Award Winning
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OCT. 1, 2020
Past Life Regression with Kasia Szumal Have you been struggling with: • Stress and Traumas • Fears • Negative Emotions • Anger • Addictions • Sexual Abuse • Anxiety, Phobias • Depression • Low Self Esteem • Low Energy • Money Problems • Insomnia
If so, Past Life Regression could be your answer. This powerfully transformative process will take you on a journey into yourself, allowing you to open the doors to your subconscious mind, so that you can resolve the root causes of problems which you may have difficulty resolving in your conscious mind. It can help you to understand the origins of any blocks you may have from underlying life experiences, and shed light on how they may influence you today. Each session is 60-90 minutes long, and is conducted on Skype. If you do not want to be hypnotized, no problem - there is a telepathic support person who will assist in the session. If you are ready to resolve the cause of your problems and let go of negative emotions, fears, addictions, obsessions and more, then call Kasia Szumal, a certified Past Life Regression Hypnotherapist.
847- 966-1110
or email:
by Daniel A. Miller
by Linda Scotti, RN, BSN, MA
by Temple Hayes
OCTOBER 1, 2020
Adapt and Adjust by Donna Stellhorn
Life Changing Benefits of Opening the Third Eye
by Lisa Petenis
06 PUBLISHER’S LETTER One Who is All by Kasia Szumal
07 ASK ALECIA Community Q&A
Ask Alecia – October 2020
by Alecia Rice
12 FROM THE HEART The World You Prefer by Alan Cohen
20 HEALTHY EATING Orange You Ready for Fall? by Betsy Bruns 4
(Formerly The Monthly Aspectarian)
24 COSMIC DAILY WEATHER In–Depth Astrology Perspectives
October 2020
by Bernadette Evans
CONNECTIONS 22 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Resources for Better Living 27 MIDWEST PULSE CALENDAR Events, Happenings and Announcements of Interest
October 2020
REVIEWS 28 IN PRINT by Kayla Hancock
CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY is published 12 times yearly by CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY, LLC 47 W. Polk St., Suite 153 Chicago, IL 60605 847.966.1110 © 2020 Conscious Community, LLC. Formerly The Monthly Aspectarian. Nothing may be reprinted in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher. Conscious Community does not necessarily agree with opinions of the writers, nor is it liable for advertiser claims or representations. We believe in the reader’s judgment regarding the quality of any information. All ads should be received by the 10th of the month preceding publication. WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM
his year has been very fascinating and eye-opening for me, and I think for all of you as well. Past life regression hypnosis has shown me how powerful we are, and I want to share my knowledge about our souls with you. We often ignore or forget to acknowledge it, or to have connection with our Higher Self (Soul). Our soul is sacred, special, precious, and more often than not, we treat ourselves with such disrespect and disregard that we unknowingly commit daily sacrilege. Here is a list of the attributes of Who We Really Are: • We are made of loving, harmonious, happy, joyful, and peaceful energy. Nothing less. This energy is constant and never dies. • Human beings are multi-dimensional spiritual beings made from Source Energy. We are everything and anything. Each being on the Earth is a different version of you! We are oneness with everything. • You are a spiritual being having a physical experience here on Earth.
• You have a free will. • Our soul energy is constant. But when it is blocked by trauma—a bad childhood, accidents, difficult experiences—energy cannot flow properly. This may lead to disease and dysfunction. • In our Universe, there are many different civilizations that have connected with humans for a very long time. • You can change your karma. • When you pray, worship or support gods or political parties, you are giving up your power. Your soul gives you everything you wish for. Just ask. • Where your attention goes is where your energy goes. If you are worried about something, you are praying for this to happen. Change your attention to ideas, images and things that matter to you and make your life worth living. • Our body is a temporary house for the soul. Every time you reincarnate you get a new body. Everything that happens in this lifetime—or any other lifetime—is recorded in the etheric field. The etheric field is the first layer of the subtle body. It surrounds the subtle body and is about six inches wide around our body. It is an act of self-love to take the time to come home to yourself, to find your own self-governance and become your own master. Your soul chose to be here right now in this body and by having more conscious thoughts and actions we can change the world. You are a powerhouse! Enjoy the October issue! The Best,
Kasia Szumal
ASK ALECIA by Alecia Rice
Q: My Facebook friend unexpectedly blocked me without conflict or explanation. So, I can’t even contact her to ask why. I’m hurt and don’t know how to process this other than getting mad. — Blindsided A: Dear Blindsided,
Social media engagements can be emotionally tricky to navigate, especially when a friendship has gone sideways. I know it’s hard, but it seems that you’re left with only yourself to process this one. My suggestion is to sit with the blindside energy—to work with how you feel about it—instead of concentrating on her actions. Once we’ve felt that sting, we can begin to work through our feelings, and separate from being angry at her seemingly brash, unexplained actions by trying to consider other reasons she may have felt resigned to blocking instead of communicating. When we’re hurt, angry or disappointed with someone that we’re friends with on social media—or even not still friends with—seeing their name pop up unexpectedly can trigger the emotion over and over again, especially if we share common friendships. Even with a benign action like commenting on a mutual friend’s post, their name is still in our face and vice versa. One can start with less permanent actions like snoozing, but other than the more dramatic action of blocking, there doesn’t seem to be an elegant way within the settings to keep names or comments from showing up on mutual friends’
posts. While I know it’s painful for you, maybe it’s what she needs to practice self-care. She possibly felt that she didn’t have a less drastic option to keep her uncomfortable emotions at bay when your name would pop up, so she blocked you so she wouldn’t have to be triggered. We’d hope that people would be mature enough to communicate with us by giving us a heads-up so as not to blindside us while possibly taking a piece of our confused heart with them. But, many are afraid of potential conflict and don’t have the conscious maturity to do so. If they’re mad or hurt, they’re in pain too and as imperfect humans, we sometimes make desperate emotional choices to remove others from our energy field to just make it go away. Q: My relationship with my sister-in-law is strained. She often makes offhand comments about my home, appearance or children. This irritates me to the high heavens, and I need help. — Irritated SIL A: Dear Irritated SIL,
It’s not easy to take criticism from someone we love and have a good relationship with—let alone from someone we don’t. I consider relationships like bank accounts—emotional bank accounts. Hopefully, relationships have had mostly positive engagements (deposits) with fewer negative ones (withdrawals). One generally needs many deposits to build up the emotional account so that when the withdrawals come, there’s something
to draw from. When more withdrawals have been made than deposits, it can cause tension and strain within the relationship because not enough good has been put in to counterbalance the bad. It feels like your relationship with your sister-in-law may have more withdrawals than deposits, and it would be great to change that, if possible. You certainly have no control over how your sister-in-law engages, but you can try to make it better. First, check yourself to consider how often you make deposits in your relationship with her. If you can do better, try to do so by offering sincere compliments, being supportive, helping her do things and being as authentic as you can. Check yourself for strands of truth that she highlights. Take ownership of them. If you don’t like them, change them, but don’t blame her for having the courage to be straight with you when it’s true. If you need to vent, try to find a neutral third party that isn’t invested in this relationship. Venting too often to your husband could exacerbate the issue, thereby causing more strain between the three of you. You can also consider sitting down to have an honest conversation with her. Tell her that your relationship with her is important, but it seems that she’s often disappointed with you. Try to have an honest conversation because sometimes people don’t realize their tone or how often they’re making withdrawals. Should the relationship fail to improve, you might need to set boundaries to keep the offending actions at bay by either seeing her less, giving her access to less information, or even, flat-out drawing specific verbal lines in the sand for self-protection. Alecia Rice is a Spiritual Alchemist and a personal advisor for those ready to unravel their issues with conscious choices. She offers grounded perspectives for energy management and sage insights in columns, videos and podcasts. Visit for more information. Submit personal questions and quandaries to WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM
“Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm.” —Unknown
THE GIFTS OF ACCEPTANCE Accepting people and things as they are bestows many gifts upon us. One gift is that it releases stress and anxiety. When we accept a troubling situation as is we have no need to further fret about it. Acceptance also frees us to make choices and decisions that are best for us, because with acceptance our focus changes from people and circumstances we cannot change or 8
control to where it can do the most good–ourselves. Last but not least, acceptance significantly reduces the unhealthy compulsion to control. When we are accepting, we aren’t controlling.
integral relationship between accepting life and people as they are and enjoying a life with greater serenity.
Greg was only 47 when his life changed in a split second in the early morning of April 29, 2013. As he did every weekday morning, Greg hopped on his motorcycle to ride from Reseda, in Los Angeles’s San Fernando Valley, to Long Beach, California, where he worked as a geology compliance consultant to oil companies.
