導 演 | 莫 倩 婷 監 製 | 孫 正 琪 戲 劇 構 作 ╱ 創 作 演 員 | 吳 紹 熙( 香 港 ) 資 料 搜 集 ╱ 歷 史 顧 問 | 何 志 峰 聲 音 指 導 |
林 詩 涵 音 樂 設 計 ╱ 創 作 演 員 吳 青 樺( 台 灣 ) 美 術 指 導 | 陳 家 彥 燈 光 設 計 | 陳 家 豪( 香 港 ) 音 響 設 計 | Hugo Kou 製 作 Elisa Morari( 巴 西)、Albert
電 機 師 | 林 宛 鈴 舞 台 監 督 |周浩 然 執 行 舞 台 監 督 | 廖 嘉 豪 創 作 演 員 | 關 若 斐、劉 楚 華、 Ana
Garcia 劇 照 拍 攝 | 歐 陽 永 鋒 側 拍 及 花 絮 | 林 鍵 均
Director|Jenny Mok Producer|Sarah Sun Dramaturge / Creative Actor|Larry Ng (Hong Kong) Researcher / History
Advisor|Luciano Ho Voice Coach|Lin Shi Han Music Design / Creative Actress|Klaire Wu (Taiwan) Art Director|Kaby Chan Lighting Design|Ivan Chan (Hong Kong) Sound Design|Hugo Kou Production Electrician|Cherry Lam Stage Manager|Horis Chao Deputy Stage Manager|Nero Lio Creative Actress|Ines Kuan, Lao Cho Wa, Ana Elisa Morari (Brazil), Albert Garcia Photographer|Ao Ieong Weng Fong Making of|Penny Lam Kin Kuan
地點│海事工房 1 號
時間│ 20:00( 12 − 14/5),15:00( 14/5)
嚮往他方的幸福和自由,人們不斷離鄕別井,如候鳥般遷徙。他們承載著移動 的記憶,成就了一個地方的重要歷史。人類的流動故事似乎從未間斷,然而,遷 移的人,找不到自己的根,而鄕愁,散落在歷史之中。在這來來去去的時間洪流
Comuna de Pedra 2017
日期│ 2017/05/12 − 14
裡,不禁尋問:遷移者的個體身份是什麼? 《遷移者之歌》是石頭公社的全新作品,也是澳門導演莫倩婷於 2017 年啓動創 作的“遷移三部曲”首篇。透過集體創作,並以形體劇場為載體,她以微觀顯照 宏觀,從個人的家族遷徙史出發,以文字創作、形體編舞、地方聲音、民間音樂 等元素,剖析遷移與人、社會、城市及歷史之間的關係,譜出一首關於遷移者的 詩歌。 28th Macao Arts Festival
Songs of Migrants Presents│Instituto Cultural de Macau Produce│Comuna de Pedra Date│ 2017/05/12 14 Time│20:00 (12 14/5), 15:00 (14/5) Venue│ Navy Yard No.1
People keep leaving their homes behind with hopes for happiness and freedom elsewhere, just like migrant birds. They carry all kinds of memories as they move around, contributing to an important part of the local history. Human being’s migration stories never seem to cease, but migrants have found their roots missing and the homesickness has been scattered in the history. As time comes and goes, we can’t help but ask: how is the individual identity of a migrant defined? Song of Migrants is a brand new production by Comuna de Pedra, also the first of a series of three works about migration initiated by Macao director Jenny Mok in 2017. Through collective creation and with physical theatre as the vehicle, she sets off from her own family migration history to mirror the overall picture of the group. The piece incorporates text creation, choreography, local sounds and folk music with
價|mop 180
購 票 優 惠|以下列方式購買門票, 可享八折優惠:
⃝ 一次購買四場不同場次門票 ⃝ 一次購買十張或以上同場門票(團體票) ⃝ 全日制學生證
⃝ 澳門教師證 (每位持證人每場只限購買一張優惠門票) ⃝ 憑中銀信用卡#或中銀卡購買非開幕或閉幕節目的任何張數門票
⃝ 憑工銀澳門、 澳門商業銀行、華僑永亨銀行之萬事達卡、VISA卡或銀聯卡購買任何張數門票。
*以上銀行優惠只適用於指定銀行伙伴發行之萬事達卡、VISA卡或銀聯卡; 如透過網上購票, 則只適用於萬事達卡或VISA卡。 # 優惠不適用於由中銀信用卡(國際)有限公司在澳門地區發行之大豐銀行信用卡。
an analysis on the relationship among migration, people, society, metropolitan and history, composing a poetic ode to the migrants. Ticket
|mop 180
Discount of 20% |Purchasing tickets for at least 4 different performances;
Ticket Sales
Purchasing 10 or more tickets for the same performance; Presenting a valid full-time Student Card (each holder of local Student Card or Macao resident with overseas student card is allowed to purchase one discounted ticket per performance); Presenting a Teacher Card (each cardholder is allowed to purchase one discounted ticket per performance). Presenting a MasterCard, VISA Card or UnionPay Card from ICBC (Macau), BCM Bank or OCBC Wing Hang. * The above bank offers are only applicable to cardholders of MasterCards, VISA Cards or UnionPay Cards issued by the designated banking partners; for online bookings, offers are only applicable to cardholders of MasterCards and Visa Cards. # The promotion is not available to cardholders of Tai Fung Credit Card issued by BOC Credit Card (International) Limited in Macao region. |**Please refer to Ticketing Information
劇場為創作重心。我們抱以開放的態度,嘗試不同形式的創作實驗,探索作品的 各種可能性,希望推動及拓展本澳的藝術和劇場發展。 我們 期 望 籍 著 打 造 一個全新以肢體出發的劇季,並 籍 每 年 一 季 的 穩 定 發 表, 從創作者、觀眾及交流三方培養創造更具獨創性、突破既定框架的作品,從而 培養更高水準的觀演關係。
Comuna de Pedra 2017
「肢體/解構」系列是石頭公社全新發展的新項目。 「 肢體/解構」,顧名思義, 是以開拓肢體創作可能性,以解構劇場演出的本質意義為領航目標,活動項目 包括。
1)本地新晉形體實驗劇場的創作發表; 2)海外駐場藝術家之創作發表;
