Midwest 16, 2010

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Page 2 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

Call 877-688-2228 Fax: 630-279-9243 www.pattencat.com

Complete inventory available online



Cat 226B, 2006, UE1201, OROPS....................................$16,000

Cat 140H, 2001, UE1114, EROPS, A/C, Heat ................$100,000

Cat 232B, 2004, UN1671, EROPS, Aux Hyd ....................$22,000


Cat 232B, 2007, UE1061, EROPS, Heat, Aux Hyd ..........$20,000

Cat CS-433E, 2005, UN2129, OROPS..............................$58,000


Cat 236B, 2005, UE1131, EROPS, Heat, 2-Speed............$16,000

Cat CS-563E, 2007, N5618, OROPS, Sm Drum ..............$98,000

Cat 236B, 2005, UN2041, EROPS, Heat, HYD Coup ........$17,000 Cat 242B, 2006, W1138, EROPS, Quick Coupler ............$28,000

ID# N3912 $40,000

Cat 242B, 2006, W1139, EROPS, Self-Leveling ..............$29,000 Cat 246B, 2005, W1016, EROPS, Heat, A/C ....................$24,000

Cat D3GXL, 2006, N4968, EROPS, A/C ..........................$46,000

Cat 246C, 2008, UE1047, EROPS, Heat, Aux Hyd ..........$36,000

Cat D4G LGP, 2006, N4970, EROPS, A/C ........................$67,000

Cat 252B, 2006, W1182, OROPS, Aux Hyd ....................$26,000

Cat D5G LGP, 2006, N4976, EROPS, A/C ........................$74,000

Cat 256C, 2007, W1533, EROPS, Heat, A/C ....................$33,000

Cat D5N LGP, 2006, N5104, EROPS, Heat, A/C ..............$94,000

Cat 262B, 2005, W0523, OROPS, Aux Hyd ....................$23,000 Cat 277, 2003, UN2127, EROPS, Heat, No Door ............$19,000

DOZERS Cat D3GXL, 2006, N5010, EROPS, A/C ..........................$58,000

Cat 246B, 2006, W0843, Heat, No Door ..........................$17,500

Cat 267B, 2005, UN1930, Self Leveling, QC ....................$21,000

Cat 815F, 2006, N4586, EROPS, A/C ............................$238,000

Cat D6N XL, 2007, N5477, EROPS, Heat, A/C ..............$190,000

ID# UE1013 $110,000

Cat D6R LGP, 2006, UN1810, EROPS, A/C, SU Blade ..$235,000 Cat D6R XL, 2006, UN1811, EROPS, A/C, SU Blade ....$229,000


Cat D8R, 2004, UE1202, EROPS, A/C, SU Blade ..........$189,000

Cat TH220B, 2005, N3912, OROPS, Hyd Coupler ..........$39,000


Cat TH360B, 2006, N4761, EROPS, Heat, A/C ................$40,000

Cat IT38G, 2007, N5457, EROPS, A/C, GP BKT ............$145,000


Cat 420D, 2005, N4436, EROPS, A/C, E-Stick ................$60,000

Cat 305CR, 2005, W0279, EROPS, A/C, Long Stick ........$39,000

Cat 420D, 2006, N4770, EROPS, A/C, E-Stick ................$59,000

Cat 314 CLCR, 2007, N5460, EROPS, A/C, Aux Hyd ......$70,000 Cat 315CL, 2006, N4943, EROPS, A/C, 10’2” Stick ........$82,000

Cat 420D, 2005, N4235, EROPS, A/C, GP BKT................$63,000

ID# UN1941 $105,000

Cat 420D, 2006, N4768, EROPS, A/C, E-Stick ................$50,000 Cat 420E IT, 2006, N4926, EROPS, A/C, E-Stick..............$56,000

Cat 330DL, 2007, N5450, EROPS, 12’10” Stick ............$155,000

Cat 430D IT, 2005, N4001, EROPS, A/C, E-Stick ............$59,000

Cat 345BL, 1999, UN2268, EROPS, A/C, Quick Coupler..$75,000

Cat 430D, 2004, N3592, EROPS, A/C, E-Stick ................$68,000

Cat 345BIIL, 2002, UE1015, EROPS, A/C ........................$85,000

Cat 430D, 2004, N3864, EROPS, A/C, E-Stick ................$68,000


Cat 430D IT, 2005, N3997, EROPS, A/C, E-Stick ............$57,000

Cat 953C, 2006, N4827, EROPS, A/C, GP Bucket..........$122,000

Cat 924GZ, 2006, N5098, EROPS, A/C, Ride Ctrl ............$96,000

Cat 953C, 2006, N4909, EROPS, A/C, GP Bucket..........$118,000

Cat 928GZ, 2007, N5567, EROPS, Heat, A/C ................$117,000

Cat 953C, 2006, N5135, EROPS, A/C, GP Bucket..........$118,000 Cat 953C, 2006, N4907, EROPS, 2.25 CYD GP Bkt ......$122,000

Cat 928G, 2004, UE1098, EROPS, A/C, Ride Ctrl ............$72,500

ID# N5281 $180,000

Cat 930H, 2009, UE1177, EROPS, A/C, 204 Hrs ..........$161,500 Cat 930H, 2009, UE1176, EROPS, A/C, 147 Hrs ..........$161,500

Cat 963C, 2005, N4354, EROPS, A/C, GP Bucket..........$126,000

Cat 938G, 2005, UE1013, EROPS, A/C, Ride Ctrl ..........$110,000

Cat 963C, 2007, N5362, EROPS, 3 CYD GP Bkt ............$185,000

Cat 938GII, 2004, UN1941, EROPS, Heat, A/C ..............$105,000

Cat 963C, 2007, N5363, EROPS, 3 CYD GP Bkt ............$185,000

Cat 980G, 1998, UN2015, EROPS, 7 CU YD Bkt............$125,000

Chad Benz

Ryan Kuse

630-758-1226 benzc@pattenindustries.com

ID# UN1957 $25,000

CALL 887-688-2228

630-758-1224 kuseryan@pattenindustries.com


CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 3

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MIDWEST EDITION Circulated Throughout




Be sure to check out this special section! Keep up to date with the latest information on backhoes and attachments.

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Recently, Bagela USA named R.G. Smith a dealer and the two companies teamed up to showcase the Bagela asphalt recycler to customers from across Illinois.


With the project, O’Reilly was faced with a triple challenge — removing a furnace, removing hardened aluminum between floor beams and removing hardened aluminum in the air cavity.


The day also served as an opportunity to address the challenges general contractors are facing without a six-year federal highway and transportation program.


Among the items excavated are bits of china, iron nails, bottle glass, even an animal hoof, but no parts of the cabin or its foundation have been recovered.


Whayne is establishing distributors of Mirenco products and services throughout the North American Caterpillar dealer network.


Trettel most recently served as president and CEO of Mohawk Moving and Storage in Minneapolis, where he helped grow the United Van Lines affiliate.

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The auction, held at H & R Electric, featured a wide range of industrial and construction equipment.


EQUIPMENT… 24 CATERPILLAR 973D Track Loader 72 KUBOTA SVL75, SVL90 Compact Track Loaders

Construction Equipment Guide Midwest Edition (ISSN 1081-7034) is published bi-weekly by Construction Equipment Guide Ltd. Advertising and Editorial Offices are located at 470 Maryland Dr., Ft. Washington, PA 19034. Toll Free 800/523-2200 or Fax 215/885-2910. Annual Subscription Rate $65.00. Call for Canadian and foreign rates. Periodicals postage paid at Ft. Washington, PA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Construction Equipment Guide Midwest Edition, 470 Maryland Dr, Ft. Washington, PA 19034. Contents Copyrighted ©2010, by Construction Equipment Guide, which is a Registered Trademark, registered in the U.S. Patent Office. Registration number 0957323. All rights reserved, nothing may be reprinted or reproduced (including framing) in whole or part without written permission from the publisher. All editorial material, photographs, drawings, letters, and other material will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication and copyright purposes and are subject to Construction Equipment Guide's unrestricted right to edit and comment editorially. Contributor articles do not necessarily reflect the policy or opinions of this publication. Call or write for advertising rates, publication schedule and media kit. The Construction Equipment Guide is not responsible for clerical or printer's errors, every care is taken to avoid mistakes. Photographs of equipment used in advertisements are not necessarily actual photographs of the specific machine. Similar photographs are used occasionally and every effort is taken to depict the actual equipment advertised. The right is reserved to reject any advertising.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 5

Wirtgen W2200, ‘07, 2069 hrs ....................P.O.R.

Sennebogen 835M, ‘07, 5000 hrs ..............P.O.R.




Case CX210, ’01, 4003 hrs ......................$46,500 Komatsu PC150LC-6, ’00, 6941 hrs ........$39,500 Komatsu PC150LC-6, ‘98, 9246 hrs ........$39,500 Komatsu PC200LC-7, ‘05, 3921 hrs ........$82,500 Komatsu PC200LC-5, ‘93, 14467 hrs ......$25,500 Komatsu PC200LC-7, ‘05, 3186 hrs ........$82,500 Komatsu PC220LC-7, ’05, 1978 hrs ......$119,500 Komatsu PC220LC-7, ’04, 5354 hrs ........$68,500 Komatsu PC220LC-7, ’02, 6623 hrs ........$88,500 Komatsu PC228UCLC-3, ‘01, 4587 hrs ....$75,500 Komatsu PC300LC-6, ‘01, 13048 hrs........$48,500 Komatsu PC300LC-7, ‘03, 5017 hrs........$112,500 Komatsu PC300LC-7LF, ’04, 5166 hrs ..$154,500 Komatsu PC400LC-6, ‘03, 3648 hrs ......$155,000 Komatsu PC400LC-7, ‘06, 2554 hrs ......$199,500

Deere 650H, ‘00, 3184 hrs ......................$44,500 Dresser TD15C, ‘93, 4145 hrs..................$19,800 Dresser TD25G, ’97, 7645 hrs ................$59,500 Komatsu D31E-20, ’99, 2741 hrs ............$29,500 (2) Komatsu D475A-5’s, ‘04, REBUILT............Call


Deere 490E/Fabtek Head, ‘96..................$30,000 Deere 1010D, Forwarder........................$170,000 Fabrek FT-133 Harvester, ‘00 ..................$90,000 Timbco 415D, ‘01 ..................................$135,000 Timbco 415EX/Rolly II, ’05, 4238 hrs ........$220,000 Timbco 416D/Slingshot, ‘00 ........................$48,000 Timberjack 608/Waratah, ‘98 ......................$49,000 Valmet 546F, 3239 hrs ............................$40,000

CAT 815, ’79, 3916 hrs ............................$48,000 Hyster Roller C747B, ‘01, 3497 hrs ........$14,500 Hyster Roller C747B, ‘06..........................$14,500 IR DD24 Roller, ‘04, 2151 hrs..................$15,000 IR MW175, 2339 hrs................................$11,500 IR SD105DX Roller, ‘03, 1487 hrs ..........$54,500 IR SP48 Compactor, ’86, 4087 hrs ..........$22,000 LeeBoy 8500, ‘96 ....................................$22,500 LeeBoy 8500, ‘97 ....................................$14,500 LeeBoy 8500LD, ‘04, 2739 hrs ................$26,500 Lee Boy 8510LD, ’06, 306 hrs ................$79,500 Mauldin 1750C, ’04, 2,800 hrs ................$18,500 Rosco TRUPAC915, ‘05, 481 hrs ............$39,500 Wirtgen W2200, ‘07, 2069 hrs ....................P.O.R.

Cat D30D, ‘94, 30046 hrs ........................$19,500 Komatsu CD60R-1A, ‘99, 2597 hrs ..........$59,500 Volvo A35C, ‘01, 5116 hrs ......................$96,500 Volvo A35C, ’99, 11207 hrs ....................$69,500 Volvo A35C, ’97, 12709 hrs ....................$69,500

MATERIAL HANDLER Sennebogen 835M, ’07, 5,000 hrs ..............P.O.R.

BACKHOE LOADERS CAT 416C, ’99, 3588 hrs ..........................$33,500 Komatsu WB150-2, ‘00, 4540 hrs............$29,500

TRACK LOADERS CAT 953C, ’99, 5912 hrs ..........................$59,500 CAT 963C, ’01, 4800 hrs ..........................$85,000


SKID STEER LOADERS Mustang MTL16, ’05, 2349 hrs................$23,000 Takeuchi TL150, ’05, 2336 hrs ................$21,500

TRAILERS Eager Beaver 20 Ton Tag, ‘82....................$5,500

WHEEL LOADERS Cheng Gong CG935G, ‘08, NEW ..............$74,900 Dresser 530, ‘78, UKN hrs ......................$12,500 Komatsu WA500-6, ‘08, 4078 hrs ..............P.O.R. (3) Komatsu WA250-5L, ‘08’s ....................P.O.R. Komatsu WA250-5L, ’07, 4495 hrs..........$69,500 Komatsu WA250-5L, ‘05, 11262 hrs........$41,500 Komatsu WA250-5L, ‘05, 2834 hrs..........$78,500 Komatsu WA250-5L, ’04, 775 hrs............$86,500 (2) Komatsu WA250-6, ‘09, 515 hrs ......$102,500 Komatsu WA250PT-5, ’06, 1,918 hrs ....$102,500 Komatsu PC150LC-6, ‘00, 6941 hrs ........$39,500 Komatsu WA200-5L, ‘06, 1402 hrs..........$78,500

IR MW175, 2339 hrs ................................$11,500

Financing Available for Qualified Buyers

15 Roland Branch Locations in IL, IN, MI, MO, and WI

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V I S I T R O L A N D M A C H I N E R Y . C O M

Page 6 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

2002 Komatsu PC270LC-6 Mark Kruepke

(630) 739-7770

Bolingbrook, IL Contact us at Used@McCannOnline.com

8 Chicago Area Locations

View our complete Used & “Like New” inventory at McCannOnline.com

2007 Case SV208PD, s/n DDD002409, 240 Hours, 66" Padfoot Roller, Rops, Blade ....................$49,000

2006 Case 430, s/n N5M419541, 433 hours, Rops, Manual coupler, Block Heater, Foot Throttle, 72" Bkt..................$22,500

2005 Vibromax M116PDB, s/n JKC8340900, 945 hours, 82" Padfoot Roller with Blade.............$43,000

2007 Case 1150K, s/n N7DC00076, 797 hours, Cab w/Heat & A/C, 132" Dozer Blade, 30" Pads, Cold Start ...........$129,000

2007 Case 1850K, s/n N7HC51103, 744 hours, Cab w/Heat & A/C, 13'6" 6-way Blade, 30" Pads, Cold Start ...........$170,000

Cab, AC, 10' Arm, 5 Tine Rotating Scrap Grapple $109,500


2054 Mustang, 49hp, Cab, Heat, T-Bar Steering, 10x16.5 Severe Duty Tires, I/D: 0090992309, 500 Hrs, $19,995

1830 Case, 30hp, Gas Engine, Open Canopy, Hand Controls, 10x16.5 Tires, I/D: 826303, $5,895

MTL20 Mustang, 81hp, Open Canopy, Joystick Controls, I/D: 401251, 1650 Hrs, $25,995

11-ft. Omaha Standard Service Body, Crane, Air Compressor, GMC 3500HD Chassis, I/D: 452158, $7,500

X331 Bobcat, 7580# Excavator, Open Canopy, 24” Pin on Bucket, Steel Tracks w/Rubber Pads, I/D: 911868, 2650 Hrs, $12,995

ME3503 Mustang, 7500# Excavator, Open Canopy, 20” Pin on Bucket, New Rubber Tracks, I/D: D01075, 1225 Hrs, $22,995

TH350B Cat, 6600# Lift, 36’ Boom, 99hp Diesel, Open Canopy, Aux. Hyd, 13x24 Tires, 48” Rotating Carriage, I/D: D00310, 2500 Hrs, $26,995

RS5-19 Gehl, 5500# Lift, 19’ Boom, Open Canopy, Aux. Hyd, I/D: 550239, 762 Hrs, $40,995



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CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 7

1996 CAT D9R......................................$194,000

1992 CAT 950F I ....................................$57,500

1996 CAT 988FII ..................................$360,000

2007 CAT 924G ......................................$92,500

S/N 7TL00577, 13,663 hrs., 9SU Blade, EROPS/AC, SS Ripper

S/N 4DJ00955, 8,734 Hrs, Cntrwght, 4cy, Bucket, 23.5R25 Tires

S/N 2ZR00430, Complete Dlr. Rebuild, EROPS, HL, Spade w teeth, 21,715 hrs.

S/N DDA03505, 1796 hrs, EROPS/AC, Quick Coupler, 2.6 yd. Bucket

2008 CAT 256C ......................................$29,500

2006 CAT 930G ....................................$112,000

2005 CAT D6R LGP ............................$159,000

2006 CAT 950H ....................................$137,500

S/N DWS01219, 562 Hrs, Q/C Hyd, Engine Tier III Compliant, ROPS Enclosed w/AC

S/N TWR02300, 581 hrs, EROPS/AC, LS Dif. F&R, Quick Coupler

S/N ADE00736, 4,879 hrs., EROPS, 6SLGP Blade, Drawbar

S/N K5K00286, 3586 hrs, EROPS, LS dif. F&R, Ride Control

1996 CAT 140H ......................................$92,500

2005 CAT 247B ......................................$23,000

1996 CAT 320L ......................................$39,000

2003 CAT 315CL ....................................$51,800

S/N 2ZK00755, 7885 hrs, EROPS, snow plus tires, 14’ Blade, No snow wing or lift group

S/N MTL01299, 2,274 Hrs, EROPS, Aux. Hyd., Good U/C

S/N 9KK05132, 8307 hrs, CF Coupler, Aux. Hyd., 12’10” Stick

S/N CJC00261, 5424 hrs, EROPS, HD bottom guard, 10’2” Stick

2007 CAT TL1055 ..................................$61,000

2004 CAT 420D IT..................................$49,500

2007 CAT 303CCR..................................$31,000

1997 CAT 325BL ....................................$54,000

S/N TBM00444, 2676 hrs, EROPS, Hyd. Coupler, Pallet Forks

S/N BLN08113, 2965 Hrs, EROPS/AC, 4x4, E Stick, 36” Bkt

S/N BXT01870, 863 Hrs, Cab, Aux. Hyd, Rubber Track

S/N 2JR01139, 8,700 Hrs, 48" GP Bucket

Please Contact Bob Williams or Jeff Speer


Outside WI & Upper Michigan


Within WI & Upper Michigan

11200 W Silver Spring Rd. Milwaukee, WI 53225


Hundreds of machines. Listings updated daily.

Page 8 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE


Contact: Doug Mehner / David Mehrtens Doug’s Cell 913-915-1607

email: dmehner@roadbuildersmachinery.com Locations in KS, MO & NE


2003 Komatsu WA250PT-5, Cab, A/C, Tool Carrier, Forks, 2650 Hrs ..............................................$67,500

2002 Komatsu PC600LC-6, Cab with A/C, 17’ Arm, 29.5 Track Shoes, Approx. 6520 Hrs ............$179,500

1999 Fiat FD255 Crawler Dozer, multi shank rear ripper, approx. 4200 original hours, U/C is approx. 60% life remaining ..................................................$93,500

2006 Komatsu PC200LC-7, Cab, A/C, 32” Pads, Long Stick, Hydraulic Thumb, Approx. 3200 Hrs ....$99,500

1998 IR Roller DD70, 1205 Hrs ......................$39,500

2002 John Deere 410G, Cab, A/C, Extd Hoe, 4WD, Approx. 4900 Hrs ............................................$36,500

2003 Komatsu WA450-5, Cab, A/C, 5 cu.yd. GP bucket, Approx. 9150 hrs, Eq# 80991 ....................$99,500

2002 Komatsu PC200LC-7, Cab, A/C, 31.5” Track Shoes, GP Bkt, Equip.# 91100, Approx. 5700 Hrs ........$89,500

2001 Cat 322BL, Cab, A/C, 42” GP Bkt w/Hyd. Thumb, Recent Rails & Sprockets, Approx. 7820 Hrs ..$69,500

2006 Metso LT1213S Impact Crusher, Approx. 2300 hrs ................................................................$497,500

NPK Hammers – we have used or rental return hammers for sale all sizes and will fit any model excavator ..............................................................Call

2004 Komatsu PC300LC-7, Cab, A/C, 60” Long Reach Excavator ......................................................$197,500

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 9

ALEX E. PARIS CONTRACTING COMPANY, INC. Route 18 - Atlasburg (Pittsburgh), PA 15004

724/947-2235 Day/Night Fax 724/947-3820 Call Andy Miller Established 1928 Our Greatest Assets .. Our Employees





Komatsu WA180-1, 1996, EROPS, Quick Coupler, Komatsu CD60R-1 Crawler Dump Truck, 1997, 360° Vermeer 5800 Trencher, 1997, 4 cyl dsl eng .$17,500 (2) 48' Box Vans w/Liftgates, Good Condition . . . . .. Exc. Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$46,500 rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$66,000 (12) IR L6-4MH Light Plants, 1992-1995, all . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CALL Komatsu WA250-3PT, 1999, EROPS w/AC, JRB cou- Terex TA40, 2000, 6WD, 6x6, 40 ton Detroit 60 Series, excellent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CALL pler, bucket, forks 20.5x25, good cond. . . . .$63,500 Clean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$142,500 IAmerican Augers 16" Boring Machine, 10 HP gas, CRUSHING & CONVEYING Komatsu WA500-1, 1992, EROPS, w/ A/C, Volvo A40, 1998, 40 tons, 10991 hrs, 395 hp, 8WD, 35,000# thrust, 30' track . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$7,500 high-reach, 6.5 cy GP bkt, 29.5x25 . . . . . .$100,000 Power Screen, Mark II, 1987, Port. Screening Plant, 29.5R25, A/C, 29 cy cap. sideboards, tailgate (currently BACKHOES Cat 936E, 1989, EROPS, 2.75 cy GP bkt, clean . . .. Double Deck, 24'x40' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$36,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$59,000 off work), work ready . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$127,500 Cat 416C IT, 2000, 4x4, OROPS, Quick Coupler, GP New Holland LS170 Skid Steer, 2004, 300 hrs . . . .. Volvo A40, 1996, 40 tons, 395 hp, 6WD, A/C, 29.5R25, Bkt, Extendahoe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$36,000 Viper 301 Portable Screening Plant, 1997, dsl, 5'x7'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$19,000 working everyday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$145,000 Case 580L Rubber Tire Loader Backhoe, 1997, side & rear conveyors, T/A carrier . . . . . . . . . . .CALL John Deere 624G, 1996, EROPS, quick coupler, GP Volvo A40, 1996, 40 tons, 11,000 hrs, 6WD, 20.5R25, OROPS, std stick, 24" bkt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$24,500 bkt, 20.5x25 tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$66,000 A/C, P/S trans, 29 cy cap., 6/06 hitch rebuilt .$115,000 Volvo BL70, 2003, 4x4, Extend-A-Hoe, EROPS, 24" DRILLS Volvo A40, 1995, 40 tons, 395 hp, 8WD, 29.5R25, A/C, Bkt, Like New . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$59,500 COMPACTORS John Henry Drill Mtd on Cat 320N, 1994, 24' mast, P/S trans, tailgate, work ready . . . . . . . . . . . . .$115,000 IR DD22, 1993, 39" double steel, vibratory, Deutz dsl, Volvo A35C, 1998, 35 tons, 6WD, 26.5R25 tires, approx Duraquip dust collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$150,000 MOTOR SCRAPERS water spray, v. good . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$18,500 John Henry Drill Mtd on Cat 320L, 1994, 24' drill, Cat 621F, 1996, Scraper, OROPS, 33.25x2, very good 7,000 hrs, good condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$147,500 IR SD100D Pro-Pac Vibratory Compactor, 1999, condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CALL carousel, dust collector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$162,500 Hydrostatic trans 84" smooth drum, drum drive . . . .. Volvo A35, 1995, 35 tons, 326 hp, 6WD, 26.5x25, A/C, Cat 621E, 1989, Scraper, OROPS, 33.25x29, very P/S trans, working everyday on jobsites . . . . . .$87,500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$52,500 nice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CALL CRANES IR SD105DX, 2002, 84" drum drive, OROPS, very Volvo A35, 1995, 35 tons, 326 hp, 6WD, 26.5R25, A/C, clean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$74,500 P/S trans, 26 cy, working everyday on jobsites $89,000 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATORS Grove RT58C, 1981, down cab, 18 ton r.t., 70' boom IR SD105DX, 2002, 84" drum, OROPS, clean . . . . .. Volvo A30C, 1996, 30 tons, 11,000 hrs, 296 hp, 6WD, JD 490E, 1994, 9'11" stick, Aux. hydraulics, quick couanti-two block, GM dsl, clean . . . . . . . . . . . . .$49,500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$69,500 23.5R25, 21 cy cap, A/C, P/S trans, works everyday . .. pler, 6-7000 hrs, Fleet maintained . . . . . . . . .$39,000 Drott 3330B Carry Deck, 7.5 ton capacity, dsl, 4 secIR SD150F, 84" Padfoot, 1998, OROPS . . . .$49,500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$122,500 Hitachi UH181, 1985, Equipped w/hammer . . . . . . .. IR SD100D, 1996, Pro-Pac, 84" smooth w/pad kit, tion boom 8' jib . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$14,500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$72,000 ROPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$62,500 CRAWLER TRACTORS Gradall-Hopto 300, 1968, G.M. diesel UP, on Shuttlelift Model 3330 ELB Hyd. Carry Deck Crane, IR SD70D, 2000, Pro-Pac, 66" smooth drum, ROPS . Cat D4H Series II, 1990, OROPS, 6 way blades, 18" rubber, operational . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10,500/OFFER duel fuel, elec. winch w/remote control, exc. Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$49,000 Cat 815F, 1998, EROPS, w/ A/C, s-tilt, good feet, very pads, draw bar, 100% Cat U/C . . . . . . . . . . .$57,000 Cat 215BLC, 1985, 7'3" stick, 28" TBG pads, 10 roller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$32,500 nice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$205,000 Cat D6H, 1988, OROPS, S-blade w/tilt . . . .$76,000 U/C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $31,500 MISCELLANEOUS Cat 825B, 1975, cab, S-blade, 50% front, 20% rear Cat D6H LGP Series II, 1993, EROPS, diff steer, Cat 313B-CR, 2001, zero tailswing, A/C & AM/FM, tires, good runner, can go to work . . . . . . . . .$52,500 drawbar, 30" pads, fresh undercarriage . . . .$89,000 JRB quick coupler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$93,000 (2) Balderson Broom Attachment for Cat IT Cat 825C, 1988, EROPS, S-blade w/tilt, rear 80%, Cat D6H, 1987, Semi U blade w/tilt, ROPS, fair U/C . Kobelco SK200LC Extra Long Reach, 1993, 32" front 60%, good condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$74,000 TBG pads, 42' reach, nice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$68,500 Machines, 8' wide, good condition . . . . . .$4,000 ea. Galion S4-6B, Deutz dsl, hydrostatic, 42” drums, (2) JD 450G, 1996, wide tracks, ROPS, PAT blade . .. Komatsu PC200 LC-6, 1996, 32" pads, 42" Bkt, long transport wheels, water spray . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4,800 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$39,000 Ea stick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$39,500 ATTACHMENTS Hypac C747B, 2001, articulated, vibratory, 47” drums, Komatsu D37P-5, 1997, 24" Pads, OROPS, P/S . . .. Komatsu PC200 LC-6, 1996, 24" pads, 9'7" stick, 44" BUCKETS water spray, Deutz 2 cyl, 5500#, good condition . . . .. Bkt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$43,500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$36,500 PC1000, 84" Digging Bucket . . . . . . . . . . . .$9,500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$19,500 Komatsu PC150 LC-6K, 1998, 8'7" stick, 30" bkt, Hypac C850B, 1999, ROPS w/cab, 84” smooth drum, Over 100 Excavator, Loader, Specialized & 27.6" TBG pads, work ready . . . . . . . . . . . . .$57,000 LANDSCAPING drive, Cummins, 18-26 tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$47,500 Grapple Buckets in Stock (5) Komatsu PC128UU, 1996, offset boom, Multiquip MR8G Walk Behind Vibratory Case 480 Broom Tractor, frt mounted 6' sweepster rubber tracks, low hrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CALL -Call For Your Needs Compactor, 1997, Briggs & Stratton 8 HP gas engine broom, ROPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$13,000 Komatsu PC750 LC-6, 1999, 454 hp, 27” boom, FORKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2,500 Case/IH 485 Utility Tractor,1986, Case 3 cyl dsl engine, 11’10” stick, 44’ DGB, aux plumbing, bucket choice, Rammax Walk Behind Rollers, over 25 in stock, 55 gal water tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10,500 (8) IT28F/G Forks, Balderson qc, 48"-60" pallet style, lever & remote . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4,000 to $10,000 Case/IH 385 Utility Tractor, 1987, 3 cyl dsl engine, 72" 24k ctwt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$255,000 excellent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4,000 (8) Sheepsfoot, 48" and 60", double drum & single hydraulic broom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$11,500 Komatsu PC400 LC-6LK, 1999, 10’6” stick, JRB coupler, 31.5” TBG, ctwt removal, choice of bkt .$77,500 (5) Cat 936/926/950 pallet forks, for a Balderson quick drum, tow type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4,000 - $6,500 Taylor-Way 12' Transport Disc, 24" discs, (4) tires, hyd Komatsu PC400 LC-6LK, 11’1” stick, 35.5” TBG, ctwt coupler, exc. cond. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3,500 Ea (2) Champion Superpac A421 . . . . . . . . . .$11,500 lift, exc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15,500 removal, choice of bkts, working everyday . .$97,500 Others Available Call Rome TRCH16 Disc, hyd offset disc, 16 ea 32” dia, Hyd Komatsu PC160 LC-7KA, 2004, 24” TBG pads, JRB CRAWLER LOADERS Prices Are Negotiable - At Your Cat 953LGP, 1984, OROPS, 20 DBG, GP Bkt . . . . .. angle tongue, scrapers, 2” axles . . . . . . . . . . . . .$9,500 coupler, plumbed, 8’6” width, nice, work ready CALL Inspection Volvo EC460B LC, 2003, 4600 hrs, 23’ boom, 11’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$37,500 AIR COMPRESSORS All Equipment is Owned & Operated By stick, 5.12 cy bkt, 22,000# ctwt, hammer/shear plumbCat 963, 1983, OROPS, 2.6 cy GP bkt, 17” DBG pads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$46,000 IR 185’s, JD diesels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CALL ing very good condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$205,000 ALEX E. PARIS CONTRACTING CO., INC.

Page 10 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

R.G. Smith Holds Bagela Asphalt Recycler Demo Day


.G. Smith Equipment Company held a Bagela asphalt recycler demonstration July 21 at its facility on 622 East Northwest Highway in Des Plaines, Ill. Recently, Bagela USA named R.G. Smith a dealer and the two companies teamed up to showcase the Bagela asphalt recycler to customers from across Illinois. Bagela USA offers three different size models of portable asphalt recyclers. These easily transportable units allow con- Recycled hot asphalt is churned out of the Bagela A Bobcat skid steer loads the Bagela asphalt recycler tractors or municipalities to reheat excavated asphalt and asphalt recycler. with pre-used asphalt to make a fresh new asphalt place it back down as a permanent hot patch upon the commix. pletion of necessary repair work to asphalt surfaces. These machines are ideally suited for contractors or municipalities involved in utility cuts, pothole repair, parking lot repair, catch basin installation, plumbing cuts, airport maintenance and all winter patch work (when it would be desirable to make a permanent hot asphalt patch repair versus temporary and expensive cold patches). see DEMO page 50

Jason Crose (L), city of Naperville, Ill., asks Alan Thompson, technical director of Bagela USA, some questions about the Bagela asphalt recycler.

(L-R): Greg Harla, sales and marketing director, Bagel USA, describes the features of the Bagela asphalt recycler to Mike Stamper and Tom Buttner, both of the city of Des Plaines, while Ernie Szabo, general manager of R.G. Smith, looks on.

