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Draft for comments 20 March, 2008

Convention on Biological Diversity COP 9, 19-30 May 2008, Bonn PROTECTED AREAS POSITION PAPER – AGENDA ITEM 4.7 Draft Policy Recommendations Review of implementation of the Programme of Work on Protected Areas In general IUCN: - Notes that the most essential commitment needed from Parties is to prepare and implement a “plan of action to strengthen capacity for national PoWPA implementation”. This should provide the framework for action and should include technical training activities at national and sub-national levels, and encourage the exchange of knowledge and experience, between and within countries. IUCN and its World Commission on Protected Areas stand ready to support Parties in the planning and delivery of capacity building and training activities. - Encourages the further development of regional workshops that catalyze action towards implementation of the PA PoW; - Notes the need to thoroughly, objectively and critically review the lessons learned up to date in relation to the PA PoW in order to inform future action; Furthermore, IUCN urges COP9 to: - Call for renewing a global commitment to strengthen protected areas as a critical tool for conserving global biodiversity and for supporting sustainable development. More specifically, Parties should strive to (a) include an adjustment to the timeline for targets, to reflect the realities of national implementation; (b) maintain the focus on a limited number of key themes, such as management effectiveness, governance, equity and impacts on livelihoods, and sustainable financing which need to be continuously addressed; (c) emphasize the importance of adaptive management of protected areas in the face of global climate; and (d) establish more explicit mechanisms to support national implementation, including an emphasis on strengthening national plans of action. Options for mobilizing, as a matter of urgency, through different mechanisms adequate and timely financial resources for the implementation of the Programme of Work With respect to the above mentioned issue, IUCN: - Notes the importance of showcasing social, cultural and economic benefits of protected areas and using this to justify increased financing for protected areas; - Calls for the Parties attention to the importance of better demonstrating how protected areas contribute to poverty reduction, climate change mitigation and adaptation, human health, and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals1; - Suggests that biodiversity offset mechanisms be explored and used as an important financing mechanism for the long term effective management of protected areas; and - Highlights that national voluntary commitments and country-to-country regional challenges for the creation and effective management of protected areas have demonstrated significant potential for encouraging and mobilizing actions. 1

Report on protected areas: UNEP / WCMC 2007


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