Consequently, a very strong—and empowering—link exists between acceptance and serenity. Acceptance brings us greater serenity, even in the most discouraging situations. Below are two inspiring stories demonstrating the
This particular morning, however, he took a different side street to the nearby lighted intersection leading to the freeway. A car traveling in the opposite direction made a sudden left turn into his lane, crashing into him—and that was the last thing Greg remembers. He awakened from a coma two weeks later. It wasn’t until a month had passed that Greg began to realize what had happened to him—initially a broken pelvis and punched-out hip socket; compound fractures to his right tibia, fibula, ankle, and wrist; a severe concussion; and blood clots. After spending three months in a rehab facility followed by four months in a wheelchair and additional physical therapy, Greg was able to walk a few feet at a time with the aid of a walker. I met with Greg at his home three years after the accident. He was able to walk with a crutch but still couldn’t move his right leg because of severe nerve damage that rendered his quadriceps useless. Greg had recently shared at a men’s discussion group that we both attended that the only way he was able to get by was by “living in acceptance each and every day.” No longer able to work as a geologist, Greg told me his “new job” was to get better—one day at a time. He said he prayed and meditated on acceptance the first thing every morning. “I meditate on where I was, where I am, and where I’m going,” he said. When I asked him if he could expand on that further, he replied: “I have a lot of limitations, but I don’t think about what I can’t do. I need to think about how I’m not limited. Just last week I went fishing for the first time in three years, and it was an absolute blast—and I caught a ton of fish! Acceptance builds on itself, like a snowball. But, if I don’t remain positive in that way, I start feeling sorry for myself, and that only sets me back. If I don’t practice acceptance, I get mired down in the problems and can’t find the solutions. The way I look at it, I
have to accept where I’m at to get to where I want to go.” As Greg talked, I commented that he seemed so open and positive about the future, even grateful. He replied, “Yes. By accepting where I’m at, I get to practice gratitude for what I can do. And I am looking forward to where I get to go next. I get to start again. A new career. A new life.” Greg’s story exemplifies the serenity that comes from living in acceptance, even under the most difficult circumstances. Although we may not have Greg’s remarkable positivity and courage, greater serenity is still possible, even if we are only able to live in acceptance part of the time. A strong commitment and willingness to try will be rewarded.
MARTIN ACCEPTED HIS PARENTS’ SHORTCOMINGS We also find greater serenity when we accept others as they are—even those we dislike or who have made our life harder. Martin’s life got better, for example, after he stopped blaming his parents for his personal shortcomings. Well into his adulthood, he blamed his parents for his insecurities, low self-esteem, and people-pleasing tendencies. His father was an alcoholic who was rarely around and his mother constantly demeaned him. Whatever Martin did was never “good enough” for her. As a result, growing up, he never felt good about himself. In fact, as Martin puts it, he wasn’t sure who “himself” really was. Consequently, by his early 20s, he was an alcoholic and street druggie, in and out of treatment centers and sober living homes. In his mid-30s, Martin found sobriety in Alcoholics Anonymous, and a few years later joined Al-Anon, another 12-step program for those whose family or friends have drinking problems. There he gained a greater awareness of “self” and what made him tick. One of the things Martin learned was that blaming his parents for his struggles
was absolutely of no benefit to him now. Pure and simple, it neither helped nor made him feel better. To the contrary, he says it deterred him from working on his personal shortcomings. Martin speaks about how his life improved by accepting his parents for who they were: “I certainly didn’t like what my parents did when I was young. It messed me up a lot. But, I know for sure that they didn’t go to bed at night thinking, ‘Now what can we do tomorrow to make Martin’s life miserable?’ And I also know for sure that they didn’t have any mean or evil intent. That’s just the way they were; they didn’t know any better. I am in acceptance of that now. My primary focus now is working on myself. It’s solely up to me to make my life better. I’m finally getting to know who ‘Martin’ is and finding a lot that I like.”
ACCEPTANCE IS A CHOICE WE MAKE As these stories show, practicing acceptance leads to a life marked by realistic expectations, greater humility, and new choices, discoveries, and possibilities, as well as reduced worry, stress and frustration—a life where hope replaces despair. Fundamentally, acceptance is a choice we make. You can choose to accept people and circumstances as they are— as Greg and Martin did—or not. If you choose acceptance, that very act births opportunities that can transform your life, the lives of others, and, I believe, the world. Daniel A. Miller is an artist, poet, successful businessman, and best-selling author of The Gifts of Acceptance: Embracing People and Things as They Are, and Losing Control, Finding Serenity: How the Need to Control Hurts Us and How to Let It Go, a Foreword Reviews Book of the Year Award finalist. His website, www., features over 70 of his blog posts on control and acceptance dynamics as well as his poetry and paintings. WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM
I’ve always been interested in nature and plants. Scientists estimate that there are more than 5,000 phytochemicals (naturally occurring plant chemicals). These phytochemicals not only protect the plant from pathogens and cell damage, but they also help us when we ingest the plant. Herbs and spices contain high levels of these phytochemicals which are powerful antioxidants that improve digestion, reduce inflammation, support the immune system and are antimicrobial. 10
More than 2,000 years ago, the Hippocratic school of medicine proclaimed, “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” Fortunately, this sage advice is coming back these days as more and more people are demanding local, organic, nutrientrich food. Plant-based whole foods are gaining in popularity. Embracing a cuisine rich in spices, as well as fruits and vegetables, is not only much more flavorful but also health-promoting and
disease-preventive. Herbs and spices not only add more flavor to our foods but also add concentrated nutrients for our health and well-being. Our ancestors have known this for thousands of years. We only need to look at cookbooks from other cultures around the world to see how they’ve used the local herbs and spices in their food. Many of the chronic diseases today start in the gut with poor digestion.
Digestive spices like ginger, coriander, cumin, fennel and cardamom should be added to everyone’s daily diet. Clove, oregano, thyme, cinnamon and cumin are now being studied as additives to prevent spoilage in packaged foods because of their high levels of antibacterial and antifungal properties. Why not put them in our food?
This is especially important for herbal teas and infusions. Nowadays, there are many small organic farms that you can buy from directly. Please note, when I speak about using or ingesting herbs and spices, I am talking about cooking with herbs and spices—and using them in teas and
The flavors danced in my mouth with “each bite. I had never experienced
those flavors in food before—an orchestra of flavors—the various chilies, the dried fruits, the nuts, the spices, and then, the dark chocolate.” The Mediterranean diet has long been known for its health-promoting properties. Look at the herbs they use— thyme, rosemary, oregano, sage, lavender, etc. India has a very low incidence of dementia, primarily attributed to their daily dose of turmeric with its powerful curcumin pigment that gives it that bright yellow color. We can learn quite a bit from these cultures.
When I visited Istanbul, the food was so flavorful and alive! My mouth still waters remembering the olives with fresh herbs that I ate for breakfast daily. Recently, on one of my frequent visits to Mexico City, I had oyster mushrooms with mole sauce at a vegan restaurant. The mole was purely vegan and made from scratch! The flavors danced in my mouth with each bite. I had never experienced those flavors in food before—an orchestra of flavors—the various chilies, the dried fruits, the nuts, the spices, and then, the dark chocolate. It was so amazing I purchased two bags of mole paste at a local vegan market to take home! The key to receiving benefits from these herbs and spices is to use the freshest and highest quality herbs and spices available. If possible, it’s best to buy the whole spice (seeds, barks, berries, etc.) in small quantities and grind them fresh as you use them. An inexpensive coffee grinder works great.
infusions—not taking them in a pill form. Consult with a certified herbalist or your doctor when considering taking anything in a concentrated form.
THESE ARE SOME OF THE SPICES THAT I USE DAILY: Turmeric: Known as “Indian gold” and “guardian of the liver,” turmeric is beyond amazing, a must for everyone to take daily. As it’s very potent, you only need one-quarter teaspoon per day to reap its immune boosting benefits. Always take it with a pinch of black pepper for better absorption. Cooking it in oil also aids in absorption. It’s available in powder or the fresh root. Its benefits are extensive—anti-inflammatory, analgesic, hemostatic (stops bleeding), blood purifier, and a powerful antioxidant—a cancer fighter. More than a thousand studies have shown the many cancer-fighting properties and DNA protection of curcumin, the active pigment that gives it that yellow color. Black Pepper: Known as the “King of Spices,” black pepper potentiates the bioavailability of turmeric as much as 2,000 percent! It also increases the bioavailability of other herbs. Coriander seeds: One of the oldest spices, dating back to 7000 B.C., coriander seeds have powerful cellprotecting antioxidants that soothe digestive ailments.