(L-R): John Kenna of R.G. Smith Equipment answers questions from Adam Boeche, city of Des Plaines, and Vince Laoang, city of Wheaton, while Ernie Szabo, general manager of R.G. Smith Equipment stands ready to assist.

Bagela asphalt recyclers are ideally suited for contractors or municipalities involved in utility cuts, pothole repair, parking lot repair and more.

The father and son team of Ray and Kevin Orstrom of The Patching People were excited to see the Bagela asphalt recycler in action.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 11

View us at: www.amstate.com

PAVERS / ROAD WIDENERS BLAW KNOX PF 545 - ‘04 • Cart Path Paver, 5’-8’, Track, Conveyor Fed, 904 Hrs ........ ..........................................................................................................................$29,500 LEEBOY 8515T - ‘04 • 8-15ft screed, osc, push rollers, new pads, recent screed rebuild, 1415 hrs ..............................................................................................$54,500 CEDAR RAPIDS CR362L - ‘08 • Electrically Heated Stretch 16 Screed, Top Con V, 740 Hrs ........................................................................................................................CALL GOMACO GHP 2800 4T • 05’ to 25’, 5000 Series Open Front Mold w/PTA, Many Options, 1882 Hrs ..........................................................................................$555,000 CALL items may be on rent causing pricing and hours to vary.

ROLLERS INGERSOLL RAND DD90HF - ‘06 • 66" high freq, dbl drum vib, w/lites, 1300 hours .. ..........................................................................................................................$65,000 INGERSOLL RAND SD105DX - ‘04 • 84" smooth drum soil with 1020 hrs ......$53,500 SAKAI CR270 - 36", 3000lb, 4000VPM, vibratory, 200 hrs ..............................$13,500 SAKAI SW300-1 - ‘09 • 39.2" Dbl Drum vib w/ 36 hrs ....................................$29,950 SAKAI SW320 - ‘09 • 47" Dbl Drum vib w/ Foldable ROPS, EPTW, 100 hrs ....$27,429 SAKAI SW330 - ‘07 • 51", 6700lb, 4000VPM, dbl drum vib with 320 hrs, warranty...... ..........................................................................................................................$29,950 SAKAI SW652 - ‘09 • 58" Dbl Drum vib w/ 172 hrs ..............................................CALL SAKAI SW800II - ‘09 • 67" Dbl Drum w/exact meter, 197 hrs ..............................CALL SAKAI SW880 - ‘09 • 79" Dbl Drum vib w/ 141 hrs ..............................................CALL

TRIMMER GOMACO 9000 - ‘04 • Trimmer w/ 10'8" T-head, boom arms both sides, g&s controls, 1350 hrs..........................................................................................................$195,000

RUBBER TIRED EXCAVATORS GRADALL XL 4100II - ‘05 • A/C up, 72” Ditch Bucket, “Through Shop”, 8500 Hrs ...... ........................................................................................................................$115,000

MOTOR GRADER PSI MD413XT - ‘08 • 10' moldboard, front bucket, rear scarifier, enclosed cab, 133 hp, 14,000 lbs, 120 hours ................................................................................$84,950

Contact Marty in Illinois 1-800-307-0221 mahrendt@amstate.com Photos & Detail Descriptions view: www.amstate.com





Large Selection of New & Used Equipment in Stock. AGGREGATE EQUIPMENT SIMPLICITY portable dual screen plant, 6x16 and 6x20 triple deck horizontal screens, 60" underscreen conveyors, 42" cross conveyors, tri-axle chassis with hydraulic leveling ........................................$199,800 CEDARAPIDS 4136 Portable twin roll plant, with Allis 5'x16' single deck horizontal screen, Cummins V-12 diesel, on tandem axle chassis with hydraulic leveling......................................$68,000 ALLIS H400-SD portable cone plant, Cummins diesel, rear feed conveyor, side discharge conveyor, tandem axle chassis with run-on hydraulic jacks ..............................................................$172,800 WHEEL LOADERS CATERPILLAR 980G SERIES II, wheel loader (2004), Cat Diesel, 29.5R25 Tires, 7.5 cu. yd. Spade Nose Bucket w/Teeth and Bolt-On Segments ..............................................................$159,500 KAWASAKI 90Z-V, wheel loader (2004), 6800 hrs, Cummins QSM11 diesel, 4 speed Powershift transmission, 5 1/2 cu. yd. bucket, 26.5R25 Michelin XHA tires, ride control, air conditioner ..........CALL KAWASAKI 95Z-V, wheel loader (2006), 340 hp Cummins QS15 diesel, 4/3 speed Powershift transmission, 29.5x25 Bridgestone L3 radials, 7 cu. yd. GP bucket, enclosed ROPS with a/c ......$249,500 Milwaukee, WI 1-800-236-6900 Fax 414-541-1892

CRANES MANITOWOC 11000 100 TON CAPACITY CRAWLER CRANE, 2008, with 200’ Main Boom, 60’ Jib, Counterweight & Side Frame Removal Systems, 74,970 lb. Counterweight, 750 Hours .... ......................................................................CALL GROVE RT760 60 TON CAPACITY ROUGH TERRAIN CRANE, 1993, with Cat Diesel, 110’ PowerPinned Boom, 32’ to 56’ Telescopic Offsettable Swingaway, Main & Auxiliary Hoists, 29.5x25 Tires, Ready to work ..........Reduced to $199,900 GROVE RT760E 60 TON CAPACITY ROUGH TERRAIN CRANE, 2008, (Several Available) with Cummins Diesels, 36’ to 110’ Booms, 33’ to 56’ Offsettable Bi-Fold Swingaway Extensions, Model HO30 Main & Auxiliary Hoists, 29.5x25 Tires, block & ball ..................................................CALL GROVE TM890 90 TON HYDRAULIC TRUCK CRANE, 1991, with a 114’ full power boom, 33’ to 58’ Telescopic Offsettable Swingaway, Grove Model HO30B-26 Main and Auxiliary Hoists, Cummins 6BT5.9 superstructure engine, on a Grove 8x4 carrier with a Cummins NTC400 Big Cam III diesel, 13 speed Roadranger, and a Nelson tandem-axle boom dolly ................................CALL MANITOWOC 777 200 TON CRAWLER CRANE, 2000 model, 220' main boom, 40' fixed jib, hoists with free-fall option, 48" track shoes, Series II counterweight, self-assembly package, Cummins diesel, third drum, 7000 hours, job ready ....CALL

Wausau, WI 1-800-242-7113 Fax 715-675-9748

Crushing & Screening Div. Little Chute, WI 1-800-236-8318 Fax 920-788-6753

For information on our in-stock equipment, contact Lanny Peterson at:

lpeterson@amstate.com or mobile 1-715-574-8089 or 1-800-242-7113

Page 12 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

Project foreman Paul Michels (L) and demolition expert Jason Ryan of O’Reilly Fabrication, Goodhue, Minn., work on the clean up of the Spectro Alloys furnace.

RMSTeams WithO’Reilly Fabrication to Tackle Tough Job Timing is crucial in any successful business. Spectro Alloys Corp., a low-cost and high-volume produced of aluminum, based in Rosemont, Minn., is no exception. When a breakdown occurs, a quick fix becomes vital. Such was the case when one of the firm’s furnaces used to melt scrap became badly damaged. O’Reilly Fabrication and Welding Service was quickly tapped to clear the damaged furnace. Then timing became critical for the Goodhue, Minn.,-based contractor. “Because of the loss of aluminum production,” said O’Reilly Fabrication and Welding Services CEO Jake O’Reilly, “we were required to get this done in the fastest time possible.” That isn’t unusual for your average project, but the situation O’Reilly was facing was a little different. The refractory lining of the furnace used to melt aluminum in the recycling process had failed, creating a molten mass that had solidified and needed to be removed before a new furnace could be built. And that’s where things got tricky. According to O’Reilly, during the recycling process a pump keeps liquid aluminum moving through the furnace and a hole in the furnace’s side allows the molten metal to

flow into a mold. When the refractory inside the furnace failed, the aluminum got in contact with the steel plate on the floor. “It ended up burning a hole through the floor, and all that aluminum leaked out,” O’Reilly said. According to O’Reilly, a cavity underneath the floor, designed to provide cooling air to the area, then filled with the melted aluminum. The heat also melted the I-beams across the floor. Once it cooled, the aluminum was a solid mass. Thrice Not Nice In taking on the project, O’Reilly was faced with a triple challenge —removing the furnace, removing the hardened aluminum between the floor beams and removing the hardened aluminum in the air cavity. “The only way to get that aluminum out was to rip the whole furnace out,” he said. Again, something easier said than done. Trying to accomplish the task a traditional way with torches and manpower would use up costly time. O’Reilly knew he needed a shear strong enough to cut through the furnace metal but small enough to fit into the tight workspace inside the furnace building. With those conditions in mind, O’Reilly approached Brian Durfee, sales manager of

Road Machinery and Supplies Co. (RMS), a Savage, Minn., company that rents and sells construction equipment, and asked how he might handle the situation. “He came to me looking for ways we might have to help him get it [the furnace and the aluminum] cut and out of the building,” Durfee said. “He wasn’t sure how he was going to get it out.” Durfee realized from the beginning that O’Reilly needed a special piece of equipment that could cut thick steel as well as rotate to get into tight corners. He immediately thought of the new Genesis GXP440R shear, already dubbed the “440.” The shear, which has the cutting abilities usually found on a much larger machine, was introduced earlier this year, not long before O’Reilly took on the Spectro project. The 440 was attached to a Komatsu PC300LC-08 excavator that provided the power and hydraulics for the Genesis to work. “We represent both Komatsu and Genesis scrap and shearing equipment,” said Durfee. “We married the 300 with the Genesis to come up with the perfect tool for that particular application. Otherwise, it was just going to be with men and torches.” The Genesis turned out to be an ideal

piece of equipment for the job. “O’Reilly told me, ‘This thing is a beast!’” Durfee said. “He said it just grabbed everything he touched and cut it or pulled it apart. He was very impressed.” “We just went in with that shear and started chopping,” said O’Reilly, who has 16 employees working on the project. “That shear was amazing. It would take you a day to cut that with a torch and you would have had spatters and sparks blowing back in your face. “With that shear we went in and actually peeled the (furnace) steel off the aluminum, sheared that up and then we could shear the aluminum bars up. It has a very, very strong cutting ability for its size. Usually you need to have a machine almost double the size to get a shear that will generate the force that the 440 will.” Using the shear, O’Reilly was able to remove the melted aluminum in between the beams in about three days. “Without it, it would have taken an extra three to four weeks for sure,” said O’Reilly. The Genesis shear O’Reilly used was the first dealer model “put into action” beyond demonstrations. On top of its power, size and maneuverability, the Genesis shear is a userfriendly piece of equipment, Durfee said. see RMS page 54

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 13

LEXINGTON, KY 2180 Old Frankfort Pike P.O. Box 11520 Lexington, KY 40510 859-254-6443 1-800-432-0913

CORBIN, KY 828 W. Cumberland Gap Pkwy. Corbin, KY 40701 606-528-0700 1-800-274-9457

PRESTONSBURG, KY 2124 Watergap Road Prestonsburg, KY 41653 606-874-8036 1-800-955-9457

Page 14 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

45’ Van Ladder $53,995 Tall Utility Van $30,995

10’ Cube Van $28,995

10’ Dump $34,995

4x4 Service Body $27,995

12’ WorkPro Cube $33,995

Utility Van $27,995

Work Van $22,995

Diesel Flatbed $38,995

Ext Service Body $33,995

Hot Shot Food Delivery $38,995

Red KUV $33,995

4x4 8’ Flatbed $24,995

12' Cube Van $28,995

4x2 Service Body $25,995

12475 Plaza Drive, Eden Prairie, MN 55344



*All Sale Prices Include Manufacturer Rebate & Commercial Rebate For Qualified Commercial Customers To Dealer, Not Including Tax Or License.”

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 15

www.patkelly.com 5920 N. Lindbergh Blvd. Hazelwood, MO 314-895-9500 Sales • Rentals • Service

Page 16 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

James S. McReynolds, president Caterpillar Paving Products Inc., answers questions about the manufacturing line at Cat Paving and talks about how the company is adapting to the effect the economic climate has had on product demand.

Caterpillar Talks Paving, Challenges DuringMedia Day

Tour attendees saw Cat Paving Products workers in action.


aterpillar Paving Products Inc., recently held a media day to offer attendees a tour of its plant in Brooklyn Park, Minn. The day also served as an opportunity to address the challenges general contractors are facing without a six-year federal highway and transportation program. Speakers discussed the impact the lack of a federal program has on employment and productivity on construction and Dave Semerad, CEO of Associated General Contractors of Minnesota, talks about the challenges facing conrelated industries. tractors across the state and county without a sixyear federal highway and transportation program.

Tim Crennen, region president of Knife River Corporation, speaks about the difficulties his company has experienced over the past four years with a tough economy and without a federal highway program in place.

Minnesota State Representative Melissa Hortman was on hand to lend support to contractors and manufacturers.

Despite tough economic times, Caterpillar workers continue to produce paving products.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 17

Introducing John Deere Fleet Care.

Powerful medicine for machine health. John Deere Fleet Care, available through your local Nortrax branch, is a revolutionary new machine health system that does more than deliver essential machine information. It actually thinks. Fleet Care analyzes JDLink, machine inspection, all machine fluids, and service activities. Then, it does what no other fleet maintenance system can do – it considers thousands of scenarios, abnormalities, symptoms, causes, and solutions, and tells you exactly what to do to make your machine run better, longer, and at a lower cost. Fleet Care is a machine health revolution, and only John Deere has it.


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Page 18 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

Komatsu WA250PZ-6 Parallel Tool Carrier Offers More Power Komatsu America Corp.’s WA250PZ-6 tool carrier has improved visibility and increased loading power and performance for the construction, utility, government, sewer, waste and agricultural markets. This machine includes technological enhancements for greater performance, operator comfort and efficiency, according to the manufacturer. The WA250PZ-6, with an operating weight of 26,808 to 27,778 lbs. (12,160 to 12,600 kg) and a heaped bucket capacity of 2.5 to 3.0 cu. yd. (1.9 to 2.3 cu m), gets its power and productivity from a Komatsu SAA6D107E-1 engine. This engine has a net power of 138 hp (103 kW), is EPA Tier III emissions certified and provides high productivity with low fuel consumption and low noise. The WA250-6 is equipped with KOMTRAX technology, which sends machine operating information to a secure Web site utilizing wireless technology. Data such as operating hours, location and maintenance alerts are relayed to the web application for analysis. The KOMTRAX fleet monitoring system increases machine availability, reduces the risk of machine theft, allows for remote diagnosis by the distributor and provides other information to drive business efficiency and productivity, according to the manufacturer. Parallel Z-Bar Linkage Design The WA250PZ-6 offers a parallel z-bar linkage design, which improves visibility for operations such as loading pallets and other materials onto forks. The WA250PZ-6 also provides parallel movement with large tilt force for both bucket and fork applications. Increased Power and Performance With Hydrostatic Transmission System The WA250PZ-6 incorporates Komatsu’s hydrostatic transmission system (HST) that allocates only as much power as is needed for a given application. The engine power is transmitted hydraulically to a transfer case, then mechanically out to the differentials and to the four driving wheels, making the

The WA250PZ-6 gets its power and productivity from a Komatsu SAA6D107E-1 engine. This engine has a net power of 138 hp (103 kW), is EPA Tier III emissions certified and provides high productivity with low fuel consumption and low noise.

WA250PZ-6 a very powerful yet efficient machine that responds quickly and smoothly to varying job conditions. By adjusting automatically to the tractive effort demands of the work at hand, Komatsu’s HST provides for quick travel response and aggressive drive into the pile. The full auto-shifting feature eliminates gear shifting and the kick-down switch gives the operator the ability to concentrate on digging and loading operations for faster cycle times and increased productivity. Variable Traction Control With ‘S-mode’ The tractive effort of the machine, when traveling at low speeds, can be reduced by using the traction control switch to control tire slippage. This is especially beneficial for surfaces such as wet concrete or soft ground where tires are more likely to slip. The traction control system eliminates excessive bucket penetration and tire slippage during operations such as stockpile loading, extending the life-cycle of tires and improving work efficiency. A new “S-mode” control provides optimum driving force for operations on slippery road surfaces, including snow removal or working on snow-covered surfaces, by controlling the engine speed and HST motor when traveling at a low speed.

Maximum Breakout Force, Dumping Clearance and Reach The WA250PZ-6 also has an increased breakout force of 26,490 lbs. (12,015 kg) and high static tipping loads (20,767 lbs. [9,420 kg] straight and 18,067 lbs. [8,195 kg] at a 40 degree full turn) to provide power and stability during the toughest operations. The long lift arms provide high dumping clearances and maximum dumping reach so the operator can “level” or “even” loads on the body of a dump truck. Improved Operator Comfort Komatsu designed an operatorfriendly cab with increased backwards seat slide adjustment and more interior room. The pressurized cab reduces noise levels to a low 70 d[B]A and keeps dust and other particles from the cab’s interior. The rear-hinged cab doors and sloped staircase type steps with large diameter handrails allow for easy entrance and exit and a wide pillar-less glass windshield provides for increased visibility. The viscous damping mount system helps to minimize noise, shock and vibration in rough working conditions. For optimum comfort, the WA250PZ-6 features a low effort, multi-function mono lever pres-

sure proportional control (PPC) hydraulic system with a forward, neutral and reverse control switch for smooth and easy directional changes. There also is a max traction switch on the mono lever to cut traction control on and off easily with the push of a button.

temperature air cleaner clogging, etc. If the controller finds abnormalities the error is displayed on the LCD. The EMMS also stores abnormalities and error codes for troubleshooting assistance to mechanics which minimizes diagnosis and repair time.

Easy Maintenance and Serviceability The WA250PZ-6 allows for easy maintenance in order to reduce costly downtime. The large gull-wing type doors open widely and easily (with the assistance of a gas spring) allowing the operator or technician to perform daily service checks from the ground. The engine fan is hydraulically driven and if the machine is operating in adverse conditions the operator can reverse the hydraulic cooling fan (to blow out debris) from inside the cab by simply pressing a button on the control panel, or the fan can be preset to automatically activate at given intervals. The tool carrier is equipped with the Komatsu equipment management monitoring system (EMMS), which monitors all critical systems and alerting and guiding the operator should an abnormality occur. Komatsu’s EMMS often prevents a small problem from becoming a major service issue contributing to a reduced cost of operation. The controller monitors key engine features such as oil pressure, coolant

Increased Durability and Reliability The wet multi-disc brakes and fully hydraulic braking system, combined with dynamic braking, mean lower maintenance costs and higher reliability. The dynamic braking function means using the wet disc brakes less often, increasing overall brake disc life. The wet disc brakes are fully sealed keeping contaminants out and reducing wear and subsequent maintenance. This also means no air system to bleed and no condensation of water that can lead to corrosion and freezing. Controllers, connectors, sensors and wiring have undergone extensive testing to ensure reliability in the harshest of conditions. The electronic connectors are DT-type and seal against dirt and moisture. Flat face-to-face O-ring seals are used to securely seal hydraulic hose connections and all hydraulic cylinders are protected by metal guard rings for additional reliability. For more information, visit www.komatsuamerica.com.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 19

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2008 DITCH WITCH RT95H, 2008 Power Unit with A920 Backhoe and H932 Plow ........$78,000

2004 DITCH WITCH JT921S, 699 Hrs, Package includes ZMM5 Mud Mixer, 66 Tracker, 750 Display, 86B Beacon, Trailer ................$54,000

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2000 DITCH WITCH JT2720, Package includes MM9 Mud Mixer, 750TKR Tracker, 750D Display and 86B Beacon ..............$35,000

2008 DITCH WITCH JT8020 MACH 1, 1508 Hrs, Tier 3 HDD. Also Avail: 6 boxes, 72 pipe, beacon housing, bit, FM13V, electronics ........ ........................$338,000

1993 DITCH WITCH 3610, 1940 Hrs, 3610 Power Unit with A222 Backhoe ............$13,000

2008 DITCH WITCH RT55H, 53 Hrs, RT55H Power Unit, Backfill Blade, Rear Steer, A523 Backhoe & H515 Trencher ............$64,999

2009 DITCH WITCH JT100, HDD w/750 hrs, 6 rod boxes, 72 pipe, trans sub, beacon hsg, bit, 2 augers, climate control cab ..................$520,000

2007 DITCH WITCH JT8020 MACH 1 1970 Hrs, Tier 3 Horizontal Directional Drill Includes cab & Climate Control, 6 rod Boxes, 72 Pipe, Transition Sub, Steep Bit, 2 - 480mm Augers, Sideload Beacon Housing, FM13 Mud Mixer with 1000 gallon tank, 752D display, 752TKR tracker, 86B beacon $369,000

2007 DITCH WITCH HT115, 135 Hrs, HT115 Steel Track Power Unit, RC115 Reel Carrier, H1130 Plow, Backfill Blade................$106,000

DEALERS! Call Mike Hinson for opportunities in your area: 1-877-286-3411

Page 20 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

Old Farm Site Found Under Urbana Bike Path Project By Tom Kacich


URBANA, Ill. (AP) You have to wonder what Fountain J. Busey would think if he knew that people were scavenging around his property. Busey was a real Champaign County pioneer, arriving here in 1829 (four years before the county was established) from Shelby County, Ky., with his parents, Matthew and Sallie Busey. In 1836, he purchased a 40acre parcel of prairie about 2 mi. southeast of downtown Urbana along what is now High Cross Road, or Illinois 130. Sometime later, perhaps around the time of the Civil War, someone built a small cabin on the site. Busey had sold the property by then, although it’s possible another member of the locally famous family was living on the site. Now, around 150 years later, the city of Urbana intends to build a $800,000, 8-ft. (2.4 m)-wide multi-use path on the east side of High Cross Road right over the original Busey property. So before construction begins, researchers from the Illinois State

Archaeological Survey at the University of Illinois (formerly known as the Illinois Transportation Archaeological Research Program) are recovering and analyzing items found at the site. “This is standard protocol for any federal highway-funded project,” said Craig Shonkwiler, an engineer with the city of Urbana who is project manager of the High Cross Road project. “It’s really the right thing for us to do. Years ago, people didn’t know about these sites or they just blasted through.” But it’s unique, especially in East Central Illinois, for public works projects to come upon any archaeological sites, he said. “In my career, and I’ve been doing this for about 15 years now, it’s the only road-bike kind of project where this has come up,” Shonkwiler said. “Most of the time, we’re just resurfacing an existing road anyway so it doesn’t come up. In this area, this is a rare occurrence.” Last fall, Ian Fricker, an archaeologist with the state archaeology survey, surveyed the proposed path from Windsor Road to University Avenue.

“On the surface we found broken crockery, china, glass, some bricks, stuff like that,” said Fricker, an assistant district director with the archaeological survey. “We were able to date the materials, and we knew we had an early site here so we decided to dig further.” Fricker and a crew of four people have excavated about 32,000 sq. ft. of the east Urbana property now owned by Menard Inc. “It looks like we have a mid-19th century cabin site,” he said. “Specifically, we were able to locate a small cellar, what you might call a trapdoor cellar, located beneath the cabin. We’ve also got a well and what probably was a refuse pit.” Among the items excavated, Fricker said, are bits of china, iron nails, bottle glass, even an animal hoof. But no parts of the cabin or its foundation have been recovered, he said. “Of course, the foundations of houses then were not the same as what we have today,” he said. “Those houses were very portable. You could literally pick them up and move them.” Mark Branstner, a historic archaeologist

with the archaeology survey, said the items recovered “are a pretty typical assemblage dating from about 1850 to 1870. Other than the fact that this is associated with the Busey family, which at least locally elevates it for us, this is what we find pretty routinely. “We had hoped for something from the 1830s or 1840s, dating from the earliest settlement period. But nothing’s jumping out at us.” Branstner said he’s able to narrow the items to the Civil War era because of the pieces of dishware. “Because dishes change style quickly and they usually get broken quickly and deposited into the site, they give us a good timeline of what is going on there,” he said. Fountain J. Busey, according to the local history book, “Pioneers of Champaign County” by Milton Mathews and Lewis McLean, moved quite a bit himself. His first property was an 80-acre tract near Urbana for which he paid $1.25 an acre, the authors wrote. He traded that for land along the Sangamon River, and sold that in 1843 for a tract in Sidney, where he spent the rest of his life.

H&E Equipment Services Volvo Returns to Profit in 2nd Launches New Web Site Quarter as Demand Picks Up H&E Equipment Services’s Web site has been redesigned to make it easier for users to view and compare new and used equipment, along with the other on-line services H&E now offers. Especially noteworthy is the upgraded used equipment section, which provides quick access to detailed information, multiple photos and warranty information on every featured unit. Addressing updates to the site, Toby Hawkins, H&E Equipment Services vice president of marketing, said, “Our pilot testing with customers confirms that they want easy navigation, multiple photos, good specs and a warranty to protect their investment. Along with email inquiry capabilities, customers also like the option of talking with a live sales representative when they are ready to buy or need information now. We accommodate all of this with our new offering.” In addition to new and used equipment, customers can view and access information on other H&E dealership services, including real-time rental and accounting reports, invoicing, rentals, parts, service and repair, training, financing, insurance, fleet maintenance, national accounts, international sales, investor relations and employment opportunities.

To earn the trust and confidence of the internet buyer, every used machine comes with a free warranty, honored at H&E or OEM repair facilities throughout the United States. Viewers can easily click on the warranty details associated with any unit. A “30day Quality Used” or “90-day Job Ready” Protection Plan is included with each used equipment purchase. Extended warranties also are available. For easy comparison shopping, the improved used equipment section allows buyers to compare pricing and specifications on two to four machines, side-by-side. The shopper also can select and export an entire category to an Excel spreadsheet for easy viewing. “Our goal is to create an internet resource that is user-friendly, time-saving, informative and interactive…Another value-added service to benefit equipment customers and their businesses,” said Hawkins. “We hope customers will find our Web site to be a tremendous resource and significant improvement to the online buying and renting experience.” For more information, visit www.HE-equipment.com.

By Malin Rising


STOCKHOLM (AP) Swedish truck maker AB Volvo returned to a profit in the second quarter from a loss a year earlier, helped by a gradual pickup in demand and improved productivity, it said July 22. The company, based in Goteborg, southern Sweden, said net sales increased by 27 percent. The profit sharply beat analysts’ expectations, despite the fact that sales were weaker than forecast. Sydbank analyst Morten Imsgard said the report was very strong overall, showing the positive effects of previous costcuts, and that the construction equipment division performed particularly well. “They have really pulled it off with very impressive margins in that business,” he said. “We can really see the cost cutting effect coming through in the smaller divisions.” Imsgard added it also was positive for the future to see demand pick up in the

North American truck market. Volvo’s CEO Leif Johansson said the pickup in sales helped improve the company’s profitability, combined with strict cost control and “a good productivity development.” “The pace in the recovery in demand has been rather moderate, which is positive as it gives us a good opportunity to continue with the activities that contribute to further increasing productivity and efficiency,” Johansson said. He added that the sales trend had been particularly strong in Asia and South America, while volumes in Europe, North America and Japan are still at low levels from a historical perspective. “We anticipate that the demand for new trucks in North America will continue to rise during the second half of this year and that the gradual increase in Europe also will continue,” he said. Johansson reiterated his previous forecast that the European truck market will grow some 10 percent in 2010, while the North American market growth is expected at between 20 and 30 percent.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 21

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60 to 70 Scrapers on Hand at 7 Locations FOR SALE OR FOR RENT Iowa Locations: Humboldt, Adel, Iowa Falls, Union, Manchester, Dunlap Nebraska Location: Tecumseh


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18yd Ashland I-180 TS2s, (New & Used)......................................Call 17 1/2yd Ashland I-175 XL2, (New & Used) ................................Call 15 1/2yd Ashland I-155 TS2s, (New & Used) ..........$46,000-$57,000 15 1/2yd Ashland I-155 XL2s, (New & Used) ..........$35,000-$58,000 13yd Ashland I-130 TS2s, (New & Used)......................................Call 13yd Ashland I-130 XL2s, (New & Used)......................................Call 11yd Ashland I-110 TS2s, (New & Used) ................$35,000-$37,000 11yd Ashland I-110 XL2s, (New & Used) ................$28,000-$32,000 9yd Ashland I-900s, (New & Used) ..............................................Call Ashland Groundhog GH2500, (New & Used)............$10,000-$12,000


12yd Garfield Model 1150s, (New & Used) ............$24,000-$28,000 8yd Garfield Model 850s, (New & Used) ................$16,000-$18,000 5yd Garfield Model 550s, (New & Used)................................$14,000


12yd IMC Dolly Ejection, (Used) ............................................$25,000


7yd Rowse Model 7002 & 7004, (2009s-1010s) ..........................Call 5yd Rowsw Model 7002 & 7004, (2009s-2010s)..........................Call 3yd Rowse Model 3002, (2009s-2010s) ......................................Call


14’ & 16’ Johnson Graders ..........................................................Call 1 1/2yd & 3yd Durabilts Model DP60 & DP84, (New & Used) ....Call 3/4 yd G&A Mini Scraper, (New & Used)..................................$3,000 8’ Hoelscher PT-8 Lawn Roller, (New) ....................................$2,250 4’ Dura Grade Model DG4E Electric Lift, (New) ........................$Call

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2005 CASE 410 SKID STEER ROPS, 59 HP, FOOT-T, 10X16.5/GOOD, 64"-TOOTH (LONG LIP), GOOD-C, 810 HRS, SAINT LOUIS, MO (48328) $13,900

1992 CASE 580 SUPER K BACKHOE LOADER CAB, HEAT, 4x4, X-HOE, 2-LEVER, 83"-LOADER (4 &1), WAIN ROY (36", 24", 12", & FORKS), GOOD-C, 8050-H, SAINT LOUIS, MO (48172) $21,200

2005 CASE 450CT SKID STEER ROPS, 17.7"-RT, RIDE-C, M-DISCON, G-HEAT, 84"TOOTH, GOOD-C, 1465-H, SAINT LOUIS, MO (47957) $27,900

1992 KOBELCO SK60 EXCAVATOR CAB, 18"-ST, 14,800lbs, 24"-TOOTH, GOOD-C, 6390-H, SPRINGFIELD, IL (47971) $18,900

Page 22 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

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Komatsu PC2000-8 Front Shovel, 1:50 Scale ..............$250

Set of three Mack Granite Dump Trucks, 1:64 Scale ........$125

Allis-Chalmers HD21 Dozer/Ripper, 1:50 Scale ..........$80 Bantam C-35 Crawler Backhoe, 1:50 Scale ................$65 Bantam C-35 Crawler Shovel, 1:50 scale ....................$65 Bantam C-35 Dragline, 1:50 Scale ..............................$65 Bobcat A300 Wheel Loader, 1:25 Scale ......................$40 Bobcat M610 Golden 50th Anniversary Skid Steer Loader ..........................................................................$50 Bobcat S175 Skid Steer Loader, 1:50 Scale ................$18 Bobcat Tractor/Trailer Set, 1:50 Scale ........................$80 (3) Caterpillar Earthmovers, D9T, D5M and 315C, 1:87 Scale ............................................................................$75 Caterpillar Vintage Twenty Tractor w/metal tracks, 1:16 Scale ............................................................................$60 Caterpillar No. 12 Motor Grader, 1:87 Scale ..............$25 Caterpillar AP655D Paver, 1:50 Scale ........................$55 Caterpillar CB-534D XW Asphalt Compactor, 1:50 Scale .. ....................................................................................$40 Caterpillar D6K XL Track Type Tractor, 1:50 Scale ......$45 Caterpillar D7E Track Type Tractor, 1:50 Scale ..........$60 Caterpillar D8R Track Type Tractor, 1:50 Scale ..........$45 Caterpillar D10T Track Type Tractor, 1:50 Scale ........$75 Caterpillar D11R Track Type Tractor, 1:50 Scale ........$45 Caterpillar D11T Track Type Tractor, 1:50 Scale ........$70 Caterpillar 140H Motor Grader w/ripper & scarifier, 1:50 Scale ............................................................................$40 Caterpillar 140M Motor Grader, 1:50 Scale ................$60 Caterpillar 226B2 Skid Steer Loader w/tools, 1:32 Scale.. ....................................................................................$30

