A startup company is a company that is in the early stages, most founders finance their own company as they get going; this is called bootstrapping. Some founders apply for grants, some apply for investments…some jump right into sales.
Creating a company for founders is at the core of thier passion, strengths, skill set, and the ability to see a problem and solve that problem.
Read the 2022 April Issue HERE! A look into the life of an entrepreneur! It is a MUST read!
Being a founder of a startup ‘feels’ and can be “lonely” but starting a business is a collaboration and it takes an entire community to make a business successful.
The term "startup" was first coined during the dot-com boom of the 1990s, and it has since become a popular term to describe a new, fastgrowing business.
FUN FACT by Samir
“Choose your partners carefully. Friendship and business are not always the same. Alignment of not only values, but expectations is key.” Sarah Hawco, CPA CA, LLM, CIRP, Q. Arb., CFE www.hawcopeters.com
“Documents: A partnership or shareholders’ agreement should always be done.” Sarah Hawco
“What I wish I knew sooner when it comes to business – that it’s not a one size fits all.” Amie U. Sharing the Manual & Rethink Your Financial Health
“My advice to any entrepreneur is to surround yourself with visionaries, not dream thieves.”
“My advice to startups is get out there and network. Meet and talk to new people because you never know when and where your next inspirational conversation will happen.” Jade
Alberts Founder of Peer Guidance.“My advice to founders is when you fail, “fail forward.” Learn from mistakes and move forward. See mistakes as learning opportunities and a critical part of the growth process. Keep putting yourself out there in different ways and keep your eye on your strengths because they will get you through the hard bits. Focus on the strong not the wrong.”
Christina Henderson Owner, Peerspective Consulting“THE JOURNEY IS WHAT LEADS YOU TO THE BEGINNING OF YOUR STORY.”Photo: Chris Edwards
Valhalla is a full-service corporate finance firm focused on earlystage entrepreneurs. They have the largest angel network in Western Canada, a suite of investment funds, education, training & mentorship programs, and M&A advisory services. Valhalla serves the entire lifecycle needs of entrepreneurs who operate businesses and entrepreneurs who invest in businesses.
If you have the capacity for investing it helps the community. Start ups employ people and are always looking toward a brighter future.
-Pete LafontaineInvesting The importance, risk, & collaboration.
If you watch the headlines for mainstream media, social media and or innovation and business news you will see an uprise in startups and see hundreds of millions of dollars being investing into the tech sector for startups. The majority of these funds are coming from smaller deals, from seed asset classes of investors. They are fueling the next generation of companies, founders, and deal flow.
“We have a deliberate strategy to create greater collaboration between earlystage investment community not only in Alberta, but nationally and further afield,” says Teruel Carrasco, Valhalla Private Capital President. “We want to address the evolution of private investment from an equality and diversity perspective. This is an important part of making the asset class more welcoming for investors and all founders alike.”
Canada’s early-stage investors, founders and organizations met on March 22, 2023, Valhalla in partnership with Plug & Play Alberta, held their first Vantage, Early Stage Investing Summit. This day long event explored how the sector can create more opportunities for startups, investors, and the overall economy.
The event was filled with panel discussions which included several of Canada’s under the radar angels, start-up founders, and leaders within the investing and startup ecosystems.
Valhalla Private Capital is the perfect example of what collaboration looks like. In an ecosystem that is competitive and driven by innovative thinking; Valhalla is leading the way by bringing all sectors together to discuss how we can do more, be better, and why more people should get involved in supporting, and growing startups at the early stages and ALL the way through the business lifecycle.
Valhalla & Plug and Play Alberta brought investors and founders together; including (but not limited to) Alberta Innovates, Good Lawyer, Alberta iOt, Phoenix Fire, Axiom International Financial Services, Entuive Compliance, Aspen Properties, Start Me UP PR Inc. Metiguity Ventures, Weave Capital, all through the Vantage, Early Stage Investing Summit.
Learn More: Home (valhallaprivatecap.com)
“ Our early-stage investment network needs nurturing and growth to move deal flow,” says Carrasco, “Vantage is one of many initiatives Valhallla has planned in the coming year to help support founders and bring together firms to work in collaboration resulting in exceptional returns for all.”
