Welcome to Issue 11 of the Compass – Island Edition! The weather has arrived and a great outdoor season is upon us. With sustainability key in family growth and our environment, be sure to preserve what is in front of you. From forest to ocean, lakes and rivers, Island communities have the forefront of beauty and the abundance of nature to self-sustain with generational management. The local cultures and arts are so incredibly rich here ~ the North Island is known world-wide for the art that is created within this footprint. The talent here is so strong, in connection with the beauty of the region and the lifestyle it offers. The Compass Magazine embraces Arts and Culture to share the directions of communities and create community dialogue within this region. Gilakasla – Marci!
In this issue of North Island Compass, we connect with:
- Artist Feature, David Neel | Multi-Media Guru
- Heartstrong Fitness | Chronic Pain: Mindfulness & Management
- Health & Wellness Artist | Leah Decter