3 things I would tell my pre-kid self...
and how it would change everything I thought I knew about parenting! by talitha a. mcguinness
Remember the days when weekends were for sleeping in and there was no rushing from one birthday party or soccer game to the next, just to fit everything in throughout the day? Yeah, me neither. It seems like those days are but a distant memory. Perhaps it’s because I’ve been raising kids for over 13 years now and so much of life before kids is such a blur (I can't possibly be the only mom who doesn't recall specific details about each birth, who walked when, who said what, etc.).
I vaguely remember parties with friends, dinners out and dancing on the weekends, and even that spontaneous trip, mainly because we had the money and time, and nothing else to do. Even though it’s just a memory, I definitely remember that my evenings weren’t filled with
shuttling kids from one activity to the next, preparing food for my tiny army, conquering laundry the size of Mt. Everest, and the desire to poke out my eyeballs while trying to help with homework. No way. Whatever those days were, they were definitely not THAT! However, I do remember a time in my life when I wanted nothing more than to get married to the perfect man and become a mom (like since I was 4 years old). I had this beautiful dream of how I would be the perfect mother and would have perfect little children who always listened. Yeah, I know... it was a bit lofty in comparison to my current reality. Fast forward all those years, and here I am married for 18 years and 4 kids later. Is my marriage perfect? Are my children? Am I