The Community Links Issue 167

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November 5 - November 19, 2010

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Vol. 6 Issue 167


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November 5, 2010 Next Advertising Deadline November 12, 2010 Circulation November 19, 2010



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Soul Food The Boys Of Summer

I will never forget when he arrived at the home where I was staying that summer and asked, “Do you mind, I got tickets to the Cubs-Braves doubleheader today at Wrigley Field?” Dr. Robert Rome THE COMMUNITY LINKS is published biweekly and is distributed free to the Jewish Community of Southern California. THE COMMUNITY LINKS accepts no responsibility for typographical errors or reliability of Kashrus of any advertisers. All submissions become the property of THE COMMUNITY LINKS and may be shortened and/or edited for length and clarity. Articles published in THE COMMUNITY LINKS express the views of the individual writers and may not necessarily represent the views of THE COMMUNITY LINKS. No artwork or any part of the magazine may be reprinted or otherwise duplicated without the written permissions of the publisher.


Then it hit Yitzchak. It was too late. He had already given the blessings to his younger son, Yaakov. Realizing the mistake, "Yitzchak trembled in great tremor. "Who is the one who hunted game, and brought it to me?" Parshas Toldos Rabbi Mordechai Kaminetsky

28 12

Parshas Vayeitzie

What was so unique about Zevulun? He wasn’t Yaakov’s first born, and his descendants weren’t kings like Yehuda, scholars like Yissachar, nor priests like Levi. Rabbi Reuven Wolf

A Pittsburgh Miracle

"Oh, no," Marilyn said under her breath. She felt a flutter of panic and checked her watch. Luckily, she still would have just enough time to make her connecting flight to Los Angeles. Miriam Sokol

community links • Volume 6 Issue 167 4

November 5,2010

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The Jewish Wom Women’s men’s Repertory Co Company mpany Presents Presseents )VLZM_ 4TWaL ?MJJMZ¼[ ) V LZM_ 4T ZM_ 4T WaL ? L ?M ?M JJ

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November 5, 2010

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November 5, 2010

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Robert J. Rome, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist in clinical practice in Encino, California. He can be reached at


November 5, 2010

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his is the season of baseball’s World Series. Baseball has been a major source of joy and memories in my life. I spent the summer of 1962 staying with my Uncle Bill and Aunt Lill in Chicago. I was and remain privileged to have many cousins in Chicago, the offspring of numerous uncles and aunts who have made their homes throughout the various neighborhoods of Chicago and the suburbs. I also had one uncle, my mother’s brother Nate, who had never been married and who was somewhat uncomfortable around his many nieces and nephews. Despite this, Uncle Nate decided that he would take a day off from his duties as a cab driver to take his nephew from Los Angeles for the day. I will never forget when he arrived at the home where I was staying that summer and asked, “Do you mind, I got tickets to the Cubs-Braves doubleheader today at Wrigley Field?” Did I mind?!! I was one of the biggest baseball fans of all time. Seeing a game at Wrigley Field was a dream come true. Witnessing first hand an entire doubleheader starring the Cubs’ Ernie Banks and the Braves’ Hank Aaron would be an experience I never would forget. I remember walking into the stadium as the opening pitcher for the Cubs was delivering the final warm-up pitches. We entered Wrigley Field from a gate behind home plate. As soon as you enter, you see the field and the pitcher on the mound. I had been used to attending Dodger games at the old Coliseum and the then new Dodger Stadium where there was a major distance from home plate to the seats behind home plate. But at Wrigley, the seats are virtually on top of the plate. You enter the stadium just above field level. You look out at the entire historic stadium, all the way to the ivy covered walls of the outfield. I still feel the goosebumps I felt that day as I first encountered Wrigley. 9 November 5

Hank Aaron hit two home runs in the double header. One of these homers started as a long fly ball, but ended up going over the right field fence as the strong Chicago wind captured the ball and carried it. I don’t remember the scores that day, but I remember the experience. I only spent one afternoon with my uncle Nate of blessed memory. However, he provided me with an experience that has stayed with me ever since. A neighbor used to fill up his station wagon and take 7-8 boys from our street to Dodger games at least once weekly. In 1958-60, I went with this neighbor to about 25 games per year. I saw Koufax strike out 18. I witnessed at least 20 “Moon shots” where Dodger great Wally Moon hit relative bloopers over the short fence in the Coliseum’s left field. My father, not a real fan, knew my love for the game. He bought box seats for the second game the Dodgers ever played in Los Angeles. Unfortunately, I got the measles and I could not hide my severe coughing, though I tried, and couldn’t go. But he also bought tickets for the whole family for Roy Campanella Night in 1959 where the Dodgers hosted for charity the New York Yankees in the middle of the season. I was there among the 93,000 who attended that night. After the game, my mother said, “Come with me.” She guided us through a gate and led us directly to the back door of the dressing room for the visiting Yankees. There, this baseball fanatic, met and got the autographs of Mickey Mantle, Moose Skowron, Yogi Berra, Roger Maris, Tony Kubek, Elston Howard, Whitey Ford, and others. Wow… Baseball, especially back then, was a great source of Jewish pride. On the Dodgers in those early Los Angeles years were three Jewish players. The greatest of course was Koufax. But not

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too shabby were brothers Norm and Larry Sherry. As Jews, we were only 3% of the general population, but we were close to 15% of the Dodgers roster. My heroes as a boy: Willie Mays, Don Drysdale, Mickey Mantle, Juan Marichal, Roberto Clemente…The many boys of summer. Heroes are good. There is nothing wrong with having sports heroes. They got to be heroes through talent and hard work. Motivating us to work hard, develop skills, practice, and show up each day are the results of following these heroes. The problem occurs when all of our heroes come only from sports. A popular news program had as its motto: There’s more to life than news, weather, and sports. Baseball is a wonderful sport. It can be a special hobby and love. Our children can express a love for baseball, as they did in my day, or for basketball as they do now. There is nothing wrong with that. But our lives must be more than just sports. I have a variety of heroes that go far beyond sports. I have been privileged to see true heroes of Jewish history. These individuals made a difference in the world. And I have spent time with them! Among the highlights of my life were the four hours that I spent along


November 5, 2010

with only a dozen other high school leaders with David Ben Gurion. This physically small man was a giant of a person. A luncheon for teenage leaders of local Los Angeles Jewish youth organizations lasted longer than the scheduled two hours as we listened and interacted with Ben Gurion from 11 a.m. to almost 4:00 p.m. He challenged us to take over the leadership of our people and Israel. I cherish my memories of a twohour discussion on peace with Menachem Begin and my morning in a question and answer session with Golda Meir. I was personally interviewed by Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel of saintly memory. This master combined the religious and secular. And I will always remember the presence of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. A totally full room of Rabbis and rabbinical students where there was not one extra inch of room saw the hundreds gathered move aside to establish a 15 foot corridor through which the Rebbe would walk. The leader of our generation remains a hero for all time. You knew when you were in his presence that this was a man who made a difference. Greatness is not only the domain of men. On a Rabbinic Mission to Israel, I participated in a class on Chumash with Nechama Leibovitz. This woman who taught Rabbis made the