Cumin seeds: Another super digestive spice, cumin is the most popular spice in Mexican cuisine. Its volatile oils come alive in Indian cooking as the seeds are put to heat and that nutty aroma fills the kitchen. Cumin is full of vitamins and minerals, including iron. It also is about one percent salicylic acid which contributes to its antiinflammatory properties. Fennel: Fennel has it all: it’s a vegetable, an herb and a spice. The seeds have potent aromatic qualities, and help to relieve digestive problems, muscle tension and pain as it’s also a powerful anti-inflammatory. Ginger: I can’t imagine food without ginger. Ginger is a proven remedy for nausea, motion sickness, as well as a powerful anti-inflammatory shown to decrease joint pain. If you eat a small piece of fresh ginger before your meal, it stimulates the digestive fire-releasing enzymes for better assimilation of nutrients. Cardamom: I’m in love with cardamom with its enticing flavor and aroma! Known as the “Queen of Spices” for its special medicinal and culinary values, cardamom has powerful anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic qualities that improve digestion. The best cardamom comes from the rainforests of Southern India where it is harvested by hand. Its sweet flavor activates comfort and a positive feeling about life. Linda Scotti, RN, BSN, MA presents classes at the Science of Spirituality International Meditation Center in Lisle, Illinois. She has been working in the health-care field for over 40 years. Having lived and traveled all over the world, she and her husband have explored the foods, herbs and spices of Japan, Mexico, India, and many countries in South America. She says that the healing properties of herbs and spices are safe and effective when used in the kitchen to create delicious meals and aromatic teas and infusions. WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM
One of my favorite movies is The Truman Show, in which a man has unknowingly been born and raised on a massive TV set on which the entire world watches his life unfold. Eventually Truman begins to discover that the life he has been living is contrived, and he attempts to escape the tiny world in which he is trapped. But the producer of the show cleverly throws up obstacles to make Truman turn back.
An interviewer asks the TV show’s producer Christof, “Is there any way that Truman might escape?” Christof answers, “Truman can get out any time he wants. The truth is, he prefers his world.”
teacher Bashar ( calls this dynamic “the motivational mechanism.” Every living thing does what it believes will bring it the greatest reward. The rub, in human terms, is that quite often the reward we perceive is not in our best interest. Working into the night and weekends may push us up the corporate ladder, but ultimately such a drive damages our health and relationships. Fighting with our ex may punish him or her or keep us feeling “right,” but meanwhile our soul gets tattered and our inner peace is reduced to nil. Grabbing a drink or a joint may take the edge off of our current discomfort, but the issues that trouble us remain until we face and handle them.
A greater teaching has never been spoken. While many of us complain about situations in which we feel entrapped, on some level we are choosing them. The reasons for our choices prevail at a level below our conscious mind. The spiritual
A woman phoned in to my radio program ( and reported that since her divorce a few years earlier, she had gained a great deal of weight and now she wanted to lose it. Considering the principle of the motivational mechanism, I
asked her, “Is there any way you might believe that your weight is serving you?” After some moments of consideration, she explained, “The end of my marriage and my divorce were horrendous and I feel terrified to get involved in another relationship. I believe that if I were thinner, men would find me more attractive and I would have to deal with having another man in my life. I’m just not ready for that.” This was a huge aha! for this woman. We talked about the possibility of her simply choosing to not be in a relationship, if she was truly not ready for one, and not needing to use the weight as a buffer against potential emotional pain. She liked that idea and decided to explore that pathway. If you are not reaching a goal you say you want, ask yourself, “What greater reward do I perceive in not having this? How do I believe my current situation serves me more than getting what I say I want?” You must be extremely honest in your introspection. If you are, you will unveil the perceived payoff. Looking squarely at the perceived payoff will likely reveal that it is not a real payoff, and the payoff of achieving your goal would ultimately be greater. We might also state the key question of the motivational mechanism in this way: Why would you continue to engage in a behavior or pattern you say you do not prefer? We step into tremendous empowerment when we realize that everyone is always acting out of choice. The reasons for many choices may be insane, but choices they are. People get all kinds of hidden rewards through fighting, complaining, worrying, being sick, and engaging in dramas. To truly help yourself or others, you must hold the hidden reasons up to the light. Richer rewards are available than the ones the ego delivers. Spending rewarding time with our family and friends yields more pleasure than working to death. Harmonizing with our ex brings far more peace than keeping the fight up. Facing and mastering our self-doubts or fears gets us far more mileage than a drink or a joint. What we ask for is not outrageous. What we settle for is.
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The truth is, we prefer our world. Yet there is a far greater world we would prefer more. For Truman to escape, he had to discover the true man. So it is for all of us. There is one within us that truly recognizes what would bring us happiness. When we heed the call of our vision, the lights on the movie set go out and we find ourselves standing in broad daylight in a world we have chosen for ourselves, rather than one that others have chosen for us. Alan Cohen is the author of many inspirational books. Join Alan’s celebrated Life Coach Training Program. For more information about this program, Alan’s Hawaii Retreat, books, free daily inspirational quotes, and his weekly radio show, visit www.
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PUT YOUR WHOLE SELF IN by Temple Hayes Do you remember being a little kid and dancing to the song The Hokey Pokey, putting different parts of yourself into it and then being asked to “put your whole self in?” Remember how good it felt to shake your body and turn around? You were present, alive, and awake! Isn’t that what life is all about?
significant any more nor was it relevant. It was an experience, which was behind her.
You put your whole self in! This really is what life is all about, but why do so few of us put our whole selves in?
This is the way we naturally are destined and designed to be in our day-to-day lives. We are literally meant to go from experience to experience and put our whole selves in. Yet what happens is, most of us are walking through life disconnected and drained, and rarely present for what is occurring NOW. We are toting all of the past on our backs and shoulders, recalling all of the Toms’ and Sallys’ in our lives who have either wronged us, shamed us, or they didn’t do it right. We are aiming to continue dancing through each day of life with all this weight on our hearts and minds, while not being able to be truly impassioned and energized in this day and this moment.
When we are children we innately live in the moment by putting our whole selves in. I remember a number of years ago I visited a friend of mine and a four-year-old child was there asking me to dance with her. I got on my knees so we could be closer to the same height and we proceeded to dance. We were pretending to be Tom and Sally out for the evening immersed in this beautiful dance. Each time we completed the song, Kayleigh would say, “Let’s do it again.” Without hesitation she was putting her whole self in. By this point, my knees were having thoughts of their own and were longing for this experience to be behind us. The next morning I asked Kayleigh if she would like to play the part of Tom and Sally and dance some more, and she didn’t connect at all with what I was saying. To her that experience was yesterday. It was not 14
She had put her whole self in the day before, and had no reason to recall it nor relive it again.
So what needs to happen for us to make the shift? Decide now, today, this moment, with every encounter you are going to put your whole self in. If you are at a restaurant with friends, put your phone away. If you are going on your first date - be
you and share who you really are, rather than holding back and editing most of the things you share, and if you are facing a fear truly face it, rather than replacing it, and keep walking forward in the direction of your life. Put your whole self in. As you get into this practice and it becomes a habit, three things will occur:
1) You will have more energy There’s a story of a guy riding a bicycle uphill and he is really struggling. What he doesn’t realize is that he is riding with his brakes on. The energy it is taking for him to move forward while at the same time “being locked in place” is likened to a person who wants to move forward, yet is holding on to past sorrow, or the people they perceived have done harm against them or energies of regret and disappointment.
2) You will be more empowered Putting your whole self in the moment requires a practice of being able to say who you are and be what you feel. If you are committed to being a person who does not carry around past luggage from yesterday, then you will be able to travel lightly as you go from place to place and person to person, for you are being true to yourself. Just the simple and profound commitment to speak and live the real you will change your energy level dramatically.
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3) Freedom is gifted to you and to others You are able to truly put your whole self in first and not wait until you turn yourself around, just like the order of the song. When you put your whole self in and allow your energy to change, which will change your life, an amazing and incredible thing happens. You feel better, you like the feelings and thoughts you are having, and you have people saying to you all the time, “How do you have so much energy?” The wonder of this is that oddly enough, you are able to give the same permission to others in your life. You begin to see them as whole rather than broken, possible instead of impossible, and life becomes a new playing field. You wake up one morning and you are truly free from your own self-bondage.
This inner dialogue moves from being a thought into a feeling and finally a realization. Your whole self - you begin to measure it daily in your work, with your families and loved ones, with the moments of silence and retreat you give yourself. Begin this amazing, enlightening practice. Affirm before every event - I am putting my whole self in, and reflect at the end of the day, did I do it? Did I put my whole self in? If not, how can I make more of an effort tomorrow? This is your moment - begin now. Put your whole self in! Be Life! Temple Hayes is the author of When Did You Die? 8 Steps to Stop Dying Every Day and Start Waking Up (HCI Books) and spiritual leader of First Unity Spiritual Campus in St. Petersburg, Florida. For more information, visit WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM
FULL MOON - OCTOBER 1, 2020 Adapt and Adjust by Donna Stellhorn The powerful Aries Moon comes in while its ruler Mars is retrograde in Aries. Aries helps you be courageous, selfreliant, and yet, it can cause changes and restlessness. You may find your foot tapping as excess energy runs through you. It’s a good idea to find physical projects to take on, such as exercise, cleaning out the garage or building something. People around you may be quick-tempered, impulsive or even aggressive. Many in the world will step up to try to lead and feel the need to control others. Be prepared to adjust your plans and adapt to new circumstances, and you can use this energy to sail forward. Around Oct. 9, Mars squares Pluto. Use extra care when driving, as this can bring out aggression in some people. The best use of this energy is to focus your actions on a big goal. This energy benefits people with great ambition. On Oct. 13, Mercury goes retrograde in Scorpio. Often the two weeks before Mercury goes retrograde brings some gyrations in financial markets. And with Mercury retrograde, it’s a good idea to avoid purchasing a car or an electronic device over the next few weeks. Around Oct. 18, Mars squares Jupiter, and this brings the best period during the month for success from activities you’re doing. This is an excellent time to do sports, take business risks or start a new venture. 16
On Oct. 31, there is the magical Full Blue Moon in Scorpio. We’ll talk about this energy more in-depth next month, but this Blue Moon falling on Halloween is quite significant. Halloween is a time of letting go when the veil between worlds is thin. Spirits can pass back and forth from this world to the other side. The Blue Moon spotlights and magnifies the Halloween energy giving you the ability to connect with your ancestral past and your living spiritual family. This is a good day to do magic.
