Conscious Community Magazine - July 2020

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Award Winning











JULY 4, 2020






Past Life Regression with Kasia Szumal Have you been struggling with: • Overcoming Fears • Negative Emotions • Self-Sabotage • Addictions • Obsessions • Anxieties or Phobias?

If so, Past Life Regression could be your answer. This powerfully transformative process will take you on a journey into yourself, allowing you to open the doors to your subconscious mind, so that you can resolve the root causes of problems which you may have difficulty resolving in your conscious mind. It can help you to understand the origins of any blocks you may have from underlying life experiences, and shed light on how they may influence you today. Each session is 60-90 minutes long, and is conducted on Skype. If you do not want to be hypnotized, no problem - there is a telepathic support person who will assist in the session. If you are ready to resolve the cause of your problems and let go of negative emotions, fears, addictions, obsessions and more, then call Kasia Szumal at Conscious Community Magazine.

847- 966-1110

or email





by Vincent Genna, MSW.



16 FULL MOON JULY 4, 2020


Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn

by Donna Stellhorn


06 PUBLISHER’S LETTER Infinite Possibilities by Kasia Szumal

07 ASK ALECIA Community Q&A


Ask Alecia – July 2020

by Alecia Rice


08 ALL ABOUT TOWN Navigating the New Normal

Where to Steer Your Ship as You Navigate the New Normal?

by Theresa Puskar

12 FROM THE HEART Choice Conversations by Alan Cohen

12 4


18 HEALTHY EATING Spare the Rib

Ribless Ribs

by Betsy Bruns

JULY 2020 VOLUME 41, NO.10

(Formerly The Monthly Aspectarian)


22 COSMIC DAILY WEATHER In–Depth Astrology Perspectives

July 2020

by Bernadette Evans

CONNECTIONS 20 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Resources for Better Living 25

MIDWEST PULSE CALENDAR Events, Happenings and Announcements of Interest

July 2020


REVIEWS 26 IN PRINT by Kayla Hancock


CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY is published 12 times yearly by CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY, LLC 47 W. Polk St., Suite 153 Chicago, IL 60605 847.966.1110 © 2020 Conscious Community, LLC. Formerly The Monthly Aspectarian. Nothing may be reprinted in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher. Conscious Community does not necessarily agree with opinions of the writers, nor is it liable for advertiser claims or representations. We believe in the reader’s judgment regarding the quality of any information. All ads should be received by the 10th of the month preceding publication. WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM





few weeks ago, I met with a friend who was complaining that once again she had not been selected to be a hospital board member. She explained that she had never been offered a seat on the board because she was not involved in the hospital community much, had marriage problems and was a mom of growing kids with a lot of things on her mind all the time. But she really wanted to be a hospital board member because some of her girlfriends had positions that made more money and were more respected in the hospital community. She wanted the same. When she said that, everything was clear to me. She desired to become a board member because of her girlfriends’ experience, not because her Higher Self wanted to experience being a hospital board member. Her ego wanted to be a hospital board member, but deep inside her she really did not care. Every day is a new day. Every minute is a new minute. And, every second is a new second, where we create our new reality with our thoughts, emotions and feelings. In each moment, we can find a mate, find a right career for ourselves, create the body we desire, or become a millionaire, if this is our heart’s desire. If you feel joy or passion towards something go for it. Take a risk, and trust that the Universe will provide whatever you need. Here are some more tips on how to manifest your dreams: KATARZYNA (KASIA) SZUMAL PUBLISHER

Being fully in the present moment. You are not in the past or the future, you are now in body, mind and spirit. Your whole body needs to be in unity. Intention/thoughts/emotions. Everything is energy. You say out loud or write down what you want. Use the present tense like you already have it. When you do that, you feel it in every inch of your body like you already have it. Acting “as if.” Let it go. Once in a while think about your dream and feel it in your whole body for a moment and let it go. Watch for signs. The Universe will start sending you the right people; invitations to events, or you will read something inspirational. Act on it. Be open-minded. Curious. Walter Perschke’s (the previous publisher of Conscious Community Magazine) favorite saying was, “I wonder what I will discover today.” Gratitude. Be thankful for the things and experiences that you already have and have had. Celebrate yourself and your life. By doing that, you are raising your vibration and things manifest faster for you. For more about manifestation, you can read Vincent Genna’s article The Greatest Spiritual Insight of the Century. Also, I want to invite you to our Conscious Community Connection virtual meeting each week starting Wednesday, July 15, from 7-8 pm. Theresa Puskar and I will provide you with practices and tools to support your continued efforts to raise your consciousness. Even more importantly, we want to hear from you! We believe you are all heroes on the epic journeys of your lives. To participate in any of these calls, you need to sign up to attend. Tickets are limited. To sign up, go to: Once you sign up, prior to the event, details including the Zoom ID and Password will be emailed to you. (Don’t forget to check your junk mail.) These gatherings will be ongoing and we encourage you to join us every week! Each of you is a powerful being without limits. You are unconditional love and unconditionally loved. The possibilities are infinite! Until next time,

Kasia Szumal




ASK ALECIA by Alecia Rice

Q: I’m feeling so much social pressure. It’s hard enough to make decisions without feeling pressed by others. How do I make decisions under these circumstances? — Under Pressure A: Dear Under Pressure,

We’re feeling all kinds of social pressures lately. Do we wear a mask, volunteer or schedule a trip? Do we attend social engagements? What do we post on social media? How do we deal with what “they” might think of us when we feel differently from them? It can be hard to get clear on what to do, which leaves the answers to be sought solely within our heart and mind. When faced with decision-making, check in with yourself to see how you feel at a visceral level. Do so without any considerations of what others might think about your choice. You may be completely split about your decision, which might make coming to a conclusion challenging. In these circumstances, discuss it with a respected person for a fresh perspective and balance. Just hearing our thoughts expressed out loud often brings clarity. After that, if you feel compelled, consider what others might think about your decision, to help you balance outcomes. Caution: When considering what others might think, be aware that it’s easy to fall into false assumptions. Often when we think another is judging us, that projection is actually us judging ourselves by proxy through a detached external source and surprisingly, we’re often wrong. Even better than assuming is to

communicate clearly by asking them how they feel. If we haven’t learned to use our voice yet, now is the time to start. Clear communication is essential moving into our next normal. We may as well practice getting more comfortable with building that voice muscle now. It’s not easy to go against the grain socially, whether we straight up say no, or make an excuse because doing the former is just too hard. Having thought out responses for certain circumstances ahead of time, can give us more courage and clarity to communicate our decision with confidence. Ultimately, we’re the ones who will have to live with our decisions so we need to stay true to ourselves. Some decisions might save lives; others might not be so dramatic. Should we make a decision that’s contrary to what we want to do, it will raise our stress levels and send the “monkey mind” into overtime. Let’s save some hassles by making the decision to be true to ourselves, to make it easier to live in our body with the mind as our neighbor. Q: I’m homeschooling two children, working full-time from home and caring for an elder parent. This is one of the most difficult times of my life and I’m failing at all of these things. The pressure is wearing me down. How do I manage this? —Tapped Out A: Dear Tapped Out,

During these extraordinary times, it’s important that women ease up

on ourselves while putting aside perfectionistic tendencies and examining unconscious “rules” we’ve set for ourselves. Many of us are in survival mode and can only deal with what we’re forced to deal with because we don’t have our usual energy and coping mechanisms at hand. We have been traumatized and are in an unconscious grief process from all the forced changes lately. We’re stressed and still in survival mode. This is a time for extreme self-care while practicing acceptance and allowance. I advise addressing only the most crucial things which may likely be family, health, as well as keeping a paycheck coming in. Anything that’s not completely necessary or doesn’t bring us comfort or joy should be shelved for later. Maintaining mental health with connected family time and fun is most important. House cleaning and working out can wait—unless they are therapeutic for you—and some meals might be ordered out for more quality time. When we’re suffering, it’s important to check our attachments and resistance to what’s showing up, compared to how we think it “should” be. Releasing attachments can ease stress, while working on allowing experiences to see if we can better flow with timing and opportunity. Practice self-compassion. Ask for help when needed, even if it means temporarily restructuring traditional roles in the family. Find ways to soothe yourself and calm the nervous system while engaging in things that distract you, fill you up and bring you joy. Practice treating yourself as you would advise a best friend, because we deserve to cut ourselves some slack in the same way we do for others. Alecia Rice integrates higher concepts with wisdom to bring forth balance, perspective and clarity. She’s a personal advisor, speaker and gatherer of women. For perspective on life issues, you’re invited to text questions and comments to 681-321-1109. Discussions continue at Ask Alecia on Facebook. WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM





