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It’s no secret; the Hunt name is synonymous with the

A’neesla’ga’s Tlingit robes in ceremony today. Because her

Indigenous Art World. I remember growing up in the 1970s

Great Great Grandma was such a powerful woman, her

and ‘80s knowing that the Hunts from northern Vancou-

songs and dances have been passed down and they are

ver Island were some of the best First Nation Artists in the

still danced today. Women have been the most strong and

world. In my opinion, there are no exceptions and here is

powerful mentors that Hunt has had and she holds that in

another great artist from the long line of Hunt’s: Corrine

very high regard as the number of decedents in the Hunt

Hunt, Contemporary First Nations Artist.

line is in the thousands.

While growing up in Alert Bay, she was taught that culture

Hunt has been working on a film about A’neesla’ga’ for

stems from family; everything she knows she learned from

years; there was a family reunion approximately four years

her childhood. “Being in Alert Bay and surrounded by fami-

ago with 650 family members in attendance which is just a

ly, as children, we absorbed so much about our culture with-

drop in the hat with their relations. The film would be hon-

out really knowing what we were being taught," she says.

oured as a reconciliation piece featuring A’neesla’ga’ and

"Potlatch played such an important role in our lives and still

Robert Hunt. When the Hunt family comes together, it is a

does. It’s in my blood.”

very powerful happening but they went through a period of family not wanting to embrace their culture due to the

Hunt’s Great Great paternal Grandmother A’neesla’ga’ was

impacts of systemic racism.

a noble woman from the Tlingit Clan in Alaska. She married Robert Hunt and they settled in Fort Rupert. While

There is documented information regarding a census tak-

A’neesla’ga’ passed away in 1919, this Hunt still wears

en in the early 1900s in Alert Bay. One of the daughter’s

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W W W. C O M PA S S M A G A Z I N E . C A

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