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ClAsses & WorKshoPs
August 3
interior DesiGn Basics
Where to begin your interior design project? Work with Cyndee Engberg to learn the steps and key considerations so that you achieve the most satisfying and individualized results for your home.

1 pm
4601 23rd Avenue Southwest, Fargo 701.433.3899 // gabberts.com
August 12 - 15

meet tHe artist, Be tHe artist
Be inspired by the artwork of George Morrison and artist/ educator Laura Youngbird, who was a student of Morrison! During this camp, you will view and talk about Morrison’s artwork and create landscapes and other artworks using many different media.
9 am - 12 pm
Members $90, Regular $105 Plains Art Museum 704 First Avenue North, Fargo 701.232.3821 // plainsart.org
24 color tHinKinG
The relationship between color and behavior is fascinating. How people are affected by different color varies from person to person but there are some guidelines that hold true. Learn more about how you can use color to advantage in your home with Jillayne Olson.
1 pm
4601 23rd Avenue Southwest, Fargo 701.433.3899 // gabberts.com
September (Multiple Dates) culinary classes
Learn how to become a master in the kitchen with culinary and baking classes at Square One Kitchens. A variety of classes are offered, including Cake Pop Class and Culinary Boot Camp. Learn useful tips and tricks and recipes from the instructors while enjoying great food! Check their website for specific dates, times and prices. Limited space. Reservations taken online.
Square One Kitchens
1407 1st Avenue North, Fargo squareonekitchens.com
September 12
Precious metal clay
Learn the basics of working with precious metal clay. It is formable, sculptable, and takes textures just like regular clay. However, it is made with 90% metal, so when fired, it comes out as a pure fine-silver object. You will be able to make an original design pendant or charm.

6 pm
Plains Art Museum
704 First Avenue North, Fargo 701.232.3821 // plainsart.org
September 24 clay for couPles
A unique and relaxed evening with a friend or partner! You will learn introductory clay techniques in hand building and have a chance to try out the potter’s wheel. Clay and tools provided.
6:30 pm
$50 per couple, Ages 16+

Plains Art Museum
704 First Avenue North, Fargo 701.232.3821 // plainsart.org
"For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harmyou, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. Then you will seek me and find me: when you seek me with all your heart, I will be found by you, declares the Lord. "
— JEREMIAH 29: 11-14