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The final days of Summer
Here's to the last weeks of sunshine!
August september
“Shuffle. Play. Listen.” with Matt Haimovitz & Christopher O’Riley
Now - September 1 siGneD. sealeD. DeliVereD.
Paying homage to the former Moorhead Post Office, a historic building — now Rourke Art Museum.
Rourke Art Museum - 1st Floor 521 Main Avenue, Moorhead 218.236.8861 // therourke.org
Now - September 15 tHe saint JoHn’s BiBle
Renowned calligrapher Donald Jackson produced a handwritten, hand-illuminated Bible. We invite you to explore this work of art. It unites an ancient Benedictine tradition with the technology and vision of today.
Hjemkomst Center
202 1st Avenue North, Moorhead 218.299.5515 // hcscconline.org
August 7 & 14 family fun concert
Local bands will entertain families with lively music. Brunsdale Park
1702 27th Avenue South, Fargo 701.499.6060 // fargoparks.com
August 13 summer sPlasH anD Play
Join us for some family fun! Giant water balloon launch, face painting, sprinkler dash and more!
$10 per person or $15 per person - includes supper 4:30 - 6:30 pm
Schlossman YMCA 4243 19th Avenue South, Fargo 701.281.0126 // ymcacassclay.org
August 14
“25 sHaDes of you” VenDor sHoW
Check out some of Fargo’s vendors including Fargo’s newest online shopping boutique, The Black Frame.
7 - 9 pm followed by a social hour from 9 - 10 pm Hilton Garden Inn
4351 17th Avenue South, Fargo facebook.com/shopblackframe
August 17 ymca ProGram reGistration
Register for flag football, climbing clubs, youth empowerment courses, swimming lessons and more!