Where to Steer Your Ship as You Navigate the New Normal? June 16, 2020 by Theresa Puskar It’s been over three months since the quarantine began. While some of us are working from home, some are slowly starting to return to their workplaces, and others still have been laid off. While some of us have taken to the streets to protest on behalf of our African American brothers and sisters, others have remained in solitude, sending loving prayers and energetic healing to the masses. Whatever your situation may be, we are all facing a new normal. As I reflect on the past 12 weeks, I see that I am navigating my emotional ship through very foreign waters. To tell you the truth, I sometimes feel troubled and trapped, while other times I feel helpless, healing and hopeful! In 40+ years, I have never had an opportunity to experience my career without a multitude of responsibilities, devoid of stressful deadlines and draining workplace drama, until now. As I reflect on my life, I realize that I have not experienced such freedom since pre-high 8


school—literally. I’ve been a driven and overzealous workhorse throughout most of my life. Existing without a mile-high to-do list or the need to multi-task my way through several projects simultaneously is both foreign and freeing. Perhaps you have been in the same boat? So, I ask you: “Do you miss the old ways or has this shift created an itch inside of you that longs to embrace a new normal—a work environment that is reflected in the self-nurturing that you have been experiencing during the quarantine? Do you long to work in a place that is calm, soothing and encouraging—a place where there are no deadlines, only action plans that sail you easily and effortlessly along a current of delightfully deep curiosity, creativity and inspiration?” You might ask if such a workplace exists? I believe that it does. In fact, I am so convinced of this that I wrote a book to support business leaders and employees alike in making the necessary

shifts to ensure such success. In my book, The Good Morning Mind: 9 Essential Mindfulness Habits for the Workplace, I share the nine habits that when cultivated with a commitment to mindfulness support you in finding joy in your career, whatever it might be. Self-compassion truly takes courage. This morning during a meditation session I was in, the presenter reminded us that self-compassion needs to be our priority as we work towards further raising our consciousness. I realized that as of late—with all of the pressures by the powers that be to get my books sold and to grow my platform as a speaker—the most powerful thing I can do is not to push but to blast myself with compassion and appreciation. When I allowed myself to fully experience self-compassion during the meditation today, the message I received was this: “All that you have done in your life is enough. There is nothing more that you need to do.” I got an overwhelming realization that if I were to die tomorrow, I am enough. My life, my contributions, my efforts are all enough. What if you were emphatically told by your divine, in no uncertain terms that “You are done. No more need to ‘try’ to accomplish anything in your life. As a soul, you extended well beyond your soul’s commitment for this lifetime. You can stop now and simply enjoy your life. No more need to grow. Just relax into being you.” How freeing! Another realization I had was that I have been misguided. All that I had been perceiving as the most courageous actions I’ve taken in my life were not. The most courageous thing I can do in this life is to totally and unconditionally love myself. I realized that it takes more courage to do that than any other feat I’ve deemed as truly courageous. It takes courage to fall in love with ourselves. Doing so is truly living courageously. Transformation comes from within! While on the topic of courage, I have been asking myself what would be the best way to support the movement towards justice for all, especially my African American brothers and sisters. As we battle not spreading the Coronavirus, I have been struggling with the idea of joining the masses in their marches. As I sat and contemplated how I might best serve during these trying times, I got a very clear answer: “True transformation comes from within!” I spent one day in particular, really feeling into the grief and shame that I felt. I cried a great deal and

found myself heavy with the injustice. But as I looked deeper, I also saw the perpetrator within me. While I don’t claim to be prejudiced, I had to admit to myself that there were times when I was overly critical, angry and judgmental of others. At times, I have made assumptions about people based on their culture, ethnicity or belief-system. My worst offenses were judging the judgmental nature of critical people and closing my heart to closed-minded individuals. The list doesn’t stop there. In my book, 8 Ways to DeClutter Your Brain, I write about countless cycles of negativity in which I find my cluttered brain spiraling. I have felt ashamed of my shame and angry about my anger. I struggled with being impatient with my impatience and intolerant of my intolerance. The ego is tricky and the more we commit to our consciousness, the more it can weave us into its tangled web of nonstop negative mind-chatter. It will trap us if we are not willing to see those cluttered thoughts for what they are and deal with them head-on. What can we do to create greater harmony? Like me, you might be asking yourself how you move beyond the mind traps and best support this movement towards greater peace and wellbeing in the world? Kasia and I were talking, and we decided that the most empowering thing we could do is bring our Conscious Community together. It is for this reason that we will be holding a Conscious Community Connection virtual meeting each week. We will provide you with practices and tools to support your continued efforts to raise your consciousness, but even more importantly, we want to hear from you. I believe you are all heroes on the epic journeys of your lives. You each have a story to tell and a message to share. So, we want to get to know you more. We want you to share your stories and shower us with your wisdom on how you are raising your consciousness and that of others during these hugely volatile and highly transformative times. So, mark your calendars. Starting Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 7- 8 pm, we will be having weekly Zoom Virtual Meeting calls to support listening and learning from you. You must sign up in order to attend, as tickets are limited. To sign up, go to: Once you sign up, prior to the event, the Zoom ID and Password will be emailed to you. (Don’t forget to check your junk mail.) These gatherings will be ongoing and we encourage you to join us every week! I can’t begin to tell you how powerful my journey through the quarantine was when I was virtually uplifted by communities that were focused on experiencing and spreading goodness in the world! Theresa Puskar is a highly-skilled transformation leader, author, performer and keynote speaker. As an unabashed truth speaker and inspirational teacher, she is delighted to spread causeless joy throughout the world. Her most recent books, 8 Ways to DeClutter Your Brain and The Good Morning Mind: 9 Essential Mindfulness Habits for the Workplace are now available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. To learn more about Theresa, visit WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM




In the past 37 years of being a psychic therapist and spiritual teacher, I have seen hundreds of people with childhood stories ranging from minimal dysfunction to “Why are you still alive?” No matter what my clients’ pasts are, they all have the same repetitive questions to ask me during their readings—When will I get the job I want? When will I find the right romantic love? When will I have enough money? When will my health be better? When will I find my passion or purpose in my life? The answer I inevitably give to them ALL is the same. “As soon as you genuinely want it!” It’s truly just that simple. Then I spend the next 25-55 minutes helping them realize they don’t truly believe they deserve or want all they are asking for! So…how do you get all you want out of life? Well, first you must realize your internal beliefs and thoughts completely control the direction you are going in life, the “path” you are traveling. Second, you need to realize that you create your life consciously or subconsciously, and YOU are 100% responsible for your happiness and dream fulfillment. Third and most importantly, you must understand that more than likely, you don’t believe what you think you believe! 10


Each one of us has a childhood story that may have caused us to lose track of our innate, inner power that can accomplish anything and that empowers all we do. So, if you’re not creating the life or fulfilling the dreams you want, you must be able to recognize and change your core beliefs and thoughts. You can do this! Remember, you are a part of a greater power, God, Spirit, the Source of all there is, whatever you wish to call it. You, therefore, already have everything you need to fulfill your dreams and goals. Here are six empowering steps that can help you transform your beliefs so you can live the life of your dreams: 1. Open your mind and heart to the possibility that you are holding onto some maladaptive beliefs that developed from your past and story. I call them the “I’m Not...” beliefs. “I’m not good enough,” “I’m not worthy enough,” “I’m not lovable,” etc. Denying your negative feelings and beliefs is a sure way of stopping yourself from creating the life you want. Catching your negative adult thoughts and feelings and linking them to your “I’m Not” beliefs disempowers the control these beliefs have over you!

2. Explore a different spiritual understanding that includes principles, universal laws and ancient wisdom that expand your beliefs of self, others and the world, as well as the greater power to which you are connected. You will never experience self-fulfillment with conservative, fundamental, antiquated and limited beliefs. If you already embrace evolved spiritual precepts and you are still not creating the life you want, then go back and re-examine step 1. 3. Attend self-help and spiritual lectures and workshops. Find a spiritual center you can frequent that makes you feel good about who you are. You need to “cleanse” yourself by putting yourself in more peaceful, compassionate and loving surroundings. That will help you to move away from the mundane and focus on your higher attributes and abilities.

the practice is difficult. I challenge you to focus on each of these steps, one at a time or all together if you can. Then watch as the things in your life you longed for unfold before you. Watch opportunities appear without great effort, other than the effort you are applying toward these steps. You are a manifesting machine and if you don’t have all you want and need, there is a clog in your cogs! So, stop stopping yourself and become the unstoppable being you were created to be. I dare you! Vincent Genna, MSW is a psychic therapist, spiritual teacher and host of Unity Online Radio’s Stop Stopping Yourself. Visit