Caterpillar D10T Track Type Tractor, 1:50 Scale ............$75

Caterpillar 247B2 Multi-Terrain Loader, 1:32 Scale....$30 Caterpillar 272C Skid Steer Loader, 1:32 Scale ..........$30 Caterpillar 302.5 Mini-Excavator, 1:32 Scale ..............$35 Caterpillar 323D L Excavator, 1:50 Scale ......................$50 Caterpillar 365B Excavator, 1:50 Scale ..........................$40 Caterpillar 365C L Front Shovel, 1:50 w/metal tracks ..$70 Caterpillar 420E Backhoe/Loader, 1:50 Scale ............$45 Caterpillar 432E Side Shift Backhoe Loader, 1:50 Scale .. ....................................................................................$45 Caterpillar 511OB Excavator, 1:50 Scale ....................$75 Caterpillar 611 Motor Scraper in display case, 1:64 Scale ............................................................................$10 Caterpillar 623G Elevating Motor Scraper, 1:50 Scale$35 Caterpillar 725D Articulated Truck, 1:50 Scale ..........$30 Caterpillar 775E Off-Highway Truck in display case, 1:64 Scale ............................................................................$15 Caterpillar 777D Off-Highway Truck, 1:50 Scale ........$40 Caterpillar 797F Off-Highway Truck, 1:50 Scale........$260 Caterpillar 825H Soil Compactor, 1:50 Scale ..............$35 Caterpillar 924 G Versalink Wheel Loader: 1:50 Scale .... ....................................................................................$35 Caterpillar 950H Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ..................$45 Caterpillar 963D Track Loader, 1:50 Scale ....................$45 Caterpillar 966A Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ................$50 Caterpillar 977 Traxcavator, 1:50 Scale ......................$30 Caterpillar 988H Wheel Loader, 1:64 Scale ................$30 Caterpillar 992G Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ................$50 Caterpillar 994F Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ................$95 Gradall XL4300 Rubber Tired Excavator, 1:32 Scale ..$75 Hitachi Zaxis 450LC Excavator, 1:50 Scale..................$45 International 175 Crawler Loader w/Multi-Purpose Bucket, 1:50 Scale........................................................$50 International TD-15 Dozer, 1:87 Scale ........................$45 International TD-24 Military Dozer, 1:50 Scale ..........$50 International TD-24 Ag/Crawler, 1:50 Scale ................$40 International TD-25 Dozer, 1:87 Scale ........................$45 JCB 3CX Backhoe Loader, 1:50 Scale ..........................$50 JCB 456 ZX Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ........................$70 JCB Vibromax VM 115 Soil Compactor, 1:50 Scale ....$35 John Deere MC Crawler Dozer, 1:16 scale ..................$75 John Deere MT Gas Farm Tractor, 1:16 Scale ............$50 John Deere 320 Skid Steer Loader, 1:16 Scale ..........$24 Komatsu 960E Mining Truck, 1:50 Scale ..................$275 Komatsu PC300LC-8 Excavator, 1:50 Scale ................$70

Komatsu WA500-6 Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ............$60 Komatsu D51 EX Dozer, 1:50 Scale..............................$60 Komatsu D51 PX Dozer, 1:50 Scale ............................$55 Komatsu D375 Dozer, 1:50 Scale ................................$75 Komatsu GD655 Motor Grader, 1:50 Scale ..................$60 Komatsu HD605 Off-Highway Truck, 1:50 Scale..........$70 Komatsu WB146 Backhoe Loader w/tools, 1:50 Scale$45 Komatsu Mack Granite MP w/Talbert Lowboy Trailer, 1:50 Scale ....................................................................$80 Komatsu SK1020 Skid Steer Loader, 1:25 Scale ........$40 Komatsu SK1026 Skid Steer Loader, 1:25 Scale ........$40 LeTourneau Super C Scraper w/Cab, 1:50 Scale ........$80 Northwest 25-D Backhoe, 1:50 Scale ........................$100 Northwest 25-D Shovel, 1:50 Scale ..........................$100 Oshkosh Front Discharge Mixer Truck, 1:34 scale ......$70 Volvo G970 Motor Grader, 1:50 Scale..........................$70 Volvo SD-122 Soil Compactor, 1:72 Scale ..................$40 Volvo A25C Articulated Truck, 1:50 Scale....................$30 Volvo BL71 Backhoe Loader, 1:50 Scale ....................$45 Volvo EC240B Excavator, 1:50 Scale............................$45 Volvo EC280 Excavator, 1:50 Scale..............................$24 Volvo FH12 Tractor/Trailer w/Volvo L150C, 1:50 Scale...... ....................................................................................$60 Volvo L90E Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ........................$70 Volvo L60E Wheel Loader w/Attachments, 1:50 Scale$65 Volvo L150C Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ......................$30 Volvo L350F Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ......................$80


Bobcat 225 Mini-Excavator, 1:25 Scale ..................$42.50 Caterpillar 320CL Excavator, 1:50 Scale w/o Box........$25 Caterpillar 611 Scraper, 1:64 Scale ............................$15 Caterpillar D25D Articulated Truck, 1:64 Scale......$12.00 Conexpo 2005 Con/Agg, 1:50 Scale ........................$42.50 Hitachi Crawler Crane, 1:96 Scale ..............................$24 International TD20E Dozer, 1:64 Scale ........................$20 JCB 435 Compact Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ..............$15 Melroe Bobcat M200 Skid Steer Loader, No Box, 1:25 Scale ............................................................................$29 Michigan L320 Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ..................$25 Volvo A25 Articulated Truck, 1:50 Scale......................$15 Yanmar B37 Mini-Excavator, 1:32 Scale......................$15

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CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 23

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Used Equipment 2006 Komatsu D39PX-21A Dozer, w/EROPS, 6 way blade, #BLCON2 ....................$62,000

1999 Blaw Knox PF4410 Track Paver, w/Cummins, 8’ Wedgelock Screed w/2.5 Extensions, BTF0301 ..............$30,000

2008 Komatsu D51EX-22 Dozer, w/EROPS & AC, 6 way blade, ripper hydrauiics, low hrs, #BLCON ............$108,900

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Page 24 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

Cat’s New 973D Boasts More Power Than Its Predecessor Completing the Cat D-Series track loader lineup is the new 973D, featuring load-sensing hydraulics, joystick steering, new operator's station, with tilting cab and 10 percent more power than its 973C predecessor. The new loader retains some of the Cat 973C’s features, including the Cat C9 engine, hydrostatic drive, single-fabrication mainframe, Z-bar loader linkage and oscillating undercarriage. The 973D is designed for steel mills, landfills, quarries and demolition sites. The 973D’s new closed-center, load-sensing implement hydraulic system uses a variable-displacement pump that produces the precise volume of oil required for the job at hand, resulting in pumping less oil, conserving fuel, generating less heat and freeing horsepower to drive the tracks more efficiently. According to Caterpillar the new system also allows seamless, simultaneous use of lift, tilt and travel functions. Complementing the new hydraulic system are lift and tilt cylinders using position sensing electronics, allowing operators to set lift and tilt kick-outs from the cab. Kick-outs are quickly reset for each job, or even each truck, to assure fast cycle times. In addition, end-of-travel snubbing assures that cylinders stop smoothly with less shock. Operator Station Amenities The new operator’s station offers either joystick steering or pedal steering. The steering joystick also provides transmission control, allowing the operator to select travel direction and ground speed, while the pedal-steer system works in conjunction with the Cat “V-pattern” transmission controller. Buyers also have a choice of loader controls, either joy- The 973D’s new closed-center, load-sensing implement hydraulic system uses a variable-displacement pump that stick or two-lever. The new 973D loader controls are seat- produces the precise volume of oil required for the job at hand, resulting in pumping less oil, conserving fuel, mounted and electro-hydraulically actuated, compared with generating less heat and freeing horsepower to drive the tracks more efficiently. console-mounted and pilot-actuated (hydraulically assisted). The new seatmounted, low-effort controls move with sible from ground level, and oil-sampling ports, the operator as the seat is adjusted, transquick-connect pressure taps and ground-level mit less vibration and provide fast, preemergency shut-down switch are standard cise hydraulic response, according to the equipment. manufacturer. Engine power, net 263 hp (196 kW) The new cab is sound-suppressed Job Specific Configurations Operating weight 61,857 lbs (28,058 kg) (rated at 74 dB-A), sealed, pressurized, Two waste handling packages add guarding, air-conditioned, resiliently mounted and Bucket capacity (GP) 4.20 cu. yds (3.21 cu m) debris barriers, cooling-system enhancements tilts for access to major components. and an air-intake pre-cleaner. The standard Bucket capacity (MP) 3.92 cu. yds (3.05 cu m) Increased glass area improves visibility package is designed for landfills, transfer staImplement hydraulic pressure 3,988 psi (27,500 kPa) all around, and the new fender design tions and material-recovery facilities, while the Implement hydraulic flow 91.4 gpm (346 Lpm) yields sharper sightlines out the rear winsevere package affords maximum protection in Fuel tank capacity 164 gal. (621 L) dow. A compact new dash includes both a demanding work, such as demolition. gauge cluster that monitors vital systems The steel-mill package, allowing the 973D to and the Messenger display screen, with work safely and reliably when handling hot slag capability. real-time performance and diagnostic information. around blast furnaces, features a sealed undercarriage; fireThe 973D’s main-frame, loader-tower is fabricated of sin- retardant fluids; heat shields for the fuel tank, power train gle-slab primary rails, cross-member reinforcing and cast- and hydraulic components; silicone seals; heat-resistant Reliable Power Train, Robust Structures The 8.8 L, 263-net hp (196 kW) Cat C9 diesel engine that ings or forgings in high-stress areas to provide long-term windshield and remote parking-brake release. meets U.S. EPA Tier-III and European Union Stage IIIA durability for supporting multiple rebuilds. Oscillating track For work in soft underfoot conditions, the wide-gauge standards, uses Caterpillar ACERT technology for emis- frames help smooth the operator’s ride, lessen shock loads to package provides a stretched track gauge and low-groundsions-control and fuel-economy. A new on-demand, viscous- the machine and contribute to the 973D’s stability. Z-bar- pressure track shoes. These features are complemented with clutch cooling fan helps further lower fuel consumption and type loader linkage uses massive single-slab boom arms and a wider bucket for grading and backfilling applications. dual bell-cranks, each with its own tilt cylinder, to deliver sound. In addition to these application-specific packages, other The electronically controlled Cat Hystat hydrostatic drive solid breakout power. optional packages are available, including a three-shank parService access to drive-train and hydraulic-system com- allelogram ripper, multi-purpose bucket, added countersystem powers and controls each track independently via a variable-displacement pump and motor. The Hystat system ponents is simplified on the 973D with its tilting cab. The weight and a deluxe maintenance package for fast oil allows both tracks to be powered through gradual turns, sim- cab can be tilted 90 degrees with an external lifting device changes and fuel-sediment flushing. Caterpillar also offers plifies straight-line travel when working across slopes and and 30 degrees in the field using an hydraulic jack available custom designed solutions to meet client’s exact needs. provides good maneuverability with its counter-rotation as standard. All routine-maintenance points are easily accesFor more information, visit www.cat.com.

Caterpillar 973D Track Loader: Specs at a Glance

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 25







78 HP Turbo Diesel, 2 Speed, Pilot Controls, Aux. Hydraulics, Enclosed Heated Cab w/ Wiper, Front and Rear Work Lights, New GP Bucket, Never Seen Dirt * 5.9% Financing • $3000 Down • $509/Month

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Page 26 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

Caterpillar Inc. is partnering with Mike Rowe, the creator and star of the Discovery Channel’s Dirty Jobs and founder of mikeroweWORKS.com.

Mike Rowe Hits the Dirt With Cat Customers, Dealers Caterpillar Inc. is partnering with Mike Rowe, the creator and star of the Discovery Channel’s Dirty Jobs and founder of mikeroweWORKS.com. Rowe will be spending time with Caterpillar customers and dealers to get a real world perspective on their jobs and how the two partner to be successful. These encounters will be featured on cat.com and at Cat dealerships across the country and will be used to demonstrate the solutions that Cat dealers provide its customers throughout the lifecycle of its equipment. “When hard work is being performed and progress is being made, Mike wants to be in the thick of it, so teaming with him is an absolute perfect fit,” said Denny Vosberg, Caterpillar parts and service support manager. “Our dealer personnel are the best in the world and have been supporting our customers with their critical work for generations. Now is the time to shine a light on it

and Mike is going to help us with that.” Rowe, who calls himself a perpetual apprentice, has performed more than 300 jobs in locations around the country via his show, Dirty Jobs, which is currently one of the Discovery Channel’s most popular programs. Rowe also is the creator of mikeroweWORKS.com, a Web site dedicated to and for people in the trades to meet, discuss relevant topics and learn what is the latest in the industry. He said his partnership with Caterpillar was “inevitable” because the two share the same work philosophy. “I see Cat equipment and the hard working people operating it around the world, building and creating infrastructure,” said Rowe. “I’m excited to go beyond the machine and talk with the people who are actually making it happen.” For more information, visit www.cat.com.

Rental Industry Forecast Shows Signs of Improvement The latest information from economic forecasting firm IHS Global Insight prepared for the American Rental Association (ARA) and Rental Management magazine reported that the equipment rental industry is starting to show signs of recovery from the national recession. “The Outlook report indicates that the worst may be over for the equipment rental industry,” said Christine Wehrman, CEO, American Rental Association. “The U.S. economy is proving its resilience with growth returning to many sectors. However, construction spending continues to lag behind the rest of the economy. While construction spending is weak, spending on rental is beginning to grow and is leading the way in the construction space. We see the equipment rental industry gaining momentum in 2010 and 2011, with significant growth moving into 2012. These are positive signs for the entire economy as manufacturers, service providers and other vendors begin their budget planning for 2011 in the coming weeks and months. “Although nonresidential construction, state and local spending remain down, other areas of the U.S. construction market have begun to rebound. With business equipment investments surging, almost $6 billion in stimulus money flowing into the economy in 2010 and consumer confidence driving increased demand, the equipment rental industry is poised to gain strength in Q3 and Q4, with improvement in all categories forecasted for 2011,” said Wehrman. The equipment rental industry is made up of three general market segments: Construction & Industrial Equipment, General Tool and Party & Event. Influenced by the decline in both residential and nonresidential construction spending, the Construction & Industrial Equipment market has been hit hardest by the recession. Economic indicators show that employment in the construction industry has increased significantly with the onset of the 2010 construction season. “This is a positive sign for the equipment rental market as cautious contractors will increase their equipment fleets through short-term and long-term rentals to keep employees productive,” said Wehrman. According to IHS Global Insight, even though General Tool did not take as hard of

hit as the Construction & Industrial Equipment market in the recession, it did decline as consumers postponed planned home improvement and do-it-yourself projects during the recession. Although new housing starts remain low, residential construction has noticeably increased in the past year and is forecasted to continue its recovery over the year as consumers are now willing to spend money on updating or repairing their homes. “With consumer confidence growing homeowners and small business owners will rely on their rental stores to supply them with the tools they need to get these delayed projects started in 2010,” said Wehrman. Party & Event equipment rentals have been the least influenced by the recent recession. Experiencing only a modest decline in 2009, this category is forecasted to grow in 2010. This is largely due to the consumer side of the business, which includes weddings, anniversaries, graduations and other celebrations. Fashion and trends influence this market, and consumers expect rental companies to have the latest options. Already, manufacturers and service providers in the Party & Event market have invested the time and resources needed to develop and market new products. “With the influx of capital into this market in 2010, and positive customer demand, the Party & Event market is poised to be a leader in our industry regarding the market’s recovery into 2011 and beyond,” said Wehrman. About IHS Global Insight IHS Global Insight provides comprehensive economic and financial information available on countries, regions and industries, using a combination of expertise, models, data and software within a common analytical framework to support planning and decision-making. Through same-day analysis and risk assessment service, IHS Global Insight provides immediate analysis of market conditions and key events around the world, covering economic, political, and operational factors. IHS has been in business since 1959 and became a publicly traded company on the New York Stock Exchange in 2005. Headquartered in Englewood, Colo., IHS employs more than 4,200 people in more than 30 countries around the world.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 27

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Page 28 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

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KPI-JCI, Astec Mobile Topcon Acquires InlandGEO Names New Sales Director KPI-JCI and Astec Mobile Screens recently introduced Dave McCracken as its new international sales director. McCracken will cover the Latin American and Caribbean territories for all track mounted products. This newly created position will allow for increased exposure of the KPI-JCI and Astec Mobile Screens brands into these specific regions. McCracken brings to this position nearly two decades of experience, including his prior position as sales management in Latin America for McCloskey International. He previously served KPI-JCI for 14 years covering the Northeastern portion of the United States as a regional sales manager. “We are all very excited to welcome Dave back,” said Mike Johnson, vice president of sales and marketing of KPI-JCI and Astec Mobile Screens. “He spent fourteen years with us and really knows our products and our companies. We have decided to take an aggressive approach to developing

Dave McCracken is KPI-JCI and Astec Mibile Screens new international sales director.

these markets and are pleased Dave is heading that effort.” For more information, visit www.kpijci.com/track-mount.

Topcon Positioning Systems (TPS) has acquired InlandGEO, one of Topcon’s top performing distributors. InlandGEO is headquartered in Madrid, Spain, and has four additional offices in Spain, two in Portugal and one in the Canary Islands. In addition to continuing to distribute Topcon and Sokkia positioning products to the construction and survey markets in Spain and Portugal, InlandGEO will become the headquarters for distribution and support for Topcon precision agriculture products in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Established in 1987, InlandGEO “has a deep knowledge of the positioning industry, starting with lasers, machine control and precision land leveling systems,” said Ray O’Connor, TPS president and CEO. “This acquisition reinforces InlandGEO as a premiere Topcon and Sokkia distributor in Spain and Portugal, and now provides the opportunity for rapid growth of Topcon’s position in precision agricultural markets all across Europe, the Middle East and Africa.” From 1993 through 2005, InlandGEO was a top European distributor of Trimble positioning products. It acquired one of the world’s largest Sokkia dealers in 2002, and then acquired Topcon distribution for Spain and Portugal in 2005. O’Connor also announced that Carlos

Monreal, InlandGEO president and CEO, will remain president of the company, in addition to his current duties as vice president of global agriculture for Topcon Precision Agriculture (TPA), and he will be responsible for TPA’s European operations. TPA is a business unit of TPS and is led by Albert Zahalka, senior vice president and general manager of the division. Tony Hirayama, former executive vice president of TPS and president and CEO of TPA, as well as holding several positions with Topcon Corporation in Tokyo, will assume the position of CEO of InlandGEO. Dave Mudrick, president of Topcon America Corporation, the holding company for TPS, will be chairman of the InlandGEO board of directors. Ewout Korpershoek, managing director of Topcon Europe Positioning, Ivan Di Federico, TPS senior vice president of global engineering, and O’Connor round out the board of directors. Monreal praised the acquisition, saying, “The global scope of the new board of directors, with officers from Europe, the United States and Japan shows a strong commitment to InlandGEO and its expanded customer base. This acquisition is a very positive step for Topcon, InlandGEO, the company’s employees, customers and potential customers.” For more information, call 925/245-8300 or visit www.topconpositioning.com.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 29

Page 30 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

Joseph Fabick, Founder of FABCO Topcon Corp. Names Equipment and Avid Aviator, Dies O’Connor Managing FABICK from page 1

ing a family, Mr. Fabick attended classes at Saint Louis University and went on to earn his college degree. Mr. Fabick continued with Fabick CAT in St. Louis for 38 years before leaving his position as president of that company to pursue new opportunities for his family with a dealership of his own. In May of 1982, Caterpillar Inc. awarded him the Cat dealer territory for Wisconsin and Upper Michigan, beginning a new chapter in his illustrious life. Mr. Fabick’s long and extraordinary history in the Caterpillar equipment business provided him with opportu-

Fabick’s interest in construction began at his father’s tractor dealership in St. Louis. The company evolved to become among the first Caterpillar dealerships in the world.

nities to travel the world and be a part of some of this country’s most important achievements such as our interstate highway system and the Trans-Alaska Pipeline. He was an engaging storyteller who loved to share his experiences and provide new perspectives on construction projects that have impacted the lives of many. In addition to his role as a business leader, Mr. Fabick was an active pilot since 1946. He had a highly respected background in aviation including management of the Fabick Companies’ corporate aircraft subsidiary in the late 1940s. Mr. Fabick flew many different types of aircraft and, in 1948, at the age of 21, was identified as the youngest licensed helicopter pilot in the world. Over the years he took an interest in countless humanitarian and community causes and was recognized with many awards. Mr. Fabick always considered one of his greatest accomplishments to be the key role he played in establishment of Wings of Hope in 1962. Along with a group of three other St. Louis businessmen, Mr. Fabick created this nonprofit organization to bring life-saving air transportation to isolated parts of the world. He went on to serve as the foundation’s president for 27 years. Wings of Hope currently helps connect impoverished populations with health care in 41 countries. Mr. Fabick married his wife Gloria in 1949 and together they raised three daughters and five sons. After 47 years of marriage, Gloria died in 1996. A “Life Celebration” for Joe will take place on Tuesday, Aug. 3 at the Westmoor Country Club, 400 South Moorland Road, Brookfield, Wis., 53005. Customers, co-workers, associates and friends are invited to stop by and honor Joe between 4 and 8 p.m. Expressions of sympathy in Joseph Fabick’s memory may be made to Wings of Hope, Inc. (www.wings-of-hope.org) 18590 Edison Ave., Chesterfield, MO 63005

In 1948, at the age of 21, Joseph Fabick was identified as the youngest licensed helicopter pilot in the world.

Executive Officer

Topcon Corporation has promoted Ray O’Connor to managing executive officer. O’Connor is president and CEO of Topcon Positioning Systems, based in Livermore, Calif., and chairman of the board of Topcon Europe Positioning. He will continue to fill these and other positions within the corporation. “In the difficult global financial environment of the past several years, Ray has proven that sound business management combined with strategically aggressive initiatives will deliver positive results even in one of the hardest hit industries — construction,” said Takashi Yokokura, president of Topcon Corporation. “Under his leadership, our positioning business in the Americas, Australia and Europe has dramatically exceeded our financial expectations.” In addition to leading Topcon’s efforts in its core markets of construction, surveying and civil engineering, O’Connor also has provided the guidance for Topcon’s entry into the global precision agricultural industry, mobile mapping, telematics, high-speed precision earthmoving and OEM expansion. O’Connor has been instrumental in the successful consolidation of Topcon and Sokkia in the survey market. “It is an honor to receive this recognition,” O’Connor said, “but I take the most pride in how our team worked cohesively and aggressively to assure every opportunity for growth during the recession while increasing our technology and market foundation for the future.” O’Connor joined Topcon in 1993 as the North America sales manager of construction lasers. By 1995, he had guided the company through the acquisition of Advance Grade Technologies and formed a separate division, Topcon Laser Systems. In 2000, he led Topcon’s acquisition of JPS to bring Topcon the basis of its GPS technologies. Then in 2001, he managed the formations of Topcon Positioning Systems (TPS) that consolidated all of Topcon’s construction and survey business in the Americas. In 2002 he was promoted to president of TPS and was appointed chairman of the board of Topcon Europe Positioning in 2005. He was a Toshiba Corporation businessperson of the year in 2005, the first person of nonJapanese descent to receive the honor. Currently, under O’Connor’s direction, TPS has more than 850 employees on five continents.

Page 32 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • Backhoes and Attachments Section • Construction Equipment Guide














20 (15)

1,700 (771)

2,600 (1,170)

5.6 (1.7)

8.4 (2.5)


3,115 (1,406)


41 (31)

2,042 (926)

3,965 (1,798)

8.4 (2.6)

10.1 (3.1)


7,600 (3,447)


25 (18.5)

2,100 (952)

3,400 (1,542)

7.1 (2.2)

8.10 (2.7)


4,045 (1,834)


72 (53)

6,150 (2,789)

8,600 (3,900)

10.9 (3.3)

14.3 (4.3)

22.4 (36)

13,800 (6,259)


25 (18.5)

2,100 (952)

3,400 (1,542)

7.7 (2.3)

8.8 (2.7)


4,320 (1,960)


92 (68)

7,340 (3,329)

10,300 (4,672)

11.2 (3.4)

14.5 (4.5)

22.4 (36)

14,430 (6,545)


33.3 (24.6)

2,100 (952)

3,400 (1,542)

7.8 (2.3)

9.11 (3.0)


4,690 (2,127)


92 (68)

7,200 (3,266)

10,301 (4,672)

11.7 (3.6)

14.1 (4.3)

23.9 (38.4) 15,400 (6,985)


95 (70)

7,340 (3,329)

10,300 (4,672)

12.5 (3.8)

15.8 (4.8)

23.2 (37.3) 15,000 (6,804)


123 (91)

8,693 (3,943)

15,540 (7,048)

14.4 (4.4)

17.8 (5.4)

24.6 (39.5) 23,000 (10,450)


33.3 (24.6)

2,100 (952)

3,400 (1,542)

7.9 (2.4)

9.10 (3.0)


5,800 (2,631)

CASE 580M Series 3

79 (59)

6,182 (2,804)

9,480 (4,300)

11.2 (3.4)

KOMATSU 14.3 (4.3)

24.3 (39.1) 13,359 (6,060)

580 Super M Series 3 91 (68)

6,182 (2,804)

9,480 (4,300)

11.2 (3.4)

14.5 (4.4)

26.1 (42)

14,285 (6,480)

580 Super M + Series 3 95 (71)

6,182 (2,804)

9,480 (4,300)

11.6 (3.5)

14.10 (4.5) 25.4 (40.9) 14,905 (6,761)

7,327 (3,323)

10,980 (4,990)

11.5 (3.5)

15.11 (4.9) 24.6 (39.5) 15,268 (6,926)


76 (57)

6,325 (2,869)

11.8 (3.61)

14.2 (4.32) 23.0 (37.0) 14,980 (6,795)


88 (66)

8,598 (3,900) 13,224 (6,000) 12.0 (3.68)

14.5 (4.42) 23.5 (37.8) 16,240 (7,366)


88 (66)

8,598 (3,900) 13,224 (6,000) 12.0 (3.68)

14.5 (4.42) 24.9 (40.0)

16,780 (7,611)


95 (70.8)

8,598 (3,900) 13,224 (6,000) 12.3 (3.76)

15.5 (4.72) 23.5 (37.8)

17,200 (7,802)


95 (70.8)

8,598 (3,900) 13,224 (6,000) 12.3 (3.76)

15.5 (4.72) 24.9 (40.0)

17,740 (8,047)

590 Super M Series 3 108 (81)

590 Super M + 108 (81)

7,327 (3,323)

10,981 (4,990)

11.5 (3.5)

15.11 (4.9)

25.6 (41.1) 15,268 (6,926)


23.3 (17.4)

1,300 (589)

2,344 (1,063)

7.8 (2.4)

8.3 (2.5)

11.1 (17.8)

4,001 (1,815)


35.5 (26.5)

2,767 (1,255)

4,605 (2,089)

9.5 (2.9)

10.1 (3)

14.3 (23.0)

6,987 (3,170)


45 (33.6)

2,898 (6,252)

4,530 (2,055)

7.6 (2.3)

10.1 (3)

14.0 (22.5)

7,173 (3,254)


57 (42.5)

3,968 (1,800)

5,961 (2,704)

10.5 (3.2)

12.0 (3.6)

15.9 (25.6)

8,344 (3,785)


96 (71)

6180 (2,803)

10,036 (4,552)

13.6 (4.1)

17.9 (5.5)

25 (40)

14,960 (6,792)


101 (75)

6.457 (2,929) 10,242 (4,646)

13.6 (4.1)

17.9 (5.5)

25 (40)

15,474 (7,025)


111 (83)

6,475 (2,937)

10,401 (4,718)

14.8 (4.5)

19.5 (5.9)

26 (42)

16,066 (7,294)


137 (102)

7,871 (3,570)

11,375 (5,160)

17.0 (5.2)

21.3 (6.5)

25 (40)

24,141 (10.950)


10,116 (4,590)


95 (71)

7,690 (3,488)

14,454 (6,556) 12.0 (3.67)

14.4 (4.4)

20 (32.2)

15,677 (7,111)


97 (72)

8,095 (3,672)

15,212 (6,900) 12.0 (3.67)

14.4 (4.4)

20 (32.2)

16,008 (7,261)


97 (72)

6,856 (3,110)

14,109 (6,400)

12.0 (3.67)

14.4 (4.4)

20 (32.2)

18,135 (8,226)


97 (72)

8,095 (3,672)

14,212 (6,446) 12.7 (3.87)

15.3 (4.7)

20 (32.2)

16,028 (7,270)


110 (82)

7,925 (3,595)

14,109 (6,400)

12.7 (3.87)

15.3 (4.7)

20 (32.2)

16,316 (7,401)


110 (82)

7,464 (3,386)

12,169 (5,520) 12.11 (3.69)

15.0 (4.6)

24 (39.2)

18,289 (8,296)

14.8 (4.5)

23.3 (37.5)

15,151 (6,887)



50 (37)

1,345 (610)

5,179 (2,350)

6.83 (2)

8.33 (2.5)


6,159 (2,790)


50 (37)

3,428 (1,550)

5,830 (2,644)

8.75 (2.7)

10 (3)


8,421 (3,820)


75 (56)

4,850 (2,200)

7,935 (3,600)

10.67 (3.3)

12 (3.7)

12.3 (34.2) 12,544 (5,690)


92 (69)

6,750 (3,062)

11,730 (5,322) 10.33 (3.2)

14.33 (4.4)

22.5 (36)

13,376 (6,069)


92 (69)

6,750 (3,060)

11,730 (5,330)

15.3 (.5)

20.8 (6.3)

22.5 (36)

1,783 (810)


92 (69)

7,670 (3,480)

13,630 (6,180)

14 (3.4)

18.5 (5.6)

22.5 (36)



100 (75)

10,255 (4,650) 14,498 (6,575)

15.3 (3.9)

20.08 (6.1)

22.5 (36)

17,683 (8,020)


100 (75)

10,225 (4,630) 14,498 (6,575) 16.33 (4.9)

21.5 (6.5)

22.5 (36)

18,161 (8,240)


100 (75)

10,255 (4,630) 13,728 (6,225)

14 (3.9)

18.5 (5.6)

22.5 (36)

16,446 (7,462)


20 (1.5)

1,700 (771)

2,200 (998)

6.8 (2.1)

8.3 (2.5)


3,100 (1,406)


100 (75)

10,255 (4,630) 13,728 (6,225) 15.25 (6.9)

20.08 (6.1)

22.5 (36)

18,225 (8,270)


26 (1.9)

1,700 (771)

4,400 (1,996)

8 (2.4)

8.7 (2.7)


4,180 (1,896)


100 (75)

10,255 (4,630) 13,728 (6,225) 16.33 (4.9)

21.5 (6.5)

22.5 (36)

18,428 (8,360)

T9 (4wd)

32.8 (2.4)

2,300 (1,043)

6,110 (2,772)

8.5 (2.6)

10 (3.1)


4,960 (2,250)


87 (64.88)

7,604 (3,449)

10,485 (4,756) 12.3 (3.74)


94 (70.3)

8,783 (3,984)

12,291 (5,575)

12.3 (3.74)

14.8 (4.5)

23.3 (37.5)

15,964 (7,241)


94 (70.3)

8,783 (3,984)

12,291 (5,575)

13.1 (3.99)

15.11 (4.9) 26.2 (42.1)

16,986 (7,721)

8,783 (3,984)

12,291 (5,575)

13.1 (3.99)

15.11 (4.9)

TX970B All-Wheel Steer 94 (70.3)

25.8 (41.6) 17,663 (8,029)


VISIT WWW.CONSTRUCTIONEQUIPMENTGUIDE.COM FOR COMPLETE EQUIPMENT LISTINGS. Despite efforts by Construction Equipment Guide to contact all the manufacturers of crawler loaders and dozers, not all of them appear in this chart.