“Investing in startups is investing in our economy.”
- Marco Donadeo
Meet, Marco Donadeo. A venture capitalist based out of Edmonton, Alberta, born & raised in Calgary, Alberta.
Marco was a panelist at the Valhalla’s Vantage, Early Stage Investing 2023 Summit. The panel had a focus on investing in startups, at the early stages. The panel talked about the risk, the challenges, and most importantly the impact investing in earlystage startups has on not only the startups but the economy.
When the panel was asked what they look for when investing in early stage starts ups, every panelist stated that it came down to the founder.
“For me it is about sales. Can the founders sell their idea, product, or service, then coachability, and accountability.” Stated Marco, who went onto explain that the founders and who they are, who their team is, their passion, their ability to learn and their experience in their industry plays a huge roll in the venture capital selection process.
Marco loves sharing his knowledge and helping others advance their knowledge on new business opportunities, entrepreneurship, start-ups, and all things fintech. He takes pride in knowing that his work today will impact tomorrow.
During his undergraduate studies, he was awarded for his excellence in managing the Dombrowski Student Managed Investment Portfolio, notably, his investment interest did not
start here. At the age of 12 he had the opportunity to invest in his first company. With the help of his dad and along side his two brothers his dad taught Marco how to invest, manage a portfolio and what to do through the whole investment process. “My dad was a very smart man who was a hands-on dad, and I am fortunate that he took pride in teaching and sharing his skill set with us while also encouraging us.” Since then, he has continued to excel in his career and manage multi-million-dollar portfolios.
Jefferson, sat on a panel discussion at the Valhalla’s Vantage, Early Stage Investing 2023 Summit. Jefferson represented the startup community along with the startup support community.
Jefferson created eimhe from his lived experience with mental health challenges. This inspired him to imagine a collective way to experience wellness, supercharged by cutting-edge technology.
Eimhe stands for Emotional Intelligence and Mental Health
Eimhe brings support by helping people share, understand, and address their feelings in a safe space. Eimhe is a peer support solution creating its own category, and has been recognized by many mental health stakeholders, startup investors and the community at large. Eimhe, is set to become a de facto in corporate wellness.
“Today, 65% of GenZ adults and over half of the millennials feel isolated due to mental health challenges.” States Jefferson.
“The stigma behind mental health remains critical.”
Jefferson also plays a very active role in the startup ecosystem encouraging others to learn and participate. He is an ambassador for group 3737; Canadas largest startup incubator focusing on ethnocultural diversity, and he recently became a startup mentor for the BIPOC Foundation and the Alchemist X.
He believes in creating contagious success and being part of the solution to existing
funding for under-represented groups. His recipe for success is resumed in passion, purpose, and profit.
Jefferson hopes to increase emotional intelligence amongst people and their communities with eimhe and is excited to incorporate eihme into workplace wellness.
Learn more: Eimhe
Sugar beets are an important crop contributing millions to Alberta's economy. While beets are generally hardy, the freeze and thaw cycles of Alberta's winter can contribute to significant sucrose losses and crop damage.
Dr. Chandra Singh and his team at Lethbridge College are developing a remote, wireless monitoring system which allows for continuous monitoring to help prevent crop losses. #LearnHowABinnovates
Ladders are statistically the most dangerous household and workplace tool. In just the US, out of 500,000 ladder accidents requiring medical treatment yearly, 97.3% happen at home.
Meet LADDERAIL™ , designed to help save limbs, ligaments and lives.
LADDERAIL™ a universal step ladder handrail invented by local Calgary Founder Johnny Gian is now available.
LADDERAIL™ Key points
• Quick & Easy 1 Time Install and simple to use.
• Strong, compact, durable & weighs only 2.5 lbs - built to last.
• Overreaching and looking up can lead to loss of balance if you're not well supported. LADDERAIL helps you stay balanced and keeps you between the side rails.
• Make your ladder safer to use. Every step ladder needs one because warning labels are often ignored; It's a simple solution to an age-old problem.
How did you come up with the idea for the Ladder Rail?
