Test of Faith
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Test of Faith Introduction �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3 1.0 Game Components ����������������������������������������������������������� 3 1.1 Map �����������������������������������������������������������������������3 1.2 Player Aid Cards ���������������������������������������������������3 1.3 Air Displays �����������������������������������������������������������4 1.4 Counters and Markers �������������������������������������������5 1.5 Counter & Game Abbreviations Used �������������������5 1.6 Dice �����������������������������������������������������������������������5
2.0 Game Setup ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 5 3.0 General Concepts ����������������������������������������������������������� 6 3.1 Sides ���������������������������������������������������������������������6 3.2 Forces �������������������������������������������������������������������6 3.3 Condition of Forces �����������������������������������������������6 3.4 Movement �������������������������������������������������������������7 3.5 Stacking �����������������������������������������������������������������7 3.6 Lines of Communication (LOC) �����������������������������8 3.7 Zones of Control ���������������������������������������������������9 3.8 Infrastructure and Supply �����������������������������������10 3.9 Control of Hexes �������������������������������������������������10 3.10 Random Events �������������������������������������������������10 3.11 Weather �������������������������������������������������������������10 3.12 Turn Structure ���������������������������������������������������10 3.13 Sequence of Play ���������������������������������������������10 3.14 Victory ���������������������������������������������������������������11
4.0 The Strategic Phase ������������������������������������������������������� 11 4.1 Check Communications ���������������������������������������11 4.2 Place Arriving Reinforcements ���������������������������11 4.3 Air Allocation Phase ���������������������������������������������11 4.4 Supply and Infrastructure Phase �������������������������12
5.0 Arab Activation Phase ��������������������������������������������������12 6.0 Israeli Activation Phase �������������������������������������������������12 7.0 Activation Sequence �������������������������������������������������������12 7.1 HQ Activation Segment ���������������������������������������13 7.2 Unit Activation Segment �������������������������������������13 7.3 Initial Movement and Combat Declaration Segment �������������������������������������������������������������13 7.4 Reaction Movement Segment �����������������������������14 7.5 Secondary Movement Segment �������������������������15 7.6 Combat Segment �������������������������������������������������15 7.7 After Combat Loss Segment �������������������������������23 7.8 Check Stacking Segment �����������������������������������23 7.9 HQ Movement and Refresh Segment �����������������24 7.10 Bivouac �������������������������������������������������������������24 7.11 Night Battle �������������������������������������������������������24 7.12 Israeli Tank Recovery ���������������������������������������24 7.13 Unit Status ���������������������������������������������������������24
10.4 Activation Phase Mission Resolution �����������������30 10.5 SAM Fire �����������������������������������������������������������31
11.0 Morale ����������������������������������������������������������������������������31 11.1 Disrupted Units �������������������������������������������������31 11.2 Routed Units �����������������������������������������������������32 11.3 Low Morale �������������������������������������������������������32
12.0 Headquarters ���������������������������������������������������������������32 12.1 Communication Trace ���������������������������������������32 12.2 HQ Displacement ���������������������������������������������32
13.0 Markers ������������������������������������������������������������������������33 13.1 Cup of Snafu Markers ���������������������������������������33 13.2 Loss markers �����������������������������������������������������35 13.3 Air Game markers ���������������������������������������������35 13.4 Status Markers ���������������������������������������������������35 13.5 Combat Markers �����������������������������������������������36 13.6 Miscellaneous Markers �������������������������������������36
14.0 Special Units and Leaders ���������������������������������������� 37 14.1 Reconnaissance Units ���������������������������������������37 14.2 Amphibious Units: ���������������������������������������������37 14.3 269 S Matkal (Israeli Special Forces) ���������������37 14.4 Leaders �������������������������������������������������������������37 14.5 Arab Minor Allies �����������������������������������������������40 14.6 Israeli Army Special Units ���������������������������������40
15.0 Reinforcements and Replacements ���������������������������40 15.1 Reinforcements �������������������������������������������������40 15.2 Replacements ���������������������������������������������������40
16.0 Additional Support Assets �����������������������������������������41 16.1 Transport Support ���������������������������������������������41 16.2 SSM Support �����������������������������������������������������43 16.3 Nuclear Weapons Support �������������������������������43 16.4 Engineer Support �����������������������������������������������43
17.0 Politics �������������������������������������������������������������������������43 18.0 Mount Hermon Observation Post ����������������������������44 19.0 The Suez Canal ������������������������������������������������������������46 19.1 The Egyptian Crossing of the Suez �������������������46 19.2 Israeli Crossing of the Suez �������������������������������46
20.0 MISCELLANEOUS RULES AND UNITS ������������� 47 20.1 Bar-Lev and Outpost Garrisons �������������������������47 20.2 Israeli Remnant Units �����������������������������������������47 20.3 Situational Unit Activations �������������������������������47
21.0 Game Credits ���������������������������������������������������������������48 23.0 Clarifications and Corrections ���������������������������������48
8.0 End Phase ����������������������������������������������������������������������24 8.1 Eliminate Friendly Units Phase ���������������������������24 8.2 Victory Check Phase �������������������������������������������24 8.3 Politics Phase �������������������������������������������������������26 8.4 Time Phase ���������������������������������������������������������26
9.0 Infrastructure and Supply Phase �������������������������������26 9.1 Supply Points: �����������������������������������������������������26 9.2 Supply Costs �������������������������������������������������������26 9.3 Supply Phase End: ���������������������������������������������26
10.0 The Air Game ���������������������������������������������������������������26 10.1: The Air Allocation Phase ���������������������������������26 10.2 Air Forces Commitment Phase �������������������������26 10.3 Air Mission Resolution Phase �����������������������������27
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Test of Faith Introduction The 1973 conflict between the forces of Israel and the forces of the Arab countries, known by the names “The Yom Kippur War”, “Ramadan War”, or “October War”, was a key moment in determining the future of the entire Middle East. Fought from October 6, 1973 to October 25, 1973, a coalition of Arab States, led by Egypt and Syria, launched a massively successful surprise attack on the Israeli occupied territories in an attempt to recapture lands lost in the 1967 war. After recovering from the surprise attack, Israel regrouped and launched successful counterattacks on both fronts. Which side was victorious has been debated ever since the war but regardless, Israel’s belief in her martial supremacy was shattered, and because of this, the political landscape was forever changed.
The hex scale on the map is about 4 kilometers.
1.1.1: There are several Supply Source hexes for the Israelis, all Arab forces on the Sinai front, and for specific Arab nations on the Golan front. These are used to determine communications during various phases of the game. The Arab Test of Faith is a simulation of that conflict. Veterans supply sources on the Golan map may of previous games in the Operational Scale Series will only be used by the forces of that supply source. All need to read these rules carefully as many rules have Arab supply sources on the Sinai map may be used by been updated to cover both the change in scale from all Arab forces on those maps. other games in the series – as well as the asymmet1.2 Player Aid Cards rical nature of both armies in this battle. In general, The Player Aid Cards have several boxes and tracks each side will activate their units representing land useful for managing the game. army forces of the armies using HQs within range of that unit. They then will perform movement and com- 1.2.1: The Replacements, Infrastructure and Supbat with those active units once per game day. After ply Track is where you monitor your side’s war-fightall units have been active, or after both players have ing resources. Infrastructure, Replacements, and Supdecided they do not wish to move any more units the ply markers are tracked by side. The track shows the Activation Phase is over. Once this happens, the turn minimum and maximum values for Infrastructure and is over, the day marker moves to the next day, and a Replacements. Unless indicated on the track, values have new turn is begun. When the game rules have deter- a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 15. Excess points of mined if the war has ended, or if either player achieves any type more than 15 or less than 0 are ignored. an automatic victory, the game is over, and the winner 1.2.2: Each country has a Support Level Track with is determined. At the end of these rules is a comprehensive Example of Play. Players are encouraged to read this first to get a feel of how the game works, then to read the rules keeping the example as a reference for any rules that might be confusing to the player.
1.0 Game Components 1.1 Map
The 3 maps in A Test of Faith include the area upon which the Yom Kippur War of 1973 was fought. There are two that cover the Sinai campaign (called North Map and South Map) and one map that covers the fight in the Golan. The maps point directly north. West as defined by these rules are the two hexes to the northwest and southwest of a hex. East as defined by these markers for each type of Combat Support available. rules are the two hexes to the northeast and southeast These represent the various types of equipment that of a hex. This is important for several rules in the game. might be used by a unit or side during the play of the © 2021 Compass Games, LLC ToF-Rules-v7.indd 3
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Test of Faith game. Some units have both a primary type of equipment and a secondary type of equipment. The owning player may usually choose which type of equipment to use in a given situation. The markers’ positions on the track determine what you have to roll with a D10 to have that type of equipment available to support a given combat. Note that these values are never reduced from game play. Loses are tracked on individual counters using specific markers for these losses. In addition, the type of equipment used can alter certain other rules gaining additional benefits in movement, combat, or other uses. These are all explained in the rules of movement and combat. 1.2.3: There are boxes for Replacements pending and Destroyed Units. Finally, there is a box for identifying the Theater Commanders.
Israeli & US aircraft capability chart
1.3 Air Displays Each side also has an Air Display. The Air Display is where you manage and fight the air war over the two theaters in which this war was fought. 1.3.1: The Aircraft Capability Chart lists the mission ability value of each kind of Aircraft for each type of Mission. The higher the value, the better that aircraft is at performing that type of mission. If an Aircraft is not listed next to a Capability, it cannot be assigned to that Mission. All Air-to-Air combat is performed using a D10; all other types of air combat (Air-to-Ground, SAM fire, etc.) are performed using a D6.
Israeli Airfields box
Unit with Primary & Secondary Equipment
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Full Strength
Fixed Wing
Unit Size Indicator
Red Square Indicates Immobile Squadron ID
Unit with Primary Equipment-only
Miscellaneous Units Front Back
Sagger symbol All Egyptian Infantry and Commando units are Sagger-equipped ( Egyptian or Syrian units with the Sagger symbol receive a -1 Support drm.
Independent Unit (no stripe)
Divisional Stripe
Infantry with APC Secondary Equipment
Command Range
White Star Indicates Elite; Red Circle Indicates Poor
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Test of Faith 1.3.2: There are boxes representing the regions in which you may have Airfields. You will put each of your Airfield counters in one of the Airfield Boxes. Airfield counters in each box determine how many Missions you can fly.
Portion of Israeli air mission box for Golan theater 1.3.3: There are mission boxes for each theater on the air display. Aircraft may only fly missions on the theater (Sinai or Golan) if they are in the appropriate box for that theater. Unlike previous games in the series, there is no strategic or tactical mission distinction in this game – all missions are either Air-to-Air Missions or Air-to-Ground Missions.
Israeli Available Aircraft and Damaged Aircraft boxes 1.3.4: There are boxes for Available and Damaged Aircraft. Damaged Aircraft will move to the Available Aircraft Box when repaired. When Missions are assigned, you will move Aircraft counters from the Available Aircraft Box to an Airfield counter, then to an appropriate Mission box.
1.5 Counter & Game Abbreviations Used
[ ]: Elements of the unit or replacement units A: Armor ABN: Airborne AD: Armor Division AE: Armored Engineer AmR: Amphibious Reconnaissance ArmSch: Armor School AT: Anti-Tank Ben-Khan: Lt. Colonel Yosi Ben-Khanan CDO: Commando D6: A six-sided die D10: A ten-sided die E: Engineer GHQ: General Headquarters HVY: Heavy IAD: Iraqi Armor Division ID: Infantry Division In the Combat: All units that are attacking or are supporting a particular combat Ind: Independent Independent Unit: a unit with no stripe on the counter JAD: Jordanian Armored Division JAF: Jordanian Air Force K: Kuwait LOC: Line of Communications M: Mechanized Nammer: Leopard in Israeli P: Parachute PG: Presidential Guard R: Reconnaissance Reg: Regular S Matkal: Sayeret Matkal (special forces reconnaissance in Israeli) SA: Saudi Arabian SAAF: Saudi Arabian Air Force Segoz: Nut in Israeli SF: Special Forces Shaked: Almond in Israeli T: Tank TF: Task Force UI: Unidentified Unit ZOC: Zone of Control
1.6 Dice
Each player has a six-sided die (D6) and a ten-sided die (D10). Sometimes the use of a specific die is indicated in the rules; sometimes the player has a choice. Whenever you roll the D10, a “0” result is always a ten (10); not a zero. Whenever rounding, always round down to the nearest whole integer immediately when asked 1.4 Counters and Markers to do so (thus two halves of 5 would be 1: 5 halved is 2, The game comes with a variety of counters and mark- 2 halved is 1). ers for use in the game. Their use is explained in the appropriate rule sections below. In all cases, players 2.0 Game Setup may examine all of their opponent’s forces and display Details for setting up the game are found in the scenario descriptions in the Scenario Booklet. tracks freely. © 2021 Compass Games, LLC ToF-Rules-v7.indd 5
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Test of Faith Players will also need several opaque containers, depending on the scenario being played, to allow random drawing of markers during play. All of those that might be used are listed below. Some of these might be omitted in scenario play (see the scenario set up rules for a complete list of containers needed). • • • • • •
All Cup of Snafu markers (see 13.0) All Arab Objective markers (see 8.2.1) All Israeli Objective markers (see 8.2.1) All Israeli Combat Chits – Immediate and Determined (see 7.3.3) All Arab Combat Chits – Hasty and Prepared (see 7.3.7) Bar-Lev Garrison markers (for setup only; see 20.1)
3.0 General Concepts
3.2.3: Aircraft represent squadrons (or other groupings of planes) of the same type. Aircraft counters are used to track the air strength each player assigns to various Air Missions over the theater. Aircraft can, among other Missions, fight in air-to-air combat, support ground units engaging the enemy, and attack the enemy’s war-fighting Infrastructure.
3.3 Condition
Condition is the state of a given unit or HQ in the game. It is indicated by the face-up or face-down side of a counter, by markers placed on the counter, and by a counter’s position in boxes on the map, player aid card, or air display. Changes in the condition of your forces are caused by their activities, the results of combat, or the amount of resources available to your side on a given turn.
3.3.1: Land forces on the map are either Fresh or Spent. Fresh The Arab Forces is a coalition of The T-54 and T-55 were the Units have forces that consists of the Egypt, famous Soviet MBTs from the Fresh Spent Syria, and several minor Arab 1950’s. Upgraded many times, the T-55 had a lot more options than Spent Units, as Allies forces. The Israeli side minor differences versus the T-54. consists of all the forces of Israel. Most Arab armies used this as their MBT. No- explained in the rules below. These two overall player roles are tably, all four tank battlions in the IDF’s 274th Fresh units are the fronts of the armored brigade were equipped exclusive- counters. The backs of the countcalled “sides” in the rules. ly with T-54/55’s, using previously captured ers show the spent side. These equipment. spent units have a diagonal stripe 3.2 Forces across the counter face for easy T-55s are still occasionally The game’s counters represent the seen in identification. Some units only forces available to both sides in combat, even into have a spent side (and thus can’t the war. Both players have Head- the 21st century! be active – like Israeli garrison quarters (HQs) and Units as land and Bar-Lev units). In all cases, forces, along with Aircraft. the back side of a unit is spent (even if there is no diagonal stripe for units that need their fronts to perform 3.2.1: HQs represent the command, control, different purposes). Units become Spent after they are and logistics resources of the forces on the activated. ground. HQs can move, but they cannot fight. Instead, HQs activate Units to move Units may also have different morale states: Disrupted, and fight, and provide communications supRouted, or may have Low Morale. Morale states are port. Positioning HQs carefully is important because it generally adverse and caused by retreats after losing a determines which Units can be activated. HQs are not combat. Land forces can also: Units. • be Low on/Out of Fuel or Ammo, 3.2.2: Units are the fighting forces on land. • be Out of Contact, Units in the game are unusual in not having • have their equipment reduced or eliminated, combat strengths and movement allowances • be reduced in size from combat or other loses, printed on their counters. Movement rates • (for Israelis) have their Equipment Enhanced or depend on the type of movement being Reduced used, the type of unit moving, and the phase in which • Dug In (for Arabs) or Hull Down (for Israelis) the unit is moving (see rule 7). • be a Poor/Elite Unit, and/or • have a Great or Poor Leader
3.1 Sides
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Test of Faith 3.3.2: When a Unit is eliminated (sent to the Replacements Box), remove all markers (including Great/Poor Leaders or Elite/Poor unit status) from it. An Elite unit or Poor unit that is eliminated (so marked on the unit itself with a star or a red dot) stays Elite/Poor when it returns (although this unit could become an Elite/Poor unit in play under certain circumstances, if it is eliminated, it will regain its original status if it returns to play).
use the faster road movement rates. All units must be in either Cross-Country or Road Column to move. If a unit moves through a “restricted hex” (as noted on the TEC) at any time during its movement, its movement allowance is reduced by 2 (thus Israelis have a movement allowance of 4 and Arabs 2 if they enter such a hex and there are a lot of these hexes). For Arab forces, each hex in an enemy ZOC costs +1 MP to enter for each size value of an enemy that projects its ZOC 3.3.3: Aircraft are either fullinto the hex into which the unit is moving. The same strength or reduced, depending applies to Israelis except the maximum additional cost on the counter side showing. The paid by the Israelis for any hex entered in an enemy front side of the counter represents ZOC is 3. There is no limit to this movement cost for Full Reduced a full-strength Aircraft. The back side of the counters Arab forces. represent reduced aircraft and have a diagonal stripe across their face. Aircraft are also either damaged or Friendly units negate enemy ZOCs for all game rules. A undamaged, indicated by the box they occupy on their unit may not use its own ZOC to negate an enemy ZOC Air Display; undamaged planes are in the Availeffect on that same, friendly unit. able Aircraft box. These condi3.4.3: All tions are not dependent on each Developed in the early 1960’s, units must other—an Aircraft can be reduced the McDonnell Douglas F-4 and undamaged, or full-strength Phantom was still one of the most advanced be in either Colplanes in the world, combining speed and Road and damaged. umn mode, Cross-Country mode, payload. or Deployed. Deployed units are 3.4 Movement Although extremely capable as a highspeed interceptor, about 2/3 of its sor- indicated by having neither a Road 3.4.1: All Israeli units have an ini- ties for the IAF were as a much-needed Column nor Cross-Country marker tial movement allowance of 6. All supplement to their ground attack force. on the unit. Arab units have an initial moveThe F4 Phantom hadn’t done so 3.4.4: An HQ or Unit may move ment allowance of 4. While all well in the Vietnam War against one hex, and only one hex for its hexes cost one movement point the MiG-21 etc., achieving only to enter for units with equipment, about a 3.5:1 kill ratio, but entire movement, if it does not l e a r n e d have sufficient Movement Points the terrain in the hex in which the IAF had how to use the to make the move. The HQ or the unit is being activated or any F-4 very success- Unit must be able to enter the hex hexes that the unit might move fully and suffered normally. This one-hex excepthrough, may reduce the numfew air-to-air losses. tion is not allowed if the move ber available to the unit. Playwould be from one enemy ZOC ers move one unit at a time and to another enemy ZOC or if the must complete initial movement hex is prohibited for entry per the of each unit before moving to another activated unit. Terrain Effects Chart. Note: this rule allowing one hex Leg units, those with no equipment, always spend two of movement with insufficient Movement Points does movement points to enter any hex and may not enter not apply to Exploitation Movement (7.6.12). Road Column mode. They can only move in Cross Country mode. Note that these units can also move 3.5 Stacking via Transport Support (see 16.1). 3.5.1: Players may stack an unlimited number of Fresh 3.4.2: Movement is from hex to hex, paying one movement point (regardless of terrain in the hex) to enter each hex as you go. Leg units moving without transport, pay two movement points per hex (although they do not pay any additional movement for entering restricted terrain). Units in Road Column may (only)
Units in each hex but only up to 6 size points of spent units in a hex. In addition, Israeli forces may also have all units of a Division stacked in a single hex even if spent – and can also add one independent unit (even if spent) to the stack as well. Stacking is enforced during the Check Stacking Segment of each friendly Activation sequence. If your Units are over-stacked when checked,
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Test of Faith you must remove Units (of the owning player’s choice) and place the removed units in the Replacements Box until the stacking limit is met. This means that you can stack Spent Units to gain an advantage in combat from supporting Units, but you risk eliminating them if they remain stacked at the end of the Activation when stacking is checked.
