodox, and everything else we take for granted.
this article? I write because there are members of this community who have given it so much, and yet in their later days they struggle to survive. Have we ever thought of creating a fund to acknowledge our educators, to take care of them, to dare I say it provide for them? Our educators work for fairly meager salaries and we expect them to survive, they raise families, they marry off children and before they turn around they have nothing left. In particular in these trying times, when we are all suffering, what do we do to assist those educators? Can we not set something up so that we can help those who were in the forefront and to assist those who are our new leaders plan for their future and their retirement? We are a community with many wonderful attributes, and institutions, we give more as a community then most others combined, however I must ask ”What about our Educators?” How do we give back, help or assist those who have given so much, and yet receive so little monetarily for what they do. Some may say let their families help them, but in todays reality is that possible? With tuitions being what they are the cost of living being what it is and of course with the fact that the children of educators are very likely to follow their parents can they even help themselves? Let us ask ourselves the following questions; can we change this, can we not create a “Pension Program” or some other type of endowment to at least make their later years less stressful? Can we acknowledge them in a way that shows our true appreciation for what they have contributed? Will you join me in doing this? In the spirit of the words of President Kennedy, “Ask not what your Community educators can do for you, ask what you can do for them”! A Community Member! For additional information, or to help get this idea off theground write to; whataboutoureducators@gmail.com
What about these Educators; are they working, do they want to work, do they have someone to care for them, does the community care for them, are they recognized for what they have done, have we as a community recognized them? If they want to work can they get a job or are they “overqualified” for the positions they seek? Can we not employ them if they want to work, or provide for them so they do not have to? Are we taking care of them now or are we waiting for them to die so that we can honor them posthumously? Many may say this is a novel idea that we should watch over these founders of our community, but then why write
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June 4, 2 0 1 0
Glatt Kosher
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June 4, 2 0 1 0
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nce again, this week, Moshe comes under fire. This time he is attacked by his very own cousin, Korach, who claims that partiality and not Heavenly direction resulted in the choosing of Aharon as the Kohen Gadol. Korach did not come alone. He riled up 250 prominent leaders to vilify Moshe, and question the entire process of appointing both the princely and the priestly leadership. But Moshe did not cower. He gave them an offer they could not refuse. All 250 men were to ty to offer the k'tores, a highly potent combination of spices and fragrances that the kohen offered each day "in that way we will know, who is "the real, (pardon the pun,) McKoyhen."
Job Placement
He spoke to Korach and to his entire assembly, saying, "In the morning G-d will make known the one who is His own and the holy one, and He will draw him close to Himself, and whomever He will choose, He will draw close to Himself ”(Numbers 16:5). The double expression is troubling. If He will draw those holy close to himself, then of course those who He chooses will be drawn close to Him. Why the specific repetition of drawing near? In the mid 1800's, Rabbi Avraham Shmuel of Aishishok served as the Rav of the town of Rassein, a small village near Kownus, Lithuania. A brilliant scholar and the author of the Amudei Aish, the community revered him and afforded him the utmost respect. Unfortunately, the Czar government of that era had different visions for a rabbi and appointed their own lackey, a puppet of the state known as a Rav Mitaam. The Rav Mitaam served as the official liaison to the Russian Govern-
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• 323-965-1544 •
ment and any official dictate or transaction, having to do with Judaism, went only through the Rav Mitaam. Unfortunately for that Rabbi, the townsfolk knew of his very limited capabilities, and relegated him to a seat in the middle of the congregation near the Bimah as opposed to the traditional place up front near the Holy Ark. But one week the young designate decided that he had enough. He wanted to be afforded the same dignity as Rabbi Avraham Shmuel. He woke up early that Shabbos and came to shul before anyone arrived. He sat himself down in the seat designated for Rabbi Avraham Shmuel next to the Aron Kodesh. No one had the nerve to say anything to him for fear of government reprisal. During that era, immediately before Musaf, all congregations throughout Russia said a special prayer on behalf of the Government and Czar Nikolai. That week the chazan, it is not known whether it was an orchestrated ploy or a lapse in memory, forgot to say the prayer. He was about to continue with the Musaf service when suddenly an elderly Jew, a former cantonist soldier who was captured as a youngster and forced to serve in the Czar's army for many years, jumped up from his seat and charged toward the front of the synagogue. He began raining blows on the official designated rabbi, the Rav Mitaam. "What kind of Rabbi are you!" he shouted. "How dare you allow the chazan to forget the prayer on behalf of our benevolent leader? I served the Czar faithfully for twenty years and you forget to bless him?!" The congregants joined the fray, some trying to separate the older soldier from the bedazzled rabbi, others get-
ting in the blows they always longed to afford the government appointed rabbi. It was not long before the police arrived, and arrested the soldier, who was dragged out of the synagogue, yelling and hollering about the lack of honor afforded his Majesty. "After all the years I worked for the czar, I will not allow this poor excuse for a rabbi, to belittle the dignity of His Majesty!" The local policeman could not decide the fate of the soldier who struck a government official, to defend the honor of the Czar. Finally the case was brought to the Governor General of the region who asked the "rabbi" to defend his inaction. "You see," stammered the Rabbi, “I was sitting very far from the bimah and I truly did not hear the chazan skip, the prayer. After all, I was sitting next to the Holy Ark all the way up front!”. The decision came down from the governor's office. No
more would the official Rabbi be allowed to sit up front. From now on, he must sit amongst the people to make sure that all the prayers are said correctly. People may feel that they are holy, but at the end of the day, it only matters who Hashem, the One who knows the true spirit of the heart and mindset of the spirit chooses to be close to. Some may run to be near the ark, when in truth, though they may physically situate themselves at the front, they have no spiritual place-setting there. The story of Korach reminds us of the enduring saga of confused positions and roles that we often find in our community. It is the story of the chazzan who thinks he is the Rabbi, the Rabbi who thinks he is the President, and of course, the President who thinks he is the Creator! It is a parsha that reminds us that though we all have a place in Hashem's heart, our ego should not define our place in the community. •
by Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky
June 4, 2 0 1 0
• 323-965-1544 •
June 4, 2 0 1 0
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off $55 Purchase Available with cash purchase only. Expires June 18, 2010.
