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olriks@olriks.com this is a Concept Manual for Olriks Group, partners and employees.




Confidential discloser: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Introduction: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 People behind Olriks: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 “Olriks” Story: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 Partners behind Olriks: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Philosophy & Design: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 Food, Beverage & Accessories: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Menus: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 “Olriks” Designers Profile: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 “Olriks” restaurant Design: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 “Olriks” fast Food Bar design: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 “Olriks” Coffee/ice-cream & retail concept: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 “Olriks” Retail shop design: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 “Olriks” Organic Partners: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-38 “Oriks” Nominated Shipping Group: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 “Olriks” Development teams profile: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 “Olriks” Food & retail Concepts overview: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 “Olriks” 100% certified Organic: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

CONFIDENTIAL This DEVELOPMENT AND LICENSE AGREEMENT and all its contents are STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL and privileged information. It may only be read and used by the intended recipient(s) that it has been originally addressed to. All information disclosed during this business relationship, whether disclosed in writing or orally, shall be deemed to be confidential unless specifically designated as non-confidential at the time of disclosure. Definition of Confidential Information and Exclusions Confidential information means all information received by one Party from the other in connection with Olriks International ApS Organic FOOD & Retail concepts franchise/Licensing operations, including but not limited to information relating to the business operations, products, facilities, technology, know-how, objectives or plans of either Party or its group companies; designs, drawings, product samples, marketing plans and methods, pricing policies, product ideas, and other non-public business, technical, marketing or operating information, which is (a) either non public, confidential or proprietary in nature, and (b) disclosed and/or made available to the Recipient(s) Party and/or any of its Representatives orally and/or in written, hard copy and/or electronic form, on diskettes and/or on any other storage media, by learned observation or otherwise. Information shall also include, without limitation, any or all analyses, compilations, forecasts, studies. Parties are fully responsible for any unauthorized disclosure or any other damage caused willfully or by gross negligence. The Major party must ensure, that its employees who receive such Confidential Information Comply with the requirements of confidentiality herby presented in the same manner as if they were the Major Party and do not cause or permit such Confidential Information to be disclosed to any other party. All Confidential Information is and shall remain the property of Discloser DISCLOSER OLRIKS INTERNATIONAL ApS Galoche Alle 15 DK-4600 Koege olriks@olriks.com


TOWARDS ’’A REVOLUTION IN ORGANIC GROWTH’’ When one brings together a group of internationally acclaimed and renowned manufacturers and retailers of Certified Organic Produce within the Global Food business and who collectively have an annual turnover in excess of 1 Billion Euro plus and a wealth of expertise and a passion for excellence in everything they do, then it is easy to understand how they have with creativity designed and developed

four UNIQUE Organic FOOD & Retail Concepts utilising all their professional Organic produce expertise and marketing knowledge from each individual established group. Showing all the reasons why they are recognised as major achievers within their daily business sense of Organic needs world wide. It is only when you have seen, touched and tasted these products you will truly understand the significance of what has been developed and will quite quickly become a part of their every day organic food intake towards a better, healthier and longer lasting life.









‘‘A holistic approach to food culture and business strategy’’ THE PEOPLE BEHIND OLRIKS OLRIKS was set up by several individuals from different professional backgrounds. They united their creative talents and were brought together by a unifying belief:

Mik Hagenbo has been selling quick-service food since

OLRIKS have acquired the professional expertise

1979. He was also a top coach in handball.

from the Middle East a G.M. with 26 years experience in the food & hospitality industry interna-

Nikolaj Schulz is an accomplished entrepreneur who has worked in different industries; from IT business to Agricultural Law. He now works at

This gentleman is being trained on all overseas

the Danish Environmental Protection Agency.

brands, thereafter will be overseeing each Organic retail project from the retail open space

At one time, the designer of OLRIKS Restaurants,

A holistic approach to

food culture

and business strategy


Martin Gjedde was a superb handball-player. He now works as a freelance designer for several reputable companies in international locations. Our lighting designer, Helle Baess has an exceptional and rare talent creating lighting for luxury yachts and cruise liners.

to the grand opening.