3.6.2: An HQ or Unit must have an LOC to a Supply Source for its side in order to perform many game actions, including: • refreshing HQs and Units (flipping the counter from its Spent to its Fresh side), • receiving Corps or Army level Support in combat, and • taking combat losses from your Replacements Track.
3.5.2: HQs and markers are not Units and do not count 3.6.3: Supply Source hexes appear on against the stacking limit. the map in several hexes and are marked by which 3.5.3: Units from opposing sides may never be in the same hex. France exported almost 100 country may use Mirage 5’s to Libya before the each specific sup3.6 Lines of Communication war or soon after- wards. ply source. On the Sinai maps, Libya provided Egypt a number of their Mi- any Arab country may use an Arab (LOC) rage 5’s: one squadron was flown by supply source on those maps – on 3.6.1: A Line of Communication Egyptian pilots, the other by Libyans. the Golan map, only the specifi(LOC) represents communicaequivalent of the cally labeled country may use that tion links between each player’s Despite being the Nesher, three Arab Mirage 5’s were Supply Source. Supply Source HQs and Units in the field, and shot down by IAF Neshers over hexes are always considered to the supply lines between them. the Mediterranean on Octo- have a Corps HQ (for Israel) or HQs and Units in Test of Faith ber 18th. an Army HQ (for Arab forces) – must have an LOC to perform with a 16 command range) in the many of the game’s actions. This hex to allow an LOC to be traced is usually a chain from one level to for any unit of that supply source the next, and then to a final Supply Source (as marked country. Supply Sources cannot activate units. on the map). Figure 1:
It is the Communications Phase of the turn and first the Arab player traces communications for all of his forces. Looking at the section of the game below, the 5 ID HQ provides trace to all of the Syrian forces displayed except for the 47th Armored unit. It is more than 4 hexes away from the 5 ID HQ, and an Out of Contact marker is placed on that unit. After that, to see if the 5 ID can provide communications, it must trace back along a road (as if it was a unit in Road Column), back to the final Syrian Supply source (since the Syrians do not have any Army HQs). The Syrian Supply Source is treated as an Army HQ with a range of 16 movement points. As long as the 5 ID is within this range, all its component units that can trace to it are also in Communications.
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Lines of Communication Example
The Israeli player can trace to most of his units from his various HQs. The 50P unit can trace to the 188A HQ (as it is within 4 hexes) or to the 820 Division HQ (as it is within 8 Movement points of that HQ). The same applies to the 53A battalion in hex 06.19. The 7A brigade HQ as well as the 82A Battalion in hex 10.20 cannot trace and an Out of Contact marker is placed on those units. If this is an Israeli Activation Phase and no Out of Contact markers have been placed, the 7A Brigade HQ could provide a Line of Communications to the 82A battalion and activate that unit (but only that uit - as it is stacked with the HQ) and move normally as an Israeli Activation, but, as they lack an LOC, no support can be provided.
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Test of Faith 3.6.4: A Line of Communication (or LOC) is a path 3.6.6: The Line of Communications chain for Israeli of hexes that is traced from the lower level unit to the forces (also always traced from lower level to higher level) higher level one. You must complete the entire chain to be in Communications. HQs and Units that are out • Units that are part of a division must be within communications range of any Brigade or the Division of communications during the Communications Phase HQ; and their Division HQ must have a Line of are marked with an “Out of Contact” marker and they Communications; this trace from unit to Brigade remain Out of Contact until the next Communications or Division HQ is by hexes, not movement points. Phase in which they are in contact again. There are Nothing blocks this trace. other times when the LOC is checked, and this is always • Division HQs have a Line of Communicadone at the moment it is called for – but if out of communications at that time does not receive an tions if they are within communications range of Out of Contact marker – it just their Corps (Northern HQ for be the first true will not be able to perform that Considered to the Golan; Southern HQ for the IFV, the BMP-1 was made and action requiring the communi- exported by the Soviet Union. Sinai) HQ. This trace is done uscations check. HQs have a range The BMP-1 was used exclusively by elite Egyp- ing movement points from the displayed on their counter. tian and Syrian armored units. Iraq received Division HQ to its Corps or supply source. Remember, a Supply 3.6.5 The Communications some after the war. Chain for Arab Forces (from Egypt received theirs just before the Yom Kippur Source is also considered a Corps War, as part of the pre-war armament program. HQ for this purpose. lower level to higher level) They performed poorly due to a lack of • Units without a Division stripe familiarity with this may trace to any Israeli Brigade/ • Units that are part of a division new vehicle. Division/Corps HQ. must be within communica• During the activation phase tions range of their division (but not during the Communications phase), IsHQ; and the Division HQ must have a Line of Comraeli units stacked with a brigade HQ (and all Inmunications; this trace from unit to Division HQ is dependent units stacked with it) are considered in by hexes, not movement points. Nothing blocks this communications. In addition, if the Brigade cannot trace; it is as the crow flies. trace a Line of Communications to its division, it • Division HQs have a Line of Communications if can activate units of its command and any indepenthey are within communications range of their dent units it is stacked with in the hex. It must not Army (if part of an Army). This trace is done using have a Out of Contact marker on it to do this. movement points (as if they were a unit moving in Road Column) from the Division HQ to its Army • A Corps HQ must be able to trace to a supply source to be a final stop for any units or lower- level HQs. or supply source. Remember, a Supply Source is also considered a Corps/Army HQ for this purpose 3.6.7: If tracing using movement points, an LOC must and has a command range 16 movement points. A be traced using a road. Division HQ must always be on a road to provide 3.6.8: An action which requires an LOC may be communications. It may be off-road and if so, move blocked by enemy Aircraft on Interdiction Misas a Cross-Country unit, but if so, it cannot provide sions (10.4.1). communications until back on a road. • Units without a Division/Corps/Army Stripe may 3.6.9: All Division and Corps HQs must be on a road hex to provide LOC. To trace an LOC, always use trace to any Brigade/Division/Corps/Army HQ of a hypothetical unit in road column. Each hex used that unit’s side but still must trace normally. in a trace costs the road movement rate per hex of • An Army or Corps HQ must be able to trace to a the trace. Enemy ZOCs cost an additional movesupply source to be a final stop for any units or lowment points (see 3.4.2) to enter unless negated. er-level HQs. You cannot trace through enemy units or HQs. • Trace is always from the lower level to the next higher level. 3.7 Zones of Control Note that on the Golan map, there are no Army HQs. All Arab 3.7.1: All Units with a Size greater than zero have a forces on that map must trace back to a final supply source to be Zone of Control (ZOC), unless limited by condition in communications. markers. The ZOC consists of the six hexes immedi© 2021 Compass Games, LLC ToF-Rules-v7.indd 9
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Test of Faith ately adjacent to a Unit, but only for hexes the Unit can 3.10 Random Events legally enter (including with an Engineer Support roll). Battle never goes entirely as planned. During comHQs (not being units) do not have ZOCs. bat, there is a chance that a Random Event will occur, 3.7.2: Friendly Units negate enemy ZOCs in the hex changing the conditions of battle. A Random Event they occupy for all game rules (note that a unit cannot happens when called for on a chosen Combat Chit. When a Random Event occurs, roll on the Random block an enemy ZOC for itself). Event table to see the effect of the Event. Note that 3.7.3: Enemy ZOCs add a number of movement points Random Events occur immediately when the Combat equal to their total size value projected on a hex (Israeli Chit is drawn, and all effects are determined at that forces pay a maximum of 3 MPs for Arab ZOCs even if time – these will influence the upcoming combat in more size value is projected into the hex). Arab Units that hex in some way. may not retreat into or through Israeli ZOCs. Israeli 3.11 Weather Units can but at a cost (see 7.6.10).
3.8 Infrastructure
Infrastructure is the overall industrial ability of a side to support its combat forces. It includes the state of industry in the theater and the road network. Infrastructure can rise with improvements to readiness (as represented by reinforcement increases in the scenario), the spending of supply, and be decreased by airstrikes. Infrastructure provides Supply (tracked as Supply Points) to the armies.
The weather is always clear in this game. That is, there are no weather rules for this game.
3.12 Turn Structure Test of Faith is played in a series of turns with each turn representing a 24-hour day. The following is the game’s sequence of play. Perform all of the listed actions in the order presented. At the completion of all of the listed actions, check to see if victory has been achieved and if so, end the game and crown the victor. If not, perform the next turn using the same actions as listed again.
Supply Points are used for many things in the game— 3.13 Sequence of Play from activating HQs and repairing damaged Airfields to removing markers. For any Unit or HQ to be able A) Strategic Phase to expend Supply Points (rule 9.0), it must be able to 1) Communications Phase (placing or removing Out trace an LOC (rule 3.6). of Contact markers as applicable) (4.1) 2) Place Arriving Reinforcements (4.2) 3.9 Control of Hexes 3) Air Allocation Phase (10.1) Hexes are always controlled by one player. Players 4) Air Mission Resolution Phase (10.3) begin the game by controlling the hexes on their side of the border. As forces move, control changes as the 5) Supply and Infrastructure Phase (9.0) enemy enters a hex. Once the game is under way, a player controls a hex if he was the last player to enter the hex. His forces do not have to remain in the hex to retain control—the last player to have an HQ or Unit in the hex has control. A ZOC is not sufficient to claim control of a hex; an HQ or Unit must actually enter a hex to claim control.
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B) Activation Phase Arab Player Turn: A. Israeli Refresh Phase B. Arab Activation Phase 1) Arab Player activates an HQ and units, and places Combat Chits 2) Israeli Player performs Reaction Movement 3) Arab Player performs Secondary Movement 4) Arab Player resolves Combat 5) Arab Player performs Exploitation movement (if there was advance after combat) 6) If the selected HQ has completed all activations, all units that are not Deployed, are Spent and now Bivouac.
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Test of Faith Israeli Player Turn:
4.0 The Strategic Phase
A. Arab Refresh Phase B. Israeli Activation Phase
Most turns will begin with the Strategic Phase. The rules below explain the procedures and options players need to perform each Strategic Phase and are presented in the order you will encounter them during the sequence of play.
1) The Israeli Player activates an HQ and units and places Combat Chits 2) Israeli Player performs secondary movement 3) Israeli Player resolves combat 4.1 Check Communications 4) Israeli Player performs exploitation movement (if 4.1.1 The Arab player and then the there was advance after combat) Israeli player checks all of his HQs and 5) If the selected HQ has comunits to check their was essentially pleted all activations, all units The Magach 3 communications staan improved M48A3, with a that are not Deployed, are British L7 105mm (or equivalent) and a more tus. To do this, refer to Spent and now Bivouac. the Communications powerful diesel engine. (Note: there is no Arab Reaction Move- The IDF upgraded this US-built tank to make it rules (see 3.6). Any ment in the game) more effective. It was used exclusiveley in the HQ or unit that is discovered to Sinai, mostly in three armoured brigades (14th, be out of communications has an End Phase “Out of Contact” marker placed 421st, 401st). 1) Eliminate Friendly Units Magach means ‘battering ram’ in Hebrew. on it. This marker will remain Phase (8.1). Both players may These suffered heavy losses to Sagger AT- with the unit (and the effects of voluntarily eliminate friendly GMs due in part to vulnerable components. the marker) until the next Check Accordingly, “Magach” was sometimes de- Communications Phase in which Units. rogatorily referred to as “Movil Gviyot Charuk- it is no longer out of communica2) Victory Check Phase (see hot”—”charred bodies tions. 8.2). carrier ”— by the IDF rank and 3) Politics Phase (see 17.0) 4.1.2 After Communications have file! 4) Advance the Turn marker been checked, spend supply as to the next day on the turn applicable (see 9.2) to refresh record track. spent HQs.
3.14 Victory
To win the game, one player must have 21 or more victory points and his opponent must have 0 during the Victory Check phase. Should this occur, the game ends and that player is the winner. Otherwise, the player with the greater number of victory points during the final victory check phase is declared the winner. Should the points be equal during this final Victory Point Check Phase, the Arab player is declared the winner. The main source of Victory Points is Objective markers. These markers can either be hidden (face down) or revealed (face up). When instructed to reveal an Objective Marker, flip it face up. If one player has 0 Victory Points and is instructed to deduct Victory Points from their total, the deducted amount is instead added to the enemy’s total. Example: it is turn 3 and the Syrian player has 12 victory points, and the Israeli player has 2. If the Israeli player is forced to lose 4 Victory Points, his total would reduce to 0 and 2 points would be added to the Syrian total giving the Syrian a total of 14 Victory Points.
4.2 Place Arriving Reinforcements Place all incoming reinforcements as per the Scenario schedule. See 15.0 for more information regarding reinforcements.
4.3 Air Allocation Phase 4.3.1: First the Israeli player places his aircraft in either the Allocated to Sinai box or Allocated to Golan box. Then the Arab player places his aircraft on missions on each front they will perform for the day. Lastly, the Israeli player places his aircraft on missions after reviewing the Arab aircraft placement. Israeli aircraft may only fly missions on the front to which they were allocated. 4.3.2: Perform all combat in the Air-to-Air boxes and resolve missions. Arab Aircraft on Ground Support for
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Test of Faith each front add their values to either the Syrian or Egyptian Ground Support marker. The Israeli player may add both fronts Ground Support values to his Ground Support value but generally only planes allocated to each front may fly Ground Support on that respective front. See rule 10.0 for more info on how this is done.
4.4 Supply
and Infrastructure
Both players, Arab player first then followed by the Israeli player, may spend supplies as they wish from the remaining Supply Points available (see 9.0). After that is done, place the Supply marker on the Infrastructure marker on the track. Each player may spend that number of Supply Points until this phase occurs again.
5.0 Arab Activation Phase 5.1 The Israeli player refreshes all his Spent Units (but only Units; not HQs) that have a Line of Communications. 5.2: During this phase, the Arab player activates Fresh HQs and Units, following the Activation Sequence (7.0) below for each activated HQ. It is possible to activate an HQ more than once if it is refreshed at the end of the sequence.
6.0 Israeli Activation Phase 6.1: The Arab player refreshes all his spent units that have a Line of Communications. 6.2: During this phase, the Israeli Player activates Fresh HQs and Units, following the Activation Sequence (7.1) below for each activated HQ. It is possible to activate an HQ more than once if it is refreshed at the end of the sequence. 6.3: During each Israeli HQ’s Activation, the HQ may generally activate up to six Fresh Units. No more than two of these units can be from a formation that doesn’t belong to the activating HQ. See rule for an exception to this. Independent units may always be activated without restriction to formation. 6.4: Activated Israeli units move and engage in combat during this phase. Once all Unit movement and combat is completed, your active HQ may move and/or pay Supply Points to refresh itself. 6.5: The Israeli player (only) may always choose to activate one, fresh, “Out of Contact” unit as one of his activations. This unit moves normally but cannot place a Combat Chit and place a Routed marker on the Unit at the end of its Activation. He may also, as an activation, voluntarily display any HQs that he wishes. Fresh or spent HQs may be displaced but if fresh, it becomes spent.
5.3: During each HQ’s Activation, an Arab HQ may generally activate up to four Fresh Units. These four 7.0 Activation Sequence units must either be independent or belong to the Divi- Test of Faith uses an innovative Activation system that sion activating the units. If an Army HQ is activating combines movement, combat, and possibly Israeli units, only units in that Army may be activated. reaction into one phase. It is important to understand Independent units may always be activated without the order, or Activation Sequence, in which different kinds of movement and combat occur. The Activation regard to a formation. Sequence must be followed precisely for the game sys5.4: Activated Arab Units move and engage in com- tems to function properly. bat during this phase. The Israeli player may perform Reaction Movement as well. Once all Unit movement The Activation Sequence is divided into several segments: and combat is completed, your active HQ may move • HQ Activation Segment (7.1) and/or pay Supply Points to refresh itself. See 7.9 for • Unit Activation Segment (7.2) additional information. • Initial Movement and Combat Declaration Segment (7.3) 5.5: The Arab player may always choose to activate one, Fresh, “Out of Contact” unit from any formation • If it is an Arab Activation, Israeli Reaction Movement Segment (7.4) as one of his activations (see 7.1). This unit may move normally but may not place a Combat Chit. He may • Secondary Movement Segment (7.5) also, as an activation, voluntarily display any HQs that • Combat Segment (7.6) he wishes. Fresh or spent HQs may be displaced but if • Check Stacking Segment (7.8) fresh, it becomes spent. • HQ Movement and Refresh Segment (7.9)
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Test of Faith move. One Unit must complete its movement before another Unit begins its movement. Only one unit need Select any Fresh HQ with an LOC place a Combat Chit for combat to occur in that hex. and activate it by flipping the Other units that move adjacent and participate in the counter to its Spent side. If you combat do not need to spend additional movement to have no Fresh HQs, your Activation Phase ends. Addi- be “in the combat”. tionally, if you have no more fresh units to activate, your Activation Phase ends. 7.3.2: Units may only move if they are in “Cross Country” or “Road Column” modes. You must complete all activations with one Only units in Road Column may use road HQ before you activate another HQ. movement (which is 1/2 movement point One (Israeli only) Fresh, Out of Contact Unit per hex along the road, 1 movement point may be activated without an HQ. This unit per hex if moving along a railroad or a trail). cannot place a Combat Chit but otherwise is a com- If not moving along a road all hexes cost 1 plete activation. A unit so moved is spent and routed movement point to enter. If a unit begins in or enters at the end of its activation. Restrictive terrain (see TEC), its movement is reduced by 2 movement points for this activation. An Israeli Brigade HQ may actiThis reduction only applies to the was an advate units within its command The Mirage III unit’s initial movement (does not built fighter interrange if it has a line of commu- vanced Frenchapply to Secondary Movement or nications (see 3.6). In addition, ceptor, noticeable for its delta-wing shape. Exploitation Movement). Place if an Israeli Brigade HQ cannot The Mirage IIICJ was the premier IAF in- the appropriate marker to show trace a Line of Communications terceptor, flying in the air defense/air the type of movement the unit is during the Activation Phase, it superiority role. Its claimed kill ratio in performing. There is no cost to air-to-air combat was a healthy 20:1 or so. may activate any Fresh units of its scrounged spare enter either of these movement command (and any independent Israel successfully parts for the their Mirages despite a modes but once chosen, it cannot units) that it is stacked with in the French change throughout the unit’s actiarms embargo. hex (only). vation. Once the unit is done with its activation, it is considered 7.2 Unit Activation Segment deployed in the hex that it comSelect up to, generally, 4 (Arab) or pletes its activation and either the 6 (Israeli) Fresh Units within the Road Column or Cross-Country HQ’s Activation range and flip marker is removed. Units with the counters to their Spent sides. no marker (neither Cross-Country nor Road Column marker is present) are always considered “deployed”. As an aside, there are three “states” a unit may be in. It Units in different movement modes may stack together. can be Fresh, Spent, or Active. Fresh units haven’t been active this turn, spent units have been active this turn, Units in Road Column may not benefit from Adjaceny and Active units are those that are moving and perform- Support from nearby Units. ing combat during an Activation. Since there are two sides to a counter and three “states”, players can either Units that are “walking” (either having no equipment spend the unit the moment it becomes active and just or not using Transport Support) pay 2 movement remember they are active (as I have suggested here), or points per hex entered but are not effected by entering a player can move fresh units and remember they are Restrictive Terrain. active and spend them upon completion of their activaIsraeli Jeep units may enter terrain not normally tion. Both ways work. allowed by equipped units and never pay the Restricted Terrain penalty.