off $110 Purchase Available with cash purchase only. Expires June 18, 2010
Ariel Glatt is not responsible for any price printing mistakes. All prices subject to change without notice.
June 4, 2 0 1 0
• 323-965-1544 •
Are you really happy, or just resigned to your lot?
Is Happiness a Realistic Goal?
Happiness is an emotional state we achieve when we find ourselves in an ideal situation. The more ideal the situation and the longer we have dreamed of the opportunity, the happier we are. Conversely, we are saddened when we are denied our dreams, when our state of affairs leaves what to be desired. Take a moment to envision your fantasy life. I'd imagine it would include many of the following: More money, a nicer home, more self-discipline, regular trips to exotic locations, more time to spend with your family, better health, better healthcare, more money, a more understanding and sensitive spouse, a more meaningful life, better jobs for the children, a better relationship with your parents, more money... I'd love to meet the person who'd honestly say, "My fantasy life? I'm living it! I can't imagine a thing I'd want to change!" Considering this all, is true happiness possible? Can anyone claim to be living an ideal life? How can we be happy with mediocrity? Yes, we all have fleeting moments of true happiness, when we experience an event that is so wonderful that it temporarily blocks out all the other less-thanideal aspects of our lives. But to be happy with life itself, that would seem to be the domain of those life forms that lack the ability to dream and imagine. As a society, I believe that we confuse happiness with acceptance. Someone who accepts his flawed life with a smile, refusing to succumb to depression and the lethargy that so often accompanies this emotional state, is considered a "happy" person. In truth, such a person has successfully reconciled with his lot, realizing that dreams are just that -- dreams; but can that be accurately described as happiness? Many of the greatest thinkers and contributors in the fields of philosophy, science, government and more, were known for their melancholy. Could it be that their keen intellect and perception prevented them from settling for imperfection? ••• Are you wondering why I'm equating happiness with material possessions and accomplishments? How about a quest for spirituality? Can't a meaningful, spiritual life be a source of happiness? Well, seemingly, the spiritual picture isn't rosier. Au contraire. Human nature and spirituality are sum opposites. For the vast majority of people, a self-
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• 323-965-1544 •
analysis reveals that the endeavor to be a spiritual/G-dly individual is practically impossible; comparable to a leopard trying to change his spots (or choose another cliché along the same lines...). Spirituality; G-dliness = Selflessness; total commitment to a higher cause; utter revulsion for any act that is detrimental to aforementioned cause. Human nature = Selfishness; commitment to self-gratification (will only renounce a self-gratifying act in favor of something even more self-gratifying); has no concern for any cause other than his own. (If you think that this definition of human nature is simplistic or incorrect, print it out and show it to any student of psychology.) We can act spiritual and do holy deeds, but isn't it all a grandiose charade? Whom are we fooling? No matter how we act, it can never change who we are. Almost absurdly, the human being -- the "crown jewel" of creation -- is the only creature that possesses this antispiritual nature. All other creations -- from the most celestial angel to the lowly earthworm -- do exactly what their Creator wants of them, and have no desire whatsoever to stray one iota from their divine mission! So can we be happy with our spiritual identity and nature? It can be argued that such contentment only serves to dangerously bolster and legitimize our egotistical natures. ••• So from whence does true happiness derive? Here is what Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi says on the matter (Tanya ch. 31): In order to comfort his heart in double measure . . . let him say to his heart: "Indeed, without a doubt, I am far removed, utterly remote from G‑d, and am despicable, contemptible, and so on. But all this is true only of me -- that is, my body and the animating soul within it. Yet within me there is a veritable part of G-d . . .namely, the divine soul and the spark of G-dliness itself clothed in it, animating it. It is only that the divine soul is in exile [because it inhabits such a lowly body]. . . "Therefore, I will make it my entire aim and desire to extricate it from this exile, and to 'return her to her father's home as in her youth,' i.e., as it was before being clothed in my body, when it was completely absorbed in G‑d's light and united with Him. Now too will it likewise be absorbed and united with Him once again, when I concentrate all my aspirations on the Torah and the mitzvot." . . .This, then, should be one's lifelong service of G‑d with great joy -- the joy of the soul upon leaving the loathsome body, and returning, during one's study of the Torah and service of G‑d, to "her father's house as in her youth." Surely, there is no joy as great as that of being released from exile and captivity. . . True, the body remains