Construction Equipment Guide • Backhoes and Attachments Section • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 33

These workmates put more work within reach. Name the job and there’s a 310SJ or 410J Backhoe Loader to help you get it done. You’ll benefit from uptime-enhancing features such as advanced diagnostic monitors, solid-state electronics, and an improved cooling system. Other advantages include ground-level service points, low maintenance costs, smooth and responsive hydraulics, and best-in-class resale value. Go for the Total Machine Control (TMC) and tool carrier options and take on even more work. To put a 310SJ or 410J Backhoe Loader to work for you, give us a call.

HOLT EQUIPMENT CO. Louisville, KY 40223 502/253-3721 1-800/507-9705 London, KY 606/862-8447 1-877/231-7151 Bowling Green, KY 42101 270/842-3400 1-866/528-9699 Richmond, KY 859/623-2030 1-800/463-8722 Indianapolis, IN 46219 317/544-3411 1-800/876-4690

Lafayette, IN 47905 765/447-6933 1-800/937-3355 Bloomington, IN 47403 812/333-9677 1-800/888-9677 South Bend, IN 46619 574/232-1461 1-877/248-1713 Fort Wayne, IN 46825 260/482-8576 1-877/845-5764

JDE EQUIPMENT 651 AIS Drive S.W. Grand Rapids, MI 49548 616/530-2000 1-800/664-3303 West Detroit 56555 Pontiac Trail New Hudson, MI 48165 248/437-8121 1-800/457-8121 Traverse City 777 US 31S Traverse City, MI 49684 231/943-3996 1-800/968-1110

WEST SIDE TRACTOR SALES CO. Naperville, IL 60563 630/355-7150 Fax: 630/355-7173 South Holland, IL 60473 708/331-6362 Fax: 708/331-7334 Rockdale, IL 60436 815/730-9011 Fax: 815/730-9036

Rockford, IL 60012 815/961-3160 Fax: 815/965-1810 Wauconda, IL 60084 847/526-7700 Fax: 847/526-3565

Page 34 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • Backhoes and Attachments Section • Construction Equipment Guide



Birkey’s Construction Equipment Case equipment is backed by Case Customer Assistance, a support network that ensures maximum productivity for every step of your operation. Whether you need service, parts or just some questions answered, just give us a call at 866-542-2736 and our dedicated staff will be ready to provide you with quick and responsive service.

Galesburg Hudson Mattoon Urbana

(309) 341-4360 (309) 726-1132 (217) 235-3158 (217) 337-1781 (815) 363-4100 (847) 336-1205

Diamond Equipment Mt. Vernon

(618) 242-2273

H. Edwards Equipment Belleville

(618) 233-2184

Luby Equipment Services Quincy Springfield

(217) 222-5454 (217) 744-2233 (630) 627-0000 (630) 739-7770 (815) 385-0420

Miller-Bradford & Risberg Rockford

(815) 397-6200


Diamond Equipment Evansville Terre Haute

(812) 425-4428 (812) 299-4747 (812) 683-2763

Price Brothers Equipment Wichita

(316) 265-9577

Garden City Topeka Wichita

(620) 275-1996 (785) 267-4345 (316) 838-3346


Diamond Equipment Bowling Green

(270) 781-1061

McKeel Equipment Company Inc. Murray Paducah

(270) 753-3062 (270) 444-0110

Southeastern Equipment (859) 586-6133

State Equipment Inc. Ashland

(606) 928-5644

Wilson Equipment Corbin Lexington Prestonsburg

(606) 528-0700 (859) 254-6443 (606) 874-8037

Wright Equipment Liberty

(606) 787-8331

MICHIGAN Bridgeport

(989) 777-1900

MacDonald Machinery Co.

Gregware Equipment Co.

Fort Wayne Indianapolis Lafayette South Bend

Miller-Bradford & Risberg

(260) 747-1561 (317) 856-3000 (765) 742-2080 (574) 271-0800

McCann Industries Schererville

(219) 865-6545


Greiner Implement Company, Inc. Ottumwa

(641) 683-1691

Titan Machinery Cedar Rapids Clear Lake Davenport Des Moines Sioux City

© 2010 CNH America LLC. All rights reserved. Case is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC.

(913) 422-3040

Bridgeport Equipment Co.

Hopf Equipment Huntingburg

Bonner Springs


McCann Industries Addison Bolingbrook McHenry

Coleman Equipment

Victor L. Phillips Company

Burris Equipment Ingleside Waukegan


(319) 399-1033 (641) 357-2511 (563) 386-0400 (515) 974-5100 (712) 239-4941

Comstock Park Negaunee

(616) 784-0800 (906) 475-4181

Northern Michigan Equipment Traverse City

(231) 943-3700

Southeastern Equipment Holt Novi

(517) 694-0471 (248) 349-9922


Titan Machinery Inc. Lincoln Omaha

(402) 464-3711 (402) 733-3700

Construction Equipment Guide • Backhoes and Attachments Section • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 35


St. Joseph Equipment Inc. Elk River Eyota Hermantown Shakopee

(763) 262-4474 (507) 545-2000 (218) 727-3038 (952) 445-5400 (218) 281-4668 (507) 532-5783


Crown Power and Equipment Columbia Eldon Jefferson City

(573) 443-4541 (573) 392-0230 (573) 636-5281

Luby Equipment Services Cape Girardeau Fenton

(573) 334-9937 (636) 343-9970

Nelson Tractor & Equipment Poplar Bluff

(573) 785-9628

Potter Equipment Company Springfield

(417) 862-9275

Rex Spencer Equipment Belton

(816) 331-6078

Victor L. Phillips Company Joplin Kansas City

(417) 781-8222 (816) 241-9290

NORTH DAKOTA Titan Machinery Inc. Bismarck Fargo Grand Forks Minot

Eckert Brothers Sugarcreek

(330) 852-2611

Meyer Equipment Ridgeville Corners

(419) 267-3848

Southeastern Equipment

Titan Machinery Crookston Marshall


Allmand’s 4WD TLB-6235 Features ESLBackhoe Design

(701) 250-7925 (701) 237-3333 (701) 775-8111 (701) 852-3188

Brilliant Brunswick Cambridge Dublin Gallipolis Heath Mansfield Marietta Mentor Monroe North Canton Perrysburg

Twin Valley Equipment Eaton

Miller-Bradford & Risberg Abbotsford De Pere Eau Claire Madison Sturtevant Sussex

(715) 223-2381 (920) 338-5800 (715) 832-3443 (608) 222-9191 (262) 878-1592 (262) 246-5700

Service Motor Company Dale Fond Du Lac New Franken Seymour

(920) 779-4311 (920) 923-1768 (920) 468-7700 (920) 833-2378

St. Joseph Equipment La Crosse

Aberdeen Pierre Rapid City Sioux Falls


(605) 225-0505 (605) 224-9247 (605) 388-0266 (605) 336-3434

(937) 456-6281


SOUTH DAKOTA Titan Machinery

(740) 598-3400 (330) 225-6511 (740) 432-6303 (614) 889-1073 (740) 446-3910 (740) 522-3500 (419) 529-4848 (740) 374-7479 (440) 255-6300 (513) 539-9214 (330) 494-3950 (419) 874-0331

(608) 788-1025

Triebold Implement (262) 473-2090

Powered by a 35-hp (26 kW), liquid-cooled Isuzu diesel engine, the TLB-6235 is driven by an axial piston motor capable of running at higher pressures and RPMs.

With the ESL backhoe design and enhanced digging power, the Allmand TLB6235 four-wheel drive compact tractor loader backhoe easily meets the needs of general construction, landscaping, utility and any other small to mid-size earthmoving applications. The TLB-6235 features a full-time mechanical four-wheel drive system, offering efficient functionality through a hydrostatic transmission. The addition of fourwheel drive provides increased versatility over two-wheel drive models, allowing operators to work in more adverse conditions. Powered by a 35-hp (26 kW), liquidcooled Isuzu diesel engine, the TLB-6235 is driven by an axial piston motor capable of running at higher pressures and RPMs, increasing efficiency. The TLB-6235 houses a 65-hp (48 kW) rated servo-controlled hydrostatic transmission. The servo-control system provides positive neutral and infinite control of the machine, as well as reduced pedal effort in either forward or reverse travel mode. Additionally, the transmission case is constructed from cast iron to minimize noise. Allmand’s ESL (Extended Service Life) backhoe design features oversized pins with composite bearings and urethane lip seals in all working joints. This design greatly reduces friction and extends service intervals by eliminating metal-to-metal contact, retaining grease and keeping debris out. For added safety, the TLB-6235 backhoe features Allmand’s heavy-duty boom lock, which can be easily engaged or disengaged from the operator’s seat. With a 6,000-lb. (2,721 kg) bucket dig-

ging force, the TLB-6235’s industrial class backhoe reaches up to a 9-ft. 10-in. (3 m) digging depth, and a dual cylinder 180degree hydraulic cushioned swing allows precise work in tight areas, while joystick controls provide simple, smooth operation. The TLB-6235 loader features an extended reach loader enabling the 0.5-cu. yd. (0.4 cu m) loader bucket to dump loads where other compact tractors cannot reach. A load sensing hydraulic steering system requires hydraulic flow only when the operator turns the steering wheel. This system increases productivity and enhances performance by providing the maximum available hydraulic power to the backhoe, loader or attachment. To extend the life of hydraulic components, the TLB-6235 features a highcapacity hydraulic oil cooler. A planetary rear axle assembly provides added strength, enabling the unit to handle severe terrain and extending life expectancy. In addition, a planetary axle design produces power to all wheels with less input torque to the ring and pinion, reducing loads on components. Other TLB-6235 features include: heavyduty front bumper, skid plates, rounded hood, float control on the front-end loader, easily-accessible service ports on backhoes, and high flotation, low ground pressure tires. The TLB-6235’s operator area minimizes fatigue through ergonomic controls and provides a commanding view of both the loader and backhoe work areas. Standard four-post ROPS and retractable seat belts are certified for both driving and backhoe positions. For more information, call 800/562-1373 or visit www.allmand.com.

Page 36 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • Backhoes and Attachments Section • Construction Equipment Guide


World’s #1

Designed And Built For You... Whatever Your Job As the number one backhoe loader manufacturer in the world today. JCB has over 60 years experience in producing the best backhoes in the industry. With a reputation built on constant innovation, our design has gone from strength to strength. So it will be no surprise to learn that one out of every three backhoe loaders sold in the world carries the JCB logo. We also offer the world’s largest range of backhoes, so whatever your needs, JCB has a backhoe loader solution to help you get the job done. Visit a JCB dealer to try the world’s #1 for yourself!

For more information on the full range of JCB construction equipment and to find the dealer nearest you, please visit www.jcb.com

Casey Equipment Company 1603 East Algonquin Rd Arlington Heights, IL 60005 847-437-8686 Fax: 847-437-8738

Diesel Machinery Inc. 4301 N. Cliff Ave. Sioux Falls, SD 57104 605-336-0411 Fax: 605-336-9503

General Equipment & Supplies Inc 2300 Vermont Ave Bismarck, ND 58504 701-223-9700

16754 New Ave Lemont, IL 60439 630-257-1261 Fax: 630-257-0614

Rapid City, SD 57702 605-348-7438

4300 W. Main Ave Fargo, ND 58103 701-282-2662

1548 Huntwood Dr Cherry Valley, IL 61016 815-332-8222 Fax: 815-332-3056 www.casey-equipment.com

Aberdeen, SD 605-725-4364 JCB of Milwaukee 12011 W. Silver Spring Drive Milwaukee, WI 53225 262-783-7510

905 20th Ave SE Minot, ND 58701 701-852-0479 www.genequip.com

Sievers Equipment 406 Old Rt. 66 Hamel, IL 62046 618-633-2622 8080 State Rt. 16 Hillsboro, IL 62049 217-532-3222 State Rd. 267 South Greenfield, IL 62044 217-368-2486

MH Equipment Co. 106 Circle Freeway Drive Cincinnati, OH 45246 (Ph) 513-681-2200 (Fax) 513-681-1235 3306 Gilmore Industrial Blvd. Louisville, KY 502-962-6560 Fax: 502-810-9306 jcbmhequipment.com 5859 Raymond St. Indianapolis, IN 46241 317-240-6300

Rueter's Red Power 5815 Lincoln Way Highway 30 West Ames, IA 50014 Grand Junction, IA 50107 515-268-0939 515-738-2571 PO Box 541 Highway 30 East Carroll, IA 51401 712-792-9294 1132 31st Ave. Council Bluffs, IA 51401 712-366-5221

5145 NW Beaver Dr. Johnston, IA 50131 515-727-5221 E. Highway 275 Neligh, NE 68756 402-887-5638

Construction Equipment Guide • Backhoes and Attachments Section • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 37

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Komatsu backhoe loaders are designed to deliver. Attention to every detail ensures the highest levels of operator safety, comfort and convenience, productivity, ease of service, durability, reliability and quality. Komatsu backhoe loaders provide the ultimate comfort and productivity package. • Low-effort Proportional Pressure Control (PPC) loader and backhoe joysticks with SAE/ISO pattern changer • Spacious and ergonomically designed operator platform and exceptional visibility • Narrow S-shaped backhoe boom and high-performance hydraulics • Tilting engine hood with easy access to service check and fill points • Heavy-duty, 1.25-yard loader with parallel lift and over 6½ tons breakout force When you want the most from your backhoe loader investment, the choice is 100% clear. Put a Komatsu backhoe loader to work today and enjoy the confidence that comes from machines that are…

100% Komatsu.






www.columbusequipment.com 65 East Kingston Ave. Columbus, OH 43207 614/443-6541 614/443-9673 Fax Toledo, OH 419/872-7101 Cincinnati, OH 513/771-3922

Richfield, OH 330/659-6681 Cadiz, OH 740/942-8871 Dayton, OH 937/879-3154 Canton, OH 330/453-4521

Painesville, OH 440/352-0452 Jackson, OH 740/288-0222 Piketon, OH 740/289-3757

www.rmsequipment.com 5633 W Hwy 13 Savage MN 55378 952/895-9595 800/888-9515 Duluth, MN 218/727-8671 800/888-9535 Grand Rapids MN 218/328-5916 800/459-5916

Virginia MN 218/741-9011 800/752-4304 Des Moines IA 218/741-9011 800/555-1445 Sioux City IA 712/252-0538 800/633-9104

Cedar Rapids IA 319/363-9655 800/616-6615 Milan, IL 309/787-1742 800/633-9114


4300 W Main Ave Fargo ND 58103 800/437-2924 701/364-2190 Fax 905 20th Avenue SE Minot ND 58072 800/825-0479

2300 Vermont Avenue Bismarck ND 58504 800/279-4437

Construction Equipment Guide • Backhoes and Attachments Section • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 39

Kubota M59 Tractor Loader Backhoe Features Digging Depth of 12 Feet

AIS CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT CORP. www.aisequip.com 3600 N. Grand River Ave. Lansing, MI 48906 517/321-8000 Fax: 517/321-4191 Grand Rapids 600 44th Street S.W. Grand Rapids, MI 49548 616/538-2400 Fax: 616/538-0449 Northeast Detroit 65809 Gratiot Avenue Lenox, MI 48050 586/727-7502 Fax: 586/727-7311 Saginaw 4600 AIS Drive P.O. Box 253 Bridgeport, MI 48722 989/777-0090 Fax: 989/777-1583 Traverse City 8300 M-72 East Williamsburg, MI 49690 231/267-5060 Fax: 231/267-5257

BRANDEIS MACHINERY & SUPPLY COMPANY www.brandeismachinery.com 1801 Watterson Tr. Louisville, KY 40299 502/491-4000 502/499-3195 Fax Evansville, IN 812/425-4491 812/425-1171 Fax Corbin, KY 606/528-3700 606/528-9014 Fax Lexington, KY 859/259-3456 859/254-0783 Fax Stanville, KY 606/478-9201 606/478-9208 Fax Paducah, KY 270/444-8390 270/575-4907 Fax Indianapolis, IN 317/872-8410 317/872-8417 Fax Ft.Wayne, IN 260/489-4551 260/489-1620 Fax South Bend, IN 574/233-8770 574/233-8775 Fax

ROLAND MACHINERY CO. www.rolandmachinery.com 816 N. Dirksen Parkway, Springfield, IL 62702 217/789-7711 800/252-2926 Bolingbrook, IL 630/739-7474 800/826-9608 Carterville, IL 618/985-3399 800/274-7202 Marengo, IL 815/923-4966 800/765-2635 Portage, IN 219/764-8080 888/764-8226 Escanaba, MI 906/786-6920 906/786-5813 Fax Bridgeton, MO 314/291-1330 800/274-7230 Cape Girardeau, MO 573/334-5252 800/274-7210 Columbia, MO 573/814-0083 800/274-7212 Palmyra, MO 573/769-2056 800/274-7214 600 Liberty Street, Green Bay, WI 54304 920/435-6676 920/435-5454 Fax DeForest, WI 608/842-4151 608/842-4193 Fax Eau Claire, WI 715/874-5400 715/874-5401 Fax Franksville WI 262/835-2710 262/835-2844 Fax Wausau, WI 715/355-9898 715/241-0044 Fax

Kubota’s M59 power utility tractor loader backhoe features a powerful 59hp (44 kW), three-vortex combustion system (E-TVCS) diesel engine that allows increased airflow into the combustion chamber and increases efficiency. The system includes a large displacement engine to help reduce noise and vibration and features a standard spark arrestor muffler, built-in for safety when working in dry areas. The M59’s HST-Plus hydrostatic transmission provides control of both the HST pump and motor with key features including hydro dual speed, load sensing ability, HST response control and auto throttle advance. “We are very excited to be introducing our M59 power utility tractor as the most powerful TLB that Kubota currently has on the market,” said Keith Rohrbacker, Kubota product manager of construction equipment. “With fourwheel drive for power and stability, an integrated main frame, a heavy-duty rear axle for extended life and multiple wet disc brakes for smooth stopping performance, the M59 is rugged, versatile and performs well on the job.”

A Deeper Dig Kubota’s M59 TLB offers a host of features designed to make digging work easier. With a backhoe that offers 12-ft. (3.6 m) digging depth, bucket digging force of more than 7,600 lbs. (34,473 kg) and dipper digging force of 4,731 lbs. (2,146 kg), the M59 can handle even the toughest soil conditions. High capacity hydraulic pumps allow for smooth and efficient management with virtually every material — stone, gravel, sand, silt or clay. The M59 offers convenience with a quick mount attach/detach system for easy backhoe

pler and optional third function valve for easy use of attachments. Operator Comfort, Handling In addition to a wide range of capabilities, Kubota’s M59 was designed with operator comfort in mind. Along with features such as a comfortable arm rest and convenient side position display, this TLB boasts a full-flat deck, which provides ample leg room and makes mounting and dismounting effortless. An efficient “backhoe crawling mode” feature allows movement at “creep” speed while at the controls of

Kubota’s M59 Power Utility TLB is three machines in one: a loader, a backhoe and a 3-point hitch implement tractor.

Kubota’s M59 Power Utility TLB features a 59-hp (44 kW) three-vortex combustion system diesel engine.

Kubota’s M59 offers increased productivity with a 12-ft. (3.6 m) digging depth backhoe and loader lifting power of 3,960 lbs. (1,796 kg).

removal and enclosed hydraulic hoses for improved visibility and an overall cleaner design, according to the manufacturer. Loader Strength and Power Kubota’s M59 loader is cost and time efficient, offering increased productivity and a lifting power of 3,960 lbs. (1,796 kg). With a maximum height of 10.5 ft. (3.2 m) and a 7-ft. (2 m) bucket, the loader makes the M59 a productive machine. The braceless frame, slanted boom and sloped hood design improve operator visibility when changing front attachments. The M59 employs a quick attach cou-

the backhoe. This is especially time saving when repositioning along lengthy trenches. The four-post rollover protective structure improves operator safety. In addition, Kubota offers a Category I/II three-point hitch for a variety of tool handling capabilities, which make it more powerful and easy to utilize. With remote hydraulic control valves, a greater selection of hydraulically powered implements can be used with the M59. The hydraulic-independent PTO enables the use of rear-mounted, PTO-driven implements such as rotary tillers and snow blowers to maximize the M59’s versatility. For efficient implement changing and easy use of attachments, the M59 employs a quick attach coupler and optional third function valve. For more information, call 888/4KUBOTA or visit www.kubota.com.

Page 40 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • Backhoes and Attachments Section • Construction Equipment Guide

Buck & Knobby Equipment Co. 6220 Sterns Rd Ottawa Lake, MI 49267 734-856-2811 Paint Valley Equipment 10550 Twp Rd. 262 Millersburg, OH 44654 877-774-0081 330-674-4031 St. Joseph Equipment 6304 Hwy. 101 Shakopee, MN 55379 952-445-5400 800-795-9274 Fax: 952-445-0365 16200 Hwy 10 Elk River, MN 55330 763-262-4474 4311 Haines Rd. Hermantown, MN 55811 218-727-3038 3584 81st Street NW Oronoco, MN 55960 507-288-3402 N1626 Wuensch Road La Crosse, WI 54601 608-788-1025 Roeder Implement Inc. 2550 Rockdale Rd. Dubuque, IA 52003 563-557-1184 Fax: 563-583-1821 Vermeer Midwest 2801 Beverly Dr. Aurora, IL 60502 630-820-3030 PO Box 224 Eureka, IL 61530 309-467-3716 1801 179th Ave. Moline, IL 61244 309-751-9540 13402 Britton Park Rd. Fishers, IN 46038 317-842-1040 3566 Citadel Circle Newburgh, IN 47630 812-490-4400 3310 West Coliseum Blvd. Fort Wayne, IN 46808 260-484-2494 PO Box 273 17550 Chesterfield Airport Rd. Chesterfield, MO 63006 636-532-2332 1005 Thorez Rd. Jackson, MI 49201 517-750-3783 1196 A Franklin St. Marne, MI 49435 616-677-5900 Vermeer of Iowa PO Box 168-661 Hwy T14 Pella, IA 50219 641-628-2000 Vermeer Siouxland 4858 D Ave. Marcus, IA 51035 712-376-2310 Vermeer of Eastern Iowa 212 W. South St. Tipton, IA 52772 563-886-2444

In side by side earthwork volume tests, the CBL40 averaged 38% more work and 22% lower fuel consumption. • Heavy duty single frame chassis to handle digging and loading forces at either end. • Hydro-mechanical transmission and 2 pump hydraulic system for smooth, fast operation. • Mechanical quick coupler and rear PTO for attachments increases versatility. • Easy access for routine maintenance checks. • User friendly swivel seat makes changing position easy. Contact your local dealer. www.yanmar.com/construction/products/backhoeloaders

Construction Equipment Guide • Backhoes and Attachments Section • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 41

We’ve become attached to your machines. Sandvik G-Series hydraulic impact hammers

Sandvik E-Series hydraulic impact hammers

Ho-Pac ® vibratory compactor/drivers

Pedestal Breaker System™ stationary boom systems

Where can you go to get high performance boom-mounted attachments?

Allied Construction Products, LLC

For over 65 years, we’ve developed many attachments that are legendary in the construction and demolition industries that demand high performance. Names like Ho-Ram, Hy-Ram®, Rammer, Ho-Pac® and Pedestal Breaker System™ are names that equal: UÊ Simple, proven design (Our attachments have high resale or trade-in value) U Reliable performance (If you purchased an Allied attachment, you’re probably still using it) U Superior productivity (Compare AEM – formerly CIMA– ratings, our attachments get the job done faster)

AR Series™ hydraulic impact hammers

Hy-Ram® hydraulic impact hammers

Contractor’s Mechanical Grapple material and waste handling systems

And, now Allied adds to that great family background with the Sandvik AR Series™ and all-new Hy-Ram® hammers. Allied’s attachments don’t take a back seat to any competitor. In particular, our Sandvik product features a long-stroke design, all oil operation and ProControl. All of our high performance boom-mounted attachments are supported by the most respected parts and service organization in North America. Customer satisfaction is job one at Allied. Great products supported by people who know the industry and its customers. To put a high performance Allied attachment on your machine, call 1-800-321-1046 for the name of the Allied Distributor nearest you. We’ve become attached to your machines.

©2010 Allied Construction Products, LLC

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Construction Equipment Guide • Backhoes and Attachments Section • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 43

Page 44 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • Backhoes and Attachments Section • Construction Equipment Guide

Burris Equipment Co. BE PREPARED: WHEN YOU PUT THIS KUBOTA TO WORK, EVERYONE WILL WANT A TURN. The New Kubota L39 Tractor/Loader/Backhoe Auto-leveling valve keeps bucket or pallet forks level Glide Shift Transmission 39 HP Kubota diesel engine IntelliPanel™ digital information center Side position display for better visibility and faster, safer operation Slanted hood for better visibility Side mounted loader control with arm rest Quick-attach backhoe exposes independent PTO

2216 N. Green Bay Rd. Waukegan, IL 60087 847/336-1205 Fax 847/336-2697 27939 W. Concrete Dr. Ingleside, IL 60041 815/363-4100



John Deere Implements New TMC Option Total Machine Control (TMC) is the way John Deere has chosen to implement electrohydraulics on construction and forestry equipment. It provides for more intuitive controls and enables automation of functions that operators previously had to do manually, according to the manufacturer. This option for the John Deere 310SJ and 410J backhoe loaders gives operators comfort, faster cycle times and the best automatic features of an excavator and 4WD loader built into one machine. The TMC difference starts in the operator’s seat. Armrest-mounted joystick controls turn with the seat and eliminate pilot towers, resulting in enhanced visibility, added comfort and reduced heat in the cab, due to the absence of hydraulic oil used in other control systems. Total Machine Control also means no more foot pedals or extra levers to control the stabilizers, extendable dipperstick and front/rear auxiliary hydraulics — all are now controlled within finger tip reach of the joystick.

The Right Controls for the Job Site Working in close-quarter job sites or around traffic is easier with the TMC system. Operators can use the minijoystick on the right-hand controller to move the backhoe and loader simultaneously and maneuver the machine around obstacles. More Precision, More Production Precise controls enable the operator to dig more accurately and gently around buried pipe or cable. For even more precision, integral-controlled load lowering and regenerative hydraulic functions improve operation with Worksite Pro attachments. Total Machine Control units also feature three speed modes: craning, normal and a high-production mode that can improve cycle times up to 20 percent. Tool Carrier Option A dedicated Tool Carrier (TC) option is available for the 310SJ and

410J backhoes equipped with TMC. Deere’s heavily reinforced Worksite Pro loader coupler not only provides enhanced visibility, it also picks up current Deere Worksite Pro attachments, older Deere-JRB attachments and a wide variety of competitor loader attachments for additional versatility. Electronic parallel lift, return-tocarry and boom height kick-out features increase loader productivity no matter what attachment is used. One advantage is the ability to “turn off’ parallel lift when the forks have been dropped and a bucket is in use. The operator has parallel lift when, and only when needed. Tool Carrier backhoes with TMC also have increased loader lift specifications for high-performance tool carrier work. In addition, the 310SJ and 410J TC backhoes with TMC are designed to be simple and easy to maintain. They feature fewer loader parts — a single bucket cylinder, no Z-bar linkage, no self-leveling rod — and among the industry’s fewest grease zerks.

Construction Equipment Guide • Backhoes and Attachments Section • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 45


HEROICS LiuGong Backhoe-Loaders

Over the past decade, the term Return on Investment has all but disappeared. LiuGong has re-engineered it in the form of their new CLG766III backhoe-loader. Cost-effective to own and operate, the CLG766III digs and moves material fast, while offering a number of standard features that will make your workday more productive and enjoyable. The top quality CLG766III boasts a powerful, yet fuel-efficient 93 hp, Tier III Perkins diesel engine, tool carrier loader linkage, air-suspended 180 degree seat, four-wheel drive, wet disc brakes and a ROPS/FOPS enclosed cab with superb visibility. Even the radio and A/C are standard. And it’s attachment friendly, pre-plumbed on both ends and ready to go to work. Get a great return on your investment with a LiuGong CLG766III. Visit your local dealer today.

Demo one today. liugongna.com 281-579-8882


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CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 47


SOLD 2005 Deere 317, 765 hrs, Cab, EROPS, Ready to Work, W/Cab/Heat, Tires @ 75%, Factory 72" Smooth Bucket, 61 HP Turbo................$17,500

2008 Genie GTH636, 509 hrs, 4WD, Like New Genie, 36 Ft. Max Reach, 6000 lb Lift Cap, Foam Filled Tires @ 80%, Perkins Turbo Diesel ..............................................................$35,900

2005 Bobcat T190, 1514 hrs, Cab, OROPS, Look at this Machine!! Won't last long!, 56 HP Turbo Kubota, New Tracks, New Paint ..$18,500

2009 New Holland L185 Skidloader, 138 hrs, Cab/Heat/AC (enviromental a/c), Counter Weight Kit, Susp. Seat, Tires @ 90%. 82 hp, 2 spd, Pilot Controls, Hyd Quik Tach. Unit Has Every Option Avail., Good Bkt w/Cutting Edge, Unit Weighs 7135 lbs............................$34,500

2005 Terex TX55-19, Stk # GZ-TX55-19, 950 hrs, 4WD ..............................................$22,900

2003 Bobcat S250, 2183 hours, Nice Skidsteer, Tires @ 75%, Paint 6 out of 10, Just Did a Full Service, Ready For Work ......................$16,500

2008 Bobcat S-130 Skidloader, 463 hrs, Cab/Heat, Susp. Seat, Unit Will Have New Tires Installed B/F Delivery, Paint is 8/10, Hand/Foot Controls, 62" Low Pro Bkt in Avg. Cond., 1300 lb Cap., 6 ft Turning Radius, 5235 lbs Total Weight, Kubota Diesel Eng, Serviced and Ready To Work........................$18,500

2000 Deere TC54H, 9015 hrs, Cab, OROPS, Nice Clean Loader, 20.5x25 Tires Mismatched10%, OROPS, JRB Coupler, New Forks.............. ..............................................................$41,900

2005 Bobcat S300, Stk # GZ-S300, 2660 hrs, Cab, OROPS, Hi-flow w/ 2660 hrs, Keyless........ ..............................................................$18,500

2007 ASV Posi-Track SR70, 450 hrs, Track Drive, Cab, EROPS, Like New, Cab/Heat/AC, Hydraulic Quick-Tatch, Nice Clean Unit!!............ ..............................................................$29,900

SOLD 2006 Bobcat T180, 1316 hrs, Cab/Heat/Air/Power Quick Tach. SJC Controls Hand Only, Keyless Ignition, 66 HP Kubota TURBO Diesel........................................$22,500

2008 Bobcat S185, 4005 hrs, Cab/Heat/Power Quick Tach, ACS Control Option Hand Only or Hand/Foot Suspension Seat ..................$20,500

2008 Genie GTH636, 442 hrs, Like New Telehandler, Block Forks, Unit has four wheel steer and 2 wheel steer option, Perkins Diesel .. ..............................................................$35,900

1972 Cat D5B, Nice Dozer, Angle Blade, Hyster Winch, Good U/C, Owner puts 50 hrs a year on machine, Wide Pad, OROPS..................$19,900

2004 Bobcat 331, Stk # GZ-331, 2132 hrs, Cab, OROPS, Hydraulics, Fresh Paint, Tracks @ 75%, Just Serviced, Kubota Diesel ......$15,900

SOLD 2006 Cat 303CR, 400 hrs, Cab, EROPS, Nice CAT Mini-Excavator, Aux. Hyd., Cab/Heat, 12" and 24" Bucket, Very Nice, 10'11" Boom ............ ..............................................................$27,900

2004 Bobcat S185, 1026 Hours, Cab/ Heat, EROPS, 58 hp Turbo Kubota Diesel, Tires @ 60%, Work Ready Unit, No Leaks ........$16,500

Nice Case CX330, Cab, Heat, A/C, Interior of Cab Very Clean, Undercarriage Looks Very Good, Nice Clean Well Kept Unit. 2.49 Cu. Yd Bucket ..................................................CALL

2004 Bobcat S185, 810 Hours, EROPS, 58 hp Turbo Diesel Kubota, Tires @ 75%, Cab/ Heat, No Leaks, No Cracks, No Welds............$17,500


2005 Bobcat 553, Stk # GZ-553903, 903 Hrs, Cab, OROPS, 25 HP Kubota Diesel, Standard Quik-Tach, Foam Filled Tires @ 65% ....$12,000

Page 48 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

Gary Carlson Equipment: Your trusted local source for slide rails and trench boxes now stocks a complete line

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And you thought we just did trench boxes


Gary Carlson Equipment Co. 5HQWDOV s 6DOHV s 6HUYLFH s 'HOLYHU\ 0DQNDWR 6W s %ODLQH 01 s

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 49


2007 CAT 216B ................................$13,750

1977 JOHN DEERE 670 ........................$17,000

2004 CAT 375L MH ..........................$385,000

1998 CAT 426C ................................$33,000





2005 CAT TH560B ..............................$54,900

1997 CAT 325BL................................$60,000

2000 CAT 416C ................................$23,000

1994 CAT 826C ................................$29,500




S/N 87X1684, EROPS, AC, WASTE ARR, 14’4” BLADE

2000 CAT D3CIIIXL ............................$24,000

2004 CAT 143H................................$112,000

1997 JOHN DEERE 624H ......................$52,500

1999 JOHN DEERE 450LC......................$59,000





1968 CAT 922B ................................$13,000

2002 CAT 308CCR..............................$39,500

2000 JOHN DEERE 750CLGP ..................$39,000

2007 CAT 928GZ................................$79,500





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ITT Corp. Signs Agreement to Purchase Godwin Pumps ITT Corporation, a global high-technology engineering and manufacturing company and a leader in the transport and treatment of water and wastewater, June 21 announced its agreement to purchase privately held Godwin Pumps. Godwin is a supplier of automatic self-priming portable pumps used in the growing markets for drainage pump rental, services and sales serving the global industrial, construction, mining, municipal, oil and gas segments. ITT has agreed to purchase Godwin from its principal shareholders for $585 million. The transaction is expected to close in the third quarter of 2010, pending customary regulatory approvals. “This acquisition is another example of ITT’s strategy to expand our core businesses and build on our strong global positions in water, wastewater and industrial process,” said Gretchen McClain, president of ITT’s Fluid and Motion Control group. “Godwin’s business is a great complement to our existing fluid technology portfolio, and is expected to establish ITT among the leaders in the growing and profitable $3 billion global market for dewatering pumps and rental services.”