4. Commit to positive daily behaviors and practices, such as saying positive affirmations throughout the day, meditating, catching negative thoughts and reframing them into positive ones, and caring for and healing any issues of your body, mind, and spirit. Positive behaviors retrain your subconscious mind, which causes your automatic thoughts and behaviors. So, you need to know that your negative thoughts of life, others, and yourself are no more than habits your mind is used to having. The more positive you put in, the more the negative is flushed out and replaced with better, more empowering thoughts. 5. Most important and above all, forgive, love and believe in yourself unconditionally! Accept yourself the way you are right now, knowing you are already the greatest gift you have. Believe you can fulfill your dreams because you are powerful beyond measure and worthy of fulfillment. Forgive yourself for everything you think you did wrong or didn’t accomplish. As a child, you developed the pattern of self-blame that you perpetuated as an adult. None of it matters anyway, but you use your supposed failures to abuse yourself the way you were abused in your past. 6. Finally, love, accept and have compassion for others. We are all one, created from one Source, and everything you do to your neighbor, you do to yourself. Everything you do to yourself you do to your neighbor. We are naturally social beings for this reason and need each other to thrive. How you treat someone else will determine how you are treated. You are a spiritual being having a physical experience here on Earth. You have every capacity and power to attract abundance in success, money, wellness, relationships and love. The passion and dreams that fill your heart or that are yet to be discovered are there to inspire you to pursue them and achieve them so you can experience how great and wonderful you really are! As trite and simple as these steps may seem, they are the most profound steps you can ever take to achieve a total life transformation. Remember, some of the simplest things in life have the greatest effect. Besides, the processes are simple; WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM





Do you know anyone who is so firmly fixed on what he or she wants to talk about that you don’t stand a chance to talk about anything else with that person? I know a CEO who is interested only in sales statistics. If you want to talk to him, the conversation must be about spreadsheets, price points and returns on investments. I know another fellow who is into yoga. If you want to discuss gurus, devotional ceremonies and meditation techniques, he’s there. If not, there is nothing else to talk about. Another guy is a classic narcissist. All he cares to talk about is himself. If the conversation drifts to you, it will be back on him quickly. That’s his subject. While some of the above examples speak of dysfunction, there is an important principle behind these practices. You have the power to establish the ground upon which you communicate with others. Not so much the subject matter, but the kind of energy you value. Many people tell me they have a hard time with their argumentative family or their spouse’s family or with depressed and depressing co-workers. “They are so negative,” my clients tell me. “All they want to talk about is bad news and 12


gossip. I can’t stand being around them.” I tell such clients, “These people are moving you to choose the frequency you want to dwell in and hold fast to it. You do not need to slide into the gutter with them. Invite them to higher ground by staying in your chosen domain. Some will join you and others will not. That doesn’t matter. What matters is that you hold your space, no matter what others choose for themselves.” Think for a moment about why you would sacrifice your inner peace to join people who have set up camp in a sewer. Perhaps they are your family, and you feel guilty about not participating in their dark repartee. But you have two kinds of family: biological family and spiritual family. In his brilliant book Illusions, Richard Bach declares, “The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof.” It is a wonderful thing when your biological family is also your spiritual family. But if it is not, you must place yourself where you belong. You must gravitate to your just right tribe. You must take care of your spirit. If your family

interactions are tattering your soul, you cannot afford to indulge them. You may need to step away for now. Hopefully, at some point, you can reconnect on higher ground. For now, you must establish yourself on higher ground regardless of what they choose for themselves. Send them love and know they are capable of better. When you have done your part, you invite them to do theirs. You might also indulge in negative interactions because you feel obligated to do so. These are your co-workers and this is the Christmas Party. Pip pip, good cheer, socialize appropriately. No job is worth the price of your aliveness. I am not suggesting you quit—although that might be a realistic alternative. I am suggesting that you don’t drop into negativity with them. All relationships, interactions, and conversations are like Velcro Tape. The little hooks on one side of the tape fit with the hooks on the other side of the tape, and the flap sticks together. Likewise, your conversations are by agreement. If you agree to go to a dark place, you get to be there. If you do not agree, you get to not be there instead. The power to hook or not hook is entirely yours. No matter what others are choosing for themselves, you have the right, power and responsibility to choose for yourself. You might also stay in the dregs because you fear to lose a friend. You have known this person for a long time, you have a history together, and she might be hurt or offended if you don’t spend as much time together as you used to. Yet what was is not what is. If you do not match now, you do not match. People change and grow in different directions. No one is wrong. You are both right, and you both have to be in your right place. Friendships, like marriages, should continue only if both partners choose to be together. If you both want to connect, that’s a good enough reason. If one of you doesn’t want to connect, that’s a good enough reason. Trust that if you follow your spirit you will be in your right place and so will your friend.

In her new book, 8 Ways to Declutter Your Brain, All About Town author, Theresa Puskar provides

you with 37 assessments and guided meditations

to quiet your mind, transforming stress & fear into compassion, self-love and creativity. To order, go to

Here are some ways to create choice conversations: 1. Diplomatically change the topic. 2. Reframe the conversation with kindness. “I know he’s been grumpy, but I am guessing he is still in pain about his divorce.” 3. Direct truth: “I am not really into politics or gay-bashing. Can we talk about something else?” 4. Withdrawal: Leave the room. Any of these will work, as long as you have the confidence to move with your inner guidance. As we enter a new school and business season, followed by the holidays, you will have plenty of opportunities to participate in interactions that match you and those that don’t. This is your life. Make every encounter count. Alan Cohen is the author of I Had it All the Time: When SelfImprovement Gives Way to Ecstasy. For more information about his programs, books, free daily inspirational quotes and his weekly radio show, visit WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM



TIPS FOR LIVING AN ANTI-INFLAMMATORY LIFESTYLE by Barbie Boules We hear a lot about inflammation playing a role in our health, but what is it exactly? What do we do to reduce its harmful effects? Inflammation is a natural process that assists the body in defending itself. When trauma occurs – a virus, bacterial infection, a broken bone or skin – a complicated chemical symphony begins in our blood and tissues that helps us repair. This is known as acute inflammation. It appears as fever, redness, swelling, tenderness and pain which subsides once we’ve healed from a temporary assault. Problems arise when inflammation is chronic. This type of inflammation is caused by poor diet, obesity, cigarette smoke, excessive alcohol consumption, and environmental and genetic factors. Chronic inflammation can be mostly silent for quite a while. We might not know it’s there until we have a significant problem, such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer or an autoimmune disorder. Digestive upset, skin problems, headaches, joint pain, fatigue or brain fog can be warning signs of inflammation out of control. While we want our acute inflammation response in good 14


working order at all times, we want to prevent or mitigate the effects of chronic inflammation. True wellness has several facets, that I call the Four Pillars of Wellness, and I address each of them with all of my clients. Here’s what you can do to start fighting inflammation right now: 1. EAT WHOLE FOODS and limit those that are processed. Foods in their natural state provide fiber, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and in the case of fruits and vegetables, hydration. Very few foods in bags, boxes or cans can compete nutritionally. Choose vegetables, whole grains, beans and legumes and aim for six servings of veggies and three servings of fruit per day. We can no longer deny that the Standard American Diet, high in processed foods, red meat, refined grains, fried foods and sugary beverages contributes to inflammation. We have the power to make better choices. 2. STOP DRINKING CALORIES! In my opinion, the simplest and most effective dietary change you can make today to

reduce inflammation is to eliminate calorie-laden beverages. That’s your soda, fruit juice, smoothies, lattes and excessive alcohol. The average person can reduce their caloric intake by 300-500 calories a day by avoiding sugary drinks. That can mean a pound lost per week!

sure to purchase a product that is 73% cacao or higher.

3. MOVE YOUR BODY! We are not meant to be sedentary; we are designed to move. There is no excuse for not getting in at least 30 minutes of quality movement every day. Every community is exploding with choices; such as joining a gym, participating in yoga, pilates, barre, CrossFit, Power Plate, or other fitness classes, or even taking part in online and on-demand options that can be done in the comfort of your home. Don’t forget about the great outdoors for a simple walk or run outside. Find something you love and get moving!

5. PUNGENT SPICES, including turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, garlic and cayenne, appear to be particularly beneficial in reducing inflammation, and several studies have demonstrated their use in pain relief (particularly turmeric and cayenne). Flavorful herbs and spices are also a great way to reduce salt intake.

4. TAKE SLEEP SERIOUSLY! Quality sleep is crucial to wellbeing, but so often we ignore the signs we’re not getting enough (fatigue, poor concentration, irritability, headaches). Be good to yourself and create an evening routine that allows for winding down, drifting into slumber and staying that way until you’re restored. 5. MANAGE STRESS WITHOUT FOOD! It’s important to find ways to soothe yourself that don’t include eating; especially because when we’re stressed, we don’t typically crave veggies, but rather chips and cookies. Meditation, deep breathing, calling a friend, taking a walk, listening to a great podcast are all great options. Tune into your triggers and be prepared with creative ways to combat them.

