Hola News 2ª Edição

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November, 2017

Noviembre, 2017

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Quiénes somos

Welcome to the second edition of our magazine HOLA NEWS - ENGLISH & ESPAÑOL @ ECC!

Bienvenidos a la segunda edición de la Revista HOLA NEWS - ENGLISH & ESPAÑOL @ ECC!

The Foreign Languages team from Escola Comunitária de Campinas is happy to publish the 2nd edition of our magazine, in which different moments, events and accomplishments can be shared with our whole community. This edition is especially important to us as it is being released during the celebrations for the 40th anniversary of our school!

El equipo de profesores junto con la coordinación de Lenguas Extranjeras de la Escola Comunitária de Campinas se siente feliz en lanzar la 2ª edición de su revista, en la cual diferentes momentos, eventos y realizaciones podrán ser compartidos con nuestra comunidad. ¡Esta edición es para nosotros aún más especial, pues está siendo lanzada en el año de las conmemoraciones de los ¡40 años de nuestra escuela!

In this edition, we share significant moments experienced by our students from our courses/levels, from ‘Educação Infantil’ to ‘Ensino Médio’, in their English and Spanish lessons. We also took the opportunity to include brief descriptions of courses and conferences attended by our team of teachers, thus consolidating our aim of continuous studies of the languages and updating in relation to new approaches and tools for the teaching/learning of foreign languages. We have also described projects we developed, based on the themes proposed by UNESCO.

En esta edición, compartimos momentos significativos, vividos por nuestros alumnos en todos los segmentos, de la Educación Infantil a la Enseñanza Media, en las clases de inglés y español. También incluimos breves descriptivos sobre cursos y conferencias en que nuestro grupo de profesores ha participado, concretizando así nuestra meta de mantener un estudio continuo del idioma y de constante actualización en relación a los nuevos abordajes y herramientas para la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras. Incluimos también proyectos desarrollados por el área, abordando los temas propuestos por la UNESCO.

Above all, this magazine has as its main objective to highlight the importance of the foreign languages teaching/learning at our school and around the world we live in. Our students need to maintain constant dialogue with the reality out there.

Más que todo, esta revista tiene como objetivo reforzar la importancia de la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras en nuestra escuela y para el mundo en que vivimos. Nuestros alumnos necesitan dialogar con la realidad que está ahí afuera.

As described in our Political Pedagogical Project, ‘the conception of human being proposed by Escola Comunitaria's educational system is to develop a thinking, active and ethical individual.’ Our task is to educate critical citizens, with the capabilities for an active and significant construction…. ‘construction that happens in the interaction with oneself, with others and with the object of knowledge, mediated by language’. Therefore, knowing modern foreign languages such as English and Spanish becomes essential and of utmost importance within this context. Still according to our PPP, ‘the contemporary world is complex; it is a globalized world that brings a revolution in the way we see space, time and cosmos. We face a world-scale scenario… New paradigms rule the information and communication society. Changes are deep, rapid and substantial. The speed and quality of scientific and technological achievements expand spaces, making them limitless, with no frontiers, enlarging and diversifying possibilities for different connections’. We invite you all to come aboard and get connected to our work. We hope you enjoy reading it! Foreign Languages Area Escola Comunitária de Campinas - ECC

Como descrito en nuestro Proyecto Político Pedagógico, ‘la concepción de ser humano que la educación de la Escola Comunitária tiene como propuesta es desarrollar el ser pensante, actuante, ético y ciudadano’. Nuestra tarea es formar ciudadanos críticos, con capacidad de construcción activa y significativa... ‘construcción que sucede en la interacción consigo mismo, con los otros y con el objeto del conocimiento, mediado por el lenguaje’. Por lo tanto, tener el comando de lenguas extranjeras modernas como el inglés y el español se torna esencial y extremadamente relevante dentro de ese contexto. Y, además, según nuestro PPP, ‘el mundo contemporáneo es complejo, es un mundo globalizado que trae una revolución en la visión de espacio, de tiempo, de cosmos. Estamos delante de un escenario en escala mundial.... Nuevos paradigmas rigen la sociedad de la información y de la comunicación. Los cambios son profundos, rápidos y sustanciales. La velocidad y la calidad de las conquistas científicas y tecnológicas amplían espacios, dejándolos sin límites, sin fronteras, expandiendo y diversificando las posibilidades de conexión’. Les invitamos a todos que se conecten a nuestro trabajo. ¡Esperamos que disfruten la lectura! Núcleo de Lenguas Extranjeras Escola Comunitária de Campinas – ECC