Godwin Pumps, founded in 1976, is based in Bridgeport, N.J., and has approximately 800 employees located throughout the United States and at its manufacturing facility in Gloucestershire, England. The company operates a U.S. rental fleet of more than 6,000 pumps at 26 equipment rental facilities and a network of approximately 50 distributors worldwide. Godwin’s 2009 revenues were approximately $200 million, with full-year 2010 revenue projected to be about $235 million. When combined with ITT’s existing dewatering sales, the Godwin acquisition is expected to double ITT’s revenues from dewatering equipment and services. Godwin is best known for its service capabilities in dewatering (the removal of unwanted water and other fluids) and the original Dri-Prime pump, an automatic selfpriming centrifugal pump range capable of handling industrial sludges, oil, sewage, storm water, mine dewatering and other pumping needs. Upon closing of the acquisition, Godwin will become part of ITT’s $1.6 billion Water & Wastewater business. “The acquisition presents a tremendous opportunity for ITT to grow its dewatering

rental and services business internationally,” said John Williamson, president of ITT’s Water & Wastewater business. “We already

“The combination of these two talented teams should result in tremendous opportunities for both companies.” John Michael Paz

Godwin Pumps

have a solid history of partnership, with Godwin offering ITT’s electric submersible pumps since 2003. Adding the specialized products and skills of the world-class Godwin team to ITT’s broad Flygt and Grindex submersible pump portfolio and global sales network means our customers

will have unsurpassed access to the broadest dewatering capabilities on the market.” ITT today sells Flygt and Grindex brand dewatering pumps, and rents from its fleet of more than 11,000 pumps, through its global sales and distribution network serving customers in more than 140 countries. ITT’s Flygt pumps are the original submersible dewatering pumps, invented in 1948. John Michael Paz, founder and chief executive officer of Godwin Pumps, sees the acquisition by ITT as a global expansion opportunity for Godwin’s products and services. “Over the last 30 years, Godwin employees and our strong distribution network have built the Godwin brand and reputation, and I am pleased to see this opportunity for future growth. The combination of these two talented teams should result in tremendous opportunities for both companies.” ITT currently forecasts that the transaction will be accretive to ITT’s 2011 earnings per share, and dilutive to its current year earnings by an estimated three to five cents per share, reflecting the purchase accounting treatment and transaction fees. For more information, visit www.itt.com.

R.G. Smith Equipment Company Holds Ziegler CAT, Whayne Bagela Asphalt Recycler Demo Event Supply Team Up to Be Mirenco Dealer DEMO from page 10

About R. G. Smith Equipment Company Over the course of 60 years, R. G. Smith Equipment Company has grown to become a leading Chicagoland truck up fitter that provides sales, parts, fabrication and service to road contractors, landscapers, municipal public works departments and refuse haulers. Roger G. Smith and Albert Majeres founded the company in 1950 when they purchased a small gas station in Des Plaines, Ill., where they employed a few mechanics. The company soon began installing dump bodies, dump trailers, tankers and refuse bodies for the Heil Company. In addition to Smith’s uncle in the south suburbs of Chicago, the company became the northside distributors for the Heil Company. Smith did the selling and Majerus managed the accounting. Within a few years the business expanded so rapidly that the company relocated to a larger facility. R. G. Smith Equipment Company remained in Des Plaines, relocating to a 4-acre parcel with an approximately 20,000-sq.-ft. old brick building, previously used for washing vegetables, which Smith and Majerus converted into their shop. A house attached to the facility was used as their sales office. Majeres died in 1981 and Smith died in 1999. Smith’s

two daughters Patsy and Shirlee Smith, continued the family business and became a certified WBE/DBE company. In June 2004, R. G. Smith Equipment Company moved into a newly renovated 45,000-sq.-ft. facility on a 5.5-acre parcel conveniently located 5 mi, north of the company’s O’Hare location at 622 East Northwest Highway, Des Plaines, Ill. At this time, Ernie Szabo joined the company as its general manager, bringing with him 36 years of truck equipment knowledge. His expertise helps engineer and design custom equipment. Despite challenging economic times, R. G. Smith has continued to grow. Product lines include dump bodies and trailers, municipal equipment, service bodies, wet kits, liftgates, hydraulics and fabrication. In addition to Bagela asphalt recyclers, the company recently began representing the Allianz Sweeper Company. Years ago, Roger Smith had a quote framed on the wall next to his desk that read, “An organization succeeds, not because it is big, or because it is long established, but in it are people who live it, sleep it, dream it and build future plans for it.” Today, the company still operates by that creed. For more information, visit www.rgsmithequipmentco.com.

Ziegler CAT, the Caterpillar dealer of Minnesota and west, central, and northeast Iowa, has signed an agreement with Whayne Supply to be a Mirenco dealer in its territory. Whayne Supply is the national distributor for Mirenco products and diesel combustion testing. Whayne is establishing distributors of Mirenco products and services throughout the North American Caterpillar dealer network. Mirenco is a company that developed a procedure to evaluate diesel engine combustion efficiency. After diesel exhaust gases and particulate are evaluated Mirenco analyzes the results and calculates the amount of fuel in gallons per year going out the exhaust as unburned diesel fuel. The evaluation process measures the same exhaust gases and diesel particulate that the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) now measure for meeting state and national emission regulations. Mirenco also has developed products that can be installed on Diesel-powered equipment called C-Max (for digitalcontrolled fuel injected engines) or D-Max (for analog-controlled fuel injected engines). Mirenco’s evaluation products and services are useful to those who operate diesel engines in mining, construction, and over-the-road trucking. The products and services can help equipment owners lower engine emissions, reduce fuel consumption and enhance equipment management, according to the company.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 51

Page 52 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • Parts Section • Construction Equipment Guide

Topcon Positioning Systems Unveils Grader, Slope Sensor AUTHORIZED OEM DEALER Hitachi Excavators Hitachi Trucks Kawasaki Gehl Euclid Ta l b e r t Pr otec Waldon Perkins Hensley

Bucyr us Blades Cummins Baldwin Filters Expander Systems Allied/Rammer Esco Isuzu Hino Sennebogen Moxy

YOUR PARTS SOURCE Dresser (new & non-OEM) Galion (new & non-OEM) Wabco



IH Cat (non-OEM)

Remanufactured Components

...plus many others

V i s i t o u r w e b s i t e : w w w. h o w e l l t r a c t o r. c o m 2770 May Road Peru, Ill 61354 800-342-6072 Fax: 815-224-2538

480 Blain Street Gary, IN 46406 800-852-8816 Fax: 219-977-4220

Topcon Positioning Systems (TPS) recently unveiled a slope sensor for graders and dozers. The upgraded sensor is a simple drop-in replacement for existing sensors. Its main features include improved cross slope performance in a wide temperature range; backward compatible to Topcon’s Systems Four and Five machine control systems; and LED status lights makes trouble-shooting easier and faster. For more information, visit www.topconpositioning.com.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 53

Page 54 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

RMS, O’Reilly Fabrication Put New Genesis Shear toTest RMS from page 12

“I was in awe watching O’Reilly just grab stuff and just pull it apart as if there was no effort,” he said. “You could tell it wasn’t his first rodeo.” Not Done Yet Cleaning the aluminum out of the pit was another big challenge, O’Reilly said. “Basically that pit was 20 feet wide and about 50 feet long with about 24 inches of aluminum that solidified across that whole floor,” he said. According to O’Reilly, the cavity was “completely full of aluminum” with solid bars of aluminum 34-feet (10.4 m) long, 10 in. (25.4 cm) thick and 18 in. (45.7 cm) wide. “When we went in there was no way to get that aluminum out. I had a number of different people come out and look at it and they didn’t even want to touch the job,” he said. “That’s when we got in contact with ESAB.” Jon Mench, territory sales manager of ESAB Welding and Cutting Products, recommended a special powder-cutting torch that he said could cut through the two-tothree feet of aluminum in the pit. “The torch injects metal powder as it works,” O’Reilly said. “That oxides the aluminum as you cut it. It was well worth the money. “We have done a great deal of work in a short amount of time with a number of companies coming together to make this project possible. Under normal circumstances this project would take eight months to a year to do.” O’Reilly expects the project, which was begun in February, to wrap up early this month. Cavalcade of Equipment Other equipment used by O’Reilly Fabrication and Welding Services on the project includes a 53-ft. (16.1 m) step deck trailer, a Cobra end-dump, Freightliner semitractors, a Terex RT 665, a Gehl Dyna lift, a John Deere 325 skid steer, a Skytrack 8042, two Miller Big Blue 400P diesel welders, a Thermal Dynamics “Hog” diesel welder, a Miller 350 electric welder, a Thermal Dynamics Cutmaster 152 plasma cutter, a Terex light tower, ESAB torch, four ESAB miggy tracks and four Miller SuitCase feeders. O’Reilly used one Miggy Track to weld a 40-ft. (12.2 m) long weld and others on the floor and retrofitted another to use the plasma cutter on site. About RMS Road Machinery & Supplies Co. was founded in Duluth, Minn., in 1926 by Michael M. Sill, a former salesman for Minneapolis Steel and Machinery Company.

The Genesis GXP440R shear is attached to a Komatsu PC300L C-8 excavator to take on the difficult job.

Twin sons, Michael R. Sill and Mitchell J. Sill, entered the business in 1955 and the company expanded dramatically. RMS courted heavy equipment suppliers and by 1960 took on statewide representation of Clark wheel loaders, Blaw Knox asphalt pavers, and Link-Belt cranes and excavators. RMS entered the truck equipment business in 1972 and expanded that operation in

1979 when they became the Midwest distributor for Telelect Products and other lines of truck mounted equipment in the Dakotas, Minnesota and Iowa. In 1980, Road Machinery took on representation of Komatsu, the second largest manufacturer of construction equipment in the world. Six years later, RMS started Aspen Equipment Co., following its acquisi-

Helping Hands

During its work on the Spectro Alloys Project, O’Reilly Fabrication and Welding Services received valuable help from other companies including: • HavTek Structural Consulting Ltd. of Eden Prairie, Minn., which did the engineering and the structural design for the new furnace. • McNeilus Steel Supply of Dodge Center, Minn., provided the steel for the project. • One Stop Mobile Industrial of Holmen, Wis., provided the fasteners, including bolts, nuts, washers and high-temperature caulk. • Mississippi Welders Supply of Red Wing, Minn., supplied the welding and cutting materials. • Fire Brick Engineers Company of Minneapolis, Minn., is doing all the refractory work on the new furnace.

tion of Airpower Equipment Corp. Aspen's focus was on general equipment such as air compressors, light towers, chippers, and truck cranes. The company entered the crushing and screening products through the acquisition of Lambert Machinery in 1995. The following year, RMS acquired the Bucyrus International and Demag accounts from Dom Ex, Inc. In 1997, RMS acquired Herman M. Brown Company, one of Iowa's oldest and largest construction equipment distributor. RMS serves the used parts needs of its customers through its Polar Parts division and the light and general equipment segment through its RMS Rentals subsidiary. In 2003, RMS purchased a national trench shield marketing company called Atlanta Equipment. RMS also started a company focused in Florida and Dallas, Texas called U.S. Shoring & Equipment Co. RMS has grown to become one of the largest Komatsu dealers in the U.S., with three offices in Minnesota and four offices serving the Iowa and Western Illinois markets.


SECTION Caterpillar Adds AP500E Asphalt Paver to Machine Line Caterpillar Inc. has added the AP500E asphalt paver to the paving products machine family. The compact, lighter weight design allows contractors to haul the paver along with other necessary job site equipment, maximizing machine transport while minimizing costs. The AP500E, when equipped with the AS2252C screed, has an operating weight of 33,715 lb. (15,290 kg) and when equipped with the AS3251C screed has an operating weight of 34,220 lb. (15,520 kg). The AP500E features a Cat C4.4 engine with ACERT Technology that is U.S. EPA Tier III emissions compliant, wheel undercarriage, dual operating stations with Advisor display, tilting consoles, high capacity cooling system, beltdriven generator, and unique material handling system with inde-

pendent conveyor and auger controls. The Cat C4.4 engine is a 4cylinder, turbocharged diesel engine that provides 142 hp (106 kW) of power. A deck-mounted cooling system provides cool intake air in order to maximize fuel efficiency and minimize emissions. The exhaust air exits toward the hopper providing a cool engine compartment and cleaner working environment for the crew. The dual swing-out stations, tilting consoles and low profile design of the cooling system provide good forward visibility that enables the operator to communicate effectively with the truck driver while monitoring mix in the hopper. Extending the stations beyond the machine frame also enables good joint-matching capability and optimal rearward visibility to the auger

chamber, according to the manufacturer. An advisor monitoring system located on the left operating station provides an interactive interface to assist the operator. The system includes project planning calculators, start-up checklists, engine operating conditions and many other features to assist the operator. The system also lists fault codes for machine functions, making troubleshooting quick and easy. The non-directional radial drive tires provide a large ground contact area for good flotation, stability and tractive effort for pushing trucks and working on inclines on both hard surfaces or soft base materials. A position sensor located in the left steering cylinder helps maintain consistent travel speeds when making turns by adjusting the drive

speed of the propel motors according to the steering angle of the front wheels, leading to better mat quality and less wear on the drive system. The front wheel assist option provides power to the front bogie wheels for added traction when pushing trucks or working on soft base, while the all-wheel drive option provides power to the front and rear bogie wheels, maximizing tractive effort. Mobility and consistent speeds are keys to efficient paving operations. The Cat system is equipped with automatic speed control and three propel/steering modes: PAVE, TRAVEL and MANEUVER. The TRAVEL mode provides speeds of up to 10 mph (16 kmh), enabling the AP500E to be quickly repositioned around the job site. The PAVE mode enables the automatics for mix delivery,

The AP500E, when equipped with the AS2252C screed, has an operating weight of 33,715 lb. (15,290 kg) and when equipped with the AS3251C screed has an operating weight of 34,220 lb. (15,520 kg).

while the MANEUVER mode allows 2.5 ft. (0.75 m) inside turning radius for mobility in tight quarters. Automated controls and welldesigned components reduce segregation potential and maximize efficiency for higher mat quality. The system utilizes four individual pumps that enable each conveyor and each auger to deliver the exact amount of mix to the screed. The left and right conveyors in addition to the left and right augers are controlled independently ensuring mix demand is met when increasing or decreasing paving widths. Ratio control dials and sensors (mechanical or sonic) signal the augers and conveyors to run faster or slower when changing paving widths, thus keeping the head of material at the set level. When paving around obstacles the system automatically makes the necessary adjustments for uniform mix delivery. The 25 kW, belt-driven generator provides quiet power for the electric screed heat, auxiliary lights and job site tools. The 7 kW auxiliary power panel is equipped with six, 120-volt receptacles and one, 240-volt receptacle, providing power for job site lighting and other work tools. The AS2252C Vers-A-Mat vibratory screed features narrow front-mounted extenders. The extenders utilize 9 in. (23 cm) wide screed plates, allowing it to work close to obstacles and making it a perfect fit for commercial applications by reducing the need for handwork when changing paving widths. The AS3251C Extend-A-Mat vibratory screed features hydraulically driven, rear-mounted extenders. Heavy-duty support tubes stabilize the extenders, providing rigidity for even material flow when paving wider widths.

Page 56 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • Paving Section • Construction Equipment Guide

Asphalt Zipper Introduces Largest Portable Reclaimer Asphalt Zipper’s 6-ft. (1.8 m) wide portable reclaimer has been engineered to harness the power and productivity of much larger, more expensive, self-powered machines into an affordable attachment, according to the manufacturer. Powered by a 203 hp (151 kW) Cummins, (Tier III) intercooled Turbo Diesel, it produces 695 ft. lbs. of torque. The new AZ-600B can pulverize a swath of asphalt 6 ft. (1.8 m) wide and up to 12 in. (30.5 cm) thick. It is rated to pulverize more than 6,000 sq. ft. (557 sq m) of 6 to 8 in. (15 to 20 cm) thick asphalt per hour. The bucket-locking system allows it to be used on almost any large loader. Street patches, full road repairs, base stabilization and opening utility trenches in asphalt are just a few of its many uses. The AZ-600B transports on its own trailer behind a oneton truck. For more information, call 888/947-7378 or visit www.asphaltzipper.com.

The new AZ-600B can pulverize a swath of asphalt 6 ft. (1.8 m) wide and up to 12 in. (30.5 cm) thick.

Asphalt Drum Mixers Offers Durable Cold Feed Bins

ADM cold feed bins are equipped with tapered sidewalls and a specially designed belt feeder.

Offered in both stationary and portable designs, cold feed bins from Asphalt Drum Mixers Inc. (ADM) are engineered and constructed for maximum durability. Built to withstand abrasive aggregates and other job site abuse, the bins are manufactured with all welded painted steel, industrial strength columns and end bracing to outlast other similar systems, according to the manufac-

turer. ADM cold feed bins are equipped with tapered sidewalls and a specially designed belt feeder to virtually eliminate plugging and bridging problems, whether the bin is heaped or low. Material flow is further enhanced by a fully adjustable radial gate system with self-relieving tapered discharge opening. These features all work together to

simplify operation and ensure high quality asphalt production. The bins provide more capacity and better accuracy for Superpave and other high specification mixes. Available in single bin and multi-bin configurations, ADM cold feed bins are compatible with any control system and can be retrofitted to add extra tonnage capacity to existing cold feed systems,

regardless of brand. The bins are offered with bolt-on or hinged extensions, and minimal onsite assembly is required. A family-owned company since 1974, Asphalt Drum Mixers Inc. offers asphalt plants, auxiliary equipment, parts and service. For more information, call 260/637-5729 or visit www.admasphaltplants.com.

Construction Equipment Guide • Paving Section • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 57



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Page 58 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • Paving Section • Construction Equipment Guide


Which compact grader has a 60 year USA Heritage?

NorAm 65E | 110 HP | 16,800 LBS | 10’ or 12’ BLADE History is on our side. Our ancestory can be traced back to 1949 with the Allis Chalmers “D” to the FiatAllis “65B” and now the NorAm 65E with standard features such as a 53” Circle with “A” Frame Drawbar, Full Power Shift Transmission with Torque Converter, and Torque Proportioning Rear Differential, making it the highest resale value in its class. The NorAm 65E...Compact Grader with BIG Grader features.

We put the “Know” in Knowledge when it comes to Compact Motor Graders BIRKEY’S CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 1801 E. University Ave. Urbana, IL 61802 217/337-1781

ERB EQUIPMENT 200 Erb Industrial Dr Fenton, MO, 63026 636/349-0200 Foristell, MO 636/463-2500

Hudson, IL 309/726-1132

Cape Girardeau, MO 573/334-0563

Mattoon, IL 217/235-3158

Cuba, MO 573/885-0500


Owensboro, KY 270/684-2339 Evansville, IN 812/473-0484 Mt. Vernon, IL 618/244-6800 Paducah, KY 270/554-1131


MACALLISTER MACHINERY 7515 East 30th St. Indianapolis, IN 46219 317/545-2151 Toll free in state 800/382-1896 Toll free out of state 800/227-3228 Fax: 317/860-3310 Indianapolis West-Rental Store 317/244-7368 800/222-7368

2500 West Coliseum Blvd Fort Wayne, IN 46808 260/483-6469 800/944-0847 500 Hine Dr Lafayette, IN 47905 765/449-8191 800/283-4231 Fax: 765/449-7077 25734 State Road 2 South Bend, IN 46619 574/288-6622 800/685-9849 Fax: 574/288-0423

20 W Margaret Dr Terre Haute, IN 47802 812/478-3155 800/273-5650 Fax: 812/478-9246

3993 E. Royalton Rd. Broadview Heights, OH 44147

1453 W 150 S Washington, IN 47501 812/254-1712 800/932-5120 Fax: 812/254-7851

Canton, OH 800/837-6207

Cadiz, OH 800/837-6204

Cincinnati, OH 888/332-4658 Cleveland, OH 800/837-6200

Built from a lineage of market leaders for over 60 years

Columbus, OH 888/441-4658 Toledo, OH 888/339-4658 Troy, OH 888/330-4658 Youngstown, OH 800/837-6203 Zanesville, OH 800/837-6205 N. Kentucky 888/446-4658

WEST SIDE TRACTOR SALES 1400 W Ogden Ave. Naperville, IL 60563 630/355-7150 Rockdale, IL 815/730-9011 Rockford, IL 815/961-3160 South Holland, IL 708/331-6362 Wauconda, IL 847/526-7700

Construction Equipment Guide • Paving Section • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 59

Our rollers are pretty basic. Basically perfect. BOMAG improves on perfection with the BW120AD-4 roller. Want a roller that will finish the job better, faster and more efficiently? Then you want the BW120AD-4 from BOMAG. We took the top tandem-drum vibratory roller in its class and made it even better: A more powerful 33.8-hp diesel engine, a 14-percent faster working speed, and a larger operator’s platform with standard laterally sliding seat for better visibility. Improving perfection? That’s just the basics with BOMAG. To do the best job, you need the best equipment. To learn more visit www.bomag-americas.com, or call 1-800-78-BOMAG today.


1400 W. Ogden Ave. Naperville, IL 60563 630/355-7150 Rockford, IL 815/961-3160

South Holland, IL 708/331-6362 Wauconda, IL 847/526-7700 Rockdale, IL 815/730-9011

200 Erb Industrial Dr. Fenton, MO, 63026 636/349-0200

Cuba, MO 573/885-0500

Evansville, IN 812/473-0484

Foristell, MO 636/463-2500

Owensboro, KY 270/684-2339

Mount Vernon, IL 618/244-6800

Cape Girardeau, MO 573/334-0563

Paducah, KY 270/554-1131

Page 60 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • Paving Section • Construction Equipment Guide

The Precision Spray

Mauldin’s new Precision Spray delivers maximum performance and durability. Check out this battle-tested heavyweight at www.4aMauldin.com.




Discover More Ways Mauldin Can Help You Become a Master of the Mat.

Calder Brothers Corporation 250 E. Warehouse Ct. | Taylors, SC 29687

phone: (864) 244-4800 | fax: (864) 244-5007 | www.4aMauldin.com Finkbiner Equipment Co. 15 W 400 No. Frontage Rd. Burr Ridge, IL 60527 (630) 654-3700 Fax: (630) 654-3792

Mohican Valley Equipment 2349 Twp. Rd 257 Jeromeville, OH 44840 (419) 368-7020

Whayne Supply Co. 1400 Cecil Ave. • Louisville, KY 40211 (502) 774-4441• Fax: (502) 778-3543 www.whayne.com Ashland, KY Hopkinsville, KY (606) 928-3444 (800) 494-2963 Bowling Green, KY Lexington, KY (270) 843-3275 (859) 254-2756 Corbin, KY Paducah, KY (606) 528-3140 (270) 443-3631 Evansville, IN Pikeville, KY (812) 425-4651 (606) 437-6265 Hazard, KY (606) 439-4040

Construction Equipment Guide • Paving Section • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 61


%522.6 75$&725 6XQ 3UDLULH :, 0LOZDXNHH :, :HVW 6DOHP :, 'H 3HUH :, &$6(< (48,30(17 $UOLQJWRQ +HLJKWV ,/ /HPRQW ,/ 5RFNIRUG ,/ +$<'(1 0853+< (48,3 &2 0LQQHDSROLV 01

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Page 62 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • Paving Section • Construction Equipment Guide

3517 Wayne White Rd., Climax, NC 27233


jfwequip@aol.com www.jfwequipment.com

1988 Ferguson 8-12B static roller, hydrostatic drive, J.D. diesel engine, water system, scrapers

1984 Etnyre K chip spreader, 11 ft spread hopper, Detroit diesel engine, 5 spd manual transmission

2004 Hamm HD120HV double drum 78" vibratory roller, high frequency, Deutz diesel engine

1990 Hyster C530A pneumatic 9 wheel rubber tire roller, John Deere diesel engine

1998 & 1994 Ingersoll Rand DD110 double drum 78" vibratory roller, Cummins diesel engine

1998 Blaw Knox PF 3172 paver, Cummins diesel engine, Omni IIIA screed 10-18 ft

1996 & 1986 Blaw Knox PF 180H pavers, (1) Omni III screed 10-18ft, diesel engines

1984 & 1981 Blaw Knox PF 115 pavers, standard 8-13 ft screed, J.D. diesel engine

1994 Rosco Maximizer 1750 gallon distributor, computer w/1 ft cut-offs, propane heat, 14 ft spray bar, front mount pump, Ford F700 w/Ford diesel engine, 5 spd trans, 2 spd axle, air brakes

Serving Serving the the Asphalt Asphalt Industry Industry for for over over 20 20 Years Years

Construction Equipment Guide • Paving Section • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 63



5633 W Hwy 13 Savage, MN 55378 952/895-9595 • 800/888-9515 Duluth, MN 218/727-8671 • 800/888-9535 Grand Rapids, MN 218/328-5916 • 800/459-5916 Virginia, MN 218/741-9011 • 800/752-4304

1603 East Algonquin Rd. Arlington Heights, IL 60005 847/437-8686 • Fax: 847/437-8738 16754 New Ave. Lemont, IL 60439 630/257-1261 • Fax: 630/257-0614 1548 Huntwood Drive Cherry Valley, IL 61016 815/332-8222 • Fax: 815/332-3056


ROLAND MACHINERY Springfield, IL 217/789-7711 • 800/252-2926 Carterville, IL 618/985-3399 • 800/274-7202 Portage, IN 219/764-8080 • 888/764-8226 Bridgeton, MO 314/291-1330 • 800/274-7230

Cape Girardeau, MO 573/334-5252 • 800/274-7210 Columbia, MO 573/814-0083 • 800/274-7212 Palmyra, MO 573/769-2056 • 800/274-7214 Eau Clair, WI 715/874-5400 • 866/475-7035

Green Bay, WI 920/435-6676 • 866/475-7047 Deforest, WI 608/842-4151 • 866/475-7040 Franksville, WI 262/835-2710 • 800/811-6005 Schofield, WI 715/355-9898 • 866/475-7016

Page 64 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • Paving Section • Construction Equipment Guide

BVPSeries Single-Directional Vibratory Plates Unveiled

The BVP 10/36 weighs 183 lbs. (83 kg), has a working width of 14.2 in. (36 cm), and a centrifugal force of 2,250 lbs.

Road Machinery & Supplies Savage, MN 952/895-9595 800/888-9515

Grand Rapids, MN 218/328-5916 800/459-5916

Sioux City, IA 712/252-0538 800/633-9104

Duluth, MN 218/727-8671 800/888-9535

Des Moines, IA 218/741-9011 800/555-1445

Cedar Rapids, IA 319/363-9655 800/616-6615

McAllister Equipment Co. 12500 S. Cicero Ave. Alsip, IL 60803 708/389-7700 Villa Park, IL 630/530-7600

Ingleside, IL 815/344-0880

East Peoria, IL 309/694-4455

Rockford, IL 815/227-0555

Springfield, IL 217/789-0351

The new Bomag BVP Series single-directional vibratory plates — the BVP 10/36 and the BVP 18/45 — are designed to be versatile, hardworking machines that can be used for a variety of jobs, from soil compaction to asphalt to pavers and patios. The base plate offers extra width for compaction below fences or boundaries. An optional Vulcolan mat helps prevent damage to paving stones or bricks. A water tank and sprinkler system are offered as options. Powered by air-cooled Honda gasoline engines, they feature an engine protection frame to help prevent damage. The engine has an oil alert to make maintenance easier, and is isolated from vibration to enhance durability. A bolt-on exciter is easy to remove and maintain, reducing maintenance costs, according to the manufac- The BVP 18/45 weighs 201 lbs. (91 kg), has a working width of 17.7 in. (45 cm), and 4,050 lbs. of centurer. A wide range of options and trifugal force. features make the BVP comThe BVP 10/36 weighs 183 lbs. (83 kg), pactors easy to use for professionals as well has a working width of 14.2 in. (36 cm), and as do-it-yourself consumers. The steering a centrifugal force of 2,250 lbs. The BVP handle is isolated from vibration and is fold- 18/45 weighs 201 lbs. (91 kg), has a working able and removable. The balanced lifting width of 17.7 in. (45 cm), and 4,050 lbs. of point, carrying handles and optional trans- centrifugal force. port wheels make the compactors easy to For more information, call 800/782-6224 move to and from the job site. or visit www.gobomag.com.