7.1 HQ Activation Segment
7.3 Initial Movement Segment
Combat Declaration
7.3.3: When a moving Unit is adjacent to an enemy 7.3.1: During this segment, you can move each of your Unit, the moving Unit may declare combat. The hex in active Units (but not HQs) generally up to 4 or 6 Move- which the enemy is to be attacked is called “The Comment Points. You decide in what order your Units bat Hex”. The Combat Hex must be a hex the Attacking © 2021 Compass Games, LLC ToF-Rules-v7.indd 13
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Test of Faith Unit could enter normally. If there is more than one enemy Unit in the Combat Hex, the defender selects which Unit will serve as the Defending Unit. That unit will be used to determine the type of equipment available and from which Corps/Army Artillery Support will be available. The attacking unit must be in either Road Column or Cross-Country mode to declare a combat and place a Combat Chit (although any supporting units may be deployed). Combat Declaration must be paid for using movement points. (Note for clarity: you pay the cost of the Combat Declaration, not the cost of entering the target hex.) There are two types of combat each for Israelis and Arabs, and the cost of each type of Combat Declaration is listed below: Combat Declaration Costs Israeli – Immediate 0 Movement Points Attack Israeli-Determined 1 Movement Point Attack Arab-Hasty Attack 1 Movement Point Arab-Prepared Attack All Movement Points* *Since an Arab Prepared Attack requires a Unit to spend all of its Movement Points, the Unit must begin the segment adjacent to its target.
either Road Column or Cross-Country as the Israeli player wishes. 7.3.6 Active Units that are Active and participate in the combat (placed the combat chit or provided support may switch to Cross Country mode if deployed to be able to advance after combat – and then move as allowed by advance after combat). Non-active units that provided support may not advance after combat and remain deployed. 7.3.7 If attacking across a bridged hex-side, only the unit placing the combat chit may participate in the combat and that unit must be in Road Column.
7.4 Reaction Movement Segment 7.4.1: During this segment, the Israeli player (only) may activate one (only) Fresh HQ and up to (usually) 6 Fresh Units for movement of up to, usually, 6 Movement Points. Reaction Movement must always be Cross-Country movement. 7.4.2: There are restrictions on which HQs and Units may be activated for Israeli Reaction Movement. •
The HQ and Units must all have an LOC at the time of activation. Neither the HQ nor the Units may be activated if they begin the segment adjacent to an enemy unit. Once activated, they may move through an enemy ZOC (and enter the Combat Hex if the Israeli player wishes) at the normal cost.
• 7.3.4: When combat is declared, randomly draw a Combat Chit from the cup containing chits matching the type of combat and place the marker in the hex with the defending unit. This is the “Combat Hex”. If there is a random event, determine the random event and now apply any results of that random event. 7.4.3: Israeli HQs and Units using Reaction Movement 7.3.4 Important: If an Israeli Immediate are Spent. Flip the counters to their Spent sides before Attack is declared, pause the Initial Movemoving. You must choose Cross Country to move in ment and Combat Declaration Segment the Reaction Movement segment. and resolve the Immediate Attack combat immediately. Once the Immediate Attack (including 7.4.4: Reaction Movement limits forces as follows: any Exploitation Movement) is resolved, continue the Initial Movement and Combat Declaration Segment (if • Units using Reaction Movement may not declare combat but may support a combat you have additional active Units to move). The unit that conducted the Immediate Attack may perform • Israeli HQs and Units may not move west of the hex row already occupied by the westernmost Israeli HQ exploitation movement as valued on the Combat Chit or Unit on the Sinai map. Israeli HQs and Units may but may not normally move after placing the Immedinot move east of the hex row already occupied by the ate Attack Combat Chit. Units that Immediate Attack easternmost Israeli HQ or Unit on the Golan map also cannot move in the secondary movement phase as well but may be supporting units in later attacks in that activation (although they cannot perform Exploitation 7.4.5: When the Reaction Movement of all activated Israeli forces is complete, the Israeli Player may spend Movement). Supply Points to refresh the active HQ. The cost is: 7.3.5 All Israeli HQs that are Division HQs move as if always in Road Column. Israeli Brigade HQs move as
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Test of Faith Israeli HQ Refresh Cost Table HQ is in: Supply Cost: In territory originally 1 controlled by the Israelis (i.e west of the Suez or east of the Purple Line) In any other territory 2
of support (which equipment will be used, and if artillery, and/or ground support will be attempted) Step 5: Examine the Combat Chit (see 7.6.3) Step 6: Determine Combat DRMs (7.6.4) Step 6-A: Size and Terrain Support Step 6-B: Unit Equipment Support Step 6-C: Artillery Support
7.5 Secondary Movement Segment
Step 6-D: Air Support All of the phasing player’s active Units that are not in an enemy ZOC AND did not participate in a Israeli Step 7: Resolve Random Events (if they occur, 7.6.5) Immediate Attack may move an extra 3 Movement and adjust support/size values as needed from Points if Israeli and 2 Movement Points if Arab. MiniSteps 6 and 7. mum one-hex movement (see 3.4.4) is allowed in this Step 8: Pre-combat losses (Dug In Arabs, Sagger strikes, segment. These Units may not enter an enemy ZOC and Israeli Hull Down tank advantage) at any time during this movement. Remember that another friendly Unit in a hex negates an enemy ZOC Step 9: Roll Combat Die Rolls, place Elite, Poor markers if applicable (7.6.6) in that hex for all game purposes (including this). Step 10: Determine Winner and Combat Spread If a unit entered Restrictive Terrain at any time (7.6.9) during its activation, the secondary movement allowance for Israeli The Aero L-29 was a Czech- Step 11: Honor Losses (7.6.10) units is 2 and Arab units is 1. built military jet trainer. It was never meant for frontline service except Step 12: Advance after Combat against zero air opposition. (7.6.11) 7.6 Combat Segment 7.6.1: Combat in Test of Faith is The Egyptian and Iraqi Air Forces both used Step 13: Exploitation Movement a multi-step process and unusual the L-29 as a trainer. While the Iraqis nev- (7.6.12) er committed their planes to the frontline, because Units do not have attack the Egyptians did oc- casionally use theirs or defense strengths. Combat is in the Sinai, proba- bly due to the severe Step 14: Clean up (7.6.13) resolved by comparing die rolls, losses to their premier After completing all the steps of aircraft. modified by several factors. Once a t t a c k Combat, proceed to Check Stackcombat has been declared, it must Some 120 L- 2 9 ’ s occur. You cannot cancel an attack were delivered to Egypt from Czecho- ing (7.8), movement/refresh of HQs (7.9), Bivouac (7.10), Israeli sixties. you have previously declared. A slovakia in the Tank Recovery, and all active target hex may be the Combat units are now spent (7.13). Hex in multiple combats per Activation Phase, but there can only be one Combat Chit at 7.6.3 Examine the Combat Chit: The Combat Chit a time in any given hex. in the Combat Hex contains essential information for 7.6.2: The Combat Segment occurs in several steps combat resolution. It is read as follows: for each Unit declaring combat. Complete the combat Combat Chits steps for each declaring Unit before beginning combat Which Die to Use Random Event DRM to apply for the next Unit. “RE” Step 1
Place the Combat Chit (see 7.3)
Step 2
The Israeli player (if during the Arab player turn) performs any Reaction Movement (see 7.4)
Step 3
The Phasing Player may perform Secondary Movement (see 7.5)
Step 4
Both sides (attacker first) declare their types
Combat Type
Support Level “Spt”
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Exploitation MPs “Adv”
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Test of Faith The upper left corner tells you the type of die to roll those that are affected by types of equipment and supfor the attacker—D6 or D10—and, in parentheses, port (use the Support marker for this). any Die Roll Modifier (DRM) given to the attacker. Example: (+1) D6 means roll a six-sided die and Add both of these markers together to get a final modifier to your die roll. add 1 to the attacker’s roll. The defender uses a D10 if the selected defending unit is fresh (and they be- Note: these markers are separate to make changes to the come spent) or a D6 (if spent or if they are fresh and values from random events or other game functions as wish to stay that way). the sequence progresses easier to adjust in play. • The upper right corner (RE) tells you if there is a Size Support and Terrain DRMs Random Event or not. • The lower left corner (Spt) tells you how much A. Size DRMs: Any friendly Units—Fresh or artillery, ground support Spent—adjacent to the Combat was a US-sup(from aircraft), or attack he- The Magach 6 Hex may (at the owning playupgraded to licopter support the attacker plied M60A1, er’s choice) add to the size of the will have from the upcoming meet IDF specs. Attacking or Defending Unit. combat. A is the worst sup- Like the Magach 3, the 150 Magach 6’s were Each player determines which of port level; while D is the best used exclusively in the Sinai, in the 600th Ar- his adjacent Units will be adding mored Brigade, and the 87th Recon Battalion. level. The defender’s values are their value to a combat. A unit based on the type of combat This was supposedly the most advanced MBT does not need to have a Line of of the Yom Kippur War, declared. Communication to add to the size yet the • The lower right corner (Adv) S h o ’ t of the combat. Any units used this way are considered “in the comtells you how many Movement Kal was probably more effective. bat”. Points the attacker gets for Exploitation Movement follow• The unit that was used to declare ing any Advance after Combat. This value can be combat and all units stacked in the same hex as that modified by terrain or equipment (see 7.6.12). unit must add their size if allowed. All units that are 7.6.4 Determine Combat DRMs: defending in the combat hex also must provide their Generally, in a combat, both sides will roll a size to the combat. Any additional units adjacent to die to determine the winner of the combat. the combat hex may provide their size to the combat Added to the combat roll are die roll modifiat the owning player’s choice. ers that will determine the final result. These Exception: Arab (only) Units in Road Column may never add are totaled and tracked using the Israeli and adjacent units into the Combat. Only units stacked in the hex Arab DRMs marker (this is generally for terthat contains a unit that placed the Combat Chit may add their rain and size), and the Israeli and Arab Support Marker (for equipment and support benefits) on size to the combat. the Combat Die Roll Modifier track on the General Game Display. There are two types of Combat DRMs, • Adjacent Fresh Units providing their size in any type of combat remain Fresh. for size and terrain (use the DRM marker for this), and • After determining the size of both the attacking •
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Test of Faith Israeli Tanks Magach 3 Magach 6 Sho’t Kal Sho’t Metr (Meteor) M51 Tiran PT-76 (Amph)
Israeli APC / IFV M3 (half-track) M113 RCL (also Recon)
Israeli Reconnaissance Jeep RCL (also APC)
Arab Tanks
force and the defending force, form a ratio of the attacker’s size by the defender’s size and round down to the nearest whole integer. Add the following value to the DRMs marker on the Combat Modifier track. Note that the size value can be modified by which player placed the Combat Chit (is attacking). Size Ratio DRM Table Ratio Arab Modifier Israeli Modifier 1-3 or less -3 -1 1-2 -2 0 1-1 -1 +1 3-2 0 +2 2-1 +1 +3 3-1 +2 +4 4-1 or more* +3 +5 *(or the defender has 0 total size) •
T-62 T-55 T-54 T-34 Centuiron Vickers PT-76 (Amph)* *PT-76 equipped units do not provide equipment support but see 14.2 Arab APC / IFV BMP OT-62 (Amph) OT-64 BTR-152 BTR-60 BTR-50 BTR-40 M113 Saracen
Arab Reconnaissance AML-90 M3 VTT (Amph) BRDM
If it is an Israeli Night attack, double the size value of all Israeli attackers “in the combat” (see 7.11). Status markers on Units which are adjacent but not supporting (because you held them out of the combat) do not affect the combat. For example, one adjacent unit has a “Poor” marker, and another adjacent has “Elite” marker on it, the owner may choose to only include the “Elite” marker to apply to the combat. Markers in the Combat Hex and on the attacking Unit (the one that placed the Combat Chit) always apply to the combat. All supporting Units, along with the Attacking and Defending Units, are eligible to receive any markers drawn from the Cup of SNAFU (see 13.1) during the combat—the choice of which side of the marker and upon which Unit the marker is placed belongs to the player who drew the marker (this is not always the owning player).
B. Terrain Modifier: For the defender to receive a terrain modifier, it must be deployed in that type of terrain. The Terrain Effects Chart has the terrain modifier for each type of terrain in which a unit is deployed. “Dug In” markers are used as extra losses that may be applied in combat without affecting the defending player (see Add these two values together and mark the total using the Israeli/Arab DRM value on the Combat Modifiers Chart on General Display Chart. Sagger ATGMs
(Amph) Amphibious equipped units are covered in 14.2.
After the Israeli player has chosen his primary type of equipment and if that type is
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Test of Faith a tank, but before the attack is rolled and if any Egyptian unit (fresh or spent) in the combat (in the combat hex or supporting the combat) has an infantry or commando symbol on the counter, the Arab player must roll a D10.
Israeli tanks in Tank Ramp hexes are automatically considered Hull Down and do not place Low/No Ammo markers when destroying Arab equipment. No Hull Down marker is placed. The Israeli player will always choose two Arab losses when firing from these hexes.
All Arab units in the combat that can fire, must fire their Saggers and roll for effectiveness. Fire is sequen- Exception: M-51 tanks don’t get this advantage tial, and the Arab player may stop rolling if there are no and may not be Hull Down and cannot use Tank Ramps. Israeli tanks remaining in the battle. If any Arab unit (non Egyptian units apply here) has a Sagger symbol on the unit, the Arab player subtracts 1 from his die roll. Should he roll equal to or less that the current Sagger Losses value (on the Arab Player display), one tank equipment loss is immediately given to an Israeli unit with tanks in the battle. Should he roll a value equal to half the Sagger Losses value (rounding down), 2 tank equipment losses are immediately given to any Israeli units with tanks in the battle. Should the Arab player roll a value greater than the current Sagger Losses value, reduce that value by one. Dug In Arabs If the Arab player should successfully defend any combat hex against an Israeli attack, he may place a Dug In marker on one of the Arab units that defended the hex. Should the Israelis attack a unit that has a Dug In marker, the Israeli player loses one Size value from any supporting units before the combat is rolled – and the size value for the Israeli player is adjusted prior to the combat. Unit Equipment
All units in the game will have either both Primary and The Sagger Losses value can never be more than 7 or Secondary Equipment, just Primary Equipment, just less than 2. Secondary Equipment, or no equipment. Israeli tank losses must come from the type of tank used in the battle (if more than one is present) first. If no more are present of that type after the first loss, the Arab player may choose which other Israeli unit has its tank equipment reduced. If Israeli tanks are lost, these losses will reduce the Tank Equipment may allow you to add an additional modiEquipment Support value for the upcoming combat. fier to your combat die roll. If you have both primary and secondary equipment in the attacking unit, the Hull Down Israeli Tanks owning player may choose which equipment to use. Equipment may be chosen from the unit that placed If the Israeli player is defending in a combat the combat chit (the attacking unit). A player may and declared tanks as his primary equipment, choose to not use equipment at all if they wish. The all Fresh Israeli units with tanks that are in the combat and in terrain that allows for Hull Down (as attacker always announces which if any equipment he marked on the TEC), may have a Hull Down marker will use in a combat. The defender may then choose his placed on it. Before resolving combat, each Israeli unit equipment to use in the upcoming combat after learnso marked will give one or two equipment losses to all ing what the attacker will be using. There are three Arab tanks in units that are in the combat (regardless of types of equipment, Tanks, APCs/IFVs, and Reconwhether or not the Arab player chose tanks as his equip- naissance. Tanks and APCs/IFVs can be chosen as the ment). This is applied to each Arab unit with tanks in equipment in the battle – reconnaissance equipment is the combat (both attacking and supporting). The Israeli always chosen if present and is covered in 14.1. player may choose which Arab units suffer the equip- Tank and APC/IFV equipment has a value marked on ment loss. This is performed prior to rolling for the com- their Israeli (for Israeli equipment) or their Arab (if bat result and any tank support that is due to the Arab Arab equipment) Player Aid. This is called Equipment player from the attacking unit is recalculated (if that is Support. Note that this value on the chart never one of the units that the Israeli chose to lose tanks). changes. Losses are tracked by individual units that
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Test of Faith may not be able to use all of the value as noted on the To receive Artillery Support, a unit must have an LOC that ultimately ends at a Supply Source. Terrain Effects Chart. Note that M-51 Tanks and T-34 equipped units may only use their equipment against each other or against units without tank equipment.
Arab Red Sea and Port Said forces may not receive Artillery Support.
The Support level on the Combat Chit determines the effect of the Division artillery. Each player that The type of terrain in which the Combat Chit is in declared artillery support rolls a D10 and compares it determines the type of terrain for equipment support. to the (possibly modified from losses) Division Artillery value, and if a player rolls equal to or less than A designer comment: the value, the following is applied at the appropriate The game allows for very easy changes in the values here. If you Support Level. If both players declared Artillery Supdisagree with my values, just change the value on the chart to port and one passed the roll and the other did not, the player that failed the roll takes one Artillery loss from what you think works better for you. the division that provided the artillery (representTo use your equipment, roll a D10 and compare ing counter-battery fire). the roll to the equipment support. a fully-tracked, This is done prior to rolling dice If the roll is equal to or less than The BTR-50 was a m p h i b i o u s APC, based on to determine the final combat. the equipment support value, the the chassis of the PT-76. It was supplied by the Losses are applied immediately modifier for the terrain type of the Soviet Union in large quantities. and can alter the support value. combat hex (as shown on the TerEgypt and Syria employed this APC extenrain Effects Chart) for that type of equipment is placed on the Com- sively in their mechanized infantry formations. Support Levels for the attacker It was also used by Libya and Sudan. and result if the attacker is sucbat Modifier chart on the display. This is called the Support Modi- The IDF’s 88th Amphibious Armored Recon- cessful in his artillery roll: naissance Battalion used a combination of fier. You roll the Equipment Sup- captured BTR-50’s A Add three to the Attackport value or less to then receive and PT-76’s. er’s support value. the modifier for equipment base B Add four to the attacker’s on that type of terrain. support value. If you are using secondary equipment, use the second- C Add four to the attacker’s support value. The ary equipment modifier on the Terrain Effects Chart defender in the hex, should he lose the combat, using the same procedure but the applicable column must pay a Size step as his first loss in the combat. on the Terrain Effects Chart. D Add four to the attacker’s support value. The Note you can only use primary or secondary equipment – never defender in the hex, should he lose, must pay a Size both in the same combat. step as his first loss in the combat and then may only use retreats as losses (up to 3) for the remain7.6.4.6 Artillery Support der of losses (thus he may not use replacements or Artillery is tracked by Division. Just like victory points to honor the spread). units, the value on the support track is always the same (per side), but the providing HQ The Terrain in the Combat Chit hex may modify this may suffer losses and is marked with a -1/-2/ value as well. Add the final total to the attacker’s SupHalf/No-Artillery marker on the HQ to offport marker (added in addition to the player’s equipset the track value. This is different from equipment in ment modifier determined in rule that the loss marker is deducted from the roll needed to add artillery support. Only units of that division, or Type of combat for the defender and the result if the independent units that are within range of the Division defender is successful in his artillery roll: HQ may use that Division artillery – and a unit of that Division must be present “in the combat” to allow use Immediate Attack (Israeli attack) – Add 3 to of that Division artillery. Only one Division may pro- Defender’s Support value and reduce the exploitation value on the combat chit by 1 vide artillery support in a combat. (less than 0 stays 0). © 2021 Compass Games, LLC ToF-Rules-v7.indd 19
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Test of Faith Determined Attack (Israeli attack) – Add 4 to Defender’s Support value, reduce the exploitation value on the combat chit by 2 (less than 0 stays 0), and one Size loss is suffered by one attacking or supporting unit in the combat (and the odds modifier for the attack is recomputed). Hasty Attack (Arab attack) – Add 4 to Defender’s Support value, reduce the exploitation value on the combat chit by 2 (less than 0 stays 0), one Size loss is suffered by one attacking or supporting unit in the combat.
Random Event Tables: 1 2 3-6 7-10
Prepared Attack (Arab attack) – Add 5 to Defender’s Support value, reduce the exploitation value on the combat chit by 2 (less than 0 stays 0), and one Size loss is suffered by all attacking and supporting units in the combat.
1-2 (Air-to-) Ground Support
A player that declared ground support for the upcoming combat must roll against their ground support value (as shown on the Player aid). At least one unit of one country involved in the combat must be present in the Ground Support box on the Air Display to allow ground support by air units of that country. Only one country may perform ground support in any one combat. If they roll equal to or less than the Ground Support value on the Player Aid, perform ground support for the combat. Take one or two aircraft out of the Ground Support box, perform any applicable SAM combat, and if the aircraft survives the SAM fire, add the total air-toground value of the one or two aircraft to the support value marker for the upcoming combat. The Ground Support value on the Player Aid does not reduce as planes are used in a combat. See rule 10.2.6 for additional information.