‘‘A holistic approach to food culture and business strategy’’ THE PEOPLE BEHIND OLRIKS The General Manager Olriks is proud to announce that this very important position is filled by a highly motivated and achievement oriented management professional with over all 26 years of exceptional track record of heading business development in Food and Beverage (F&B).

Those fruitful years of experience and training has gained the following skills in terms of managing operational needs:

Yearned and develops potentials in hospitality industry to where excellently reached current position and worked on different restaurants from both franchise and privately owned food outlets, fast food to casual dinning with different concepts including coffee shops.

Deep participation in terms of planning and budgeting for all equipments needed staffing in relation to recruitment, budgeting in relevance to sales forecast and manning guide, engineering/ maintenance, house keeping issues etc.

Business start up from inception point till opening and operation, contributing creative and practical ideas with site engineers, interior designers and architects in relation to drawings, designs, fit-outs and execution of plans.

It is the attitude of the General Manager of Olriks that he is looking very much forward for a challenging role on the same field to which he can further apply and share knowledge gained as well as to inspire other people to excel and develop their common potential and together reaching company’s vision, mission and objectives toward success.

A few years ago, the people behind OLRIKS INTERNATIONAL experimented with a ‘Real Food’ concept. We tested our appeal to the consumers. We took our organic food concept directly to people from all walks of life. We used wagons and bike trolleys; we set up our food-stands anywhere and everywhere. Based on the sheer success of this costly experiment, we are now putting our original organic plan into action. We would like to focus on opening and licensing:

- OLRIKS food bars - Organic cafe bar - Family restaurants - An organic retail shop that sells different commodities from our reputed organic partners As in: - organic food - tea - coffee - ice cream - chocolate - breads - health-drinks - and cosmetics -


To create a unique health food concept based on

Wherever an organic approach is desired, we wish to

organic produce.

bring it to people’ lives.

To recognize that a major part of the food service

We sell organic ‘Real Food’

industry is continuing to advertise and sell processed

We sell a variety of organic products

and unhealthy food products. To capitalize on a growing consumer market that is not satisfied with such

One of our fundamental concepts is that the design of

products. Instead, they prefer healthy, fresh organic

our restaurants and retail outlets be natural. We think


our environments should reflect the nature of the food

In today’s fast-moving world, the modern consumer

products we sell:

is becoming increasingly more educated and aware of

- Pure

the health risks associated with eating processed and

- Untreated

unhealthy food products.

- Wholesome - Clean and fresh

Many people are choosing to avoid artificial and preservative-laden food. They are also becoming more scrupulous in their dining choices. We believe consumers will choose OLRIKS. OLRIKS is Different. OLRIKS sells Real Food. OLRIKS is thinking organically – and not just when it comes to food.

We hope our design will send a strong message to consumers:

“An organic and healthy approach towards food will result in a longer life and improved quality of life.”

OLRIKS PHILOSOPHY AND DESIGN - SEEKING SIMPLICITY We know many people today are already getting ‘back to basics’ when it comes to their food choices They are aware that when they eat organic food,

It is very important that the design of all OLRIKS

they know it is safer and healthier. Organic food does

environments reflects this inner-harmony that people

not contain harmful components like pesticides and


nitrates. It does contain higher amounts of positive components like vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. That’s why you feel like you have more energy when you eat organic produce. And this energy actually stays in your body much longer than when you eat processed foods.

its environment.’ You simply feel better when you consume quality organic food.

own elements and soft tones into the color scheme and lighting of our concept shops and restaurants. The selections of colors and materials should give credk


ibility to the commodities that we sell. The service desk will be of a similar design in all shops,

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You feel as though your body is in ‘harmony with

For instance we have tried to integrate the Earth’s

but it is clear that the rest of the shop’s furnishings will reflect the overall character of each area.

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ning til madvarer. For os hører tilsætningssto ikke hjemme i fødevarer. Derfor anvender v tilsætningsstoffer.Vi er stolte af vores etikett som er uden e-numre.