Construction Equipment Guide • Paving Section • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 65


ROLAND MACHINERY Green Bay WI 920/435-6676 • 866/475-7047 Deforest WI 608/842-4151 • 866/475-7040 Franksville WI 262/835-2710 • 800/811-6005 Schofield WI 715/355-9898 • 866/475-7016 Eau Claire, WI 715/874-5400 • 866/475-7035

Escanaba MI 906/786-6920 • 800/236-6425 Springfield, IL 217/789-7711 • 800/252-2926 Marengo, IL 815/923-4966 • 800/765-2635 Bolingbrook IL 630/739-7474 • 800/826-9608 Carterville, IL 618/985-3399 • 800/274-7202

Bridgeton, MO 314/291-1330 • 800/274-7230 Cape Girardeau, MO 573/334-5252 • 800/274-7210 Columbia, MO 573/814-0083 • 800/274-7212 Palmyra, MO 573/769-2056 • 800/274-7214 Portage, IN 219/764-8080 • 888/764-8226

1801 Watterson Tr. Louisville, KY 40299 502/491-4000 • Fax: 502/499-3195 www.brandeismachinery.com Evansville, IN 812/425-4491 • Fax 812/425-1171 Corbin, KY 606/528-3700 • Fax 606/528-9014 Lexington, KY 859/259-3456 • Fax 859/254-0783

Stanville, KY 606/478-9201 • Fax 606/478-9208 Paducah, KY 270/444-8390 • Fax 270/575-4907 Indianapolis, IN 317/872-8410 • Fax 317/872-8417 Ft.Wayne, IN 260/489-4551 • Fax 260/489-1620 South Bend, IN 574/233-8770 • Fax 574/233-8775

Page 66 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • Paving Section • Construction Equipment Guide

EXACTCOMPACT HELPS SPEED COMPACTION BY MONITORING IMPACT SPACING Take a high-frequency Sakai roller and you can speed compaction. With EXACTCOMPACT, you can be sure that you’re rolling at the precise impact spacing. EXACTCOMPACT is a simple visual monitor: Red = You’re rolling too fast. Yellow = You’re rolling too slow. Green = You’re right on target to reach density at the fastest possible ground speed. EXACTCOMPACT is standard on mainline Sakai rollers – optional on all others. Put it to work on your next HMA job.

www.sakaiamerica.com 1-800-323-0535


15W400N Frontage Rd. • Burr Ridge, IL 60527 630/654-3700 • Fax: 630/654-3792 Roland Machinery Company Green Bay, WI 920/435-6676 866/475-7047 Deforest, WI 608/842-4151 866/475-7040 Franksville, WI 262/835-2710 800/811-6005 Schofield, WI 715/355-9898 866/475-7016 Escanaba, MI 906/786-6920 800/236-6425 Springfield, IL 217/789-7711 800/252-2926 Carterville, IL 618/985-3399 800/274-7202 Bridgeton, MO 314/291-1330 800/274-7230 Cape Girardeau, MO 573/334-5252 800/274-7210 Columbia, MO 573/814-0083 800/274-7212 Palmyra, MO 573/769-2056 800/274-7214 Portage, IN 219/764-8080 888/764-8226

VT LeeBoy, Inc. • 500 Lincoln County Parkway Ext. • Lincolnton, N.C. 28092 • 704.966.3300 • www.leeboy.com

Eau Clair, MI 715/874-5400 866/475-7035

Inertia Machine Corp.’s 4048 FRAP All-in-One Solution Inertia Machine Corp.’s 4048 FRAP plant is an all-in-one solution to processing RAP. This closed circuit mobile plant incorporates a 48 in. by 12 ft. (122 cm by 3.6 m) vibrating grizzly feeder and a 4048 horizontal shaft impactor. It has a 6 by 18 ft. (1.8 by 5.5 m) high frequency two-deck screen with onboard conveyors to discharge sized product and return oversized product to the impactor for further crushing. The 4048 FRAP allows for high capacity crushing of ripped and milled asphalt along with separation of clean asphalt chips and .125 in. (.3 cm) minus fines. This unit is a single self-contained portable plant with quick and easy set up, according to the manufacturer. For more information, please visit www.inertiamachine.com.

Construction Equipment Guide • Paving Section • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 67

The Worldwide Leader in Concrete Paving Technology


ROAD MACHINERY & SUPPLIES Des Moines, IA 218/741-9011 • 800/555-1445 Sioux City, IA 712/252-0538 • 800/633-9104 Cedar Rapids, IA 319/363-9655 • 800/616-6615 Milan, IL 309/787-1742 • 800/633-9114


1801 Watterson Tr. Louisville, KY 40299 502/491-4000 • Fax: 502/499-3195 www.brandeismachinery.com Corbin, KY 606/528-3700 • Fax: 606/528-9014

Lexington, KY 859/259-3456 • Fax: 859/254-0783 Stanville, KY 606/478-9201 • Fax: 606/478-9208 Paducah, KY 270/444-8390 • Fax: 270/575-4907

SWANSTON EQUIPMENT COMPANY 3450 West Main Fargo, ND 58103 800/369-0371 2219 Elk Drive Minot, ND 58107 800/210-8766

Page 68 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

Custom-designed – Comfort for the working man. Extra Large Cab with Plenty of Legroom Standard, Fully-Adjustable Air Ride Seat with Heat Ride Control for Reduced Material Spill CD Player with MP3 Input Large, User-Friendly 7” Color Cluster Display Excellent Visibility – 360 Degrees USB Charging Port; 12 V Power Supply Multiple Storage Compartments / Cup Holders




3-year / 3,000-hour full machine warranty & 5-year / 10,000-hour structural warranty



Industry’s Best Total Coverage Warranty:




• • • • • • • •




Experience the best values in construction equipment. Stop by your local Hyundai dealer today. IOWA

Rueter’s Johnston • 515-727-5221 Ames • 515-268-0939 Carroll • 712-792-9294 Grand Junction • 515-738-2571 Council Bluffs • 712-366-5221 (also covering South Dakota and Nebraska)


Burris Equipment Company Frankfurt • 815-464-6650 Ingleside • 815-363-4100 Waukegan • 847-336-1205 Diamond Equipment 17035 N. Illinois Hwy. 37 Mt. Vernon, IL 62864 618-242-2273 800-388-6396 Fax: 618-242-9161




Diamond Equipment The Victor L. Phillips Co. Midland Engine 1060 Diamond Ave. 4100 Gardner Ave. Midland • 989-631-4608 Evansville, IN 47711 Kansas City, MO 64120 812-425-4428 816-241-9290 dmfortune MINNESOTA Garden City • 620-275-1996 @diamondequipment.com Topeka • 785-267-4345 St. Joseph Equipment, Inc. www.diamondequipment.com Wichita • 316-838-3346 Hermantown • 218-727-3038 2000 Harlan Drive Shakopee • 952-445-5400 KENTUCKY Terry Haute, IN 47802 Diamond Equipment 812-299-4747 1046 Lovers Lane 888-343-4747 Bowling Green, KY 42103 Fax: 812-299-3687 270-781-1061 800-489-1061 Fax: 270-781-0907


The Victor L. Phillips Co. 4100 Gardner Ave. Kansas City, MO 64120 816-241-9290 Brookline Station • 417-887-2729 Joplin • 417-781-8222


Rueter's Council Bluffs • 712-366-5221

SOUTH DAKOTA Rueter's Council Bluffs • 712-366-5221


St. Joseph Equipment, Inc La Crosse • 608-788-1025

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 69


ALTA EQUIPMENT COMPANY 28775 Beck Rd. Wixom, MI 48393 248/449-6700 Muskegon, MI 231/798-8754 Kentwood, MI 616/698-2960

Battle Creek, MI 269/965-1269 Romulus, MI 734/641-8238 Saginaw, MI 989/752-9400 Sterling Hts, MI 586/977-6000

Zeeland, MI 616/748-4108 Lansing, MI 517/272-5033 Wixom, MI (Cons. Division) 248/356-5200 Byron Center, MI 616/878-7450

12500 S. Cicero Ave. Alsip, IL 60803 708/389-7700 Villa Park, IL 630/530-7600 Ingleside, IL 815/344-0880

Rockford, IL 815/227-0555 East Peoria, IL 309/694-4455 Springfield, IL 217/789-0351

RUDD EQUIPMENT COMPANY Evansville, IN 812/867-6661 Fort Wayne, IN 260/482-3681 Indianapolis, IN 317/247-9125

Corbin, KY 606/528-9440 Louisville, KY 502/456-4050 Prestonsburg, KY 606/874-2104 St. Louis, MO 314/487-8925

Page 70 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE


15 W. 400 N. Frontage Rd. Burr Ridge, IL 60527 630-654-3700 Fax: 630-654-5326

AMERICAN STATE EQUIPMENT CO. 2055 South 108th St. Milwaukee, WI 53227 414-541-8700 800-236-6900 Fax: 214-541-1892

820A Moasis Drive Little Chute, WI 54140 920-788-6646 800-236-8318 Fax: 920-788-6753 2400 North 14th Ave. Wausau, WI 54401 715-675-6900 800-242-7113 Fax: 715-675-9743


66420 Belmont-Morristown Rd. Morristown, OH 43759 740-782-1314 Fax: 740-782-1020 1315 Terminal Rd. Indianapolis, IN 46217 317-781-8100 Fax: 317-781-8720 4250 Perimeter Dr. Columbus, OH 43228 614-276-0001 Fax: 614-276-0676 1040 Reed Rd. Monroe, OH 45050 513-539-5255 Fax: 513-539-5256 2841 Brecksville Rd. Richfield, OH 44286 330-659-0800 Fax: 330-659-4880 12425 Willliams Rd. Perrysburg, OH 43551 419-874-6001

Fax: 419-874-7354

20620 Route 19N Cranberry Twp., PA 16066 724-779-4646 Fax: 724-779-4611

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 71


act your full service dealer for more information Luby Equipment Services

McCann Industries

199 Airport Road Cape Girardeau, MO 63702 573-334-9937

47W247 U.S. Highway 30 Big Rock, IL 60511 630-556-3111

8853 Petrov Drive Caseyville, IL 62232 618-397-9971

250 E. North Frontage Rd. Bolingbrook, IL 60440 630-739-7770

2300 Cassens Drive Fenton, MO 63026 636-343-9970

4375 Camp Butler Road Springfield, IL 62707 217-744-2233 2625 North 24th St. Quincy, IL 62305 217-222-5454

543 S. Rohlwing Rd Addison, IL 60101 630-627-0000

2350 S. Laflin St. Chicago, IL 60608 312-942-9200


4701 West 137th Street Crestwood, IL 60445 708-597-3110

Indy Equipment

1133 Indianapolis Blvd. Schererville, IN 46375 219-865-6545

6500 Schaff Rd. Independence, OH 44131 216-446-3200 Fax: 216-573-7712

1360 N. Rand Rd. Wauconda, IL 60084 847-526-9444

11159 Royalton Rd. North Royalton, OH 44133 440-237-9040 35350 Chester Rd. Avon, OH 44011 440-832-7133 www.indyequipment.com

4102 W. Crystal Lake Rd. McHenry, IL 60050 815-385-0420


Star Equipment Ltd. 1401 2nd Avenue Des Moines, IA 50314 515-283-2215 Fax 515-283-0295 800-369-2215 2625 W. Airline Hwy. Waterloo, IA 50703 319-236-6830 Fax 319-236-6834 800-791-9249 2950 6th Street SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 319-365-5139 Fax 319-365-6726 800-728-5139 2100 E. Lincoln Way Ames, IA 50010 Ph: 515-233-9500 Fax: 515-233-9505 866-856-2312

Central Illinois AG

200 Sharon Street Post Office Box 506 Atlanta, IL 61723 800-762-2325 217-648-5065 www.centralilag.com

Route 10 Post Office Box 437 Clinton, IL 61727 800-362-3866 792 US 150 East Farmer City, IL 61842 800-334-8942 130 Stonica Mason City, IL 62664 217-482-9760

Midwest Underground Supply 1106 32nd St SW Bondurant, IA 50035 515-967-5656

Takeuchi understands the needs of the industry and responds with solutions. Track loaders feature high sprocket double reduction planetary reduction final drives which provide the most efficient use of power for more traction and digging force. Wheel loaders feature pushbutton 100% front and rear axle differential lock which provides immediate traction for superior digging and lifting power. Excavators feature pressure compensating piston pumps which provide smooth multi-function operation with unmatched breakk out force and control. Driven to provide maximum functionality and performance. Try a Takeuchi and feel the power ®

8844 S. 135th Street Omaha, NE 68138 402-861-6500 27285 Ironworks Rd Harrisburg, SD 57032 605-368-9880

The Power of Product and Support www.takeuchi-us.com

Page 72 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

A variety of performance-matched attachments are available for the SVL75 and SVL90, including several bucket options with teeth or straight edges, 4-in-1 buckets, pallet forks and more.

The SVL90 has a bucket breakout force of 7,961 lbs. (3,611 kg) and a lifting capacity of 5,869 lbs. (2,662 kg).

Kubota Introduces New Compact Track Loader Series Kubota Tractor Corporation has unveiled its compact track loader series with the introduction of the 75-hp (60 kW) SVL75 and the 90-hp (109 kW) SVL90 models. Powered by Kubota engines, the new compact track loaders are all-Kubota designed, engineered and manufactured. “The addition of the compact track loaders to the Kubota product line, at selected Kubota dealers, offers customers an efficient, rugged, highly maneuverable track loader that only Kubota could make,” said Greg Embury, Kubota vice president, sales and marketing. “The Kubota track loaders are different from our competitors because they are created exclusively from Kubota engineered and manufactured components in a specific track loader design. The SVL75 and SVL90 models offer customers a new dimension in Kubota quality and versatility to add to their equipment selection. Kubota is involved in each and every aspect of these machines, and we are proud of what these compact track loaders can deliver to our customers in terms of machine quality, innovation and value.”

four-cylinder, direct injection, turbo-charged Kubota diesel engine. Kubota’s compact track loaders are equipped with a rigidmount undercarriage and a vertical lift designed for long reach and maximum lifting and dumping capabilities. Avariety of performance-matched attachments are available for the SVL75 and SVL90, including several bucket options

with teeth or straight edges, 4-in-1 buckets, pallet forks and more. Comfort and Stability The new Kubota SVL75 and SVL90 compact track loaders offer a wide cab entrance and a spacious, comfortable operator area. The roomy operator area features a high-back, fully adjustable suspension seat and ample leg room. A hand-and-foot throttle ensures exceptional convenience. Both models are equipped with two-speed travel and high ground clearance for optimal travel performance on rough construction site terrain. The overall design is built to ensure stability and comfort in uneven terrain.

Maintenance and Durability Kubota’s SVL75 and SVL90 are designed with time-saving maintenance in mind, featuring an easy tilt-up cabin for convenient access. Daily maintenance checks for engine oil dipstick, fuel filter, water/fuel separator, air cleaner and coolant level are simple, and greasing the machine also is easy with all grease fittings accessible from ground level. Aslide-and-tilt radiPower and Performance ator and oil cooler are simple to reach The SVL75 boasts a 6,204-lb. because it requires the removal of only (2,814 kg) bucket breakout force and four bolts to be tilted for easy cleaning. a 4,881-lb. (2,214 kg) lifting capacity. In addition, the main frame and underThe SVL90 has a bucket breakout carriage are a one-piece, welded unit to force of 7,961 lbs. (3,611 kg) and a provide added structural strength. lifting capacity of 5,869 lbs. (2,662 The Kubota SVL75 and SVL90 are equipped with two-speed travel and high ground clearance For more information, call 888/4kg). Both models are powered by a for optimal travel performance on rough construction site terrain. KUBOTA or visit www.kubota.com.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 73

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Page 74 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

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CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 75


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Page 76 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

Cat Auctions Names Trettel New CFO, General Manager Cat Auction Services has added Gary Trettel as the company’s new chief financial officer and general manager. In his dual role, Trettel will oversee day-today accounting and financial reporting and provide strategic and operational direction. “Joining Cat Auction Services gave me the opportunity to help build something exciting from its earliest stages. My goal at Cat Auction Services is to help us get better, step by step, every day,” Trettel said. “I believe in company president Rick Albin and the business model in place and am excited to help continue the great momentum the company has achieved already. We recognize our unique position in the equipment auction arena and have the right people in place to deliver what we feel is the new standard in heavy equipment auctions.” Trettel continued, “The com-

pany has already established a culture of customer service, and I hope to expand upon that culture. It’s essential we continue to provide our customers with an auction experience unlike any other.” Trettel most recently served as president and CEO of Mohawk Moving and Storage in Minneapolis, where he helped grow the United Van Lines affiliate. “The experience I gained at Mohawk prepared me to take on these new challenges with Cat Auction Services. Both companies are in the service industry, where customer satisfaction and loyalty are critically important, and streamlining all aspects of the business helps create success. The little things truly make a big difference.” “We’re excited to add someone of Gary’s caliber to our team.

He has the experience, energy and leadership to help us accomplish our goals. As a company, we’re highly ambitious and feel that we’re in many ways reinventing the heavy equipment auction industry. Gary’s presence on our leadership team will help ensure that we’re continuing to think creatively, progress efficiently, and deliver the products and services that live up to the Caterpillar name,” Albin said. Cat Auction Services entered the heavy equipment auction arena in late 2008 and has been active across the country. Reviews from all corners have been positive, and recent auctions have drawn buyers from 49 states and nearly three dozen countries. A June auction in Des Moines generated more than $9 million in sales. For more information, visit www.catauctions.com.

Cat Auction Services has added Gary Trettel as the company’s new chief financial officer and general manager.

Caterpillar Second Quarter Profit Soars; Raises Outlook By Stephen Manning AP BUSINESS WRITER

Caterpillar’s second-quarter earnings shot up 91 percent with the heavy machinery manufacturer reporting robust sales of equipment for industries that range from mining and infrastructure to energy. The company boosted its 2010 profit outlook as well on July 22, saying it is trying to keep up with new orders and will ramp up production of its signature black-and-yellow equipment in the second half of the year. The results and Caterpillar’s own forecast reflect an uneven recovery and some anxiety about what kind of rebound to expect. Emerging markets like China and Brazil, not U.S. or Europe, still lead the way. Asian sales grew by 62 percent to $1.7 billion. Caterpillar said overall sales of machinery were helped by low interest rates and higher metal prices that spurred mining activity, and a brighter global economic picture. The North American market, Caterpillar’s biggest, saw sales rise 43 percent. The company said the growth was driven by an improvement in home construction, a modest increase in federal spending for highways, and better prices in sectors like metals,

coal and lumber. While sales are up, Caterpillar has not brought back most of the 19,000 full-time

Caterpillar is a bellwether of industrial activity and broader industrial growth. Almost every sector needs the products that

“We continue to be positive about the longer-term prospects for many of the industries we serve.” D o u g O b e rh e l m a n


and 18,000 contract and part time workers it was forced to shed during the recession. Caterpillar added about 3,650 new workers by the end of the second quarter to push its total employment to about 97,500. A third of those jobs were outside the United States. Caterpillar CEO Doug Oberhelman noted “significant economic concerns” that remain globally, but he remained optimistic. “We continue to be positive about the longer-term prospects for many of the industries we serve,” he said.

Caterpillar sells in order to grow, whether it’s a utility installing new power lines or a developer building new homes. When the economy is expanding, Caterpillar sells more of its backhoes, mining equipment and engines. When the recession set in, Caterpillar was among the first to feel it. The company’s quarter and its forecast reflect a global recovery and economies still smarting from the economic downturn. For instance, dealer inventories remained

flat, which is good compared with last year during the same period when inventories were trimmed by nearly $1.9 billion. On the other hand, dealers have yet to begin restocking, which is usually what happens when an economic recovery is gaining momentum. Still, Caterpillar has posted two strong quarters this year after seeing profits tumble drastically in 2009 and the company’s outlook cheered investors. Caterpillar reported second-quarter net income of $707 million, or $1.09 per share. That is from $371 million, or 60 cents per share of profit a year ago. Sales rose 31 percent to $10.4 billion, with Caterpillar reporting gains in machinery sales in all four global regions it serves. Manufacturing costs fell by $316 million, helping to fatten profits. That easily topped Wall Street expectations of 85 cents per share of earnings on revenue of $9.8 billion. For all of 2010, Caterpillar expects to earn between $3.15 to $3.85 per share, up from a previous forecast of $2.50 to $3.25 per share. It also tightened its revenue forecast, bumping up the lower range by $100 million. Caterpillar now expects between $39 billion to $42 billion in revenue.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 77

Kirby Smith Machinery Inc. 12920 Gravois Road St Louis, MO 63127 314/729-0125 12321 E. Pine Street Tulsa, OK 74116 918/438-1700 6715 W. Reno Oklahoma City, OK 73127 405/495-7820

Cleveland Crane & Shovel Sales, Inc. 26781 Cannon Road Cleveland, OH 44146 440/439-4749 800/362-8494 Fax: 440/439-2177 aforepaugh@ craneandshovel.net www.craneandshovel.net

Walter Payton Power Equipment LLC 930 W 138th Street Riverdale, IL 60827 708/656-7700 Fax: 708/532-1273 25210 Brest Road Taylor, MI 48180 734/947-9250 Fax: 734/947-9260 920 S State Road 39 Lebanon, IN 46052 765/482-4145 Fax: 765/482-4928 2126 Glenview Drive Evansville, IN 47720 812/422-6912 Fax: 812/422-6982



Page 78 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

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Erb Equipment Fenton, MO 63026 636/349-0200

Cape Girardeau, MO 63703 573/334-0563 Foristell, MO 63348 636/673-2131 Cuba, MO 65453 573/885-0500 Mt. Vernon, IL 62864 618/244-6800 Paducah, KY 270/554-1131 Owensboro, KY 270/684-2339 Evansville, IN 812/473-0484

Leslie Equipment Company

West Side Tractor Sales Co.

195 Sykes Blvd. Pikeville, KY 41502 606/432-0321

South Holland, IL 708/331-6362

8331 Meade Springer Rd. Ashland, KY 41102 606/928-3477

105 Tennis Center Dr. Marrietta, OH 45750 740/373-5255 60611 Hulse Dr. Cambridge, OH 43725 740/439-2747 5775 US Rt. 23 South Chillicothe, OH 45601 740/663-5300

1400 W. Ogden Ave Naperville, IL 60563 630/355-7150 Fax: 630/355-7173

Rockdale, IL 815/730-9011 Wauconda, IL 847/526-7700 Rockford, IL 815/961-3160

Sinkhole Closes Section of Highway Interchange in KC KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) A section of a highway interchange in suburban Kansas City could be closed for several weeks while the state Department of Transportation tries to figure out why the area of the roadway gave way. The section of interchange that links westbound Interstate 470 to westbound Interstate 435 in the Grandview area was closed July 17 after a portion gave way, creating a hole that covers the shoulder and two lanes of interstate. The department also closed the section that includes northbound U.S. 71 to westbound Interstate 435. Beth Wright, district engineer of the Missouri Department of Transportation in Kansas City, told The Kansas City Star she estimated the hole to be 34 ft. (10 m) wide and between 100 and 200 ft. (30.5 and 61 m) long. The hole is located just past where northbound U.S. 71 merges into westbound I-470 and westbound I-435 and appears to be several feet deep. “We are still investigating what actually caused it,” Wright said. “It’s too early to tell.” Problems on the same section of highway started to appear July 8 after inspectors found that the soil underneath the highway was settling after weeks of repeated rainfall. Highway crews closed the right lane of the interstate then after inspectors found cracked

pavement. By July 17, a retaining wall that supported the ground holding up the interstate had come apart because the foundation underneath had slipped away, Wright said. The closure could mean big problems for commuters because it’s one of the heaviest used interchanges in the Kansas City area. Traffic volumes in this area range between 67,000 and 88,000 vehicles a day. This section of highway was part of a $300 million project that rebuilt the entire Grandview Triangle over a seven-year period from 2001 to 2007. Wright said July 18 she wasn’t sure what contractor worked on this section of highway or whether the pavement problems were the contractor’s fault. She said in an e-mail that MoDOT has created a Web site that includes each detour for traffic from the area. The closure will affect drivers on northbound U.S. 71 from Grandview, Belton and Raymore who need to use I-435 to get into Johnson County. It also affects drivers from Lee’s Summit who need 435 to get into Kansas. “Until motorists become accustomed to the new detour routes, traffic will be very heavy and commutes will be longer,” Wright said.

ARTBA Director: Stimulus Investments a Bright Spot ARTBA from page 1

ating jobs in direct construction and the supply sectors and all of it is boosting the economy,” Gannon said. He cautioned that while the recovery act was currently supporting transportation work and jobs in 2010, its impacts will phase down quickly when those funds are no longer available in 2011. “Frankly, the uncertain outlook about the reauthorization of the federal highway and public transportation programs is making a challenging situation worse,” Gannon said. ”It also is the uncertainty and trepidation caused by how the delay is being handled — with short-term extensions and deficit spending.” Gannon told the committee that for 50 years the federal-aid highway and transit

programs have been “a model of responsible and stable financing” benefitting system users. “That dependability, which is needed to plan and execute multi-year transportation improvement projects, is now threatened by a lack of political will to enhance Highway Trust Fund revenues,” he said. He closed his testimony saying that true economic recovery for the transportation construction industry will only be realized when Congress and the Obama Administration address the nation’s infrastructure challenges head on and pass a robustly funded highway and transit investment bill. For more information, visit www.artba.org.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 79


B & W Equipment Company, Inc. 3520 Meyer Road Fort Wayne, IN 46806 800-242-4819 www.bandwequipment.com

Pat Kelly Equipment Company Construction Machinery Company

5920 Lindbergh 2911 S. N. English Station Rd. Blvd Louisville, KY 40299 Hazelwood, MO 63042 502-267-4020 314-895-9500 www.cmcky.com www.patkelly.com 2235 Ragu Drive Owensboro, KY 42303 270-683-2000 www.cmcky.com

Newman Equipment, Inc. 1315 Terminal Rd Indianapolis, IN 46217 317-781-8100 www.newmanequip.com

Steve's Equipment Service, Inc.

1400 Powis Rd. West Chicago, IL 60185 630-231-4840 Pat Kelly Equipment Company www.sesequip.com 5920 N. Lindbergh Blvd. Hazelwood, MO 63042 314-895-9500 www.patkelly.com

6915 West Chicago Ave. Gary, IN 46406 219-949-9595 www.sesequip.com Steve’s Equipment Service, Inc 1400 Powis Road West Chicago, IL 60185 630-231-4840 www.sesequip.com

6915 West Chicago Ave Gary, IN 46406 219-949-9595 www.sesequip.com

Swiderski Equipment, Inc. – Since 1925 Mosinee, WI • 715-693-3015 Wausau, WI • 715-675-2391 Thorp, WI • 715-669-5255 Antigo, WI • 715-623-4668 Waupaca, WI • 715-258-3266 Appleton, WI • 920-757-9363

Page 80 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

Haiti Recovery Bogged Down; Debris Still Litters Streets By Jonathan M. Katz


CORAIL-CESSELESSE, Haiti (AP) The sun was beating down on the rocky cactus plain when men with machetes came for Menmen Villase, nine months pregnant, shoved her onto her bulging stomach and sliced up the plastic tarp that sheltered her and her four children. The family was one of thousands of earthquake homeless who had come to this Manhattan-sized stretch of disused sugarcane land between the sea and barren mountains north of Port-au-Prince, seeking refuge from overflowing camps in the city. But this real estate is earmarked for building a new Haiti. Villase had walked into one of the fights over land, rooted in Haiti’s history of slavery, occupation and upheaval, that have bedeviled recovery in the six months since the earthquake leveled much of the capital and killed as many as 300,000 people. The government, already weak before the magnitude-7 quake and still hobbled by its aftermath, is trying to build anew in places like Corail-Cesselesse, a nearly empty swath of land that begins about 9 mi. north of the capital. But the effort is paralyzed by disorganization, bitter rivalries and private deals being struck behind its back. Multiple families claim title to almost every scrap of real estate. Already one reconstruction official has been forced to step down for steering a public project to his company’s private land at CorailCesselesse. Wealthy landowners vow the “new Haiti” will become yet another vast slum unless the government rebuilds on their terms. Caught in the middle are the homeless, looking to grab a patch of ground from the thugs hired to keep them away. Even facing machetes, Villase had to be dragged from the tarp that was home for her and four children. “I didn’t want them to take the tent away,” she recalled. “They said, ‘We don’t care. We can rip it up while you’re inside.”‘ In the moments after the disaster all Port-au-Prince began pouring into twilit streets. Homes, still collapsing, had in a moment become death traps. Camps rose on public and private spaces, squares, parks and golf courses. Bodies were everywhere, laid out under sheets, cardboard or nothing. Dump trucks and front-

loaders cleared most in the following weeks. Others were burned. Some are still being found. The bodies have been cleared, but not the rubble. Mounds of it make most of the capital impassable. Even with 300 trucks working daily, only two percent has been cleared. The number of people in relief camps has nearly doubled to 1.6 million, while the amount of transitional housing built is minuscule. Most of the $3.1 billion pledged for humanitarian aid has paid for field hospitals, plastic tarps, bandages and food, plus salaries, transportation and upkeep of relief workers. About $1.3 billion went through U.S. relief groups. Hundreds of millions have yet to be spent, with agencies such as the American Red Cross saying they want to avoid dumping money into half-baked projects. Aid workers say the money already spent helped prevent epidemics, floods and political violence, while distributing food and other essentials. Food markets are back to normal, and the foreign doctors and equipment that flowed in have left medical care — while deeply flawed — better than it was before the quake. Most Haitians didn’t have running water and electricity before the quake, and still don’t. Police and U.N. peacekeepers are back on patrol. Crime is more prevalent since the quake, with attacks in camps terrorizing thousands, especially women and girls. However, violence is nowhere near the levels faced when the U.N. troops arrived six years ago. But besides meeting people’s most basic needs, little else has happened. President Rene Preval works beside the caved-in hulk of the national palace. Homes and stores lie in heaps. More than 665,700 plastic tarps and 97,000 tents were handed out, but most are now falling apart. Officials planned to put up 125,000 transitional shelters — not nearly enough for everyone. Only 3,722 have been built. Nearly four times as many still await assembly, shelter officials said. When materials finally get through customs, there’s no land to put them on. Reconstruction is still mostly a concept. It took more than three months to hold a donors’ conference at the U.N. The 26-member international Interim Haiti Reconstruction Commission, headed by Bill

Clinton and Haitian Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive, didn’t convene until June. That committee is set to oversee the first installments of the $9.9 billion pledged for international reconstruction — money separate than the total spent on humanitarian aid. But less than 2 percent of it has been delivered. The rest is mired in bureaucracy and politics of more than 60 countries and organizations that pledged to help. Everyone bemoans the lack of progress, but Bellerive said past experience dictates caution, lest reconstruction simply replicate the pre-quake slums. In “the last 30 years there was no planning with any action … no code,” he said. “What we didn’t want to do is launch any demagogic, visible action [just to] prove we are working.” A few miles from Haiti’s biggest ports and safely past its northernmost slums, Corail-Cesselesse is a blank canvas. On this vast stretch abutting one of the Caribbean’s largest cities, in a country more densely populated than Japan, will rise garment factories, homes, stores and restaurants in one of the country’s first planned communities, the planners said. Just before a March visit by former U.S. Presidents Clinton and George W. Bush, Preval said the government was taking over more than 18,500 acres of that land to accommodate thousands of families at risk from the coming floods and hurricanes. A few hundred acres were picked out for the city’s first, longawaited relocation camp. The U.N. and U.S. military construction teams flattened and graded the land for a camp of deluxe “ShelterBox” tents. About 5,000 residents of the Petionville Club golf-course camp, run by actor Sean Penn, were bused in. Thousands of squatters who could not get access to the “good” camp followed, staking their tarps and poles on its outskirts. Aid groups did not know it, but this was a first salvo in a longdesired plan to develop this broad expanse. Other big plans for Port-auPrince are on the drawing board: Rebuild the downtown; spend $100 million to restore the destroyed government center of the Champ de Mars; bring back the cruise ships; hold a design competition for new ministerial buildings, to be “a museum of 21st Century architecture” in the words of government planner Leslie Voltaire.

But if you really want to see the future, Voltaire said, look north. In Corail-Cesselesse, houses would be built for 300,000 people — transitional shelters at first, but each with a permanent facade and capable of expanding to six rooms. There will be jobs and services that most of the rest of the city now lacks. This northern expansion will help transform Port-au-Prince into a “Zen city,” engineered to be balanced and serene, he said. It will be the key industrial city of the Caribbean. “The idea is to pick up all that imagination and wealth and put it in that mountain,” Voltaire said with a smile. “It’s minutes to the port. It’s going to be a hit.” But with a barely functioning government, Corail-Cesselesse may be built according to backroom deals, not planners’ blueprints. The government had appointed Gerard-Emile “Aby” Brun, president of Nabatec Development, a consortium owned by some of Haiti’s most powerful families, to be in charge of relocating the squatter camps in Port-au-Prince. For that first relocation camp for 5,000 people, with clinics, food on premises and some electricity, he chose a piece of Corail-Cesselesse land owned by Nabatec, confirmed Voltaire and Bellerive, the prime minister. The company now stands first in line to gain part of $7 million the government will spend compensating landowners. That’s just a small part of the potential payoff. Nabatec also is a lead negotiator with South Korean garment firms to build factories that Haitian officials said will likely go into CorailCesselesse, and the camp he set up is a potential source of workers for those factories, which can take advantage of generous U.S. import laws for Haitian-assembled textiles. Foreign aid workers complained that the camp was too far from the city and went up without basic amenities. “We weren’t very happy about the choice of site and how it was selected, and how it was isolated,” said Oxfam spokeswoman Julie Schindall. Bellerive said he told Brun to quit his government position because of the apparent conflict of interest. But the deal Brun negotiated for his company stands. Rumors of the coming factories and jobs have already spread in the camp.

