Construction Communications Gold Medal Edition - Arizona's Global Water Center

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Maricopa, Arizona

Facts & Figures Owner: Global Water Resources

Global Water Center

Type of Project: An administrative/customer service facility for a utility company Size: 18,500 square feet (center); 3,500 square feet (adjacent maintenance building)

Water is a coveted resource in Arizona and in places around the

Cost: $6 million

world. The new Global Water

Construction Time: July 2006 -

Center, which serves as the opera-

May 2007


The Need: A centralized





administrative/customer service

Resources in Pinal County, is help-

facility that helps Global Water

ing the company advance the

Resources educate the public

understanding of water resource

The Challenge: Coordinating the insulated concrete form (ICF) walls with the structural requirements, and using innovative recycled materials that were fairly new to the market

management through exhibits and displays that educate the public. The new center was constructed upon the site of Palo Verde Utilities Company’s water reclamation campus. Palo Verde is a subsidiary of

Gold Medal Award-winning Team Members Deutsch Architecture Group Architect Adolfson & Peterson Construction Construction Manager at Risk M & M Systems, LLC Low-voltage Cabling

Visit our website: to view additional Gold Medal Award-winning projects.

Global that operates a 3-million-gal-

conceptualized to advance the

addition to customer service coun-

lons-per-day (MGD) water treatment

understanding of water resource

ters, kiosks and waiting areas, this

facility adjacent to the new building.

management by educating the

space acts as an educational venue

The project team was tasked with

public on water history, the current

filled with interactive teaching tools

designing a new facility on the exist-

state of affairs and future planning.

and viewing areas to see working

ing site that would combine adminis-

The facility’s message focuses on

pumps as well as the laboratory and

tration and customer service in a cen-

water and its sources; the “finite

controls room.

tralized location. David Calcaterra,

realities” of this natural resource;

“Global believes commitment

principal for Deutsch Architecture

and a balanced approach to recla-

to the environment is not an

Group, the project’s architect, said

mation, recharge and surface water.

option, it is a requirement,” said

the structure promotes efficiencies of

“In the end, the visitor — in most

Hill. To that end, it sought and

use for the current and future citizens

cases a customer — walks away

achieved Leadership in Energy and

of Maricopa. The building also serves

with an awareness of the water

Environmental Design (LEED ) silver

as a large community room and is

cycle from the world viewpoint to a

certification for the new center.

available for after-hours use by com-

perspective that is drilled down to

munity groups including the city

his [or her] front door,” he said.


Purpose and functionality were the core elements of the Global

council. Furthermore, the center

The center is located at the new

Water Center, but design and aes-

functions as a learning utility, provid-

campus entry off Powers Parkway,

thetics were not ignored. The archi-

ing virtual “tours” of the water treat-

providing a central security point and

tectural scheme was based primari-

ment process for community and

a public access point for the overall

ly on the surrounding residential

school groups.

site. A pyramid roof design denotes

areas, emulating the character of

Trevor Hill, CEO of Global Water

the building’s main entry and greets

Maricopa. The facility incorporates

Resources, said the center was

visitors as they enter the lobby. In

stucco surfaces over a Perform Wall


insulated concrete form (ICF) building system with standing-seam recycled aluminum roofing, painted steel and stone accents. One of the project’s unique and innovative elements involved the plumbing system and water-reduction measures. The building uses an on-site water reclamation facility and a dual pipe system to treat all wastewater for use as recycled water. “Reclaimed water is not only used to irrigate the building’s Photos courtesy of Shaun Kurry/Cornerstone Photography


arizona/nevada edition

continued on page 6

gold medal award winner

The Owner’s Perspective with Trevor Hill, CEO, Global Water Resources Q: What is the purpose of the new construction? Please provide a brief description of the scope of the project. TH: In addition to serving as Global’s operational base in Pinal County, Ariz., the underlying mission of the Global Water Center is to advance the understanding [of] water resource management through exhibits and displays that educate the public on water history, the current state of affairs and future planning. The message communicated within the building is one of water and its sources; concern regarding finite realities; and solutions that include a balanced approach to reclamation, recharge and surface water. The expanded conference area serves as a meeting place for water resource debate and education. In the end, the visitor — in most cases a customer — walks away with an awareness of the water cycle from the world viewpoint to a perspective that is drilled down to his [or her] front door.

Photo courtesy of Global Water Resources

Q: What is the most unique or important feature of the facility (or of the design/construction process)? ®

TH: The LEED -certified building reflects the values of Global Water. Global believes commitment to the environment is not an option, it is a requirement. As a leader in water conservation and water reclamation, Global recognizes that water resource policy is not only grounded in sound engineering and acceptable financial models, but is dictated by public perception. Effective messaging and education are needed to properly inform the public on water resource issues and communicate opportunities. The Global Water Center serves as the centerpiece for this educational process. Q: What is the most innovative aspect of the project (or of the design/ construction process, financing, environmental)? What could others learn from? TH: One of the most exciting features of the project involves capitalizing on Global’s position as a supplier of the highest quality reclaimed water. The building is uniquely equipped with dual pressurized water lines where reclaimed water is not only used to irrigate the building’s exterior areas, but also services the toilets in the washrooms. These dual water mains lower water use by over 80 percent as compared to a building with a standard plumbing system.

