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Community fundraisers

September 6
Wine anD WisHes
“an encHanteD eVeninG”
Make-A-Wish® ND invites you to join us in a night of wine tasting, hors d’oeuvres, silent and live auctions, entertainment and a special wish presentation.
6:00 pm
Holiday Inn of Fargo
3803 13th Avenue South, Fargo 701.280.9474 // northdakota.wish.org
September 7 riDe
tHe reD
Registration is open for the 13th annual Ride the Red™ bike ride and walk for charity. All proceeds will benefit the Hospice of the Red River Valley. The event will start and end at Trefoil Park in North Fargo.
9:30 am
Registration: $25 Trefoil Park
1321 Elm Street North, Fargo facebook.com/ridethered
September 8
13tH annual WalK
of HoPe for suiciDe rememBrance anD aWareness

The walk helps bring awareness to the issue of suicide and is a place for suicide loss survivors to meet other survivors face to face.
1:30 pm
Downtown Fargo Public Library 102 3rd Street North, Fargo 701.293.6462 // myfirstlink.org
September 14
farGo air museum raffle
The Fargo Air Museum is raffling a 2013 Ford Mustang Boss 302 as well as other prizes. Only 3,500 tickets are being sold. Proceeds will finance the Air Museum’s new aircraft hangar addition. Tickets can be purchased at the museum. Drawing is September 14.
Tickets: $50
Fargo Air Museum
1609 19th Avenue North, Fargo fargoairmuseum.org
September 21
WalK to enD alZHeimer’s
The Alzheimer’s Association’s Walk to End Alzheimer’s® is the nation’s largest event to raise awareness and funds for the disease. It is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States.
Registration: 8:00 am, Walk: 9:00 am
Scheels Arena
5225 31st Avenue South, Fargo 701.277.9757 // traie.dockter@alz.org
September 22 out of tHe DarKness
With close to one million people attempting suicide annually, it is among the leading causes of death.
Registration at 1pm, Walk 2 - 4 pm Lindenwood Park - Rotary Shelter
1905 Roger Maris Drive, Fargo outofthedarkness.org
28 color me raD 5K
If you’re allergic to the metric system, corn starch, or unbridled joy, you’d probably be more comfortable watching Matlock than at the starting blocks of this color-filled 5k. Proceeds go to MSUM.
9:00 am, 9:20 am, 9:40 am
Registration: $30-50 MSUM Nemzek Hall

1711 South 6th Avenue, Moorhead colormerad.com/racemap.i
29 steP uP for DoWn synDrome WalK
Come and celebrate the amazing accomplishments of our friends and family members with Down Syndrome and help raise awareness. Proceeds benefit individuals with Down Syndrome, their families and healthcare professionals.

Check in: 12:30 pm, Event: 1:00 pm Duluth Entertainment Conv. Center 350 Harbor Drive, Duluth 218.722.5573 // decc.org

reD riVer Valley
Breast cancer WalK
The Fargo-Moorhead Breast Cancer walk is teaming up with Making Strides to bring you an even more powerful event to raise funds and awareness for those affected by breast cancer.
11:00 am
Scheels Arena
5225 31st Avenue South, Fargo fmbreastcancerwalk.org