Smagen er styrken - Ved omhyggeligt at u vælge gode råvarer og behandle dem nænso fremkommer den lange og delikate smag.

Altid frisk is - Ismejeriet producerer is efte ordre. På den måde sikres altid optimal frisk



Emballagen er intelligent - Isen beskytte effektivt og kan tåle transport mellem forha og kunde. Isen smelter jævnt, det fremmer d sublime smag og konsistens. emballagen bes polystyren. Polystyren (PS) er pga. sin lave væ (1-5 gram) og skånsomme fremstillings pro et miljø rigtigt emballage valg. Ved bor felsen af PS udledes en stærkt reduc mængde Co2 sammenlignet med tr nel emballage.

Isen er vores ambassadør og for les i Danmark og Tyskland af førende d varer butikker.

Skee Ismejeri’s grundlægger jørgen n er oprindeligt uddannet økologisk landmand men med Skee Ismejeri drives også et økolo landbrug på 40 hektar. For jørgen nielsen hæ kvalitet og økologi uløseligt sammen. Han st garant for den gode kvalitet, som omfatter h processen.

THE RESTAURANT OLRIKS OFFERS: • Full organic dining menu supplementet by some local’s dishes • Delicious whole-meal organic breakfast menus • Smoothies and fresh juice made from organic berries • A variety of organic bottled fruit juices and sports drinks • A very tasty selection of different organic cheeses


• A large selection of organic cakes


• A fantastic selection of organic handmade chocolates

• A vast assortment of frozen and unfrozen organic food products.

• Organic tea

• The very first certified fair-trade and organic ice-cream in the world

• Organic Coffee

• Organic coffee and tea

• The very first certified fair-trade and organic ice-cream in the world

• Exclusive giftboxes containing organic handmade chocolates • Organic jam • Organic Baby-accesories • Organic toys • Large selection of organic cosmetics • In addition, the shops will sell every-day food and beverage commodities



OLRIKS menues Olriks menues has been uniquely developed by professional Chefs Olriks menues are whenever possible created out of certified organic food. Organic foods are defined as products that are produced NOT using methods as:

· · · · · · ·

Modern synthetic inputs Pesticides Chemical fertilizers Genetically modified organisms Irradiation in proces Industrial solvents Chemical food additives



The Atelier Kafrawi was launched by Dr. Kamal El Kafrawi, originally from Egypt during his tenure at the Ecole de Beaux Art in Versaille, as a professor of architecture. His wife, Dr. Nadia Halawa later joined the firm and was one of the first Egyptian women to obtain a PHD in architecture. Together, they built an atelier (studio) that entered into the world of architecture in Europe. In 1974, the studio, designated by UNESCO, as a specialist in tropical architecture was commissioned for the design of the first university in Qatar, which they won. Today, this design is still considered a masterpiece and is often used as an architectural case study to architectural students around the world. Atelier Kafrawi enjoys architectural and interior projects that demand creativity and individuality, the size of the project is irrelevant, their only prerequisite is that a project calls for imagination, artistic power and uniqueness. The design firm has created a multitude of projects from palaces and corporate buildings to retail franchises and restaurants. Olriks has exclusively partnered with Atelier Kafrawi to carry out the design and execution of all retail brands represented by us. Our partnership is bonded together by a team spirit resulting in positive accomplishments.


designed by



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designed by



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HOYER’S BAKERIES Hoyer’s Bakeries is a well-established family-run bakery, which is now being managed by the fourth generation of the Hoyer family. Hoyer’s has a long history of making the very best ‘Bake-Off’ products. Since 2006 Hoyer’s has been developing a number of organic breads as well as many different cakes and tarts. OLRIKS makes the promise to continue to sell their perfect bread straight

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out of the oven.