Over 20 years ago I used to work on ladders daily and always felt unsafe at the top step of a ladder. I came up with the idea but held onto it until I was faced with period of unemployment. I used that time to build a prototype using my mechanical engineering and 3D designing education.
What has been your biggest challenge so far?
My greatest challenge was finding a manufacturer and getting a product made. After having the product, the next greatest challenge is marketing.
I have had many marketing companies praise my product and offer me help in marketing, but this also comes at a huge cost.
What advice would you give to other business owners?
Ignore the nay sayers. When I first started my IG account there were a lot of negative comments about the idea of LADDERAIL. But soon I was able to gather a decent following and positive comments the negative comments went away. Guess they realized they were the odd ones out.
Learn more: LADDERAIL™
Universal Step Ladder Safety
Handrail Attachment Accessory
1.First was making a working prototype. (end of 2018)
2. Self patented and trademarking Canada and USA. (2018-2023.) From started application to being granted patents)
3. Appearing on Dragons Den and received two offers. (2019)
4. Exhibiting at the National hardware show in Las Vegas. (2021) we had a booth in the inventor’s spotlight section and received good feedback from industry professionals and interested reps from Sherwin Williams, Costco international, Costco and the United States Air force.
5. Finding a manufacturer and developing an actual product. (2020-2023) we started working with a manufacturer in 2020, however, most of that year was wasted due to COVID lockdowns in China, but this also gave me time to design LADDERAIL so wasn't a total waste.
6. Knowing my product is helping people stay safe and having customers write positive reviews and saying things like "probably a life safer" and "game changer". Also, a handful of reorders which is the best validation a product can get. (2023)
Dr. Brad White and Precision Animal Solutions have developed the Remote Early Disease Identification (REDI) system, which uses animal behaviors to remotely identify bovine respiratory disease (BPD). This disease is one of the largest health challenges affecting calves, so accurate and inexpensive diagnosis is crucial for animal welfare. #LearnhowABinnovates
If you could give any start up advice, what would it be?
I believe we all should find comfort in carving out our own path to success. What’s so exciting about embarking on our own founder journeys is that there is no prescriptive path. It’s about exploring!
Outside of finding comfort in your own journey, my top three learnings so far include:
1. Build partnerships & find the right communities – Don’t do it all on your own or feel as though you need to start your own community from scratch to stand out! Managing your time is important and collaboration is the new competition.
2. Focus on your people versus your idea –Create a shared consciousness among your team. Learn how they think and what motivates them and create space for them to share their ideas. Leave your ego at the door because an adaptable business will survive longer in today’s environment compared to the best idea.
3. Fall in love with the journey – A conversation today might lead to business in a year. Go into every conversation as a sponge. Don’t sell, solve! Most importantly, be a good human, and enjoy the journey!
Shannon PhillipsI’ll confess that I was a huge biology nerd in high school. I loved learning about how humans were designed, along with how we interacted with the planet. I took this curiosity on to university where I studied biomedical science. I transitioned these skills into the business world where I realized I had a unique perspective on understanding the physiology of how we think, act, and interact. I had an amazing opportunity while working with a very large organization to build on this
thinking to understand what it takes to manage change and to innovate in a complex system. This led me down a path of learning everything I could about organizational change and behavior, along with finding out how to approach innovation systematically. Finding the answer took me back to my highschool days in realizing that the best example for managing change and innovation as a system wouldn’t come from an existing business model, it was a biology model – It was an ecosystem.
We’ve started to throw the ‘ecosystem’ word around a lot now-a-days, but the true meaning requires adaptability and resilience. It requires structure and continuous learning. It also requires an understanding of the environment and a constant flow of energy. The true meaning of an innovation ecosystem is a new approach to managing change and innovation in a systematic way that is unique to each organization. It’s the new management theory to deal with rapid change!
The biggest value though, in adopting this thinking within organizations, is realizing that the best way to survive is to look at employees as the ‘energy’ that keeps the ecosystem healthy.