De-corps-struction Series Comuna de Pedra has always focused in multi-disciplinary theatre, especially physical theatre and dance theatre. We have a very positive attitude towards experimenting different forms, exploring all possibilities and hope to promote and motivate the development of Macau’s art and theatre scene. We hope to organize a new theatre season focusing on the body and movements. It will be an annual event which will create a platform for artists and audience to exchange ideas and therefore create a more unique and “out of the box” piece, and improve the correlation between the performers and the audience. De-corps-struction Series is a new annual project of Comuna de Pedra in the form of a “theatre season”, De-corps-truction presents works, exchanges and events that explore the possibilities of the corps (meaning body in french) and deconstruct the nature of theatre performances, which include the following criteria:
1) Presentation of a new local physical theatre performance 2) Presentation of the creative work of an overseas artist-in-residence
3)舞蹈實驗錄像之海外引進及本地創作發表; 4)外邀演出。 藉著「肢體/解構」計劃,我們旨在努力開墾本地當代表演藝術台平,孕育更多 新銳創作人,推廣當代表演藝術及提倡更前衛的藝術觀念,並為開發及拓展觀 眾群而努力。
3) Screening of local and overseas experimental dance videos 4) Overseas performance Through the De-corps-struction Series, we hope to cultivate a platform for local contemporary performing arts where it can nurture more artists to create. We also hope to promote contemporary performing arts and a more avant-garde artistic vision so as to expand the number of audiences.
《真實・距離》 製作|石頭公社
是次演出項目《真實・距離》由兩個演出作品組成,並以一晚兩戲的形式演出, 分別為林詠欣所創作的《距離》及張楚誠所創作的《非關真實》。兩位創作人均 曾在 2016 年的「留白肢體實驗展現」中呈現這兩個作品的第一階段(各為 10 分
Comuna de Pedra 2017
日期|2017/10/6 − 8
鐘的片段),並吸取了觀眾的意見,在討論及分享的過程中獲益良多。經過一年 時間的沉澱及探索,創作人繼續出發,邁進下一個階段,把作品作出調整及改 良成為完整的劇場作品。 《距離》 創作人 |林詠欣 人與人之間相處都存在著一定的距離,社會上給予了一個定義為「安全距離」。 Experimental Physical Theatre
Reality ∙ Distance Organized by | Comuna de Pedra Produced by | Comuna de Pedra Date | 2017/10/6–8 Time | 20:00 Venue | Hiu Koc Experimental Theatre
Reality ∙ Distance is a double bill with Distance by Jojo Lam and Non Reality by Oscar Cheong. Both artists have presented their work-in-progress (a 10-minute piece) at White Space’s “W.I.P. 001” in 2016, where they had received fruitful feedbacks from the audience through a discussion and sharing session. After a year of thoughts and exploration, they are now ready to progress to the next phase, that is, to adjust and improve the previous work into a theatre performance.
Distance by Jojo Lam There is always a certain distance between human relationships and society has defined it as a “safe distance”. No matter if we are an adult or a child, male or female, old or young, we are all independent human beings. However, no man is an island.
不論是大人還是小孩,男人還是女人,老人還是年輕人,我們都是獨立的個體。 可是同時 沒 有 人 可 以 完 全 獨 立 生 存,我 們 在 某 程 度 上 都 互 相 需 要 對 方。但四 週的環境充滿著未知之數,我們的時代不斷進步,空間不斷轉換,訊息不斷增 加。我們來不及接受各種轉變的同時,內心便會產生不安,這種不安的感覺該 讓我們在關係上如何定位? 《非關真實》 創作人 |張楚誠 《如其在上如其在下》這一古老格言中簡述了一種從外在至內在,從虛幻至實 質的關聯性。在此,作者嘗試以雙魚座土星這一抽象詞組作聯想,運用占星學 上對於這兩名詞的關聯,在日常生活環境中推敲。於演出中嘗試以外在元素的 聯想與拼貼,套進演出結構的重新組織,建構具實驗性的劇場演出。
Somehow, we all need one another. However, we are surrounded by uncertainties and our world keeps on changing and messages keep on increasing. When we are not ready to receive all these changes, anxiety will arise. How should we position ourselves in relationships with this feeling of anxiety? Non Reality by Oscar Cheong The saying “as above, so below” states the correlations of in and out, reality and illusions. From that, the artist tries to explore an abstract phrase “Pisces Saturn”. By associating the features of these two astrological terms to normal daily lives, there will be a collage of outer elements and a re-construction of a performance structure, creating an experimental theatre performance.
導演 |黃大徽 創作演員 |關若斐、莫倩婷、張楚誠 簡介 |以石頭公社的三位資深團員為骨幹,意圖從她/他們走過的路去看自
Comuna de Pedra 2017
的經歷和所思所感;她/他們的舞台既是劇場也是生活。 《石頭外傳》關乎身份,從個人到共同的; 關乎時間,從過去到未來的; 關乎變遷,從私底下到大環境上的。
Artist-in-residence Program
The Pedra Sidequel Organized by | Comuna de Pedra Produced by | Comuna de Pedra Date | 2017/11/3 5 Time | 20:00 Venue | Old Court Building
Director|Dick Wong Devising Performers|Inês Kuan, Jenny Mok, Oscar Cheong
The performance will focus on three members of Comuna de Pedra and will try to see oneself, the city and the world through their journey. The character that they will be playing will be their own selves. The script will be based on their personal experiences, thoughts and feelings. Their stage is theatre and daily lives.