- bread without additives

Missbagel is a rather new company to the organic scene. It started from a little local bakery in the year 2000. Their intention was to sell bread without any fats, additives, eggs, or even milk, therefore, making the bread completely cholesterol-free. In 2006 Missbagel moved production to a brand new, sophisticated bakery. During the last year, Missbagel has developed a new kind of whole grain dark bread even healthier than past products.

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These breads have enjoyed great success with new and loyal customers which OLRIKS wish to bring to the rest of the world.

SLAGTERGAARDEN Since the summer year 1988 Slagtergaarden has been producing organic meat from ox, pork and lamb Slagtergaarden have a large network of organic farmers delivering the very best of meat. Each and every animal is registered in the data base and all the products we are selling can be traced back to the source. The butchers of Slagtergaarden are slaughtering the animals following the roles of Halal. Slagtergaarden offers a very tasty line of different salted and smoked salamis from beef, lamb and pork as well as Beef-sausages for hotdogs.

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The organic steaks served at Olriks is from this excellent butcher.

SKÆRTOFT MØLLE …an organic farm and mill, owned by the same family since 1892. The mill produces highest quality flour, muesli and polished grains, maintaining standards that speak to both gastronomy and health. It has received a string of honours for its various products - including prizes from both Slow Food and the Danish Gastronomic Academy. Skærtoft was also awarded Denmark’s Organic Gold Medal, plus the Danish Design Award, for outstanding quality in both product and design. Skærtoft Mølle’s range of products is loved and used equally by sports stars… by Denmark’s famous Michelin-starred restaurants…

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and in many private kitchens.

OLRIKS HEALTH PRODUCTS “Be nice to your body� is one of the major statements of Olriks We are therefore very proud in special to introduce this food-basic proteinrich product: The WHITE HELVED PORRIDGE from Skaertoft Mills This product is very proteinrich and is loved and used by topprofessionel sport people to build up the energy in body.

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The products is also used in the very best kitchens fx. a couple of famous Michelin-starred Restaurants.

Thise Diary

THISE DIARY Since 1988, Thise Dairy Company has been producing organic milk, butter, cheese and other dairy products.

Thise’s milk comes from Jersey cows. Many farmers are eager to become part of the Jersey cow organic farming industry and supply Thise Dairy. - Thise Dairy’s creamy butter will be served and sold at OLRIKS restaurant and food bars. - OLRIKS is also delighted to indulge cheese-fans everywhere with Thise’s 12 tasty Organic cheeses. Thise is exported all over Scandinavia and is establishing markets

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in Europe and North America.

TEBSTRUP GOAT CHEESE For more than 25 years Tebstrup Goat cheese has Produced different kinds of excellent goat cheeses. Tebstrup dairy grow their own goats of the Toggenburg breed which excels in being a strong and beautiful goat producing a tasty, high-quality milk with a high protein content and moderate butterfat content. As goats are active and freedom-loving animals they are kept in loose housing which means they walk around freely in the open air. The 100% organic production in the dairy is done by hand, and exclusively produces goat cheese of 100% pure goat milk adding lactic acid culture, vegetable rennet and sea salt. In 2010 the Tebstrup Dairy whole cheese was the winner of the

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DLG golden price among 700 cheese products from all Europe.



Serving high class organic products in Olriks Restaurants and Fastfood Bars it has become a natural part of this to take care of the vegetarian people too. Therefore Olriks will always offer different vegatarian menues as a part of the menu. When you visit a Olriks Retailshop you will fx. find organic produced rice, pasta, cornflakes, oaks, nuts, cheeses, oils, tomato products, all kind of different spices, frozen berries and vegetables etc. all suitable for a nice organic vegetarian meal and all of a very high standard of organic food.

SKEE IS Skeeis is a family-owned company founded by

There are eleven types of ice cream

Jørgen Nielsen in 1999. Skeeis is the only company

• Raspberry

in the world producing ice cream that is certified

• Strawberry

both organic and fair trade.

• Cherry • Chocolate

All the ice cream is made from fresh cream and milk

• Vanilla

from Jersey cows. All ingredients are organic and totally

• Coffee

free of additives.