21410 N. 19th Ave., Ste. 201 Phoenix, AZ 85027 623-518-4000 fax: 623-518-4100

The Architect’s Perspective with David Calcaterra, Principal, Deutsch Architecture Group Q: Describe the project in relative detail, incorporating what you think makes the project unique, innovative, important or sets it apart. How does the design complement the overall mission of the facility/owner? DC: Global Water charged us with designing a new facility on their existing site that combines the uses of administration and customer service in a centralized location that promotes efficiencies of use for the current and future citizens of Maricopa. It is important to Global Water to be a good neighbor. In addition to providing a large community room, which is available for after-hours use by community groups including the city council, the construction followed the U.S. Green Building Council’s ®

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED ) silver criteria. Therefore, the building is a healthy and environmentally friendly space. Accordingly, utility costs are substantially lower and occupant comfort higher than in conventionally designed buildings. Q: What is the most unique or important feature of the facility (or of the design/construction process)? DC: …The building is uniquely equipped with dual pressurized water lines…. These dual water mains lower water use by 80 percent as compared to a building with a standard plumbing system, and is the first of its nature to open within the state of Arizona. Global Water has also committed to the implementation of dual lines throughout the newly developed subdivisions within the Maricopa/Casa Grande service area in the near future. Q: What were the greatest challenges encountered on this project, either from your firm’s point of view or as a project team? DC: The use of innovative recycled materials fresh to the market had its challenges. The project incorporated load-bearing recycled foam and

Photo courtesy of Deutsch Architecture Group

insulated concrete form (ICF) walls for the entire exterior perimeter. Our design incorporated a unique round structure for the conference facility. This conference facility round form was constructed using the ICF units in a vertical application versus its typical horizontal. Coordinating bearing points in the bearing wall proved to be very challenging and required on-site coordination amongst the entire construction and design team.

4600 E. Indian School Rd. Phoenix, AZ 85018 602-840-2929 fax: 602-840-6646

The General Contractor’s Perspective with John Tomasson, Senior Project Manager, Adolfson & Peterson Construction Q: What is the most unique or important feature of the facility (or of the design/construction process)? JT: The design, materials and construction of this building have provided for a life cycle of 50 to 60 years rather than the current designs and construction that have an average anticipated life cycle of 20 years. The underlying mission of the Global Water Center is to advance the understanding of water resource management through exhibits and displays that educate the public on water history, the current state of affairs and future planning. The displays showcase this changing message, which also feed into the LEED


rating system, which

acknowledges educating the public about environmental issues as a contribution to the overall sustainability of a building. Q: What were the greatest challenges encountered on this project and how, specifically, did you overcome them? JT: The coordination of the insulated concrete form (ICF) walls with the structural requirements. By bringing all parties (ICF sub, structural steel sub, architect, structural engineer) together in discussions, planning sessions and field inspection, the team was able to overcome challenges and provide a building utilizing limited “new” materials. Q: How did you work with the architect and owner to save time and/or money on the project? How was value engineering applied to your responsibility? JT: Working early in the design helped identify methods and materials to provide budgeting and value engineering during design rather than after the construction drawings were completed. This allows the owner to control their budget and design up front in lieu of accepting a completed design and then finding out the cost exceeds their budget. This also allowed for value engineering to happen concurrent with the design, so the team

Photo courtesy of Adolfson & Peterson Construction

did not have to make any major changes or eliminations after the design was complete. Q: What were some of the lessons learned from this project? JT: Team collaboration [among] owner, general contractor, architect, engineers and subcontractors is a necessity in today’s industry.

5002 S. Ash Ave. Tempe, AZ 85282 480-345-8700 fax: 480-345-8755

Photo courtesy of Jesse McCaskill continued from page 2

exterior areas, but also services the

the biggest task is educating the

Tomasson, coordinating the ICF walls

and construction teams. “This con-

toilets in the washrooms,” said Hill.

subcontractors and monitoring the

with the structural requirements was-

ference facility round form was con-

The dual water mains lower water

process to guarantee no recyclable

n’t easy. But by bringing together the

structed using the ICF units in a verti-

usage by more than 80 percent

waste is contaminated, he added.

architect, the structural engineer and

cal application versus its typical hori-

M & M Systems, LLC provided

several subcontractors, the team was

zontal. Coordinating bearing points

low-voltage cabling for the project

able to discuss the process and plan

in the bearing wall proved to be very

and installed the underground

properly to overcome the hurdles.