5-6 7-10
1-4 5 6 7-10
Support Level A or B: one plane may be added Support Level C or D: two planes may be added The defender, if he rolls equal to or less than his Ground Support value on the Player Aid, may add one plane if an Immediate or Hasty attack, and up to two if any other type of attack. He follows the same procedure as the attacker in adding plane support values to the combat. 7.6.5 Random Events If the drawn Combat Chit has a random event, use the Random Event table appropriate to the type of Combat chit and either player rolls a D10 on the table. Apply
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1-2 3 4 5-10
Israeli Immediate Attack Chit Reporters are present – add a revealed Objective in the Combat hex Defender draws from the Cup of Snafu (attacker chooses marker type; must be placed) Attacker draws from the Cup of Snafu (defender chooses marker type; must be placed) An Atrocity has been committed. Roll a die; if even, the Israelis have committed it, if odd, the Arab has committed it. The player that didn’t commit the atrocity may add one to his politics roll this turn. This is cumulative. Arab Hasty Attack Chit Reporters are present – add a revealed Objective in the Combat hex Defender draws from the Cup of Snafu (attacker chooses marker type; must be placed) Attacker draws from the Cup of Snafu (defender chooses marker type; must be placed) An Atrocity has been committed. Roll a die; if even, the Israelis have committed it, if odd, the Arab has committed it. The player that didn’t commit the atrocity may add one to his politics roll this turn. This is cumulative. Israeli Determined Attack Chit Reporters are present – add a revealed Objective in the Combat hex Defender draws from the Cup of Snafu (attacker chooses marker type; must be placed) Attacker draws from the Cup of Snafu (defender chooses marker type; must be placed) An Atrocity has been committed. Roll a die; if even, the Israelis have committed it, if odd, the Arab has committed it. The player that didn’t commit the atrocity may add one to his politics roll this turn. This is cumulative. Arab Prepared Attack Chit Reporters are present – add a revealed Objective in the Combat hex Defender draws from the Cup of Snafu (attacker chooses marker type; must be placed) Attacker draws from the Cup of Snafu (defender chooses marker type; must be placed) An Atrocity has been committed. Roll a die; if even, the Israelis have committed it, if odd, the Arab has committed it. The player that didn’t commit the atrocity may add one to his politics roll this turn. This is cumulative.
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Test of Faith results immediately after determining the random 7.6.9 Determine Winner and Combat Spread: The player with the highest modified die result wins event. Any impact from the event will apply to the the combat. In case of a tie, the defender wins, and upcoming combat. the attacker is given 1 loss it must of the earlier If rolled, a revealed Objective is A continuation MiG fighters of the 50s, the honor. drawn from the attacker’s pool of MiG-21 was first introduced in 1959. It was upObjective markers, but the winner graded numerous times, with better engines, Units participating in the of the combat will immediately gain avionics and missiles, resulting in a plethora combat are the Attacking Unit (which declared the combat), the the value of those Victory Points of different models. at the end of the combat. After This was the most modern fighter in the Defending Unit, and supporting the Victory Point(s) have been EAF and SyAF fleets. Even so, it did not do Units of both sides. combat against the awarded, the marker is placed very well in air-to-air IAF’s Mirages, Neshers and occasion- The Combat Spread back in the attacker’s pool to be determines how many losses al Phantoms. drawn again. the losing Units must take. The At the time, it was the most 7.6.6 Combat Die Rolls: produced supersonic jet Combat Spread is the difference aircraft in the world. In between the two modified die The attacker rolls a D6 or D10, the hands of the North results. In case of a tie, the ComVietnamese and their Communist bat Spread is considered to be 1 as indicated on the Combat Chit. advisors, it gave the US a nasty against the attacker. The defender rolls a D10 if the shock during the Vietnam war; the Defending Unit is Fresh or a D6 if air-to-air losses it caused led to the The side with the higher it is Spent. If the Defending Unit is formation of the Top Gun school. total equipment die modifier Fresh and chooses to roll a D10, it value, and which loses the combecomes spent. bat (only – meaning they lost the die roll compariNote: Leaders gained through random events may allow play- son), may choose to “Press their Attack”. To do this, apply the used equipment losses to the attacker. For ers to re-roll their combat dice for this combat. each equipment step lost, 2 may be added to his already 7.6.7 Apply Modifiers: Add your total DRM to your rolled value up to a maximum of the difference of the die roll to get your modified die result. two equipment values. You can’t lose more equipment than you have. 7.6.8 Check for Unit Quality: For example, the attacker has a 6 equipment modifier for the Some units begin the game with combat and the defender has 3. The attacker may choose to add a troop status. These units are 2 to his roll if he takes one equipment step loss or 3 to his roll if treated exactly as if they had the he takes 2 equipment losses. same type of marker on them. If The Combat Spread has a Maximum. Noryou roll a natural 1, place a Poor mally, the Maximum Combat Spread is 5. Unit marker on one of your Units in the combat. If you roll a natural The Maximum Combat Spread is adjusted if Units 10 (on a D10) or natural 6 (on a D6), place an Elite Unit marker on one of your Units of high or low quality participate in the combat. The in the combat. You can place a Poor Unit marker or an adjustments are cumulative, yielding a range of 3-7 for Elite Unit marker on any Unit participating in the com- the Maximum Combat Spread. Use the following rules bat as Attacking Unit, Defending Unit, or supporting to adjust the Maximum Combat Spread: Unit, but no Unit may receive a second (and replac- • If any participating Unit (or Units) on the winning ing) quality marker, unless all participating Units side has a Poor marker on it, subtract 1 from the on your side already have one (or are so marked on Maximum Combat Spread. their counter). If all Units from your side in the com- • If any participating Unit (or Units) on the winning bat already have quality markers (or are so notated on side has an Elite marker on it, add 1 to the Maxitheir unit), you must replace an existing quality marker mum Combat Spread. with the one just drawn. Sometimes weak Units sur- • If any participating Unit (or Units) on the losing prise you; sometimes stalwarts fail. side has a Poor marker on it, add 1 to the maximum Combat Spread. © 2021 Compass Games, LLC ToF-Rules-v7.indd 21
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If any participating Unit (or Units) on the losing side has an Elite marker on it, subtract 1 from the maximum Combat Spread.
Example: In a combat, the modified die rolls differ by 8. The Israeli Player wins and has an Elite Unit in the combat, which increases the Maximum Combat Spread from 5 to 6. The Arab Player takes 6 losses. Note: you don’t change the spread determined by comparing die rolls – you only change the maximum spread to apply to the combat. If the rolled spread is 1 and elite units are present on one side, it would still be a spread of 1. Changes to the Maximum Combat Spread due to troop quality are enforced even if the marker was just placed in a random event from this combat.
A. Retreat a Unit or Units 1-3 hexes: retreating one Unit satisfies a loss for each hex retreated. Multiple units (all must be part of the combat to be eligible) may retreat to satisfy this, and each unit retreated one hex counts as one towards the number retreated. A Fresh Unit which retreats becomes Spent. Egyptian Units must retreat west, while Syrian Units must retreat East. Israeli units on the Sinai map must retreat east while Israeli units on the Golan map must retreat west. Each hex retreated into must be further away from the Combat Hex and if it retreats though an enemy ZOC, losses may be applied as it retreats (see below). No one unit may retreat more than 3 hexes.
Immobile units cannot retreat and must honor Note: you don’t change the spread determined by comparing die combat spreads using only victory points or rolls – you only change the maximum spread to apply to the replacements. combat. If the rolled spread is 1 and elite units are present on one side, it would still be a spread of 1. B. Pay a Replacement Point: you can pay 1 Replacement Point from your Replace7.6.10 Take Losses: Units from the losing side must ments, Infrastructure, and Supply Track take losses using the following rules. to satisfy 1, and only 1, loss if this is a ImIf the losing side cannot take the required losses, all mediate Attack or a Hasty Attack. You may pay up to losing Units are eliminated (sent to the Replacements 2 if this is a Determined Attack or a Prepared Attack. Box). Fortunately, there are several ways to take losses. You may not use more Replacements Points to satisThe losing side may usually take its losses using any fy losses. You must have an LOC, at the moment of combination of these methods. However, see Artillery combat, for at least one unit in the combat (for the support ( and the Commander rules (14.4) for attacker) or from the combat hex (for the defender) possible impact on the availability of choices. If any Unit:
7.6.10 Retreats and ZOC Then:
Retreats two hexes
place a Disrupted marker on it at the completion of the retreat and opponent draws from the Cup of SNAFU for the retreating Unit, after the retreat is completed. If the retreating player used artillery support, the Division/Army that provided support takes one artillery loss as well. Enemy units have overrun the friendly unit’s artillery park in the retreat.
Retreats three hexes
place a Routed marker on it at the completion of the retreat and opponent draws twice from the Cup of SNAFU for the retreating Unit, after the retreat is completed. If the retreating player used artillery support, the Division/Army that provided support takes two artillery losses as well. Enemy units have overrun the friendly unit’s artillery park in the rout.
*For the first enemy ZOC retreated into:
Reduce the Primary Equipment Level by 1 (if Disrupted) or 2 (if Routed). Reduce Secondary equipment by 1 (if Routed).
*For the second and each additional enemy Reduce Primary Equipment by 2 (if Disrupted) and 3 (if Routed). Reduce SecondZOC retreated into: ary Equipment by 1 (if disrupted) and 2 (if routed) *For Israeli units only (Arab units cannot retreat through Israeli ZOCs) Is 1) Disrupted or Routed and 2) enters or Reduce the size value by 1 for each unit that retreats into a hex with an enemy ZOC passes through an enemy ZOC after a combat when enemy Artillery Support was used Note: Your opponent draws the SNAFU marker when needed and if he cannot apply the marker to your retreating unit, ignore the marker and return it to the Cup of SNAFU. Units that have Routed or Disrupted markers placed on them are considered Routed or Disrupted for the retreat that made them so.
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Test of Faith C. D. E. F.
to satisfy losses with a Replacement Point(s). 0 Size units may not receive Replacements in combat. Spend Size: you may spend one Size value for each loss. Spend Arab Dug In markers: A Dug In marker in the combat hex can be removed for up to two losses. Spend one Victory Point: one Victory Point may be used for one loss. Eliminate all Units participating in the combat. The Arab player may choose to eliminate all (only) of his units in the combat to honor all loses (regardless of the total spread). The Israeli player may eliminate units, but each unit eliminated counts as one towards honoring the spread. He too can also eliminate all Israeli units in the combat to honor all loses (regardless of the total spread). If you only have one Unit in a combat, eliminating that Unit A relatively new still satisfies all losses. If all Soviet Union, the eliminated Unit(s) have er-bomber was an no LoC, lose an additional 2 the Su-7 design. Artillery steps if Artillery Sup- Only the Egyptian Su-17. Later exports port was provided; the elimi- called Su-20’s. nated Unit(s) is placed in the This was the first Destroyed Units box (not in variable - swe ep the Replacements box). first swept-wing predated it
7.6.11 Advance after Combat: years. If the attacker won the combat, and the defender has vacated the Combat Hex, the attacker may Advance after Combat.
If the winning player has Reconnaissance Assets “in the battle”, add 2 to the exploitation value on the Combat Chit (see 7.6.12). 7.6.13: Clean Up: Return the Combat Chit to its cup. It can be drawn again in the next declared combat.
7.7 After Combat Loss Segment If the following situation occurred in the previous combat, apply as follows: •
If both sides used Tanks as their equipment support (successfully or not), the side with the lower Tank Support value takes one Tank Equipment loss. If the values are even, the Arab side takes one equipment loss. Use the unmodified value for the Tank on the support track and disregard any markers on the unit.
plane from the the Su-17 fightattempt to improve on Air Force used the of the Su-17’s were Soviet plane to use wings; the US’s plane, the F-111, by just a few
Example: A T-55 attacks an Magach 6 and both use tank support for the battle. The Magach is the unit’s secondary equipment and has a “Half Secondary” marker on it for the battle. The T-55 would still take a loss after the combat for an Arab tank equipment of the lesser value on the Support track as the Israeli tank. • If one side used APCs/IFVs as their equipment support and the other side used tanks as theirs, the side that used APCs/IFVs takes one APC/IFV loss. The attacker may move active Units that participated in the combat (both the declaring Unit and any active sup- These are all cumulative if applicable. porting Units) into the Combat Hex, ignoring stacking for a moment. This costs no movement. 7.8 Check Stacking Segment Non-active Units may not Advance after Check to see if any Units are over-stacked and send Combat, even if they provided Combat Support. over-stacked Units to the Replacements Box. Defending Units may never move after com7.9 HQ Movement and Refresh Segment bat, except to retreat. The activated HQ may now move up to 10 Movement 7.6.12 Exploitation Movement: All Units that Points. Both players may then pay Supply Points to advanced into the Combat Hex after combat may refresh the HQ. If you do this, you can activate the HQ now conduct Exploitation Movement. The number of again immediately or save its next Activation for later. Movement Points available for an exploitation move To be clear, HQs can activate more than once per Actiis the “Adv” number on the Combat Chit. All normal vation Phase as long as they are refreshed at the end movement rules apply. Once all Exploitation Move- of their Activations. A refreshed HQ again has its full ment is complete, stacking rules are again enforced. capacity to activate Units and move up to 10 Move© 2021 Compass Games, LLC ToF-Rules-v7.indd 23
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Test of Faith ment Points during a subsequent Activation. The cost friendly Units from the map to the Replacements Box. to refresh an active HQ is listed in 7.4.5. This is an opportunity to reclaim Units which can no longer be activated due to distance or being sur7.10 Bivouac rounded by enemy ZOCs. Victory Points are tracked At the completion of the activation and after the HQ by using the Syrian, Egyptian, and Israeli Victory Point is refreshed or not, remove all Road Column and marker on the Combat DRMs/Support and Victory Cross-Country markers from all just-active units. Point Track on the General Game Display. These units are now deployed until they are active again. They have gone to bed for the night. 8.2 Victory Check Phase Each scenario will list Victory Point awards to be awarded to the players during play. In addition to accomplishing Only the Israeli player may start a Night these tasks, both players can also gain victory points by Battle and only under certain circumclaiming Objective Markers. Egyptian, Syrian, and stances. If the Israeli Israeli players mark their values player loses a Deter- The BTR-60 was an eight- separately. phibious APC mined battle, he may choose to wheeled, amsupplied by the Soviet Union. It was designed 8.2.1 Objective Markers continue the battle into Night. To in part due to the failure of the BTR-40 and do this, he must take all losses as BTR-152 in the Suez Crisis of 1956. During the Victory Size losses from the defeat (and stays adjacent to the enemy). If It was used by the major Arab nations, most Check Phase, players he does so, he may immediately commonly in the form of the BTR-60PB vari- can place, remove, or ant which had a 14.5mm HMG in a small turret claim friendly Objecdeclare a Night battle and place a up front. tive markers. A player new Determined battle marker in Around 25,000 BTR-60’s were produced in claiming an Objective the Combat hex in which he just total and was/still marker gains the VPs lost and attack again. Resolve the in use by over shown on the marker. During attack normally once again but 60 countries this phase, there may already be the Israeli Size value is doubled around the world! Objective markers on the map for this attack. If either player from previous turns or from Ranchooses Victory Points to honor losses, the point spend dom Events. is worth 2 Victory Points to the awarded player. 8.2.2 Victory Point Awards
7.11 Night Battle
7.12 Israeli Tank Recovery
If the Israeli player has lost any Tank Equipment this Activation, roll a D6 for each one step lost. If you rolled a 1-4, add one replacement point to the Israeli Replacement track. Use a -1 Primary Tank marker on the Israeli Player Aid Replacement, Infrastructure, and Supply Track to mark this value as the Activation is in progress. After rolling for each loss, move the loss marker back to the 0 space. Recovered Israeli tanks do not reverse Victory Points awarded to the Arab side for their original loss.
7.13 Unit Status All Active units are now Spent.
8.0 End Phase
If one nation (either Syria, Egypt, or Israel) has 21 points and gains victory points, those points are deducted from the enemy total. If it is the Israeli player, he may choose which Arab total is reduced. If a player has fewer victory points and what they might lose in victory points through play, the remaining victory points that cannot be lost are instead added to their opponent’s total (the Arab player may choose if the Israeli player cannot honor the loss). 8.2.3 Maximum Victory Point Totals It is impossible to accumulate more than 21 VPs. If a player has 21 Victory Points and gains more points, those points are deducted from the enemy’s total. 8.2.4: Objective Marker Segment:
First the Arab Player, then the Israeli Player, must perform one of the following actions. If a player cannot First the Arab Player, then the Israeli Player, may move perform any of these actions, he loses 1 VP—even if the reason is that there are no markers left to draw.
8.1 Eliminate Friendly Units Phase 24 ToF-Rules-v7.indd 24
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• • •
Claim all revealed friendly Objective markers (on the map) that have a friendly unit on the objective hex or are in a hex that was last entered by a friendly unit. Collect the VPs as marked on the marker and place the marker back in the pool to be drawn again. Draw a random friendly Objective marker and place it face-down on any hex that has an enemy unit in it. Reveal all friendly Objective markers that are adjacent to at least one friendly Unit. After this has been done, add 1 Political Point for any nation’s Victory Point total of 5-9, add 2 Political Points for any nation’s Victory Point total of 10-14, and 3 Political Points for any nation’s Victory Point total of 15 or more.
Syrian or Egyptian player has 0 Victory Points. The side with 0 points leaves the war. Remove all Arab forces and all Israeli HQs and Units from the resolved front from the game. If the Israel has 21 Victory Points and the remaining Arab Player has 0, the game ends in an Israeli Victory. If either Arab player has 21 Victory Points and Israel has 0, the game ends in an Arab victory. 2) Should the Arab player control all Israeli Supply Sources on the Golan map, the game ends in an Arab Victory. Political Victory
When the first ceasefire occurs as a Political Event, the war ends on the Golan map. When the second ceaseCheck to see if either player wishes to roll against the fire occurs as a Political Event, the game ends. If Israel Politics track. If both decline, this phase is over. If has more Victory Points than both Arab countries, the game ends in an Israeli Victory. If either of the Arab either wish to roll, see 17.0. markers are greater than the Israeli one, the Arab player wins the game. 8.2.6 Victory in the Campaign Game 8.2.5 Politics Phase Automatic Victory
8.3 Politics Phase
The game or a front in play can end immediately under See 17.0 for how to conduct the Politics Phase. the following conditions:
8.4 Time Phase 1) If at any time, the following happens: The Israeli Player has 21 Victory Points and either the Advance the turn marker. Cost 1(2)
2 3 1 1 2
9.2 Supply Point Expenditure Table Action The Arab Player flips a Spent HQ with an LOC that is currently west of the Suez Canal or east of the Purple Line to its Fresh side. This can occur both during the activation phase and in the Supply and Infrastructure phase. The Arab player may only spend Supply Points during the Activation Phase on HQs that did not move when they activated. 2 is paid if either Assad (for HQs on the Golan front) or Sadat (for HQs on the Sinai front) is in command. The Arab Player flips a Spent HQ with an LOC that is currently east of the Suez Canal or west of the Purple Line to its Fresh side. This can occur both during the activation phase and in the Supply and Infrastructure phase. The Arab player may only spend Supply Points during the Activation Phase on HQs that did not move when they activated. 3 is paid if either Assad (for HQs on the Golan front) or Sadat (for HQs on the Sinai front) is in command. The Israeli Player flips a Spent HQ with a LOC that is east of the Suez or west of the Purple Line to its Fresh side. This can occur both during the activation phase and in the Supply and Infrastructure phase. If it occurs during the Activation Phase, the HQ must not have moved when it was activated. 2 is paid of Gonen is in command and the Israeli HQ is on the Sinai Front. The Israeli Player flips a Spent HQ with a LOC that is west of the Suez or east of the Purple Line. This can occur both during the activation phase and in the Supply and Infrastructure phase. If it occurs during the Activation Phase, the HQ must not have moved when it was activated. The Israeli player may flip a spent HQ that moved regardless of location during the Activation Phase. Flip a Suppressed SAM marker to its Unsuppressed side. Recompute SAM Support Value. During the Activation Phase, either player may spend Supply to remove a Low Ammo or Low Fuel marker from a unit that has an LOC. During the Activation Phase, either player may spend Supply to remove a No Ammo or No Fuel marker from a unit that has an LOC. © 2021 Compass Games, LLC
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Test of Faith 9.0 Infrastructure
Supply Phase
Both players have an Infrastructure marker and a Supply marker. The infrastructure marker is used to show the state of that side’s capability to supply his forces (the state of the road network and ability to send supplies to their armies). The Supply marker is used to show what supplies are available to spend. Supplies and Infrastructure are tracked on each player’s player aid. Note: The Israeli infrastructure value is lower at the start of play to represent the complexities and surprise nature of the outbreak of the war. It takes time to put the country on war footing. Increases on the reinforcement track represent this conversion.
