The Building of America
Bioscience High School
Carlson Glass, Inc. — A Reflection of Excellence Carlson Glass, Inc. has no marketing goal beyond
Quality above all else
timely installation, which also helped minimize on-site
maintaining its impeccable reputation, which has
Carlson’s access to almost any material on the mar-
issues and create a wonderful end product. Its unique
become synonymous with superb craftsmanship and
ket coupled with its technical expertise in the glazing
delivery of minimizing on-site labor helped move the
an excellent workforce. Ben and Dena Carlson founded
trade allows it to work with the best suppliers. These
process along, and workers used their time extremely
Carlson in 1999, starting out doing small jobs of all
connections help it gain insider knowledge and the
effectively. The team finished ahead of schedule and
types, and today the company is known as being one
privilege to be consulted on each new project. With
achieved the architect’s state-of-the-art vision without
of the best glass and glazing contractors in the state
this education, Carlson is able to decipher the best
extreme spending.
of Arizona, specializing mostly in large commercial
tools for installation and thus, the best material(s) for
Today, the industry is evolving slowly but still
projects. Carlson doesn’t limit its job scope, however,
the job. Whether it’s a special metal system or finding
making strides, mostly due to technology’s impact
and is willing to work on any project that comes its way
the best way to enhance glass performance, the com-
on the field and the speed of communication. Ten
— whether it’s public or private, ground up or tenant
pany has access to and personal relationships with the
years ago, the company had minimal instant com-
interior. If it’s commercial glass, Carlson can install it.
finest in the industry.
munication with field employees and customers, but
But the real success of the company has stemmed from
Carlson is unique in its field, boasting an amaz-
today it can get answers and solve problems almost
the relationships it has formed with customers and the
ing record of getting the job done ahead of time and
instantaneously. Technology is helping shape the
fine artisanship that brings them back job after job.
ordering materials in the preliminary stages of the
industry for the better, and Carlson will continue to
project, ultimately reducing on-the-job labor.
utilize the newest innovations to stay connected to its
As with all projects, there are always unexpected twists and turns that arise, but Carlson faces these head on, and its workers are supportive and available at each step along the way. No problem is presented without more than one
workers and customers.
Utilizing the best tools available to get the job done right
With a no-frills attitude about delivering the best product with the least amount of hassle and creating
solution, and that’s what the company plans to be for any
Bioscience High School was a “great project to be
meaningful bonds with customers, Carlson Glass, Inc.
potential client — a dependable resource that can always
a part of,” Ben Carlson says. The team was brought
has your glass installation and glazing needs covered.
provide multiple resolutions to any glass installation
in during the design stage by the architect and gen-
Thanks to planning, organization and a great crew on
crisis. With one less thing to worry about, Carlson gives
eral contractor, offering both parties numerous options
board, its repeat customers continue to hire Carlson for
its customers the security of knowing it will take care of
and helping keep costs down. From the very start
its superior service and wonderful workers.
their project in the best way possible.
Carlson kept its plans very organized to ensure a
— Corporate Profile
Goodyear Fire Station, Goodyear, Ariz. Carlson worked as a subcontractor to Sundt Construction, undertaking a broad scope of work, unclear architectural documents and long lead times on all materials. Once Carlson was assigned to the project, however, the company worked diligently to order materials, allowing the team to regain lost time, get back on track and make a timely recovery.
JO Combs High School, Queen Creek, Ariz. Subcontracted by DL Withers, this project was a comprehensive mix of storefront, curtain wall and hollow metal glazing, showcasing Carlson’s unique ability to handle a broad scope of work.