Aries This month, the Full Moon is in your sign of Aries, making this possibly your most significant month of the year. There is positive career energy along with a confidence boost as you’re receiving support from someone you admire. A small uptick in finances gives you an idea for a new source of future revenue. Love becomes quite clear as you both speak your mind and reveal your heart to someone special. But adjustments are needed. Impulsive action is not as beneficial as a measured response.
Taurus While you may be filled with restless energy, this is a good month for taking a break. You may want to schedule yourself a mini-vacation to contemplate that there’s more than one road to success. Taurus natives who are in school can receive some very positive feedback from a professor or an institution.
Later in the month, a love opportunity presents itself through someone you know from a job. It’s a good idea to review your finances, or you may be helping an older relative with a financial matter of theirs.
Gemini There is a lot of activity around friendships. You may be on the phone a great deal or in more Zoom conferences. Your love relationship grows stronger through some open communication about your intimate life. You may find you’re more in agreement than you think. There’s an opportunity to pick up more hours or some other windfall at work. Even though you’re feeling more confident in your abilities this month, it’s wise not to step on anyone’s toes who signs your paychecks.
Cancer Most of the energy and activity this month centers around your career and how people see you. If you’re looking for a job, this is a very good time to post your resume and connect with people on LinkedIn. Relationships are also in the spotlight; however, this is where some adjustments are needed. Now you can flow around obstacles. Towards the end of the month, you have more balance and a stronger sense of knowing what you want. There’s an opportunity to gain near and around your house.
Leo Contracts and legal matters are highlighted, but with Mercury going retrograde this month, you will want to read the fine print carefully. Negotiations could get heated, but you have a strong opportunity to come out on top. Work could be hectic bringing additional income. Because of this, you may be tempted to spend more money this month. There is good communication with friends and especially with your significant other. If you’re looking for love, reach out to someone you find interesting.
Virgo There’s a focus on finances this month, and you may have access to resources you didn’t have previously. Avoid excess shopping, but instead, open your hands to receive. Others notice how magnetic you are right now. You are drawing in some very interesting people. Taking a risk on a new venture is possible; however, it would be best if it was funded by someone else. Travel may be interrupted, so be ready to make adjustments if you’re planning any trips to other cities or beyond.
Libra Relationships and partnerships of all kinds are in the spotlight this month. There is an emphasis on how you work with others and your willingness to receive. Time for some adjustments at home, possibly moving furniture or having someone move in. A new financial arrangement or revenue stream could become available. If this seems to slip away, be patient; this opportunity will return in a few weeks. What you thought might be a confrontation with a supervisor turns out to be a compliment.
Scorpio This month, you may be spending more time probing for information behind the scenes. You’re keeping a watchful eye on what’s going on around you. A contract may land on your desk that has errors or points to be negotiated. A problem in the office vanishes—at least for the time being. A friend could express how much they admire you; this may even turn romantic. For those Scorpio natives already in a love relationship, a small change in the tone of your conversation brings happiness to both of you.
Sagittarius Fun and romance are highlighted for you this month. Making some adjustments in your schedule can leave more time for enjoyable pursuits. Additionally, making some changes in your spending habits could make you the hero of the family. There’s a strong desire to take a business risk, but wait for the promised support before launching. You are more intuitive than usual right now, and a dream may hold some keys to a question you’ve been struggling with. Something that was lost is now found.
Capricorn The emphasis for the month is on your home and family. If you’re considering moving, recognize that with Mercury retrograde, there could be some delays. A sudden unexpected romantic liaison can happen, leaving your head spinning. You’re quite lucky this month when you take direct action. Hanging back in the shadows could cause you to miss an opportunity. Finances improve; however, there may be a need to transfer money to a new or different account to help you reach your goals.
Aquarius There’s a lot of interaction this month with close family members and people in your neighborhood. Someone you know may be getting married or at least engaged. Intimate, spontaneous fun is possible in your own relationship. For those Aquarius natives looking for a job, there is an opportunity at a place you’ve worked before or have applied to previously. Give yourself some extra time for rest this month; you may have been pushing too hard lately.
Pisces You have a very strong awareness of your finances this month. This can mean you’ve decided to handle your money differently. While your relationship is going well in most areas— especially intimately—there can be some desire to make a true partnership. There is also a lot of activity with friends, possibly outdoor events or a lot of Zoom conferences. There is a career opportunity related to someone you used to work with. You may receive a call out of the blue regarding a big business deal. Donna Stellhorn is an astrologer, a Feng Shui expert and the author of 16 books. Her website is You can follow her on Instagram @donnastellhorn and see her videos on YouTube at WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM
Life Changing Benefits of Opening the Third Eye by Lisa Peten
THE PINEAL GLAND (OR THIRD EYE) PROVIDES PERCEPTION BEYOND ORDINARY SIGHT. Have you ever decalcified your pineal gland? If not, I suspect you are not alone. If you were to text one of your friends or relatives and ask if their pineal gland is decalcified, a range of reactions, including the outstanding question: “What is that?” may occur. Some of the more well-informed may answer with a question such as “Do you mean my third eye?” Yet, the scratching of the head may still ensue in trying to figure out if it is decalcified. If you do not yet have membership in the WhatsApp Group, Plant-Based Livity, where decalcification of the pineal gland is often discussed, your pineal gland knowledge may need some enhancements. Not to worry, read on to get informed about the pineal gland and discover ways to reap the benefits of decalcification.
WHAT IS THE PINEAL GLAND? The pineal gland is called the third eye. While many illustrations depict its position between the eyes and centered on the 18
forehead, it is actually centered deep within the two halves of the brain and is about the size of a grain of rice. The name of this endocrine gland is derived from its shape, thought to be similar to the shape of a pinecone (Latin term pinea.) The pineal gland functions to produce melatonin to help maintain circadian rhythm and regulate reproductive hormones.
WHY THE NEED TO OPEN THE THIRD EYE? Eyes are called “the window of the soul,” so naturally, this transcends to the high esteem and praise for an ‘opened’ third eye. In addition, the location of the pineal gland is within the pathway of logical and emotional thoughts occurring which makes this an ideal window for intuition to birth. In many spiritual and holistic health communities, an opened third eye signifies deep perception that propels higher levels of consciousness. An opened third eye offers grand prosperity and abundance to an enlightened life. Many profess they know when their third eye is opened because they can read the thoughts of others before they are expressed, depict the
outcome of a situation, or experience complete insight into their present-day journey to name just a few. It is easy to discover if your third eye is open with a quick internet search on this question. Many people believe that the range of signs include realizing your own ignorance, asking questions to make you more aware, and seeing number alignments (i.e. 11:11, 222.) For those who of us who embrace the truth of these signs, this knowledge is eye-opening!
HOW DO YOU DECALCIFY IT? Calcification of the pineal gland is a result of an accumulation of fluoride that forms phosphate crystals, creating a hard shell around the pineal. This buildup weakens psychological development, peak performance, and spiritual awakening, so it becomes necessary to decalcify aka cleanse your pineal gland. Eating whole foods, using supplements, and/or using good self-care techniques are great ways to detox your pineal gland.
friend or family member who you asked the question to and empower them with some ways they can decalcify their pineal gland. They will ‘clearly’ thank you with fresh eyes. Lisa Peten is a self-help hearing coach, mind-body empowerment speaker and health advocate blogger, on a mission to empower health-hungry communities to become more proactive in obtaining nourishing foods and seeking holistic health alternatives. To attune your vibrational settings for miraculous healing, tweet @soundhealthheal or call 219-316-1101. Photo credit:
WHAT FOODS AND SUPPLEMENTS HELP TO DECALCIFY? Since calcification may be caused by fluoride buildup, eating foods to weaken the buildup is the key to decalcify. Some of these foods include alkaline-rich foods packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants like beets, chlorella, spirulina and wheatgrass. • Iodine • Chaga Mushrooms • Raw Cacao • Tamarind • Raw Apple Cider Vinegar • Boron
• Turmeric • Activator X • Shilajit • Fulvic Acid • Green Superfoods
The following foods may aid in cleansing your pineal gland: • Oregano Oil • Kale • Chlorella • Flaxseed • Neem Oil • Broccoli • Spirulina
• Sesame Seeds • Sea Vegetables • Almonds • Blue Algae • Thyme • Cranberries • Dill
• Dried Plums • Dried Herbs • Organic Yogurt • Oranges • Raw Cacao • Chlorophyll-rich superfoods
What types of self-care techniques help to decalcify? Any type of buildup in our systems such as stress, mucous, or cortisone will result in harmful effects to the body. This is commonly a sign of self-care neglect. The brief list of actions below is suggested as part of a daily regimen to aid decalcification of the third eye: • Meditation • Magnetic field
• Sound waves therapy • Dry sauna
The benefits of a fully functioning pineal gland include a centered being, increase in good health, better relationships with self and others, less stress, more tolerance, greater compassion, and strengthened intuition. Go back to that same
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DO YOU NEED A RIDE? Join Us in Our November Issue!