4. FLAX AND CHIA SEEDS contain Omega-3 fatty acids which are key to reducing inflammation. They are abundant in Omega-3s, which they convert to EPA and DHA.

What we know about how to best fight inflammation is everevolving. We’ll always be in the midst of exciting discovery. What we know right now is that attention to good self-care, daily exercise and a plate bursting with nutrients are our best defense against disease. If what’s outlined here seems overwhelming, choose just a few small changes to implement a few weeks at a time. Keep it simple, honor your health and wellness will be your new normal. Barbie Boules, RDN, CHC is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Health Coach in private practice in Illinois. Her philosophy centers on intuitive eating, putting more plants on your plate and developing a healthy relationship with food. Visit for more information, or schedule a FREE 15-minute consultation by calling 312-697-6689.

There are so many healthy, anti-inflammatory foods available, and here are a few of my favorites. They’re at the top of my list for their nutritional value, consistent availability at the store and versatility in recipes. 1. AVOCADO provides vitamin-E, potassium, fiber and phytonutrients. Rich in texture and delicious in both sweet and savory recipes, this lovely fruit is a wonderful way to up your consumption of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. OLIVE OIL and AVOCADO OIL provide similar benefits and are my favorite go-to’s for cooking and dressings. 2. CRUCIFEROUS VEGGIES include cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, spinach and kale and have long been studied for their cancer-fighting properties. It’s a big family, so get experimental – you’re sure to find one that you love.

Sound Medi-

3. ALMONDS and WALNUTS contain antioxidants galore cine and Kirtan along with abundant fiber and protein. Just go raw and unsalted. My favorite power snack is two tablespoons raw almonds, one tablespoon raw pepitas, one tablespoon dried tart cherries and one square of 73% dark chocolate. Delicious, energizing and packed with anti-inflammatory goodies. TART CHERRIES are abundant in anti-inflammatory compounds and recent research suggests they aid muscle recovery after exercise. DARK CHOCOLATE is a prebiotic food that helps healthy gut microbes create heart-healthy compounds. Just be

an AWAKENING SPIRITUAL COMMUNITY of acceptance, safety and inclusion, offering:

◦ Meditation Circles ◦ Workshops & Events ◦ Group/Individual Sessions

Sound Healing Wed. 7:30 - 9pm Gong,Kirtan or Crystal Bowls (details on website)

Meditation & Blessings!

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FULL MOON JULY 4, 2020 Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn by Donna Stellhorn I hope you’re safe and well. This Full Moon marks the third eclipse in the summer series. Eclipses bring change and you might be thinking there’s already been plenty of change happening in the world. But the lunar eclipse is about looking at your own life and seeing what needs to shift. The things you are already doing; caring for loved ones, taking care of your health, standing up for those people who are marginalized, fighting injustice, are wonderful. And now, this eclipse lets you turn your inner eye to see your own path. The adjustments that you make over the next few weeks can help you for the rest of your life. This lunar eclipse is at 13° of Capricorn with the Sun at 13° of Cancer. Cancer is about home, family and foundations. Capricorn is your reputation out in the world, your career, as well as how you are seen by others. So, what’s important now is taking care of loved ones and helping the world become a better place. Mercury is still retrograde until July 12. During Mercury retrograde periods you want to do things that you’re okay with repeating. Avoid doing things like car repairs or buying a new phone. Instead, focus on doing things you would like to repeat such as healthful eating, exercise or even vacationing. Then with each new retrograde, you’ll be drawn to do that behavior again. So even if the healthy eating falls by the wayside come the next retrograde, in October, you’ll be drawn to eat healthfully again. Jupiter and Pluto have their second conjunction. The third 16


conjunction will be in November. This energy is about expanding transformation. It’s about taking your talents and your intellectual abilities and applying them to a worthy cause. From the mundane standpoint, a Jupiter/Pluto conjunction can bring uprisings as we have already seen. But you personally can use this energy to pursue your goals. The Stoic philosophers advocated for hardship to make people stronger. You are growing during these difficult times. You’re finding you’re more resilient and more powerful than you ever knew. With every adversity, the Universe provides a gift. Going forward the gifts will be revealed.

Aries This is a high energy month for you, Aries natives, as Mars is in your sign. There is a new career opportunity available to you if you want it. Some changes in finances moved the needle to the positive. Previous repairs done at home may need to be redone. You receive several compliments from friends and strangers. For those Aries natives looking for love, a friendship may turn romantic. There is more agreement and general happiness at home as you and your life partner support each other.

Taurus The focus this month is on communication. You may be receiving a contract or agreement you’ve been waiting for. A decision about your future education could be happening this month. You have a lot more energy during the next four weeks,

and this allows you to finish an important project. Money shows improvement, but you may be spending more money as well. There’s a good connection with siblings or younger relatives and a celebration may happen. A long-distance relationship improves.

Gemini The focus this month is on your finances, especially passive income sources, investments and debt repayment. You have some opportunities to remedy a long-time situation and get a happy outcome for you and the other party. Your charisma is high and you can attract a potential love partner. Your life at home is generally quiet and you may have a desire to declutter. Your psychic ability is very strong and you may have sudden intuitive flashes that give you insights into a situation at work.

Cancer The focus this month is on your relationships. There is an opportunity to take your dating life and move it into a more permanent type of partnership such as getting engaged or living together. Meeting someone new is very possible for those Cancer natives who are looking for love. You’re quite busy at work. You may be handed a new set of responsibilities and possibly a new title. Finances are recovering, especially as you work out a written budget and share it with the family.

Leo This eclipse falls in your area of habits, health and routines. Changes that you do towards healthy living will pay big dividends in the future. Switching up your nighttime routine could help you get better sleep. You may be looking at accelerated education programs now or applying for the fall semester. There’s a possible get-together with good friends. Those Leo natives in a blended family relationship find more closeness. If you’re looking for love, let a friend fix you up with a date.

Virgo For Virgo natives, the focus this month is on children and creativity. There is a lot of fertility energy going on for you. Friends gather for an important meeting or celebration. A dating relationship could become more intimate. If you’re already in a love relationship, there is more fun behind closed doors. A job offer may arrive, or notification about a transfer within the company. If you own a business, you could see quite an increase in your finances over the next four weeks. A small windfall is possible.

Libra Home and family are highlighted in this eclipse. It’s good to consider making changes to the home or perhaps you are moving. Libra natives who are looking for love have a lot of opportunities for a match made online. If you’re already in a love relationship, a long-time disagreement finally comes to a happy resolution. You’re quite busy at work and you may be tapped to lead an important project. Investments are still unsteady and some changes may be needed to where your funds are allocated.

Scorpio The focus this month is on communications and agreements. You may receive a contract for employment. If you’re testing for entering school or for some job certification it can go very well. Make sure to take care of paperwork quickly. A new exercise program could bring some real benefits. Changes in your relationship are for the best. Try to go with the flow. There are several opportunities for romantic encounters. There’s more contact with siblings or cousins during this period.

Sagittarius This month, your finances are highlighted, and making a change in how you handle your money could bring a windfall in the future. Make sure to review company benefits to ensure you’re getting the maximum. You receive compliments and accolades from your partner. Those Sagittarius natives looking for love have great opportunities to meet someone new through a family member or friend. Children are very much underfoot right now and looking for something to do.

Capricorn For Capricorn natives, this eclipse indicates a major life change over the next six months. It is likely you already know what that change is going to be. Relationships grow stronger and you are more of a united front with your partner. There could be activity at home with someone moving in or someone moving out. Your confidence is stronger and you might be starting a side business that has very good prospects. Your regular job is keeping you quite busy. An issue with a coworker is resolved.

Aquarius This eclipse highlights your area of spirituality. It’s possible you will start a regular spiritual practice such as meditation, going to church or doing yoga. Your health shows improvement. An agreement you were waiting for comes through. You may purchase a high-ticket item. Repairs may be needed at home dealing with something made of stone, brick or flooring. There are some fun opportunities when it comes to love. If you’re already in a love relationship, you need to kiss and make up.