Carlson Glass, Inc. 21420 N. 15th Lane, #106 • Phoenix, AZ 85027 • 623.582.4437 •
The Owner’s Perspective
with Patrick Prince, Division Manager of Construction and Facilities Services, Phoenix Union High School District #210
Q: What is the most unique or important feature of the facility (or of the design/construction process)? PP: The layout of the new three-story building with science labs, classrooms, rooftop outdoor lab space, “Town Square” multiuse space, an art room, fitness room and ground-level parking garage. Q: What is the most innovative aspect of the project (or of the design/construction process, financing, environmental)? What could others learn from? PP: We utilized the construction manager at risk alternative method of construction for this project, allowing the school district to select the general contractor as the construction manager early in the design. This helped to assist the school district and the architect in the design of the project. Q: What were the greatest challenges encountered on this project? How, specifically, were they overcome? PP: The greatest challenges were related to various off-site issues to resolve with the City of Phoenix. The team worked closely with the City of Phoenix to overcome the various challenges encountered. Q: How did the strengths and experience of the project team contribute to the success of the project? PP: The architect brought to the team their vast experience in high school projects, knowledge of the downtown Phoenix environment and
Photo courtesy of Phoenix Union High School District
the ability to create a unique design that would provide the students [with] a first-class learning environment to be able to prepare them for college and science-related industries. Q: Were there any innovative strategies involving improved quality, cost-effectiveness or cost reductions? PP: Through the construction manager at risk process, the school district was able to hire the general contractor in the early stages of the programming design phase, thus allowing the team to develop strategies for constructability options, value engineering and cost estimating reviews at various design stages of the project.
4502 N. Central Ave. Phoenix, Arizona 85012 602-764-1100
Phoenix, Arizona
Facts & Figures Owner: Phoenix Union High School District #210 Type of Project: A new high school focused on math and science Size: 52,000 square feet (new building); 9,300 square feet (existing building; to be renovated in the future) Cost: $12,387,010 (total, excluding furniture and equipment) Construction Time: June 2006 - October 2007 The Need: A magnet school with an emphasis on math and science to promote growth and learning in these areas The Challenge: Working on a small project site, and meeting the parking requirements
Bioscience High School
Gold Medal Award-winning Team Members orcutt | winslow Architect Concord General Contracting, Inc. Construction Manager at Risk Carlson Glass, Inc. Glazing Contractor
Photo courtesy of 2007 Al Payne
Visit our website: to view additional Gold Medal Award-winning projects.
Sitting on two acres in down-
Union High School District #210.
the facility by a majestic grand stair-
town Phoenix, Bioscience High
“The new school blends in with the
case that is suspended from the
School is located within the Phoenix
redevelopment of the downtown
structure above
Biomedical Campus at Copper
Phoenix area and the surround-
The high school was conceptual-
Square, and celebrates both math
ing bioscience research facilities,
ized as a leading educational institu-
and science in a facility that would
downtown university development
tion with a niche academic empha-
rival the most technical research
and bioscience industry. We believe
sis. By incorporating the physical
institutions in the country.
that this new school will provide a
materials of the building into the
Part of the Phoenix Union High
rich learning environment for our
learning process, the architectural
School District’s small schools initia-
high school students that have an
design is not only decorative, but
tive, the new high school will house
interest in science-related, post-
also serves a purpose. Stephen Paine,
400 students in grades nine through
secondary opportunities. The loca-
superintendent for Concord General
12. The 52,000-square-foot, three-
tion of the school provides unique
Contracting, Inc., the project’s con-
story building sits on the previous
opportunities for students by posi-
struction manager at risk, explained
site of an alternative school, which
tioning the site in the bioscience
how the architecture lends itself to
has since relocated to a new site in
footprint of Phoenix.”
student education. “[The] exposed
the district. However, the existing his-
Included in the new school are
structural systems make this a true
toric school building remains and will
seven labs, one of which is out-
laboratory setting where students
be renovated in the future to pro-
doors; nine classrooms; four stu-
learn about science and math,
vide offices, conference rooms and
dent studio spaces; an art room;
[as well as the] different material[s]
additional classroom spaces for
a fitness area; and a cafeteria. A
that are incorporated into the facil-
the school.
unique space within the school is
ity,” he said.