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most difficult passages easy to understand. She was a hero as a scholar, writer, and teacher. A well rounded person should be multi-faceted with many interests. Heroes can include sports figures, but our children especially need Torah heroes. They need examples of those whose lives reflect the best of our tradition and history. They need to appreciate the present, past, and future of our people, and those who lead us through history. Borrowing from sports, there are now “Rabbi cards” that can be collected by the young. These cards highlight the pictures and accomplishments of great Rabbis past and present. There are story books for young children and biographies of Torah greats for older children and teens which can make more real and personal the contributions of our leaders from throughout history. Names of great Rabbis like Rashi and Maimonides should be on the lips of our children. We should attend events with our children where our living Jewish heroes are speaking. We should help to make our children part of Jewish history. Now, at World Series time, we can pay homage to the Boys of Summer. But we need to make sure that our children exalt our Rabbis and Jewish heroes, the Men, and Women, for All Seasons. •

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November 5, 2010

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November 5, 2010

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In general, the sages describe Yaakov as a man of the Torah. He spent eighty years learning Torah, first from his grandfather, Avraham, and his father, Yitzchak, and later at the school of Shem and Ever. Yaakov flourished in the world of spirituality. When he arrived in Lavan’s home, he spent twenty-four hours a day, for seven years, working for him. Due to Lavan’s deception, he worked another seven years. The sages tell us that he did not learn any Torah during this time because he was legitimately occupied with his labors and bound by his agreement. It’s quite interesting to note that it was precisely here, outside of the Holy Land, on the estate of Lavan,

Leah delivers her sixth child, she is overjoyed – she has now become the mother of as many children as all of Yaakov's other wives would eventually have, combined. She named this sixth son Zevulun, because “Now my husband will make his permanent home (zebul) with me" (Genesis 30:20). This implies that this particular son is the most attractive to Yaakov, and he would strive to be close to him. What was so unique about Zevulun? He wasn’t Yaakov’s first born, and his descendants weren’t kings like Yehuda, scholars like Yissachar, nor priests like Levi. Zevulun’s legacy is that of a merchant and an entrepreneur. Zevulun spends his days engaged in the world, traveling, meeting, buying and selling goods. Yaakov, however, is constantly engaged in spirituality, and is directly associated with the Torah itself. Why would Yaakov desire to live in the vicinity of Zevulun?

Parshas Vayeitzei who is ranked among the world’s most infamous crooks and liars, where Yaakov flourished and the tribes were born. It wasn’t just Lavan that was corrupt - the name of this land was Charan/Anger. It was a nasty place, where the entire society was corrupt, enmeshed in thievery, trickery and deception, a place that angered G-d. The Jewish people are supposed to be a light onto the nations – to serve as the example of honesty, decency and goodness. How is it that G-d arranged for the tribes to be born in such a horrible place? How is it that Yaakov, a man of light, the highest of our forefathers, a tzaddik and a pillar of Torah, flourished in this place? Later in the Parsha, the Torah describes the names that were chosen by the mothers of each tribe. When

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This question becomes even stronger if we consider the general role of the Jewish people. We were given the Torah, which teaches us to be close to Hashem, and instructs us in His commandments. We ought to spend as much time as possible involved in Torah and mitzvos, and minimize the mundane. This is what we teach our children, and what we strive for in our lives. Why is it then, that most people aren’t doing that? Most people can’t afford to do that! Why is it that most of the Jewish people, throughout most of history, spent most of their time working because it seems impossible to survive otherwise? Why did G-d create a world with a purpose, place us within it, • 323-965-1544 •

command us to follow Him, and then make it practically impossible to do so? Of course, there are some, the tzaddikim and the rare scholar who find a way to make it. What about the rest of us who are stuck at work? From a mystical perspective, Torah and mitzvos give us access to G-dliness. They are the channels through which we can reach G-d and draw down his infinite light. Hashem desires to dwell in this world; that it should become a place filled only with His light, devoid of darkness and negativity. Torah and mitzvos are the tools that Hashem gave us with which to work the creation. It is our job to use these tools – to learn and follow the Torah as best we can – in order to refine the world and prepare it for the ultimate redemption. Transforming the world is a primary role of the Jewish people. It is up to us to find and express the essential G-dliness of every place, and that is the impetus for earning our livelihood. We become plumbers, doctors, drivers, accountants, computer programmers or construction workers, but at the center of our lives remains the drive to connect with Hashem. Through our exposure to the world in the course of earning a living, during daily interactions with clients and co-workers, we are given powerful opportunities to increase G-dliness, drawing His light into every place in the world. By serving as examples and models of morality and kindness to the nations, we imbue G-dly consciousness into the world around us. Furthermore, by engaging the mundane with holy intentions, and drawing our nourishment and livelihood from there, these neutral

things become holy fuel for our mitzvos, prayer, and Torah study. In that way the purpose of creation is realized. This seems like a good enough reason for Yaakov to desire living in the vicinity of Zevulun. Since Gd wants us to create a dwelling for Him within the creation, He desires, so-to-say, to live in our world, Yaakov too desires to live with those whose efforts are most concentrated in this area, the working people, the Zevulun Jews. However, this is not truly reason enough. Although most of us are tasked with the field work of elevating the world and lighting up the darkness, there must still remain the full time scholars, our guides and leaders, who constantly live within the light. If Yaakov, our holy forefather, is described as a Tzaddik, a man of learning and a pillar of the Torah, why is his place among the working people? It seems that his role is amongst the leaders and the scholars in the study hall, not out in the fields with the rest of us. It is, however, precisely because G-d wants to dwell down in our world that Yaakov must dwell with Zevulun. Yaakov isn’t just a Tzaddik and Torah scholar, he personifies the Torah. His greatest desire

is to express its full potential within the context of the entire world, not just in the study halls. It is only when the entire world is exposed to the Torah, enabling the Torah to elevate and refine it, that the potential and power of the Torah is fully actualized and demonstrated. Those people or things that stand in opposition to holiness, when they are exposed to the Torah, they fall away, and only the ultimate truth remains. In the physical world, scientists determine the nature of an object through extreme tests. After examining it as presented, they expose it to every possible element and condition – heat, cold, light, darkness, high pressure, vacuum, and so on. After the stress is applied, they examine it again, and study what remains. If the beat-up object, after the trauma it went through, is still recognizable, then its nature is proven beyond any doubt. If there was anything extra or superficial it was washed away by the elements, and only the truth remains. In order to fully reveal the Torah, the Zevulun Jews expose and apply it to the world beyond the study halls and classrooms. They fulfill Yaakov’s potential, and allow G-d’s light to shine within the world and ultimately dwell in our hearts.