abominable and loathsome. . . Yet, let his divine soul be more precious to him than his loathsome body, so that he rejoices in the soul's joy, without letting the sadness on account of his body interfere with or disturb the joy of the soul. So it comes down to this: happiness depends on how we define ourselves, which aspect of our personality we identify with. If we identify with our body and its nature, then the outlook is indeed bleak. If we identify with our souls, the G‑dly spark extant within every one of us, then every mitzvah we do is an exhilarating moment of acute joy. Not despite the body; because of it. Because there's no joy like being uplifted from the very depths to the highest of high. Words to live by: Let your divine soul be more precious to you than your loathsome body... don't let the sadness on account of your body interfere with or disturb the joy of the soul. • Rabbi Naftali Silberberg, a native of Detroit, is on the editorial team of Chabad.org. He resides in Brooklyn, NY, with his wife Chaya Mushka and their three children.
June 4, 2 0 1 0
• 323-965-1544 •
The Jewish Community is urged to support and vote for Chuck De Vore on June 8th. A Statement by Assemblyman Chuck De Vore:
with Israel.
Barbara Boxer won't stand up for Israel. But she will stand beside the President who is doing grave harm to Israel -- and to America -- so long as he fills her reelection coffers. It tells us everything we need to know about her -- and it tells us why she'll be a former Senator in January 2011.
Americans stand by Israel because our most sacred principles compel us. This Administration does not appear to share those principles. While Vice President Biden was chastising Israel over apartment construction, the Palestinian Authority was naming a public square after a suicide bomber who slaughtered 37 innocents. Americans instinctually grasp the difference between civilization and barbarism, and they know that a public honor for a mass murderer is perilously close to the latter. It's inexcusable that Barack Obama's Administration doesn't have the same moral sense.
Israel is our only true ally in the Middle East -- and indeed, one of our few true friends in the world. It deserves better than the attacks it has suffered from the Obama Administration of late. More important, America deserves better. We expect our President to have a I said the time is come to speak clear-eyed understanding of out -- and that's not just true for America's interests. Instead, me. I've been speaking out since Barack Obama's policy on Israel I entered public life over twenty is apparently driven by petty vinyears ago. I have a long record dictiveness, coupled with a supporting Israel in public and shocking naïveté, married to an Photo L-R: Stanley Treitel, U.S. Senate Candidate private. Decades ago, I worked unforgivable ignorance of the Chuck De Vore, Los Angeles County Commissioner to secure U.S. funding for the Howard Winkler, & Rabbi Rav Dov Fischer. Middle East. Arrow antiballistic missile sysFor the Administration to 'condemn' -- the strongest tem, which is today a critical component of Israel's selfpossible diplomatic language -- the construction of some defense. I also worked in Reagan's Defense Department apartments in a historically Jewish section of Jerusalem on defeating the Iranian threat of the 1980s. My experidoes nothing to advance the cause of peace, and still less ence in the Middle East -- academic, professional, and perthe security of our country. Peace is advanced through sonal -- is longstanding and consistently pro-Israel. strength, not weakness -- and through unity, not division. At a stroke, President Obama has diminished both. Instead, the President and the Secretary of State have only emboldened Israel and America's enemies. Have no doubt that Iran, Syria, and Islamist radicals around the world are watching America turn on its longtime ally. And they approve. Have no further doubt that our allies from Britain to Korea to Afghanistan are seeing the disregard our President has for faithful friendship to the United States -- and drawing the appropriate conclusions. The plain fact is that neither America nor Israel have ever benefitted from capitulation to pressure from their enemies -- and make no mistake, our enemies are the same. The American people understand this: that's why they overwhelmingly support our enduring friendship
The President of the United States has no such record, and he's not creating one now. In the short run, we must demand that Senator Barbara Boxer stand up for America's interest in the alliance with Israel. She must oppose Barack Obama's ruinous and shortsighted attack on our ally. She has yet to utter a word in Israel's defense, and it is to her discredit. And in the long run, we must elect a United States Senator from California who won't need to be reminded where duty and American interests lie. I am a candidate for this office for that very reason -- and when I am in the U.S. Senate, I will stand strong for America and Israel, where the incumbent and our President do not. (http://chuckdevore.com/n/)
June 4, 2 0 1 0
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June 4, 2 0 1 0
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My Mikvah Baby
by Katherine Agranovich
A Spiritual Pregnancy
June 4, 2 0 1 0
• 323-965-1544 •
am a Jew, but I am not yet religious.
