Schutztruppe, Heia Safari, 1914-18 delivers a detailed look at the Great War in East Africa, 1914-1918. While inspired by the original Schutztruppe game by Jim Bumpas, this is an entirely new game design of moderate complexity with a map and order of battle representing the definitive treatment of the campaign.
Schutztruppe is dedicated to the memory of the game designer Dennis Bishop, who sadly passed on March 2, 2021.
Schutztruppe (Protective Force) was the official name of German troops in colonial Africa. The Schutztruppe in German East Africa consisted of German officers and locally recruited soldiers known as askari.
“Heia, heia Safari!” was a call that echoed throughout East Africa. With this call, the officers of the Schutztruppe in German East Africa rallied and encouraged the askari to the defense of their country. This small force, whose strength never exceeded 3,000 German and 12,000 askari, was opposed by some 300,000 men of the Entente, comprising British, Indian, Rhodesian, Nigerian, Gambian, Gold Coast, South African, Belgian, and Portuguese troops.
Schutztruppe fought within German East Africa for the first three years of the war. During the final year of the war, General Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck transferred resistance to Portuguese East Africa for a time and then reappeared in Northern Rhodesia in November 1918, where news of the general armistice reached him.
Much of the flavor of the original game has been retained, and several significant changes have been made to the game system. Some notable changes include naval rules, a new map, and the historical order of battle.
A complete game of Schutztruppe: Heia Safari 19141918 includes:
◦ One Rules Booklet
◦ One Mounted Map 22” x 34”
◦ Three Counter Sheets (9/16” counters)
◦ Three Order of Arrival Charts
◦ Two Setup Charts
◦ Two Player Aid Cards
◦ One six-sided die
If any of these parts are missing or damaged, please contact the publisher:
Compass Games LLC PO Box 271
Cromwell, CT 06416 USA
Phone: (860) 301-0477
E-Mail: support@compassgames.com
Online game support is available on the Web at: https://compassgames.com
You can also use the URL or QR code below to reach Compass Games online: https://linktr.ee/compassgames

2.2 MAP
The game map depicts the area in East Africa at a scale of 30 miles per hex. A hex grid is superimposed over the map to regulate movement and the placement of playing pieces. All land hexes and partial land hexes on the map are playable. Water areas cover parts of the map to facilitate naval activities on the Indian Ocean and each of the major Lakes.
Military formations are represented by counters which are referred to as units. Each unit has a value for combat strength expressed as a Combat Factor (CF), and a value for mobility expressed as a Movement Factor (MF). Additional information regarding the unit type, unit size, and unit identification also appear on each combat unit. All unit information is presented on the Unit Chart.
The nationality of each unit is identified by a unique background color. German units are field gray (green) and German Naval units are white. Belgian units are blue, Portuguese units are red brown, and all British Empire units are brown. A color dot on the counter shows the nationality of British Empire units.
The basic combat unit for each side is the infantry unit. Infantry-type units include regular infantry, naval infantry, tribal infantry, police infantry, and machine gun units. Other unit types include Artillery, Aircraft, Armored Cars, Gunboats, Ships, and Depots. Depots represent supply units moving supplies on foot or on trucks (lorries and vans).
His Majesty’s Armored Train Simba is a combat unit restricted to Rail movement.
Some unit counters are double-sided. When a loss is called for, the unit is flipped to the reverse side. If already on the reverse side, the unit is eliminated.
Schutztruppe is divided into game turns representing one month of actual time. The game begins with the August 1914 turn and finishes with the November 1918 turn. Each Game Turn contains a German Player Turn and Entente Player Turn. The player whose turn is in progress is referred to as the Phasing Player.
Sequence of Play Outline
Weather Initiative
First Player Turn
Reinforcement Movement
Naval Combat
Land Combat
Second Player Turn
Reinforcement Movement
Naval Combat
Land Combat
End Game Turn
On the January, February, and May turn of each year, a die roll on the player aid Weather Chart determines if the Weather for the month is Dry or Rain. March and April always have Rain weather. June through December of each year is always Dry weather.
At the beginning of each turn each player rolls one die. The player with the high roll decides if the German Player Turn or the Entente Player Turn occurs first in the current game turn. In the event of a tie, the German player gets to choose who goes first.
For the first two years of the war, 1914 and 1915, the German player adds +1 to the Initiative die roll each month.
Player Turn
The phasing player places new units on the map as indicated on the Order of Arrival Chart. During the Entente player’s Reinforcement phase, they may choose to return available Depots and/or eliminated British units to the map and
withdraws specific units as indicated on the Order of Arrival. The German player may rebuild certain units during their Reinforcement phase. Both sides may attempt to repair units on their respective turns. (See 5.0)
The phasing player moves units on the map and may utilize rail, sea, and lake movement. (See 4.0)
Naval Combat / Gunboat Combat
The phasing player may conduct Naval Combat against enemy warships, and combat is resolved between Gunboats.