Within the creation, the Torah is clothed in physical concepts and Jewish souls are wrapped inside a body; the true nature of the Torah and the essence of the Jew is hidden. However, the Zohar states “Yisroel v’Oraysa v'Kudsha Brich Hu Chad Hu/The Jewish People, Torah and Hashem are one.” The ultimate truth is that there isn’t a difference between the Jewish people, the Torah and G-d - all are one in the same. By demonstrating the truth of the Torah and our inseparable connection with it, we also express our unity with G-d, and remove the physical blockages of the divine. When Moshiach comes, G-d’s dwelling place will be the hearts of the Jewish people, as the verse states: "v’asu li Mikdash v’shachanti b’socham/and they shall make for me a Mikdash and I shall dwell in them" (Shemos 25:8). Hashem says that they (the Jewish people) will make the temple, but He will not dwell within IT, he will dwell within THEM. This is precisely why sometimes our performance of Torah and mitzvos occurs under such stress and extreme conditions. Every nook and cranny of creation must be elevated and permeated with G-dliness. It’s not enough for us to

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simply pass through a place or stop and quickly perform a mitzvah somewhere. This isn’t a testimony to the endurance and truth of the Torah. However, when the Jewish people stay true to G-d’s Torah and mitzvos under every possible pressure or circumstance, that itself serves as the revelation of ultimate truth. The Jewish People, the Torah and G-d are inseparable – they are fundamentally connected despite all the elements that constantly work to separate them. When Yaakov, living with Lavan in a society of cheaters, was maintaining and upholding the Torah – it was contrary to logic. The only way to survive in a place like Charan is to oneup the next guy. Yet, it was precisely here, by bringing his Torah to Charan and remaining an upright and honest individual, that Yaakov was able to excel beyond anywhere he was previously capable. Charan was where he acquired enormous wealth, both physically and spiritually, because he increased the G-dliness of the place by actualizing the Torah, and demonstrating that he was one with it - despite the challenges. He was able to overcome because Torah is the only truth; it

prevails everywhere, in every possible environment. It is the truth of Torah which is demonstrated by the Jew who works to maintain and increase G-dliness in all places – at a desk, out in the field, on a jobsite, driving carpool, or making deals at a convention – that strengthens and validates Yaakov’s own desire for Torah to reach its full potential in this world. Of course, we must understand that the greatness of Zevulun’s lifestyle doesn’t lie within the work itself. It is through the fruit of diligent and consistent efforts to uphold the Torah, follow the mitzvos, daven properly everyday and to educate our children - despite the burdens of livelihood and the negative influences in the culture around us. When we flourish as Torah Jews in the workplace and in our communities, we increase the G-dly real estate in the world, and push away the forces of darkness. Once we have uncovered the truth, and revealed the full light of the world, Hashem will redeem us, fully dwell within our hearts, and remove all remaining darkness from creation. May we merit the coming of Moshiach very quickly.•

Excerpt from "The Parsha In My Life" class by Rabbi Reuven Wolf. Maayon Yisroel was founded by Rabbi Reuven Wolf, a renowned educator and inspiring lecturer who has devoted his life to reaching out and rekindling the spirit of Yiddishkeit in his fellow Jew. Over the past five years Rabbi Wolf has been teaching a 2-4 hour class on the weekly Parsha, named affectionately "The Thursday Night Shiur".

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What is Livescan Fingerprinting? Livescan is an inkless fingerprinting process where fingerprints are electronically transmitted to the Department of Justice for background screening. Ink fingerprinting is still required in many states. However, as a result of legislation passed in 1997, the California Department of Justice (CA-DOJ) has developed the automated background check process, which requires Livescan fingerprints for criminal history background checks that may be required as a condition of employment. Livescan technology replaces the ink process of recording fingerprint images. The CA-DOJ may also forward Livescan fingerprints to the FBI if required.

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November 5, 2010

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November 5, 2010

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t was a daring mission. Yitzchak wanted to bless his firstborn Esav. He asked Esav to prepare a meal for him in order "that his soul would bless him." But Yaakov, beat Esav to the blessing. Upon his mother's instructions, he dressed like Esav, and, before Esav arrived, brought his father goat meat as a meal. Then Yaakov respectfully asked his father to sit and eat in order "that your soul may bless me" (Genesis 27:19). Thinking that Yaakov was Esav, Yitzchak obliged and blessed Yaakov with the words, "And may G-d give you of the dew of the heavens and the fat of the earth and abundant grain and wine" (Genesis 27:28). Those words have been the hallmark of our blessing ever-since. They are cherished by Jews the world-over who repeat them, some in jubilant song, others in tearful longing, every Saturday night after the havdalah. But the story did not end there. Soon after Yaakov left the room, his brother Esav burst in. He brought his father a well-prepared meal and was ready to receive the blessings that were intended for him. He told his father to eat in order that "your soul shall bless me!" Yitzchak asks the giver, "Who are you?" And he answers, "I am Esav, your firstborn!" Then it hit Yitzchak. It was too late. He had already given the blessings to his younger son, Yaakov. Realizing the mistake, "Yitzchak trembled in great tremor. "Who is the one who hunted game, and brought it to me?" Esav pleads "Bless me too father!" Yitzchak's replies, "behold a lord, I have made him over you, and as for you, where, what can I do for you my son?" (Genesis


November 5, 2010

27:33). Eventually, Esav weeps and says, "Have you not one blessing, Father? Bless me too, Father." Yitzchak relents and blesses him with words that sound just like Yaakov's blessings. "Behold, of the fatness of the earth shall be your dwelling and of the dew of the heavens from above." What begs explanation is: what did Yitzchak mean with the words, where shall I get a blessing from? Does the earth not contain abundance for two? Second, if at first Yitzchak felt he had nothing to give Esav then why did he finally relent? Third, what is the difference between Yaakov's blessing and Esav's blessing? They both are told that they will get dew from heaven and the fat of the earth? In the mid sixties, the State of Israel, like so many fledgling countries was interdependent upon other nations. Israelis tell the story of how, shortly after Levi Eshkol became Prime Minister, an aide burst into his office. "Mr. Prime Minister, I have terrible news. We were just informed that a serious drought is imminent!" Worried, Eshkol looked up from his desk. "And where will the drought occur?" "In the Negev," replied the aide. Eshkol's face cleared, and a smile broke across his face. "I was scared for a moment I thought you meant Kansas." Rabbenu Bachya points out the difference between Yaakov's blessing and Esav's. Yaakov was blessed with dew, and so was Esav. The difference is that Yaakov was blessed with the • 323-965-1544 •

words, "May Hashem give you of the dew of the heavens and the fat of the earth." When Esav came crying to his father, his immediate reaction was, "How and where from can I bless you?" Yitzchak could no longer direct Hashem to give the blessings directly with His grace. Of course, It is easy to give blessings from Kansas! But blessings from Hashem, with his countenance and spirituality, are not freely distributed! At first Esav asked Yitzchak, "your soul shall bless me." In fact Both Yaakov and Esav asked for Yitzchak's soul to bless them. But Yitzchak was unable to give soul-blessings to Esav. His soul-filled blessings, the blessings of Hashem, had been already bestowed upon Yaakov. So Esav asks for any blessing and Yitzchak proceeds to bless him sans the words Hashem. The blessings of the soul, those that are handed directly from G-d, were already awarded to Yaakov. Only after Esav omitted the quest for soulful blessings, and asked for Yitzchak himself to bless him, was Yitzchak ready to bless Esav. Yitzchak understood the world in a different way than kings, queens, and prime ministers. He understood the difference between a drought of spirituality and a drought in Kansas. Rabbenu Bachya explains that blessings without affixing Hashem's name are easier given than those with direct ties to the Almighty. Transitory gifts are as fleeting as the evaporating dew. The only blessings that remain forever are those incorporated with the blessings of the Almighty. Those blessings, from the Source of blessings last a lifetime. But they are rarer than once in a lifetime. They are once in a heritage. •