The Pedra Sidequel is about identity - from individual to mutual; It is about time - from the past to the future; It is about change - from the inner self to the society.
有個說法,是「所有歷史都是主觀的,歷史其實並不存在,我們有的只是傳記而 已」。而「外傳」,則是「故事中的故事」或「故事外的故事」,把旁枝與綠葉發展成 主幹,作為補充和註解。 《石頭外傳》就是從個人出發,以舞台記載,於當下呈現,三位石頭公社資深團 員一路走來,一路走去的「蜀道行」。
價|MOP 150
購 票 優 惠|65 歲以上長者及學生可獲8折 超 早 鳥 優 惠|9 月 30 日前購買可獲 6 折
早 早 鳥 優 惠|10 月 14 日前購買可獲 8 折 早
鳥 優 惠|10 月 21 日前購買可獲 9 折
There is a saying: “All history becomes subjective; in other words there is probably no history, only biography.” And “sidequel” is “a story within a story” or “a story beyond a story”. The branches and leaves, as supplements and annotations will grow into the trunk. The Pedra Sidequel begins with the individual self of three members of Comuna de Pedra and their “daunting journey” during these years.
|mop 150
Discounts |Senior Citizens aged 65 or above and students enjoy a 20% discount
Mega Early Bird Discount: 40% off before 30/9 Super Early Bird Discount: 20% off before 14/10 Early Bird Discount: 15% off before 21/10 *Discounts above cannot be used together for one purchase Ticket Sales |**Please refer to Ticketing Information
《無支配的清醒時分》 地點|待定
本屆「肢體/解構」劇季特邀香港年輕編舞家唐偉津(綠美)帶來他的最新作品 《無支配的清醒時份》。這是一個直接介入香港社會核心的作品;結合舞蹈、身 體律動、行為藝術、聲域藝術、即興實驗音樂及裝置藝術。
Comuna de Pedra 2017
日期|2017 年 8月26、27日
「終 結 的 一 坐,很 觸 動 我。那 時 窗 外 還 很 光 亮,看 著 綠美 的 背 再 越 過 去看對面的樓房,心有不如如何向前的感覺。是香港?是自身?充滿 即興、互動、舞蹈音樂和戲劇元素都有。或者不該說是演出,因為更像 是一次嘗試認識彼此與自己的機會。」 香 知深評論員―朱琼愛 「只要你願意不執著於甚麼是作品、甚麼是舞蹈,你會在《無支配的清 Overseas Performance
A Possible Path to Isonomia Date | 2017/8/26, 27 Time | 20:00 Venue | TBC
A work which directly cut into the heart of social movement; mixture of dance, body movement, performance art, soundscape, experimental music and installation art. It is a spinned - off - work-in-progress project extended from the duo performance “The Great Wall of Memories (2015-), inviting participants as “Witness” in a raw defined public space. This presen-tation cut directly into the social movement, and the political reality in the past decade in Hong Kong; our historical sites and villages are being ruthlessly destroyed; the history syllabus in our education has been twisted again and again for effective governing sake; our bookstores are being closed down and the owner had been kidnapped; our mainstream media are not reporting the facts; our information network and freedom of speech is being watched and lessen; our form of Chinese writing is being replaced; the collapse of our voting system; or arts are being corporatised and censored’ the importance of philosophical thinking
醒 時 份》看 到 一 個 人,希 望 藉 著 溝 通,獲 得 面 對 生 命 困 惑 的 勇 氣。音 樂、影像、身體,以友情貫串,以坦誠呈現。」 香 知深評論員―李海燕 「多空間」藝術總監―馬才和先生及城巿當代舞蹈團舞蹈中心總監―黃建宏先生推介節目
《無支配的清醒時份》是由《舞囚的記憶》 ( 2015 -)延伸出來的「現在進行式」計 劃。觀眾置身於粗略劃分的公共空間,並被邀請為作品的「見證人」。本作品直 接介入香港由上世紀開始的社會運動和政治;面對歷史建築及農村被粗暴推 毀、歷史課內容被扭曲、書店東主被跨境非法綁架、主流媒體自我審查、言論及 網絡自由被收窄及監視、選舉制度崩壞、藝術發表被審查等,所作出的回應。希 望透過本次作品發表與觀眾建立靈性、內在及真誠的對話, 了解一代經歷雨傘 運動前後的行動者和藝術家的立場、情感和毅力;並透過具癲覆特質的藝術創 作,注入支持及參與民主運動的能量。
is being dwarfed. We sincerely hope to build up spiritual and internal real dialogue with all participants, hoping you understand our stand-points and emotions, subvert the perseverance, support and join the liberation movement. Project content|
A 7 scenes body documentary cum soundscape performance Videographic documentation Photographic documentation
同步進行,作為劇季的其中一部份,舞蹈錄像計劃希望 藉著舞蹈錄像這媒介,記錄並以另一嶄新藝術角度切入 「肢體/解構」主題,扣問演出與何謂「舞蹈」的本質與 意義,併發新的火花與思考。 在 2016 年 本 社 計劃《 碇 石 二 十》中全 新 創 作 的 四 個 舞
Comuna de Pedra 2017
「肢體/解構」2017 特別設有舞蹈錄像創作及放映單元
蹈 錄 像 作品《 此 時 此 刻》、 《 完 美 的 一 天》、 《 晚 潮》、 《裡 外》,皆受到一致好評,以錄像的獨特視角重新拆解三 位編舞創作的「舞」。2017 年在「肢體/解構」計劃中,我 們將創作兩個全新舞蹈錄像作品,再次對已編排的肢 體動作再切割與解構、重組。
Dance Video Exchange Program De-corps-struction at another angle, questioning the nature and meaning of “dance” and trigger more ideas. In 2016, Comuna de Pedra has created four new dance videos for Pedra Anchorage: The Moment, A Beautiful Day, Night Tide, As Within So Without and were well received by the audience. These dance videos have deconstructed the “dance” of the three choreographers through a unique angle of video art. In De-corps-struction Series 2017, Comuna de Pedra will create two new dance videos, where choreographed physical movements will be deconstructed and rearranged again.