I light candles Friday night, but don't yet keep Shabbat. I don't know the Hebrew prayers, but I speak to G‑d.
But there is one area of my life where I am as Jewish as I can be-my approach to being a mother. Coming from Russia, where the social norm is one or two children, I could never have foreseen the motherly part of me taking over to the degree it has. Now, comfortably enjoying life in warm and sunny California, it makes no sense to most people why in the world this young and ambitious doctor would choose to have four kids and "ruin" her life!? I am not thinking about it. I simply know Two out of four of my pregnancies caught us by total surprise and at the most inconvenient times, but deep inside I was thrilled--I was pregnant, waking up in the morning with my heart singing in ecstasy. To me, pregnancy is the proof that G‑d is real. I don't need to look any further; with each and every baby's kick and twist, I know I am experiencing a miracle in progress. As miserably exhausted and extremely uncomfortable as I am, I never feel more alive and happy than when I am pregnant - I know it doesn't make sense, so I don't even try to explain. So last year, when my mom caught me drooling over someone else's baby at the park, she almost screamed, trying to bring me to my senses: "Don't even think about it! You are completing your Ph.D. and your husband is not a rabbi!" But I am not thinking about it. I simply know that I am ready for another baby. Is it logical or practical? No,not at all, but I am possessed by this baby-energy coming so strongly, from inside of me. I feel honored and privileged to be chosen to brighten this world with another Jewish soul. At the same time, I face an inner turmoil of self-doubt: Am I doing the right thing by considering entering another new pregnancy--rollercoaster ride- and dragging my whole family with me? Can I stand up for what I believe in, when my logical mind and so many relatives are screaming "NO!?" My spirit is wrapped in such peace Pulled by my mind and my soul in two opposite directions, on the way home from the park, I decide to stop by our local Chabad House to get some clarity from my friend Bassie, the Rebbetzin. She looks at me with a smile when I tell her about my desire for another child and how illogical even I think it is. Then she tells me about the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe and what a mikvah is. As I listen to her, my spirit is wrapped in such peace and comfort. I can almost taste the sweet breath of my future baby and I love him beyond words already!
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One hour later, I come home where my precious, innocent husband is working on the computer, so focused and intent. He isn't yet interested in spiritual pursuits, yet he is the best Jewish husband, always supportive of his awakening wife. And I tell him that while I can't explain it, I long for another child. I read about mikvah and it speaks to me on such a deep level, bringing tears to my eyes. I explain to my husband the importance of keeping the laws of family purity, and despite never even knowing about this, he agrees and supports me all the way through. I will never forget getting ready for the mikvah: counting the days, praying, waiting with great anticipation- even though I am petrified of water, a fear I have had since childhood. I remember when I finally heard Bassie yelling: "Kosher" (meaning that I had immersed myself the right way, going completely under the water). She felt such excitement, as if it was she who had just been cured from a water phobia. I experienced this strange, new feeling over me, as if the mystical waters of the mikvah were washing off the sticky coat of doubt and fear, connecting me to my roots, from which I could absorb the strength and wisdom of Sarah, Rivkah, Rachel and Leah...becoming like them-a proud Jewish woman. Back in Russia, I was raised to hide, and be ashamed of, my Judaism. But as I emerged from the mikvah waters I felt that I was able to fully claim what has been always mine-my Jewish soul. Driving home, laughing through the tears of joy, I kept praying to G‑d to be with me, to quench my inner thirst for this baby... Ten days later there it was: a faint red plus on a pregnancy test. I welcomed my baby into my heart and into my life. I also welcomed our Creator into my pregnancy, for the first time acknowledging His invisible presence, somewhere behind the Heavenly curtain, making it all possible. Ever since then, I am learning to develop my relationship with G‑d. I find myself praying and talking to Him like never before, finding the great relief of putting all my fears in His hands. I want the birth of this baby to highlight my journey to know myself and G‑d's presence in me. I want it to be a spiritual experience. I am waiting now, till the cry of my baby turns me inside out, transforming my entire self into the person I really am-a Jewish mother. I sit here now in my ninth month, soon to be blessed, G‑d Willing, with my fifth child. I have never been so excited and so nervous at the same time. I am so unsure if I will have enough love and wisdom in me for all my kids, and yet I know that G‑d's guidance and support is just a prayer away. This pregnancy is different, more conscious and spiritual. This is my first mikvah baby. •