(See 10.1)
Land Combat
The phasing player declares all combats against adjacent enemy units. Before resolving combats, both sides may employ artillery and aircraft to bombard enemy units. After combat is resolved, attacking units may be able to advance. (See 7.0 for Bombardment, 8.0 for Land Combat)
End Player Turn
The opposing player becomes the phasing player and the Player Turn steps are repeated.
End Game Turn
The Month and Year markers are advanced on the Turn Record Track. Both players check for Victory Points. (See 12.0)
The game ends when no German units remain on the map or at the end of the November 1918 game turn. (See 12.0)
During the Movement Phase of each turn, the phasing player may move as many or as few units as desired. Units move from hex to hex and expend Movement Points (MP) to pay the cost of each hex entered. The number of MP expended can never exceed the Movement Factor of the unit. Unused MP may not be accumulated from turn to turn or transferred between units.
The cost to enter a hex varies according to the terrain in the hex. Consult the Terrain Effects Chart (TEC) printed on the map to find the correct number of MP required to enter each hex. Ground units may not enter prohibited (P) terrain.
Moving from one hex to another hex connected by a Road costs 1 MP. Units moving between hexes not connected by a Road must pay the full terrain cost of the hex entered. Roads do not negate other terrain in the hex for combat.
1. Units may not enter a hex containing an enemy combat unit. Units may enter a hex containing one or more Foot Depots if there are no enemy units in the hex with a CF of 1 or more (see 6.2.3 for Captured Depots). Units may not move through map edge hexes unless otherwise specified (partial, unnumbered hexes at edges of the map).
2. Units may enter a Port hex containing only enemy Naval Units (Ships), in which case the enemy Ship must be placed At Sea (4.5).
3. The Entente player may never have more than four KAR battalions in Portuguese East Africa at any time.
4. Belgian units must remain in the Belgian Congo until other Entente units occupy Shirati, Bukoba Fort, Mwansa, Kisenyi, and Usumbura. Belgian units may only enter hexes in German East Africa. Note that the Belgian Congo goes down the map on the left-hand side by Lake Edward, Lake Kivu, and Lake Tanganyika up to the Rhodesia border. Belgian units may travel through the unnumbered map edge hex between Goma and Lukemba to reach the southern areas of their territory.
5. Portuguese units must remain in Portuguese East Africa. On the March 1916 turn, Portugal becomes a combatant and Portuguese units may enter hexes in German East Africa (only).
6. German units may not enter Portuguese East Africa until the March 1916 turn.
A maximum of twelve units may occupy the same hex at the end of the Movement Phase. Ships do not count for stacking. Portuguese units may never stack with or conduct combat with other Entente units.
During Rain months, any number of units may stack in a hex.
Due to the large hex scale of 30 miles, there are no Zone of Control rules in the game.
Rail movement allows a unit to move from a Town on a rail line to any other Town on the same rail line. Rail movement between towns is not allowed if any Rail hex between the two towns is occupied by an enemy combat unit.
The Armored Train Simba may move to any Rail hex on the Uganda Railway.
Units must pay 1 MP to move by Rail. Units may move to a Rail Town hex, Rail move to any other Town on the Railway for 1 MP, and continue to move from there up to the limit of their MF. Any combination is allowed as long as the MF is not exceeded.
Aircraft, Gunboats, and Naval units cannot move by Rail.
The Entente player may move six units per turn on the Uganda Railway. The German player may move four units per turn on the Usambara Railway and six units per turn on the Tanganyika Railway. Rail Cap markers are placed on the VP Track to keep track of Rail Movement.
His Majesty’s Armored Train Simba does not count for Rail Capacity and cannot carry units.
British Empire units that start the Movement Phase in a Port may move to Mombasa, Zanzibar, or any Port (with an anchor symbol) in German East Africa that is occupied by an Entente combat unit. A maximum of four units may move by sea each turn. Units moved by Sea may not move further in the current turn.
Sea Movement cannot be used if the Königsberg is At Sea (10.0).
His Majesty’s Armored Train Simba may not be moved by sea.

Gunboats and Steamships can only operate on a lake. In the Movement Phase, Gunboats and Steamships may move directly to any coastal hex on the lake that is not occupied by an enemy unit.
Units that start the turn in the same hex with a Steamship or Gunboat may be transported on the Lake. Steamships may each transport one combat unit of any size or one Foot Depot. Gunboats may each transport a number of Combat Factors equal to their Combat Factor and may combine to move a larger unit. Gunboat Goetzen can transport any two German units.