Pisces Your area of friendships is in the spotlight with this eclipse. It’s good to reach out to people you haven’t spoken to in a while. One of your children gets to move forward with an important plan. There could be the addition of a new pet in your life. Your relationship is going well and there is happiness at home. But, issues with a neighbor continue and you may have to file a complaint. Your finances are quite strong as you focus on money-making activities. You could even find an additional source of income. Donna Stellhorn is an astrologer, Feng Shui expert and author of 16 books. Her website is You can follow her on Instagram@donnastellhorn or see her videos on YouTube at WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM



[ H E A LT H Y E AT I N G ]

SPARE THE RIB by Betsy Bruns

We are now full swing into grill season in the United States. What a long, strange Spring it’s been. Most of us know that meaty, fatty barbeque is not healthy. In recent months, meat has been harder to come by, and with the closures of meat processing plants, it has been becoming more expensive. Even though the closed meat plants may be coming back on line, in our current climate, it’s the perfect time to try a different kind of barbeque. 18


The doctors at the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine believe it is time for a change in how we eat and that meat plants should remain closed. They have a message for the White House Coronavirus Task Force which they communicated in a letter: “Meat consumption raises the risk for many of the underlying medical conditions that can make COVID-19 infections more deadly. In a recent study, it was found that regular consumption of processed meat, red meat, or poultry

increases the risk for cardiovascular disease. Research also links red meat, poultry, and fish to an increased risk for diabetes. We urge you to prioritize life and health over pork chops and bacon. Reopening meat processing facilities is ill-advised, and we ask you to cancel this order.” The Physicians Committee “Food for Life” workshops that I teach focus on the health benefits of fruits, vegetables, beans and grains. They provide information about the health risks of meat

and animal foods and are centered around healthful recipes and cooking demonstrations to show you how to have your barbeque and eat it too. The Fourth of July is also National Spareribs Day. In this featured recipe, we are going to spare the ribs and still experience a savory, flavorful main dish that will fill your taste buds with fireworks.

SPARE THE RIBS Jackfruit “Spareribs” 1 20-ounce can young green jackfruit, rinsed and drained ¼ cup water 1 cup chopped red onion (about 1 medium) 2 cloves crushed garlic ½ cup of your favorite barbecue sauce 1¼ cups vital wheat gluten* 1 tablespoon smoked paprika ½ to 1 teaspoon salt 3/4 cup water 1 teaspoon liquid smoke ½ to 1 cup barbeque sauce for brushing

Heat a six-quart pot over medium-high heat. Add one-quarter cup of water and chopped red onion. Cook until softened. Add the crushed garlic and stir. Allow to cook for another two minutes. Add rinsed jackfruit and one-half cup of barbecue sauce and stir. Cover and reduce to medium-low heat for 20 minutes, stirring halfway through and mashing jackfruit with a spatula or fork. Once cooked and tender, take your time and really mash it until the pieces break apart. You will be surprised how much this resembles pulled pork. Set aside and allow jackfruit to cool. You will be adding the remaining ingredients to the pan. Preheat oven to 375°F. Line an 8x8 or

9x9-inch pan with parchment paper. Combine the vital wheat gluten and all the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl and stir well. Add the water and liquid smoke to the cooled jackfruit. Add the dry ingredients to the jackfruit next and stir until the ingredients are evenly distributed and all wheat gluten is absorbed, adding a tablespoon or two of water if needed. Spread the mixture evenly in the parchment paper lined baking pan. Bake for 30 minutes. Remove from the oven. Using the parchment paper as a sling, lift out of the pan and transfer to a plate or cutting board. Cut into four pieces. Spread barbeque sauce over the top of each piece, and transfer back into the parchment paper lined pan, barbeque sauce side down. Coat the top with barbecue sauce and return to the oven. Bake for 30 or more minutes, until ribs are firm and cooked in the middle and a little crispy along the edges. Cut each piece once more, into eight “ribs” and serve with additional barbecue sauce.

½ cup basil, minced ¼ cup low-fat or fat-free balsamic dressing ½ teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon black pepper, fresh if possible Optional: 1 tablespoon pine nuts, toasted

Cook orzo according to directions on the box and thaw frozen peas. Toast pine nuts in sauté pan on low heat until they turn slightly brown and are fragrant. Mince basil and slice tomatoes. Mix all ingredients with pasta and serve. Betsy Bruns is a plant-based health coach, a “Food for Life” instructor with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (, as well as an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) practitioner and board member of Plant-Based Nutrition Movement (PBNM. org). When she isn’t making healing food taste like comfort food or helping clients tap away stress and cravings with EFT, she’s soaking up nature and dreaming of ways to make life more delicious for all beings. Visit

*Vital wheat gluten is a protein found in wheat. It resembles flour and is used to make “wheat meat” or seitan. Every dish needs a sidekick and this one will surprise and delight you. It has a unique combination of ingredients and is simple to make.

ORZO WITH TOMATOES, BASIL, PEAS AND PINE NUTS A PCRM “Food for Life” recipe 8 ounces orzo, white or whole wheat 1½ cups cherry tomatoes, sliced in half 1 cup green peas, frozen and thawed, or canned and rinsed WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM



BUSINESS Directory

ASTROLOGY OMARI MARTIN, MAFM, LPMAFA - business professor and certified professional astrologer offers consulting services and strategic guidance for novice and professional astrologers and entrepreneurs desirous of developing a prosperous and profitable business. Contact: omari@soular, or 773-432-8308.

BODYWORK ANGELIC HEALING Ada Swanson LMT, offers holistic bodywork from massage & reflexology to reiki, chakra balancing & intuitive reading, to help bring your body into balance. Servicing Northern Illinois & Southern Wisconsin. 800 Main St., Suite 14, Antioch, IL 60002. Contact: or call 262-581-3606. SHARON M. VOGEL, CLT, LMT, LC, BCTMB, Clinic Director of National Lymphatic Centers. With 27 years in business, I am referred to by Juneo Clinic practitioners, national surgeons, physicians, and patients. The practitioners at NLC care for you with Myofascial release, Craniofascial, Lymph Drainage, Oncology Massage, and much more. 5002 Main St., Downers Grove, IL 60515., 630-241-4100.

CLASSES & WORKSHOPS ARCHE MEDITATION CENTER OF PURPOSE AND JOY Using a simple, ancient philosophy, you’ll experience a shift in consciousness to reawaken your Soul’s 20


powerful connection with the Universe. Classes help align your vibration with your Authentic Self, to develop healthy relationships, empower natural self-healing abilities, eliminate sabotaging beliefs and create a life of purpose, peace, love, laughter and joy. 212 S. Marion St., Oak Park, IL 60302. Contact: Sandy Daliege, www.archemeditation or 708-622-8453.

ENERGY HEALING & MEDICINE AMY CIANCHETTI, INTUITIVE HEALER - Intuitive healing provides guidance, insight, clarity, awareness and transformation. Receive supportive, intuitive messages from your Higher-Self & The Divine; release physical, mental and spiritual blocks. In-Person or Phone/Zoom sessions available. 3020 N. Kimball Ave., Chicago, IL 60618. 773-236-2460, REV. LINDSAY BATES. Usui/ Holy Fire® III Reiki Master, Offering private sessions, Distant Reiki, animal Reiki, and classes for all levels. We focus on life issues, including stress management, fertility, oncology. 1211 Pershing Ave, Wheaton, IL 60189. Contact: or 630-464-1668. SUSAN OFFERS GROUP MEDITATIONS with crystal singing bowls and Peruvian whistles. Contact for upcoming events. Also, individual sessions and workshops with the OXOY, Northwest Suburbs. Dundee. Contact:, or 224-293-2373.

CAROL SWANSON LLC, Medical Intuitive & Wellness Consultant, specializing in the release of chronic health issues. Intuitive Health Analysis and Treatment Protocol. Deep Meridian Clearing releases the energetic blockages/trauma that support your illness. Clients worldwide. Serving Humans and their companion animals. Contact: carol.swanson@, carolswansonllc/ or 608-359-4720.

HOLISTIC EDUCATIONAL CENTER INFINITY FOUNDATION is the Chicago area’s leading holistic education center. Infinity offers Courses For Life,® providing you with experiential courses in personal, professional, and spiritual growth to enhance your life. Location: 1280 Old Skokie Rd., Highland Park, IL 60035. Contact 24hours a day: Infinity Foundation or 847-831-8828.

HYPNOTHERAPIST KATARZYNA (KASIA) SZUMAL is a Past Life Regression hypnotherapist. Past Life Regression is a journey into yourself that allows you to open the doors to your unconscious and resolve the causes of problems, fears, negative emotions, self-sabotaging, addictions, obsessions, discomforts, anxieties, phobias. You will understand the origin of a certain block, situation, or position, becoming aware of the reason for these events as well as apparent coincidences. If you were not dreaming, you will start dreaming again. Each

session is 60-90 minutes long, on Skype. If you do not want to be hypnotized, no problem - there is a telepathic support person for that. If you are ready to let go of emotions, fears, addiction, obsessions, feelings and resolve your cause of problems, please call Conscious Community Magazine, send Kasia an email at or leave her a message at: 847-966-1110.

MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER LOOKING FOR A MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER? Contact Michael “The Energizer” Applegate! The author of Work for God and The One Minute Energizers. Contact: or 773-326-8195.