This means creating a shared consciousness of listening, learning, and improving. It means understanding that fulfillment for employees is not just about Christmas party’s and ping pong tables, but to provide an environment that supports an employee’s inherent need to improve what they do. That requires structure to capture serendipitous moments of ‘what if?’. It also requires a way to take those moments and turn them into reality. The true purpose of an innovation ecosystem is to therefore, help employees feel more fulfilled. The result, the organization stands the best chance of surviving in the long term because everyone’s working together to explore the future.
At UBT we call this approach, human-centered innovation management (HCIM). At its core, there are four areas that make up this framework that align with biology’s version of the perfect ‘system’.
Understand existing capabilities
Nutrients Build structure
Energy Motivate employees
Understand Existing Capabilities
Innovate, learn, adapt
To build an ecosystem, you need to know your environment. We use an Innovation Maturity Assessment to identify existing capabilities which helps us assign one of four maturity stages.
The best approach to managing constant change is through creating shared consciousness, whether that’s internally within an organization or externally as communities. We’re seeing the impact of this connection through social media as what we call:
‘connected problem-solving’, and if organizations can adopt this approach, no matter their size, they stand the best chance of thriving, and their employees will feel more fulfilled than ever as they feel a sense of contribution. Win-win! To do this though, organizations need to build structure to support this idea of shared consciousness.
The first product to have a barcode was Wrigley's gum in 1974.
The first online transaction was a pizza from Pizza Hut in 1994.
The concept of a "unicorn" company, which is a privately held startup valued at $1 billion or more, was first coined in 2013 by venture capitalist Aileen Lee.
The first recorded business merger in history was between two ancient Egyptian pottery manufacturers in 1700 BCE.
1. Do your research to see if incorporating makes sense so often, and we jump the gun to incorporate, which comes with additional expenses.
2. Have a separate account only for business –yes, you will likely need to use personal money but deposit it into the business account and expense things from the business account to keep things clean.
3. Know what you are spending and prioritize an immediate need and what can wait for our emotions and excitement. We can get carried away with getting it all now.
4. Leverage your resources who can you trade services with to reduce expenses.
Brought to you by Amie U. Sharing the Manual & Rethink Your Financial Health
The very first lesson that every business owner needs to learn as they create and open their business is they are now in sales. They need to be the vey best salesperson of their business. No-one will invest in you, as an investor or a client, if you cannot sell your company. That means you are 100% clear on what your company does, that you believe 100% in your company and yourself, and that you are 100% percent confident in your vision.”
Sharyl Madigan, The Voice of Business- Sharyl Madigan
Axis Connects filled a room, with people dressed in remarkable gowns and tuxedos to celebrate the accomplishments within our business ecosystem through the Calgary Influential Women in Business Awards.
It was a night filled with inspiration, celebration, and a community who is making an impact daily.
Learn more: CIWB Awards | Axis Connects
Congratulations: to all the Calgary Influential Women in Business Award winners and thank you for all you continue to do for our community!
Presented by PwC Canada
Kelly Schmitt is the Chief Executive Officer, Benevity Inc. Powering the goodness programs of many iconic brands such as Apple, Google and Nike, Benevity has processed over $12 billion in donations and 55 million hours of volunteering to 350,000 non-profits worldwide.
Prior to taking on the CEO role in February 2021, Kelly was Benevity’s President and Chief Financial Officer. Kelly has over 20 years of experience in growth company finance and operations and was recently named an AACSB Influential Leader for her impact in the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging area.
Andrea Robertson is the President and Chief Executive Officer of STARS. Prior to STARS, Andrea spent nearly 30 years in a variety of health care leadership roles at Alberta Health Services, the Foothills Medical Centre, and the Alberta Children’s Hospital.
She is a member of the board of directors for the Calgary Airport Authority and Canadian Pacific Railway. Andrea was named a Top 100 winner of the Women's Executive Network's Canada's Most Powerful Women in 2014 and, most recently, was honoured with the Distinguished Business Leader Award in 2022.
Manjit Minhas, is the cofounder and co-owner of the Minhas Breweries, Distilleries and Wineries.
A Petroleum Engineering student turned beer baroness is a Dragon on the hit TV show Dragons' Den on CBC for the past 8 seasons/years, invested in 31 businesses.