10.0 The Air Game 10.1: The Air Allocation Phase Both players perform the following actions in this order during the Air Allocation Phase of the Game Turn. 1) Both players return friendly Aircraft that are still in Air Mission Boxes to their respective Available Aircraft Boxes
2) Both players attempt to repair damaged Aircraft.
a. First the Israeli Player, then the Arab Player, attempts to repair damaged Aircraft. b. Roll a D10 for each Aircraft in your Damaged Aircraft Box on the Air Display. Each country 9.1 Supply Points: has the required roll to repair aircraft on the Air Display. If you roll this number or less, the First the Israeli Player, then the Arab Player, Aircraft is repaired. may spend Supply Points they have remaining to perform several actions as listed below. c. Repaired Aircraft move from your Damaged Supplies can be spent during the Supply and Aircraft Box to your Available Aircraft Box. Infrastructure phase or as noted below, during other If at reduced strength, the counters are not phases. flipped to their full-strength sides. d. The Israeli player may 9.1.1: The Infrastructure value has D a s s a u l t developed the roll once per aircraft to return a maximum value of 15. The min- Mirage 5 for the IAF as a strike imum value for Infrastructure for version of the Mirage III. The IAF called it the eliminated steps back to the Available Aircraft box. Roll for is 2. It may never be reduced to Nesher, Hebrew for a griffon vulture. less than this value nor to more Supposedly, the IAF modified the French Mi- each reduced IAF aircraft. If rollthan the maximum value for each rage 5 and built them from scratch using a va- ing for an Aircraft in the Elimiside. Points may only be spent riety of stolen plans; it is possible though that nated box a 4 or less returns the when allowed as shown on table they were actually se- cretly exported from Aircraft reduced to the Damaged France in crates, in violation of an arms Aircraft box. Recovered Israeli 9.2 above. embargo, and reassembled in Israel. Aircraft do not reverse Victory The IAF exported some of their Points awarded to the Arab side 9.2 Supply Costs Neshers several years later, where for their original loss. See the 9.2 Supply Point Expenthey were known as the Dagger; in diture Table on the previous the hands of the Fuerza Aérea page. Argentina they caused the 10.2 Air Forces Commit-
9.3 Supply Phase End:
Royal Navy a the Falklands
After spending any Supply in the Supply and Infrastructure phase, place your Supply marker on top of your Infrastructure marker on the Replacements, Infrastructure, and Supply Track. This is the amount of Supply Points you will have for the turn until this phase occurs again. Note: If you reduce the Infrastructure value, the Supply marker does not immediately reduce with the Infrastructure marker. The Supply marker stays where it is on the track until the next Supply and Infrastructure Phase when they join up again.
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lot of trouble in War.
10.2.1: Use your Air Display to assign your Aircraft to Missions. You may only assign Aircraft in the Available Box to Missions. In addition, each Aircraft or Helicopter must be assigned an Airfield from which to launch. Transport aircraft and Helicopters are placed in the Available for Transport box. 10.2.2: Each undamaged Israeli Airfield in the Airfields box can launch up to 5 Aircraft per Airfield. Each undamaged Arab Airfield can launch up to 4 Aircraft. If specified in the Scenario instructions, this number can be reduced. The owning player chooses which air-
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Test of Faith craft use which airfields to fly. Damaged Airfields can- the Activation Phase, and Interdiction is resolved at any not launch Aircraft. time an enemy LoC is traced. Should the US Intervene, the USN planes fly from Car- 10.2.6 For Ground Support: riers and may always fly without needing an Airfield. They are just placed in the Available Aircraft or Dam- Add up all the Tactical Mission ratings for Aircraft placed in the Ground Support Box aged Aircraft boxes as needed. for each Front and place the Ground SupAircraft that use an airfield to fly may perform missions. port marker on that value on the Player Aid. The If there are not enough airfields for all aircraft to fly, the marker value cannot exceed 9 although Aircraft that remaining aircraft stay in the Available Aircraft box for exceed this total Tactical Mission rating may still be the turn and are not available for use. placed in Ground Support and used as Ground Sup10.2.3 To assign your Aircraft, follow these steps: port during the Activation Phase. Note that the value A. Move the counters from the Available Aircraft Box determined here does not reduce as aircraft are used for Ground Support during the Activation Phase. and place them on top of your available airfield counters. The limit is up to 5 aircraft counters per 10.3 Air Mission Resolution Phase airfield counter for Israel, and up to 4 aircraft per During this phase, resolve Combat Air Patrol first. airfield counter for the Arab player. After these missions are resolved, the Israeli Player B. The Israeli player assigns which aircraft will fly on determines the order in which other all other Missions the Golan Front and which will fly on the Sinai Front. A minimum of 1 F-4 Aircraft and 1 A-4 Air- are resolved during this phase. Resolve all Missions in one Mission Box before moving on to the next box. craft plus at least 1 other aircraft must be assigned Air-to-Air combat always used a D10 while all other to each front or the Israeli Player will lose Victory missions use a D6. Only planes on the Sinai front may Points. perform missions on that front. Only aircraft on the C. The Arab Player assigns missions to his aircraft. Golan front may perform missions on that front. D. The Israeli Player assigns missions to his aircraft. 10.2.4: You may assign Aircraft to the Missions indi- Resolving Combat Air Patrol Missions: cated in either Table 10.2.4A or 10.2.4B below, depend- Determine which players have Aircraft in Combat Air Patrol Boxes. ing upon Phase. 10.2.5: Most missions are resolved in the Air Mission Resolution Phase. Ground Support is resolved during
If neither player has Aircraft in this box, move on to the next type of Mission.
Table 10.2.4-A Air Missions Performed during the Air Mission Resolution Phase The Combat Air Patrol Box
Establish Air Superiority over the battlefield and intercept Aircraft with Air-to-Air Ability enemy planes performing missions.
Airfield Strike
Punch holes in runways and limit Aircraft launches.
Aircraft with Air-to-Ground ability
SAM Suppression
Reduce the enemy air defense
Aircraft with Air-to-Ground ability
Nuclear Strike (Israeli Obliterate Airfields or key hexes. Player only)
Nuclear Capable Aircraft Only
Interdiction Strike
Attempt to block enemy LOCs and thereby prevent enemy Aircraft with Air-to-Ground ability actions.
Infrastructure Strike
Reduce the enemy’s infrastructure and degrade his warfight- Aircraft with Air-to-Ground ability ing capacity.
Bridges Strike
Destroy Arab Suez Canal Pontoon Bridges
Aircraft with Air-to-Ground ability
Table 10.2.4-B Air Missions Performed during the Activation Phase Interdiction Strike
Attempt to block enemy LOCs and thereby prevent enemy Aircraft with Air-to-Ground ability actions.
Ground Support
Air Support for Units in combat. © 2021 Compass Games, LLC
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Aircraft with Air-to-Ground ability
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Test of Faith • •
If both players have Aircraft in this box, conduct air-to-air combat. If only one player has Aircraft in this box, those Aircraft may attack enemy aircraft on the same front in other mission boxes. Air-to-Air Combat: To resolve air-to-air combat: 1) Determine the Air-to-Air Ability of each Aircraft in the box. Add 2 if there is an Ace on the attacking player’s aircraft. Subtract 2 if the Aircraft is Syrian. 2) The Aircraft with the highest modified Air-to-Air Ability fires first. If there are multiple Aircraft with the same Air-to-Air Ability, take turns firing from those Aircraft, with the Israeli player taking the first shot. Combat is sequential (not simultaneous). 3) Proceed through the other Aircraft in the box in order of Air-to-Air Ability, highest to lowest. 4) Each Aircraft attacks only once.
3) Each of your Aircraft fires only once. 4) Apply the following modifiers to the attacking Aircraft’s ability: • • • •
+2 if the Attacking Aircraft has an Ace -2 if the Attacking Aircraft has a Novice Pilot -2 if the Aircraft is Syrian -1 if it the attacking aircraft is reduced
Roll a D10. If the result is equal to or less than the Aircraft’s Air-to-Air Ability, the target is damaged. If the target Aircraft is at full strength, flip it to its reduced side and place it in its Damaged Aircraft Box. If the target Aircraft is already reduced, remove it from play. Free Attacking Aircraft may not be fired upon. When all Free Attacking Aircraft have fired, return them to their Available Aircraft Box. 10.3.2 Infrastructure Strikes:
For each Aircraft in the Infrastructure When your Aircraft fires, select an enemy Aircraft to Strike Box, roll a D6 and compare the result target and roll a D10. If the result is equal to or less to your aircraft’s Air-to-Ground Ability. than your Aircraft’s Air-to-Air Ability, the enemy tar- Apply the following modifiers to your airget is damaged. If the target counter is at full strength, craft’s Ability: flip it to its reduced side and place it in its Damaged • -1 if it the aircraft is reduced Aircraft Box. If the target counter is already reduced, • +2 if the aircraft has an Ace remove it from play. These units can return to play as • -2 if the Attacking Aircraft has a Novice Pilot international aid increases. See the Politics rules for Note if the value for an Aircraft is less than 1, it may more information on this (see 17.0). still fly the mission but must roll a one to succeed and If the Arab Player removes all enemy Aircraft the hit will be less valuable than a 1 rolled with other from their Combat Air Patrol Box through Air-to-Air aircraft. combat, they gain 1 VP for the great publicity around their victory. Unused Aircraft remaining in the Air-toAir mission box may conduct Free Attacks on enemy Aircraft performing other Missions. If both sides still have Aircraft in the Combat Air Patrol Box at the end of Air-to-Air Combat, move the Aircraft to their respective Available Aircraft Boxes. They are done for the turn. Free Attacks on Arab Aircraft: If there are IAF Aircraft in a Front’s Combat Air Patrol box and no Arab Aircraft in their box at the completion of the Air Combat Stage (including if the Arab never sent Aircraft into the CAP box), the IAF Aircraft may make free attacks on Arab Aircraft on the same front in any Mission boxes: 1) Select one Mission Box containing enemy Aircraft. 2) For each Aircraft you have in the Combat Air Patrol Box, target one enemy Aircraft in the selected box.
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Test of Faith 10.3.2 Infrastructure Strike Results Roll Result ≤ Aircraft’s Air- Reduce the enemy Infrastructo-Ground Ability, ture value by 1. but >1: 1 Reduce the enemy Infrastructure value by 2. If the Aircraft had a Reduce the enemy Infrastrucmodified value less ture value by 1. 1 and rolled a 1
Otherwise, the strike has no effect. When Airfield Strikes are complete, return the Aircraft in the Airfield Strikes Box to their Available Aircraft Boxes. 10.3.4 SAM Suppression Strikes 1) Perform enemy SAM fire on the Striking Aircraft (see 10.5) 2) For each Aircraft in the SAM Suppression Box, roll a D6 and compare the result to your Aircraft’s Air-toGround Ability.
Otherwise, the strike has no effect. When Infrastructure Apply the following modifiers to your Aircraft’s Ability: Strikes are complete, return the Aircraft in the Infra• -1 if it the aircraft is reduced structure Strikes Box to their Available Aircraft Boxes. • +2 if the aircraft as an Ace • -2 if the Attacking Aircraft has a Novice Pilot 10.3.3 Airfield Strikes: 1) Perform Enemy SAM fire on Striking Aircraft (see 10.5) 2) The Striking Player chooses an Airfield Box to attack. The Egyptian box may only be attacked by Israeli aircraft on the Sinai front and Syrian box may only be attacked by aircraft on the Golan front. Only airfields in this box are affected. For each aircraft in the Airfield Strike Box, roll a D6 and compare the result to each of your aircraft’s Air-toGround Ability. Apply the following modifiers to your Aircraft’s Ability: • • •
-1 if it the aircraft is reduced +2 if the aircraft has an Ace -2 if the Attacking Aircraft has a Novice Pilot
Note if the value for an Aircraft is less than 1, it may still fly the mission but must roll a one to succeed and the hit will be less valuable than a 1 rolled with other aircraft. 10.3.3 Airfield Strike Results Roll Result ≤ Aircraft’s Air-to- Damage an Airfield in the targeted Ground Ability: Airfield box. Flip the Airfield marker over to its damaged side. 1 Damage two target Airfields in the targeted Airfield box. Place both Airfields in the Damaged Airfield Box. If the Aircraft had a Damage the target Airfield. modified value less Place the Airfield in the Dam1 and rolled a 1 aged Airfield Box.
Note if the value for an Aircraft is less than 1, it may still fly the mission but must roll a one to succeed and the hit will be less valuable than a 1 rolled with other aircraft. 10.3.4 SAM Suppression Strike Results Roll Result ≤ Aircraft’s Air-to- Flip two SAM markers over to Ground Ability: their suppressed side. Recompute that side’s SAM Support and adjust immediately. Flip three SAM markers over to 1 their suppressed side. Recompute that side’s SAM Support and adjust the marker immediately. If the Aircraft had a Flip two SAM markers over to modified value less their suppressed side. Recom1 and rolled a 1 pute that side’s SAM Support and adjust the marker immediately. 10.3.5 Nuclear Strikes: Only the Israeli may launch Nuclear Strikes, and these can only be performed by Aircraft that are in the Nuclear Armed box. Aircraft get to these boxes through the Politics table. Strikes may only be performed if authorized by the Politics phase. Aircraft in these two boxes cannot perform any other missions nor do they need an Airfield to fly. Only Nuclear-capable aircraft may be in either of these boxes. If allowed, determine the target of the Nuclear Strike. You may choose one of the enemy’s Airfields box, the enemy’s Infrastructure marker, or a hex on the map. There is no roll for this nor is there SAM fire; effects are automatic.
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Test of Faith 10.3.5 Nuclear Strike Options Target Result An Airfield Box • Remove 2 Airfields from the chosen box. These are removed from play permanently. • Remove 2 Aircraft from the Available or Damaged Aircraft boxes (owning player choice). These are permanently removed from play and may not return again. • Place a Nuclear Attack marker in the box. A Hex • Move any Units in the hex to their Replacements Box • Place a Nuclear Attack marker in the hex. • Any HQ entering the hex will be Displaced. • No Unit may end its movement in the hex. • The hex no longer has any roads of any type running through it. The Infrastructure • Reduce the enemy InfrastrucMarker ture marker by 4.
10.3.6 Bridges Strike Results Roll Result ≤ Aircraft’s Air-to- The Bridge is damaged. Award Ground Ability: the Israeli player a VP; no further game effect. If the Bridge is a Decoy, remove it from play. If the Aircraft had a Roll a D6 and if the Israeli player modified value less rolls a 1-3, the Bridge is dam1 and rolled a 1 aged. Award the Israeli player a VP; no further game effect. If the Bridge is a Decoy, remove it from play. If a 4-6 is rolled, there is no effect from the strike.
10.4 Activation Phase Mission Resolution These missions occur as the owning player wishes when the conditions for the mission are met. Once the mission has been completed, return all used aircraft to the Available Missions box for use on the next game turn. 10.4.1 Interdiction Missions An Interdiction is an attempt by aircraft to prevent enemy ground forces from taking actions requiring a LOC.
Interdiction Missions may happen during several difWhen a Nuclear Strike is complete, return the aircraft ferent phases. An Interdiction is an Aircraft from its to the Available Aircraft Box. These aircraft are avail- owner’s Interdiction Box attempting to block an LOC able for use on other missions. Only one nuclear attack required for an enemy action. When certain enemy actions listed below are taken, you may attempt an per game may be launched. Interdiction with Aircraft in your Interdiction Box. See 16.3 for additional information on Nuclear Attacks You may only attempt one Interdiction, with one Aircraft, per enemy unit or HQ, per enemy action. These and their effect. actions are listed in the table below. As before, you can 10.3.6 Bridges Strikes Missions: only interdict missions on the same front as the aircraft. Interdictions may be attempted as follows: 1) Perform enemy SAM fire on the Striking Aircraft (see 10.5) 10.4.1 Interdiction Mission Results If the Enemy... A Successful Strike Means... 2) For each Aircraft in Bridges Strike Box, roll a D6 and compare the result to your Aircraft’s Air-toAttempts to move The target HQ or Unit cannot Ground Ability. an HQ or refresh use Movement or refresh this a HQ during the turn. Apply the following modifiers to your Aircraft’s Ability: Activation Phase • -1 if it the aircraft is reduced Attempts to flip a The target Unit cannot be • +2 if the aircraft as an Ace Spent Unit to its flipped to its Fresh side this • -2 if the Attacking Aircraft has a Novice Pilot Fresh side phase. Note if the value for an Aircraft is less than 1, it may still Calls for Artillery No Artillery Support is availfly the mission but must roll a one to succeed and the hit Support during a able in this combat for the interwill be less valuable than a 1 rolled with other aircraft. combat dicted side.
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Test of Faith Procedure: The Interdicting player announces the mission is taking place. Egyptian SAMs can only the Interdiction Mission and selects one (only) Aircraft fire SAMs at Ground Support or Interdiction missions from his Interdiction Box to perform it. if they are within active SAM arcs as displayed on the Sinai map. Resolution: To resolve an Interdiction There are two colored arcs on the map Mission: – a white one (that always applies) and 1) Perform SAM Fire (see 10.5) a purple one (which may or may not 2) Roll a D6 and compare the result to your Aircraft’s apply). The purple circles apply if the Air-to-Ground Ability. If the result is equal to or Egyptian player was the last player to less than the Air-to-Ground Ability of the Aircraft, enter the SA-6 site hex that is the centhe Interdiction is successful. Apply the result per ter of that purple arc. Should the Israethe table in 10.4.1 lis be the last to enter it, the arc will not Apply the following modifiers to your Aircraft’s Ability: exist for SAM fire. • • •
-1 if it the aircraft is reduced +2 if the aircraft as an Ace -2 if the Attacking Aircraft has a Novice Pilot
After the Egyptians take a SA-6 site hex, the purple arc is active as long as the Egyptian player controls the hex. Should the Israeli player re-enter the 10.5 SAM Fire SA-6 hex after it has been captured 10.5.1 SAM Support Markers by the Egyptian player, roll a die. 1-4 Both players have several SAM markers that and the Israeli player may place a SA-6 will be placed in the SAM box on their Air brigade (112 or 116) in the Destroyed Display per the scenario instructions. When SAM Site box of the Arab Air Display. 5-6 is no effect. allowed SAM fire, total the number of SAMs If the Israeli player can do this successfully twice and in the SAM box and divide this number by 2 (rounding two SA-6 brigades are in the Destroyed SAM Site box, down) if Egyptian, use the raw total if Israeli or Syrian. the purple arcs are no longer in effect regardless of who This is the base SAM fire for each player. To this value, controls each SA-6 site. an additional amount may be added due to reinforcements or political events. This additional value is The Egyptian SAM sites on the map are always present regardless of the raw value. Mark eliminated if an Israeli this total value (RAW plus any The OT-62 was a fully-tracked, player enters the hex allowed additional value) on the a m p h i b i o u s APC, made in they are in. Player Aid with that side’s SAM the former Czechoslovakia in the early 60’s. It Support marker for use in play. was similar to the Soviet BTR-50 although quite For each SAM site eliminated (including rolling 1-4 above), On the Air Display and for each a bit faster on land. mission, there is a SAM modifier Egypt and Iraq (and Libya) used the OT-62, place the destroyed SAM site in for that type of mission. Add or whereas Syria did not use them at all: the IDF the Destroyed SAM Site box and subtract that modifier from the realized that the Iraqis must have joined battle remove 3 SAMs from the EgypSAM Support value and roll a die when they started observing OT-62’s on the tian SAM box and recompute the Golan front. SAM Support value immediately. to resolve SAM fire. Should you Captured OT-62’s were still in use with the roll that number or less, the Aircraft does not complete that mis- IDF until 2002. Many African and Middle 11.0 Morale Eastern states still sion, is reduced (or eliminated if use them. There are three morale states already reduced) and is placed in which can adversely affect Units. the Damaged Aircraft box. Note there is an extra Arab SAM Support marker on sheet 3. You won’t need it for the game. 10.5.2 SAM Coverage The Israeli and Syrian players can fire SAMs at all enemy aircraft on their fronts without regard to where
11.1 Disrupted Units
Units become Disrupted when retreating 2 spaces following combat. The Disrupted effects apply immediately when a unit begins a retreat of 2 hexes.