Truck Depots, Aircraft, Armored Car, and Armored Train cannot be transported on a Lake.

Refer to the Order of Arrival for the schedule of reinforcements and withdrawals. Place arriving units in the designated location. If an enemy land combat unit occupies a location, the arriving units may enter the map at the alternate locations listed below.
German Feld Kompagnie (FK) units may be placed in Recruitment Towns (red dot), limited to one per hex. Other German (non-FK) units that cannot be placed at their designated location do not arrive and are removed from play. No Victory Points are awarded for these units.
Entente units may enter any map edge hex in the country containing the designated location. British ships are placed At Sea. Gunboats may be placed on any coastal hex of the designated Lake.
In the German Reinforcement phase, FK units on their reduced side may return to full strength by eliminating a German Sch unit in the same hex. Eliminated FK units may be rebuilt by eliminating two Sch units for each FK unit. Rebuilt FK units are placed in any Recruitment Town (red dot).
Sch units are Schutzen (Rifle) Kompagnie units.
Entente infantry units that are eliminated in combat are placed on the Turn Record Track three turns ahead of the current turn. In the Entente Reinforcement phase, units in the current Month box may return as reinforcements by paying the VP cost for each CF. Units that are not returned are permanently removed. (See 12.1 for costs)
British, Indian, South Africa, and West African units are placed at Mombasa. All other Entente units are placed in any map edge hex in their home country.
KAR units, Belgian units, and Portuguese units are eliminated permanently and cannot return as replacements.
In the Reinforcement Phase, some Entente units must be removed from the game as they were withdrawn historically. Units to be withdrawn are indicated on the Order of Arrival. Remove the units from any location on the map, including eliminated units on the Turn Track. Withdrawn units cannot return as replacements.
In the Reinforcement Phase, after all Withdrawals have been done, the Entente may be required to take losses caused by disease. When called for on the Order of Arrival, the Entente player rolls the number of dice indicated and removes a number of units equal to the result. Losses must be taken from units in play, not from eliminated units. Losses may be taken by units of any Entente nation. Units taken as losses are placed on the Turn Track 3 turns ahead and may return as replacements. Do not remove Gunboats, ships, or aircraft as disease losses.
Disease killed many more soldiers and transport animals than combat. Random withdrawals simulate the devastating effects of malaria, dysentery, and a host of other diseases.
On the January 1916 turn, if both Amani and Dodoma are occupied by an Entente combat unit, the German player
must roll a die and remove a number of units equal to the result. Do not remove FK units, Gunboats, or ships.
The research facilities at Amani and Dodoma manufactured quinine, which Europeans used to prevent and treat malaria. TR Marie delivered a much-needed supply of quinine when she arrived in March 1916.
On the September, October, and November 1918 turns, each player must roll a die and remove a number of units equal to half the result (round up). Do not remove Gunboats, ships, or aircraft as disease losses.
If PC Pegasus has been sunk in port, the British 10 RM artillery unit (2-3) is placed at Mombasa.
If the Königsberg has been sunk in the Rufiji Delta, the two Königs naval infantry units and a number of Königs artillery units are placed at Dar es Salaam. The exact number of artillery Combat Factors is determined by rolling 1d6 (ex: Roll of 5=5 CFs).
On the turn that TR Rubens arrives (April 1915), or on any later turn, if the Königsberg has been sunk in the Rufiji Delta, a number of Königs 10.5cm artillery units are placed at Dar es Salaam. The exact number of artillery Combat Factors is determined by rolling 1d6.
Design Note: Königsberg initially carried only armor-piercing shells. The arrival of TR Rubens and the high explosive shells she carried allowed the Königsberg guns to be used for bombardment.
If the CL Königsberg is located in the Rufugi Delta and the German player desires to do so, they may choose to bring two Königs naval infantry units into play at a cost of -1 VP (1914-1916), -2 VP (1917), or -5 VP (1918). Note that this mirrors the costs paid by the Entente player to return units to play.
The arrival of the TR Marie in March 1916 allows all German Artillery to use a +1 die roll modifier for Bombardment.
Design Note: Marie and Rubens operated as blockade runners. In addition to medical supplies, the Marie delivered a detachment of professional artillery men which the Germans made excellent use of.
On the February 1916 turn, the Gunboat Adjutant is scheduled to arrive at Kigoma. If the railway from Dar es Salaam to Kigoma is blocked by an Entente combat unit, the gunboat never arrives.
During the Reinforcement Phase, any Ship in a Port may attempt to repair damage. The German cruiser Königsberg may attempt to repair damage in the Rufiji Delta. Gunboats and Steamships in a coastal Town hex may attempt to repair damage. On a repair die roll of 1, flip the counter to the full-strength side.