PAST LIFE REGRESSION KATARZYNA (KASIA) SZUMAL is a Past Life Regression hypnotherapist. Past Life Regression is a journey into yourself that allows you to open the doors to your unconscious and resolve the causes of problems, fears, negative emotions, self-sabotaging, addictions, obsessions, discomforts, anxieties, phobias. You will understand the origin of a certain block, situation, or position, becoming aware of the reason for these events as well as apparent coincidences. If you were not dreaming, you will start dreaming again. Each session is 60-90 minutes long, on Skype. If you do not want to be hypnotized, no problem - there is a telepathic support person for that. If you are ready to let go of emotions, fears, addiction, obsessions, feelings and resolve your cause of problems, please call Conscious Community Magazine, send Kasia an email at or leave her a message at: 847-966-111

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OFFICIATE: WEDDINGS & OTHER TRANSITIONAL EVENTS Ordained non-denominational minister officiates at transitional events (weddings, baptisms, funerals, birth rites, etc.). For further information on personally-tailored, magical and intimate experiences, contact Theresa Puskar. or 630-272-1805.

PSYCHICS PSYCHIC INTUITIVE READER My name is Michelle Gray and I am a Psychic Intuitive Reader. I give accurate, descriptive readings and help to validate relationships

and career decisions including intimate, family, and associations plus career and financial goals. Contact:, https://www. or 630-854-3175. BOTANICA - Open daily from 8 am – 11 pm. Solve all problems. Psychic Energy, Psychic life coach, Chakra balancing, Reiki, Ordained oracle, Divination, Denomination, Supplier of crystals, candles and oils. Readings in person, phone, emails, also parties. Free parking. Contact: 773-664-3620 or 773-202-7062.

CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY ADVERTISERS Tap into an open and aware community by advertising your events, services, products in the Conscious Community Magazine Calendar and Business Directory listings. Display ads are due by the 10th of every month. Call Conscious Community Magazine or see website for advertising information. Distributed in Illinois and Wisconsin. Reach your potential with Conscious Community Magazine! Please visit: or call 847-966-1110.


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! TAROT SUSAN BRADY. Experience the wisdom of the Tarot in the relaxed atmosphere of your own home by phone or email. Additionally, I am available for in person readings at Healing Arts Metaphysical Center in Batavia, and The Journey’s Path in West Chicago. Bring your questions and leave with answers. Website: I’ll be happy to schedule your appointment with me by phone at 630-209-7678.

WEIGHT CONTROL WEIGHT OUT OF CONTROL? MEDICAL HYPNOTISM can help you renegotiate your relationship to food. Backed by outcomes research and a long history of success. Visit us at for more information or call 630-668-1141.

WOMEN’S HEALING PROGRAMS RESONANCE RESTORATIVE WOMEN’S COLLECTIVE. A collective created by women, for women to do their inner work in a safe space with a community that is rooted in unconditional love and acceptance. We gather to share our stories, witness each other, heal together, and find our voices, truths, and soft power along journeys. We seek to engage the mind, physical body, energetic body, and soul spirit. Through Engaged Learning, Energy Work, and Group Work, we come together to exchange in meaningful and powerful ways. Founded and facilitated by Kristi Derkacy; Group Work Facilitator, Writer, Reiki practitioner. Location: Palos Heights, IL, 708-373-3874,

ARE YOU A MOVER AND A SHAKER? Are you an organized self-starter? Do you have a desire to help out, but you are not sure where your skills will be best suited? The Conscious Community family is looking for assistance in the following areas: Administration, Event Scheduling, Event Sponsorship, National Calendar Coordinator, IT Expertise or Conference Coordinator. Whether you can give one hour per month or 10 hours per month, we would love to have you join our team. Please call 847-966-1110 or email Kasia at:

BUSINESS Directory

The Business Directory provides listings of a wide variety of practitioners, products and services available to our readers. Business Directory listings are $1.00 per word with a 25 word minimum. Display ads are due by the 10th of every month. Copy may be submitted by email or regular mail. Check or credit card information must accompany your insertion unless you are submitting it by email. In that case, please call with your credit card information to finalize your listing.

Please call: 847–966–1110 or send your listings to: Kasia@ ConsciousCommunity Magazine. com by the 10th of the month prior to publication. WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM



COSMIC DAILY WEATHER July 2020 by Bernadette Evans

Overview This month, Mercury will finish its retrograde period on the 12th. It will take about 10 days or so until things start to move and communication becomes a little clearer. There has been a lot of emotion in the conversations lately. People need to get things off their chests, expounding on their beliefs. The last two days of June, Mars entered the sign of Aries. Mars is very happy in its own sign of Aries but can be hot-headed at times, as well as accomplish a lot. Mars will be in Aries now until early January 2021. After some forward movement, it goes retrograde and then will move ahead again. So, you could find there is more volatility over the next while. Your job is to learn to work with the energy as well as yourself, so you don’t do anything you’ll regret later. Remember to take a few breaths before saying something that could upset someone else. This energy could be used to champion a cause you’re passionate about. The Full-Moon Lunar eclipse on July 4 is the last of this eclipse cycle, finishing a two-year cycle. It’s in the Cancer-Capricorn axis which is about family, roots and nurturing on the one side and responsibility, work and traditional values on the other side. This eclipse signals that it’s time for you to take the blindfold off. Have your thoughts been keeping you prisoner? Are you living in the past and remembering only the good times? Memory is a funny thing and can play tricks on you—being selective and remembering only happy circumstances while disregarding any problems. This eclipse is asking you to be honest with yourself, let go of what doesn’t nourish you and invite in people and circumstances that support you and aid in your growth. Remember, you contribute to their growth as well. So, while some things or people may be falling away, it leaves space for you to grow and flourish. The Moon takes about 28 days to complete its orbit through the 12 signs, staying approximately two and a half days in each sign. When we say the Moon is Void of Course (VoC), it means the Moon makes no more major aspects to other planets before it leaves the sign it’s in. At these times, it can be difficult to get focused and accomplish a task. You may want to relax, meditate or do something where your focus is turned inward. Don’t try and get a new project off the ground when the Moon is Void. If you want to find out more about the Void of Course Moon, check out The times below are listed in Central Daylight Time. 22


Wednesday, July 1 Happy Canada Day to my Canadian readers! The Sun sextiles Uranus bringing with it an opportunity to be strong by offering support and compassion to someone in need. There may also be an opportunity to escape the routine of the day. If someone offers you a break from the ho-hum, thank them and grab it! Your mind is quick and nimble—easily seeing how to put your creative solutions to use. Saturn retrogrades into Capricorn at 6:37 p.m. Moon VoC at 8:20 p.m. until 8:21 p.m. when it enters the sign of Sagittarius.

Thursday, July 2 When the Moon opposes Venus, your cup may be overflowing with emotions. Wanting to love and be loved could mean you stay with someone for all the wrong reasons. Pay attention to what your intuition is telling you and you can’t go wrong. A word of caution, there’s the potential of going overboard and spending too much. Just be conscious of what you can and can’t afford to spend.

Friday, July 3 When the Moon squares Neptune, your neon sign is flashing “open” announcing to the Universe that you’re open for business, a.k.a. inspiration. Being sensitive, you could be getting

lots of intuitive hits. The challenging piece to being so receptive is that you’re also open to people who could be negative or might take advantage of your good nature. So, while it’s amazing to have this stream of illumination, take care to protect yourself energetically, emotionally, physically and mentally. Moon VoC at 8:06 a.m. and void until 11:48 p.m. when it enters the sign of Capricorn.

Saturday, July 4 Happy Independence Day to all of my American readers! Fireworks may be going off all around you, literally and figuratively. Tempers may be flaring when the Moon squares Mars. Something could have been building up inside of you or someone else and the valve to let off steam opened. By consciously paying attention to your emotions and your inner life, you will know how and when you need to let that pressure ease. For more on the Lunar eclipse read the opening paragraph. Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn at 11:44 p.m.

Sunday, July 5 The energy of the Lunar eclipse will be present for a while. That being said, the Moon conjuncts Jupiter and Pluto today emphasizing an abundance of emotions—some of them lighter than others. You might be ready to move in a new direction, take a breath and listen to your heart before deciding which route is for your highest good.

Monday, July 6 You may have insight into a situation when the Moon sextiles Mars. Professionally, your eagerness for a project shines through. Be open to ideas that appear and take the initiative to act on them. Personally, you’re happy and enthusiastic and enjoy spending time with likeminded friends. The doors are wide open. Moon VoC at 4:35 a.m. until 5:08 a.m. when it enters the sign of Aquarius. Moon VoC at 11:37 p.m.

Tuesday, July 7 When the Moon is Void in Aquarius all day, you could use this time to put your energy into a venture that’s already up and running. Visualize the finished project and watch it take shape before your eyes. It could also be fun to connect with friends who share similar interests and with whom you enjoy spending time.