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Test of Faith A Disrupted Unit: • • • • •
cannot retreat in combat, the unit’s size may not be counted in combat cannot use Artillery Support if it is the defending Unit in a Combat Hex, remains Disrupted even if flipped to its Fresh side removes the marker when an HQ activates it, but the Unit does nothing except remove the marker. This spends the unit.
12.0 Headquarters Headquarters (HQs) allow for activation of units throughout the game. Any HQ can activate units (example: the Egyptian Second Army can activate units normally). The Activation Phase must end when all HQs are spent (although the players may choose to end it before this).
12.1 Communication Trace
HQs also can be used to provide for a Line of Communications (see 3.6). These types of counters have command ranges displayed on the counter. Range is always Units become Routed when retreating 3 traced from the unit attempting to be in communicaspaces following combat. The Routed effects tions to the HQ being traced to. Use the range on the apply immediately when a unit begins a HQ to which the unit or HQ is tracing. Brigade retreat of 3 hexes. (Israeli) and Division (Arab) HQs trace to units A Routed Unit: by hexes without regard to terrain The T-62 was the best tank in or enemy presence. All other HQs • cannot retreat in combat the Arab armed forces. Its 115 trace their Line of Communica• cannot attack or provide mm gun was rightly feared by IDF tank crews. Combat Support tions trace using a hypothetical This top-of-the-line tank was reserved for elite • the unit’s size may not be unit in Road Column mode. This units of Egypt and Syria. Egypt threw away type of trace cannot be through counted in combat half their T-62s on October 17th in a failed • cannot receive any Combat counter-attack to cut-off the IDF breakout enemy units and all enemy ZOCs traced through costs additional Support of any kind when de- near Chinese Farm. movement points depending on fending, President Sadat refused to pool his T-62s into • has no ZOC one combined division, for fear that the CO the size value of the enemy units power and that can project into the hex • removes the marker when an would have too much c o u l d through which you are tracing. HQ activates it, but the Unit foment a coup. These HQs must also always trace does nothing except remove along a road. the marker. This spends the unit. 12.2 HQ Displacement • gets a Low Morale marker when the Routed marker If an enemy Unit enters the hex solely occupied by a is removed. friendly HQ, immediately displace the HQ. The enemy unit pays no additional movement cost to do this. The 11.3 Low Morale owning player moves the HQ at least five hexes away Units that are Routed gain a Low Morale from the enemy Unit that displaced it but may move it marker when their Routed markers are as far away (unlimited Movement Points) as the owner removed. A Unit with a Low Morale marker: wishes while following normal movement rules. The • may not place a combat chit until the marker is re- final hex placement may not be in an enemy ZOC. Israeli HQs on the Sinai front and all Arabs on the Syrmoved, • adds 1 MP to the cost of each hex entered during ian front HQs must be moved east for their entire Displacement move. Israeli HQs on the Golan front and Exploitation Movement, and • removes the marker when it participates in a combat all Arab HQs on the Sinai front must be moved west for their entire Displacement move. A Fresh HQ which is won by its side. Displaced becomes Spent. A Unit may have a Low Morale marker and a DisHeadquarters that are fresh may be voluntarily disrupted/Routed marker at the same time if it retreats placed as an action (it may not activate units when while having Low Morale. A unit with Low Morale doing so). The HQ becomes spent after doing this. that receives another Low Morale marker is unaffected.
11.2 Routed Units
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Test of Faith Headquarters can also be voluntarily displaced during the Eliminate Friendly Units phase as well. They may be spent or fresh when they do this and may refresh normally during the Supply/Infrastructure Phase of the Game Turn.
son to not place the No Ammo marker on his enemy. Or, if it applies to his units, he can decline to place the marker and put it back in the cup. In the case of a routed unit, while he draws two markers, he may only apply one marker of his choice and returns the extra draw to the cup.
Headquarters can’t retreat nor be used to satisfy losses. If it is in a hex from which units retreat and enemy Example: The Arab Player is placing a Cup of Snafu units enter the hex, the HQ is immediately displaced. marker when an Israeli unit is routed. He chooses two markers from the cup and sees an Arab Low/No Fuel Important: HQs can never be eliminated. If displace- marker and an Israeli Great/Poor Leader. The only ment would force an HQ off the map, it arrives in a marker that hurts his opponent is the Poor Leader friendly supply source hex the next turn as a reinforce- marker. He places that one on the routed Israeli unit ment. and returns the Arab Low/No Fuel marker to the cup.
13.0 Markers 13.1 Cup
A Random Event occurs requiring placement:
Snafu Markers
If a Random Event occurs that requires placement, the At the start of a scenario, put the Cup of Snafu markers, marker must be placed on one of the units involved as directed by the Sinai theater commander currently in the combat (and it can be a unit from either side in command, into a cup to allow for random drawing. depending on the marker). The player who is drawRestock the cup during the reinforcement phase of ing the marker (as stated in the random event) chooses the turn in which a new leader is in command. Snafu which side of the marker to place on which unit. markers that are on units, stay on units even if that type Example: A random event has come up that requires the of marker is no longer used in the cup. Israeli player to draw from the Cup of Snafu. He chooses of
The Cup of Snafu markers are colored differently from all other markers. The Israeli markers are blue while the Arab markers are dark orange. The Israeli markers affect Israeli units (for good or bad) while the Arab markers affect the Arab units (for good or bad). 13.1.1 The Cup of Snafu is used when a marker of the following type is placed on a unit or if a random event calls for it. Additionally, Israeli Low Ammo/No Ammo markers are used when the Hull Down marker is placed, and Great Leader Markers are used when BarLev takes command on the Sinai. Just fish these out of the cup and place as needed.
one marker and gets an Israeli Low/No Fuel marker. He must place this marker, so he chooses one of the units in the combat and places the marker on its Low Fuel side. If he had chosen an Arab Low/No Fuel marker instead, he could place the marker on any Arab Unit in the combat and would place the marker on its No Fuel side. If there are no markers remaining in the Cup of Snafu, no draw is made and there is no additional effect. 13.1.2 Cup of Snafu markers Cup of Snafu markers that apply to both sides: •
An Out of Contact, Disrupted or Routed marker is placed on a unit: Draw from the Cup of Snafu when a unit gains an Out of Contact marker, when a unit is disrupted or routed, or if a random event occurs in combat. In the first two cases, draw one marker from the cup. If a unit is routed, draw twice from the cup. The enemy player (the player not receiving the marker) performs the draw in these • cases. The enemy player may examine the marker and place the marker on the side of the marker he prefers (in all cases, the enemy should choose the worse state of the two sides if there is a choice). For example, if he draws a Low Ammo/No Ammo marker, there is no rea-
Low Fuel: A unit that has this marker may not perform Secondary Movement (see 7.5) or Exploitation Movement (see 7.6.12). It may also not enter Road Column. If it is in Road Column when the marker is chosen, it automatically deploys in the hex. The marker is removed and placed back in the cup during the Supply and Infrastructure Phase if supply points are spent (see 9.2). No Fuel: A unit that has this marker may not move nor spend any movement points. It stays in the hex it is in until the marker is removed. If the unit is in Cross-Country or Road Column, remove the marker and the unit automatically deploys. The marker is
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Test of Faith •
removed and placed back in the cup during the Supply and Infrastructure Phase if supply points are spent (see 9.2). Low Ammo: A unit that has this marker may not provide size support to an adjacent combat and can only use its primary equipment in combat. If used, this primary is always considered Secondary equipment on the Terrain Effects Chart. The marker is removed and placed back in the cup during the Supply and Infrastructure Phase if supply points are spent (see 9.2). No Ammo: A unit with this marker has no ZOC and cannot use its equipment (of either type) in a combat. The marker is removed and placed back in the cup during the Supply and Infrastructure Phase if supply points are spent (see 9.2). Key Leader Casualty: A unit that has this marker chosen for it has a Low Morale marker placed on it (with all effects of that marker). In addition, if the unit has a Great Leader, it is removed and placed back in the cup. The marker is returned to the cup after adding the Low Morale marker. Great Leader: A unit with this marker allows the owning player to reroll his die roll in any combat. If the enemy has a Poor Leader in the combat, the owning player could reroll his and his opponent’s dice. Rerolling is optional at the choice of the player with the Great Leader and/or the player that does not have a poor leader. Only one Great or a Poor Leader would apply to each side (should they both be present on one or both sides) in a combat (the player drawing the marker chooses which will be used in the combat). A Great Leader marker is only removed if the “Key Leader Casualty” marker is chosen or the unit is eliminated from play (in which case, all of its markers would be removed). Place the marker back in the cup if removed in one of these ways. Poor Leader: A unit with this marker allows the opposing player to reroll your dice in any combat. If the enemy has a Great Leader in the combat, the opposing player could reroll his and his opponent’s dice. Rerolling is optional. Only one Great or one Poor Leader would apply to each side in a combat (the player drawing the marker may choose which will be used if either or both or present on either or both sides). A Poor Leader marker is only removed when
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the unit so marked is eliminated (in which case all markers with the unit are removed). Place the marker back in the cup if it is removed in these ways. C & C Breakdown (command and control has broken down): A unit with this marker is marked “Out of Contact” and all of the effects of that marker are now in force. Return the C & C Breakdown marker back to the Cup of Snafu.
Israeli Player Cup of Snafu Markers: While the improvisational nature of the IDF had its advantages, it could also be a disadvantage. These markers cover the propensity of the IDF to ad hoc their forces. Sometimes they were where you wanted them; sometimes they weren’t. •
TOE Snatched: Units that get this marker are assumed to have lost some of their TOE to another unit. The player that drew the marker may choose with unit must reduce the primary and secondary equipment by two steps. If only one step remains or the unit has no equipment, the excess is ignored. TOE Enhanced: Units that get this marker are assumed to have added some equipment for the TOE of another unit. The player that drew the marker may choose which unit adds to the primary and secondary equipment by two steps. Leave the TOE Enhanced marker on the unit. It is removed if the unit is eliminated or a TOE Snatched is drawn (regardless of who draws it, the TOE Snatched marker must eliminate this marker if it is present). If the unit has no equipment, the marker is ignored.
While a TOE Enhanced marker is on the unit, it adds an automatic additional +2 modifier to a successful equipment roll. Arab Player Cup of Snafu Markers: •
Ambushed: The Arab unit (the drawing player deciding to which Arab unit in the combat the marker would apply) loses a size step immediately. If this is a combat, all Arab units in the combat lose a size step immediately Desertions: A unit with this marker (the drawing player deciding to which Arab unit in the combat the marker would apply) is removed from the game. It may not
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Test of Faith return to the game being played. Return the marker to the cup after application of its effect.
A unit may also abandon its equipment when it activates (although it must be done before it moves) in order to The Cup of Snafu markers are limited to the count- enter terrain that equipment is prohibited from entering (or for any other reason). Just place a No Primary and/ er-mix and no additional markers may be made. or a No Secondary equipment marker on the unit. If the marker is drawn but does not apply for any reason, place it back in the cup but do not draw again. 13.2.3 Artillery losses are tracked a little differently than unit equipment losses. These 13.2 Loss markers losses are tracked by placing the loss marker Loss markers are used to show losses to Infantry (size), on the Division that was involved in the comequipment, or artillery. These markers have graphics bat. This will reduce the needed value on the player for each side’s equipment, but they can be used inter- aide by the losses on the HQ for all artillery support used by units of that Division. Remember, the value on changeably. the Player Aid does not reduce – only modify that num13.2.1 Equipment Losses are tracked using ber on the Player Aid by the loss marker on the Division the -1, -2, Half, and No markers for both Prifor all calls for artillery support by units of that Divimary (if the unit has) and (if the unit has) sion with the loss marker. Artillery losses can only be Secondary Equipment. With each equipreplaced by reinforcements listed on the schedule. ment loss, increase the value of the marker Players can make more of these markers if needed in by one. The marker can be reduced or the game. They are not limited by the counter-mix. removed by the use of replacements (see 15.2), or if equipment arrives on the rein13.3 Air Game markers forcement schedule in the scenario. The effect of equipment loss is shown on the Ter13.3.1 Airfield markers are placed in the rain Effects Chart as a reduction in a modiappropriate Airfields box on the Air Display. fier to a combat. 13.3.2 SAM markers are covered in rule 10.5. All Arab Units that are without all of their equipment (and began with equipment) are eliminated from the game. Israeli Units stay in game even if all their equipment is lost (or abandoned).
13.3.3 Ace markers are placed per the intructions in the scenario. Aces add 2 to the value of the plane performing a mission. Novices subtract 2 from the value of the plane performing the mission. If the Aircraft unit that 13.2.2 Infantry (size) losses are tracked using has an Ace is damaged or loses a step, roll a D6. Should the -1 and -2 Infantry size markers. There are the Israeli player roll a 1 or the Arab player roll a 1-4, no Half and None markers for infantry. If the the Ace is flipped to its Novice side. Novice pilots can -1 or -2 marker is placed on the unit, reduce the printed size of the unit by that amount for all game never be removed. Once added to an aircraft, an Ace rules. This would include size for combat, ZOC cost, or Novice marker cannot move to another aircraft and and stacking. If a unit receives a loss that would increase are always eliminated from play if the aircraft unit to the marker to more than -2, the unit is eliminated and which they are assigned is eliminated from play. placed in the Replacements box. Units that have less Units that are Ace Pilots on their Aircraft marker always than 3 size value still require three Units that have less are Ace Points (they never become Novice Pilots). East than 3 size value are eliminated placed in the replace- German Aircraft never lose their Ace status. ments box once they are reduced to 0 in size. If a unit All Air Game markers are limited by the counter-mix. starts at 0 size, it is eliminated when it loses one size loss.
13.4 Status Markers
Units that are eliminated from the game are placed in the “Replacements” box. Units eliminated from Status markers are always placed on units and impact the “Replacements” Box are placed in the “Destroyed the unit in various ways as listed below. Units” box. Units eliminated from the “Destroyed • Road Column markers are placed on a Units” box are removed from the game. unit when active and the owning player Note that a unit can have no equipment remaining but wishes to move the unit. These are restill have size. They are just on foot if so. moved when the unit Bivouacs (see 7.10) © 2021 Compass Games, LLC ToF-Rules-v7.indd 35
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• • •
or the unit deploys. All hexes entered by a unit with a Road Column marker costs one movement point (unless moving along a road). Roads may be used at the cost of 1/2 movement point per hex. Trails cost one movement point to enter but negate other terrain. Bridges may only be used by these units. Combat chit placement costs are lower for units in Road Column and units in Road Column may not use friendly units that are adjacent to a combat hex to join in the combat. Roads do not negate terrain for any steps in 7.6.2. The Combat Chit terrain is used for all calculations/modifiers. Cross-Country markers are placed on a unit when active and the owning player wishes to move the unit. These are removed when the unit Bivouacs (see 7.10) or the unit deploys. All hexes entered by a unit with a Cross-Country marker costs one movement point. Units with a Cross-Country marker cannot use roads to move nor cross rivers or canals using a bridge. If a unit enters restricted terrain (as noted on the TEC), it loses two of its movement points. Disrupted markers are placed on units that retreat 2 hexes from a combat. See 7.6.10 for additional information. Routed markers are placed on units that retreat 3 hexes from a combat. See 7.6.10 for additional information. Dug In markers are placed, if the Arab player wishes, on any Arab Unit that did not retreat from an Israeli attack. Should the Israeli player attack a hex with a DugIn marker, the marker counts as one or two towards honoring any Arab player combat spread losses. Once used, they are removed. HQ Interdicted markers are placed on a unit when it has been successfully interdicted by an air mission. When placed on a HQ, that HQ is spent. It may not refresh until the next Supply and Infrastructure Phase of the game turn. Low Morale marker is placed on a unit that has routed when the routed marker has been removed from the unit, or suffers a Key Leader Casualty. See 13.1.2 for more details. Elite markers are placed on units in which a 10 (if on a 10 sided die) or a 6 (if on a six-sided die) is rolled in combat. Some
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units in the game can begin the game as elite as well. These units are treated as if they have the same marker on them. Poor markers are placed on units in which a 1 is rolled in combat. Some units in the game can begin the game as poor as well. These units are treated as if they have the same marker on them. Out of Contact markers are placed on units that do not have a Line of Communications during the Communications Phase of the game turn or if the Key Leader Casualty Snafu marker is drawn from the Cup of Snafu. These markers are only removed if the unit has a Line of Communications in the next Communications Phase. Fresh units with an Out of Contact marker may move one hex if active but become spent after that. See 3.4.4 for additional information. Hull Down markers - Israel only (see
Color codes are provided for flavor and ease of identification but there is no functional reason both markers can’t be used by both players. In all cases for the Status markers above, players may make more markers as needed.
13.5 Combat Markers At the beginning of every scenario, place all Israeli Attack markers in one cup. Place all Arab Attack markers in another cup. These chits are used when combat is declared.
13.6 Miscellaneous Markers • •
The Turn marker is used to show what day the game is on the General Player Display. Israeli and Arab Support marker is used on the General Player Display to record equipment support (as well as Artillery) for modifying an upcoming combat. Israeli and Arab DRMs marker is used on the General Player Display to record size and terrain benefits each side receives in an upcoming combat. Nuclear Attack/Nuclear Fallout is placed in the hex or boxes that has been struck by Nuclear Weapons. See 10.3.5 for additional information. Israeli, Syrian, and Egyptian Infrastructure markers
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are placed on the Replacements, Supply, and Infrastructure track on the owning Player Aid. Israeli, Syrian, and Egyptian Supply markers are placed on the Replacements, Supply, and Infrastructure track on the owning Player Aid. Israeli and Arab Replacements marker is placed on the Replacements, Supply, and Infrastructure track on the Player Aid. Note that all Arabs may use the replacements marker regardless of front or nationality. Israeli, Syrian, and Egyptian Victory Points markers are placed on the owning Player aid. Only Victory Points earned on Sinai front add to the Egyptian marker; only Victory Points earned on the Golan front add to the Syrian marker. Israeli Victory Points earned on either front are tracked using the Israeli marker.
14.0 Special Units Leaders
14.1 Reconnaissance Units
in the US Armed Forces. This unit was created in 1957 and its mission statement was to carry out missions in enemy-held territory and perform top secret intelligence. It was famous for both its operations in the Yom Kippur War but also for the Entebbe rescue. Special rules for this unit: • Always has a Great Leader and ignores results that would change its Elite status or Great Leader. • This unit may never retreat in combat nor use replacements to honor a combat spread. • This unit may use up to 4 Victory Points to honor a combat spread. • This unit is never subject to the Cup of Snafu. • This unit is never Out of Contact and may activate as a single unit normally without an HQ being within range without restriction.
This was the UK-made Centurion tank from the 1950s, using its standard Meteor engine.
