Publishers Note Issue 23
Climb your mountain!
As we head into the hottest part of the year, reflection and accomplishment seem to go hand in hand. You can literally climb a mountain – anytime of the year here on the Island – or you can set your goals and one by one, check them off the list. While the Sun is high in the sky and the weather stays good, enjoy the accomplishments of past and move forward with your mountain, step by step – one foot in front of the other. Try to pace yourself and come in to finish strong and before you know it, you’ll be right where you want to be – on top of your mountain, taking in the beautiful bounty surrounding you!
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go – T.S. Elliot
Gilakasla – Marsii!
In this issue of Compass, we connect with:
- Artist Feature | Tanis Kwawkstella – Coming Home
- Off the Beaten Path | Mount H’Kusam Trail
- Wellness Artist | Art of Politics – Environment, Economics & Housing