Issue 236 virtual

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July 26 - August 2, 2 0 1 3

Vol. 10 Issue 236

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Touro T ou o urro College Collllegge Angeles Los An ngelles An An Education Education Y You ou o C Can an D Depend ep On

Op Open en House House Information Information SSession: ession: Wednesday, Wednesdaay, August August 7t 7thh at at 8pm. 8pm. P Please lease ccall all ttoo R RSVP SVP an andd ffor or lo location cation iinformation nformation FFall all 2013 Semester Semester B Begins egins August August 26th For mor For moree information, please call 323-822-9700 x 85155 or email TOURO TOURO COLLEGE COLLEGE LLOS OS ANGELES IS A DIVISION OF TTOURO OURO UUNIVERSITY NIVERSIT Y W WORLDWIDE, ORLDWIDE, W WHICH HICH IS AACCREDITED CCREDITED BBYY TTHE HE AACCREDITING CCREDITING CCOMMISSION OMMISSION FOR SSENIOR ENIOR CCOLLEGE OLLEGE AAND ND UUNIVERSITIES NIVERSITIES OF TTHE HE WES WESTERN TERN ASSO ASSOCIATION CIATION OF SC SCHOOLS HOOLS AAND ND CCOLLEGES: OLLEGES: 9985 85 AATLANTIC TLANTIC AAVE. VE. ##100, 100, AL ALAMEDA, AMEDA, CCAA 994501-6444: 4501-644444: TEL TEL.. 5510-748-9001. 10-748-9001. TTOURO OURO CCOLLEGE OLLEGE LLOS OS ANGELES IS AN AN EQUAL EQUAL OPPORTUNITY OPPORTUNIT Y INSTITUTION. INSTITUTION.

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