November 5, 2010

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November 5, 2010

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November 5, 2010

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A Pittsburgh Miracle

By Miriam Sokal


November 5, 2010

• 323-965-1544 •


r. Abraham Twerski is a renowned psychiatrist and rabbi who descends from a long line of revered Hasidic leaders. Dr. Twerski founded and operates a successful drug rehabilitation center in Pittsburgh and has authored several popular books on drug addiction and spiritual well-being. On the Sabbath and holidays, he retreats to his home, where he invites guests to share festival meals with his family. At these meals, he relates remarkable Hasidic tales that have been handed down from generation to generation -- legacies of the Jewish oral tradition. During one Sabbath meal, after Dr. Twerski had related a particularly striking tale, one of the guests politely suggested, "Why don't you collect these stories in a book? They're so moving, but I can barely remember enough details to do them any justice when I try to recount them myself." Dr. Twerski was silent and looked thoughtfully at the man. "I used to say the same thing to my uncle," he said after a few moments. Later that year, Dr. Twerski published his first work of nonfiction stories, titled From Generation to Generation. In Venice, California, Marilyn received a copy of Dr. Twerski's new book from a friend as a thank you gift. In her thirties, Marilyn was divorced and raising her young son, David. She had not grown up in a religious household, and she knew little about Judaism, her religion. At the recommendation of a friend, she attended a few lectures on it, and she was so moved that she began to go to synagogue and learn more. Soon, she was incorporating some of the practices of Orthodox Judaism into her life, such as keeping kosher and observing the Sabbath. Marilyn was a respected lecturer in sports nutrition, and she had been on


November 5, 2010

the staff of the 1984 Summer Olympics. In June 1986, she had a speaking engagement in Atlantic City, and everything went smoothly until her return flight home. On her itinerary, she had one layover in Philadelphia, then a second short one in Pittsburgh, where she would board a final plane to Los Angeles. The flight from Atlantic City to Philadelphia went without a hitch, and she was eager and excited to return home and see her son, David, who would be leaving for his first trip to sleepaway camp that coming weekend. She sighed. It would be the first time they would be apart for an extended period, and she couldn't help feeling a little wistful about it. I guess my little boy is growing up, she thought. But as she exited the gate at the Philadelphia airport, she heard over the loudspeaker. "Flight 181 to Pittsburgh will be delayed fifteen minutes because of weather conditions. We apologize for any inconvenience." "Oh, no," Marilyn said under her breath. She felt a flutter of panic and checked her watch. Luckily, she still would have just enough time to make her connecting flight to Los Angeles. As she waited impatiently, however, there was another announcement: "Flight 181 to Pittsburgh will be delayed another twenty minutes." "Don't they know people have connecting planes to catch?" she cried. Her chest tightened. Now she really feared she would miss her connecting flight, and she ran to the reservations desk to see about other planes to L.A. But she soon discovered there were none that could solve her particular dilemma. As an observant Jew, she could not drive or take an airplane on a Jewish holiday or the Sabbath; Jewish law forbade it. A two-day Jewish holiday was to begin after sundown that evening, which was a Wednesday, fol• 323-965-1544 •

lowed immediately by the Sabbath, which would not end until late Saturday night. If she missed her flight, there was no way she could get home before Sunday afternoon. And her son was leaving for camp Sunday morning! Everything was falling apart. She still had to help David pack -- and how would she get him to the airport on Sunday? Even if he got a ride from a friend, how could she miss sending him off on his first long trip away from home? And where would she stay for the next three days -- so she could properly observe the holiday and Sabbath? These thoughts played over and over in her head until they finally announced that Flight 181 was ready for boarding. She fretted the entire way from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh, hoping and praying that she would make it. As the plane landed and arrived at the terminal, she grabbed her duffel bag and dashed to the exit, slightly crazed. She ran all the way to the connecting flight, but it was no use. The flight to Los Angeles had already left. "Oh, no!" she cried aloud, suddenly paralyzed by her anger and frustration. For a moment she just stood there and sobbed, feeling the sting of life's unfairness. After a few minutes, she'd calmed down and gathered her wits about her. She called her rabbi in Los Angeles. "Stay in Pittsburgh for the holiday and the Sabbath," he advised her. "We'll help you with your son. Find a Jewish family to stay with." Since she didn't know anyone in Pittsburgh, she tried to reach some local synagogues. But with the holiday approaching, their offices were closed. She tried a few other Jewish organizations. No luck. Panic began to overtake her again. She checked her wallet; she had almost no money. She had never felt so helpless.


November 5, 2010

Then, suddenly, the name Abraham Twerski popped into her head. He lived in Pittsburgh. Yes. Yes, she was sure of it. She remembered his name from inside the jacket cover of his book, "From Generation to Generation." He runs a hospital for drug addicts in Pittsburgh! I must find him! She took a cab to Twerski's hospital, spending nearly all the cash she had. She bolted inside and found Dr. Twerski's office, but it was empty. She uttered another cry of despair. Marilyn found one of the doctor's associates. "Please give me his number at home," she asked. "I'm sorry, I can't do that," the associate replied. Marilyn explained her situation, but her frenetic, panicked manner only made the associate more nervous. "Of all people, the rabbi would understand," Marilyn pleaded. "Please, you have to help me. I don't even have any money left for a cab." Marilyn's distress was so genuine that the associate finally said she would call Dr. Twerski's son, who also worked in the hospital. She called him at home, and he arranged for Marilyn to spend the holiday and Sabbath with a family near the Twerski residence. Dr. Twerski's son arrived at the hospital twenty minutes later and drove Marilyn to the neighbor's house. She almost couldn't contain her gratitude and relief. As he dropped her off, he wished her a happy holiday. "And you too, happy holiday," she replied. "And thank you again! " Marilyn's hostess greeted her warmly at the door, surrounded by the exquisite aroma of freshly baked bread. "We're delighted to have you," she said. "Come, let me show you to your room." She led Marilyn upstairs and left her alone. Relieved but still worried about her son, Marilyn immediately called a good • 323-965-1544 •

friend in Venice to make sure he would be taken care of and would get to the airport all right. Then she called David and explained what had happened. She concealed her own disappointment, reassuring herself that he was in good hands. Then Marilyn lay back on the bed, exhausted and hungry, and began to relax for the first time in hours. She replayed the day's tiring events in her head. She freshened up and went downstairs. The house was full of holiday spirit, and the good cheer and smells of cooking were intoxicating. She lit candles with the other women in the dining room as they waited for the men to return from prayer at the synagogue. The men arrived with great noise and abundant greetings, and the family sat Marilyn at a place of honor for the evening meal. The warmth and the joyous songs uplifted and enraptured Marilyn in a way she hadn't expected -creating a sense of openness inside her to whatever destiny had to offer. When she went to bed that night, she fell into a deep and peaceful sleep. The next day, it was arranged that Marilyn would have lunch at the Twerksi's home nearby. After hearing of Marilyn's mishaps, Mrs. Twerski said, "There must be a reason for all this." At lunch, Marilyn felt the magic of the previous night lingering inside her. Across the table, several men were engaged in various conversations, and one of them, Steven, began to catch her attention. He had light, kind eyes and a warm manner, and he displayed an admirable conviction in his beliefs. He was also quite funny. Every so often Marilyn laughed at one of his offhanded comments, and as the meal progressed, it seemed his lighthearted jokes were meant especially for her. At the end of the meal, Steven offered to walk Marilyn home. They walked slowly, talking easily and comfortably. It

was not long before Marilyn felt as though she had known him all her life. She was disappointed when they arrived at the house where she was staying, hoping for any excuse to continue talking. For the rest of the day, all she could think about was Steven.

home the next morning. The telephone rang. It was Steven.