To function at full effectiveness for combat, units must be in supply. Check for Supply in the Combat Phase as each combat is resolved.
Units that are in or adjacent to a friendly-occupied Port are in supply.
Up to 4 Combat Factors in a Town or Fort hex are in supply. Each CF may be supplied separately.
German units inside German East Africa are always in supply.
Entente units with a * next to their MF are always in supply.
Units not in supply have their Combat Factor halved (retain fractions). Artillery units that are not in supply cannot conduct Bombardment.
Depots are supply units that can provide supply to friendly units in the same hex. There are two types of depots, Foot Depots, and Truck Depots. All Depots are handled as combat units and may add CF in combat. Depots may move into any land hexes and may move by Rail and by Sea.
Design Note: One company of trucks consisted of 340 officers and enlisted men with 60 lorries and was able to transport supplies equal to one 3,000-man carrier battalion.
Depots may provide supply for up to four units in the same hex. Using Depots for supply is always optional. Depots used to provide supply must be removed when the combat is resolved. Depots may also be removed voluntarily during the Movement Phase. Place all used depots in the Available Depots Box.
All Entente units may use British Depots. Belgian and Portuguese Depots may only be used by units of the same nationality.
In the Reinforcement Phase of each turn, the Entente player places any newly arriving Depots in the Available Depots Box and may then place on map any Depots from the ones currently available, awarding VP for each as outlined in 12.1. Depots may be placed in the following locations:
◦ 3 British Depots at Mombasa
◦ 1 British Depot (Foot) at Fort Johnson
◦ 1 British Depot (Foot) in Hex 0837
◦ 1 Portuguese Depot at Porto Amelia
◦ 1 Belgian Depot at Uvira
Truck Depots may only be placed at Mombasa.
German combat units that move into a hex or advance after combat into a hex may capture one Entente Foot Depot in the hex, even if the Entente Depot was expended for the combat. On a die roll of 1, 2, or 3 the Foot Depot is captured. Other Entente Foot Depots in the hex are removed and placed in the Available Depots Box.
This serves two purposes. The first is that Entente units will not be able to retrieve these Foot Depots, permanently reducing their supply capabilities. The second is that if the German player decides to go on the offensive outside of German East Africa, these captured depots can be used to provide them with supply.
Note: Since retreats taken to reduce step losses are done as a stack, the only way a Foot Depot will be found alone in a hex is if all defending units have been eliminated.
Entente units cannot capture Depots.
In the Land Combat Phase, Artillery units may bombard any adjacent hex containing enemy land combat units, except hexes blocked by a Water hex side or Lake hex side. Artillery units must be in supply to conduct bombardment. A hex may only be bombarded once in each player turn. Note: This means that the phasing player can choose to either use standalone Bombardment (no Land Combat) or do full Land Combat (with a Bombardment step) against a single hex. Players may not do both in a single combat (Bombard, then Land Combat with Bombardment).
Bombardments are conducted in the order shown below, with the phasing player as the Attacker and the opposing player as the Defender. When six or more units are Attacking, the Defender gets a +1 die roll modifier on Bombardments.
Bombardment Order:
◦ All participating 10.5 cm Artillery
◦ All participating Defender Artillery & Aircraft Units
◦ All participating Attacker Artillery & Aircraft Units
German 10.5cm Artillery always bombards first, regardless of being an Attacker or Defender.
Total the Combat Factors of all firing units in the current order step. On the Bombardment Table, find the row describing the terrain in the target hex and the column matching the total. Roll one die to determine the result. The player being bombarded in the current order step applies the result to their units.
D Disrupt one unit
D1 Disrupt one unit, Lose one step
D2 Disrupt two units, Lose two steps
D3 Disrupt all units, Lose two steps
Disrupted units have their CF halved for Combat and cannot Advance After Combat. Disrupted Artillery units cannot conduct Bombardment. Disrupted markers are removed at the end of each individual combat.
Design Note: Troops that would willingly charge into machine gun and rifle fire would become totally disorganized or flee the field when fired upon by artillery.
Combat must be resolved in each declared combat hex between adjacent opposing combat units. The phasing player is the Attacker, and the opposing player is the Defender. In each Land Combat Phase, execute steps 1-4 as listed below. In step 4, resolve each individual combat according to the Land Combat Procedure in 8.1.
Note: See 11.6 for a unique attack option available only to the German player.
Declare Combat
At the start of the Combat Phase, the attacker must declare all land combats and place a Combat marker on each hex to be attacked. Each declared Combat hex must be bombarded or attacked.