《以夢餵馬》 日期|2017/ 9
為加強不同藝術家的交流,本屆並邀請香港著名舞台攝影師 Jesse Clockwork, 交流合作,分享他對於拍攝舞蹈錄像的心得,同時播放他的舞蹈錄像作品《以 夢餵馬》,並在澳門創作兩個全新舞蹈錄像作品。 導演|楊
暄 ╱ Jesse Clockwork
攝影指導|林 優里
時長|38 分鐘
作品介紹 |現代舞出現於 20 世紀初,是由美國舞蹈家 Isadora Duncan 提出的
舞蹈概念,在一段很長的時間裡流行於歐洲和美國,而華文世界的現代舞成長 於 1979 年後。
Invited Dance Video Screening
soul through a step Date|September 2017
To better create an exchange platform for artists, Comuna de Pedra has invited Hong Kong’s renowned stage photographer Jesse Clockwork to share his experiences in filming dance videos and to present his own dance video work Soul Through a Step, whereas two other local new original dance videos will also be shown. Directors | Anna Yang/Jesse Clockwork Director of Photography | Yuri Hayashi Subtitles | Chinese/English Language | Cantonese/Mandarin Duration | 38 mins Colour
Modern Dance was spring up in the early 20th century by American choreographer Isadora Duncan. For a long time it was popularized in Europe and America, until 1979 after the reform and open policy that it boom in China. It is a new kind of dancing that advocate personal feelings and reality and using nature gesture; modern dance against
的身體運動,與傳統舞蹈例如芭蕾舞、中國民族舞不同,現代舞反對因循守舊 及對舞蹈技巧的絕對追求。 現代舞的出現應運了時代對於打破陳規和反對順從社會的要求,它代表了新 的思想,新的價值觀及新的時代。因此對老舊的人來說可能是一個比較難接受 的新藝術方式,而對於不了解現代舞的人來說,它也看起來怪異且難以理解,
Comuna de Pedra 2017
所以亦不知道如何去欣賞。 與傳統舞蹈藝術不同,現代舞者有更長的舞臺生命,因為在現代舞裡,舞蹈技 巧不是最重要的,更重要的是舞者對生命有不同的體驗。 在片中,通過幾位舞者的故事,可以看到他們如何在個人夢想的追求和現實的 反對力量中作出選擇,從舞者對於夢想的追求中,也可以了解為甚麼有人會選 擇以現代舞作為表達自我的途徑。
traditional classical dance such as Ballet, which is being considered as conformism and only peruse dancing skill. Modern dance appeared in a time that people want to break outdated rule and conformism. It represent new thought, new value, new age; and for the conservatives it is hard to accept this. For people who don’t know much about modern dance, it might be difficult to appreciate such thing. Different from traditional dance or art, modern dancer can enjoy longer stage life because it is a dance not only focus on dance technique but also reinforce dancer’s life experience. In this film, through the stories of different dancers, to show how they make their choice between fulfilling their dream and the opposition power in reality. So it is a film to show a world of people chasing their dance dream and to see why they choose modern dance as a way to express their heart.
太極是中國傳統武術之一,講求中定、放鬆、心靜,這些對舞者/演員的身心都 起到非常重要的影響作用。 太極與肢體的表現能力有非常密切的關係,太極對於「氣」的運用對於舞者/ 演員的身體表現,乃至於心理層面都能夠起到積極的影響。通過太極練習,學 員對「運氣」能夠有所控制,可以從而解決肌肉力量控制及協調問題。譬如擴展 的身體 動 作 需 要 吸 氣、下 沉 的 動 作 需 要 呼 氣、腿 部 動 作 需 要 提 氣 以 減 輕負擔 等,這些都可以通過太極的訓練達到調整的效果,同時亦能訓練舞者/演員的 重心及平衡能力。 課程安排上會著重於透過太極動作,改善舞者/演員的重心、肌肉能力、平衡 力、氣息運用等。除了肢體上訓練,亦可達致修心、培養耐性等。
White Space Physical Training Series
Taichi Workshop Taichi is a traditional Chinese martial arts which emphasizes on one’s centering, relaxation and a peace of mind, which are very important for dancers and performers. Taichi and physical activities are very much interrelated because “chi” (energy flow) in taichi has a very positive impact on the physical and mental aspects of a dancer/performer. By practising Taichi, students will have a better control in the energy flow and will therefore have a better control of muscles and coordination. Moreover, it can also train the centre and balance of dancers/performers. The workshop will mainly focus on improving dancers’/performers’ centre, muscular control, balance and energy flow through practising Taichi movements. Aside from the physical aspect, it can also train one’s mind and patience.