Manjit has won several business industry awards. She launched her own podcast in 2020. She also co-owns Spotlight TV and Film Production. She currently serves as a Board of Director for ATB Financial, YYC Calgary Airport Authority and several other boards.
Manjit was recently appointed as the new Honorary Lieutenant Colonel of the Canadian Armed Forces and the Queens Own Rifles.
Presented by CIBC
Mark Brown assumed the role of Fluor Canada's general manager in June 2017. Mark began his career with Fluor as a construction engineer 23 years ago. Over the course of his tenure with the company, he has served in various leadership roles in project management, business development, construction, fabrication and other corporate portfolios in North America, Europe and Asia. He maintains his Professional Engineering (P.Eng) certification and participates in the Construction Industry Institute (CII), Construction Owners Association of Alberta (COAA) and sits on the board for Hull Services.
Sippy has over 23 years of leadership experience in professional services with international firms, including 9 years in various management and operational roles.
Sippy is currently serving her second term of the Board of Deloitte and is a Vice Chair of the Firm In addition to her client responsibilities, Sippy cochairs the board’s Strategy, Ethics & Risk Committee as well as the Audit Quality Committee and has previously served on the Compensation Committee.
Presented by Nutrien
Sue Riddell Rose is President and Chief Executive Officer of Perpetual Energy and Rubellite Energy. In 2002, Sue assumed the role of President and has led the organization for close to 20 years.
She began her career as a geological engineer with Shell Canada. Sue has been a Director of Paramount Resources Ltd. since 2000 and is also a Director of Secure Energy and AltaLink, L.P.
Lifetime Achievement
Presented by TD Bank Group
She is currently serving as a Governor of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers and a member of the Business Council of Alberta.
Sue is actively involved with a
Sippy Chhina Sue Riddell RosePeer Guidance: Top Business Consulting and Coaching Team Why did you start Terragen Token?
I guess the short answer is believing in a sort of divine timing in life. Always felt like business was something I was called to…a lot of entrepreneurs would say the same thing. I feel like everything I did before….jobs or startups…has led to this opportunity. I ended up working in ag retail for the last 5 years and heard about some of the challenges guys were facing when acquiring land. In our area land goes for $7000-15,000+ per acre, and most guys can’t afford to ever expand their operations.
After a timely conversation with someone about something called security tokens, I spent the past 4 years developing this concept in my evenings and weekends.
Andy Wiebe, Founder Terragen TokenI believe there is so much potential to create a win-win-win scenario when we allow everyday individuals - as well as larger investors - to crowdfund parcels of land that other farmers can rent or lease and gain a better income for their families.
What does your community think of this idea?
Oh man, I haven’t told many of the people I know about this yet cause as soon as you mention blockchain their eyes glaze over. I’ve been trying to keep my head down while building this thing, and at the same time trying to find the right people who are willing to listen because you never know who is supposed to help you move to the next level in your startup journey.
Is there anything you want the community to know?
the stress so many small farmers face. I had one of the mentors at founder institute tear me a new one for trying to use this as a sob story and not actually helping anyone. Pissed me off.
What’s next?
Next steps is to go live any day now. We’ll start gathering investors and creating a pool fund that we can use to acquire our first property. We’d like to begin preparing the groundwork for an international launch as soon as we’ve tested the waters in Canada.
If you had one piece of advice for a startup or entrepreneur, what would that be?
I’d like to mention something about how a system like ours can help to alleviate mental health problems, or at least reducing
My advice would be to keep your head down and work to move the wheels forward any small amount every day. Could be a simple text or email you send, or a phone call, or build a landing page. Just do something constructive each day.
Workplace Peer Support is peer driven, and strength based. It focuses on the strong not the wrong.
To learn more about how workplace peer support can impact your employees, contact Christina Henderson at Peerspectives Consulting and Facilitation. Together we can make a bigger impact.
“Do something today that your future self will thank you for.” Anonymous
How do we future proof our businesses? Can we take steps to increase the chances of business survival? We don’t have a crystal ball, but we can take strides for our businesses to face unforeseen challenges. Preparing for future challenges is imperative but we also need consumers, industry leaders, and governing bodies to support this process. We need our culture to be more conscious of the future and less focused on instant results. There’s always a balance but our tomorrow selves will thank us dearly for putting some energy into what that looks like down the road. How good is it if I have a flourishing business this month but it runs out of steam by next quarter? A slow and steady burn is better than a sizzle and fizzle flame.