The next morning, over coffee, she asked her hostess where Steven would be having lunch after the morning synagogue service. Marilyn arranged to eat lunch in the same place. But when lunchtime came, Steven didn't appear. When Marilyn made some casual inquiries about him, she found out he was dating someone. Oh, how could I have been so wrong? Marilyn thought. Was I the only one feeling a connection? She thought that perhaps the wine and song from the night before had deluded her, and she couldn't help feeling disappointed.

"I changed my lunch plans and came over the next day to where you're staying so we could have lunch together. But I guess you went somewhere else." Marilyn smiled, but decided not to say anything. "Are you leaving tomorrow?" he asked.

On Saturday night, Marilyn quietly packed her few things for her trip back

"Hi. I so enjoyed talking to you," he said. Marilyn's heart skipped a beat. "Me, too."

"Yes. First thing in the morning." "Would you like to go out for a drink tonight?" "Yes," Marilyn answered. "I would." That night they went out, and their connection felt just as strong as it had at lunch two days before. And as it turned out, he wasn't dating anyone seriously. The next day he drove her to the airport.

When Marilyn got home, she was just pulling her key out of the latch when the telephone rang. It was Steven. "Was your trip all right?" he asked. "Yes. I just walked in." Then he dispensed with further small talk. "I'd like to come to L.A. to see you." The next week, Steven went to L.A. and not long afterward, Marilyn visited him in Pittsburgh. Five weeks later, neither of them had doubts about their feelings for each other, and they became engaged. After they married, they settled in Pittsburgh, not far from the Twerskis, and they had four children together. But their fated match was set in motion long before fog delayed Marilyn's flight. Who was the young gentleman who politely suggested that Dr. Twerski memorialize his Hasidic tales in a book? That gentleman was Steven. •

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November 5, 2010

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Yaakov was on the run, but he had nowhere to turn. Eisav, his brother, was out to kill him for stealing the blessings. His parents were old and could not harbor him. So for fourteen years he hid in the house of Study -- Yeshivas Shem V'Ever. But those years, too, passed, and now Yaakov was on his own, and about to stay in the home of his crafty uncle, Lavan, whose reputation for deceitfulness earned him the name Lavan HaArami. Between a brother like Eisav and an uncle like Lavan the only one Yaakov could turn to was Hashem. And so Yaakov spends a night under the stars and dreams of a ladder ascending to heaven. There are angels going up the ladder and others going down. In the dream Hashem appears to Yaakov and assures him that, "Behold, I am with you, and I will guard you wherever you go" (Genesis 28:15).

Jews take seriously until this very day. But Yaakov's request for "bread to eat and clothes to wear" seems more poetic than practical. Of course, bread is made to eat and clothes are made to wear! Is there anybody who eats clothing and wears bread? Why did Yaakov not just ask for bread and clothing? Sender Laib Aronin of Skokie, Illinois, gave me a beautiful sefer, A Student Looks At The Siddur. In it he quotes Shmuel Weintraub, a survivor of Bergen-Belsen and other death camps, who tells a story that I'd like to re-tell with fictitious characters. In Auschwitz, there were two inmates on different ends of the camp. Chaim was healthy enough to eat only half of his bread ration for a few days and so he stored the stale pieces for a time in the imminent future when he knew his strength would wane.

When Yaakov awakes and realizes the sanctity of his habitation, he, too, makes a commitment. "If Hashem will be with me and guard me on this way that I am going, and provide me with bread to eat and clothes to wear and return me to my father's house in peace…the stone I have set will become a house of Hashem and all that he gives me I will forever tithe" (Genesis 20-22).

Dovid, at the other end of the camp, had no strength to save bread. He ate all that he had every day and hoped it would be enough to survive. What he did manage to scrounge was scraps of cloth, which he sewed ever-sostealthily to make an extra blanket in dire foreboding of the coming winter.

Yaakov pleads with Hashem for food, shelter, and warmth. He wants no more than the basic necessities of life. In return, he pledges to build a house of the L-rd and give charitably. It is a wonderful commitment, one that

Months later, things got worse in Auschwitz. The nights were freezing and the rations dwindled. Dovid's blanket was of little use, for he was starving. Chaim's bread was worthless, for he was freezing. Each of the two heard about the other's needs. They also knew of their extra stashes. Dovid and Chaim had to trade their precious commodities to keep alive. The bread was bartered to keep Dovid warm, and the blanket was bartered to keep Chaim from freezing. But it did not help. Unfortunately, Dovid starved, and Chaim froze.


Yaakov Avinu knew that the world is filled with commodities. But the greatest blessing is to use the gifts for the purpose that they are intended. Bread was given to eat. Clothes to wear. All too often, we find that food and clothes are going for purposes not intended. Sometimes they are just wasted, and sometimes they are used to make extravagant statements. Yaakov had a proper perspective on life and asked for everything to fit into that perspective. And when the commodities of life are put in focus, man's needs follow easily as well. •

Designated Eater 34

November 5, 2010

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It is said that ever since G‑d created the world, He has been kept busy making shidduchim, making marriages. And that making a good match is as hard as the splitting of the Red

The second of 9 children, Yosef was a generous, well-loved person, fun loving and full of life, not afraid of anything. He was a loving brother. When his older brother wanted to spend h i s time learning in yeshiva, Yosef's parents asked the other children if they would be willing to help support him in the future if they were working and their brother was still learning. Yosef was the first son to say yes, he would help support his brother if he needed assistance. In fact, he changed his army insurance policy a month before he died, naming that brother as the beneficiary instead of his parents. Now his older brother, studying in yeshiva and married, is using Yosef's gift to support his family.

A Marriage Blessed In Heaven Sea. Forty days before a child is born a voice is heard: this person is destined for that one. Somehow our bashert, the person destined for us, waits for us. But that doesn't mean we find him. Gila and Ben found each other. And on the day of their wedding, each went to visit Yosef Goodman's grave in order to thank him. Ben left the wedding invitation at the grave. It was Yosef who was their matchmaker. Yosef had been in Maglan, an elite combat unit of the paratroopers of the Israeli army. Yosef enjoyed the freedom and excitement of parachuting. Even on the day of his accident, his friends told Yosef's mother that as he was jumping, he was happy and shouting. He, together with four others who were the best guys in the unit, was doing special training jumps. But this time – his 36th jump – something went terribly wrong. His commander's leg became entangled in the rope of Yosef's parachute. They started to spin quickly in circles. Yosef tried to save them both by cutting himself free from his parachute while opening up his emergency parachute. The commander landed safely. Yosef's emergency parachute was released but he was too close to the ground for it to fully open. Yosef Goodman died on February 2, 2006. He was 20. Yosef Goodman a"h