Quem somos Bem vindos à segunda edição da Revista HOLA NEWS ENGLISH & ESPAÑOL @ ECC A equipe de professores juntamente com a coordenação de Línguas Estrangeiras da Escola Comunitária de Campinas sente-se feliz em lançar a 2ª edição de sua revista, na qual diferentes momentos, eventos e realizações poderão ser compartilhados com toda a nossa comunidade. Esta edição é para nós ainda mais especial, pois está sendo lançada no ano de comemorações dos 40 anos de nossa escola! Nesta edição, compartilhamos momentos significativos, vividos por nossos alunos em todos os segmentos, da Educação Infantil ao Ensino Médio, nas aulas de inglês e espanhol. Também incluímos breves descritivos sobre cursos e conferências em que nossa equipe de professores participou, concretizando assim nossa meta de manter um estudo contínuo do idioma e de constante atualização em relação às novas abordagens e ferramentas para o ensino de línguas estrangeiras. Incluímos também projetos desenvolvidos por nossa área, abordando os temas propostos pela UNESCO. Acima de tudo, esta revista tem como objetivo reforçar a importância do ensino de línguas estrangeiras em nossa escola e no mundo em que vivemos. Nossos alunos precisam dialogar com a realidade que está lá fora. Como descrito em nosso Projeto Político Pedagógico, ‘a concepção de ser humano que a educação da Escola Comunitária tem como proposta é desenvolver o ser pensante, atuante, ético e cidadão’. Nossa tarefa é formar cidadãos críticos, com capacidade de construção ativa e significativa... ‘construção que acontece na interação consigo mesmo, com os outros e com o objeto do conhecimento, mediado pela linguagem’. Portanto, saber línguas estrangeiras modernas como o inglês e o espanhol se torna essencial e extremamente relevante dentro desse contexto. Ainda segundo nosso PPP, ‘o mundo contemporâneo é complexo, é um mundo globalizado que traz uma revolução na visão de espaço, de tempo, de cosmos. Estamos diante de um cenário em escala mundial.... Novos paradigmas regem a sociedade da informação e da comunicação. As mudanças são profundas, rápidas e substanciais. A velocidade e a qualidade das conquistas científicas e tecnológicas ampliam espaços, deixando-os sem limites, sem fronteiras, expandindo e diversificando as possibilidades de conexão’. Convidamos todos a se conectarem a nosso trabalho. Esperamos que apreciem a leitura! Núcleo de Línguas Estrangeiras Escola Comunitária de Campinas - ECC

Nota: Hola News é uma revista virtual. Ela envolve a interação e participação de todos. Convidamos vocês a participar com comentários e sugestões de novas matérias através de nosso email: holanews@ecomunitaria.com.br Por ser uma revista bilíngue, vocês terão acesso a vários artigos, notícias, reportagens, entrevistas e curiosidades em inglês ou em espanhol, pois essa é uma forma de promover a exposição aos idiomas. COORDENAÇÃO DO NÚCLEO DE LÍNGUAS ESTRANGEIRAS: Sueli Monteiro PROFESSORES DO NÚCLEO DE LÍNGUAS ESTRANGEIRAS: Camila Filócomo, Laís Dib, Carolina Silva, Cristina Gosenheimer, Caroline Sabongi, Luciene Sousa, Marillyn Prado, Rita Noris, Verónica Rolandi, Angela Silva, Luciana Ivo Bitar e Marcelo Baraldi. CRIAÇÃO DE LOGO: Rodrigo Bryan COLABORAÇÕES DE ALUNOS: Grigor Pugliesi Bittencourt, Hugo Lee Ciofli de Andrade, Igor de Oliveira Bialoskorski, Isabela Giorgetti de Carvalho, João Pedro Dias, Letícia Chieppi Carvalho, Mateus Fonseca Moreira, Sophia Ferreira Rosa

IMAGENS: Todos os direitos reservados a Escola Comunitária de Campinas. Está proibida a reprodução total ou parcial da obra de acordo com a Lei 9.610/98.

R. Egberto Ferreira de Arruda Camargo, 650 Jardim Notre Dame, Campinas - SP, 13092-621 Tel: (19) 3758-8500

What’s going on? / ¿Qué pasa?

ECC no ICLOC As professoras do fundamental 2 Luciene Sousa, Marillyn Rodrigues do Prado e Rita Noris (inglês) e Verônica Rolandi (espanhol) juntamente com a coordenadora da Área de Línguas Estrangeiras, Sueli Monteiro, apresentaram trabalhos no dia 27 de maio de 2017, no Colégio Presbiteriano Mackenzie, em São Paulo/SP, do IX Congresso ICLOC (Instituto Cultural Lourenço Castanho) de práticas de sala de aula. Com o título “Get to know the world of mysteries”, a apresentação das professoras de inglês do Fundamental 2 tratou do projeto homônimo que acontece com os 8os. anos de nossa escola. Por se tratar de uma iniciativa que tem se revelado extremamente significativa para a formação dos nossos alunos, acreditamos que compartilhar esta experiência pôde provocar reflexões e práticas em diferentes contextos educacionais.

Inglês – Ensino Fundamental 2

Geografia, Espanhol e Artes Ensino Fundamental 2

“América Latina: o que nos une e nos separa” foi o trabalho apresentado pela disciplina de Espanhol junto com Geografia, professor Adilson Gonçalves, e Artes Visuais, Ana Helena Grimaldi. O trabalho apresenta uma abordagem interdisciplinar que busca uma compreensão ampla do tema América Latina. A Escola Comunitária de Campinas como um todo participou ativamente do evento com a apresentação de diferentes projetos. Além de ser um importante momento de compartilhar produções relevantes de instituições variadas, o evento também propicia uma rica troca de experiências sobre diferentes temas relacionados às práticas pedagógicas de professores de diferentes áreas e contextos. Assim como na edição do ano anterior, após a apresentação dos trabalhos de cada sessão, houve um momento para ‘Perguntas & Respostas’, no qual novamente houve um grande interesse pelos trabalho que desenvolvemos na ECC. Para mais informações sobre o evento, visite www.icloc.org.br


What’s going on? / ¿Qué pasa?