Wednesday, July 8 You could say something impulsively or act rashly when Mercury squares Mars. The other side of that is you could possibly attract it. One

way to use this quick, excitable, hot energy is to hone in on what you want and go for it. Pay attention to your intuition; it will guide you as to what to say and do. Moon enters the sign of Pisces at 1:13 p.m.

Thursday, July 9 You may be feeling moody and swinging from being happy and sociable to a little bit of woe is me energy when the Moon squares Venus. If you’re feeling down, have a good cry and know that this energy will soon pass. It’s possible you feel separate from your loved ones. Try picking up the phone and seeing how they are. Be careful of overspending today as you could regret your purchases tomorrow. Your creativity could be put to use by doing something fun and artistic.

Friday, July 10 You could feel like you’re swimming in an ocean of emotions when the Moon conjuncts Neptune. Be careful of not drowning in it. The current could be happy or melancholy, depending on the people you’re surrounded by, and their mood, which is exhausting, take care not to be swept away. Moon VoC at 10:49 p.m.

Saturday, July 11 How you communicate with others is important. When the Moon squares Mercury, there’s the possibility of spirited discussions and not being on the same page as someone else. That’s perfectly all right. Everyone’s entitled to their opinion. The Moon-Mercury square may nudge in the direction of creating what you desire. When you combine your excitable, go-getter energy with your imagination—plus your ability to get your ideas across—you can manifest your desires. Moon enters the sign of Aries at 12:06 a.m.

Sunday, July 12 Actions speak louder than words when the Moon squares the Sun. Your emotions spur you to do something meaningful to you. Standing up for a cause you believe in, saying what you feel is true for you. Emotional and passionate, you act without thinking of the consequences which could get you in trouble. Mercury stations direct at 3:26 a.m.

Monday, July 13 When the Moon moves into Taurus, it’s time to sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor. You’ve been dreaming and working hard. Now’s the time to put your feet up, take pride in your accomplishments, breathe a sigh of relief and thank the Universe. Moon VoC at 10:54 a.m. until 12:34 p.m. when it enters the sign of Taurus.

Tuesday, July 14 When the Sun opposes Jupiter, you may have a bounce in your step and a song in your heart. Feelings of optimism and confidence are abundant, isn’t life grand! Here is the rub…be careful of overextending yourself and promising more than you can deliver. You have good intentions, but there are only so many hours in the day. There’s also the potential for the ego to be a tad inflated, which won’t go down well with others, so be humble. Lastly, enjoy the day, have fun but be cautious of overspending.

Wednesday, July 15 Emotions could be powerful and intense when the Sun opposes Pluto. Maybe someone is trying to control a situation or is acting controlling or possessive towards you. It could be you’re the one who is trying to rein someone in. An open and honest conversation about what is going on and how you both feel could facilitate a breakthrough in your partnership. Moon VoC 10:21 p.m.

Thursday, July 16 When the Moon is in Gemini, you may want to gather with friends to socialize. You’re intrigued by ideas and conversations and may flit from one discussion to another. The challenge with air, which is the element of Gemini, is it can become disturbed. Too much is happening, and you can’t focus. Have fun but remember to listen as well as talk. Moon enters the sign of Gemini at 12:19 a.m.

Friday, July 17 The Moon-Venus conjunction could bring out the social butterfly in you. You’re interested in connecting with lots of people. Being with others is nourishing for the soul but slow down, take a breath and find your bearings. Relationships do require some nurturing, not just a quick driveby. Moon VoC at 4:14 p.m.

Saturday, July 18 The Moon’s in sensitive Cancer which could make you feel everything more acutely today. One might say, you’re even moody. Usually, I’d say you want to nurture and care for others. Today, I’d like to recommend taking some time for yourself by practicing self-care. Looking after yourself for a change, may soothe any frayed nerves and smooth over any disagreements you feel brewing inside. Moon enters the sign of Cancer at 9:24 a.m.

Sunday, July 19 When the Moon squares Mars it may seem like you’re in a battle and everything feels unfair. WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM



Examine what’s really going on for you and others. Say your piece calmly and allow them the same courtesy. You don’t want to burn any bridges.

Monday, July 20 The Cancer New Moon is asking you if you’re doing what nurtures you. Are you taking the time to look after your needs? You may feel there’s no time for that; you have responsibilities and people who depend on you. Exactly…by looking after your needs you’ll be a happier, more content version of yourself and able to look after the ones you care about. You could be feeling nostalgic, thinking about your childhood, old friends, past lovers or events that put a smile on your face. Is there an old friend you could re-connect with? This New Moon is about getting in touch with your feelings, tending to your needs or maybe even putting a routine in place to keep you on track. It’s also about family, traditions, elders and what their place is in your life. New Moon in Cancer at 12:33 p.m. Moon VoC at 12:55 p.m. until 3:16 p.m. when it enters the sign of Leo.

Tuesday, July 21 Rebellion may be in the air when the Moon squares Uranus. You could be looking for more freedom or a change of scenery. Take care not to do anything dangerous or reckless. Use care that you don’t react impetuously towards anyone. You may just want to see how high you can get someone to jump for your own entertainment. Don’t. Moon VoC at 7:27 p.m.

Advertisers’ Index BUSINESS DIRECTORY................................20 CCM ADVERTISE WITH US...........................27 CCM SALESPEOPLE....................................27 CCM SOCIAL MEDIA....................................15 CCM SUBSCRIBE NOW................................27 CRYSTAL LIFE TECHNOLOGY.......................11 DR. C. SCOT GILES......................................19 EARTHSONG...............................................13 8 WAYS TO DE-CLUTTER YOUR BRAIN.........13 FLOWERING HEART CENTER.......................15 HEART AND SOUL SKIN CARE........................2 KASIA SZUMAL.............................................3 LARRABEE HERBS.......................................11 LIGHT UNLTD/THE REJUVENIZER.................28 PERENNIAL MUSIC & ARTS..........................15 RASHA........................................................13



Wednesday, July 22 Today, I get to wish all those who are Leos a very Happy Birthday! When Mercury sextiles Uranus, your sensitivity and intuition go hand in glove with the download of new ideas that are streaming through your conscious and unconscious thoughts. All in all, it’s a fun energy as you never know who or what will suddenly appear. Just go with it. The Sun enters the sign of Leo at 3:37 a.m. Moon enters the sign of Virgo at 6:40 p.m.

Thursday, July 23 The Moon-Mercury sextile offers the opportunity to express how you feel. It could also help you figure out what you need to get done today. The Moon in Virgo is practical and task-oriented so your thoughts may be around finishing up your work so you can relax later on with your loved ones.

Friday, July 24

or in your relationships. You could also just want to relax with your friends. If you like to dabble in the arts, tap into your inner artist and create. The Mercury-Mars square may throw a wrench into this dreamy energy. A disagreement or misunderstanding is possible. It could just be a little irritation. Expectations of how others should behave according to your dreams or ideals may be at the crux of the matter. Consideration towards another and being realistic could go a long way towards smoothing things over.

Tuesday, July 28 Expressing yourself may come a lot easier today when the Moon trines Mercury. In fact, your opinion could be sought out by those who respect you and what you have to say. When you pay attention to your inner GPS it can guide you in the right direction. You may also want to express how you feel by journaling. Moon VoC at 11:01 p.m.

Your ability to see and feel what is happening behind the scenes is magnified with the Moon trines Pluto. Actually, your emotions may be pulling you in all sorts of directions. Listen to your intuition to see if you feel there is a person or a situation that needs to be released. Moon VoC at 6:08 p.m. until 8:54 p.m. when it enters the sign of Libra.

Wednesday, July 29

Saturday, July 25

Thursday, July 30

The Moon in Libra is about relationships and finding balance. It’s possible there is tension with someone today and you may need to take a break from this person. It’s okay to say you need space, everyone does. Go out in nature, have a rest and return with fresh eyes and an open heart to engage with them again.

Sunday, July 26 Quality time hanging with family and friends may be on the menu when the Moon squares Jupiter. Enjoying yourself and being loving raises the vibration. It’s possible that you or someone close to you is not seeing all the gifts of the day, just the challenges. That’s okay, the energy is joyful but can also be intense as Pluto squares the Moon. Moon VoC at 8:09 p.m. until 11:12 p.m. when it enters the sign of Scorpio.

Monday, July 27 The Venus-Neptune square suggests you could be romanticizing a relationship. Try not to put unrealistic demands on your partner

Feelings of positivity and being in harmony with life are in abundance when the Moon trines the Sun. Tap into your inner child and remember what play was like. Do something that mirrors that innocence and fun while not having a care in the world. Moon enters the sign of Sagittarius at 2:25 a.m.