Our Advertising Deadline for the November 2020 Issue is October 10, 2020. Communities that share together, grow together! Call 847.966.1110 or Email WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM
[ H E A LT H Y E AT I N G ]
As a classic, October-born Libra, I love the fall by design. After all the summer fun and UV rays, cooler temperatures, brilliant colors, falling leaves and warming fires are welcome—as are pumpkins, root vegetables and sweet treats. Orange you ready for fall? It was not until I sat down to write about autumn sweets that I pondered the color orange and why it’s so prevalent in the 20
fall. Did you know that the leaves of spring and summer are green because they contain chlorophyll, which allows plants (and people) to capture sunlight and produce energy by the process of photosynthesis? As things cool down in the fall, chlorophyll, which is sensitive to the cold, stops being produced. As the green fades, yellow and orange pigments called carotenoids (also responsible for
the orange color of carrots) take over. The orange pigments that are always present in the background of the leaves are revealed when the green fades. Carotenoid-laden (orange) vegetables are more tolerant of crisp temperatures, which is why so many orange foods are prevalent in the fall. Pretty cool, huh? A carotenoid that I’m always talking about is beta-carotene. Our bodies convert this
powerful antioxidant into vitamin A, which is needed for a strong immune system, healthy lungs, eyes, vision and skin. Who doesn’t want all that? I love sweets, especially ones that include vegetables. Why? Because it’s a delicious way to feed your immune system and sweet tooth at the same time. Speaking of feeding the immune system, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Did you know that beta-carotene hinders oxidation and protects the body from free radicals, which can damage the cells and lead to cancer and other chronic illnesses? The World Health Organization has reported that diet contributes to 30% or more of all cancers in Western countries and that number may be severely understated. The consumption of high-fat foods, such as meat, dairy products, fried foods and vegetable oils, cause a woman’s body to make more estrogens, which encourage cancer cell growth in the breast and other organs that are sensitive to female sex hormones. You can take steps to reduce risk, and consuming more beta-carotene is one of them. The Institute of Medicine recommends women consume three to six milligrams of beta-carotene each day. One cup of cooked (or raw) carrots, pumpkin or butternut squash would meet that recommendation. Sneaking in healthy whole foods into comfort foods is a great way to up your daily recommended doses of nutrition. This could be black beans in brownies, sweet potatoes in chocolate cake or carrots in cookie dough.
CARROT CAKE COOKIE DOUGH* Makes 20 cookie dough drops This raw cookie dough poses no Salmonella risk, yet it will reward your taste buds. A covert source of betacarotene, omega fatty acids, zinc and potassium, it’s also full of fiber and lower in fat. 2 medium carrots, washed, trimmed and cut into coins ½ cup walnuts ½ teaspoon salt
1 2 1 1 8 1
cup old fashioned oats tablespoons ground flax seeds teaspoon vanilla teaspoon cinnamon medium to large Medjool dates tablespoon maple syrup
Add carrot coins, walnuts and salt to a food processor and process until carrots are shreds. Add remaining ingredients and continue processing until a dough is formed. Use a tablespoon to form cookie drops onto a cookie sheet. If you prefer; roll dough into balls, press into an 8 x 8 pan or just eat as is. To add flavor or color, sprinkle or roll with shredded carrots, coconut, nuts or cinnamon. Chill or freeze before serving. I adore my raw cookie dough right out of the freezer.
cinnamon and nutmeg in a large bowl. Add pumpkin, water and raisins. Stir until just mixed. Spoon batter into lined muffin cups, filling to just below the tops. Bake 25 to 30 minutes until the tops of the muffins bounce back when pressed lightly. Remove from the oven and let stand for five minutes. Remove muffins from pan and cool on a rack. Store cooled muffins in an airtight container. * Recipe and photo Betsy Bruns ** Recipe and photo by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM)
Betsy Bruns is a plant-based health coach, “Food for Life” instructor with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (, and an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) practitioner. When she isn’t making healing food taste like comfort food or helping clients tap away stress and cravings with EFT, she’s soaking up nature and dreaming of ways to make life more delicious for all beings. Visit
PUMPKIN SPICE MUFFINS** Makes 10-12 Servings These healthful muffins will spice up your morning or any time of day. They make a great-tasting, low-fat fall snack. 2 cups whole-wheat flour or wholewheat pastry flour ½ cup sugar 1 tablespoon baking powder ½ teaspoon baking soda ½ teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon cinnamon ¼ teaspoon nutmeg 1 15-ounce can pumpkin ½ cup raisins ½ cup water Preheat oven to 375°F. Mix flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt, WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM
BUSINESS Directory
ASTROLOGY OMARI MARTIN, MAFM, LPMAFA - business professor and certified professional astrologer offers consulting services and strategic guidance for novice and professional astrologers and entrepreneurs desirous of developing a prosperous and profitable business. Contact: omari@soular, or 773-432-8308.
BODYWORK ANGELIC HEALING Ada Swanson LMT, offers holistic bodywork from massage & reflexology to reiki, chakra balancing & intuitive reading, to help bring your body into balance. Servicing Northern Illinois & Southern Wisconsin. 800 Main St., Suite 14, Antioch, IL 60002. Contact: or call 262-581-3606. SHARON M. VOGEL, CLT, LMT, LC, BCTMB, Clinic Director of National Lymphatic Centers. With 27 years in business, I am referred to by Juneo Clinic practitioners, national surgeons, physicians, and patients. The practitioners at NLC care for you with Myofascial release, Craniofascial, Lymph Drainage, Oncology Massage, and much more. 5002 Main St., Downers Grove, IL 60515., 630-241-4100.
CLASSES & WORKSHOPS ARCHE MEDITATION CENTER OF PURPOSE AND JOY Using a simple, ancient philosophy, you’ll experience a shift in conscious22
ness to reawaken your Soul’s powerful connection with the Universe. Classes help align your vibration with your Authentic Self, to develop healthy relationships, empower natural self-healing abilities, eliminate sabotaging beliefs and create a life of purpose, peace, love, laughter and joy. 212 S. Marion St., Oak Park, IL 60302. Contact: Sandy Daliege, www.archemeditation or 708-622-8453.
ENERGY HEALING & MEDICINE AMY CIANCHETTI, INTUITIVE HEALER - Intuitive healing provides guidance, insight, clarity, awareness and transformation. Receive supportive, intuitive messages from your Higher-Self & The Divine; release physical, mental and spiritual blocks. In-Person or Phone/Zoom sessions available. 3020 N. Kimball Ave., Chicago, IL 60618. 773-236-2460, REV. LINDSAY BATES. Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Master, Offering private sessions, Distant Reiki, animal Reiki, and classes for all levels. We focus on life issues, including stress management, fertility, oncology. 1211 Pershing Ave, Wheaton, IL 60189. Contact: or 630-464-1668. SUSAN OFFERS GROUP MEDITATIONS with crystal singing bowls and Peruvian whistles. Contact for upcoming events. Also, individual sessions and workshops with the OXOY, Northwest Suburbs. Dundee. Contact:, or 224-293-2373.
CAROL SWANSON LLC, Medical Intuitive & Wellness Consultant, specializing in the release of chronic health issues. Intuitive Health Analysis and Treatment Protocol. Deep Meridian Clearing releases the energetic blockages/trauma that support your illness. Clients worldwide. Serving Humans and their companion animals. Contact: carol.swanson@, carolswansonllc/ or 608-359-4720.
HOLISTIC EDUCATIONAL CENTER INFINITY FOUNDATION is the Chicago area’s leading holistic education center. Infinity offers Courses For Life,® providing you with experiential courses in personal, professional, and spiritual growth to enhance your life. Location: 1280 Old Skokie Rd., Highland Park, IL 60035. Contact 24hours a day: Infinity Foundation or 847-831-8828.
HYPNOTHERAPIST KATARZYNA (KASIA) SZUMAL is a certified Past Life Regression hypnotherapist. Past Life Regression is a journey into yourself that allows you to open the doors to your unconscious and resolve the causes of problems, fears, negative emotions, self-sabotaging, addictions, obsessions, discomforts, anxieties, phobias. You will understand the origin of a certain block, situation, or position, becoming aware of the reason for these events as well as apparent coincidences. If you were not
dreaming, you will start dreaming again. Each session is 60-90 minutes long, on Skype. If you do not want to be hypnotized, no problem - there is a telepathic support person for that. If you are ready to let go of emotions, fears, addiction, obsessions, feelings and resolve your cause of problems, please call Conscious Community Magazine, send Kasia an email at or leave her a message at: 847-966-1110.