TEACHER TRAINING Learning and improving is one of our staff’s goals. Check some of the courses and lectures our team was able to take. Writing assessment course Teacher Rita Noris (Fundamental 2) and Luciana Bitar (Ensino Médio) attended the São Paulo Open Center Academy Week Writing Assessment Workshop that happened in July. The workshop’s main focus was on the assessment of written work from levels B1, B2 and C1 from the Common European Framework, with emphasis on the Cambridge Exams. At ECC, students produce pieces of writing throughout the year and those are always carefully corrected and marked by the teachers. In Fundamental 2 and Ensino Médio, the pieces of writing are already very similar to the ones students will have to produce when taking the Cambridge Exams.

Cambridge Day Coordinator Sueli Monteiro, teacher Marillyn Prado (Fundamental 2) and teacher Angela Silva (Ensino Médio) were present at the Cambridge day 2017 in July. The event’s main focus was Global Education and 21st Century Learning. Braz-Tesol SIG Symposium

Teachers Carolina Silva and Cristina Costa (Fundamental 1) attended the 2day Symposium about Bilingualism and Bilingual Education in July.

Amazing minds In July 2017, teacher Luciene Sousa (Fundamental 2) took part in a two-day event called “Amazing minds” in São Paulo-SP. The meeting was promoted by Pearson and gathered school coordinators and English teachers from the greatest schools of Southeast Brazil. Better learning Cambridge promoted a lecture with Herbert Puchtta on developing basic and critical thinking skills. It happened in September 2017 in Vinhedo-SP and teacher Luciene Sousa (Fundamental 2) could could be part of it.


What’s going on? / ¿Qué pasa? Visible Learning Workshop Teacher Caroline Sabongi (Fundamental 2) had the opportunity to take part in the Visible Learning Workshop held in July at São Paulo Open Centre by Mirela Ramacciotti. The workshop’s main aim was on the importance of using a range of strategies, knowing how the students are progressing and providing effective feedback for better learning. Instituto Singularidades - SP Ensino de língua estrangeira para crianças Teachers Laís Silva, Carolina Silva and Cristina Costa (Infantil and F.1) took this 45-hour-course which had different topics, such as Second language acquisition, Methodologies, Storytelling, Project Based Learning, Neuroscience, Bilingualism, Classroom management and others. Advances in neuroscience have been showing us how cognitive development is shaped by learning experiences. In the Mind, Brain, and Education Braztesol SIG event, teachers and coordinator of ECC had the opportunity to learn how the latest findings in biology and cognitive science bear on fundamental questions of education, such as how people learn and what we can do to improve the learning process. People who attended the event: Luciana Bitar, Caroline Sabongi, Carolina Silva, Cristina Costa, Laís Silva and Sueli Monteiro.

Aplicativo preparatório para exame de Cambridge desenvolvido por professora da ECC O aplicativo “Key to FCE”, lançado no fim do ano passado pela professora Luciene Casassanta Sousa em parceira com a HolyHouse, chegou a 516 instalações por aqueles que estão se preparando para o exame FCE ao redor do mundo. Confira a lista de países em que o aplicativo já foi instalado: Brasil Espanha Peru México Equador

Reino Unido Polônia Grécia Rússia Chile

Índia Áustria Itália Uruguai Irã

Argentina Austrália China Nova Zelândia República Tcheca

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What’s going on? / ¿Qué pasa? Exames de Cambridge Dando continuidade aos trabalhos iniciados em 2015, nossos alunos de 9.º anos do Fundamental 2 e 2.º anos do Ensino Médio prestaram os exames de Cambridge aqui na Escola Comunitária. O trabalho de preparação para os exames acontece sempre durante as aulas de inglês, sendo parte integrante do currículo da disciplina. Os alunos nos cursos Fundamental 2 e Médio são divididos em turmas de acordo com suas habilidades, e cada turma se prepara para o exame relativo ao nível de competência de inglês que se encontra. Tivemos alunos prestando os exames de KET, PET, FCE e CAE. Os resultados, mais uma vez, foram muito bons e motivadores.

Confira algumas fotos de nossos alunos recebendo os certificados!


What’s going on? / ¿Qué pasa? Ensino Fundamental 1 - Library Our students from 2nd to 5th grade started attending the school library. From now on, they have the chance to keep in touch with English through more reading. While they are at the library they have the opportunity to share what they’ve read and choose a book to take home. They sometimes have a moment of storytelling too. They all listen carefully to the story told by the teacher. This is an enriching moment for them.

Ensino Fundamental 1 - iPads

The I-Pads are frequently being used as an efficient tool for language learning. Students from the 2nd to the 5th grade have practiced English through varied activities in different apps and they have enjoyed them pretty much! We are definitely going to keep on doing this language practice more and more!


Special events / Eventos especiales 2.º ano - Ensino Fundamental 1 Happy Anniversary, Comunitária School! During the first semester, as a “School Project” integration activity, the 2nd grade students produced a book named “Comunitária School”. This book was completed and illustrated by the children to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of ECC. Some of the kids’ experiences were brought out in each page, in different activities and places. Take a look at some pictures taken from this great project! 8.º ano – Ensino Fundamental 2 En conmemoración a los 40 años de la Escola Comunitária de Campinas, los estudiantes de los 8ºaños fueron invitados a donar sus recuerdos al Banco de Recuerdos. A continuación disfruta de algunos de esos recuerdos.