You may have a lot of irons in the fire when it comes to projects on the go. When Mercury opposes Jupiter, it might be a good idea to focus on one or two plans for now. Otherwise, you could get lost and overwhelm yourself, promising more than you can deliver. Confidence in yourself is wonderful, as long as it doesn’t border on arrogant. Moon VoC at 7:08 p.m.

Friday, July 31 When the Moon’s in Capricorn, you’re eager to put your knowledge and skills to good use. In true Capricorn style, you don’t rely on just hopes and dreams—even if you do have them—to carry you forward. Your talent and work ethic are what catapult you to success. Moon enters the sign of Capricorn at 6:58 a.m. Bernadette Evans is a counseling astrologer, hypnotherapist, Registered Professional Counsellor and writer. She can be reached at 780-289-7398 or to schedule a consultation. Her website is

Midwest Pulse Calendar Wednesdays, July 1-29 CONSCIOUS BREATHING & MEDITATION CLASSES: 6 pm. We are meeting every Wednesday outside a coffee shop (July 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29). FREE; however, love donations are accepted and greatly appreciated. Join us in the garden at Kaffeestube, an amazing coffee shop in Schaumburg. You can release all tensions, stress, relax your body, mind, and connect with yourself on a deeper level. It is a great opportunity to stop for a moment in the middle of a week for better health and good energy! Bring a smile and good vibes for 45 minutes of conscious breathing + meditation and brief conversation. Everyone is very welcome! You can bring your kids. Location: Kaffestube, 105 E. Schaumburg Rd. Schaumburg, IL 60194. Send us a text message in Polish or English at: 847-912-5969. Check out our website: www.

Saturday-Sunday, July 11-12 HARNESSING COLOR ENERGY – 9 am - 4:30 pm. Cost: $295. Infinity Foundation presents a 2-day Zoom immersion, Harnessing Color Energy with Dougall Fraser. Improve virtually every aspect of your life when you harness the many hidden benefits of color energy. Color energy enhances your life on every level and positively infuses your life. Create harmony within relationships, magnetize abundance in your finances, and clarify your purpose. Discover how specific colors strengthen your connection to the Divine. Location: Online. Register online:

Sunday, July 12 INTUITIVE ARTS FAIRE - 10 am-4pm. Free Admission. Outdoors. Multiple healers, readers,

artisans, and vendors. Location: Aromativity. 6240 Bankers Rd., Mt. Pleasant, WI 53403. Facemasks required. Contact: 262-404-7119 or visit www.UniversalAwareness

Sunday, July 12 & July 26 YOGA & MEDITATION CLASSES: 9:30 am. FREE; however, love donations are accepted and greatly appreciated. Join us in the beautiful Irving Park/Cumberland area in Chicago. You can release all tensions, stress, relax your body and mind, and connect with yourself on a deeper level. It is a great opportunity to start off your week with healthy and good energy! Also bring your mat, water, and good vibes for 45 minutes of yoga + meditation and brief conversation. Everyone is very welcome! You can bring your kids. Location: Schiller Woods, Irving Park Rd, Chicago, IL 60634, Picnic Grove #12. Send us a text message in Polish or English at: 847-912-5969.

Wednesday, July 15 CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY CONNECTION VIRTUAL ZOOM MEETING with Kasia Szumal and Theresa Puskar. July 15, 22, 29. Time: 7-8 pm. Each of you have a story to tell and a message to share. We want you to share your stories and shower us with your wisdom on how you are raising your consciousness and that of others during these hugely volatile and highly transformative times. We will be having weekly Zoom Virtual Meeting calls to support listening and learning from you. You must sign up in order to attend, as tickets are limited. To sign up, go to: conscious-community-virtual-connection-

gathering-tickets-110048999520. Once you sign up, prior to the event, the Zoom ID and Password will be emailed to you. (Don’t forget to check your junk mail.) These gatherings will be ongoing and we encourage you to join us every week! I can’t begin to tell you how powerful my journey through the quarantine was when I was virtually uplifted by communities that were focused on experiencing and spreading goodness in the world!

Sunday, July 26 INTUITIVE ARTS FAIRE - 10 am-4 pm. Free Admission. Outdoors. Multiple healers, readers, artisans and vendors. Location: Universal Awareness Fellowship, N91 W17194 Appleton Ave, Menomonee Falls, WI 53051. Facemasks required. Contact: 262-404-7119 or visit https://

Ongoing RESONANCE RESTORATIVE WOMEN’S COLLECTIVE - Restore Your Relationships: A Journey of Learning, Knowing, Becoming & Embodying - a 4-Module Self-Directed Online Program. This program is for anyone, anywhere. Whether you are dating, in a committed partnership, or single, this program will work for you to create a deeper, more meaningful + intimate relationship with the most important person in your life: YOU. For all who desire deeper intimacy, this program will take you through how to restore your relationships to your highest vibrancy and deepest capacity for love, compassion + understanding. restoreyourrelationshipscourse

AT T E N T I O N A D V E R T I S E R S Did you know that the Midwest Pulse Calendar section is one of the most read parts of Conscious Community? The Midwest Pulse Calendar listings are $1.00 per word with a 30 word minimum. Copy is due by the 10th of the month prior to publication. Copy submitted after the deadline is not guaranteed to be included in the next issue. Check or credit card information must accompany calendar listings.

For questions, please call: 847–966–1110 or email: WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM




In Print Reviews by Kayla Hancock

The Forever Angels:

Near-Death Experiences in Childhood and Their Lifelong Impact, by P. M. H. Atwater, L.H.D.

Sex and the Enneagram:

(Bear & Company, $18.00, Paperback)

Press, $17.99, Paperback)

“Forever Angels” is how P. M. H. Atwater describes young children who have had neardeath experiences. Atwater refers to them as such because when young people experience heavenly realities, they will always carry those experiences with them. She also explains how children have fewer memories than adults do to compare “before” and “after” their neardeath experiences, which creates an everlasting impact on these young ones. Based on nearly 400 interviews with children who have had near-death experiences, Atwater concludes that experiencing such phenomena at a young age leads to increased psychic awareness and intelligence, as well as increased chances of suicidal thoughts and PTSD symptoms.

Sexual energy is—and always has been—one of the most powerful human experiences there is. Ann Gadd takes an in-depth look at the various Enneagram types and how they relate to an individual’s sexual preferences, fantasies, relationships, challenges, and more. She explains how learning about the Enneagram types can enhance our sex lives, make us feel empowered and even create space for healing.

The Bright Way: Five Steps to Freeing

While unicorns have been missing from the Earth since the times of Atlantis, their powers are still available to us if we decide to connect with them. These magical beings are from the seventh dimension and serve as spirit guides for humanity. Diana Cooper explains that, unlike angels who work through the heart, unicorns work through the soul and help humans to fulfill spiritual contracts. Whether seeking help with personal issues or larger perils, readers can be assured that these unicorn guides will come to their aid when they are called.

the Creative Within, by Diana Rowan (New World Library, $17.95, Paperback) We often think of creativity as something we cultivate in our free time—like picking up a new hobby. What we forget is that creative energy is the seed of everything we are lucky and privileged enough to experience in our lives today. Diana Rowan shares with readers an easy-to-follow program that addresses all aspects of the creative process—from brainstorming ideas to finding fulfillment from sharing your gifts with the world.

The Quantum Akashic Field:

A Guide to Out-of-Body Experiences for the Astral Traveler, by Jim Willis (Findhorn Press, $16.99, Paperback) Mystics and healers have been studying the Akashic Field for thousands of years. The Akashic Field is a quantum-based reality where all potential realities simultaneously exist all at once. In this guidebook, Jim Willis shows readers how conscious out-of-body experiences can help us access and learn about this plane of existence. He shares firsthand accounts of out-of-body experiences, spiritual wisdom from various traditions, as well as tips to engage in out-of-body travel to help readers see how powerful connecting with this quantum reality can be. 26

A Guide to Passionate Relationships for the 9 Personality Types by Ann Gadd (Findhorn


The Wonder of Unicorns: Ascending with the Higher Angelic Realms, by Diana Cooper (Findhorn Press, $18.99, Paperback)

Love Without Borders:

How Bold Faith Opens the Door to Embracing the Unexpected, by Angela Braniff (HarperOne, $26.99, Hardcover) Creating a family for Angela Braniff was more than simply “the next chapter” of her life. After living much of her existence in a safe and expected way, Braniff felt a calling from God. This calling was to create and raise a nontraditional family consisting of two biological daughters, twins who were adopted as embryos, as well as three other adopted children from around the world. Braniff takes readers on her powerful journey of motherhood with a refreshing tone to which any parent can relate. Kayla Hancock is grateful to be a part of this community. She is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Reiki Practitioner and certified Deeksha giver who enjoys working alongside her angels and spirit guides to bring more love, joy and compassion into the world.






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