曾於二〇一六年十月代表澳門到波蘭華沙參加第二屆世界太極拳錦標賽,並 獲得兩項亞軍。 上課日期及時間|4月22日至 6月10日, 星期六早上 10:00 − 11:30 地點|留白空間
6月24 及 25日,10:00−11:30( 共 十 堂) 費用|澳門幣 800
名額|15 人
Comuna de Pedra 2017
導師簡介 |邱凱雯,習太極四年。師承澳門南北武術學會創辦人莊少平師父。
Sio Peng, founder of North- South Martial Arts Training Center of Macau. Represented Macau at the 2ⁿd ITCF Cup held in Warsaw, Poland and received two first runner-up awards.
Instructor | Iao Hoi Man, a Taichi practitioner for four years. Student of Master Chong
Date & Time | 22/4 – 10/6/2017, every Saturday 10:00 – 11:30 24, 25/6/2017, 10:00 – 11:30 (10 classes in total) Venue | White Space No. of students | 15 pax Fee | MOP 800
舞習作×治療╱身體單元系列─舞蹈交流計劃 2017
《Dancercise|舞習作》 + 《治療/身體單元系列》 =拍住上 2017 年, 《 Dancercise |舞習作》系列工作坊的主題為「回歸身體的本質」,而 《治療/身體單元》系列工作坊的主題為「藝術治療」,兩個主題都是關注內在 的發展,從內而外。 為起協同增效的作用,互補不足,把資源更有效地運用,本社的《治療/身體單 元》系列工作坊將聯合「梳打埠實驗工場藝術協會」的《 Dancercise |舞習作》 系列工作坊,串連成一整年度具相關主題和方向的舞蹈培訓活動,命名【拍住 上:舞習作×治療/身體單元系列―舞蹈交流計劃】,於不同季度邀請本地以 外的專業導師主持工作坊。
1)舞蹈治療「身」體驗 導師|吳卓然
日期|2017 年 9 或 10月
課時|共同 12 小時(四節課) 地點|留白空間
活 動 內 容 | 舞蹈治療是一種主要以身體動作或舞蹈介入的心理治療。認為身 Dancercise × Therapy/Body Series – Dance Exchange Program 2017
Dancercise +Therapy/Body Series = TranscenDANCE In 2017, the topic of Dancercise will be “back to the body’s nature” and the topic of Therapy/Body Series will be art therapy where topics focuses on inner developments. Aiming for a more diverse yet focused dance series program, Comuna de Pedra’s Therapy/Body Series will collaborate with Soda-City Experimental Workshop’s Dancercise and invite several local and overseas professional instructors to lead workshops during the whole year.
1) Body Experience – Dance Therapy Workshop
Instructor | Ng Cheuk Yin Date | September or October 2017 Duration | 12 hours (4 sessions) Venue | White Space
Description|Dance therapy is a the psychotherapeutic use of movement and dance
to support intellectual, emotional, and motor functions of the body. It helps to let subconsciousness transform into consciousness. Under the theme of “connections between the body and heart”, the body will
難以言喻的歷程;也即是將潛意識的元素,傳達到意識面上,以將混沌的部分 轉為清晰。 有 助 於 整 合 參 與 者 個 人 的身體、心 理、情 緒、認 知、人 際 關 係 上 的 和 諧,達 到 身心合一。 在「身心相連」的主題下,透過舞動、即興創作、協調性及覺察練習等,從身體開
Comuna de Pedra 2017
始,連接動作協調性,聆聽身體聲音,讓身體流動。 進入內心,接觸及釋放壓抑的情緒、阻塞的能量或舊有的想法。 整合身心,重新檢視自己,整合身心,再出發。 參加者將 經驗 |加強身體覺察,身心連結,透過動作釋放壓力及情緒,諬動內
在資源及熱情,整合身心,發現身體動作與溝通、關係建立的重要性從身體動 作層面探討自我概念。 工作坊
coordinate with movements, listen to the body’s voice and let the body flow through dance, improvisation, coordination and observation exercises. One shall go into his/her inner self, understand and release the suppressed emotions, energies and thoughts. After integrating the body with the heart, one shall reevaluate oneself and move on. Participants will experience|Improve the body’s observation, connection between the body and the heart, release stress and emotions through movements, motivate inner resources and passion, integrate the body and the heart, finding body movements and communication, exploring oneself. This workshop focuses on listening, expressing and communicating instead of traditional dance training. There is no beautiful or ugly, good or bad, right or wrong. Dance background is not required for participants. Participants will only need to be open and engaged in participating during the workshop.
本活動主旨在於聆聽、表達與溝通,並非傳統舞蹈訓練,沒有美醜、好壞、對錯 之評價。所以,參加者無須任何舞蹈訓練背景,只需放開懷抱,投入參與即可。
2) 讓身體說話─戲劇治療體驗工作坊 導師|林詠欣
日期|2017 年 10月份
課時|共 9 小時
活動內容 |戲劇治療是一個實在的經驗。這個治療的方式給參加者營造出一個
感覺安全的環境,配合整個身體來訴說故事、觸碰及表達內在的感受、讓情緒 宣洩、面對問題及定立往後的目標。戲劇可讓人深入地探索內在的體會及經歷, 達到自我了解;戲劇也可以幫助探索並建立人際關係,達到心理治療的成效。 活動特色 |透過這次戲劇治療的體驗工作坊,參加者會對戲劇治療有基本的
2) Let the body speak – Drama Therapy Experience Workshop Instructor | Jojo Lam Date | October 2017 Duration | 9 hours
Description|Drama therapy is a substantial experience. This kind of therapy provides
participants with a save environment to tell their stories with their bodies, express their inner feelings, release emotions, confront problems and set up future goals. Drama can let one explore one’s inner insights and experiences and will therefore let one understand oneself more. Drama can also help to explore and establish interpersonal relationships which lead to psychological therapy results. Workshop Features|Through this drama therapy experience workshop, participants will have a basic knowledge about drama therapy and can experience the process of drama therapy.