Meanwhile, the squatters continue to pour into CorailCesselesse. You don’t see them until you come up the road. First just one. Then a hundred. Then fields of them. Sweating through their secondhand T-shirts, clutching wooden poles, plastic sheets and tools, 10,000 or more have set up tents. Who “sent” them? No one can say. But the landowners suspect the government is populating the land with squatters, so it can be taken for the “new Haiti” at a minimum price — or for nothing. Land ownership has been a sensitive issue since Haiti’s 1804 slave revolt, when it was wrested from French planters and distributed among the people, only to fall back under the ownership of a few powerful families — the “grandshommes” (big men) in Haitian parlance. The land registry hasn’t been updated for decades, and many of the records that did exist were lost in the earthquake. People who claim to be the landowners said it’s worth $20,000 an acre. “My fair price is a negotiation between the market price and the price the owner declared to the income tax,” Voltaire said. “And it’s always very low.” Bellerive said landowners will be compensated, but that housing the homeless takes priority. “If we take the time to resolve it one by one, the people are going to stay on the streets,” he said. He could have a strong ally — Clinton, who has said he’ll plunge into the bargaining himself, if necessary. “I’m not above doing that,” Clinton told The Associated Press on a a recent visit. “I’ve been known to make a deal or two in my life.” The landowners said if they’re not compensated, the “new Haiti” in Corail-Cesselesse will end up making the violent slums of prequake Port-au-Prince look tame. They said if anyone builds there without their consent, they will sue to get the land back. Landowner Jean-Claude Theodore calls the squatters invaders who are attacking private property. Voltaire has his own response to threats of lawsuits or worse — a government backed by U.N. peacekeepers, the international community and his blueprint. “What do I say to them?” he said with a smile. “I say, ‘Checkmate.”‘

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 81





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Page 84 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

Still Too Early to Evaluate Full Effect of Gulf Oil Spill SPILL from page 1

enrolled to contain the oil has been way offshore. That work recovery dynamic could change, however, should a summer storm carry oil-laden waters farther inland. By the end of July, two tropical storms had threatened both the clean-up work and the painstaking effort to finally contain the leaking oil. The biggest economic blow so far has been to industries inextricably linked to the Gulf of Mexico waters — fishing, tourism and offshore drilling. Most operators of fishing boats and charters in Louisiana are now working for British Petroleum, containing oil or skimming oil from the water instead of throwing lines into it. State governors tried for awhile to stave off tourist cancellations by putting out brave calls for tourists to come on down. As for oil drillers, President Obama’s moratorium on offshore drilling remains a threat to close the doors on any number of drilling support companies in Louisiana and Mississippi. A judge initially halted the ban, ruling it regulatory overkill, but the administration promptly issued a second moratorium and hopes its language passes judicial muster. In response to the second ban, one company — Diamond Offshore — announced it was moving its drilling rig from the Gulf to waters off Egypt. If undersea boring in the Gulf is stopped by the administration for six months, hundreds of construction and machinery contractors for the industry — many of whom never leave dry land — will face hard times. An oil industry-sponsored report by the American Energy Alliance issued July 20 says the 6-month moratorium could cost the region more than 8,000 jobs – including construction contractors – and $2 billion in economic activity. “The moratorium could be more costly than the oil spill itself,” said the author of the report, Lousiana State University professor Joseph R. Mason. A Moody’s Analytics report issued the same week pegs the cost of the oil spill itself at 17,000 regional jobs lost and more than a billion dollars in economic growth sacrificed. Immediate Work Impact Is Positive For now, though, things are not so bad. “Work actually is getting busier,” said Anirban Basu, who is CEO of Baltimorebased Sage Policy Group and economist of Associated Builders and Contractors. “In the short term, any disaster is somewhat positive as a job producer.” Though Basu affirmed the linkage between disasters and work opportunities for construction companies, he, too, saw longterm instability in the industry as a consequence of the spill. State governments already are hard hit by the economy. They

also are about to have the stimulus-funding spigot turned off. As oil spill-reduced tourism further depletes Gulf states’ revenues, state budgetary traumas will only worsen. What Basu finds most startling is the negative reaction of Gulf coast residents to the moratorium and the general response of government to the spill. The residents’ greatest concern clearly is that jobs are at stake. “It is fascinating, frankly, to see the level of outrage directed toward government about jobs,” Basu said. In June, Louisiana’s unemployment rate was 7 percent, up from 6.8 percent in May, but still much lower than the U.S. rate of 9.5. Construction employment in the state increased during the month but the jobless rate remains high. Brian Turmail, an Associated General Contractors spokesman in Washington, reported that members are anxious about the potential impact of the floating oil on Gulf contractors. Turmail said feedback from members in the region has been inconclusive, but worrisome. “Everyone is kind of nervous because of a public view that all the beaches are covered with oil,” Turmail said, which they are not — yet, anyway. “If that fear shakes out to a multiyear concern and tourism is hurt, that will have real impact.” Any reduction in tourism will shrink government budgets and result in less money for school and infrastructure construction, he observed. “We haven’t seen the beginning of the impact, or are just seeing the beginning of it.” But not everyone shares his view. In Baton Rouge, Ken Naquin is not at all worried about job losses. The CEO of the Louisiana chapter of Associated General Contractors is confident that few if any jobs of AGC member companies are jeopardized by the Deepwater Horizon incident. “It’s pretty much business as usual,” Naquin said at the end of June. “The spill and the clean-up really won’t affect our highway, building and utility contractors.” This is partly because Louisiana contractors are still living off stimulus money. The state received $433 million in American Recovery & Reinvestment Act funds. About three-dozen stimulus-funded projects are under way or completed in the state, according to the American Road and Transportation Builders Association, and twice that many are scheduled to start soon. Louisiana’s highway projects are specifically funded by a state fuel tax dedicated to such work, Naquin said, and doesn’t see spill-related layoffs impairing those contracts. “We don’t anticipate any impact at all,” he said. Impact on Some Louisiana Contractors Part of Naquin’s confidence stems from

the fact that Louisiana’s AGC chapter has no members working in the oilfield industry. Those contractors are represented by the Louisiana Oilfield Contractors Association (LOCA), which was formed 43 years ago when some road builders, oilfield service contractors and drilling companies organized to repel attacks upon the industry by union activists. This story is told colorfully in the organization’s published history, wherein it notes that association organizers “are a tough and independent group of self-made individuals who will not be intimidated. LOCA was created by determined men to resolve tough problems… This proud tradition of facing the toughest challenges in the industry head on and overcoming them continues at the Louisiana Oilfield Contractors Association.” The BP oil spill may give the association a chance to add to its toughness tradition. If an offshore moratorium sticks, the impact of it on the Gulf oilfield industry is incalculable, industry observers believe. Dock work and levy construction, pipeline laying and right-of-way clearing, equipment supply and metal fabrication activities as well as on-land and offshore crew assignments would be cut back sharply. A Louisiana Oilfield Contractors Association executive was contacted for this article but did not respond. One Louisiana company already benefiting from the spill is The Shaw Group. The Baton Rouge-headquartered corporation made a name for itself as a disaster-response firm after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita when its construction division was awarded several contracts. It succeeded rather famously in pumping some 50 billion gallons of water out of New Orleans in 17 days, almost two months quicker than expected. Construction crews also temporarily repaired an estimated 1,200 roofs in 24 hours and built 30 temporary housing facilities for refugees of the storm. It subsequently was awarded the contract to erect a two-mile-long Inner Harbor Navigation Canal Surge Barrier to protect New Orleans from future Katrinas, and that work continues. In this disaster, the international firm was awarded a contract to construct more than 120 mi. (193.1 km) of temporary sand berms along coastal barrier islands to — it is hoped — stop the migration of oil into ecologically sensitive marsh areas. The work is being done from a fleet of scows and specialized dredging barges. “Our roots are firmly planted in this state,” Shaw CEO J.M. Bernhard Jr. said in a formal news release about the contract. “As with our Hurricane Katrina recovery work, Shaw has a deep personal interest in our state’s protection and recovery.” Shaw public affairs representatives declined comment for this article.

Equipment Dealers Hold Their Breath Construction equipment dealers in the region are uncertain about how much misery the spill eventually will wash ashore. One of the seven offices of Vermeer Midsouth Inc. is in Gulfport, Miss., and Midsouth president Dennis Vander Molen is keeping an eye on the drifting crisis. “We are still trying to figure out what opportunities for Midsouth there are in this mess. Most of the oil is still in the water and off Louisiana where we don’t have any [sales] jurisdiction,” Vander Molen said in late June. That day, the first oil reached mainland Mississippi, coming ashore in the area of Biloxi. The Vermeer Midsouth executive said he was aware of some funding available for cleanup work, which could include equipment rental or purchase. His dealerships carry such specialty equipment as mobile vacuum excavation systems and compact loaders, both of which might be useable in beach restoration work. “There are some marine grants or something being handed out to the county governments, but those funds are pretty limited,” Vander Molen said. “It is not going to have much of an impact in terms of what those people can buy.” Employment equipment to suck up the crude oil is more likely to occur in Mississippi than in Louisiana, if it happens at all, he added. “Using such equipment in Louisiana is problematic because so much of that coast is bayou and marsh land.” Vander Molen said the business community is not panicking as the oil begins to stain the coastline. “But there definitely is some fear.” Louisiana Machinery is a statewide Caterpillar dealer, with 21 locations. Three of its engine sales and service locations hug the coast. Among the dealership’s offerings are Caterpillar and MaK marine engines. The dealership notes on its Web site that its engine outlets offer “experience to service the needs of the offshore petroleum industry. Our highly trained field service technicians with offshore experience and passports enable our customers to receive specialized marine engine services whenever necessary and wherever they work, worldwide.” The impact of the spill on Louisiana Machinery was still being evaluated as July began. On the one hand, the spill obviously threatens oil-drilling work off Louisiana’s shore. On the other hand, it has augmented the fleet of motorized craft in the Gulf trying to corral the oil. The result is kind of a wash for some equipment suppliers. “We aren’t feeling anything yet,” said Sarah Paola, marketing manager. The mostly unstated hope of construction companies and suppliers across the region is that the feeling continues. CEG

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 85

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If you would like to place your Wanted To Buy listings on our website for inclusion in our newsletters, simply visit: www.ConstructionEquipmentGuide.com/wanted and enter your listings. FOR RHONDA OR DAVE MORBARK 13 OR 15 PTO CHIPPER • USED MORBARK 13 OR 15 PTO DRIVEN Contact: RHONDA OR DAVID SCHEER CHIPPER Phone: 610-544-3399 Contact: TIM LEWANDOWSKI Email: rhonda@scheerbrothers.com Phone: 724-887-9375 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Email: lewequip@gmail.com CAT MOTOR GRADER 140H –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Contact: PATRICK KOMATSU BG380 JG TRACK CONE • Email: akinola58@hotmail.com LOW HOUR WORK READY WHOLESALE –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– PRICE 966F, 966FII, 966G, 140G • I WANT TO Contact: RICHARD BUY 966F, 966FII, 966G, 140G 1984 Phone: 603 828-6100 OR UP MODEL. Email: cmiequip@yahoo.com Contact: SALAH –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– LOOKING FOR A 950F BALDERSON GP Phone: 1-917 416 6921 Fax: 1-718 472 2277 BUCKET Email: rawalhmc@hotmail.com Contact: MIKE SMITH –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Phone: 585-538-4395 TRAILER OR TRUCK ATTENUATOR • Fax: 585-538-2467 ATTENUATOR TRAILER OR ATTENUAEmail: msmith@caledoniadiesel.com TOR TRUCK –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Contact: ALBERTO ARADILLAS LOOKING FOR A CAT 980C ENGINE Phone: (956) 645-7379 GOOD CONDITION Email: gilmar5493@sbcglobal.net Contact: WILLIAM KYEREME –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Phone: 413-657-8096 Fax: 413-543-0748 CAB FOR 3020 JD • CAB FOR 1968 3020 Email: bill.chereme@gmail.com PREFER AC –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Contact: ALBERT SKEEN GP BUCKET WANTED TO FIT JRB 418 Phone: 276-791-0832 SERIES COUPLER ON A DEERE 644H. Email: askeen34@yahoo.com NEEDS TO BE IN GOOD CONDITION –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– APROX. 114" WIDE. SALVAGE TRUCKS AND EQUIP • Contact: ROGER BAKKER WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE BROKEN Phone: 902-626-6217 DOWN,WORN OUT TRUCKS AND EQUIP Fax: 902-964-3062 FOR SALVAGE,CASH WAITING . WE Email: excellcarriers@aol.com SELL TRUCKS AND PARTS –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Contact: HAPS USED TRUCK SALVAGE CONCRETE PULVERIZER FOR CAT 325 Phone: 610 858 4092 Contact: SCOTT CORNELL Email: 2redflames@gmail.com Phone: 215-343-1830 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Fax: 215-343-1564 EQUIPMENT FOR SALVAGE • WE ARE Email: scornell@ahcornell.com BUYERS OF CONSTRUCTION EQUIP–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– MENT BOTH FOR SALVAGE AND BOBCAT S130 • WE WOULD LIKE TO RESALE. WE BUY DOZERS, EXCAVABUY 10 UNITS OF BOBCAT S130. TORS, WHEEL LOADERS, AND OFF MACHINES MUST BE READY TO RUN, GOOD LOOKING, AND IN GOOD CONDI- HIGHWAY ARTICULATED TRUCKS. WEST COAST PREFERRED TION. PLEASE E-MAIL US WITH PHOContact: PATRICK E KELLY TOS, PRICE AND LOCATION. Phone: 800-403-2263 Contact: AIMN Phone: +971504814823 Fax: 716-891-4311 Fax: +97165355291 Email: pkelly@hrparts.com Email: aimn@alwafaequipment.com –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– USED / BROKEN / SURPLUS HOT HIGH FLOW SKIDLOADER | 2-RUBBER STICKS • WE BUY USED, BROKEN, AND TRACK SKIDLOADER 85 MIN HP-- HIGH SURPLUS HOT STICKS. IF YOU HAVE FLOW CAB, A/C, HEAT , RIDE CONSOME AVAILABLE, PLEASE GIVE US A TROL, PILOT CONTROLS-- UNDER 1000 CALL OR SHOOT US AN • EMAIL AND HRS AND IN GOOD SHAPE WE’LL WORK OUT A GOOD PRICE. WE Contact: LARRY LEISTIKOW TAKE CARE OF ALL THE SHIPPING. Phone: 608-655-1300 Contact: NICK | Phone: 206-274-1678 Email: lleistikow@yahoo.com Fax: 206-694-2723 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Email: nick@linemansequipment.com WE ARE BUYING EQUIPMENT! • CAT, –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– KOMATSU, VOLVO, KAWASAKI, CALL CASE 590 SUPER L 4X4 US! • WE WANT TO BUY YOUR EQUIPContact: KEVIN MENT! | WE BUY CAT, KOMATSU Phone: 856-297-4758 WHEEL LOADERS, EXCAVATORS MOTOR GRADERS & DOZERS • WE ARE Fax: 856-362-5602 Email: kevin@sansaloneexcavating.com LOOKING FOR ALL SIZES OF CAT & KOMATSU WHEEL LOADERS ANY YEAR –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– IR CM780 • LOW HOUR IR CM780 OR MODEL. WE ALSO BUY CAT & Contact: KENNETH KOMATSU MOTOR GRADER, EXCAVAPhone: 270-287-7990 TORS AND DOZERS. WE ALSO BUY ANY/ALL PARTS MACHINES. Email: kenneth@allaroundconnections.com CALL SCHEER BROTHERS, LLC ASK ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

CASE 821C WHEEL LOADER Contact: FRANK HORAN TRICO EQUIPMENT Phone: 800-654-USED (8733) ext. 1230 Email: fhoran@tricoequipment.com –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SKIDSTEERS LOADERS Contact: KENNETH YOUNG Email: youngkenken@aol.com –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– GEHL AL20 WHEEL LOADER Contact: ALLAN Phone: 651-271-7254 Fax: 715-386-9515 Email: twoabley@baldwin-telecom.net –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– RECENT MODEL FRONT LOADING 2050 CYD SHOVEL • MACHINE NEEDS TO BE IN PA • MAYBE CABLE OR HYDRAULIC 20-50 CU YD SHOVEL Contact: JOE DYGAS Phone: 515-834-9220 Fax: 515-834-9221 Email: desotoequipment.jdygas@gmail.com –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 307D MINI HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR • NEEDS TO HAVE RUBBER TRACKS. Contact: MIKE or DALE MILLER Phone: 724 428 4022 Email: dale_miller54@yahoo.com –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 307D MINI HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR | NEEDS TO HAVE RUBBER TRACKS. CONTACT MY SON MIKE MILLER @ 724 428 4022 Contact: DALE MILLER Phone: 724 428 4022 Email: dale_miller54@yahoo.com –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CATERPILLAR 420E BACKHOE Contact: CREED Phone: 2307764 Email: rtraynet@gmail.com –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– MORBARK 13 OR 15 CHIPPER WHOLE OR PARTS | LOOKING FOR A CUTTER HEAD FOR A MORBARK 13 Contact: TIM LEWANDOWSKI Phone: 724-887-9375 Fax: 724-887-4899 Email: lewequip@gmail.com –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CAT 315CL 3000 HRS MAX GOING TO NE | AUX HYDS. A PLUS Contact: RICHARD Phone: 603 828-6100 Email: cmiequp@yahoo.com –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– KOBELCO EXCAVATOR | LOOKING FOR KOBELCO EXCAVATORS SK200/210 AND 300 MUST HAVE GOOD U/C AND BE IN GOOD RUNNING CONDITION. MUST BE CLOSE TO AUCTION PRICES. MUST BE IN THE U.S THANK YOU, Contact: RANDY REECE Phone: 770-966-9056 Fax: 770-966-9035 Email: randy@globalequipmentexporters.com –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– JRB FORK ATTACHMENT FOR 410E Contact: LEON MARTIN Phone: 717-587-0311 Email: leonr@lrmex.com ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

CAT WHEEL LOADERS | WE NEED CAT MORBARK MODEL 13 OR 15 IN NEED KUBOTA 6100 FRONT END LOADER LOADERS 916 AND 950B.WE NEED OF REPAIR • MORBARK 13 OR 15 WITH FRONT END LOADER FOR 1981 KUBOTA BAD ENGINE OR IN NEED OF REPAIR ALSO HITACHI CHAIN EXCAVATOR 6100, DID SEE A MODEL NUMBER OF B Contact: TIM LEWANDOWSKI EX200-1.DYNAPAC ROLLERS 219 MANUFACTURED BY OTHER THAN Phone: 724-887-9375 CA25D,CA30D AND CA251D. KUBOTA Fax: 724-887-4899 Contact: RIZWAN Contact: SCOTT WEST Email: lewequip@gmail.com Phone: +92-345-6429345 Phone: 330-958-1426 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Fax: +92-213-6057723 KOMATSU LOADER, WA100, WA150, Email: howiserinfree@yahoo.com Email: riz_din2000@yahoo.com WA200 • IF YOU HAVE KOMATSU –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– LOADER, LIKE WA100, WA150, WA200, CAT D7R WITH RIPPER AND 3306 2007 CATERPILLAR D6N LGP WA250 ETC. PLEASE EMAIL, PLEASE ENGINE UNDER 9000 HOURS DO NOT PUT YOUR MACHINE ON AUC- LOOKING FOR A 2007 CATERPILLAR Contact: NATACHA D6N LGP EQUIPMENT. TION, SELL YOUR MACHINE TO ME, I Phone: 0033-698-17-4467 Contact: DAVE CAN PAY 100% IN ADVANCE IF YOUR Email: natacha@abnequipment.com MACHINE IS GOOD Phone: 813-464-2163 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Contact: IBRAHIM Email: shaba13@gmail.com CATERPILLAR PIPELAYERS Email: ibrahimmashali@gmail.com –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– I WANT TO BUY CATERPILLAR –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– PIPELAYERS MODEL 594, 583, 572, 571 BOB CAT GLASS DOOR S185 LOADER BACKHOE Contact: TONY THOMAS Contact: WAYNE Contact: FRANK HORAN Phone: 818-956-5231 Phone: 1-810-724-6131 Phone: 732-674-2095 Fax: 818-956-5239 Fax: 856-697-4842 Email: waynesworldllc@yahoo.com Email: tonythomas@pacificcranes.com Email: fhoran@tricoequipment.com –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– FORK FRAME AND FORKS CAT 992D BUCKET | NEED A HD ROCKET BUCKET JCB WHEEL LOADER CLEAN & WORK READY GOING TO NE TO FIT A KOMATSU PC800-8 78-84" Contact: RICHARD LOOKING FOR JCB QUICKHITCH WIDE 6-1/2-7-1/2 CU YD. NEED ASAP Phone: 603 828-6100 COMPATIBLE FOR A 426 HT NEED FORK Contact: LARRY LEISTIKOW Email: cmiequip@yahoo.com Phone: 608-438-1783 FRAME AND FORKS –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Fax: 608-655-1300 Contact: DANIEL PETERS ATLAS COPCO D711 BLASTHOLE DRILL Email: lleistikow@yahoo.com Phone: 920-471-4296 I WANT TO BUY ATLAS COPCO D7-11 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– BLASTHOLE DRILLS. CATERPILLAR MOTOR GRADER 140G • Fax: 920-491-1027 | Email: danp@go-jcb.com Contact: TONY THOMAS PLS SEND WHOLESALE, UN-ADVERTISED UNITS OFFERS FOR 140GS WITH –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Phone: 818-956-5231 REAR RIPPER IN 72V SERIES, YEAR Fax: 818-956-5239 REGULATEUR DE DEBIT POUR 1985 TO 1995. Email: tonythomas@pacificcranes.com CHARGEUR SUR PNEU O ET K Contact: ATHER A. SIDDIQUI –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Contact: KEFIF Phone: +92-333-2240692 ROTARY PILING RIG Phone: 00213661200428 Email: ather.cat@gmail.com Contact: SUNIL PATEL Fax: 0021341468376 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Phone: 91-22-26736947 Email: smci_maghreb@yahoo.fr KOMATSU PC95 OR EQUIVLENT • Fax: 91-22-26732978 CLEAN & WORK READY –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Email: spatel@indianabuild.com Contact: RICHARD CATERPILLAR AND –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Phone: 603-828-6100 KUBOTA KH28 FOR PARTS KOMATSU PIPELAYERS Email: cmisold@yahoo.com FINAL DRIVES COMPLETE OR GEARS WE WANT TO BUY CATERPILAR 572G, –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– MAIN PROBLEM PN 68241-13410. 30 FOOT ALUMINUM END DUMP TRAIL- 583K, 594H PIPELAYERS ALSO LOOKING WOULD TAKE A COMPLETE MACHINE ER • LOOKING FOR OLDER MODEL 30- FOR KOMATSU D355C PIPELAYERS. NO OR WHAT YOU HAVE LEFT OF ONE 32 FT. FRAME TYPE ALUMINUM END BROKERS PLEASE. WE ONLY BUY 1984 KH-28 KH-170 IS THE SAME. DUMP TRAILER. FROM END USER. Contact: BOB ZUZNIS Contact: MIKE PIEPER Contact: TONY THOMAS Phone: 845 221 2603 Phone: 319-372-2276 Phone: 818-956-5231 Fax: 845 221 2603 Fax: 319-372-2277 Email: sellerrez32@aol.com Fax: 818-956-5239 Email: pi2279@yahoo.com –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Email: tonythomas@pacificcranes.com –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– KOMATSU WA3803 | EROP WITH AIR. TERRAMITE T5C FRAME –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– WORK READY CONDITION. GP BUCKET. FRAME FOR SPECJ1040 MARCH 1997, JIB POLE Contact: PATRICK KELLY 6000LB I HAVE A TEREX 41M BUCKET LIFT ON Phone: 800-403-2263 Contact: DAVID PARSONS MY TRUCK. I NEED THE FIBERGLASS Fax: 716-891-4346 Phone: 304-733-5098 JIB POLE PART # 0454002 Email: pkelly@hrparts.com Email: matt2101@verizon.net –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Contact: DAVID LARAIA –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CASE LOADER BACKHOE 580L OR PC300LC5 Phone: 860-250-6659 580SL • CASE LOADER BACKHOES KOMATSU PC300-5 OR PC300-7,PC400-5 Fax: 860-432-0641 2 WHEEL DRIVE 580L OR 580SL PC400-7 PC228US-3 Email: dlaraia@cox.net ENCLOSED CAB, REASONABLE PRICE Contact: JIM –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– GOOD COND! Phone: 626-443-2443 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR Contact: FRANK ZACCARINO Fax: 626-443-4674 MACHINE WITH LESS THAN 3000 HRS. Phone: 973-650-9268 Email: info@maxland.com Email: zacc1@optonline.net 70 LONG STICK AND 2 YD BUCKET. E–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– MORBARK 13 OR 15 CHIPPER MAIL PICTURES, LOCATION AND PRICE NEED TO BUY A RIPPER FOR 8230B LOOKING FOR A CUTTER HEAD FOR A Contact: BEAUFORD MULLINS TEREX DOZER MORBARK 13 CHIPPER Phone: 260 497 0500 Contact: JAKE DATES Contact: TIM LEWANDOWSKI Fax: 260 490 8217 | Phone: 315-879-0806 Phone: 724-887-9375 Email: beauford@kortebros.com Email: microracer68@yahoo.com Email: lewequip@gmail.com | –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Page 86 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

John Blausey (L) of Blausey Trucking and Excavating catches up with David Netcher of Netcher Farm Equipment, Elmore, Ohio.

(L-R): Chris and Steve Nagy of Nagy Equipment Sales join Red Freed of Freed Painting and Bob Miller and Jack Hardwick of Miller Cranes & Rigging to catch some shade while they wait for the bidding to start on the equipment in the outside lot.

Wilson Auction Draws Contractors From Across Midwest


ilson Auction & Realty Company conducted an auction in Findlay, Ohio, July 20 at H & R Electric featuring a wide range of industrial and construction equipment. The auction drew attendees primarily from Ohio, Michigan and Indiana.

Brent Wilson calls out the bidding on a Cat generator.

Matt Leightey (L) of Precision Concrete in Greenville, Ohio, and Harlan Frey of Harlan Frey Roofing & Construction in Carey, Ohio, discussed the equipment up for bid.

The lineup of trailers drew a large crowd of enthusiastic bidders.

Damon Reasbeck (L) and Bob Grace of Re-Ly Construction, Columbus, Ohio, check out the skid steers up for sale.

Paul Mack (L) and Damian Vorst of Vorst Builders, Findlay, Ohio, were pleased to have landed some bargains at the auction.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 87

August 9, 2010 – Golf Outing. IAAP Annual Golf Outing, Panther Creek Country Club and Piper Glen Golf Club, Springfield, Illinois. The scramble format utilized at both courses makes this annual outing a fun, relaxed event. For more information, contact Glenda Schoening at (217) 2411639 or email glenda@hansoninfosys.com. August 11, 2010 – Happy Hour. The AGC St. Louis Construction Leadership Council Happy Hour is Wednesday, August 11, 2010. The event will be held at Trailhead Brewing Company, 921 South Riverside Drive, St. Charles, MO 63301 at 5:00 P.M. There is no charge to attend. Attendees are responsible for their own drink purchases. For question, contact Danielle Kopriva at dkopriva@agcstl.org. See you there! Associates General Contractors of St. Louis, Phone: (314) 781-2356. August 18, September 15, 2010 – Golf Outings. The CAM (Construction Association of Michigan) Golf Committee’s 2010 CAM Golf Outing Schedule which features four value-packed outings at remarkable prices include dates August 18 Fieldstone Golf Club - Auburn Hills; September 15 Cherry Creek Golf Club - Shelby Township. For more information and any other questions please contact Diana Brown at (218) 9721000. September 8, 2010 – Contractor Meeting. AGC St. Louis Contractors and Specialty Contractor Members Invited to Chase Park Plaza – Zodiac Room on 20th Floor, 212 N. Kingshighway, St. Louis, MO. Cost is $80.00 and Time is 5:30 P.M. Cocktails; 6:30 P.M. Dinner; 7:30 P.M. Presentation. Call the AGC of St. Louis office at (314) 781-2356 if you have questions. Call Kathy Givens at (314) 480-3172 to register (by September 3, 2010). September 13, 2010 – Meeting. To all IAAP Members! Register now for the 7th annual meeting of the Transportation for Illinois Coalition to be held on Monday, September 13th at the Wojcik Conference Center at William Rainey Harper College in Palatine, and begins with an address by Congressman Jerry Costello (D-Belleville). For those who want to stay the night before the event and/or after the meeting, TFIC has reserved a block of rooms at the Embassy Suites Chicago, Schaumburg, Woodfield. This hotel is within 10” of the Harper College conference center. The room rate is $139/night. Contact information for the hotel is telephone: (847) 397-1313 or Fax: (847) 397-9007. John Henriksen, Executive Director, Illinois Association of Aggregate Producers, Cell: (217) 899-

B C usiness


7389; Office: 217-241-1639; Fax: (217) 241-1641 and email: iaap@hansoninfosys.com. September 20-21, 2010 and October 25-26, 2010 – Construction Conferences. Associated Owners & Developers 2010 National Conferences. AOD’s 14th Annual Industry Conference, a 1-1/2 Day Program featuring leading experts who will focus on today’s construction market strategies for continued success, where our industry is headed, and how best to get there in the years to come. September Conference to be held at the W. Atlanta Midtown Hotel, Atlanta, GA and October Conference at LePavilion Hotel, New Orleans, LA. For further information, please go to www.constructionchannel.net under “Mark Your Calendar.” Also, contact Andrew at Associated Owners & Developers (AOD) Telephone: (703) 734-2397. September 25 thru October 1, 2010 – Course. AGC of America (The Associated General Contractors of America) is offering this 5-day course with experienced project managers and project engineers instruction on project planning, safety management, construction productivity, subcontractor/vendor management, CPM scheduling, claims management, legal issues/contract clauses, construction ethics, cost control, project record keeping, communications, leadership/human resource issues, time management, problem solving and decisions making, and blending family and work. Early bird registration available: Register by July 15, 2010 and receive $5.00 off your tuition! Hotel information: Dolce Hayes Mansion, San Jose, CA (408) 226-3200 and Contact information: Contact education@agc.org for more information. Mining New Members. Everyone knows word-of-mouth advertising from satisfied customers brings more business to your company. As an IAAP member, you have experienced valuable benefits from membership in this Association and along the way maybe you have talked with others in the industry about joining the IAAP. Your efforts are now being rewarded through a new member recruitment program called “Mining New Members.”