Reaction Movement
Units of the opposing player not in a declared combat hex may use Reaction Movement to enter a declared combat hex. Only one unit may enter each declared combat. The unit must be adjacent to the declared combat hex OR in a Town hex on a Railway connected to the declared combat hex, which is also a Town on the same Railway. All Rail Movement rules are in effect. Units may not enter a Mountain hex.
Retreat Movement
In the Combat Phase of the Entente player turn, German FK units in a declared combat hex may retreat up to three hexes. Retreating units may not enter a declared combat hex or prohibited terrain.
FK Units adjacent to a KAR infantry unit may not use Retreat Movement.
Resolve All Combats
Resolve each individual Combat according to the Combat Procedure in 8.1.
Use the following steps to resolve each individual declared combat.
1. Attacker selects one declared combat. Units in the declared combat hex and attacking units adjacent to the declared combat hex may take part in the combat.
2. Attacker may expend Depots to place units in supply (4 units per Depot in hex). After the Attacker, the Defender may expend Depots to place units in supply (4 units per Depot in hex).
Units out of supply have their CFs halved in combat.
3. Artillery units that are in supply may conduct Bombardment (per 7.0).
4. Total the CF of all attacking units (retaining fractions) and apply any modifiers to the total. Attacking units may be committed to or withheld from combat in any combination.
Artillery, Aircraft, and Ships do not add CF to the combat.
5. Total the CF of all defending units in the declared combat hex (retaining fractions) and apply any modifiers to the total.
Artillery, Aircraft, and Ships do not add CF to the combat. Artillery units alone in a hex have a combined CF of one.
6. Determine the combat odds by dividing each total by the lower of the two totals. Round the final combat odds in favor of the defender.
Example of Combat Odds: With CF totals of 5.75 and 2.125 after applying modifiers, the combat odds are 2.7 to 1. Rounding the odds in favor of the Defender gives a 2:1 attack. Combat odds of 1:2.7 would be a 1:3 attack.
7. Attacker rolls one die and finds the result on the Combat Results Table. Apply the combat result immediately.
8. Advance After Combat (8.3).
9. Remove the Declared Combat marker, all Disrupted markers, and any expended Depots for the combat that was just completed. Place expended depots in the Available Depots Box. Adjust VP total for eliminated German units as described in 12.1.
German units may capture Foot Depots in the hex.
1. Combat results are given as a number of step losses that must be taken by the Attacker and the Defender (A#/D#). Losses must be taken by units that contributed CF to the combat before other units (like Artillery) take losses. The Attacker always applies combat results first, and for Entente units, the first loss must be the unit with the largest CF involved in the combat.
2. For each step loss taken, one additional step loss may be negated by retreating all units one hex. Land units may not retreat across a Water or Lake hex side, into prohibited terrain, or into a Declared Combat hex. Gunboats and Steamships must retreat to a coastal lake hex.
3. If twelve or more units take part in the same combat, the loss result for both sides is doubled. Do not count Foot Depots.
4. Any units involved in the combat may be used to satisfy losses, except for Foot Depots. If all friendly combat units are eliminated, Foot Depots remain in the hex.
5. Entente infantry units that are eliminated in combat, are placed on the Turn Track three months ahead of the current month.
British KAR units are eliminated permanently and are not placed on the Turn Track.
Any time a hex is vacated due to a combat result, attacking units may advance into the vacated hex. All units in the hex with the attacking units may advance, except Disrupted units. Advance after combat is not mandatory and units may choose not to advance.
1. Each unit may attack or be attacked once in each combat phase.
2. Each attack must be directed at one hex adjacent to all attacking units. Units in different hexes may combine to attack the same hex.
3. Units may not attack across a Water hex side or Lake hex side, or into Prohibited terrain.
4. Artillery units may not bombard across a Water hex side or across a Lake hex side.
5. If a declared combat hex becomes vacant before the combat is resolved, the attack is automatically successful and units may Advance After Combat.
Defender, the ships resolve Naval Combat. If the Defender result is equal to or greater than the Attacker, the Defender may choose to resolve or avoid Naval Combat.

Gunboats are handled the same as other land combat units, with movement, combat, and retreat limited to coastal Lake hexes (see 4.6). Gunboats cannot conduct Bombardment.
Naval units are referred to as Ships and identified as BB for Battleship, CL for Light Cruiser, PC for Protected Cruiser, and M for Monitor.
Ships can be in Port in a Port hex (anchor symbols only) or At Sea on the water area of the Indian Ocean. In the Movement Phase, the phasing player may move ships from Port and place them At Sea, and ships already At Sea may return to Port. Ships never require supply and may remain At Sea indefinitely.