This unit also gives the Arab player Victory Points if the folThe IDF used their Sho’t Meteor tanks on the lowing events occur: Golan front in the 679th and 205th Armored
Several types of equip- Brigades. They did not transfer any to the Si- • If the unit is placed on the map from the Paratroopers at Airfield ment (as marked on nai front for logistics reasons. based off box: 1 VP the Player Aids) are The Meteor engine was the famous Merlin • If the unit is eliminated: 3 VPs reconnaissance equipengine ment. If a battle occurs If a POW point is captured from with attacking units that have used in the Spitfire and P-51. this unit add 3 POW points this equipment in the battle, add instead of the normal 1. two to the attacker’s exploitation movement value as on the Combat Chit (they get two 14.4 Leaders extra movement points to use to exploit). There are several leaders in the game to represent Arab BRDM units do not offer any Equipment Support major persons in the conflict. but do add the two to the Exploitation value if present
14.4.1 Theater Commanders:
14.2 Amphibious Units: Several types of equipment (as marked on the Player Aids) are Amphibious equipment. These so equipped units may move over water/river hex-sides that are normally not passable for all other units. In the case of the PT-76 Equipment, that is the only purpose it serves. There is no tank or APC Equipment Support roll for units with this equipment.
14.3 269 S Matkal (Israeli Special Forces)
These units are placed on the owning player’s Player Aid in the appropriate box and have effect throughout the theater in which they are in command. Israeli Theater Commanders: Sinai Front starts the game commanded by Shmuel “Gorodish” Gonen. He is in command until relieved by Bar-Lev. All effects of Gonen apply until relieved by Bar-Lev. Bar-Lev’s effects apply immediately when he takes command.
The General Staff Reconnaissance Unit or Unit 269 (also known as just “The Unit”) is Effects of Gonen being in command: the elite of the elite. Israeli Special (Sayeret in • The Israeli Player may only place Immediate Attack Hebrew) General Staff (Matkal in Hebrew) is combat markers (he can’t use Determined Attack chits) the Israeli equivalent of the USN Seals or Delta Force © 2021 Compass Games, LLC ToF-Rules-v7.indd 37
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• • •
• •
The Israeli player may not enter any hex west of the Suez Canal. All HQs are Spent after use and may not refresh during the Activation Phase. The Israeli player may not use “Reaction Movement” during the Arab Activation Phase. The Israeli player may only activate up to 4 units with each HQ activation. The Israelis cannot use any Combat Support (only the Unit that placed the Combat Chit is considered for combats - no additional Israeli Units may be in the Combat. The Israeli player may not use Victory Points to honor a combat spread. The Israeli player must use Tank Equipment if present in the unit; no units may voluntarily abandon their equipment. The Cup of Snafu consists of the following Israeli markers: all Low/No Fuel, all Low/No Ammo, all Key Leader Casualty/C&C Breakdown, and all Great/Poor Leader markers. No others are placed in the cup. The Israeli Player may activate up to 6 units with each HQ Activation The Israeli Player may activate up to 4 units with each HQ Activation
Golan Front starts the game commanded by Rafael “Raful” Eitan. He is in command until relieved by Hofi. All effects of Eitan apply until relieved by Hofi. Hofi’s effects apply immediately when he takes command. Effects of Eitan being in command: • • •
The Israeli Player may use up to two Victory Points to honor a combat spread All Poor Unit and Poor Leader markers are ignored if they are called for in the game The Israeli player may not move east of the Purple Line
Eitan is relieved during the Reinforcement/Replacement Phase of October 9 turn. His counter is flipped to the Hofi side and for the remainder of the war, Yitzhak “Haka” Hofi is in command. Effects of Hofi being in command: •
Remove any Disrupted, Routed, and Low Morale markers from all Israeli units during the Reinforcement/Replacement Phase of the October 9 turn. The Israeli Player may activate up to 6 units with each HQ Activation
All other rules apply as normal. Arab Theater Commanders: Gonen is relieved during the Reinforcement/Replacement Phase of October 10 turn. His counter is flipped Sinai Front starts the game commanded to the Bar-Lev side and for the remainder of the war, by Saad el-Shazly. He is in command until Haim “Kiddoni” Bar-Lev is in command. relieved by Sadat. All effects of el-Shazly apply until relieved by Sadat. Sadat’s effects apply Effects of Bar-Lev being in command: immediately when he takes command. With the following exceptions, all rules apply normally normally • Remove any Disrupted, Routed, and while el-Shazly is in command. Low Morale markers from all IsraeEffects of el-Shazly being in command: li units during the Reinforcement/Replacement Phase of the October 10 turn. • The Arab Player may not move into a hex on the • Remove any Poor Unit/Poor Leader markers from east side of the Suez Canal that is not under the all Israeli units during the Reinforcement/ReplaceSAM umbrella. If a unit finds itself outside of the ment Phase of the October 10 turn. umbrella, it must attempt to move back under it if it • The Cup of Snafu consists of the following Israeli is active again. markers: all Low/No Fuel, all Low/No Ammo, all • The Cup of Snafu consists of the following Arab TOE Snatched/TOE Enhanced markers. No others markers: all Key Leader Casualty/C&C Breakdown are placed in the cup. markers, and all Great/Poor Leader markers. No • After removing all Poor Leader markers, the others are placed in the cup. Israeli player may place up to two Great Leader • All other rules apply as normal. markers (if not currently in play on Israeli units) • The Arab Player may activate up to 4 units with each on any two units of his choice. All other rules HQ Activation. apply as normal.All other rules apply as normal.
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Test of Faith El-Shazy is relieved under certain conditions as listed below. Relief applies during the Reinforcement/ Replacement Phase after the condition that caused relief occurred. When relieved, the counter is flipped to the Sadat side and for the remainder of the war, Muhammad Anwar el-Sadat in command.
Assad is relieved during the Reinforcement/Replacement Phase as a political event. His counter is flipped to the Abrash side and for the remainder of the war, Omar al-Abrash is in command.
Effects of Sadat being in command:
• • • •
Effects of Abrash being in command: Remove any Disrupted, Routed, and Low Morale markers from all Israeli units during the Reinforcement/Replacement Phase of the October 9 turn. Up to 2 Great Leader markers (if available) may be placed on any Syrian units. The Arab Player may activate up to 4 units with each HQ Activation.
The Arab player may not use Victory Points to satisfy combat spreads Remove any Great Leader markers that • are currently on Arab Units. The Cup of Snafu consists of all of the Arab markers: • Desertion and Ambush are added to the cup. The Arab Player may activate up to 2 units with each All other rules apply as normal HQ Activation.
El-Shazly is relieved if the following occur: Special Israeli Leaders
• Ariel Sharon
• •
If any Arab unit moves from the west side of the Suez Canal to the east side, roll a die. If you roll a 1-2, El-Shazly is relieved during the next Reinforcement/Replacement phase. If an Arab unit moves out of the SAM umbrella during a Friendly activation. If a Political Event (see 17.0) occurs which relieves El-Shazly, Sadat assumes command on the next Reinforcement/Replacement phase.
All other rules apply as normal.
The Sharon leader counter is placed on the 143rd Division HQ when he arrives via the Reinforcement schedule. The Sharon leader is always on the 143rd Division HQ and moves with the HQ if it should move. Sharon cannot be eliminated. Effects of Sharon’s Leader counter: •
Golan Front starts the game commanded • by Bashar al-Assad. He is in command until relieved by Abrash. All effects of Assad apply until relieved by Abrash. Abrash’s effects apply imme- • diately when he takes command. Note: Assad isn’t being relieved in real terms – he just realizes that perhaps a professional might more up to the task and gives control of the military to Abrash. Effects of Assad being in command: • • • •
The Arab Player may not use Victory Points and may only use up to 2 hexes to honor a combat spread All Arab Exploitation Movement is limited to 3 hexes HQ Refresh values are increased (see 9.2) The Arab Player may activate up to 4 units with each HQ Activation
All Attacks by any component unit of the 143rd always roll a D10 regardless of what it says on the Combat Chit. The Die modifier still applies. In any combat (attacking or defending), units of the 143rd may not use retreats to honor the combat spread. If Sharon is in play and a unit of the 143rd draws a Combat Chit, the Israeli player may draw three instead and choose which one will be the Combat Chit for that combat. Zvika Greengold The Greengold leader counter is placed with the Zvika TF in the Available Task Forces box and always is with that unit. Should the TF be eliminated, Greengold is also eliminated. In any combat (defending or attacking), that leader Zvika’s TF is involved, three Combat Chits are drawn, and the Israeli player may choose which applies to that combat. After this is done, roll a D6 and if a 1 comes up, Zvika is eliminated. Zvika is also removed when TFs are removed from play.
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Test of Faith 14.5 Arab Minor Allies
15.0 Reinforcements
Arab Minor Allies units may be activated by any Arab HQ but only one unit may be activated per HQ activation. These units do not count towards the normal maximum limit that may be activated by an Arab HQ. These units are:
15.1 Reinforcements
On the Sinai front: 8A/Algeria, 3A/Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, Kuwait
On the Golan front: 20M/SA, Al-Jahra/K, Cuban
14.6 Israeli Army Special Units 14.6.1 Israeli Task Forces Israeli Task Forces appear as per the setup and reinforcement schedule. When they arrive, they are placed in the Available Task Forces box and may enter play with the spending of a replacement point during the Reinforcement/Replacement phase. These arrive at any Israeli HQ (Division or Brigade) with an LoC when they are paid for with Replacement Points. Task Forces are Independent units and only used on the Golan Front.
15.1.1 Most reinforcements arrive in Supply Source hexes during the Reinforcement and Replacements Phase of the game turn. These arrive in their nation’s supply source Fresh. If there is no Supply Source in which they can be placed due to the presence of enemy units in the supply source hex, they do not arrive but are placed on the Game Turn track and may arrive whenever an eligible supply source is controlled by friendly forces once again. If there are friendly units in a supply source and an enemy unit enters the hex, place the units that were in the source in another source on the same front. 15.1.2 During the first three days, the Israelis must use the Mobilization Process marker to show the speed in which its armed forces are mobilizing. Roll a D6 and place the Mobilization Process marker on the space for the number rolled. This is the number of movement points all units arriving this turn spends from their movement allowance prior to entering play. If you roll a 6, Israeli units will not be able to move out of their reinforcement hex until next turn. Subtract two from the number rolled on Turn 2 and subtract three from the number rolled on turn 3. 15.1.3 Aircraft Reinforcements are placed in the Available Aircraft box when they arrive as reinforcements.
The Israeli [140] aircraft is a squadron that may be created from 2 eliminated A-4 aircraft. If there are two A-4 When eliminated, Task Forces do not return to play aircraft that have been eliminated during a Reinforceand are lost for the remainder of the game. On the ment/Replacements phase, the [140] aircraft may be October 10th turn, during the Reinforcement/Replace- added to the Available Aircraft box. ment Phase, remove all Task Forces from the game and 15.2 Replacements add one Replacement point for each removed to the Both players start with Replacements Points Israeli Replacements total. marked on their Player Aid in the Replacements, Infrastructure, and Supply track. 14.6.2 424 Shaked These can be increased through reinforcements and The 424 Shaked unit is either in two comthrough specific game events. How these are used to ponent companies (as shown by the [ ]s on satisfy combat losses has been covered (see 7.6.10, B). the counter) or these two units can be combined, at the Israeli player’s choice, into one battalion These Replacements can also be used during the Reinat any time they are stacked together. Once combined, forcements and Replacements Phase of the Game Turn they cannot be split up again. Whatever markers are on as follows: the component companies at combination are placed The Israeli player may spend one replacement point to on the battalion marker as well (no more than one of place a Task Force in the Task Forces Available box. each type of marker is placed). Both players may also return units from the Replace-
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Test of Faith ments Box by choosing one unit in the Replacements box onto the map and placing any one unit of the same size value in the Destroyed Units box. Only units of the same nationality may be used to do this. There is no Replacement Point cost to do this. Both players may also return units from the Destroyed Units box to the game by permanently eliminating any 2 units of the same or greater size value. Only units of the same nationality may be used to do this. There is no Replacement Point cost to do this.
lier in the turn) of these Aircraft/Helicopters but they are not assigned missions and fly from the Available for Transport box. If one of these transport support attempts are tried by a player, he must choose a transport asset to use to perform that mission. If Transport Aircraft are being used, this can only be done if there are friendly Aircraft in the Combat Air Patrol box and no enemy Aircraft in the Combat Air Patrol box on the front in which the transport is occurring. If Helicopters are being used, there is no restriction for flying if the enemy has aircraft in the Combat Air Patrol box.
You may also use replacements to re-equip units. Each If the transport asset is damaged, it is placed in the replacement point can replace one level of lost Damaged Aircraft box. If reduced, it is flipped to equipment. To receive the equipment, the unit its reverse side and if used for another transport must have a Line of Communiroll, the roll for Transport Supthe pioneering cations at the time it is activated. Developed from port has one added to the die. in the early 50’s, It must not do anything other MiG-15 fighter the MiG-17 was very much out of date by the If the mission is 4 or than receive equipment. After it time of the Yom Kippur War. fewer hexes from the receives the equipment, the unit Both the EAF and the SyAF used MiG-17s to nearest friendly unit, is Spent. supplement their more modern fleet of MiG-21s. helicopters must be The Iraqi Air Force also committed a squadron used. If more than 4 away, Aircraft 16.0 Additional Support of them. must be used.
The MiG-17 was air-to-air combat a bomber Despite this, managed to a Nesher on Oct 16, M e n a c h e m
These rules cover the Support Assets that were not mentioned in the combat rules (see 7.6.4). In all cases here, when you wish to use the asset, you will roll a D10 to see if the support mission was successful. In all cases in which you fail the roll, reduce the Support Asset by one. If the Support Value is at 0, no more support of that type may be offered. Support may only be used on units of the owning country of that support – or if there is a unit of that country “in the combat”. You may only use one country’s support for any specific use of that support.
16.1 Transport Support
never intended for - rather it was i nt e r c e p t o r. a MiG-17 shoot down 1973, killing the pilot Kashtan.
Egyptian Transport may be used only for Egyptian units and Syrian Transport may only be used for Syrian units. 16.1.2 Air Resupply
Any unit that would qualify for an Out of Contact marker may be resupplied by air. Roll against the Transport Supply value of nation that the Out of Contract marker is to be placed. If you pass, no marker is placed. If this is performed on the Golan map, SAM fire applies to all resupply attempts. If on the Sinai map, Israeli aircraft are only attacked with SAM fire if the Unit being resupplied is within the Egyptian SAM arc. All Egyptian attempts are subject to SAM fire. Only Aircraft Transports may perform this mission.
Transport Support can be used to move units on the map either through ground transport (allocating trucks to units without transport to move mounted) or to fly units using Transport Air- Transport Supply can also be used to remove Low/No Fuel markers and Low/No Ammo craft or Helicopters. markers. Either Helicopters or Transport 16.1.1 Using Air Transport Aircraft may be used for this (within 4 hexes of a friendly would use a Helicopter and if not within 4, Both sides have actual transport assets that aircraft would have to be used). When the unit with the include helicopters and Transport aircraft marker is first active during either the Activation Phase that can perform transport missions. These are placed in the Available for Transport box of the Air or the Reaction Phase, roll a D10 against the nationDisplay. Airfields must allow flight (established ear- ality’s Transport Supply value. If you are rolling for a Low Fuel/Ammo marker, if you pass, the marker is © 2021 Compass Games, LLC ToF-Rules-v7.indd 41
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Test of Faith removed. If you are removing a No Fuel/No Ammo marker, add one to your die roll to remove the marker. If you fail, reduce the Transport Supply marker by one. If this is performed on the Golan map, SAM fire applies to all resupply attempts. If on the Sinai map, Israeli aircraft are only attacked with SAM fire if within the Egyptian SAM arc. All Egyptian attempts are subject to SAM fire. 16.1.3 Air Transport Movement Transporting units may be performed with Transport Support. Paratroops (for Israel) or Commandos (for Arabs) in an Airfield box may be transported by Transport Support and the Transport Support must be provided by the same to nationality as the transported unit. Note that only units in this box may be transported by air. Egyptian Transport may only be used for Egyptian units and Syrian Transport may only be used for Syrian units.
If SAM fire damaged the transport asset, the unit being transported is eliminated. 16.1.4 Raids! The Arab player may perform raids with Commandos at airbases. To do this, use an available helicopter to place a commando in the Raid box of the respective front. Note that Arab Units placed in a Raid box may never leave it. Israeli Units in Raid boxes (see below) may be removed and placed on an eligible Supply Source during a subsequent Reinforcements phase. Arab units in a Raids box may do one of the following (add the noted modifier to their Transport Support roll): Syrian Commandos:
Capture a bridge over the Jordan River (+3 on the Transport Roll). If successful, place the Spent commando unit adjacent to the bridge captured. This may only be attempted on turn One Transport Aircraft or Helicopter is needed to one of the game. transport one friendly unit. Harass Israeli Reinforcements (+2 on the Transport Roll): Once transported from its Airfield box, a Unit can never add one to the Mobilization Process value for Israeli return to the Paratroops/Commandos at Airfield units entering on the Syrian front. This may be box. attempted on turn 1, 2 or 3 of the wheeled version game. Choose a helicopter Effectively a six-
track, the BTRunit if the landing hex of the US half152 had poor off-road mobility despite having a In either case, if the Transport of the transported unit Support roll fails, eliminate the 6x6 configuration. is within 4 hexes of a Syrian Commando used. friendly unit; Aircraft transport The BTR-152 was widely used by all the major Arab armies. During the Place Arriving Reinif more than 4 away. If you roll It was based on the ZiS-151 forcements Phase, the Israeli player equal to or less than the modiutility truck chassis and may place Activated Task Forces in fied Transport Support value, you was an outdated the Golan Raids box. Each one may place the transported unit on APC by the 1970’s. added adds an additional one to any hex on the map. If you roll Syrian Commando Transport Support rolls. more than this value, reduce your Transport Support by one and both the unit and the transport are elimEgyptian Commandos: inated from play. If this is performed on the Golan map, SAM fire then applies to all resupply attempts. If Harass Israeli Reinforcements (+2 on the Transon the Sinai map, Israeli aircraft/helicopters are only port Roll): add one to the Mobilization Proattacked with SAM fire if within the Egyptian SAM arc. cess value for Israeli units entering on the Egyptian front. All Egyptian attempts are subject to SAM fire.
If the transport is undamaged from the SAM fire, the Unit is successfully landed, the Unit arrives Fresh. It may activate as if there was an HQ present but only one unit per activation may be made. There is no Israeli reaction movement to this activation. You cannot land in a hex with an enemy Unit (but can land in one with just an HQ) and you may land in an enemy ZOC.
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Capture an Israeli Airfield (+3 on the Transport Roll): Destroy one Israeli Aircraft unit of the Arab players choice.
During the Place Arriving Reinforcements Phase, the Israeli player may place 424 Shaked Units (each counter counts as one Unit regardless of size) in the Sinai Raids box. Each 424 Shaked Unit adds 2 to Egyptian commando Transport Support rolls.