日期|2017 年 9 或 10月
課時|共同 12 小時(四節課) 地點|留白空間
活動內容 |簡約及創意為即興音樂治療的核心,除具諬發性的創作活動外,這
個工作坊亦會分享有關音樂治療的教學法。 活動特色 |工作坊期間,學員可經歷以下:
Comuna de Pedra 2017
3) 即興音樂治療
2)如何利用音樂,經驗從即興中放鬆及釋放情緒, 3)運用身體律動及各種樂器去嘗試不同的即興方式。
Instructor | Christal Chiang Date | September or October 2017 Duration | 12 hours (4 sessions) Venue | White Space
3) Improvisational Music Therapy
Description |Simplicity and creativity form the core of improvisational music
therapy. Aside from inspirational creative exercises, this workshop will also share musical therapy teaching methods. Workshop Features|During the workshop, participants will experience the following: 1. The idea and techniques of improvisational music therapy 2. How to relax and release emotions through music and improvisation 3. Trying different improvisation methods by using body movements and different musical instruments
身體故事樂園 2017 以不同主題的故事去進行不同的身體遊戲。於充滿 創意的劇場遊戲當中,培養小朋友的身體運用能力、 觀察分析、創意思維等技巧。另外透過每一節課的繪 本分享,培養小朋友的閱讀興趣。本課程亦大大鼓勵 小朋 友 們 發表自己的 見解及意見,有助他們於成長 路上建立個人的獨立性。希望透過課堂,可以讓小朋 友了解生命,尊重自己及他人,培養良好的修養及品 德。每一堂以不同故事作主題,結合遊戲、講故事、小 手工及討論分享,讓小朋友感受藝術與生活的關係。
羊咩咩班(四歲至六歲) 日期|
星期日,2017 年第三季,共十節課
名額|16 人
費用|澳門幣 1,800 元
Meh Meh Class (4 6 years old)
09:30 11:00
Body and Story Playground 2017 This workshop uses children’s stories with different themes to lead to different theatre and movement games. Children will learn to use their body, observation and creativity while playing these games. Instructors will share a new children’s story book each class and this will stimulate children’s interest to reading. This workshop also encourages children to express their ideas and opinions, which will improve their individuality. The workshop hopes to let children understand life, respect oneself and others, and develop good values and virtues. Date|Autumn 2017, 10 classes in total Venue | The White Space No. of students | 16 pax Fee | MOP 1,800
大灰熊班(七歲至十歲) Grizzly Bear Class (7 10 years old)
11:30 13:00
投射方式,展現出一個奇幻的夢境世界,靈活運黑盒小劇場獨特的空間,建造 出一個心理冒險故事,探討人性中渴望成長與不成長之間的衝突與和諧,是一 部非單指向兒童的兒童劇場。首演時五場爆滿,家長及小朋友們反應熱烈。 本年度,本社有幸獲得澳門基金會 2017 “澳門製作・本土情懷”澳門基金會市 民專場演出”的資助,使我們擁有資源可以將兒童劇《小孩俠》進行學校巡迴演
Comuna de Pedra 2017
2016 年,本社創作並上演了兒童劇《小孩俠》,此劇採用布偶及豐富有趣的剪影
澳門基金會 2017 澳門製作・本土情懷 澳門基金會市民專場演出
出,將演出中所傳遞的訊息能夠繼續傳播。 故 事 簡 介 | 潘 先 生 被 診 斷 患 有 小 孩 俠 症 候 群( Kidult Man Syndrome ),
症 狀 是 在 日 間 ,偶 然 在 面 對「 有 可 能 屬 於 大 人 世 界 的 問 題 」時 ,便 會 進 入 思 睡 狀 態 ,無 法 作 出「 大 人 的 回 答 」。沒 有 人 知 道 ─ 甚 至 連 潘 先 生 先 生 自己 都 不 知 道 的 是 ,當 晚 上 睡 覺 的 時 刻 到 來 ,在 他 每 晚 跟 太 太 ─ 然 後
The Kidult Man children’s theatre school tour
Community Education Program
In 2016, Comuna de Pedra created a new children’s theatre performance, The Kidult Man. This performance used puppets and other media to create a magical and dream-like world full of adventures and explored the conflict and harmony between growing up or not. This children’s theatre performance is not only for children, but also for adults and kidults. All five performances were sold out and the performance was very well received by children and adults. This year, Comuna de Pedra is very honoured to be a part of the Macao Foundation-Performance for the Citizens 2017 and we will bring The Kidult Man on a school tour and let the story and messages spread further.