November 5, 2010

Yosef's parents, Ann and Mordechai Goodman, are immigrants from the States; Mordechai grew up in Texas, Ann in New York. Anne trained as a lawyer; Mordechai is the owner of Pizzeria Efrat, famous for its wonderful pizza and Ben & Jerry's ice cream. If you go to the pizza place, you often see the kids working there. Yosef put in many hours baking pies and delivering pizza. He was tall and lean, good-looking, and he loved to laugh. Gila Wolbromsky lives a few houses away from Yosef's family. Gila's younger brother was Yosef's good friend. They grew up together; all their childhood stories are shared ones. One Friday afternoon, when Yosef came home from the army for Shab• 323-965-1544 •

bat, he went over to Gila's house and told her that he wanted to set her up with his former commander, Ben Berdichev. Though Ben had completed his army service, he and Yosef still spoke often on the phone and had a very close relationship. When Yosef told Gila about wanting to set her up, she didn't think that he was serious. She was already dating somebody and she didn't think much about the suggestion. Two and half weeks later Yosef died in the parachuting accident. Gila's last conversation with Yosef had been about Ben. The day he died, Yosef called Ben. "Did you call her yet?" he asked. Ben said: "We'll speak about it later." He wasn't planning on calling. He was going to Australia to work at a Jewish day school and he didn't think it made sense to try to begin a new relationship when he was leaving. But Yosef insisted, and Ben promised he would call. But Ben didn't call. After Yosef was killed, during the week of shiva, Ben spent a lot of time at the Goodman house. He wanted to be there, to grieve and to talk about Yosef. Gila saw him there, but she had no idea that he was the commander that Yosef had been talking about. But he heard her name there, and knew who she was. "The last day of the shiva, Ben came over to me and apologized to me. I didn't know why. But then I realized that he was Ben. Yosef had been serious and he had given Ben my number and made him promise to

call me," Gila said. "You have nothing to apologize about," she told him. "I promised Yosef I would call." That was the beginning of their relationship. They kept on meeting, even though they are very different and Ben was soon to leave for his trip to Australia. Gila grew up in an observant home, Ben's family was not religiously observant. Gila didn't know why Yosef had put them together. They started seeing each other and when Ben went to Australia, after six months, Gila went to visit him. Ben returned from Australia early, after ten months, because he wanted to be with Gila. Once they were dating, they told the Goodman family about their relationship. Ben and Gila worried because they felt that in some way they were an extension of Yosef. If they broke up, would it be a blow to the Goodman family? But Ann and Mordechai told them to feel free to do whatever they needed. Not to feel any pressure. Soon they were making plans to be married. "Our wedding was in October. The wedding was meant to be outdoors but during the reception there was a dramatic rainstorm with thunder and lightening, and the wedding was moved indoors at the last minute, with the guests' help. The night Yosef died had also been a rainy night with thunder and lightning. We felt that Yosef was dancing with us," says Gila. Mordecahi, Yosef's father, was honored with a blessing under the chupah. He said, "I am saying this blessing instead of your matchmaker, Yosef." Ann Goodman says, "When they got married it was almost two years after Yosef died, and it was a wonderful feeling: I felt that I was still getting nachat, pleasure, from Yosef." Both Ben and Gila feel privileged to have Yosef play such an important role in their lives. They know that their marriage is truly a match blessed in heaven. • By Sherri Mandell Sherri Mandell is the author of The Blessing of a Broken Heart, a collection of essays and stories written after her son Kobi's murder. The Blessing of a Broken Heart is available from all fine book sellers, Amazon and Sherri has established the The Koby Mandell Foundation in her son’s honor.


November 5, 2010

• 323-965-1544 •

Do You Have a Dark Side? By Aron Moss

Question: My child always blames everyone else for his own misbehaviour. It's always "he started it," "she made me do it," and nothing is ever his fault. How can I teach him to take responsibility for his actions and not shift blame to others?

Response: Yesterday my two year old son snatched a toy from his older sister. She was about to throttle him, so I intervened. I saw this as a chance to impart some Jewish wisdom, so I explained to my daughter the idea of our two inner voices - the Yetzer Tov and the Yetzer Hara. There's a voice inside that tells me to be upright, moral and well-behaved. This is my drive to be good, called the Yetzer Tov. But I also have a deviant and rebellious side, an inner voice that tries to convince me to do whatever is wrong and hurtful and selfish, known as the Yetzer Hara. These two voices constantly battle to win me over. I have to choose which side gets the upper hand. And I am responsible for my choice. If I listen to my darker side, then I only have myself to blame. So before my daughter had the chance to attack her brother I asked her, "Are you going to listen to your Yetzer Hara and hit your brother, or are you going to listen to your Yetzer Tov and just find something else to play with?" This turned things around. Instead of being in a fight with her brother, she was now facing an inner struggle of evil versus good. She can no longer excuse her behaviour by saying, "He started it." No matter who started it, if she hits him, she has made a bad choice. It was her own Yetzer Hara that she succumbed to. On the other hand, if she chooses not to hurt her brother and walks away she is not a loser, but a winner. She didn't lose a fight with her brother, but rather won a battle with her own evil inclination. Either way, the choice is hers, and she is responsible for that choice. She thought about it for a second, and then made her choice. She gave her brother a whack in the face. Well, at least I tried. But it was not a failure. Even though she didn't do what I wanted her to do, she heard what I had to say. This episode reinforced in her little mind the idea that there is an inner battle of good and evil. In the long run, with repetition and patience, that message will sink in. Kids fight. They won't change so quickly. But by moving the battleground from the outside to a battle within, we can help our children channel their aggression toward fighting their own evil, and in the end, their own good side will win. •


November 5, 2010

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November 5, 2010

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•! Pwfs!31!zfbst!pg!fyqfsjfodf! I have developed a coaching system that works with the three stages of marriage: Before, During & When in crisis. Marriage Coach • Pre Marriage Private Teachings • Dating Coach • Pastoral Marriage Couseling • Marrige Degree Seminars

Call early before it’s too late...



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Commercial & Residential Insurance

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November 5, 2010

• 323-965-1544 •

Engagements Chayale Sharfstein & Yossi Kreiman

Weddings Tallie Kamel & Yehuda Nourollah Esther Malka Brander & Eliyahu Heller Devroah Small & Mendel Jacobson

Births - Boys Liz Blima & Shloime Roz Shmuly & Ilana Kornfeld Estee & Yisroel Yosef Levitansky Chaya & Yosef Flomin Moriah & Yudi Schmukler Galanit & Joshua Kopple Florence & Ari Leubitz

Births - Girls Liron Elkan & Nuri Miller Reyna & Jeff Zack

Send us your mazel tovs to

FRIDAY, NOV. 5, 2010 Light Candles: 5:40 pm ••• FRIDAY, NOV. 12, 2010 Light Candles: 4:34 pm ••• FRIDAY, NOV. 19, 2010 Light Candles: 4:30 pm


November 5, 2010

Calfornia Kosher Kitchen Toasted Israeli Couscous with Vegetables and Lemon-Balsamic Vinaigrette


• 1/2 pound Israeli couscous • Salt • 12 spears asparagus, grilled and cut into 1/4-inch pieces • 1 zucchini, halved, grilled and cut into 1-inch pieces • 1 yellow squash, halved, grilled and cut into 1-inch pieces • 2 large red peppers, grilled, peeled and diced into bite-size pieces • 1/2 cup kalamata olives, pitted and chopped • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil leaves • Freshly ground black pepper • Lemon-Balsamic Vinaigrette, recipe follows Lemon-Balsamic Vinaigrette: • 1 small shallot, minced • 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice • 1 teaspoon lemon zest • 3 tablespoons aged balsamic vinegar • 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar • Salt and freshly ground black pepper • 3/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil

Directions Heat large saute pan on grates of the grill over medium heat. Add couscous and toast until lightly golden brown. Bring 6 cups of water to a boil over high heat, add 1 tablespoon salt and toasted couscous and cook until al dente. Drain well and place in a large bowl. Add grilled vegetables, olives, basil, and vinaigrette and toss until combined; season with salt and pepper. Let sit at room temperature for 30 minutes before serving or cover and refrigerate.