• Elder flower • Pure Vanilla

This ice cream is not made “with a flavor of this or that”

• Vanilla with raspberry

- it is made with REAL fruit, organic berries, chocolate,

• Vanilla with apple

vanilla, etc.

• Vanilla with crunchy chocolate bits

Protein enriched Ice Cream is now being specially

The ice-cream is delivered in pack sizes of 100ml cups

produced and served to patients within many hospitals,

up to the 5L family size pack. Skeeis also makes soft-ice.

whom are simply selecting this for the very fast energy received towards fast recovery over other major foods. The following International Concepts will be Licensing this reputed Brand World Wide as a food retail Concept, under the Brand name

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Ice-Cream Certified Organic

WOODSHADE Organics In 1983, Woodshade became the first Scandinavian producer of organic chocolates. All made with raw marzipan, soft nougat, dried fruit, and real cocoa.

The goal was – and still is – to produce confectionery of supreme quality without the use of additives. Fundamentally, the concept is based on raw materials sourced from the best certified organic producers. Woodshade makes a range of confectionery bars with fillings of marzipan, soft nougats, truffles and fruit fillings. The confectionery can be bulk-packaged or presented in attractive gift boxes. Woodshade chocolates are all handmade and produced to order, thereby securing the longest possible shelf-life. WOODSHADE ORGANIC CHOCOLATE Woodshade only uses the very best belgian chocolate for the outer coating. According to our research, each chocolate contains a minimum of 63% cocoa in the dark chocolate, 38% in milk

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chocolate and 39% in the white chocolate.

ICCO – international coffee certified organic Olriks provides only certified fair trade and organic coffee and tea Olriks is serving the ICCO original organic blend. ICCO Coffee offers whole bean coffee for excellent espresso served in the Olriks restaurants and cafés. The retail shop offers both whole bean as well as grinded beans. The ICCO coffee is also available as instant coffee

FAIR TRADE - SMALL COFFEE FARMERS When you drink coffee produced by a small-scale producer, you are not only choosing a high quality coffee grown with care and attention, you are also help-

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ing to improve the producer’s living conditions.



SØBOGAARD Søbogaard was founded by Poul Hansen in 1976. Poul initially did work as a beekeeper, and made terrific honey. However, he had much bigger dreams about becoming involved in the organic food industry. Today Søbogaard produces more than 130 organic products that are sold in several countries across Europe. A wide selection of natural fruit juices E.g.: blackcurrant, raspberry, elder flower, elder flower with lime, apple, orange and cranberry. There are many more! - Sparkling organic sodas, colas and sport drinks - 15 different types of jam, sweetened with straw-sugar or apple sugar - Organic frozen fruit for making slush-ice Søbogaard produces a large variety of organic alcoholic drinks, which are

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available only to countries where it is legally permitted.

OLRIKS Wine & Liqouer To fulfill the experience of visiting the Olriks restaurant don’t miss out on the wine list. Olriks offers a large selection of wine produced by certified organically grown grapes. We will serve at your table world-class organically grown wines from all the well known wine producing countries. For dessert enjoy a excellent Port or Sauternes dessert wine The Olriks list of course includes a selection of Organic Liquor’s which can be enjoyed with Our Organic Coffees. Enjoy ! Organic sugar cane Rum from Cuba or Vodka,- Gin,Calvados,- Cognac and Scotch Highland Harvest Whisky.

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OLRIKS are proud in presenting a high-class selection of many different organic alcoholic drinks.

SUNPROJUICE Sunprojuice is the deliver of frozen berries for Olriks outlets. The company is founded in the year 2001 and is now exporting berries and juices all over the world. More than 25 products is on the menu at Sunprojuice. Both berries and fruits, most of them available as organic. Sunprojuice has specialized in getting the very nice berries growing in the northern part of Europe out in the world.

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The berries from Sunprojuice will be the basic in the program of smoothies and other soft drinks available in the Olriks outlets as well as frozen in the retail shops.