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Test of Faith 16.1.5 Ground Transport
16.4.2 River/Canal/Wadi/Anti-Tank Ditch Crossing – when a unit of a nation attempts to move Transport may also be used to move units over a river, wadi, Anti-Tank Ditch, or without equipment (so they are moving by canal, roll a D10 and should you roll your truck and not walking). Roll a die and if you roll equal to or less than your transport support value, Support Value or less, there is no addithe unit may move normally. Units that move this way tional movement cost to cross the minor river or canal. cannot enter an enemy ZOC nor can they use Secondary If you are moving into an enemy ZOC when crossing Movement. They also must be in Road Column mode the river or canal, add 2 to your roll. Only one attempt to provide this support may be made when the unit is only (thus can only move along roads and bridges). attempting to cross the river or canal. Provided each Engineer Support roll is successful, a Unit may cross 16.2 SSM Support multiple obstacles in a single move. Surface-to-Surface missiles are fired during the political phase of the game turn if autho16.4.3 Crossing the Suez Canal requires an Engineer rized. Only the Egyptian player may launch Support roll. See 19.0 for more information. SSM attacks. To launch an SSM attack, roll a D10 against your SSM 17.0 Politics value. If you fail, reduce your SSM value by one. If you There’s no question that international polisucceed, roll a D6 and add that many Victory Points to tics played a key role in the outcome of the the Egyptian total. 1973 War. This rule covers the changes that occurred as the war was fought and the ways the game 16.3 Nuclear Weapons Support can end. During the Political Phase of the game turn, Only the Israeli player may launch Nuclear both players look at the Politics track on the General attacks if authorized by the Politics table. To Game Display. The track goes from 0-9 and can change do so, Israeli must have a Nuclear armed F-4 as game events occur. The scenario being played will on his Air Display. Only one Nuclear attack may be give you the award schedule for political events. The launched by Israel in the game. Politics rule is only used in the Campaign Game. See 10.3.5 for additional information on the effects of The Arab Player may parade his POWs to add to the nuclear weapons. track before the roll (see below). First the Arab player, then the Israeli player may decide to roll a D10 to see if a political event occurs. If that Engineering Support may be used for the folplayer rolls the number the politics marker is on the lowing. If any attempt to use Engineering track or less, the next political event for that player Support fails, reduce the Engineering Supoccurs. If he fails the roll, the opposing player autoport value on the Player Aid by one. Once the value is at 0, no more Engineering Support may be matically has his next event occur. After the roll, the attempted. For the Arabs, only Egyptian Engineer Sup- Political marker returns to 0. port is used on the Sinai front and only Syrian Engineer Events go in order and the previous event must have Support can be used on the Golan front. Israeli Engi- occurred to allow the next one to occur. neer support may be used on either map. Political points are awarded by Events that occur 16.4.1 Repairing Airfields – roll a D10 against your during play (as listed in the Campaign Game reinSupport and if you roll the modified Engineering Sup- forcement schedule) or by the value of amassed Vicport value or less, the airfield is repaired. This is per- tory Point totals. formed during the Reinforcements and Replacements Phase of the game turn. Egyptian Engineer Support In addition, the Arab player may accumulate POW may only be used on Egyptian Airfields and points. If an Israeli unit is eliminated, add one POW Syrian Support may only be used on Syrian point to the POW track. There is a maximum value of Airfields. Provided each Engineer Support 6 to the POW points. Before the Politics roll is made, roll is successful, multiple airfields may be the Arab player may parade his POW points. Roll a D6 repaired in one turn and if the number rolled is equal to or less than the cur-
16.4 Engineer Support
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Test of Faith rent POW value, add 3 Victory Points to the Egyptian 3. Egyptian strategic SSM Attack. Attempt total. If you roll over the value, add 3 Victory Points an SSM strike against the SSM support to the Israeli total. Regardless of the die result, two are value. If successful, roll a D6 and add that added to the Politics track, and the POW Points are number of Victory Points to the Egyptian reduced to 0. total. Add the Libya and Morocco Aircraft to the Avalable Aircraft box on the Sinai Front. Israeli Events: 4. Soviet SA-6s are deployed in and around 1. Israeli may arm a F-4 with a Nuclear Damascus. Add 1 to the Syrian SAM toBomb: The Israeli player must place an tal. Assad is relieved by Abrash. Add the F-4 from his Available Aircraft box in the four Algerian Aircraft to the Available Nuclear Preparation box. This aircraft is Aircraft box on the Sinai Front. not available for use in the game. Add the Nuclear 5. Add the East German Aircraft to the Sinai Weapons marker to the Israeli Player Aid sheet on Available Planes box. The East German the “1” space. aircraft unit is added to the Egyptian Air 2. El Al Resupply Flights occur. Add 6 replacement Display and may be used normally. points to the Israeli total. 6. UN Ceasefire Ordered. If this is the first ceasefire, the 3. Nickle Grass Begins. See below for all the battle on Golan Front has ended. In addition, first the effects of Nickle Grass. Israeli player, then the Arab player may decline the 4. Strategic Airstrikes against Damascus are ceasefire. The player that first declines gives a D6 executed. The Israeli player rolls a D6 and gains that worth of Victory Points to his opponent; either the Isnumber of Victory Points raeli or Egyptian total. The Player that first declines 5. US goes to Defcon 3 – no game effect but things are gives D6 worth of Victory Points to his opponent. If getting real. this is the second Ceasefire (the Israeli one has also 6. UN Ceasefire Ordered. If this is the first ceasefire, occurred), the game ends and determine the winner. the battle on Golan Front has ended. In addition, 7. The Egyptian player may activate all the first the Arab player, then the Israeli player may units of the Egyptian 1st Army. Sadat decline the ceasefire. The player that first declines must assume command if he hasn’t algives a D6 worth of Victory Points to his opponent; ready. Place all 1st Army Units in any either the Israeli or Egyptian total. If this is the seceligible Egyptian Supply Source hex. ond Ceasefire (the Arab one has also occurred), the 8. Soviet 7th Guards, 31st Guards and 103rd Guards are game ends; determine the winner. flown to Egypt and Syria – the game ends and the 7. US Intervenes – place the 5 USN aircraft winner is determined. on the Israeli Available Aircraft display. When Nickle Grass begins, the following take place: The Israeli player may use these normally. • Add 2 to the Israeli Artillery Support value 8. Israeli government gives authorization • Add 6 Replacements to the Israeli Replacement Value to launch a Nuclear Strike. Move the F-4 • All RAW Israeli SAM Support values are +1, all that was in the Nuclear Preparation box RAW Arab Values are -1 on the Air Display to the Nuclear Armed • Add a total of 7 Infrastructure points divided as the box. The Israeli player may launch one Israeli player wishes between the Golan and Sinai nuclear strike. fronts.
Arab Events:
1. Soviet Resupply Begins. Add 6 replacement points to the Egyptian total and add 8 replacement points to the Syrian total. Increase Egyptian SAM value by 1 and the Syrian SAM value by 2. 2. Soviet Ship Ilya Mechnikov is sunk by the Israeli Navy. No game effect but things are getting real.
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18.0 Mount Hermon Observation Post If the Israeli player has a friendly unit on the Mount Hermon OP hex (07.11 on the Golan map), the Israeli player may reroll any Syrian die roll after seeing the roll. If there is a Poor Syrian Leader present allowing for an Israeli reroll of a Syrian Combat roll, the Israeli may ask for two re-rolls after seeing the results of each roll.
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Test of Faith Suez Canal Crossing Examples
1. Per using Boats to cross requires an Elite unit (either with an at-start star or an Elite marker) that has no Equipment (whether it began that way or chose to eliminate all of its Equipment). Upon entry of the hex the Israeli player places the Boats marker on the Spent Israeli Unit and flips the Boats marker to its Depoyed side. In a later activation when the Elite unit is again Fresh, it uses the Boats marker to cross (gold arrow), spending all of its movement points to do so. The boats remain in the original hex. An Engineering Support roll is not required for this crossing. 2. Per once a Uniflote or Roller Bridge and its towing tank battalion move adjacent to a canal hex (white arrow) both may be flipped to their Spent / Deployed sides, pointing the bridge across the desired hex-side. For the Roller Bridge (only), an Engineer Support roll is required, failure of which eliminates the Roller Bridge from play. Once a Uniflote or Roller bridge is successfully deployed, any otherwise eligible Israeli unit may move across it as if an emplaced bridge were present (gold arrow). 3. Per 19.1 the Egyptian player can place a bridge (or decoy) in any hex adjoining the Suez Canal that contains a 2nd (green stripe) or 3rd (dark blue stripe) Unit. This is accomplished via a roll against the Egyptian Engineer Support value. Failure of this roll results in the support value dropping by one. Note that the Unit in the hex is not Spent by this attempt, regardless of success or failure. Once emplaced, any otherwise eligible Arab unit may cross as if an emplaced bridge were present (gold arrow). 4. Per when the Timsach is moved adjacent to the Canal, it may flip to its deployed side (white arrow). In a subsequent Activation a single Israeli unit may use the deployed Timsach to cross the canal (gold arrow) per turn. Following each crossing a D10 roll is made against the Israeli Engineer Support value, failure of which eliminates the Timsach.
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Test of Faith may occur until the 13-October turn.
19.0 The Suez Canal The dominating terrain in the 1973 war was without a doubt, the Suez Canal. Both sides spent years attempting to find a solution to that seemingly insurmountable canal. Both sides have different approaches to successfully crossing the canals – the way the Egyptians and Israelis performed the feat is offered by the rules here. Each side has completely different rules that apply to each.
19.2.1 Using Bridge Assets To Cross the Canal The Israeli Army has several different assets they can use to cross the canal. Each works a little differently and can allow use by different types of forces. Boats Boats are kept off board in the Amphibious Box on the Israeli Player Display. Boats allow Israeli Elite units without any equipment to cross a canal hex-side. If the Elite unit is active and adjacent to the Canal, the Israeli player 19.1 The Egyptian Crossing of the Suez may place the boat marker on the Israeli unit. It stays The Egyptian player has 5 bridges and Fresh after this but may move no farther this acti3 decoys they can build. The Egypvation. Point the top of the Boats marker towards tian player may choose a Suez Canal hex-side and flip it Douglas A-4 to place a bridge or a The McDonnell over to its Deployed side. It may developed by decoy on any hex with an Egyp- Skyhawk was the US in the early 50’s and evolved over many not move again. The Israeli unit tian unit of the 2nd or 3rd Army years into a much improved weapons delivery stacked with the Boats, if activated (green or dark blue stripe, respec- platform. again, may spend all of its movetively). To place, roll a D10 against The IAF employed it solely as a ground attack ment points to cross the canal his Engineer Support and if suc- bomber - it’s primary role by design. Although – this time it is Spent after this cessful, place the bridge or decoy its loss rate was actually only slightly over movement. The Boats counter unit on the friendly unit facing the 1%/sortie, Skyhawks flew over 4000 ground remains in the origin hex. Any hex-side that will be bridged. The support sorties during the war, so it took the Israeli Elite unit without equipplacement of a Bridge or a Decoy is heaviest losses by type within the IAF, ment may use the boats to cross AAA/SAMs. up to the Egyptian player and kept predominantly from the canal as long as it starts fresh tinued to be an on the Boats marker. Either the secret from the Israeli player. The The Skyhawk conseeing major action Egyptian player decided whether adaptable platform, hex moved into or from cannot during the Falklands War, 9 years a Bridge or Decoy is to be placed later. Despite using by then be in an Arab Zone of Control. before rolling for placement. If the o u t d a t e d technology, If the Arab player places a combat Engineer Support roll fails, reduce it was still able to sink chit on the hex that has the unit the Engineer Support value by one a few ships and almost tip the straand boats in the hex, the boats tegic balance in Argentina’s favor. and no bridge is placed. are eliminated (regardless of the combat result). A Bridge placed creates a bridge and a connecting road from the east side of the canal to Uniflote and The Roller Bridge the west side and can be immediately used by the Egyp- These both work in basically the same way tian Player. When bridge placement is performed is but with a few exceptions. mandated by the special rules of the scenario in play. The Israeli player may place either or both of these units on any full-strength Tank Battalion (one Tank Battalion is required for the Uniflote and one is required for the Roller Bridge), that is no more than 6 hexes from a Suez Canal hex-side. The Tank unit may move normally but may not be “In a Combat” in any way and may not perform Secondary Movement. It is towing its respective bridge. Once the tank unit 19.2 Israeli Crossing of the Suez is adjacent to a Suez hex-side, flip it and the bridge The Israeli player may cross the Suez Canal using marker over to their deployed side and face the top of bridge assets or cross the Red Sea by Amphibious Inva- the counter toward a Suez Canal hex-side. The bridge sion (See 19.2.2; planned but never used). No crossing may not move again. With both types of bridges, an The Israeli player may destroy a bridge if they move adjacent to the hex-side the bridge faces with an active unit if they so wish. They may also use the bridge if they wish. If it is a Decoy, remove the Decoy marker the moment an active Israeli unit is adjacent to the hexside to which the marker faces.
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Test of Faith Israeli unit may freely move over the bridge asset as an emplaced bridge. For a Roller Bridge, roll an Engineer Support roll to place the bridge. If the roll fails, the bridge is not placed and removed from play. No roll is required for the Uniflote to be placed.
Sea that is not occupied by an Arab Unit nor a supply source. They are placed Fresh. These units must still trace supply normally (remember Air Supply though).
In both cases, if either type of Bridge unit is in an Arab 20.1 Bar-Lev and Outpost Garrisons Zone of Control, it is eliminated from play. At the start of all scenarios that begin with the start of the war, the Israeli player should put all of the Bar-Lev Timsach garrison in a mug so they can be drawn for placement. This is a Gillois Amphibious Tank CarThe Israeli player will then draw a unit (without looking rier. It is placed within 8 hexes of any Suez at it) and place it on one of the Bar-Lev marked hexes. Canal hex-side during any Reinforcement/ After this is done, the Israeli player may inspect which Replacement phase the Israeli player wishes. This unit Bar-Lev hexes have units and which are empty. The moves like a normal unit. If the Arab player places a Arab player is not told what is in each hex. There will combat chit on the hex containing the Timsach, the be a few units left over and these are placed to the side. Timsach is eliminated (regardless of the combat result). He then does the same for all the Outpost units and Once it has moved adjacent to a Suez Canal hex-side places those the same way. and completed its activation, face the top of the unit towards a Suez Canal hex-side and flip it over. It may All of these units are revealed when the Arab player not move again. In a subsequent activation, one Israeli places a combat chit on the hex. Until then, it is assumed unit may use it to cross the Suez Canal hex-side it is that all forts are occupied with a 0 size unit. There is one facing as if it was a bridge. It may do this regardless of Bar-Lev garrison that has 1 step. All the rest have 0 steps enemy ZOCs. After use, roll a D10 and see if the value (or are empty). If the Israeli player wishes, he may reveal is equal to or less than the current Israeli Engineer Sup- the one size unit and force the Arab player to pay one port value. If greater, remove the Timsach from play. If movement point to enter its ZOC. While unrevealed, all the roll is equal to less than the current Engineer value, units have no ZOC and cannot be active. They are all the Timsach stays in the hex and may be used once per assumed to be spent and are immobile. turn for any Israeli unit to cross the canal at that hex- 20.2 Israeli Remnant Units side. The first use would count as that day’s use. In scenarios 2, 6 and 8, the Israeli player starts with 2 19.2.2 Israeli Amphibious Assault. Remnant units in the Replacements box. These units Planned but not attempted as the Deversoir attack was may be used with other 0 (or greater) sized units to a success, this came close to happening if the Israelis bring on the map via the procedure in 15.2. Note that only the size matters for bringing in units from the were defeated at Chinese Farm. On any Reinforcement/Replacement Phase, the Israeli Replacements or Destroyed Units box. For example, player may place any of the following units in his Suez two (or three, if in the Destroyed box) Outposts can bring in one remnant. Amphibious Forces box on his Player Display.
20.3 Situational Unit Activations
• • • •
890P 88AmR 225A TF Ayalon
On the next turn following this placement, the Israeli player may roll against his Engineer Support value and, if passed, he may place the above units on any hex adjacent to the Red
20.3.1 Arab Activations If an Israeli unit enters a hex within 4 hexes of 16.30 during play, the Arab player may immediately place all Jordanian Units that are in the counter mix but have not entered play on hex 16.30. These units are fresh when placed. Any Jordanian aircraft that have not entered play are also placed in the Available Aircraft box on the Golan Front at the same time. If an Israeli unit enters a hex within 4 hexes of 24.01 during play, the Arab player may immediately place all Iraqi Units that are in the counter mix but have not
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Test of Faith entered play on hex 24.01. These units are fresh when placed. Any Iraqi aircraft that have not entered play are also placed in the Available Aircraft box on the Golan Front at the same time.
Time Management Consultants: Sonia Starkweather, Sam Starkweather Special Thanks: Bill Thomas, Julian Thomas, Billy Thomas Produced by Bill Thomas for Compass Games, LLC
If an Israeli unit enters a hex south of the city of Suez (hex 18.37) and on the east side of the Suez Canal, the Arab player may immediately place all Units of the Red Sea Army that are in the counter mix but have not entered play on hex 11.43 and/or 15.43. These units are fresh when placed.
22.0 Bibliography
If an Israeli unit enters a hex within 4 hexes of any Arab Supply Source on the Sinai map during play, the Arab player may immediately place all Egyptian 1st Army Units that are in the counter mix but have not entered play any Egyptian Sinai Supply Source hexes he wishes. These units are fresh when placed.
Adan, Avraham (Bren). On the Banks of the Suez, Presidio Press, 1979
Cooper, Nicolle, Müller, Nordeen, and Smisek. Arab MiGs, Volume 5, Harpia Publishing, 2014 Dunstan, S. The Yom Kippur War, 1973 (1): The Golan Heights, Osprey Publishing, 2003 Dunstan, S. The Yom Kippur War, 1973 (2): The Sinai, Osprey Publishing, 2003 Dupuy, Colonel Trevor N. Elusive Victory, Harper & Row, Publishers, 1978 El Shazly, Lt.-Gen. S. The Crossing of the Suez, American Mideast Research, 1980
20.3.2 Israeli Activations Several Israeli Units are placed, per the scenario instructions in the Israeli Garrisons, Jordan River Bridges box on the Golan map. These units are moved from the box to the map if an Arab unit enters a hex within 2 hexes of a Bridge hex on the Golan map. One Israeli unit is placed for each bridge that the Arab player enters within range. These units may enter play if no Arab Units remain in the Israeli Golan Heights. When they enter play, they are placed adjacent to the bridge hexside (Israeli Player choice of hexes)
Rabinovich, A. The Yom Kippur War, Schocken Books, 2004
Several Israeli Units are placed, per the scenario instructions in the West Bank Garrison box on the Israeli Player Aid. These units were guarding the West Bank in case Jordan invaded into the West Bank. These units are released per the scenario instructions (historically when Israeli felt comfortable that Jordan would not invade the West Bank). The Israeli player can also take units from this box before that if he pays 2 Victory Points and 1 Political Point for each unit taken.
O’Ballance, E. No Victor, No Vanquished: The Yom Kippur War, Presidio Press, 1996
Sakal, Maj.-Gen E. Soldier in the Sinai, University Press of Kentucky, 2014 The Insight Team of the Sunday Times. The Yom Kippur War, Doubleday and Company, Inc, 1974 Asher, Dr. D. The Egyptian Strategy for the Yom Kippur War, McFarland and Company, Inc., 2009 Asher, Bgd.-Gen.D (ed). Inside Israel’s Northern Command, University Press of Kentucky, 2014 Abouseda, Bgd H.S. The Crossing of the Suez Canal, October 6, 1973, US Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, PA, 2000
Cochran, Major E.S. The Egyptian Staff Solution: Operational Art and Planning for the 1973 Arab-Israeli War, Naval War College, Newport, RI, 1998 Gal, R and H. Dayan, The Psychological Effects of Intense Artillery Bombardment: The Israeli Experience in the Yom Kippur War (1973). Israeli Institute for Military Studies, 1992 Gawrych, Dr. G.W. The 1973 Arab-Israeli War: The Albatross of Decision Victory, Leavenworth Papers, Combat Studies Institute, 1996
These units may arrive on either the Golan Map or the Unnamed authors, The 1973 Arab-Israeli War: Overview and Sinai Map on any Israeli Supply Source during the next Analysis of the Conflict, Declassified CIA Intelligence Report, 2012 Reinforcement Phase. Cordesman, Anthony H. and Abraham R. Wagner. The Lessons of Modern War, Volume 1; The Arab Israeli Conflicts, Westview Press/Mansell Publishing Limited, 1990
21.0 Game Credits Series Designer: Adam Starkweather Game Designer: Adam Starkweather Developer: The OSS Committee Graphic Artist, Map Design: Nadir Elfarra Historical Research: Greg Sarnecki Rules Proofreading: Greg Sarnecki, Michael Gustavsson, Nadir Elfarra Playtesting: Ross Mortell, Greg Sarnecki, Ben Starkweather, Mark Popofski VASSAL Module Creation: Nigel Rabbetts
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Shaw, Robert L. Fighter Combat: Tactics and Maneuvering, Naval Institute Press, 1985
23.0 Clarifications
and Corrections 279R: Secondary Equipment is a Sho’t Kal The Israeli Northern HQ should be a Corps HQ (have three Xs) There is an extra Arab SAM Support marker on Sheet 3 that you won’t need. You’ll just need the Egyptian one (also on sheet 3) and the Syrian one (on sheet 2).
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