“We are very pleased with the
the 35-foot-tall Town Square, which
“The exterior walls have large
new school,” said Patrick Prince,
serves as a presentation space, a
castings of fossils that teach [the]
division manager of construction
cafeteria and a meeting space. It
geological timeline,” said Russ
and facilities services for Phoenix
is connected to all three levels of
Sanders, AIA, associate, project continued on page 6
arizona/nevada edition
gold medal award winner
The Architect’s Perspective
with Russ Sanders, AIA, Associate, Project Architect, orcutt | winslow
Q: Describe the project in relative detail, incorporating what you think makes the project unique, innovative, important or sets it apart. How does the design complement the overall mission of the facility/owner? RS: Phoenix Union Bioscience High School is a comprehensive high school with a science and math focus located on a two-acre site in downtown Phoenix within the Phoenix Biomedical Campus at Copper Square. The project is part of the district’s small schools initiative and will house 400 students in grades nine through 12. The project consists of a 57,000square-foot, three-story facility that houses seven lab spaces (including an outdoor lab); nine classrooms; four student studio spaces; music, exercise [and] art [rooms]; and [a] cafeteria…. The facility will help educators prepare students for a future in the sciences, and the site will afford rare opportunities for internships at nearby facilities such as [the] Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen). Q: What were some of the drivers behind the design? What design materials or concepts were used? RS: The school is designed to encourage collaboration between students and faculty. Classrooms are open; students can gather in small and large groups to suit the learning objectives of the team-based curriculum. The building [is] responsive [to] its context in the desert Southwest through its use of opaque walls facing east and west and generous amounts of glass facing north. The south elevation offers views of the historic McKinley Hall building on site, downtown Phoenix beyond, and opens to a courtyard via large operable glass doors. The 35-foot-tall “Town Square” space serves as a presentation space, a cafeteria and a meeting space, and is connected to all three levels of the facility with a grand stair that is suspended from the structure above. Structural, mechanical, electrical, fire protection and data systems are exposed and serve as teaching tools. The exterior walls
Photo courtesy of All Payne Photography
have large castings of fossils that teach [the] geological timeline. Solar hot water, desert landscaping, low-water plumbing fixtures, and an outdoor lab space all add to the teaching opportunities. Q: What were some of the lessons learned from this project? RS: We learned that architecture can support the educational goals of a school district when the district is truly visionary as was certainly the case with this project. This is a school unlike any in the area; students and educators will interact in powerful new ways to prepare students for the challenges of the future.
3003 N. Central Ave., 16th Floor Phoenix, AZ 85012 602-257-1764
continued from page 4
architect for orcutt | winslow, the
The new building combines stan-
Carlson Glass, Inc., a glass instal-
parking below the building helped
project’s architect. “Solar hot water,
dard cast-in-place concrete footings
lation and glazing company, was
provide the necessary parking while
and concrete tilt panels, concrete
instrumental in the project. Ben
allowing for a bigger footprint for
plumbing fixtures and an outdoor
masonry, precast concrete, struc-
Carlson, president of Carlson Glass,
the school building.
lab space all add to the teaching
tural steel and steel studs, and win-
said Bioscience High School was a
But the project’s challenges didn’t
opportunities,” he said. The struc-
dow wall panels. The floors were
great project to be a part of. “The
outweigh the lessons, which Sanders
tural, mechanical, electrical, fire pro-
constructed using metal decking
general contractor and architect
discussed in terms of his personal
tection and data systems are also all
with concrete topping slabs. An
brought us on at the design stage,”
work. “Architecture can support the
exposed, allowing students to see
he said, and Carlson gave them sev-
educational goals of a school district
their internal components and how
incorporated, according to Paine,
eral options to keep the costs down.
when the district is truly visionary
they function.
with two floors of instructional class-
Once on site, the team finished
as was certainly the case with this
rooms above.
the job ahead of schedule and
project,” he said.