DOLCE LATTE DOLCE LATTE is a delicious toffee spread which is made from simple ingredients: milk, cane sugar and honey. DOLCE LATTE was developed from traditional South American recipes on dulce de leche – and by many South Americans described as ”the best dulce de leche in the world” due to the delicate flavour and the rich and smooth sensation of this Caramel cream. DOLCE LATTE is produced in the old dairy in the small village of Vrinners in the middle of Denmark. Here the raw materials are mixed and boiled in our special pot, until it reaches the perfect taste and is filled on glasses. DOLCE LATTE can be used in numerous ways: as a bread spread, as topping on ice cream, pancakes and waffles, it can be used as filling in cakes and pastries, instead of icing on sponge cakes or cream cakes, and it is excellent used as a ripple in ice cream, where it stays soft. Or just enjoy it straight from the jar.

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DOLCE LATTE not only tastes heavenly, but also has a low fat content of just 8 % - much less than what is usually found in nut or chocolate spreads!

OERBAEK BREWERY In the year 1997 father and son, Niels and Nicolai Romer, took over the Orbaek Brewery. The brewery was builded in 1906 and some of the original kettles are still functioning. The new owners immediately changed the business directions towards only organic production. To day Orbaek now has a very large successful Organic production of soft drinks, juices, cider and smoothies. Oerbaek Brewery produces a large variety of organic alcoholic drinks,

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which are available only to countries where it is legally permitted.

The different delicious organic smoothies from Oerbaek Brewery have become a major succes. The perfect shaped bottle with a screw cap contains a very tasty selection of fresh smoothies, produced with no additives at all. Never the less the smoothies sustain a shelf life of one year. ENJOY - Blueberry Dream - Pineapple/Coconut - Raspberry Dream - Mango Dream - Passion Dream

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The Oerbaek Brewery also provides a large program of different organic fizzy drinks

Though the history of organic beer from Oerbaek is rather young, the brewery already has been he winner twice of the estimated “European Beer Star Award�. Olriks is proud of offering the two winners FYNSK FORAAR and DARK HORSE beer to our costumers.

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One of the news from Oerbaek is a very tasty organic apple cider. Cider is a historic alcoholic drink made by a mixture of pressed sweet and sub acid apples going through a process of fermentation.



Olriks offers organic cosmetics One of the basic ideas of Olriks is to support people wanting to be nice to their body, both in aspects of what to eat, but also about what to put on your skin.

When you visit Olriks Retail shop you will find excellent organic products and nature products in all aspects of shampoos, crèmes, oils and lotions,- all from certified organic suppliers.

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Treat your body as a very good friend both inside,- and outside. Therefore it´s a great pleasure for us to represent a large collection of different organic cosmetic products.

ROMERS ROMERS started a little shop called “Heksekosten” back in 1977 and has now grown into a very successful organic food and health product venture. The Romers family has been providing people with organic food, natural and eco-friendly hair and body care, as well as medicinal remedies and other wellness products for many years now. Romers has trained their staff to be experts in the organic products they sell. They actively promote health, beauty and wellness to their customers.

“What you put on your body is as important as what you put inside your body.”

OLRIKS has the great pleasure in bringing the Romers’ story, products and healthy Lifestyle choices to international markets. OLRIKS offers a very nice program of organic pure tea herbs from

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The Organic House Of Romer

organic cotton

THE ORGANIC COMPANY The Organic Company was founded by Joy Vasiljev in 2007. Passionated and termined Joy believes in combining design, high quality and organic cotton. By specializing in accessories for home and baby The Organic Company has put together a whole line of “intelligent” articles.

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The Organic Company has for instance developed a very large “Wellness Towel” easily transformed into a sarong. A piece of wellness to wrap around the body. All products are made by GOTS certified suppliers meaning clean products better to the skin.

POLOLO – 100% ECO – HANDMADE IN GERMANY POLOLOS are the perfect alternative to walking barefoot. Be it as learn-to-walk shoes for toddlers or as super-soft slippers for kids and grown-ups.