This is the formula I have developed for future proofing our businesses. It’s called the 5 P’s to Success. By applying the 5 P formula to any situation in your business, you will never fail because this equation helps us to simply outlast any problem. This secures our future.
What is your pain? What are your giftings? What is the problem you want to fix in the world? The very thing that is a challenge or a pain in our lives or the economy is the big blinking light that beacons us to be the solve. The future lies within the questions and us reconciling them. Explore the pains. Don’t run from them or avoid them but rather lean into them. We cannot solve what is not already a problem. The issue you are facing in your business today is the gift that will unlock resiliency and longevity tomorrow.
We often have many visions and ideas where we want our business to go but this can lead to confusion and lack of direction. We need to sift out what is a passion and what is a viable business pathway. Listing these possible business plans/avenues/solutions will help create a clear action plan. After citing each idea go back and ask yourself if it's a viable business idea or is it more of a passion project on a personal level. Then list the top three in the order of importance or with the highest value. We need expansion but in the right direction. We mustn’t depend on one part or big idea of our business for complete success. Always be on the lookout for another sustainable idea to pilot. Most companies achieve success with just one great product. It could be for a niche market or a mass market audience. Even if
it’s very popular and responsible for generating the bulk of the total revenue, you must think about other ways to diversify your product/idea portfolio. This strategy might contradict with the common business advice of focusing only on one area of your business. However, in order to increase your chances for survival, you must reduce your dependence on one part of your business. So, to safeguard the future of your business, you must diversify. New products and ideas could be line extensions for the existing business. Think of an octopus. There is a main body with many tentacles that branch out, but all are extensions of the core concept.
Now you have diversified and listed your top three piloted ideas of where you want your business to go and grow, list potential colleagues,
phone: 403.815.0429
organizations, or alliances that would benefit from collaborating with you. Also write down what your weaknesses are. This will widen the possibility pool because these prospective partners could provide what you can't and vice versa. The partnerships need to be a continual thing that will drive more piloted ideas. Think of how to invest back into your business and how to leverage your value with others’ needs. This creates an invitation for meaningful partnerships and clarity on where to invest in other grassroots initiatives and beyond. Rethink your strategies that may fail to engage new customers or foster fresh collaborations.
I’ve read somewhere that, “What got you here, won’t take you there.” This simply means that the strategies that you used to acquire your existing base of customers and power
Partners may not be useful to acquire new ones in the future. Your old strategies need to adapt with the ever-changing world and won’t always work with current and future trends. We must be flexible and innovative with our approaches and partnerships. Thinking about partnerships in an abstract way is key. Partnering with concepts that change our times will help predict the future demands today.
Look at the days of Henry Ford. He revolutionized transportation by making affordable and reliable cars. People said, “We don’t need cars, we just need faster horses.” Ford went all in on a huge risk, and it worked. So, your customers or market can’t always tell you what they want, you must anticipate it. This needs some imagination and experience with the trends of the industry you work in. Play in the partnership pool and create something ground-breaking with innovation.
Marketing is the linchpin to every business. You can have the greatest idea, the best product, and the biggest partnership but if you don't know how to promote them, the business has no reach power. List ways you can start promoting your ideas, brand, message, and partnerships better. Marketing is about giving room for trial and error and creating a favourable environment for innovation. Predicting the future is not possible but we can get close to it. You can’t always win by following the leaders, you have to innovate at one point to stay ahead in the game. Transformation is not easy, and you might fail several times but once you hit the bull’s eye, you’ll leap ahead of your competition. To foster the culture of innovation, you need to create a supportive environment for it. Effective marketing comes from innovation and investing in untapped markets, people, platforms, and resources. Make bold moves and launch risky campaigns. This creates a buzz around your business and attracts more partnerships and opportunities. Silence is for strategizing, but promotion is the lifeblood of sustaining and growing.