PAST LIFE REGRESSION KATARZYNA (KASIA) SZUMAL is a certified Past Life Regression hypnotherapist. Past Life Regression is a journey into yourself that allows you to open the doors to your unconscious and resolve the causes of problems, fears, negative emotions, self-sabotaging, addictions, obsessions, discomforts, anxieties, phobias. You will understand the origin of a certain block, situation, or position, becoming aware of the reason for these events as well as apparent coincidences. If you were not dreaming, you will start dreaming again. Each session is 60-90 minutes long, on Skype. If you do not want to be hypnotized, no problem - there is a telepathic support person for that. If you are ready to let go of emotions, fears, addiction, obsessions, feelings and resolve your cause of problems, please call Conscious Community Magazine, send Kasia an email at or leave her a message at: 847-966-1110. PAST LIFE REGRESSION with Gloria De Pietro. Regressed clients are released from the karmic wheel to resolve old patterns and a spirit that attaches to your energy field. It is very healing process and freeing process from any lingering karma and or residue. Appointments M - F 9 to 5. $100.00 to $250.00. Sessions are on line 917-215-1179,
PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OFFICIATE: WEDDINGS & OTHER TRANSITIONAL EVENTS Ordained non-denominational minister officiates at transitional events (weddings, baptisms, funerals, birth rites, etc.). For further information on personally-tailored, magical and intimate experiences, contact Theresa Puskar. or 630-272-1805.
PSYCHICS PSYCHIC INTUITIVE READER My name is Michelle Gray and I am a Psychic Intuitive Reader. I give accurate, descriptive readings and help to validate relationships and career decisions including intimate, family, and associations plus career and financial goals. Contact:, or 630-854-3175. BOTANICA - Open daily from 8 am – 11 pm. Solve all problems. Psychic Energy, Psychic life coach, Chakra balancing, Reiki, Ordained oracle, Divination, Denomination, Supplier of crystals, candles and oils. Readings in person, phone, emails, also parties. Free parking. Contact: 773-664-3620 or 773-202-7062.
WEIGHT CONTROL WEIGHT OUT OF CONTROL? MEDICAL HYPNOTISM can help you renegotiate your relationship to food. Backed by outcomes research and a long history of success. Visit us at for more information or call 630-668-1141.
WOMEN’S HEALING PROGRAMS RESONANCE RESTORATIVE WOMEN’S COLLECTIVE. A collective created by women, for women to do their inner work in a safe space with a community that is rooted in unconditional love and acceptance. We gather to share our stories, witness each other, heal together, and find our voices, truths, and soft power along journeys. We seek to engage the mind, physical body, energetic body, and soul spirit. Through Engaged Learning, Energy Work, and Group Work, we come together to exchange in meaningful and powerful ways. Founded and facilitated by Kristi Derkacy; Group Work Facilitator, Writer, Reiki practitioner. Location: Palos Heights, IL, 708-373-3874,
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BUSINESS Directory
The Business Directory provides listings of a wide variety of practitioners, products and services available to our readers. Business Directory listings are $1.00 per word with a 25 word minimum. Display ads are due by the 10th of every month. Copy may be submitted by email or regular mail. Check or credit card information must accompany your insertion unless you are submitting it by email. In that case, please call with your credit card information to finalize your listing.
Please call: 847–966–1110 or send your listings to: Kasia@ by the 10th of the month prior to publication.
COSMIC DAILY WEATHER October 2020 by Bernadette Evans
This month, there are two Full Moons. When this happens in a single month, the second Full Moon is called a “blue moon.” The first Full Moon is on Oct. 1 at nine degrees of Aries at 4:05 p.m. The second Full Moon is on Oct. 31 at eight degrees of Taurus at 9:49 a.m. Full Moons are about releasing something. Maybe a situation or a relationship has come to its natural conclusion. Examine where you are in your life. Is it time to let something or someone go? The New Moon is on Oct. 16 at 23 degrees of Libra at 2:31 p.m. New Moons are about planting seeds. This is a great time to begin something. It will take time to see the results, but it will be worth it. As seeds need time and care to grow, so do your dreams. Nurture them and keep them to close to you. You don’t have to share what you’re working towards with anyone else. It’s your secret with the Universe. Pluto turns direct this month on Oct. 4 at 8:32 a.m. Mercury retrogrades this month on Oct. 13 at 11 degrees of Scorpio back to 26 degrees of Libra. It will turn direct on Nov. 3. Mercury is famous for communications via email or text being lost. So, if you’re waiting for someone to return your call, check in with them to make sure they received your message in the first place. Misunderstandings could be highlighted during this time. With Mercury in Scorpio, you may discover someone was keeping something hidden from you, which could increase your paranoia. Don’t do anything drastic until well after Mercury goes direct next month. Instead, take this time to meditate or journal. You may discover some interesting things about yourself on the journey. Have a great month, my dear readers! The Moon takes about 28 days to complete its orbit through the 12 signs, staying approximately two and a half days in each sign. When we say the Moon is Void of Course (VoC), it means the Moon makes no more major aspects to other planets before it leaves the sign its in. At these times, it can be difficult to get focused and accomplish a task. You may want to relax, meditate or do something where your focus is turned inward. Don’t try and get a new project off the ground when the Moon is Void. If you want to find out more about the Void of Course Moon, check out The times below are listed in Central Daylight Time (CDT).
Thursday, October 1 There may be a push-pull between feeling the need to act in your life and wanting to make sure everyone is happy with what you do. That’s the energy of the Full Moon in Aries. It’s a balancing act, trying to do what you want but making sure other people are okay with it. Uranus is making a semi-sextile with the Moon so you might have a flash of brilliance about how to satisfy everyone. Full Moon in Aries at 4:05 p.m.
Friday, October 2 The Moon and Mars are coming together to form a conjunction while squaring the team of Jupiter, Pluto and then Saturn early tomorrow morning. When these planets get together you could feel compelled to act. Maybe you’re a mentor to others. You have the strength and confidence to continue on the path. Keep forging ahead. You love it; you’re excited by it. Venus enters the sign of Virgo at 3:48 p.m.
Saturday, October 3 You may want to indulge yourself when the Moon trines Venus. What makes you feel relaxed and pampered? You may be weighing a few options in your mind while trying to be practical. Do you splurge or save your money for something that you need? Don’t deliberate too long. There’s always the middle ground...enjoy some of the finer things in life, get a massage, treat a friend to lunch, all
without breaking the bank. Moon VoC at 12:47 a.m. until 10:12 a.m. when it enters the sign of Taurus.
Sunday, October 4 The Moon-Sun inconjunct may bring up some anxiety about your relationships. You could be stuck in the past remembering how life used to be, instead of focusing on what’s happening right here and now. There’s the desire to move one way, even though another part of you wants to head in another direction. This can feel a little bit like an irritating pebble in your shoe. You can solve this, make an adjustment, take out the pebble and move forward. Pluto stations direct at 8:32 a.m.
Monday, October 5 Use the morning to catch up on some work. When the Moon turns Void in the early afternoon, you may feel more like playing than working. Of course, you can use this energy to go over bills and make sure everything is in order, or you can create something beautiful, make memories with the ones you love, or just tap into the playful energy. Moon VoC at 1:41 p.m. until 11:03 p.m. when it enters the sign of Gemini.
Tuesday, October 6 You may feel like spoiling yourself when the Moon squares Venus. Maybe you’d like to buy something nice for yourself or a friend or go out for a lovely meal. Remember the credit card bill will still appear at the end of the month. You could have a fabulous time with a friend without blowing the budget. Netflix and pizza!
Wednesday, October 7 When Mercury opposes Uranus, your intuition is extremely sharp. Ideas and insights quickly pop into your head and then just as quickly vanish. Patience may not be your strong suit today. You’re grasping ideas quickly and want others to keep up. Your tongue can be just as sharp as your mind, so be careful of being blunt and tactless and upsetting someone. Moon VoC at 8:57 p.m.
Thursday, October 8 When the Moon moves into the sign of Cancer, you may feel the need to nurture others or yourself. Being with people you love and support and who love and support you back feels right. Feelings may also be close to the surface. You could feel sensitive and vulnerable so remember to look after yourself as well as others. Moon enters the sign of Cancer at 10:45 a.m.
Friday, October 9 When Mars squares Pluto, power struggles may rise to the surface—amplifying angry or jealous energy. It’s possible someone is brooding over a
perceived slight or situation, and it’s bubbling below the surface. There’s a chance of disagreement. If you feel strongly about what’s happening, stick up for yourself, or you can just walk away from the situation. A good use of this energy is to do your own work, without being drawn into the fray.