With state-of-the-art labs, the school
navigates away from a traditional
Early on in the project, the con-
“achieved the look the architect
Bioscience High School is an archi-
academic setting. Classrooms are
struction and design teams coor-
wanted without going to an extreme
tectural triumph and a testament to
open and designed to foster collabo-
dinated how the precast concrete
cost,” said Carlson.
learning. But without the commit-
ration between students and teach-
would work with the tilt-up panels,
Despite the project’s successful end
ment of a team, the school would
ers. Tom Klinkert Jr., project manager
which led to the structural steel
result, there were challenges along
still simply be an idea. Said Paine,
for Concord General Contracting,
system in the project. According
the way.
“The overwhelming commitment to
said, “The most unique and important
to Klinkert, the building materi-
Working on the two-acre site was
quality product and efficient pro-
feature of Bioscience is the open class-
als remained intact and were left
tough. “In order to maximize the
cesses by all stakeholders from initial
room atmosphere.” Within the open
construction space, we used the
concept design through budgeting
learning environment, the “exposed
concrete, steel was kept exposed,
surrounding lots for staging,” said
and throughout construction set
systems” are conducive to facilitating
and all of the glass lets light flow
Klinkert. Additionally, meeting the
the foundation for partnering and
a cognitive learning environment,
into every part of the building,”
parking requirements on the tight,
teamwork.” n
he added.
he said.
urban site was a difficult task. At-grade
— Megan Merritt
Photos courtesy of 2007 Al Payne
arizona/nevada edition
gold medal award winner
The General Contractor’s Perspective with Tom Klinkert Jr., Project Manager, and Stephen Paine, Superintendent, Concord General Contracting, Inc. Q: What is the most unique or important feature of the facility (or of the design/construction process)? TK: The most unique and important feature of Bioscience is the open classroom atmosphere, exposed structure, and the large amount of natural light and automated lights that have been installed for energy-management efficiencies. At-grade parking located under the building was built in order to meet the parking requirements of the city and to allow for a bigger footprint of the building. There are large corridors that look down on the Town Square/multipurpose area, which gives the space an open feel at all levels. SP: The two-story “Town Square” space with suspended staircase is the hub of all activity. From this central area the entire facility is accessible via the “Grand Staircase.” From the “Town Square,” the outside environment is brought in through three large overhead doors. This open concept is carried throughout the project. The traditional style of classroom with walls was replaced with an open concept with studios where instructors can comingle with other faculty and students. This provides a stimulating environment for cross-education methods. Q: What were the greatest challenges encountered on this project and how, specifically, did you overcome them? SP: The greatest challenges were related to sequencing and coordinating phases of construction. Because there was limited space available for staging and storage, it was critical to manage many disciplines to accomplish just-in-time deliveries. Q: How did you work with the architect and owner to save time and/or money on the project? How was value engineering applied to your responsibility? TK: Concord and orcutt | winslow worked together early in the project to discuss the building systems and how they work together to provide the best flow of construction possible. We coordinated how the concrete precast would work with the tilt-up panels, which led to the structural steel system in the project. Details were discussed long before the placing [of] systems so all would work together to achieve the desired look of the structure. SP: The overwhelming commitment to quality product and efficient processes by all stakeholders from initial concept design through budgeting and throughout construction set the foundation for partnering and teamwork. The architect and design team relied on the construction team to make field decisions in real time, saving costs related to delay and lost opportunity. Partnering among all disciplines, [including] the architect, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, civil engineering and the City of Phoenix allowed the team to expedite the construction process. Q: What were some of the lessons learned from this project? SP: Get all the design and construction team [members] involved and buy into the project in the beginning. Enlist their involvement and expertise; this saved time and money. QA/QC process must start from the beginning.
1901 E. University Dr., Ste. 440 Mesa, AZ 85203 480-962-8080
24445 Northwestern Hwy. Ste. 218 • Southfield, MI 48075 • 248-945-4700 • fax: 248-945-4701 •