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Mumps on the Rise in Los Angeles Jewish Community Los Angeles – Monday 5/17/10 Bikur Cholim has been monitoring the outbreak rubella (MMR) and adults whom were never vacof mumps within the East Coast Jewish communi- cinated can receive the MMR vaccine at any ties as early as last year, and its potential spread age. to other Jewish communities in the US. To those The transmission and spreads of mumps is of familiar with the socialization and frequency of major concern to public health and Los Angeles transcontinental flights between these two rephysicians are mandated to report all cases of gions, the spread of mumps to Los Angeles comes mumps to the Department of Health. Due to its as no surprise. While data regarding the source, highly communicable nature, children and adults propagation, and number of mumps cases in Los diagnosed with mumps should not attend school Angeles is useful for epidemiology studies, the ator have contact with other tention of all health officials individuals during the comand physicians is focused municable period. on treatment, limiting transBikur Cholim president mission, and reinforcing the Rabbi Hershy Ten eximportance of childhood pressed, “With more parimmunizations. ents exercising the Over recent weeks, sev“personal belief” exemperal articles have surfaced tion and not immunizing citing the Los Angeles their children, the risk of exCounty Department of posure and contracting Public Health publicizing these diseases increases. cases of mumps in Los AnThe decision not to immugeles, particularly within nize goes beyond effectthe Jewish community. Efing one’s own child and forts are being made to family, it directly impacts society. For example, collect data and monitor this as closely as possichildren not immunized for measles and rubella ble. Today, there have been 8 confirmed mumps that contract these diseases can place pregnant cases with additional cases under review. From women, such as teachers and day care providers, the onset, and as recently as last week, informaand their unborn children at risk.” tion coming from New York has identified the “HaMumps is not a Jewish disease nor is it specific to sidic” population as the group associated with this any religious or ethnic group. Childhood immumumps outbreak. Unfortunately this does not adnizations are the single most effective way to proequately sensitize the entire Jewish community to tect children and adults from these diseases. this threat. While these cases may have in fact Those parents whom are doubtful of the benefits begun in a Hasidic setting, it is without question of immunization should speak with their pediatrithat this has passed beyond these boundaries cians. For years now, public health officials have and significantly spread throughout the observant offered low-cost and free vaccinations at LA Jewish community. Bikur Cholim has worked County clinics which can be found at www.lapubclosely with Los Angeles health officials to ensure lichealth.org. Those exhibiting symptoms such as their language does not solely identify this outswollen/tender salivary glands under the ears or break as “Hasidic” but rather to include the Jewish jaws on both sides of the face, dry mouth, painful community as a whole. chewing/swallowing, headache, fever, muscle Per the Center for Disease Control (CDC), withaches etc. should contact their family physician. out vaccines, epidemics of many preventable disBikur Cholim (www.bikurcholim.net) is working toeases could return resulting in increased and gether with health officials to provide information unnecessary illness, disability, and death among to all schools and organizations within the Los Anchildren. There are currently 15 vaccine-pregeles Jewish community for them to share with ventable diseases including mumps, measles, and their parent bodies and memberships. Contact: BIKUR CHOLIM
June 4, 2 0 1 0
info@bikurcholim.net • 323-965-1544 •
(323) 852-1900 info@communitylinks.info
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June 4, 2 0 1 0
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These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease.
(Tsan Et Al 2000)
Calfornia Kosher Kitchen
Pineapple Sundaes Engagements Chaya Schmukler & Boruch S. Krinsky Miriam Devorah Feiner & Menachem Cohen Joshua Keyak & Ilana Snyder Leah Brenner to Les Lanet
Weddings Mushky Krieman & Motti Ifergan Kineret Moeinzadeh & Avraham Laghaie
Births of Triplets!!! 2 Girls & a Boy! Kelly & Elliot Berg
Births - Boys Simi & R. Brad Yellen Dina & Yaakov Shallman Chana Rivky & Duvi Feldman
Births - Girls Machla & Rabbi Chaim Perkowski Miriam & Dovid Schmukler
• 4 ounces semisweet chocolate, chopped, or chocolate chips • 1 stick unsalted butter, sliced • 3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder • 1 3/4 cups plus 2 tablespoons sugar • 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons milk • 1 cup ricotta cheese, at room temperature • 1 store-bought pound cake, cut into 6 to 8 thick slices • 2 teaspoons vegetable oil • 1 fresh pineapple, peeled, cored and cut into wedges • Shredded coconut, toasted, and/or peanuts, for garnish
Directions Send us your mazel tovs to info@communitylinks.info
FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 2010 Light Candles at: 7:43 pm ••• FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 2010 Light Candles at: 7:47 pm ••• FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 2010 Light Candles at: 7:49 pm
June 4, 2 0 1 0
Combine the chocolate and butter in a microwave-safe bowl. Heat at 50 percent power for 2 minutes; stir, then microwave at 30-second intervals until completely melted. Whisk in the cocoa and 1 3/4 cups sugar until smooth. Microwave the mixture on full power for 5 minutes, stopping to whisk occasionally. (Don't worry if the mixture looks grainy; continue to cook and whisk until smooth.) Add 1 cup milk and microwave on full power until smooth and slightly fudgy, 2 minutes. Transfer to a thermos to keep warm. Fold the remaining 2 tablespoons milk and 2 tablespoons sugar into the ricotta in a bowl; cover and refrigerate. Preheat a grill to medium. Brush the cake slices lightly with oil and grill for 1 to 2 minutes per side. Brush the pineapple lightly with oil and grill until marked, about 1 minute per side. Top the cake with pineapple, a scoop of ricotta cream and hot fudge. Garnish with coconut and/or nuts, if desired.