Saturday, October 10 You may be eager for a little adventure when Venus trines Uranus. Hitting the road for a change of scenery might be what you need. You’re just looking for a new experience to bring some added fun into your life. Speaking of fun…you or your partner may be looking to spice things up. If you’re single, there’s the possibility of meeting someone new. Moon VoC at 11:04 a.m. until 7:24 p.m. when it enters the sign of Leo.
Sunday, October 11 What are you dreaming of? You could be feeling optimistic about life and all it has to offer when the Sun squares Jupiter. You’re focused on your goals. It’s possible to manifest your desires with focus, determination and strength. Don’t just sit there… there’s work to be done! One word of caution, focus on one project at a time. Don’t take on too much and scatter your energy.
Monday, October 12 Happy Thanksgiving Day to my Canadian Readers/ Friends! There is a lot of energy today. The Moon trines Mars, bringing with it some energy and the initiative to go after what you want. Your leadership qualities are shining through. Also, when Mercury sextiles Venus, it could bring an opportunity to do some networking. Your charm and easygoing nature can smooth the way to harmonious relationships. Moon VoC at 9:29 a.m. until 11:56 p.m. when it enters the sign of Virgo.
Tuesday, October 13 Today, you could be trying to find the balance between asserting yourself by following your passions and not ticking off someone by saying or doing something that irritates them. When the Sun opposes Mars, you’re trying to maintain your equilibrium. There’s a good chance either you or someone else is being competitive. Don’t get drawn into a rivalry. Instead, go for a walk or do some form of exercise to release any pent-up frustration you may be feeling. Mercury stations retrograde at 8:05 p.m.
Wednesday, October 14 Everything feels a little more intense when the Moon trines Pluto. There’s a serious tone to your conversations with others. You could intuitively be able to sense the undercurrents all around you. By paying attention to your intuition, you’ll be better able to gauge where you and others are at and what
everyone’s motivations are behind their actions. This skill could help you aVoid obsessing over any dramas. Moon VoC at 5:47 p.m. and Void the rest of today.
Thursday, October 15 When the Sun squares Pluto, there may be a clash of wills/egos, and you may be called on to be accountable to a boss or an authority figure. This could trigger feelings of insecurity in you. Just breathe, show your boss the great work you’ve done. Have faith in yourself and your abilities. Remind yourself and others what an asset you are to the team. Moon enters the sign of Libra at 12:54 a.m.
Friday, October 16 The New Moon is in Libra at 2:31 p.m. Libra is always about being in relationships, but with Mars opposite the Sun and Moon, there’s a desire to do what you want. You don’t feel like compromising. What if you took actions that benefited you and others? This is where having a conversation to see what everyone is hoping to accomplish would be helpful. Whether it’s at work or home, by working as a team you’re more likely to see results than trying to do things your way or to suit yourself. Moon VoC at 5:11 p.m. and Void the rest of the day.
Saturday, October 17 You could be quite sensitive today when the Moon conjucts Mercury. As a matter of fact, it may feel like your moods are all over the place. Try not to let your feelings carry you down a rabbit hole. If you need to, talk to someone you trust who’s a good listener. This is a moment in time and it will pass. Don’t let any fears cloud your judgment. Breathe… Moon enters the sign of Scorpio at 12:05 a.m.
Sunday, October 18 The Sun square Saturn may bring up feelings of insecurity, responsibilities and duty. You could feel constricted and that you have no room to breathe. It’s possible that you feel others are demanding too much from you, as well as a desire to run away and shirk your responsibilities. Don’t do it! It may not be any fun, but do the task you’re being asked to do or you need to do and get it off your plate. You’ll breathe a sigh of relief when the chore is completed. Moon VoC at 4:43 p.m. until 11:43 p.m. when it enters the sign of Sagittarius
Monday, October 19 What happens when Venus throws a party with Jupiter and Neptune and Mars crashes it? A fun evening may have some awkward moments. A part of you is feeling generous and playful, while another part is not sure what to do next. You may have a few projects that are calling your name but not sure which one to tackle first. It could be you’re making adjustments in your relationships. How are WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM
discharge your emotions safely, punch a pillow or go for a run. Moon VoC at 11:35 p.m.
Tuesday, October 20
Friday, October 23
The Moon is Void for most of the day. While you may not want to start anything new, you can still think about what you’d like to start in the future. Do some brainstorming with colleagues and then re-evaluate all the ideas tomorrow. There’s the chance of getting together with friends. A Sagittarius Moon can be optimistic and playful, so go play. Moon VoC at 10:38 p.m.
Has something been bothering you? When the Moon squares Sun, you or someone else may let it all out, it could have been building for a while. Pay attention to the situation and try to smooth things over if you can. Maybe you’re feeling grouchy! It happens. Give yourself some TLC if you’re feeling out of sorts. You need to look after your needs too. Moon enters the sign of Aquarius at 7:17 a.m.
Wednesday, October 21
Saturday, October 24
When Venus trines Pluto, you can expect your relationships to have an element of intensity. You’re looking for deep connections, whether it’s in friendships or with an intimate partner. Opening yourself up and being vulnerable brings a depth and a closeness to all your encounters. Someone new may arrive on the scene either as a love interest or as a friend. Either way, it will bring rewards. Moon enters the sign of Capricorn at 1:44 a.m.
When Venus trines Saturn, it could feel like everything is humming along nicely. You feel you’re surrounded by friends and partners you can count on. If there is a problem in a friendship, now would be a great time to try and sort it out. Overall, life is good and you feel quite fortunate in your friends, not to mention your finances. It took some hard work to get to this point, but you’re seeing some rewards. Moon VoC at 4:54 p.m.
Thursday, October 22
Sunday, October 25
Sun enters the sign of Scorpio at 6 p.m. Happy Birthday, dear Scorpios! Emotions may get amplified when the Moon squares Mars, followed by the Moon Jupiter conjunction. A part of you could be feeling optimistic and benevolent—wishing the best for others and happy to lend a helping hand. Another part of you may feel angry and lash out at others or be on the receiving end of it. Take care when expressing yourself that you don’t lose a friend in the process. If frustrated and angry find ways to
When Mercury conjuncts Sun, your mind is sharp, and you’re open to all the information that is pouring in. You’re like a sponge. You may also be eager to share your knowledge with others while hearing their opinions. This is a great time for learning something; you may be doing some research into a subject that has held your interest for a while. Don’t be surprised if you get information from other realms. Moon Void until 4:18 p.m. when it enters the sign of Pisces.
There may be a flurry of activity in the morning before the Moon goes Void. When the Moon opposes Mercury, there’s a good chance someone (maybe you) is going to say something stupid. It may feel like logic has flown out the window, people are expressing their pain, their hurts and maybe placing the blame at your feet. If it’s yours, own it. If it’s not, do not pick it up. You have your issues and they have theirs. Go for a walk, maybe invite them along to just walk. This energy will be over before you know it. Moon VoC at 11:12 a.m. until 4:19 p.m. when it enters the sign of Taurus.
Monday, October 26
Saturday, October 31
You may find yourself daydreaming when the Moon sextiles Uranus. Fantasy and dreams of people and places from your past may be playing over and over in your mind. Rose-colored glasses blur your vision so you only see what you want to remember. There’s also the chance you’re looking to escape reality for a few hours, whether it’s going for a quick road trip, watching a movie or escaping through reading. Escape, dreams and excitement are the words for the day.
Happy Halloween! There’s a Full Moon in Taurus at 9:49 a.m. This Full Moon, expect the unexpected when Uranus gets in on the act conjuncting the Moon while opposing the Sun. It seems kind of perfect for Halloween, doesn’t it? What excites you? What are you passionate about? Is there a job you’ve been holding onto for way too long? A situation that hasn’t resolved or a relationship that’s run its course? Maybe it’s time to release whatever is blocking you and move on. Be with someone who supports you and your dreams. You never know what new adventure may be just around the corner when you least expect it. Be bold, and take that step. Follow your intuition, it will lead you in the direction of your dreams!
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Wednesday, October 28
you feeling about these compromises? Is it just a little too one-sided? Only you can answer that.
Tuesday, October 27 There is still a dreamy energy to the day with the Moon in Pisces. While you’re fantasizing about what life may bring, Jupiter comes along and gives you a hand. You could feel optimistic about your plans. Don’t just dream about what you want, you have an opportunity to get started! You may even get some assistance from friends. Mercury retrogrades back into the sign of Libra at 8:33 p.m., followed closely by Venus who enters the sign of Libra at 8:41 p.m. Moon VoC at 7:46 p.m.
The clock is ticking. With the Moon in Aries, there is no time like the present to get moving and act. Inspiration and motivation are on your side, so just do it. There’s a dilemma with the Moon in Aries. Mars is retrograde, and so is Mercury, meaning you’re trying your best to get some momentum. But, it can feel as if you’re spinning your wheels. You can’t seem to get any traction. Don’t fret, seriously…keep doing the work; don’t get frustrated. Eventually, the wheels will grab hold and you’ll shoot forward. Moon enters the sign of Aries at 3:45 a.m.
