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It feels like a warm blanket is being wrapped

adds Denise, Don’s lovely wife. “We wanted to ensure

around you when you walk into Don and Denise’s

that from small to big, that there were handmade sou-

Boom Boat Gallery in Telegraph Cove. The cove is

venirs and art pieces of all types”. Denise hosts her own

2 hours north of Campbell River along a beautiful

line of ceramic works for the gallery using her on-site

stretch of highway and passes many historic and nat-

studio and kiln.

ural icons of Vancouver Island North. Don Bastian has been working with wood since he was a dirt-poor farm

“I learned to work with what I had” Bastian advises, us-

boy out of Pincher Creek, Alberta, many moons ago.

ing his childhood as a reference “I love working with

Bastian is a Wood Artist and Carver and his passion for

marked with an old boom boat sitting on the edge of

his artistry shows with great depth. His work is not to

the building and you have the opportunity to climb

be missed! The Boom Boat Gallery was created to en-

on it and it’s an awesome west coast photo op not to

sure everyone could enjoy his artistic visions and there

miss. The boom boat was found in the junkyard, lo-

is something for everyone – whether you need to put

cated slightly north, in the Quatse River area, origi-

it in your suitcase or your budget is small! “Everything

nally Bastian had a sailboat in his mind for this focal

in the gallery is made right here in Telegraph Cove,”

point. He quickly changed directions and noted it cost

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wood and its limitations”.

The gallery is iconically

W W W. C O M PA S S M A G A Z I N E . C A

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