Macao Foundation- Performance for the Citizens 2017
是 他 的 熊 寶 寶 說 完 晚 安 後 ,當 第 三 次 鼻 鼾 聲 扯 完 …… 有 一 個 小 男 孩 ,從 他 的 肚 臍 裡 探 頭 出 來 …… 本劇採用布偶、豐富有趣的剪影和舞台效果,展現出一個奇幻的夢境世界,建 造出一個心理冒險故事,探討人性中渴望成長/不成長之間的衝突與和諧,是 一個非單指向兒童的兒童劇場。 一切從入睡之後展開…… 活 動 日 期| 2017 年 3 月 至 12 月
對 象|小 一 至 小 四 學 生
人 數|視 乎 學 校 禮 堂 能 容 納 的 人 數
時 長 | 大 約 45 分 鐘
費 用|免 費
* 預 約 學 校 巡 迴 演 出 或 查 詢 ,請 致 電 6689-8323 關 小 姐 , 或 電 郵 至 comunadepedra@gmail.com
Description|Mr. Pan was diagnosed to have Kidult Man Syndrome, which will drive
him into a drowsy mode and would not be able to react in an “adult way” when he faces any “adult issues”. However, nobody knows, not even Mr. Pan, that when bedtime comes, after the third snore, a little boy will come out from his belly button. The adventure then begins… Using puppets and other media to create a magical and dream-like world full of adventures, we hope to explore the conflict and harmony between growing up or not. This children’s theatre performance is not only for children, but also for adults and kidults. Date | March to December 2017 Suitable For | P1 to P4 students Duration | approx. 45 minutes No. of Audience | Depending on the venue that the school provides Fee | Free of charge *For performance reservation or enquiries, please call 6689-8323 Ms. Kuan or email us at comunadepedra@gmail.com
與首個社區藝術資助計劃,令本社能更穩定及持續地在社區服務,藉著藝術在 社會中播下更多正面的種子。 本社計劃把藝術教育項目拓展到精神及認知障礙人士上。我們發現本澳的精 神及認知障礙人士所接受的服務大多局限於職能上的培訓,較注重導向他們 在表現和社會工能上融入社會,而鮮少讓他們在社會中展現自我和表達。然而
Comuna de Pedra 2017
社區藝術資助計劃 2017-2018
事實上,有認知困難的人士並不如普羅大眾印象中所想不能自我表述,他們只 是與普通人的步伐並不一樣,需要更多的關注和誘導,仍然可以把自身的感受 展現出來。 故此,我們希望藉著現有的資源為他們服務,讓他們透過活動感受藝術、生活 與自身的關係,創造出個人內在成長的空間,與鼓勵他們更自由地表達,也讓社 會看見他們內在的展現,而非只不斷從職能上配合社會、融入社會運作。
The Journey of My Story
Community Education Program
The project aims at promoting self-expression, communication and self-esteem through theatrical work with the special needs. The whole project is divided into two parts.
Community Arts Project Support Programme 2017–2018
本社成員多年來不斷進修及力求自身進步,曾多次在社區藝術教育方面與外 界進行交流合作,例如台灣《被壓迫者劇場》工作坊及法國第 8 屆《國際戲劇/ 劇場與教育聯盟》等,在過程中增值成員自身的經驗及能力。部份社員亦多年 為特殊學校的戲劇教育導師,而當中也有社員向戲劇治療方面進修,所以在服 務特殊需要的人士方面,本社漸漸累積了豐富的藝術教育,甚至治療方面的經 驗。我們有信心藉著藝術在他們身上帶出正面的影響。
1)故事工作坊 每個人都有自己的故事,而藉著分享自己及聆聽他人的故事,我們與身邊的人 漸漸建立關係。為著不同的需要,我們會為參加者選取不同的故事在工作坊作 分享,再配合與故事主題有關的劇場身體遊戲,令參加者更能投入其中,感受藝 術的啟發。聽故事是一個感受和投入的過程,通過對角色的投入和理解,我們更
The first part is a 6-month-workshop that contains approximately 15 to 20 sessions. During this intensive work together, we hope to open up more possibilities for the participants through the exploration with storytelling. Through sharing and listening to different stories, participants can get to know more about themselves, and through expression in the theatrical space, they can explore their future paths in a creative way. Date | August 2017 to February 2018 No. of participants | 8–10 persons (per group)
為輕至中度認知(智力)障礙的人士來說,社會上給他們的協助大都停留在職 能培訓。而我們認為除了培訓之餘,故事分享和劇場遊戲的加入可以幫忙他們 開啓更多可能性,從增進語言及各方面的表達能力,再漸漸了解自我,繼而尋 找到合適自己的方向。這樣他們可以更全面地發揮自己的長處。
Comuna de Pedra 2017
日期| 2017 年第二至第四季度及 2018 年第一至第二季度 人數| 每班 8−10 人(三班) 節數| 每班 15 節(共 45 節) 地點| 各中心場地
2) 故事展演 舞台是一個讓社會大眾看見的平台,而我們的目的也不是要把參加者訓練成 演員。透過這個平台及觀演這種近距離地的交流,大眾能更深入了解精神及認 社區教育
Date | March 2018 Venue | Hiu Koc Experimental Theater No. of Audience | 60 persons
For more details and enquiries: Please email to comunadepedra@gmail.com
Community Education Program
There will be two groups of participants with different ages and functioning levels. Group A will be participants from mild to moderate intellectual disability or special needs population with relevant level of functioning. Group B will be participants who are older and with moderate to severe intellectual disability. The second part is a public presentation. We hope to bridge the gap with the society, and to remove the negative labels by the participants telling their stories to the public. Moreover, we hope that the participants can gain more confidence by taking the step on stage.
知障礙人士的故事。而透過這種了解,我們希望能減低社會上對參加者固有的 負面標籤。此外,參加者也能在舞台上重獲自信,令他們更敢於在人生中作出 正面的嘗試,繼而幫助他們真正在心理上融入社會。 在故事工作坊完成後,我們會邀請工作坊參加者參與第二階段的故事展現活 動。演出排練時間約三個月,排練時間約一星期兩至三節(每節三小時)。因為 精神及認知障礙人士的生活常常都被別人安排好的,所以我們希望參與第二 階段展現與否都是自發性質,而還未準備好踏上舞台的參加者,我們則會邀請 他們擔任後台協助的工作。 三個不同單位,會有三個不同的展演 每個展現演約長二十分鐘,三個展演在同一
日期| 2018 年 10月(兩場) 地點| 曉角實驗室
人數| 60 人(每場)
詳情及查詢| 請電郵至 comunadepedra@gmail.com
Comuna de Pedra 2017
表演訓練 石頭公社一直積極從事藝術觀念的開拓及表演訓練工作。從成立起,持續邀請 本地及外地專業導師及藝術工作者主持具開創性的藝術訓練工作坊。本年度 石頭公社除與梳打阜實驗工場合辦「拍住上」工作坊外,還設有恆常團訓開放 計劃,歡迎有興趣人仕參與。此外,我們更伙拍身體訓練平台「留白空間」,繼續 帶動民間表演訓練。
Performing Arts Training The company has been working on the development of art concept and training platform for performers. Professional trainings and workshops have been organized since our establishment in 1996. This year, Comuna cooperates with Soda-City Experimental workshop and organized a series of training workshop. Moreover, we have opened our weekly Open Training for people who are interested. Nonetheless, from 2016 onwards, Comuna de Pedra has started its collaboration with ‘White Space’, a performing arts training studio, aiming to enhance the development of local performers’ training.