DONA UN RECUERDO Dona también un recuerdo a nuestro Banco de Recuerdos y participa con nosotros de esta conmemoración.


Special events / Eventos especiales Tea day Ensino Fundamental 2

As part of our “Tea day�, which was special this year since ECC celebrates its 40th anniversary, 6th grades B and C had a special talk in English. The speech was delivered by Simone Bueno, mother of our student Bruno Bueno from 6th grade B, and was about historical, cultural and economic aspects regarding tea around the world. Students showed interest and interacted with questions in English, making it an even richer moment.

Besides that, the English teachers prepared a video activity for different grades. The video brings a brief history and curiosities about the consumption of tea by British people.


Special events / Eventos especiales Olimpíadas ECC 2017 Ensino Fundamental 2 e Médio SPELLING BEE This year we also had a SPELLING BEE CONTEST in the Olympic games. It was a very remarkable experience: our students studied very hard before the competition and we practiced it in class with them. We also watched part of a movie about this topic. We gave all the students a list of words they had to study for this contest.

American football This year we had the Olympic Games with a new special sport: American football. In order to talk to students about it we watched a video from Marques Morgan, describing his experience as a footballer. All the English teachers watched his video in class and prepared some exercises about it.

ABOUT MARQUES MORGAN Marques Morgan, born in Sacramento, CA, began playing sports at the young age of 4, but at 8 years old he found his first love as he started playing youth American football. As his skills and passion grew, Marques would earn a scholarship to play football Division 1 at Bucknell University in Pennsylvania. As for his career, he runs his own business as Health Coach.

Passa ou repassa CHEERLEADING-2017 Nas Olimpíadas da ECC, é dada importância não somente ao esporte em si mas também ao conhecimento, inclusive o de espanhol e inglês. O “Passa ou Repassa” é uma oportunidade de valorizar o estudo, brincando.

During the Olympic Games we also had a group of students who got prepared to be cheerleaders during the football game. We worked with this topic in class with 8th and 9th grade students.

Mais uma vez a professora de espanhol do Fundamental 2 fez parte do grupo de professores que apresentou o Passa ou Repassa.


Our Projects / Nuestros Proyectos Greenman and the Magic Forest Infantil 1 – Educação Infantil Students from Infantil 1 met a very special friend, Greenman, who lives in a Magic Forest. The children had a blast while going around the school to collect leaves to make a tree as Greenman showed them in the story.

As an extra activity designed to promote more practice with the new vocabulary, Greenman brought some toys and flashcards to class and students were excited to play ‘Hidden Toys’. They were able to practice the target vocabulary in a fun way.

The Red Hen Infantil 3 – Educação Infantil In order to integrate our English classes to the Class Project ‘Tunico, o espantalho’, our students from Infantil 3 learned about different farm animals and they listened to an amazing story - ‘The Red Hen’. Students had the opportunity to participate in the storytelling and were happy with the recipe the Red Hen sent to them. They learned the ingredients for the cake, made a recipe book to take home, then they were also able to decorate and eat the ‘Simply Splendid Cake’ in class. It was an exciting experience which motivated students to speak English.


Our Projects / Nuestros Proyectos Goldilocks and the Three Bears Infantil 4 – Educação Infantil As part of the project ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’, students from Infantil 4 had the chance to write a letter to the Bears’ family and had a wonderful surprise when they received a big package as an answer to the letter. The Bears sent all the ingredients and the recipe to cook the delicious porridge.

Mr and Mrs Potato Head – 1.º Ano – Ensino Fundamental 1

As an extra activity designed to promote more practice with the parts of the body vocabulary, Mr and Mrs Potato Head came to life during our English classes. Students were excited to put it together and practiced the target vocabulary in a fun and interactive way.


Our Projects / Nuestros Proyectos

Sarau 4.º ano – Ensino Fundamental 1 At the end of October we had our Sarau. The students from 4os anos presented what they had produced in the classroom. Throughout this project, we learnt some rhymes, songs, tongue twisters and poems. There are many poems written by our students too. All types of poems; poems about friends, animals, school, universe, food, family, books, and so on. It´s amazing to see them produce, try to put words together and find rhymes to master their writing skills. Here are some of the poems they have written. BOOKS Books are cool I read books at school I like cool books But I hate fool books I love books They look good I read books every day After I play. by Ana Luiza, Miguel V., Giulia and Gabrielle

SUMMER When is summer I love the sun And I have fun Everyday I dream With the cold ice cream I like to go to the pool When the water is cool. by Maria Eduarda and Matheus 4.º E

MONSTERS Monsters are horrible And they are scary Monsters are tall And small Monsters come at night Monsters fight Monsters are black And monsters are white Monsters say goodbye

by Luiza and Lucas Barros 4.º D

MUSIC I love music! Music is awesome. I like the Beatles, I like Maroon V I like Queen When I listen to a song I can´t stop singing We can play the flute We can sing Yellow Submarine We all love to sing, Dance and play! by 4.º E


Our Projects / Nuestros Proyectos Cultural Exchange Project 7.º ano - Ensino Fundamental 2 Our 7th grade project consists of a lettter or e-mail exchange between our students and students from other countries. The focus is on the exchange of information and experiences, through letters, e-mails and photos, in order to broaden students´ knowledge of other cultures, promote the respect towards differences and the usage of the English language in real situations. Besides that, in the Arts class, our students prepared cards to show aspects of the Brazilian culture. Here you can see some pictures of our students receiving letters from Austria and Portugal as well as pictures of our foreign partners receiving our letters.