• 323-965-1544 •


November 5, 2010

• 323-965-1544 •

1. The number 3 on the ground is flipped. 2. The white box in the back has moved to the right. 3. The wording on the boys t-shirt is gone. 4. The boy standing in the back is missing. 5. The boy kippah went from green to blue. 6. The girl is the backgrounds shirt has changed from blue to pink. 7. The sticker on the side of the truck is missing. 8. The white sign in the back is missing. 9. The boy jumping in the back is facing the other direction. 10. The railing in the back has only one pole.

qq qq qq qq qq CHANGES KEEP SCORE


Picture byDavid Miller Studios 2010

Double Take YOUR Pictures! Please email us your event pictures to JEWLICIOUS IS REPAIRING THE WORLD ONE BLOCK AT A TIME! Jewlicious Presents Tikkunfest, a Unique Community Service Festival which spread over 18 Blocks of Pico Blvd. in Los Angeles on Sunday, October 24, 2010

TIKKUNFEST Can you spot the differences in these two pictures?



To place an ad CALL 323-965-1544 FOR SALE






A Perfect Setting Great gifts for all occasions- invited out for a Shabbos meal? Baby gifts...Bas Mitzvah g i f t s . . . We d d i n g gifts...House warming gifts...Don't put it off. Come in today and go out relieved. Call for a special appointment

323-938-8222 or 323-6203618 ask for Rochel -692-


Channa Tellis Dress Maker & Expert Alterations with 40 yrs of exp. Now selling & renting bridal dresses. Shaitel hair extensions, & also available for Sewing Classes.

Please Call 323-933-5960 or 323-348-8786




Yosef Y. Shagalov:

Traveling Notary Public & Home Signing Agent.

Cell:(323)934-7095 email:

MUSIC GUITAR INSTRUCTION Private Lessons or small Group . Learn the Univeral Language of Music with a Jewish Accent!


Music by Ariel Louk

One man band to a full orchestra Contact now for availability & rates


The David Sudaley Band Full Band or One-Man Band


(also includes beautiful cello playing)

EASY PIANO/KEYBOARD LESSONS Fun method of learning. Jewish music & classical music. Also available to teach cello. Years of teaching experience.

DAVID SUDALEY 323 270-4613

Piano Lessons

Call anytime for an appt.

Weddings, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, Sheva Brachas and more! We also run games for Bar and Bat Mitzvahs!

Eli's One Man Band

for all your simchas and special events. For more info Please call Eli Stiefel 310-4625368 or email -1510-


Abi Notaries Public Your place/ Our place No appointment need it!! (EnglishSpanish-French-Italian-Yiddi sh-Portuguese-Hebrew) 24/6 524 N. La Brea Ave Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-930-0444 (office) 323646-2356 (Cell x after hours)


What do I do when my child (fill in your least acceptable behavior)? Take the best parenting class in town to learn how to deal with misbehavior, discouragement and poor school performance. In addition, acquire all the skills necessary to raise confident, independent, and responsible children. Appropriate for ages 0-5, 6-11, and teens. Individual or group sessions. Affordable. Call Irine Schweitzer, LCSW for more information,

LEARN TORAH *Any Subject *Anytime *Anyplace

Have no time to attend a class, but want to learn? Personal qualified teacher can learn with you. Any topic - at a time and place to suit your schedule. Reasonable rates:

Call Rabbi Rimler (310) 738-7670 BOOKKEEPING

For all your bookkeeping needs


323 270-4613

will help you eliminate unwanted hair! Doctor referred over 10 years in the community. Reasonable rates, Flexible hours open Sundays by appt.

Parenting With Wisdom


@ 818 754-4501. -1548-


Robin Schultz Ackerman


Piano Lessons for adult & children over six. At your location. First Lesson free. Resonable rates. Call Lidia

310.289.5039 or 310.926.7761

November 5, 2010


310-595-5490 MENDELS@GMAIL.COM

• 323-965-1544 •

Are you Unemployed and collecting Unemployment Benefits? FULL Financial Aid is available to unemployed individuals. Receive career training at NO COST to YOU. These funds are available through President Obama’s Economic Stimulus Package. Act now while funds are available. Los Angeles ORT Technical Institute has several Nationally Accredited Career Training Programs. Please call 323-966-5444. Ask for Flora or Jesse. 800.998.2678-784-

Raizy Grossman 310-279-2139

Tutor Available English, Math, History Tutor Help your child stay on track Frum tutor with years of Yeshiva Teaching experience 310 284-8829

A Time for Dance JOIN THE FUN THIS SUMMER! come join the fun!! Offering Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Gymnastics, Modern, Kickboxing, Acting, Singing and more! Girls and Women. All levels available. 3 convenient locations. Beverly / Labrea, Pico/Robertson and North Hollywood (323) 404-0827 www. -






Female wanted to share

Beverly Hills Adjacent

FOR SALE Bev/La Brea 4 bedroom, Pool Guest Apt. Kosher Kitchen

Charming 2 bedroom & 2 bath Apt. Fireplace, French Doors & all mod Amenities Kosher Kitchen. or 805 722-7856

Home for Sale or Rent 4 Bedroom 2 Bath Vintage Luxury Home w/ full kitchen and bath guest house, floors, Lrg Luxury Granite Kitchen w/ pantry, vaulted ceilings, breakfast room, formal dining room, Jacuzzi, 2 car garage, Laundry, Waterfall and Sauna. Lots of Builtins. 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment w/ hardwood floors. Pico/Robertson for lease. ••• Modern, Private Studio Guest House with full kitchenette and bath, all utilities included. 2nd floor. Separate entrance. $1095 per month. Pico Robertson area. ••• 1 bedroom apartment. Hardwood floors. Large kitchen and bedroom. Full bath. Pico robertson area. $1175 per month. ••• Commercial Kosher kitchen with full pro equipment + refrigerator & freezer in Santa Monica. Call Mike 818-974 4606

FOR RENT One bedroom House, with units behind. 1000+ sq. ft. large bright living room and dining room. FOR LEASE Storefront Fairfax & So of Olympic, approx 1500 sq. ft. Call Margalit: Miller Real Estate& Management 310.210.3038


Large bright room, private entrance, Kitchen Privileges, Walk to Shuls. Non Smoker, Small pet possibly ok. Please call 310-385-0135 GUEST HOUSE FOR RENT

Brand new two bedroom guest house available in Pico/Robertson area. Kitchen, Bathroom, & Small Living room. $1,000 monthly. Please Call 818-508-8811



November 19, 2010


Please call

In Beverly Hills, Pico/Robertson area, Large private room included: Large walk-in closet, Kosher kitchen, full bath room, private entrance,and parking area. W. 323-931-2777 H. 310-278-0165

323.965.1544 or email us at


DRE Lic. #963418

Roommate Wanted Female wanted to share charming 2 bedroom & 2 bath Apt in Pico/ Robertson. Fireplace,French Doors & all mod amenities Kosher Kitchen. or (805) 722-7856 #1718.9053