British ships may only be in Port at Mombasa or Zanzibar. German ships may only be in Port in German East Africa. Ships cannot be in a Port if the hex is occupied by an enemy combat unit. If an enemy land combat unit enters a hex containing a ship in Port, immediately place the ship At Sea.
The Monitors Severn and Mersey are not ocean-going ships and may only be in Port or in the Rufiji Delta (Special Rule 11.4).
In the Naval Combat phase, ships At Sea may attack an enemy ship At Sea or in Port. To initiate Naval Combat, the Attacker (phasing player) identifies one attacking ship and selects one target ship (Defender) for the attack. Complete steps 1 and 2 of the Naval Combat Procedure to resolve the Naval Combat.
Ships in Port cannot be attacked if an enemy ship is At Sea.
1. Each player rolls one die and adds the Speed of their ship to the result. If the Attacker result is higher than the
2. Naval Combat is simultaneous, so both ships get to fire (die roll) before applying results. To resolve the combat, find the Combat Factor of the firing unit on the Naval Combat row on the Bombardment Table and roll one die to determine the result. On a D result roll again to see if the target is Damaged (die roll 4-6). On a DI result, a ship with two steps flips to the reverse side and a ship with one step is sunk. On a D2 or D3 result, the target ship is sunk (eliminated).
Naval Combat Modifiers
1. Ships in Port have a Speed of 1 and a Combat Factor of 1 (zero if the value on the counter is zero). Ships with a Combat Factor of zero cannot fire in Naval Combat.
2. When the Königsberg is in the Rufiji Delta the ship has a Combat Factor of 2 and a Speed of 2 (refer to Special Rule 11.4).
Design Note: Goliath was a pre-dreadnought battleship with 12” guns and good armor protection but was old and subject to frequent breakdowns.
Extra Counters
The German ships König, Tabora, and Emden are not used in the published version of the game but were left in the counter mix for possible use in a future variant or optional rule.
The months of January, February, and May have a chance of Rain determined by a die roll on the Weather Table at the start of the Month. March and April are always Rain months, and all turns from June through December are automatically Dry weather.
Rain Effects
Sea Movement and Naval Combat are allowed. All other movement, bombardment, and combat are not allowed. Naval Landing and cutting the Uganda Railway are not allowed. Stacking limits are not in effect during a Rain month.
Aircraft units may only be placed in a Town hex, and Towns in German East Africa must be occupied by a friendly combat unit. In the Movement Phase, Aircraft may move through any terrain and enemy-occupied hexes at a cost of one MP per hex. In the Combat Phase, each Aircraft unit may make a bombardment attack on any hex within a range of four hexes or may combine with Artillery units conducting a Bombardment. Since Aircraft must always occupy a Town hex, the Aircraft unit may be placed in supply as one of the four CF allowed for being in a Town.
Zanzibar is in hex 2524, and aircraft within range can move to that hex. Aircraft cannot bombard the Rufiji Delta.
Starting on the November 1914 turn, the British may execute a Naval Landing by moving units from Mombasa to a coastal hex adjacent to a Port in German East Africa. Units participating in the Naval Landing must attack the Port hex in the subsequent Combat Phase (place a Naval Landing marker in the hex as a reminder). If the attack fails to capture the Port, all surviving British units must immediately return to Mombasa.
A total of three Naval Landings are allowed during the game and only one Naval Landing is allowed in a turn. Each Naval Landing is limited to eight combat units, and all units must be British (red dot) or Indian (green dot). Artillery, Armored Cars, and Depots may not participate in a Naval Landing.
Naval Landing cannot be made if the Königsberg is At Sea.
The German ship Königsberg and the British ships Severn and Mersey may enter the Rufiji Delta (hex 2528) and may initiate Naval Combat in the Rufiji Delta. Severn and Mersey may never be At Sea and may only move between Mombasa and the Rufiji Delta. Because of this limitation, they may move between Ports (anchor symbols) or the Rufiji Delta during their turn (instead of being required to move from Port to Sea and Sea to Port).
When the Königsberg is At Sea, the German player may (abstractly) conduct a raid on British shipping in addition to initiating Naval Combat. In the German Naval Combat Phase, declare the Commerce Raid and roll one die. Refer to the Commerce Raid table to determine the result of the
Raid. Depot Reduction reduces the number of Depots that may arrive at Mombasa in the next Entente Reinforcement Phase (place a Depot Reduction marker at Mombasa as a reminder).
Apply a -1 modifier to the die roll if a British ship is At Sea.

A Soak-Off attack allows two separate combats to be resolved against a single target hex. Only German FK units may make Soak Off attacks. The German player must specify the attacking unit and the target unit for the attack and resolve the Soak Off attack as regular combat. Units involved in a Soak Off attack cannot add CF to the other combat against the target hex.