For more information, please contact IAAP Outreach Manager Shawn McKinney at (217) 241-1639 or shawn@hansoninfosys.com. DONATION - HELP Support IAAP’s Political Activities – The IAAP Political Action Committee (PAC) was created in order to provide financial support for our allies in the Illinois General Assembly. Whether from Chicago or Downstate Illinois, Democrat or Republican, these legislators all have one thing in common – they support bills that help the Illinois aggregates industry and oppose bills that hurt our interests. As the cost of political campaigns continues to rise, we want to ensure that legislators who support this industry can compete and continue to do good work. For that reason, supporting the IAAP PAC is critically important to the future of our industry, your company, and your Association’s political activities. Please consider sending a donation, payable to the IAAP, to: John Henriksen, Secretary/Treasurer, IAAP PAC, 1115 S. 2nd Street, Springfield, Illinois 62704. INFORMATION - AGC of St. Louis Governmental Affairs Legislative Update: Legislative Alert – New Illinois Law Could have Significant Effect on Contractors. The AGC of St. Louis has become aware of a new Illinois law passed that could have a dramatic effect on our members who perform work in Illinois. On June 16, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn signed House Bill 6349 into law which enhances the Illinois Workers on Public Works Act. From: AGC of St. Louis Governmental Affairs (mail to: agccom@agcstl.org). INFORMATION - The Transportation for Illinois Coalition (TFIC) has published and electronic version of it’s most recent white paper, an analysis of the 2009 capital program. To download a copy of this document, go to the TFIC website: http://www.tficillinois.org, click on publications and open the file entitled Capital Funding for Transportation. Questions? Please feel free to contact John Henriksen, Illinois Association of Aggregate Producers, 1115 South 2nd Street, Springfield, IL 62704. Office: (217) 241-1639. Cell: (217) 899-7389. Fax: (217) 241-1641. AGC Volunteer Appreciation - The AGC of St. Louis is grateful for the many members who serve on committees. The time devoted by these individuals and the knowledge they share with the industry in very important to the success of the AGC.

Page 88 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

Maring Auction Company Holds Liquidation Sale


he Maring Auction Company held a complete liquidation of Melby Landscaping Inc. July 15 in Apple Valley, Minn. The sale included skid loaders, trucks, trailers, commercial lawn car equipment, power tools and collector cars.

Bill Barsness of Northfield Construction Co., Northfield, Minn., is in the market for a skid steer like this Case 1845C.

The Maring Auctions trailer was highly visible throughout the day.

Total Turf’s Kevin Meyer of Lakeville, Minn., is looking to pick up a little of everything, including this Ram 2500 with plow package. Les Mellies of Stuart, Minn., considers this John Deere 380 before looking over the trucks, skid steers and attachments available in the sale.

A 1970 Chevelle SS 396 4-speed drew a lot of attention from attendees.

Ron Betzold (L) of Dennison, Minn., with his buddy Glen Haefs of Rosemount came to see what Melby Landscaping had for sale.

Taking a look at this Case 1845C, Troy Franson of Lakeview Landscape & Design, Webster, Minn., said his company needs skid steers and attachments.

Ken Chlan (L) of Webster, Minn., and Joel Helmberger from Lakeville, Minn., are thinking about bidding on some skid steers and this Ford F350 with a landscape body.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 89

Online Auction Thursday, August 19

75 Backhoes

116 Compactors

61 Dozers

88 Excavators

137 Forklifts

30 Graders

72 Loaders

65 Skid-Steers

291 Trucks – On-Road

Visit our website to see the complete list of equipment, review the guaranteed inspection reports, and place your bids.

Inspected and Guaranteed

IInspected ands Guaranteed www.ironplanet.com 888-433-5426 Auction Company Bond #70259785. Preliminary list to date. Equipment subject to change.

Page 90 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

ALEX LYON & SON AUCTIONEERS www.lyonauction.com Phone: 315-633-2944 • Rochester, NY Sun., August 8, 2010 For: Large Quantity of New & Used Support, Construction Equipment, New Wood, Lumber & More • Buffalo, NY Sat., August 14, 2010 For: Estate Auction: Cranes, Draglines, Buckets, Large Quantity of Support Equipment • Orlando, FL Thurs., August 19, 2010 For: Late Model Rental Returns of Forklifts, Aerial Lifts, Construction, Support Equipment, Trucks & Trailers • Lexington, KY Fri., August 20, 2010 For: Complete Liquidation of Equipment Hauling Company • Columbus, OH Sat., August 21, 2010 For: Secured Party Sale, Truck Tractors, Van Trailers, Asst. of Construction Equipment • Houston, TX Wed., August 25, 2010 For: Rental Return Auction of Forklifts, Aerial, Construction, Support, Trucks & Trailers • Richmond, VA Thurs., August 26, 2010 For: Construction, Support Equipment, Attachments, Trucks Tractors, Dump Trucks, Trailers • Atlanta, GA Fri., August 27, 2010 For: Major Job Completion Auction of Late Model Construction, Support Equipment, Trucks & Trailers • Tuckahoe, NY Sat., August 28, 2010 For: Complete Liquidation of Earthmoving Equipment, Support, Trailers & Trucks • Keene, NH Sat., September 10, 2010 For: Construction, Ag, Support Equipment, Parts, Tools, Attachments • Fort Wayne, IN Wed.-Thurs, September 15-16, 2010 For: Construction, Aerial Lift, Forklift, Support Equipment, Trailers, Truck Tractors, Pickups • Syracuse, NY Wed., September 22, 2010 For: Complete Liquidation of Undercarriage Repair Shop • Atlantic City, NJ Sat. - Sun., September 25-26, 2010 For: Very Large Construction, Forklift, Aerial Truck & Trailer Rental Returns, New Building Supplies • Saginaw, MI Fri., October 8, 2010 For: Large Construction, Agricultural, Support, Aerial Lifts, Trucks & Trailers • Westminster, VT Sun., October 10, 2010 For: Probably The Finest Toy Train Collection East of the Mississippi

• Orlando, FL Tues., October, 12, 2010 For: Construction and Support Equipment, Aerial Lifts, Forklifts, Trucks & Trailers • Bangor, ME Fri., October 15, 2010 For: Aerial Lifts, Construction, Logging Equipment, Trucks, Trailers, Support • Buffalo, NY Sat., October 23, 2010 For: Late Model Construction, Support Equipment, Trucks & Trailers • Syracuse, NY Sat., October 30, 2010 For: Late Model Cat, John Deere Earthmoving Equipment, Aerials, Forklifts, Trucks & Trailers • Middletown (Florida), NY DATE TBA For: Rental Fleet Construction Equipment, Support, Aerial Lifts, Trucks & Trailers • Detroit, MI DATE TBA For: Complete Liquidation of Construction and Support Equipment • Chicago, IL DATE TBA For: Construction, Support Equipment, Aerial Lifts, Pickups, Trucks, Trailers • Louisville, KY DATE TBA For: Truck Tractors, Equipment Trailers, Support, Construction Equipment & Light Vehicles RITCHIE BROS. AUCTIONEERS www.rbauction.com Phone: 402-421-2631 • Salt Lake City, UT August 17, 2010 • Orlando, FL August 18, 2010 • Northeast, MD August 24, 2010 • Detroit, MI August 25, 2010 • Houston, TX August 26-27, 2010 • Boise, ID August 27, 2010 • Denver, CO August 31, 2010 • Phoenix, AZ September 2, 2010 • Edmonton, AB, CAN September 8-9, 2010 • Polotitlan, Mexico September 8, 2010 • Albuquerque, NM September 10, 2010 • Indianpolis, IN September 10, 2010 • Brisbane, Australia September 14, 2010 • Truro, NS, CAN September 14, 2010 • Tipton, CA September 14, 2010 • London, ONT, CAN September 15, 2010 • Kansas City, MO September 15, 2010 • Ocean Springs, MS September 15, 2010

Coming Auctions • Los Angeles, CA September 16, 2010 • Columbus, OH September 16, 2010 • Geelong, Australia September 16, 2010 • Chilliwack, BC, CAN September 16, 2010 • Ocana, Spain September 16-17, 2010 • Panama City, Panama September 17, 2010 • Toronto, ONT, CAN September 21-22, 2010 • Hyderabad, India September 21, 2010 • Olympia, WA September 21, 2010 • Atlanta, GA September 22, 2010 • Chicago, IL September 23-24, 2010 • Moerdijk, The Netherlands September 22-24, 2010 • El Paso, TX September 24, 2010 • Dubai, United Arab Emirates September 27-29, 2010 • Montreal, QC, CAN September 27-28, 2010 • Minneapolis, MN September 28, 2010 • Sacramento, CA September 28-20, 2010 • Fort Worth, TX September 29-30, 2010

• Sacramento, CA Sat., December 11, 2010 For: Commercial Truck and Heavy Equipment Auction • San Bernardino, CA Fri., December 17, 2010 For: Commercial Truck and Heavy Equipment Auction BUNCH BROTHERS AUCTIONEERS www.bunchbrothers.com Phone: 270-376-2992 • Middletown, OH Thurs., August 12, 2010 For: SK Construction DAVIS AUCTIONS www.davisauctionsinc.com Phone: 203-758-4087 • Prospect, CT Thurs., August 12, 2010 For: Quinnipiac Commission Auction – Construction Equipment HUNYADY AUCTION COMPANY www.hunyady.com Phone: 800-233-6898 • Telford, PA Thurs., September 23, 2010 For: Late Model – Off Lease Equipment INSIGHT AUCTIONEERS www.insightauction.com Phone: 863-386-1225

• Grand Prairie, AB, CAN Sept. 30 - Oct. 1, 2010

• Sebring, FL Saturday, September 18, 2010

BAR NONE AUCTION www.barnoneauction.com Phone: 866-372-1700

IRAY AUCTIONS www.iraymn.com Phone: 320-968-7230

• Sacramento, CA Sat., August 14, 2010 For: Commercial Truck and Heavy Equipment Auction • San Bernardino, CA Thurs.-Sat., August 26-28, 2010 For: Commercial Truck and Heavy Equipment Auction • Sacramento, CA Sat., September 11, 2010 For: Commercial Truck and Heavy Equipment Auction • San Bernardino, CA Fri., September 24, 2010 For: Commercial Truck and Heavy Equipment Auction • Sacramento, CA Sat., October 9, 2010 For: Commercial Truck and Heavy Equipment Auction • San Bernardino, CA Fri., October 22, 2010 For: Commercial Truck and Heavy Equipment Auction • Sacramento, CA Thurs.-Sat. November 11-13, 2010 For: Commercial Truck and Heavy Equipment Auction • San Bernardino, CA Fri., November 19, 2010 For: Commercial Truck and Heavy Equipment Auction

• Foley, MN Fri., September 17, 2010 • Portage, WI Fri., October 15, 2010 • Foley, MN Fri., December 3, 2010 IRON PLANET AUCTIONS www.ironplanet.com Phone: 888-433-5426 ONLINE AUCTIONS Go to www.ironplanet.com to view the complete auction schedules, inspection reports and to place your bid! • Thurs., August 12, 2010 For: Construction Equipment

MANHEIM MINNEAPOLIS www.manheim-minneapolis.com Phone: 800-622-7653 • Maple Grove, MN Fri., August 13, 2010 For: Heavy Truck & Equipment Auction MANHEIM HEAVY TRUCK AND EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS www.manheimheavytruckauctions.com Phone: 877-704-4636 • Lakeland, FL Fri., August 27, 2010 For: Construction Equipment MARTIN & MARTIN AUCTIONEERS, INC. www.mmaauction.com Phone: 800-763-2728 • York, SC Wed., August 18, 2010 For: Construction Equipment, Trucks and Trailers NITKE AUCTIONS www.nitkeauctions.com Phone: 715-362-6162 • Marquette, MI September TBA For: CCMO – Mining Equipment, Trucks • Wausau, WI Fri.-Sat, October 22-23, 2010 For: 2-Day Construction Equipment, Truck & Trailer Auction PETROWSKY AUCTIONEERS INC. www.petrowskyauctioneers.com Phone: 860-642-4200 • Ledgewood, NJ Fri., August 6, 2010 For: Complete Liquidation of TrState Stone Erectors, Inc. RITCHASON AUCTIONEERS INC. www.ritchason.com Phone: 800-806-3395 • Lebanon, TN Sat., September 18, 2010

• Tues., Nov. 30, 2010 @10:00 am Virtual Equipment & Truck Auction • Thurs., Dec. 16, 2010 @10:00 am Virtual Equipment & Truck Auction STOCK AUCTION COMPANY www.stockra.com Phone: 800-937-3558 • Wed., August 11, 2010 BIG IRON Timed Internet Auction ONLY • Wed., August 25, 2010 BIG IRON Timed Internet Auction ONLY • Omaha, NE Sat., August 28, 2010 For: Fleet Vehicle and Heavy Equipment Auction TAMPA MACHINERY AUCTION, INC. www.tmauction.com Phone: 813-986-2485 • Tampa, FL Sat., August 14, 2010 • Tampa, FL Sat., September 11, 2010 • Tampa, FL Sat., October 9, 2010 • Tampa, FL Sat., November 13, 2010 • Tampa, FL Sat., December 11, 2010 THE AUCTION WAY COMPANY www.theauctionways.com Phone: 800-482-0775 • LaGrange, GA Sat., August 14, 2010 For: Construction Equipment, Trucks, Trailers and Shop Equipment UTILITY AUCTIONS www.utilityauctions.net Phone: 302-530-9103

• Lebanon, TN Sat., December 11, 2010

• Wilmington, DE Fri., August 27, 2010 For: Public Auction Construction and Utility Equipment

ROY TIETSWORTH AUCTIONEERS www.tietsworth.com Phone: 585-243-1563

WESTERN CONSTRUCTION AUCTIONS INC. www.wca-online.com Phone: 760-731-7760

• Seneca Falls, NY Thurs., August 12, 2010 For: Farm Days Equipment and Truck Auction

• Perris, CA Thurs., August 5, 2010 For: Heavy Construction Equipment, Trucks & Trailers

RYAN AUCTION SALES www.ryanauctionsales.com Phone: 603-491-6159

WOLFE INDUSTRIAL AUCTIONS, INC. www.wolfeauctions.com Phone: 800-443-9580

• Thurs., August 19, 2010 For: Construction Equipment

• Tues., August 31, 2010 @10:00 AM Virtual Equipment & Truck Auction

KISSIMMEE AUCTION CO. www.kissimmeeauction.com Phone: 800-782-4506

• Tues., Sept. 28, 2010 @10:00 am Virtual Equipment & Truck Auction

• Spartanburg, SC Thurs., August 19, 2010 For: 14th Annual Summer Auction

• Thurs., October 21, 2010 @ 9:00 am 1st Annual Fall Contractors Auction

• Frederick, MD Sat., August 14, 2010 For: Northern MD Contractors Auction YODER & FREY AUCTIONEERS, INC. www.yoderandfrey.com Phone: 419-865-3990 • Lancaster, NH Thurs., August 26, 2010

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 91


Traxx Hauling LATE MODEL TRUCK TRACTORS, VERY LATE MODEL TALBERT, LIDDELL, FONTAINE 50-80 TON FLIP AXLES, JEEPS, SPREAD AXLES, VEHICLES & CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT & SUPPORT. FRIDAY, AUGUST 20 @ 9:30 AM LEXINGTON, (RICHMOND), KENTUCKY DIRECTIONS: from Lexington: Interstate-75 South for 6.7 miles, Exit 97 for US-25 S/ US-421 S, keep right at fork – follow signs for Clays Ferry/ Richmond, turn right at Lexington Rd./ Old Lexington Rd./ US-25 S/ U-421 S- follow for 2.3 miles to Interstate Equipment Sales. Address: 3277 Lexington Road Richmond, KY 40475-9144 NOTE: The owners of this fine company have decided to discontinue operations and sell these top of the line trucks, trailers and support equipment at auction. HILITES INCLUDE: 4 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATORS: 2008-(2) 2007 Komatsu PC300LC-8, 2005 Komatsu PC300LC-7, RUBBER TIRED LOADER: Cat 988B, SCISSOR LIFT: MEC 3068EF, TELESCOPIC FORKLIFTS: JCB 520, 3 FORKLIFTS: Cat GC30, Komatsu FG70T-7, Taylor Y24W0, 5 WELDERS: Miller Big Blue 500D, (2) Miller TP302, Millermatic 251, Miller Goldstar 652CC, 8 TRUCK TRACTORS: (3) 2007-2006 Peterbilt 379 (tri.), 1994 Peterbilt 379 (tri.), 1993 Mack CL713 (tri.), Mack CL713 (tri.), Ford LTL9000 (t/a), 5 WATER TRUCKS: (2) 1999 Freightliner FL60 (s/a), 1994 Ford Louisville (s/a), Ford 8000 (s/a), 1998 Chevy C8500 (t/a), ROLLBACK TRUCK: Peterbilt 357 (t/a), 2 UTILITY TRUCKS: 1999 Ford F350XLT Super Duty, Dodge Ram 3500HD, SWEEPER: Tenant 6500, PICKUP: 2007 Chevy 2500HD (4x4), UTILITY VEHICLE: JD Gator TF, DUMP TRAILER: Hilbilt 28ft. (tri.), 7 DETACHABLE GOOSENECK TRAILERS: 2006 Liddell M80 80ton (tri.), Liddell LD 60 ton (tri. w/ flip 4th axle.), (2) 2006 Liddell AP55F05 55ton (tri. w/ airlift middle axle), 2007 Talbert 55 ton (tri. w/ 4th axle hookup), 2006 Talbert T(4)BE-55SA 51 ton (t/a w/ 3rd axle hookup), 1993 Fontaine TB50 55ton (tri.), GOOSENECK TRAILER: 2003 Cherokee 10 ton (t/a), STEP DECK TRAILER: 2005 Fontaine EDFP-7-8048 40 ton (t/a), 2 VAN TRAILERS: Great Dane 42ft. (t/a), Fruehauf 42ft. (t/a), OFFICE TRAILER: 10ft. x 36ft. (t/a), CONTAINER: 8ft. x 20ft . steel, ATTACHMENTS: Skid Steers: New Hay Spears, Grapples, Booms, Thumbs, Hay Spears, Buckets, Fork Frames, Pallet Forks, Snow & Mulch buckets, Stump Buckets, Backhoe, Tree Boom., Tree Shear, Large Variety of Buckets, Forks, Harley Rakes, Forks, Excalibur Thumb, Excavators: New 5600 Thumb, New 4800 Thumb, SUPPORT EQUIPMENT: New Mustang Plate Compactors, New Mustang rammers, New Mustang Concrete Vibrators, Abrasive Blades, Jackhammer Air Hose, Pintle Hitches, Machine Tools, Light Stands, Portable Boring Machine, Drill Presses,, Job Boxes, Welding Track System, Detroit Hoist 5 ton Electric Crane, Chop Saws, Dresser 3 ton Overhead Crane Assembly, Band Saws, Grinders, Extension Aldder, Refridgerant Management Center for Arc Weld, Horizontal Lathe, Tire Dolly, Oxygen Acetylene Cart, Vise, Pallet Jacks, Floor Fan, Transmission Assembly for Cat Crawler, Floor Mat for JD Crawler, C Clamps, Desks, Gauges, Truck Tires: Firestone 425/65R22.5, 255/70R22.5, Plumbing Equipment: Ridgid B-294 Pipe Threader, KY AUCTIONEER LICENSE #: NP01916 / AUCTIONEER: Jack Lyon.

Secured Party Auction (23) 2007 Peterbilt & Freightliner Truck Tractors, (50) 2007-2002 53ft. Van Trailers & Construction Equipment. SATURDAY, AUGUST 21 @ 9:30 AM (DELAWARE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS) DIRECTIONS: From the North/South: take I-71 to Rte. 36 & US 37 Exit, proceed West on Rtes. 36 & 37 for 9 miles to Delaware. Turn right on Rte. 23 North for 1.2 miles to the sale site. Entrance on left at the Travelodge. From the East/West: Take I-70 to I270 bypass, proceed North on I-270 to I-71 to Exit for Rtes. 36 & US 37 and proceed as noted above. NOTE: Auction Entrance is off of Rt. 23. Address: 935 U.S. 23 North Delaware, OH 43015. NOTE: This sale will consist of a secured party auction of a local trucking company of 20 plus late model truck tractors and 100 van trailers and construction & support equipment. HILITES INCLUDE: 23 TRUCK TRACTORS: (16) 2007 Freightliner Classic XL (t/a), (7) 2007 Kenworth W900 (t/a), ROLLOFF TRUCKS: 1990 Ford L9000 (t/a), WATER TRUCKS: Ford F750 (s/a), 2006 Ford F250, 50 VAN TRAILERS: 20072006- 2005 Strick 53ft., 2003 Stoughton 53ft. (t/a), 2003 – 2000- 1999- 1998- 1997 –1996-1995 Trailmobile 53ft. (t/a), 2003- 2000- 1994 Utility 53ft. (t/a), 2003-1996 Dorsey 53ft. (t/a), 6 TAGALONG TRAILERS: (2) 2010 20ft. Heavy Duty Equipment (t/a), (3) 2010 16ft. (t/a), 2003 Doolittle 16ft. (t/a), 2 UTILITY TRAILERS: (2) 2010 12ft. (s/a), 2 CAR HAULERS: (2) 2010 Road Boss 20ft. (t/a), ARTICULATED HAUL TRUCK: Moxy 6226B, 4 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATORS: 2006 Cat 330DL, 2005 Cat 330CL, 2001 JD 17ZTS, Linkbelt 1600, PULL PANS: Cepco 14yd., CRAWLER LOADERS: 2006 Cat 953C (cab, air, 1700hrs), 8 TRACTOR LOADER BACKHOES: (2) Case 580 Super L (4x4), (6) 2004 NH LB75B (4x4), 2 VIBRATORY ROLLERS: 2007 Cat CS533E, Dynapac CA150D, 3 TELESCOPIC FORKLIFTS: (2) Lull 844TT-34, 2001 Lull 844C, SCISSOR LIFTS: JLG 3369, LOADER LANDSCAPE TRACTORS: Ford 545C, DETACHABLE GOOSENECK TRAILERS: 1995 Black Hawk 50 ton (tri.), TAGALONG TRAILERS: 2003 Doolittle 16ft. (t/a), ATTACHMENTS: Cat C Frame for D6, Skid Steers: Stump Bucket, Pallet Forks, Fork Frames, Smooth Buckets, Hay Spears, Root Grapples, Tree booms, Excalibur thumbs, Excavators: New 5600 Thumb, New 4800 Thumb, New 3500 Thumb, Tractors: 2005 Garfield 10ft. Gradfer Blade, Woods STR 6ft. Super Turf Renovator, 2007 Landpride CR2572 6ft. Straw Crimper, 2007 ABI 8ft. Tow Style Chain Harrow, SUPPORT EQUIPMENT: Porta Powers, Chop Saws, Straps, Floor Jacks, Battery Chargers, Socket Sets, Hose reels, Booster Pack, Flip Jack, Chainsaws, Pintle hooks, Weedeaters, Compressors, Sand Blasters, Tricycles, Chain Hoists, Light Stands, Shopping Carts, Trailer Jacks, Coolers, Air Conditioners, Fans, Blowers, Bottle Jacks, Winches, Cheetah Dirt Bike, Tiller, Bench Grinder, Light Stands, Pressure Washers: (4) 2010 Easy Kleen Magnum Gold. SALE SITE PHONE: (740) 363-9389, 863-602-8365 OHIO LICENSE #: 63199360809, OHIO AUCTIONEER LICENSE #: 62199360989

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Farm Machinery, Construction Equipment, Trucks, Fleet Vehicles Selling on Big Iron Timed Online Internet Auction

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Kentucky Officials Surprised By $3M ‘Came Out of Nowhere’ Road Project Lime Springs, IA • Jct Hwy 9 & 63

Accepting until Saturday, August 14th Excav: '88 Koehring 6625 & '85 6608 Dozers: '06 Cat D5N XL, '93 Komatsu D31P, '88 Cat D5H, '88 Case 1550 & '81 4501B Ldrs: '96 Case 621B, '87 Cat 950B, '84 Ford 555A Backhoe, Clark MI 280 Crane: '81 Grove TMS865 Quad Skid Steers: ’03 Case 85XT, Bobcat 743 Boring Mach: '02 Vermeer Navigator D16X20A Rollers: Cat CB 224, Dynapac CA15PD, Essic VF54TW Pull Behind, Raygo Roadster 120 Dumps: '06 Pete 335 Tdm, '98 Mack RD6945 Tdm, '96 Ford L9000 Tri, '91 Int'l Tdm & '90 Tri, '85 KW W900B Tdm Trucks: 2) ’00 Chev 3500 Util, '95 Ford L9000 Boom, '87 F350 Util, Ford L8000 Water, Int'l Cargo Star B, Chev C60 Cab & Chassis: '99 F450, '88 Ford 8000 Tdm Trlrs-Dump: '10 Tempe & '07 Wilson Tub Tdm, '02 Jet & ‘94 Tempe Grain Tdm, '86 WI Hvy Duty Tdm Trlrs-Flat: '06 Reinke Step Deck Tdm, '02 Doonan Tdm, ’84 Expandable, Load King Tdm Trlrs-Enc: '98 Util Reefer Tdm, Interstate 1 Wedge, Utility Asphalt: Hot Tar Joint/Crack Sealer Plus: 60 New & Used Attach, Vehicles, Conveyor, Grader, Paver, Lift, Trencher, Tires, Shop & More!


Foley, MN • Jct Hwy 25 & 95 • Consign by Aug 13th For Flyer Advertising

TO CONSIGN CALL: (877) OR (320) 968-7230 See It • Bid on It • Buy It • www.iraymn.com

Col. Raymond S. Henry – WI Lic.#2490-52; MN Lic.#05-10-005 Real Estate Auctioneer & GPPA Certified Equipment Appraiser

MADISONVILLE, Ky. (AP) Mayor Will Cox has dubbed it the project “that came out of nowhere,” and other officials in this western Kentucky city are just as surprised that $3 million in state road funds were earmarked to widen a local road. City and county officials said the money could be spent on more worthwhile projects, and they are questioning how the College Drive project even made it onto the state’s sixyear road plan, The Messenger of Madisonville reported. “It wasn’t on anybody’s list,” Cox said. “Nobody that I can find can say where the project came from.” Residents along College Drive received a letter from an engineering firm in early June advising them it would be conducting a field survey of the area, the newspaper reported. During the survey, stakes, flagging and survey markers were to be placed on properties in the area. Mark Brown, a spokesman of the state Transportation Cabinet, said the project is in the preliminary stage. It eventually calls for a three-quarter mile (1.2 km), three-lane section with curbs and gutters. Brown said that adding sidewalks will be studied. Cox said there have been complaints of speeders on the street and the city is concerned that widening the road will increase speed. “There are just a whole lot of things about the project that need to be properly vetted,” Cox said. “That process does not appear to have been done.” Craig Morris, a Pennyrile Area Development District

transportation planner, said local officials are asked to prioritize a list of projects for submission to state officials in Frankfort. “The College Drive project didn’t get on anybody’s list,” Morris said, “and wasn’t included in the top five list that was sent to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet and state legislature to review for the six-year road plan.” Hopkins County Judge-Executive Donnie Carroll said he has heard of the project, but that it was not on the priority list and cited several other projects that needed to be completed for safety reasons. State Sen. Jerry Rhoads, D-Madisonville, said the project has been on the road plan since 2008 but was listed as Kentucky 3052 and not College Drive. Rhoads said the Transportation Cabinet deemed it a worthy project due to safety and traffic congestion issues. He said he meets with officials from the cabinet’s District 2 office and those in Frankfort to discuss road projects and that it’s not the first time projects have appeared on the plan that didn’t go through PADD’s prioritization process. Brown said a public meeting will be held in September at which residents can voice concerns or ideas for improving the road. Following the first public meeting, the design team will take the ideas they receive and study whether it is feasible to incorporate them in the final design, which is expected to be introduced in spring 2011. Brown cautioned that while pre-construction funds are reliable, actual state constructions funds for the biennium are not.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 93

I am pleased to let you know that in talking with Angie Doleszal with our ad agency, Get Noticed Advertising, she has informed me that Construction Equipment Guide has always stayed at the top of the list as far as initiating inquiries about Vaughan Auction Group LLC. Angie feels that these results are due to the concerted efforts of news print and internet marketing with a company that maintains their list in a timely fashion.

Page 94 • August 7, 2010 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

ADVERTISER INDEX AIM ATTACHMENTS ....................................................................44 ALEX LYON & SON INC LEXINGTON KY 8/20 COLUMBUS OH 08/21 .......................91 ALEX PARIS CONTRACTING CO INC .........................................9 ALL ERECTION & CRANE RENTALS .........................................27 ALLIED CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS ......................................41 ALLU GROUP ..............................................................................43 AMERICAN STATE EQUIPMENT ................................................11 ARTIC SNOW & ICE CONTROL ...........................................25, 29 ASV-POSI-TRACK .......................................................................74 BAGELA USA ...............................................................................66 BARGAINS..............................................................................82, 83 BOBCAT CO ................................................................................73 BODINE MFG ...............................................................................25 BOMAG AMERICA’S INC ............................................................59 BRANDEIS ...................................................................................23 CASE CONSTRUCTION .........................................................34,35 CK POWER ..................................................................................23 CLASSIFIEDS .........................................................................81, 83 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE CEG SCALE MODELS ..........................................................22 CEG WANTED........................................................................85 OFF ROAD TRUCKS PROMO ...............................................46 CONSTRUCTIONEQUIPMENTGUIDE.COM .........................53 CONSTRUCTION EQ GUIDE PRODUCES RESULTS .........93 CUSTOM MADE PRODUCTS .....................................................21 DITCHWITCH OF MN ..................................................................19 DOMINION EQUIPMENT PARTS ................................................43 DYNAPAC ....................................................................................61 FABCO EQUIPMENT INC .............................................................7 FINKBINER EQUIPMENT CO ......................................................11 FLANGE LOCK .............................................................................23 GARY CARLSON EQUIPMENT ..................................................48 GEHL ............................................................................................75 GEITH INC ...................................................................................42 GOMACO CORP ..........................................................................67 GROVE WORLDWIDE .................................................................77 HOWELL TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO .............................52, 96 HYUNDAI CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT .................................68 ILLINOIS TRUCK & EQUIPMENT .................................................3 IRAY AUCTION LIMESPRINGS IN 08/20.........................................................92 IRON PLANET ONLINE AUCTION 08/19........................................................89 JCB INC .......................................................................................36 JFW EQUIPMENT INC ................................................................62 JJ SCHECKEL CORP ..................................................................25 JOHN DEERE ..............................................................................33

JOHN DEERE SKID STEER ........................................................78 KOMATSU AMERICA CORP ..................................................38,39 KUBOTA .......................................................................................44 LBX ...............................................................................................79 LEADING EDGE ATTACHMENTS INC ........................................25 LEEBOY .......................................................................................63 LIEBHERR ...................................................................................70 LIUGONG .....................................................................................45 LUBY EQUIPMENT SERVICES ..................................................21 MANHEIM MINNEAPOLIS MAPLE GROVE MN 8/13 .......................................................87 MAULDIN PAVING PRODUCTS ..................................................60 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC .........................................................6 MICHIGAN CAT ...........................................................................49 NATIONAL TRACTOR PARTS .....................................................52 NORAM ........................................................................................58 NORCO ........................................................................................19 NORTRAX ....................................................................................17 NPK CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT INC ..................................37 NUSS GROUP .............................................................................51 PAT KELLY EQUIPMENT .............................................................15 PATTEN TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO .................................2, 83 RITCHASON AUCTIONEERS LEBANON TN 09/18 ...............................................................92 RITCHIE BROS. AUCTIONEERS AUCTION UPDATE ................................................................95 ROAD BUILDERS MACHINERY & SUPPL ................................6, 8 ROADTEC ....................................................................................57 ROLAND MACHINERY INC ...........................................................5 ROSCO MFG CO .........................................................................66 SAKAI AMERICA INC ..................................................................66 SOUTHEASTERN EQUIPMENT CO ...........................................28 STAR EQUIPMENT LTD ................................................................6 STOCK AUCTION CO .................................................................92 STOLTZFUS MFG ........................................................................25 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET ..........................................................14 TAKEUCHI ...................................................................................71 TRUCK UTILITIES .......................................................................27 US EQUIPMENT ..........................................................................47 VERMEER SALES & SERVICE ...................................................21 VOLVO COMPACTION ................................................................64 VOLVO CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT......................................69 WILSON EQUIPMENT CO ..........................................................13 WIRTGEN AMERICA ...................................................................65 YANMAR AMERICA .....................................................................40 ZANETIS POWER ATTACHMENTS ............................................62

The Advertisers Index is printed as a free editorial service to our advertisers and readership. Construction Equipment Guide is not responsible for errors or omissions.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • August 7, 2010 • Page 95


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