• 323-965-1544 •
DoubleTake Can you spot the differences in these two pictures? 3RD YARTZEIT Over 400 people gathered to commemorate the 3rd Yartzeit of the Shliach Rabbi Avroham Levitansky obm, at Chabad of Simcha Monica. Double Take pictures!
Please email us your event pictures to Info@communitylinks.info
qq qq qq qq qq 1. The right exit sign has been removed. 2. The clock has moved from the left side to the right. 3. One of the colors of the kippah in the front has changed from blue to red. 4. The book case is shorter. 5. One of the guys standing in the back is missing. 6. One of the Sprite bottles on the table were taken off. 7. The guy's cap color has been changed from blue to pink. 8. The man in the front is missing his front pocket phone. 9. The logo on the boys shirt in the front is missing. 10. The Talis on top of the bookcase in the back is missing.
June 4, 2010
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WEDDING SHTICK “Shticky Business" Shtick rental for all Simchas. Reasonable rates, beautiful one of a kind items. Arches, Umbrellas, Balloons, Mazel Tov signs, Pom Poms & more. Call Rivky at 323-997-5968
Yosef Y. Shagalov:
Traveling Notary Public & Home Signing Agent.
Cell:(323)934-7095 email: yys770@aol.com
BEAUTY -1540-
347-622-0513 Robin Schultz Ackerman will help you eliminate unwanted hair! Doctor referred over 10 years in the community. Reasonable rates, Flexible hours open Sundays by appt.
Channa Tellis Dress Maker & Expert Alterations with 40 yrs of exp. Now selling & renting bridal dresses. Shaitel hair extensions, & also available for Sewing Classes.
Community Links for all your Graphic Design needs! 323.956.1544 MUSIC
Call anytime for an appt.
BRIS - ,hrc Traditional Ritual Circumcision Rabbi Nachman B. Kreiman Certified Mohel vjnun kvun
Please Call 323-933-5960 or 323-348-8786
Eli's One Man Band for all your simchas and special events. For more info Please call Eli Stiefel
310-462-5368 or email elistiefel@gmail.com
PSYCHOTHERAPY For adults, couples, adolescents. Issues such as depression, anxiety, trauma, relationships. Gila Shapiro MA, MFT 323883-1777 Licensed Marriage and Family therapist. Email: gilasmft@gmail.com
June 4, 2 0 1 0
WEBSITES For all of your Web Design & Development needs. Websites, Blogs, E-Commerce, etc. Call Ami Garber
(323) 431-0060 Email: Ami@BwgDesigns.com Visit: www.BWGDesigns.com Toll Free: (877)BWG-Designs
Parenting With Wisdom What do I do when my child (fill in your least acceptable behavior)? Take the best parenting class in town to learn how to deal with misbehavior, discouragement and poor school performance. In addition, acquire all the skills necessary to raise confident, independent, and responsible children. Appropriate for ages 0-5, 6-11, and teens. Individual or group sessions. Affordable. Call Irine Schweitzer, LCSW for more information, www.parentingbyirine.com @ 818 754-4501. -1548-
GUITAR INSTRUCTION Private Lessons or small Group (323)934-2448. Learn the Univeral Language of Music with a Jewish Accent!
Home: 323.934.9329 Cell: 323.896.5098 www.expertmohel.com
310-595-5490 MENDELS@GMAIL.COM
CAREER TRAINING PROGRAMS Are you Unemployed and collecting Unemployment Benefits? FULL Financial Aid is available to unemployed individuals. Receive career training at NO COST to YOU. These funds are available through President Obama’s Economic Stimulus Package. Act now while funds are available. Los Angeles ORT Technical Institute has several Nationally Accredited Career Training Programs. Please call 323-966-5444. Ask for Flora or Jesse. -784www.LAORT.edu
800.998.2678 • 323-965-1544 •
A Time for Dance SPRING SESSION. come join the fun!! Offering Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Gymnastics, Modern, Kickboxing, Acting, Singing and more! Girls and Women. All levels available. 3 convenient locations. Beverly / Labrea, Pico/Robertson and North Hollywood (323) 404-0827 www. atime4dance.com WHAT’S YOUR PLAN? IS YOUR FAMILY PREPARED IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY?