Our Projects / Nuestros Proyectos

América Latina, ¿Qué nos une? ¿Qué nos separa? 8.º ano – Ensino Fundamental 2

Este año, el Español ha lanzado mano de la tecnología en la muestra del proyecto América Latina, el 31 de agosto de 2017.


proyecto América Latina, desarrollado por los alumnos de los 8.º años —Ensino Fundamental de la Escuela Comunitaria de Campinas—, es un proyecto interdisciplinario, entre las asignaturas de Geografía, Lengua Española, Historia, Artes visuales y Fotografía.

Video making of El Making Of es la forma de documentar cómo se llevó a cabo la realización de una producción. Los alumnos documentaron toda la producción de la muestra y produjeron un video para contarnos un poco de esa experiencia.

El foco principal del proyecto es el REconocimiento, la CONstrucción y la REconstrucción de la identidad latinoamericana, está marcada por la pluralidad cultural.

La problemática, América Latina: qué nos une y qué nos separa, impregna todo el proyecto.


Palabras que desvelan

Cantando América Latina Polvo de estrellas, del cantautor uruguayo Jorge Drexler. ¿Cuánto vale una vida? Vale lo que el SOL vale

https://youtu.be/xKf04BO06Lc Desvelarla, sacarla a la luz una imagen de América Latina y que a lo largo de todo el proyecto se buscó REconocer, DESconstruir, CONstruir, REconstruir.

Interpretada por: Lara Podolsky, Laura Oppermann, Mariana Caviola Marina Junqueira, Mel Albrecht y Vitor Ramos.


Our Projects / Nuestros Proyectos ¡Esperamos que lo disfruten tanto como nosotros! Al son de Moliendo Café, nuestros

Reflexiones acerca del territorio mexicano. 8º año A

estudiantes llevaron los visitantes hacia el Galpón del Infantil para la muestra.

Reflexiones acerca del territorio boliviano. 8º año B

Códigos QR

Reflexiones acerca del territorio argentino. 8º año C

A la hora de programar una exposición no siempre resulta sencillo encontrar un equilibrio entre ofrecer demasiada información o aportar poca, que puede resultar escasa a un público más interesado. Ante ello, hemos optado preparar QR Codes. Así… Accede también a las siguientes informaciones explicadas en español por nuestros estudiantes sobre las piezas de la muestra.

Reflexiones acerca del territorio peruano y haitiano. 8º año D


Our Projects / Nuestros Proyectos Get to know the world of mysteries 8.º ano – Ensino Fundamental 2 This project is based on stories of mystery and horror written by English language authors. Throughout the year, students carried out different activities related to the four language skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening, some individually, others in groups. Researches, presentations and assessment are also part of the process. To conclude this project, families were invited for a movie session with videos produced by students, based on the stories that were read.

Around the world 9.º ano – Ensino Fundamental 2 This project is based on the books read in 2017. The stories address the topic of “travelling” and students are encouraged to travel together to different countries. Enhancing students' understanding of different cultures and lifestyles was one of the projects main goals, as well as improving their reading comprehension. The four skills could be developed by reading the story, researching websites, preparing power point slides, presenting orally to the class, taking part of reading circles and doing written activities. In October, students presented the final product of this project: oral presentations about sustainable tourism and one more topic of their choice regarding places mentioned in the book. Here you can check some photos!


Our Projects / Nuestros Proyectos The World of Poems 2.ª Série - Ensino Médio

This project was developed to and by the students of the 2nd grade of high school.

The idea of the project was to motivate students into the world of poems. One of the main objectives was to enhance students' understanding of poems, as well as increase their linguistic and lexical resource. By understanding what makes a poem a poem and learning how to interpret it, students broaden their personal, social and cultural contexts. Poetry enables the reader to view the world in new alternative ways and from viewpoints other than their own. Being in touch with this form of literary art allows students to foster their higher order cognitive abilities, which involve creativity, critical thinking, logical reasoning and more. The project was carried out during the English classes, where students took part in different activities. As a final result of the project a website was developed and there the reader can understand more about the project, check some activities done throughout the project and read poems produced by the students. Link to the website: https://sites.google.com/ecomunitaria.com.br/the-world-of-poems/p%C3%A1ginainicial

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Our guests/ Nuestros invitados

7.Âş ano - Ensino Fundamental 2 As part of the Cultural Exchange Project, students from 7th grade B and C, who exchanged e-mails in English with students from Portugal, received a special visit! His name is Ricardo Marques. He is Portuguese and has already lived in several countries, including England. Around four years ago, he was transferred to SĂŁo Paulo. Today, he is a Senior Business Development Manager at Cambridge English Language Assessment in Brazil, a department of Cambridge University. Ricardo spoke in English to our students about sustainable tourism in Portugal and curiosities about the country. He also presented some of the lexical differences between Portuguese spoken in Brazil and in Portugal.

Students from 7th grades A and D, have exchanged letters with pupils in Austria. Thus, the special guest invited for their groups was Elizabeth Menzl. She was born in Austria but lives in Brazil. She has graduated in Biomedicine and has a Master in Public Health. Besides that, she has also worked as an English teacher and as a Portuguese teacher for foreigners who live in Brazil. She could share about the culture of her country and also brought a delicious apfelstrudel for our students.