及 拓 展 生 存 空 間 而 努力,以 形 體 及 舞 蹈 劇 場 為 創 作 重 心。致力嘗 試 不同形 式 術。同時,石頭公社亦策劃及製作不同的藝術相關項目如展覽、藝術節及跨文 化活動等。 留 白 空 間 |「 留白空 間 」是 一 個 開 放 訓 練 與 創 作 工 作 室 的 概 念 ,空 間 的 成 立
旨在 打 造 一 個身體 訓 練 的 基 地,及 劇 場 實 驗 與 創 作 的 交 流 平 台。除 定 期 舉 辦 工作坊,我們還會推廣階段性創作( Work In Progress)的概念,為創作人提供
Comuna de Pedra 2017
石 頭 公 社 | 成 立 於 1996 年,為 澳 門 非 牟 利 文 化 藝 術 團 體,為 劇 場 多 媒 體 創 作
「演出」之 外 的 創 作 發表平台。 「 留白空間」將定期邀 請 有 潛 質 的 年 輕 創 作 者, 呈現他們的階段性創作,並讓其想法能藉著呈現的過程得到更有深度與建設 性的交流,以便作品日後能更有延伸性。
COMUNA DE PEDRA|Established in 1996, Comuna de Pedra has been focusing on physical and dance theatre productions, on stage and site-specific, as well as the promotion of the arts education, with the attempt to develop more artistic possibilities and cultivate culture in Macau. Alongside, Comuna de Pedra also curates and produces different arts projects such as arts exhibitions, festivals and cross-cultural collaborative programs. WHITE SPACE|White Space is an exchange platform for body/movement training,
creative works and experimental theatre. Aside from organising workshops from time to time, we also promote the concept of “work in progress” to provide a space for artists to present their creative works aside from “performances”. White Space will also invite young artists with potential to present their work in progress so as to create a constructive exchange for the piece to deepen and grow.
購票資訊 『石頭撞小城』優惠|在 2017 年內,凡同時購買兩劇團之節目均能享有85折優惠。 澳門售票網 門 市 地 址 |荷蘭園大馬路 71 號 B 地下
俾利喇街 108 號皇宮大廈地下 B 鋪(即大家樂旁) 台山巴波沙大馬路 176 -186 號地下 冼星海大馬路澳門文化中心
氹仔孫逸仙大馬路 267 號利民大廈地下 F 舖
自 助 售 票 機 |鏡湖馬路 85 號 E 地下永樂戲院門口
羅保博士街 2-16 號 A 地下 澳門廣場(澳門國際銀行大廈對面) 網 上 購 票 | http://www.macauticket.com/
牛房倉庫 地
址 |澳門美副將大馬路與提督馬路交界(市政狗房側)
Ticketing Information Comuna de Pedra × Macau Experimental Theatre Discount: Single purchase of programs of both theatre groups will enjoy 15% off MACAU TICKET Address
|Av. Conselheiro Ferreira De Almeida, No 71B, Macau Rua de Francisco Xavier Pereira, No.108, Edf. Palácio, G/B (Next to Café de Coral) Avenida Artur Tamagnini Barbosa, D. Julieta Bl. C, No. 176-186, R/C Macau Culture Centre-Av. Xian Xing Hai S/N NAPE, Macau Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen 267, Edf. Lei Man R/C-F, Taipa Auto Ticket Machine |Estrada do Repouso 85D, G/F, Cinema Alegria Rua do Dr. Pedro José Lobo, No. 2-16, G/A (Opposite to the LIB building) Online Ticketing
|http://www.macauticket.com/ OX WAREHOUSE Address |87-97 Av. do Cel. Mesquita, Santo Antonio, Macau
海事工房 1 號 |澳門媽閣上街 南灣舊法院大樓黑盒劇場 |澳門南灣大馬路 459 號 曉角實驗室 |澳門漁翁街 82-86 號南豐工業大廈第一期十二樓 A
Comuna de Pedra 2017
留白空間|祐漢新邨第四街祐成工業大廈第二期 9 樓 Db
Venue Information WHITE SPACE|Rua Quatro do Bairro Iao Hon, Iao Seng Industrial Building,
Phase II, 9 DB THE NAVY YARD NO. 1|Rua de S. Tiago da Barra, Macao OLD COURT BUILDING, BLACK BOX THEATRE|Teatro “Caixa Preta” no 2.º andar
do Edifício do Antigo Tribunal HIU KOK EXPERIMENTAL THEATRE|Rua Dos Pescadores No. 82-86, Edf. Ind. Nam
Fung, 12 Andar A
聯 絡 我 們 Contact Us
查 詢 電 話 Contacts | 6689 8323 關小姐
Ms. Kuan / 6616 4804 劉小姐 Ms. Lao
電 郵 Email|comunadepedra@gmail.com
Facebook|www.facebook.com/ComunaDePedra/ 網 址 Website|comunadepedra.blogspot.com/ 贊 助 Sponsorship
伴 In Collaboration with