13th Annual SoRo Community Festival presents: AN EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PAVILION
THIS SUNDAY, JUNE 6TH 11 am – 4 pm ADMISSION IS FREE S. Robertson Blvd. @ Beverlywood Street. • Special Puppet Show for Kids: From the ARCLA on Emergency Preparedness. • Emergency Preparedness for your Pets! • Learn what you need to have in your ER Supply Kit • ER Supplies for sale! • ER Classes and Demonstrations in the Big Tent: LAFD, NIXLE, CERT, • American Red Cross • Plus The SoRo Festival with fun for the wholefamily! For More information call: Baila Romm 310.663.8560
Chabad Sola. Mon - Fri, at 8.30AM. 1627 S La Cienega Blvd, opposite to Cheder Menachem. If you are interested and could commit to be part of this new Minyan please contact R Menashe at 646 258 6881 or at menashe.borbely@gmail.com.
Jewish Tehachapi Torah Center(ed Community): Suited for families, individuals, and existing Torah org a n i z a t i o n s . H e a l t h y, Serene, Affordable, Child Friendly. Relax, Recharge, Learn. Vacation or Year Round. Advise interest now for: Summer Camp, Torah Retreats, Regular Minyan.. Join Rabbi Hershy's Open Yeshiva on the 13 Principles of Faith Sundays 11AM. 'Twice the House for Half the Money' Priced from: House - $130,000. Co-Op - $65,000. Lot $30,000. Lease: House $800, Apartment $600, Room $400. Contact Roger M.: kernkehilla@att.net 310948-5137.
Beverly Hills Adjacent Home for Sale 5 Bedroom 3.5 Bath Luxury Home, Marble floors, Lrg Luxury Granite Kitchen, huge living/dining room w/vaulted ceilings, Wet Bar, 2 Master S u i t e s , Jacuzzi, Laundry, Sauna, basketball court. Lots of Built-ins.
Call Daniel @ (310) 925 - 9972 FOR SALE
Bev/La Brea - 4bd, Pool Guest House. Kosher Kitchen. No sign. By Appt. www.Love-This-Home.com
Free Recorded Info: 800-417-7489 ID#8001 Miller Real Estate 310.210.3038 DRE Lic. #00963418
FOR RENT Master bedroom with private restroom & entrance. Female applicants only. Contact Sarah @ 310409-3327 or Rachel: 310-210-2691 53
June 4, 2 0 1 0
http://www.pearlmancta.co m/TehachapiJewish.htm FOR RENT
One bedroom for rent with private bathroom, separate entrance, laundry and kosher kitchen available. Utilities included. Month to month contract with month security. References please. Call David at Home: 323-934-4826. Cell: 323-687-4154
Charming Guest House with private patio, furnished, Kosher kitchenette & private bathroom on Olympic & La Jolla. Month to month contract with month security. No smoking, no pets. References please. Call David at Home: 323-934-4826. Cell: 323-687-4154 FOR RENT IN ISRAEL
Next Advertising Deadline
June 11, 2010 Circulation
June 18, 2010 Please call
323.965.1544 or email us at
BNEI BRAKISRAEL 4 BR. 2 1/2 bath big living room. dining area. private home. close to shuls and shops. $3000.
516-770-3456 EMPLOYMENT OFFICE ASSISTANT WANTED Part time office assistant 2-6 pm, Monday-Friday in Encino. $10 hour. Must be well organized and have basic computer skills. (QuickBooks helpful). Email resume to: 1049@tmo.blackberry.net minimum one year commitment.