Thursday, October 29 There’s the possibility of a conflict when the Moon conjuncts Mars. You and someone else have completely different ideas, and discussions could get heated. Insecurities come out, which always exacerbate the issue. Walk away if you can, instead of getting pulled even further into the fray.
Friday, October 30
Bernadette Evans is a counseling astrologer, hypnotherapist, Registered Professional Counsellor and writer. She can be reached at 780-289-7398 or Bbevans001@gmail. com to schedule a consultation. Visit
Midwest Pulse Calendar Wednesday, October 7 CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY CONNECTION VIRTUAL ZOOM MEETING: 7-7:40 pm. Each of you has a story to tell and a message to share. We want you to share your stories and shower us with your wisdom on how you are raising your consciousness and that of others during these hugely volatile and highly transformative times. We will be having weekly Zoom Virtual Meeting calls to support listening and learning from you. You must sign up in order to attend, as tickets are limited. To sign up, go to: or log in directly: Zoom Meeting ID: 969 4806 2642, Password: 582731. These gatherings will be ongoing, and we encourage you to join us every week! I can’t begin to tell you how powerful my journey through the quarantine was when I was virtually uplifted by communities that were focused on experiencing and spreading goodness in the world!
Saturday, October 10 CHICAGO IANDS, support/study/resource forum for near-death, out-of-body, & spiritual experiences, losses. 2 pm. Tax-deductible donation requested: $20. Guest Speaker: EDY NATHAN, MA, LCSW, CST, Well-known grief counselor from NYC, Licensed psychotherapist, author of “It’s Grief,” and star of “Psychic Kids” TV show. Join us online: Become a subscriber to Chicago IANDS by filling in the form on our website www. You will receive an invitation with instructions. Send donation to Chicago IANDS, PO Box 732, Wilmette, IL 60091 or use Zelle on your bank site. (Send to 847-251-5758, or
Sunday, October 11 CONNECTING TO YOUR INTUITION WITH CREATIVITY: 4-6 pm CST. $20 per person. Online
two-hour class to deepen your connection with your own inner voice. This one-day workshop will include meditation and creative exercises to sharpen your awareness to your own internal compass and learn to trust it. Location: Online. Contact: 773-480-5669 or Website:
Wednesday, October 14 CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY CONNECTION VIRTUAL ZOOM MEETING: 7-7:40 pm. Each of you has a story to tell and a message to share. We want you to share your stories and shower us with your wisdom on how you are raising your consciousness and that of others during these hugely volatile and highly transformative times. We will be having weekly Zoom Virtual Meeting calls to support listening and learning from you. You must sign up in order to attend, as tickets are limited. To sign up, go to: www.eventbrite. com/e/conscious-community-virtual-connectiongathering-tickets-110048999520 or log in directly: Zoom Meeting ID: 969 4806 2642, Password: 582731. These gatherings will be ongoing, and we encourage you to join us every week! I can’t begin to tell you how powerful my journey through the quarantine was when I was virtually uplifted by communities that were focused on experiencing and spreading goodness in the world!
Friday, October 16 TWICEBORN. Twiceborn is based on the life of Ryuho Okawa, the founder of Happy Science, Japan’s fastest growing and most influential spiritual movement with 12 million members across 100 countries. Based on true events, Twiceborn tells the story of Satoru Ichijo, a highly successful businessman who relinquishes everything to pursue his true calling, the happiness of humankind. Twiceborn, a new, inspirational film from Japan, will open in Chicago on Friday, Oct 16. Check for locations and times.
Wednesday, October 21 CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY CONNECTION VIRTUAL ZOOM MEETING: 7-7:40 pm. Each of you has a story to tell and a message to share. We want you to share your stories and shower us with your wisdom on how you are raising your consciousness and that of others during these hugely volatile and highly transformative times. We will be having weekly Zoom Virtual Meeting calls to support listening and learning from you. You must sign up in order to attend, as tickets are limited. To sign up, go to: www.eventbrite. com/e/conscious-community-virtual-connectiongathering-tickets-110048999520 or log in directly: Zoom Meeting ID: 969 4806 2642, Password: 582731. These gatherings will be ongoing, and we encourage you to join us every week! I can’t begin to tell you how powerful my journey through the quarantine was when I was virtually uplifted by communities that were focused on experiencing and spreading goodness in the world!
Wednesday, October 28 CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY CONNECTION VIRTUAL ZOOM MEETING: 7-7:40 pm. Each of you has a story to tell and a message to share. We want you to share your stories and shower us with your wisdom on how you are raising your consciousness and that of others during these hugely volatile and highly transformative times. We will be having weekly Zoom Virtual Meeting calls to support listening and learning from you. You must sign up in order to attend, as tickets are limited. To sign up, go to: www.eventbrite. com/e/conscious-community-virtual-connectiongathering-tickets-110048999520 or log in directly: Zoom Meeting ID: 969 4806 2642, Password: 582731. These gatherings will be ongoing, and we encourage you to join us every week! I can’t begin to tell you how powerful my journey through the quarantine was when I was virtually uplifted by communities that were focused on experiencing and spreading goodness in the world!
AT T E N T I O N A D V E RT I S E R S Did you know that the Midwest Pulse Calendar section is one of the most read parts of Conscious Community? The Midwest Pulse Calendar listings are $1.00 per word with a 30 word minimum. Copy is due by the 10th of the month prior to publication. Copy submitted after the deadline is not guaranteed to be included in the next issue. Check or credit card information must accompany calendar listings.
For questions, please call: 847–966–1110 or email: WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM
In Print Reviews by Kayla Hancock
A Soul’s Journey: The story of
traveling through time to find the truth by G. C. De Pietro (York Publishing Services, Ltd. $9.95, Paperback) Have you ever had intense deja vu? Or maybe you had an experience that felt like a dream— because you have experienced the scene before? Situations like this can be used as tools to help us tap into our memories of our past lives. G. C. Pietro discusses how important it is to remember our previous incarnations, because when we notice the karmic patterns we are stuck in, we can learn from our mistakes and finally heal. Study with Jungian analyst Dr. Roger J. Woolger helped bridge the gap for De Pietro between psychoanalytic theory and the metaphysical world of reincarnation.
Remote Healing:
Nonlocal Information Medicine and the Akashic Field, by Maria Sagi, foreword by Ervin Laszlo (Healing Arts Press, $18.99, Paperback) To some, remote or “nonlocal” healing may seem like a scam. Maria Sagi, however, maintains that Akashic information can be accessed, not locally but also nonlocally, to diagnose and treat illness. She explains how the effects of information transmission, such as pain and inflammation reduction, can be verified! Sagi shares techniques that allows any individual to send healing information across distances, as well as personal success stories she has experienced using these methods of transmission with others.
Sensitive Soul:
The Unseen Role of Emotion in Extraordinary States, by Michael A. Jawer, Foreword by Christine Simmonds-Moore (Park Street Press, $16.99, Paperback) Emotion, on a collective scale, is powerful enough to live on—even after death. Our emotions can connect us all. In this book, Michael Jawer explores how our emotions, and those of the people around us, play a major role in the development of extraordinary sensitivities and capacities. Jawer shows how five sub-types of remarkable people are connected through the biology of emotion. He also explains how those who are more sensitive are more likely to have greater empathy and to develop psi abilities. 28
Love Unveiled:
Discovering the Essence of the Awakened Heart (The Journey of Spiritual Love), by A. H. Almaas, foreword by Ram Dass (Shambhala, $19.95, Paperback)
Dive deeper into three dimensions of love— appreciative love, connecting love and passionate love—while A.H. Almaas shares how each type of love is essential for spiritual growth. Almaas explores the most common blockages we experience during each of these three dimensions of love and provides exercises to help readers through these obstacles.
Drop the BS (Belief Systems) and Be, by Keli Adams (AuthorHouse, $23.99, Hardcover) It took Keli Adams a while before she finally accepted her natural ability to connect with what she calls SOELI—the Source of Energy, Light and Information. Once she decided to embrace this talent, she was able to use this gift to help others. Keli explains that after releasing old belief patterns from our consciousness, we can shift quantum physics in our favor to manifest miracles and joy. Furthermore, she reminds readers how to live their truth with a true sense of childlike wonder, trust and love.
The Language Your Body Speaks: Self-Healing with Energy Medicine, by Ellen Meredith, foreword by Donna Eden (New World Library, $17.95, Paperback) Whether we realize it or not, there is a healer within each of us. Ellen Meredith reveals how our body, mind and spirit are constantly working together just beneath our conscious awareness to maintain communication with each other. This practical guide teaches readers to understand how their energies speak so that they can connect with their inner guidance system and activate their body’s natural ability to thrive. Kayla Hancock is grateful to be a part of this community. She is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Reiki Practitioner and certified Deeksha giver who enjoys working alongside her angels and spirit guides to bring more love, joy and compassion into the world.
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Our Advertising Deadline for the November 2020 Issue is October 10, 2020. Communities that share together, grow together! Call 847.966.1110 or Email • 630-945-7356
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