Instead of a single combat at 1:1 odds (12:7), the German player has one FK unit (A) attack the larger Belgian unit at 1:2 odds so the remaining German units (B) can get a 3:1 attack on the other Belgian unit.

1. Soak Off attacks may only be made against one enemy unit in a defending stack (at least two enemy units must be present in the target hex).
2. Only one FK unit may initiate a Soak Attack in each declared combat.
Victory Points (VP) are awarded for actions that occur during the game. As VP are awarded, adjust the VP total on the VP Track. Negative VP awards benefit the Entente player, while positive VP awards benefit the German player (See 12.2 for a complete breakdown of victory levels).
At the end of the game, adjust the VP total and determine the final Victory Level (12.2). The game ends when there are no German infantry or Ship units anywhere on the map, or the end of the November 1918 game turn, whichever comes first.
• Each Entente CF returned as a Replacement:
+1 VP 1914, 1915, 1916
+2 VP 1917
+5 VP 1918
• Each Depot placed on map from Available Depots box:
+2 VP Foot Depot (0-6)
+5 VP Truck Depot (1-8)
• Each German unit eliminated:
-2 VP any type of German unit
At the End of each Game Turn:
• Uganda Railway Cut: +10 VP FK unit w/i 2 hexes of a Uganda Railway hex not occupied by an enemy unit. The path to the rail hex cannot pass through a Mountain hex or Forest Mountain hex or across a River or Lake hex side. The path can be traced through a hex occupied by enemy units. Note: While the VP can be earned by staying w/i 2 hexes of the Uganda Railway, rail movement is only blocked if a German unit occupies a hex ON the Railway itself.
• Each German infantry unit in German East Africa not adjacent to an Entente combat unit:
+2 VP July to December 1917
+5 VP January to June 1918
+10 VP July to October 1918
+50 VP November 1918
Do not count MG, Artillery, Gunboats, or Tribal (HK) units.
• Awarded once, the first time there are no German infantry units in German East Africa:
-900 VP in 1915
-500 VP in 1916
-300 VP in 1917
-100 VP in 1918
0 VP November 1918
Do not count MG, Artillery, Gunboats, or Tribal (HK) units.
Optional Rule: Designer Dennis Bishop suggested that players looking to adjust the difficulty of the game should use the following: The VP total is never reduced to less than zero.
At the end of the game, use the final VP total to determine the level of victory achieved.
VP Victory Level
200 or more German Major
100-199 German Marginal
75-99 Draw
1 to 74 Entente Marginal
0 or less Entente Major

The operational art of conflict can be defined as “the use of military force to achieve strategic goals through the design, organization, integration, and conduct of theater strategies, campaigns, major operations, and battles.” Having researched and developed simulations on the war in Deutsche Ost Afrika, I returned to “Schutztruppe” by Jim Bumpas as the best model in portraying the war at an operational level and for allowing players to create different paths to victory using alternate strategies.
The map is based on a 1911 survey of German East Africa and its neighbors. Most striking is that most roads meander in a general east-to-west direction. Later maps show roads in a general north-to-south direction as a result of construction efforts by the British and Germans during the conflict.
Portraying the strategic objective of General von LettowVorbeck to force the British to expend resources that would otherwise be sent to Flanders was best captured in the victory conditions. As the Entente’s desire for a decisive victory grew, so did their troop strength which generally arrived in systematic surges.
In the game, clever use of initiative can often change defeat into victory or victory into defeat, as each player must maximize unique capabilities and design an operational plan that focuses on the opponents’ vulnerabilities and the varying terrain. Each side has the capability for offensive and defensive operations. The Entente must concentrate on defending borders and railroads while organizing forces for a crippling strike at Tanga or Dar es Salaam. The Germans has company-sized units best used to conduct raids against railroads, depots, and garrisons and to disrupt the enemy’s logistical system. There is a temptation to fight one large conventional battle early, but this can result in early doom for the German player if too many FK units are destroyed. The Entente is better suited to tolerate losses but must balance losses with the VP cost for every new arrival.
The naval war influences the campaign, as it forces the Germans to make decisions. Is it better to disrupt the Entente supply system and prevent Naval Landings or to use naval artillery on land to fight the British? The Entente must also attempt to control the lakes to allow the British and Belgians to mount an offensive.
In the final analysis, whomever best utilizes the various elements to gain a victory has mastered the operational art of war during the Great War in East Africa. “Heia, Heia, Safari!”
