The Jewish Link #252

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vwwc FORMERLY THE COMMUNITY LINKS TH JULY 4, 2014 VOL. 11 11 • t ISSUE ISSUE #251 AUGUST 6, 2014t •611THOF ofTAMMUZ, TAMMUZ, 5774 5774 •t VOL. #252



The Moral Costs of Jewish Education Waze And Means Iron DomeDefensive Weapon Robert Rechnitz Honored More on page 2 Jewish Medicalthe Ethics Emek Services Community

6 Darko Reasons Parents Choose

encourages individualism 9Motivation is self-initiated. Children 9 Darko naturally want to learn & grow when and creativity. learn by doing. 9 Children Experiential field trips are built into the curriculum our self-paced, individualized 9 With curriculum, children don’t feel held back or that they must go quicker because of peer pressure.

they experience real success. empowers children to get in 9Darko touch with themselves by helping them discover their G-d gifted talents. inspires children to think big 9Darko and go after their dreams.

Pico/Robertson  323-244-4136  

The Future of Jewish Education is Already Here.

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