challenging…” said Calcaterra.

compared to a building with standard plumbing. ®

Another element of the LEED

process involved separating the

backbone to the adjacent facility,

Another challenge involved the

In the end, every hurdle was

construction waste for recycling.

using both copper and fiber-optic

dual pipe system that was installed

overcome and the center is now

“This requires a minimum of three

media. “By working with all of the

to make use of recycled water.

furthering Global’s role as a leader

separate waste dumpsters to sepa-

trades on site and the owner, M &

Recycled “purple” pipe and strict

in water conservation and reclama-

rate the waste so the recycle com-

M Systems was able to bring the

coordination were utilized to main-

tion. The new Global Water Center

panies can distribute to the proper

project in on time and on budget,”

tain separation and ensure there

is more than just a customer-

downstream ‘re-manufacturers,’”

said Marcy L. Squires, managing

would be no chance for contami-

service/administrative facility for the

said John Tomasson, senior project

member of M & M Systems.

nation of the potable water

company, it’s proof of its commit-

sources, said Tomasson.

ment to the environment.

manager for Adolfson & Peterson

Although the project may appear

Construction, the project’s con-






Also, the round structure of the

struction manager at risk. However,

challenges along the way. For

conference facility tested the design

Photo courtesy of Jesse McCaskill


arizona/nevada edition

— Megan Merritt

Photo courtesy of Shaun Kurry/Cornerstone Photography

gold medal award winner

Personalized Service for Your Cable Installation Needs Starting out small with steady, managed growth was the philosophy of Mark and Marcy Squires, founders of M & M Systems, LLC, a company that specializes in voice, data and special systems cabling, including both premise and campus environments. Started in 2001 with three employees, M & M Systems is driven as a standards-based installation company and is a licensed contractor in the state of Arizona. The company is also a member of Building Industry Consulting Service International (BICSI), a Global Telecommunications Association, and the company utilizes BICSI-certified technicians. BICSI installers are required to gain continuing education credits to maintain their certifications, which ensures up-to-date knowledge of industry practices. Technicians are also required to have a working knowledge of industry codes and standards. “Whatever it takes” Providing a mission statement that speaks of passion and dedication, founder Marcy Squires says that this mission, “also assures that standards will be followed and quality will not be compromised.” This motto can also extend to the goals and credentials that are cornerstones to Marcy and her employees. Keeping overhead costs down while concurrently providing quality and supplying customers with state-of-the-art service at the lowest possible prices is what M & M

Systems focuses on. The company has the accolades of a big company and can provide exceptional personalized service that only a smaller company has the freedom to offer. The main goal, one the company strives for on every new project, is to meet or beat the proposed price while paying strict attention to quality. On a recent job, the team at M & M Systems was able to come in under the proposed price and pass that savings along to its customers by performing all work during regular business hours, rather than the proposed after-hours work. Saving You Money with Helpful Alternatives Having worked with M & M Systems on “several dozen-plus” projects, client Norm Duve, Information Technology Director at Marc Center of Mesa, Inc., a private nonprofit corporation that provides educational, therapeutic, rehabilitation and social services to children and adults with developmental, physical and mental disabilities, says M & M Systems “has continually offered viable alternatives to planned work that was too expensive.” Through involved strategizing with general contractors at the outset of a large project, M & M Systems has been able to arrive under the quoted price more than once. It was more than six years ago that Marc Center of Mesa, Inc. contacted M & M Systems to offer a bid on installation of some wireless network antennas — that’s when their

partnership began, and it continues to thrive today. “We will be using M & M on several planned projects in the future and all other cabling and connectivity needs,” Duve says. Professional Guarantees for Every Need For Global Water Center in Maricopa, Ariz., the M & M Systems team members provided low-voltage cabling to support the interior voice, data, community antenna television (CATV) and overhead sound systems. They also installed an underground backbone to the adjacent facility to support voice, data and sound reinforcement, using copper and fiber-optic media. In order to finish the project on time and on budget, the team members worked tirelessly with the owner and all other trade workers on site. Their cabling plant supported several other contractors’ efforts in providing a seamless turnkey solution. Tim Klein, co-owner and Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD), designed the overhead sound system for the project. All M & M Systems’ installations are able to provide a certified cable plant guaranteed to support customers’ requirements using standards-based design installations. For Global Water Center, and for all projects during the past seven years, M & M Systems has served customers with scrupulous care and will continue to do so for many years to come. — Corporate Profile

3632 W. Thomas • Suite 1 • Phoenix, AZ 85019 • 602-258-5775 • City of Phoenix WBE, SBE, DBE

24445 Northwestern Hwy. Ste. 218 • Southfield, MI 48075 • 248-945-4700 • fax: 248-945-4701 •

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