Both Ricardo and Elizabeth were amazed by students interest and languistic abilities. Those were truly enriching moments for our pupils!

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Our guests/ Nuestros invitados

Ensino Fundamental 2 Las visitas en la asignatura de español hicieron parte del trabajo desarrollado para el Proyecto América Latina, en el cual participan Español, Geografía, Historia, Fotografía y Artes Visuales. Cada sala estuvo involucrada en investigaciones sobre un país. Cada visita ha provocado desplazamientos en relación a los conocimientos a respecto de esos países de América Latina, siempre por medio de una aproximación respetuosa y motivadora, que va más allá de la exposición del idioma de forma auténtica y natural.

8.º A Roseli: México Roseli es brasileña, pero vivió en Ciudad de México más de seis años. Su visita fue muy enriquecedora, pues pudo traer a nuestros alumnos una mirada distinta, de un brasileño viviendo en México, sobre ese país, su historia, cultura, economía y política.

8.º B Ana Luiza: Bolivia

Ana Luiza es dentista y se autodefine como una mezcla de brasileños y bolivianos. En su visita destacó los temas diversidad étnicocultural, paisajes y gastronomía de Bolivia.

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Our guests/ Nuestros invitados

8.º C – Fernando: Argentina Argentino de Córdoba, charló con los alumnos sobre la Historia de ese país, deportes, avances tecnológicos y por qué no la conocida rivalidad entre Brasil y Argentina.

8.º D – Ruby: Perú Profesora de lengua extranjera y peruana, presentó de manera muy didáctica y divertida aspectos culturales de su país, desde sitios arqueológicos, culinaria y bailes típicos.

!Agradecemos muchísimo la presencia de Ana Luiza, Fernando, Roseli y Ruby en nuestra escuela!

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Our guests/ Nuestros invitados 9.º ano – Ensino Fundamental 2 As part of our project called Around the world, 9th grade students had some guests: Bruno Caraccio is a certified insurance agent, private English teacher, translator and text reviewer and proofreader. He has been working as an English teacher for over 20 years. He taught at institutions such as Fisk, Yazigi, Cultura Inglesa, among others, holding management and coordinating positions in some of those schools. On September 28th, students from the EFT2 9th grade had the opportunity to meet Bruno, who talked about his trip to Canada, concerning some cultural aspects and curiosities about the country.

Louise Potter is a teacher trainer, an author and a presenter. She was born in England, but moved to Brazil when she was 13 years old. She told students about her experience, especially about her passion for travelling. She has visited nearly 70 countries and her life inspired our 9th-graders.

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Our guests/ Nuestros invitados

1.ª e 2.ª séries Ensino Médio

On the 3rd of April we had David, Franklin Learning Center’s principal, here in our school. Our high school students had the chance to meet David and to hear from him a bit about how the American high schools work as well as learn more about his online school. Students were able to ask questions and interact with him. It was an interesting and fruitful experience.

On October 24th , the senior students from High School and 1EC1 AND 2EC1 had the visit of representatives of USF – University of South Florida; CIT – City University London and UOG – University of Gloucestershire, who presented to them their educational system as well as possibilities for studying abroad. They also offered a mini fair in which students could talk individually with guests and inquiry them on personal interests. 3.ª série – Ensino Médio

On August 22nd, the senior students from High School had the pleasure of having Izabella Vianna from Valencia College and Christopher Dahlstrand and Vanessa Delgado from University of Central Florida to share with them their educational system as well as possibilities for studying abroad.

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Our guests/ Nuestros invitados 2.ª série – Ensino Médio

Ensino Médio “Arquitectura


On the very first week of class, students from the second grade of EC2 and EC3 classes had the chance to meet a foreign exchange student from Japan, Usako Kaneda. Usako is a fifteen-year-old Japanese student, who came to EFT3 Brazil to spend a year as an AFS foreign exchange student. Usako spent her year in Lauro de Freitas, Bahia and came to Campinas for a different cultural experience. She visited ECC and gave a short presentation to our students about some cultural aspects of Japan and on how the school system in Japan differs from ours. She was very well-impressed with our students and with the fact that they could all communicate very well in English. Students had a chance not only to interact with someone from a different culture, but also to hear about a very different perspective regarding education.

Invitamos a la arquitecta Bárbara Oriani para dividir su experiencia sobre “Arquitectura Sostenible” con nuestros alumnos. Bárbara destacó la relevancia de la sustentabilidad en las ciudades relacionada a la mejora de nuestra calidad de vida, también relató sus experiencias durante el periodo que vivió en México y la importancia de la lengua española en su vida personal y profesional.

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Our guests/ Nuestros invitados

Pupils as special guests / Alumnos como invitados especiales Healthy Diet 3.º ano – Ensino Fundamental 1 As a result of our Healthy Diet Project studies, Carina M. Walsh, a 3rd grade student, prepared some videos while visiting her family in the United States in July. She interviewed some family members about their meals and favorite foods and recorded them in amazing short videos. Then, when she returned to school, she shared this work with her classmates during our English class. The students simply loved these videos and they also could learn a little more about this topic in an American family.