Several different types of infantry are represented in the game. British Commonwealth and South African battalions, and local Police organizations, had companies of 100 men and one machine gun. Belgian and Congolese companies contained 100 to 150 men with two machine guns, while the Portuguese had companies of 250 troops and two machine guns. In contrast, all of the Entente units were out-gunned and out-performed by German specialized companies containing 200 men with two to four Maxim machine guns. Independent machine gun units contained four to eight guns.
The primary British field battery consisted of six 12pdrs. Indian mountain batteries had six l0pdr guns. South African batteries were lighter, with four 13pdr guns drawn by mules. Belgian batteries consisted of four 75mm Krupp Mountain guns or 47mm Nordenfeldt field guns. The Portuguese used bronze 70mm mountain guns. German artillery units operated a 73mm field gun and some lighter 37mm and 47mm pieces. By far, the heaviest guns were the 105mm (10.5cm) guns salvaged from the Königsberg and organized into batteries of one to four guns.
The Number 7 Royal Navy squadron operated British Voison aircraft, and the 26th Royal Flying Corps flew BE2c and Henri-Farman aircraft. Each of the squadrons operated eight planes.
Armored Cars manufactured by Rolls Royce and Leyland motors were supplied to British forces in East Africa. Each armored car unit represents 2 to 4 vehicles armed with .303 machine guns.
The armored train is His Majesty’s Armored Train Simba, which consisted of a locomotive, a tender, and an armored freight car carrying troops and engineers.
The historical unit identification is printed on the back of most combat unit counters.
Abt Abteilung (Detachment)
FK Feld (Field) Kompagnie
MGK Maschinegun Korps
RK Reserve Kompagnie
Sch Schutzen (Rifle) Kompagnie
KAT Katanga Infantry
Kivu Kivu Infantry Company
Niassa Niassa Police Company
Beira Beira Police Company
Corpo Corpo de Policia
GNR Guardia Nacional Republicana
Ind Indigene Infantry Company
Aveiro 3rd Battalion 24th Regiment
Braga 3rd Battalion 29th Regiment
Braganca 3rd Battalion 30th Regiment
Castelo Branco 2nd Company 21 Regiment
2nd Battery 7th MG Group
Coimbra 1st Battery 5th MG Group
3rd Battalion 223 Regiment
Evora 1st Artillery Group 4th Mountain Battery
5th Battery Campanha Regt
Estremoz 1st Battery 4th MG Group
4th Squadron 3 Cavalry Regt
Figueira 3rd Battalion 28 Regiment
Penamacor 3rd Battalion 21 Regiment
Porto 3rd Battalion 31 Regiment
Tomar 3rd Battalion Tomat Regt
Valenca 2nd Battery 8 MG Group
Vila Vicosa 4th Squadron 10th Cav Regt
Armies in East Africa 1914-18
Peter Abbott
Bumpas, James, Self-Published, 1975
The Great War in Africa (1914- 1918)
Byron Farwell
Kariakor - The Carrier Corps (2nd revised ed.)
Geoffrey Hodges
Military Operations East Africa 1914 – 1916
Charles Hordern
Kampf im Rufiji-Delta
Karl Lochner Reinhard
Ein Lebenswerk in Afrika. 3.Aufl
Otto Schloifer
Tanganyikan Guerrilla, East African Campaign
J. R. Sibley
La Campagne Anglo-Belge de l’Afrique Orientale
Charles Stienon
My Reminiscences of East Africa
Paul Von Lettow-Vorbeck
Wahle, Kurt. Erinnerungen an meine Kriegsjahre in Deutsch-Ostafrika 1914- 1918 O. Ortsang, 1920
Die “Moewe” - Abteilung auf dem Tanganjikasee in Deutsch- Ostafrika 1914 – 1916
Gustav Zimmer

◦ In the case of a disagreement between the Set-Up Charts, Order of Arrivals, and counters, the counter is correct.
◦ There are two spare König’s naval infantry unit counters (see optional rule 5.3.4 for one possible use).
◦ There are two white Foot Depot counters. These are to be used by the British player as British Depots.
◦ There are eight white, text-based counters that are not used in the core rules and are reserved for a future variant..
◦ On the player aids, note that the “Available Depots” list represents placement options for available depots, not the number of available depots available at any given time.
◦ July 1915: 6 HK arrives in Mwansa
◦ January 1917: VK arrives in Songea
◦ September 1914: Gunboat Kogoma is Gunboat Kingani
◦ March 1915: Ignore 26 FK arrival
◦ July 1915: Note that only the 1 HK unit is 2-5, all others are 1-5 (all correct on counters)
◦ In April 1917, The 24 Artillery has been updated to 4-4.
◦ In September 1917, the 2 Ev MG unit has been updated to (3-3) and the 2 Ev Artillery to (2-4).