Excellent Opportunity for highly motivated sales person to work for growing business. Create your own hours. Work from home. For further information please email us at info@community links.info Ref #1980
ARCHITECT Lawrence Woodcraft, AIA New Homes Additions & Remodels Guest Houses HPOZ Approvals Free Initial Consultations
818-701-7752 License # C23651 www.woodcraftarchitecture.com
Orthodox woman available to watch your children full time or part-time hours, at your location. Excellent references. 323-651-9389
For all your bookkeeping needs
A young, organized, reliable woman looking for a teaching position in elementry schools. Has experience working with kids. Knows to speak hebrew and english. 310-497-483 • 323-965-1544 •
Raizy Grossman 310-279-2139 info@communitylinks.info
Dining Guide Listing Please Call 323-965-1544 MEAT Afshan Restaurant RCC 106 W. 9th St. LA, (213) 622-1010 Bocca Steakhouse RCC 16610 Ventura. Encino, 91436 (818) 905-5855 Café Del Mar Dairy/Meat Kehila 12526 Burbank Blvd. N.H. 91607 (818) 487-8171 Chic N Chow Kehila 9301 West Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 274-5595 Chinese and Kabob Kehila 9180 Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 274-4007 Circa RCC 433 N. Fairfax Avenue, LA, 90036 323-653-1941 Cohen’s Restaurant RCC 316 E Pico Blvd # F LA, CA 90015 (213) 742-8888 Delice Bistro Kehila 8581 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 289-1702 Elat Burger Ben Zaken 9340 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 278-4692 Elite Cuisine RCC 7119 Beverly Blvd. LA, 90036 (323) 930-1303 Bukstan Falafel Express 5577 Reseda Blvd. Tarzana, 9135 (818) 345-5660
Falafel Grill Chabad 5611 Kanan R. Agoura Hills, 91301 (818) 991-8799 Glatt Hut RCC 9303 W. Pico Blvd. 90035 (310) 246-1900 Golan RCC 13075 Victory Blvd. N. H, 91606 (818) 763-5344 Got Kosher? RCC 8914 W. Pico Blvd. 90035 (310) 858-1920 Habayit Bukstan 11921 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90064 (310) 479-5444
June 4, 2 0 1 0
DINING GUIDE Milky Way Kehila 9108 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 859-0004 Nagilla Pizza Kehila 9411 West Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 788-0111
Haifa Ben Zaken 8717 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 888-7700
Temptation Grill Kehila 17547 Ventura B. Encino, 91316 (818) 995-4700
Jeffs Gourmet Kehila 8930 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 858-8590
The Meating Place KCA 30313 Canwood St. AH, 91301 (818) 706-1255
Kosher Chicks RCC 186081/2Ventura Blvd. Tarzana, 91356 (818) 343-8800
Tierra Sur at Herzog Winery 3201 Camino DelSol Oxnard (818) 752-6866
La Gondola Kehila 9025 Wilshire Blvd. BH, 90211 (310) 247-1239
Smokin’ Rabbi Furst 12514 Burbank Boulevard, Valley Village, CA 91607 (805) 983-1560
La Glatt RCC 446 Fairfax Ave. LA, 90036 (323) 658-7730
Mashu Mashu RCC 12510 Burbank Blvd. 91607 (818)752-ASIA (2742)
Beverly Cafe Elite RCC 7113 Beverly Blvd. LA, 90035 (323) 931-3563
Metro Glatt RCC 8975 W. Pico Blvd. 90035 (310) 275-4420
Bibis Warmstone Kehila 8928 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 246-1788
Nagilla Meating Place Kehila 9407 West Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 788-0119
Bramis Pizza
Orange Delight Kehila 13628 Ventura Blvd. SO, 91423 (818) 788-9896 Pats Kehila 9233 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 205-8705 Pico Kosher Deli RCC 8826 West Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 273-9381 Pita Way RCC 8532 Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 652-5236 Sassis Kehila 15622 Ventura, Encino, 91436 (818) 986-5345 Shanghai Kehila 9401 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 553-0998 Shilohs Kehila 8939 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 858-1652 Subway Kehila 8948 W Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 274-1222 Sunrise RCC 9216 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 786-8282
Nana Cafe RCC 1509 S Robertson Blvd. (310) 407-0404
Pico Cafe Kehila 8944 W Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 310-385-9592 Pizza Maven Kehila 140 North La Brea Blvd. 90036 (323) 857-0353 Pizza Nosh Rabbi Ami Markel 30313 Canwood St. A.H. 91301 (818) 991-3000 Pizza Station Kehila 8965 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 276-8708
17736 ShermanWay, Reseda 91326
Pizza World Kehila 365 Fairfax Ave. LA, 90036 (323) 653-2896
(818) 342-0611 Circa RCC 8622 W Pico Blvd, Los Angeles (310) 854-0592
Sassis Sushi Kehila 16550 Ventura, Encino, 91436 (818) 783-2727 Shalom Pizza RCC 8715 West Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 271-2255
Delice Kehila 8583 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 289-6556
Unique Cafe Rabbi Aron Simkin 18381 Ventura Blvd. Tarzana (818) 757-3100
Fish Grill Kehila 7226 Beverly Blvd. LA, 90036 (323) 937-7162 12013 Wilshire Blvd. LA, 90025 (310) 479-1800 9618 W. Pico Blvd. 90035 (310) 860-1182 22935 Pacific Coast Highway (310) 456-8585
PAREVE Fish In The Village RCC 12450 Burbank Blvd. N.H, 91607 (818) 769-0085
Jerusalem Pizza Kehila 17942 Ventura Blvd. Encino, CA 91316
(818) 758-9595 La Brea Bagel Kehilla 7308 Beverly Blvd. LA, 90036 (323) 965-1287 La Pizza Rabbi Furst 12515 Burbank Blvd. N.H, 91607 (818) 760-8198
Le Sushi 12524 Burbank Blvd N.H. 91607 (818) 763-6600 SushiKo RCC 9340 West Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 274-3474
Milk N Honey RCC 8837 West Pico Blvd LA, 90035 (310) 858-8850
• 323-965-1544 •
June 4, 2 0 1 0
• 323-965-1544 •