Sharing and having fun 4.º ano Ensino Fundamental 1 At the beginning of the year, our student Fernanda from 4.º E, brought us a song written by her and her father. She talked about how it was written and then sang it and played her guitar for us. The lyrics are about vacation, mentioning that it´s time to get back to school and meet new friends. Thanks Fernanda!! We had a great time singing along with you. In the first semester, our project was about Prejudice. Our student Samuel from 5o A, did some research at home and brought it to class to share with his colleagues. We then jointly decided to invite his mom Luciene to talk about Martin Luther King. We watched a video and Luciene told the kids about his life. This was a great opportunity to enrich our project and broaden our knowledge about prejudice. Thanks Samuel and Luciene!

5.º ano – Ensino Fundamental 1

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Our guests/ Nuestros invitados

Ensino Fundamental 2 6.º anos Throughout the second term 2017, a lot of 6th grade students showed interest in presenting in English to their classmates. They have talked about their experiences in different countries they have been to, such us: Norway, United States, Canada, Croatia, Argentina and the United States.

Here are their names: Lucas Moujares Promicia (6.º A), Sofia Vilela Mansur Haddad (6.º A), Dora Gamberger (6.º B), Julia Lemos Fontinele (6.º B), Luiza Prando Cardia (6.º B), Maria Fernanda Vitelli Dutra (6.º B), Miguel Franco Rosa de Santis (6.º B), Sofia Cardoso Bertoncello (6.º B), Carolina Mozaquatro Merhy (6º. C), Julia Macedo Galembeck (6.º C) and Francisco de Aquino Pereira Magalhães (6.º C).

Here you can see some of the slides students have prepared.


Students from 6th grade C had the chance to learn some new games with their classmates, Beatriz de Matos Bonicontro Ambrósio, Julia Macedo Galembeck and Carolina Mozaquatro Merhy. Students got in touch with the vocabulary seen in class in a fun and interesting way.

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Our guests/ Nuestros invitados

Ensino Fundamental 2 Our 9th grade groups have received guest speakers who talked about their personal experiences as well as cultural curiosities related to the central theme of our cultural project “AROUND THE WORLD�. On August 3rd, students from the EFT3 9th grade had the visit of Gabriel Bruetto de Moraes, an ECC student from the first year of High School who has already travelled to many different countries. He talked about his experience in London, concerning curiosities, cultural aspects and the political moment at that time. At the end of August, students from the EFT2 group in the afternoon had the chance to meet a student from the second grade of the EC3 group from High School, Hugo Lee Ciolfi de Andrade. Hugo is a sixteen year old student who has lived in Paris for about a year. Students had the chance of hearing a bit from him about some curious facts, impressions and how everyday life in Paris was. On August 8th, students from the 7th A had the visit of Enzo Francisco Klamn Fonteyne, an ECC student from the 9th grade who has already travelled to Austria. He talked about his experience in Austria.

One of the EFT4 9th grade students, Felipe Fanhani de Araujo, agreed to share his experience as an exchange student in Mexico with the EFT2 group in September. He openly spoke to the group about the challenges he had to face while living abroad.

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School trips / Estudio del medio 7.º ano - Ensino Fundamental 2 As part of the Cultural Exchange project, 7th graders went on a school trip to Joaquim Egídio together with the science teacher Dalila and English teacher Marillyn. Its focus was on sustainable initiatives and problems regarding tourism in the area.

Later, students wrote an e-mail about those topics to their partners in Austria or Portugal.

Proyecto América Latina Estudio del medio: visita al Memorial de América Latina. El estudio del medio o descubrimiento del entorno, busca fomentar una educación en la que los alumnos puedan organizar de alguna manera, ellos mismos, su experiencia. Para el Proyecto interdisciplinario (Español, Geografía, Historia, Artes Visuales y Fotografía), la aventura y reto empiezan con la visita al Memorial de América Latina, especialmente al Pabellón de la Creatividad que lleva el nombre del antropólogo brasileño Darcy Ribeiro.

8.º ano - Ensino Fundamental 2 Entrada principal al conjunto arquitectónico.

“Etnias – do primeiro e sempre Brasil”, de Maria Bonomi.

Con el foco en ¿qué reflexiones les provoca a los alumnos el contacto con lo diferente y con lo próximo? se inicia un caminar reflexivo acerca de una poco reconocida identidad latinoamericana.

Coming soon... on December 01st, 8th graders are going to a special movie session to watch Muder on the Orient Express, a book that was read by one of the groups.

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Our voice / Nuestra voz

Propaganda Institucional “El Turismo Sostenible para el Desarrollo” IGOR DE OLIVEIRA BIALOSKORSKI DIEGO TICOTOSTI MATEUS FONSECA MOREIRA

2.ª série – Ensino Médio

Después de comprender discutir el tema, los alumnos tuvieron el reto de

desarrollar una infografía y una propaganda institucional con la propuesta de la UNESCO para 2017 “El Turismo Sostenible para el Desarrollo”. A continuación veremos algunas de las producciones de nuestros alumnos.