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They are like a second skin that snuggles up to your feet comfortably, warming and protecting them. POLOLOS have a fine leather sole and give the foot the freedom of movement that it needs. We use only top-quality, crome free, ecologically tanned nappa leather to manufacture our POLOLOS.

BLUE WATER SHIPPING BLUE WATER Blue Water Shipping offers logistics solutions by road, rail, SHIPPING sea and air worldwide. Blue Water Shipping offers logistics solutions by road,Over rail,the years, Blue Water Shipping was established in 1972 in Esbjerg, Denmark. the expanded across the globe to include 53 Blue Water offices in seacompany and airhas worldwide.. Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East, the Far East and the Americas as well as aBlue network trusted was agents and partners. WaterofShipping established in 1972 in Esbjerg, Denmark. Over the years, the company has expanded across the globe to include

Blue Water the inMiddle 53 Blue Water in offices Europe, East Central Asia and the Middle East, the Far East

and the Americas as well as ashipping network of trusted agents partners.to the Middle East Blue Water Shipping began feta cheese fromand Denmark back in 1976. Today, Blue Water handles logistics solutions from own offices in DuBlue Water the Middle EastQatar. bai, Jebel Ali,inAbu Dhabi and The company has extensive expertise with reefer container shipments, air freight and company project cargo as extensive well as scheduled road services. The has expertise with reefer container shipments, air A strong focus on health, safety, security, environment and quality is an and project cargo as well as scheduled road services. important part of a daily effort to find the best solution for the client.


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A strong focus on health, safety, security, environment and quality is an important part of a daily effort to find the best solution for the client.

INTERNATIONAL CONCEPTS It all started with a vision for the Middle East...

Our Philosophy

International Concepts was founded in 1990 by Roger Small

The philosophy of INTERNATIONAL CONCEPTS is in the

Middle East region, but we are, through our Franchise

a professional businessman whose particular expertise has

belief that through experience and unshakable conviction in

Partners, taking those Brands into other countries around

been his concept retailing and installation globally.

hard work and integrity, “The Impossible becomes Possible”

the world.

Roger started to introduce Scandinavian fashion, accessories, furniture and interior design to the Middle East, because of the exceptional designs, reputation for quality

Not only we are bringing International brands to the

Hence creating... “A Revolution in Concept Retailing”

Conclusion “By establishing rigid standards of excellence, we will

Our Vision

ensure that only the best brands will be married with the

International Concepts aspires to become a globally recog-

reputable franchise partners to ensure that ultimately

This vision expanded across different industries to become a

nized and reputed consulting group by continuing to establish

the consumer will be provided with the ultimate retailing

global vision and as a result, he started to incorporate brands

and develop lasting and fruitful relationships with experi-


from other regions of the world making the offering a truly

enced, professional partner companies across the world.

and functionality of their products.

eclectic mix which would meet the needs of the multi-cultural region of the Middle East.

ORGANIC CONCEPTS OLRIKS, together with their Internationally-certified organic partners, via International Concepts, will submit at a later date a full presentation (both hard & soft), to selected potential reputable food & beverage groups, that would have the necessary professional expertise and core values, in opening and managing the following four most unique organic food retail concepts; plus amazing wholesale & distributing opportunities: OLRIKS Organic Food Bar (seating 72) & Cart (seating 16) Suitable for quick-service food areas, serving select menus OLRIKS Organic Family Restaurant (seating 106) Serving full food & beverage menu OLRIKS Organic Retail Shop Retailing over the counter frozen & non frozen food, bottled beverages, coffee, tea, and many other organic commodities OLRIKS Organic: Café & Retail (seating 24) Invites you to buy over-the-counter and Take ‘Home ice cream, cakes, chocolates, or be seated and enjoy all with a cup of organic coffee, tea or taste a delicious health drink OLRIKS ORGANIC: Wholesale & Distributing Designer manufactured Organic foods-drinks for Hospitals, Health clubs, Hotels, Sports centres, School & Universities canteens, and shop in shops within food centres Company’s whom wish to confirm Interest with Intent kindly send all details to:




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