We all face challenges and setbacks in our lives and in business but to ensure victory we can't give up. We need to learn how to pivot and press on. Identify things that aren't working and try to come up with ways to pivot them. What are some things that need to stop for other important goals to be nurtured? If there was a coach standing beside you, what could they say to motivate you? Write that saying down. Pressing On will allow you to outlast any problem. This is the most important P in the formula. No matter what, you have to Press On. This is where 90 percent of businesses fail. They have combined all the 4 P’s. They have done all the right things but without grit, there will never be a pearl. The grit is the secret sauce for future success. You will have setbacks and obstacles and will face things that will make you want to give up, but you need to Press On. You must be resolute in your business. If you fall seven times, get up eight.
And remember when you face a roadblock ask, “How do I pivot the problem and make it my pearl”?
Things are changing fast in today’s business scenario and even a successful business cannot guarantee its survival if it’s not prepared for the future. We are the drivers of our business. Either we adapt now or fail to exist tomorrow. By using the above formula, you can future proof your business and give it a fighting chance to withstand the pressure test of today. To learn more about Blaise The Trail Inc. Consulting visit www.blaisehunter.com.
FUN FACTS about BUSINESS with Samir (Sam) Musayev
The word "entrepreneur" comes from the French word "entreprendre," which means "to undertake."
“The Aurora Borealis that took places March 23rd is the perfect example of saying yes when opportunity strikes.”
APRIL 2023
If your someone in need of HOPE; I hope you find hope within my article. Maybe, I Inspire you to grow hope from within while reading this article.
Hope after Hopelessness; is about finding my voice through contribution & collaborative volunteer leadership roles [mostly unpaid.] Our voices matter! #Be The Voice. Why; because in early 2017 volunteering became part of my long-term mental wellness treatment plan, with help of a psychiatrist & peer support worker as part on my team. From experience when experiencing trauma grief & loss; hope can see too far out of reach. Much like a life preserver just out of reach! One can see it & can't grab onto it in times of chaos, fear & uncertainty treading water becomes more difficult over time. Having danced the impossible dance with suicidality & returned from the depths of despair and hopelessness; I stand here today as beacon of hope. Like a lighthouse, shining brightly waiting for our boats to return standing with a million life preservers that glow in the dark. Just waiting for people who reach out in darkness when one can't see; our hands will find you and help you reach safety of land & rise again.
As a storyteller, speaker & collaborative lived experience leader. I found my voice by helping others within community places improve access to care & creating an equitable and just society, by rising up to empower the ones behind me to find a brighter more resilient future.
With help of a peer support mentor, the ones struggling to hold on in today's world, stand a better chance of reaching recovery in tomorrow’s world.
Creating new outcomes not possible prior to the connection.
HOPE; Connection & Belonging are key �� to lifting others up with building blocks of HOPE for life!
" Hope: Our future depends on people standing up for each other, defending basic human rights, protecting the environment, truly taking care of each other. " - Nili Kaplan-Myrth
Blaise Hunter
Jade Alberts
Samir (Sam) Musayev
Amie U
Sarah Hawco
Shannon Phillips
Kimberly Dawn
Vahalla Private Capital
Axis Connects: Calgary Influential Women in Business Awards 2023
Marco Donadeo
Jefferson Roc
Unbounded Thinking
Terragen Token
ENGAGE. INSPIRE. EDUCATE. TOGETHER. Community Now! Magazine (communitynowmagazine.com)
This Episode of CN! News Bites features a look into some of our community members superpowers. Click here to watch the full episode.
Copyright 2023 ZX Media Corporation, Calgary Alberta Canada Community Now! Magazine.
Volume 5 Issue 8 | April 2023. All rights reserved. This magazine or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher and writer.
In the spirit of respect and truth, we acknowledge the traditional territories of the people of the Treaty 7 region in Southern Alberta, which includes the Blackfoot Confederacy (comprising the Siksika, Piikani, and Kainai First Nations), as well as the Tsuut’ina First Nation, and the Stoney Nakoda (including the Chiniki, Bearspaw, and Wesley First Nations). The City of Calgary is also home to Métis Nation of Alberta, Region III.