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Our voice / Nuestra voz El año de 2017 fue declarado el Año Internacional del Turismo Sostenible para el Desarrollo por la UNESCO. Como escuela asociada de este tan renombrado órgano, en las clases de español de la enseñanza media, decidimos hacer un pequeño proyecto para contemplar este tema: los alumnos del primer año escribieron un artículo de opinión,

Texto de Isabela Giorgetti de Carvalho 1ª série – Ensino Médio

El turismo sostenible es una forma de turismo que sigue los principios de la sustentabilidad, siendo una industria comprometida a hacer un bajo impacto sobre el medio ambiente y la cultura local, además de generar empleo para la población lugareña. Esta forma de turismo tiene tres focos, siendo ellos la parte económica, aumentando la renta local y mejorando la calidad de vida de la población. La parte ambiental, que es utilizar la naturaleza de forma consciente para que estos recursos no acaben y la sociocultural, preservando así la cultura local y haciendo con que ella sea atractiva a los visitantes. Además, el turismo tiene muchas consecuencias positivas, y por esto, debe ser muy incentivada, considerando que esta actividad facilita la compresión de los impactos que genera el turismo

(que contribuye con un 9% del PIB mundial), asegura un adecuado equilibrio entre beneficios y costos, y también aumenta la rentabilidad de las industrias domésticas locales. Por lo tanto, se puede concluir que, actualmente este tipo de turismo es muy incentivado, pero solamente el 22% de las personas, según un estudio de la institución KVONI, consideran la sustentabilidad como uno de los tres principales factores que influyen en la reserva de las vacaciones, o sea, se debe cada vez más divulgar esta forma de turismo, para que así las consecuencias para el medio ambiente sean cada vez menores.

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Our voice / Nuestra voz

Propaganda Institucional “El Turismo Sostenible para el Desarrollo” HUGO LEE CIOLFI DE ANDRADE LETÍCIA CHIEPPE CARVALHO

2.ª série – Ensino Médio

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Our voice / Nuestra voz

Líneas entre nosotros: Brasil y Costa Rica Carta de João Pedro Dias 9.º ano A – Ensino Fundamental 2

Se inició este año, en el ámbito del año del turismo sustentable (UNESCO), el cambio de correspondencias entre los 9º años y tres colegios de Costa Rica. Esta es la carta de João a Stefano, alumno de la West College, en Costa Rica. Campinas, 29 de septiembre de 2017. Estimado Stefano, Me parece bueno poder comunicarnos. Qué bueno que la escuela nos está dando esta oportunidad. Creo que será divertido conocer a una persona de otro país con una cultura diferente. Yo soy brasileño y nací en Campinas, me gusta mucho mi ciudad, tengo muchos amigos y me encanta jugar a los videojuegos. Brasil es un lugar hermoso, pero igual a todos países tiene sus problemas. Aquí suceden muchas cosas malas al medio ambiente, principalmente a la Selva Amazónica. Pero hay también lugares que practican el turismo sustentable, como por ejemplo en la región en la que vivo, Joaquim Egidio. Joaquim Egidio presenta algunas prácticas de turismo sustentable, además presenta una fuerte predominancia de la cultura brasileña rural, guarda la memoria de las haciendas de cultivo de caña de azúcar y café que antiguamente fueron predominantes en la economía brasileña. Hoy en día Joaquim Egidio tiene muchos comercios que preservan construcciones antiguas coloniales y senderos en bosques preservados de Mata Atlántica. Aquí en mi colegio aprendimos un poquito sobre tu país y lo imagino como un lugar maravilloso con mucho turismo sustentable y me gustaría que me contaras un poco más sobre eso. Saludos cariñosos desde Brasil, João Pedro Dias

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Our voice / Nuestra voz

Propaganda Institucional “El Turismo Sostenible para el Desarrollo” GRIGOR PUGLIESI BITTENCOURT SOPHIA FERREIRA ROSA

2.ª série – Ensino Médio

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Having Fun! / DiviĂŠrtete

Adivina, adivinador... Soy una casa formada con vestidos de animales, cinco hermanos desiguales tienen en mĂ­ su morada.

Redonda como una taza, y va conmigo a la plaza.

El guante. / La luna.

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Having Fun! / Diviértete

What am I? I travel all over the world, but always stay in my corner. What am I? I start with “T”, end with “T” and within me is “T”. What am I?

I am the same writen forward, backward and upside down. What am I?

I am the only thing that places today before yesterday. What am I?

A stamp. / Teapot. / Noon. / Dictionary.

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Aprende más / Learn more

[…] Según el centro de estudios Pew Research Center, en 2011 había 37, 6 millones de hispanohablantes en EE. UU., una cifra que sube a 42,5 millones para el Instituto Cervantes, en datos publicados en 2016. A una cantidad u otra hay que sumar casi 15 millones que cuentan con algún conocimiento de la lengua.

Disponible en: https://elpais.com/internacional/2017/01/23/actualid ad/1485164554_579107.html

Disponible en: https://www.clarin.com/cultura/hispanohablantesunidos-espana_0_VyBwBrSTl.html 9 3 4 8 36

Rincón lingüístico/ LanguageEspanhol corner

¿Lo sabías? El conjunto de granos de maíz que se inflan cuando los tostamos y se abren en forma de flor recibe diversos nombres según el país o la región en que se habla español: Pochoclo: en partes de Argentina Palomitas: en España Canguil: en Ecuador Pororó: en Uruguay

Alboroto: en algunos países de América Central

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Rincón lingüístico/ LanguageEspanhol corner

Si eres español, nada de esto te parecerá raro. Pero si no lo eres... ¡verás qué cosas "tan raras" hacen los españoles! Disponible en: https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/228118-10-cosasnormales-espana-son -

Un juego para saber cómo suena en cada país la lengua castellana. Para jugarlo accede el link a continuación. Disponible en: https://elpais.com/especiales/2016/acentos-del-espanol/

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