Call Daniel @ (310) 925 - 9972

Next Advertising Deadline

November 12, 2010

After School Program Site Great location for child centered after school or homework programs. 7,500 sq. ft. play yard. 10,000 sq. ft. indoor space. rent all or just a part. Available weeknights after 5:00 pm and on Sundays. No long term lease required! The yard includes modern child play equipment (climbing structure, slides) and swings. Please Call (310) 288-5920

November 5, 2010

Marketing Sales Associates Needed Publications Seeking English, Farsi and Hebrew speaking experienced marketing sales associates for growing Jewish publications. Knowledge of Jewish customs required. Commission based. Please send resume to: A young organized, reliable orthodox women with 13 years experience in secretarial and bookeeping is looking for a office position speak Hebrew and English 310-9168019. SALES PERSON WANTED

Excellent Opportunity for highly motivated sales person to work for growing business. For further information please email us at info@community Ref #1980 • 323-965-1544 •


Look ing for an Educ ational Aide who is warm, responsible, to work in a Jewish Day school in Thousand Oaks for an 10 year o l d b o y. S p e c i a l e d u cation experienced preferred and or teaching experience. Pleas e c all 818-708-1989

Employment Wanted Mature pleasant hard working Jewish applicant seeking position, either general office or Medical Assistant front office. Within 5 miles of Pico/Olympic, Medical & general experience, recently graduated from college needs position urgently do a mitzvah and give me a chance please call 310-967-0189.

TAKE OVER MY LEASE!! Get Paid $2,000 to continue my Lease. Infiniti FX 35 2009 in Great Condition. Exterior Slate Blue Interior Black Fully loaded, $0 down $560 p/m and 18 month remaining. Must be credit qualified with Infiniti Financial Contact Yossi @ 646-247-0036

Dining Guide Listing Please Call 323-965-1544 MEAT Afshan Restaurant RCC 106 W. 9th St. LA, (213) 622-1010 Bocca Steakhouse RCC 16610 Ventura. Encino, 91436 (818) 905-5855 Café Del Mar Meat Kehila 12526 Burbank Blvd. N.H. 91607 (818) 487-8171 Chic N Chow Kehila 9301 West Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 274-5595 Chinese and Kabob Kehila 9180 Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 274-4007 Circa RCC 433 N. Fairfax Avenue, LA, 90036 323-653-1941 Cohen’s Restaurant RCC 316 E Pico Blvd # F LA, CA 90015 (213) 742-8888 Elat Burger Ben Zaken 9340 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 278-4692 Elite Cuisine RCC 7119 Beverly Blvd. LA, 90036 (323) 930-1303 Shawarma Express Kehila 5577 Reseda Blvd. Tarzana, 9135 (818) 342-2226 Glatt Hut RCC 9303 W. Pico Blvd. 90035 (310) 246-1900 Golan RCC 13075 Victory Blvd. N. H, 91606 (818) 763-5344 Got Kosher? RCC 8914 W. Pico Blvd. 90035 (310) 858-1920 Habayit Bukspan 11921 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90064 (310) 479-5444 Haifa Ben Zaken 8717 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 888-7700

Jeffs Gourmet Kehila 8930 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 858-8590



Kosher Chicks RCC 186081/2Ventura Blvd. Tarzana, 91356 (818) 343-8800

Tierra Sur at Herzog Winery 3201 Camino DelSol Oxnard (818) 752-6866

La Gondola Kehila 9025 Wilshire Blvd. BH, 90211 (310) 247-1239

Smokin’ Rabbi Furst 12514 Burbank Boulevard, Valley Village, CA 91607 (805) 983-1560

La Glatt RCC 446 Fairfax Ave. LA, 90036 (323) 658-7730



Nagilla Pizza Kehila 9411 West Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 788-0111 Nana Cafe RCC 1509 S Robertson Blvd. (310) 407-0404 Pacific Pizza RCC - Cholov Yisroel & Pas Yisroel 12460 Oxnard St. N. Hollywood (818) 760-0087

Mashu Mashu RCC 12510 Burbank Blvd. 91607 (818)752-ASIA (2742)

Beverly Cafe Elite RCC 7113 Beverly Blvd. LA, 90035 (323) 931-3563

Pico Cafe Kehila 8944 W Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310)385-9592

Metro Glatt RCC 8975 W. Pico Blvd. 90035 (310) 275-4420

Bibis Warmstone Kehila 8928 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 246-1788

Pizza Maven Kehila 140 North La Brea Blvd. 90036 (323) 857-0353

Nagilla Meating Place Kehila 9407 West Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 788-0119

Bramis Pizza

(818) 342-0611

Pizza Nosh Rabbi Ami Markel 30313 Canwood St. A.H. 91301 (818) 991-3000

Café Del Mar Dairy Kehila 12526 Burbank Blvd. N.H. 91607 (818) 487-8171

Pizza Station Kehila 8965 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 276-8708

Circa RCC 8622 W Pico Blvd, Los Angeles (310) 854-0592

Pizza World Kehila 365 Fairfax Ave. LA, 90036 (323) 653-2896

Delice Kehila 8583 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 289-6556

Sassis Sushi Kehila 16550 Ventura, Encino, 91436 (818) 783-2727

Fish Grill Kehila 7226 Beverly Blvd. LA, 90036 (323) 937-7162 12013 Wilshire Blvd. LA, 90025 (310) 479-1800 9618 W. Pico Blvd. 90035 (310) 860-1182 22935 Pacific Coast Highway (310) 456-8585

Shalom Pizza RCC 8715 West Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 271-2255

Jerusalem Pizza Kehila

HUMMUS KING Kehilla 12422 BURBANK BLVD. VALLEY VILLAGE 91607 818.509.7999

Orange Delight Kehila 13628 Ventura Blvd. SO, 91423 (818) 788-9896 Pats Kehila 9233 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 205-8705 Pico Kosher Deli RCC 8826 West Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 273-9381 Pita Way RCC 8532 Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 652-5236 Sassis Kehila 15622 Ventura, Encino, 91436 (818) 986-5345 Shanghai Kehila 9401 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 553-0998

17942 Ventura Blvd. Encino, CA 91316

Shilohs Kehila 8939 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 858-1652

(818) 758-9595 La Brea Bagel Kehilla 7308 Beverly Blvd. LA, 90036 (323) 965-1287

Subway Kehila 8948 W Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 274-1222

La Pizza Rabbi Furst 12515 Burbank Blvd. N.H, 91607 (818) 760-8198

Schnitzle Kehila 9216 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 786-8282 Temptation Grill Kehila 17547 Ventura B. Encino, 91316 (818) 995-4700 The Meating Place KCA 30313 Canwood St. AH, 91301 (818) 706-1255

November 5, 2010


17736 ShermanWay, Reseda 91326

Milk N Honey RCC 8837 West Pico Blvd LA, 90035 (310) 858-8850

Unique Cafe Rabbi Aron Simkin 18381 Ventura Blvd. Tarzana (818) 757-3100


Fish In The Village RCC 12450 Burbank Blvd. N.H, 91607 (818) 769-0085 Le Sushi RCC 12524 Burbank Blvd N.H. 91607 (818) 763-6600 SushiKo RCC 9340 West Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 274-3474

Milky Way Kehila 9108 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 859-0004

• 323-965-1544 •


November 5, 2010

• 323-965-1544 •



CHANOCH LNAAR A UNIQUE PARENTING COURSE given by MRS. DINA FRIEDMAN Listen at your convenience via teleconference, telephone, or online.

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