Construction Communications Gold Medal Edition - Wisconsin's JohnsonDiversey Distribution Center

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The Building of America

JohnsonDiversey Distribution Center

Sturtevant, Wisconsin

Facts & Figures Owner/Developer: Liberty Property Trust Tenant: JohnsonDiversey

JohnsonDiversey Distribution Center

Type of Project: A new distribution center Size: 552,000 square feet Cost: $22 million Construction Time: September 2006 - July 2007 The Need: To consolidate five small warehouses and create an energy-efficient distribution facility The Challenge: Achieving LEED® requirements, and overcoming poor weather conditions

Gold Medal Award-winning Team Members Stephen Perry Smith Architects, Inc. Architect Riley Construction Company, Inc. General Contractor CC&N Communications Contractor EDS Architectural Openings, Inc. Doors/Frames/Hardware Pierce Engineers, Inc. Structural Engineers Trees on the Move Landscape Contractors

wisconsin edition

Photo courtesy of JJ Images


model of operational proficiency,

Five smaller existing distribution

Sturtevant’s Renaissance Business




operating 24 hours a day, seven

centers were consolidated into the

Park, the JohnsonDiversey Distri-

days a week with inventory manage-

single distribution center, which is

bution Center is the largest distri-

ment and customer order fulfillment

located between the main produc-

bution center in the United States

accuracy at more than 99 percent.

tion facility and a major highway in

to earn Leadership in Energy and

In addition to earning LEED® for new

JohnsonDiversey’s supply chain. In





construction (LEED NC) at the gold

its new location, the facility is easily

certification, according to tenant

level, the facility was the first distri-

accessible and conveniently located.

JohnsonDiversey. JohnsonDiversey

bution center designed to meet the

Pierce Engineers, Inc. (PE), the

is a leading global provider of

stringent recertification standards of

structural engineer for the project,

commercial cleaning and hygiene

LEED® for existing buildings (LEED®

was involved early on, helping select

products and solutions for food

EB), according to JohnsonDiversey.

structural systems, finding an eco-



safety, housekeeping, laundry and

The built-to-suit project pro-

nomical structural design and offer-

more, and is one of the SC Johnson

vides JohnsonDiversey with options

ing solutions to questions during

family companies.

to expand to upward of 830,000

construction. “This type of project

The 552,000-square-foot facil-

square feet during its 10-year lease.

has different design considerations

ity, which includes warehouse and

Conceptually, the idea for creat-

due to its size,” said Sarah Frecska,

office space as well as 55 loading

ing a large distribution warehouse

PE, SE, senior structural engineer

docks and 118 staging areas for

was born from the need to save on

for PE. “Economical design is very

loading tractor trailers, serves as a

transportation and labor expenses.

important as a slight modification

gold medal award winner

Photos courtesy of Stephen Perry Smith Architects, Inc.

can dramatically increase costs over

Stephen Perry Smith Architects, Inc.,

of Riley Construction Company, Inc.,

minimum standards. This was real-

such a large area.”

the project’s architect. The team

the project’s general contractor.

ized through focusing the design

For JohnsonDiversey, the driving

kept employees’ comfort in mind

Among the most unique and

on large energy uses in this building

factor behind the project was an

as well — an important and often

innovative features of the distribu-

type (lighting, battery charging and

aspiration to create a high-perfor-

overlooked aspect of efficiency in the

tion center was the HVAC system,

HVAC) with general improvements

mance green building with state-

workplace. “Energy modeling was

which was selected because of its

in all other areas, according to

of-the-art sustainable features. From

extensively used in both the office

energy-efficient design. “[It required]

Liberty Property Trust, the project’s

the project’s birth, JohnsonDiversey

and warehouse design to allow the

increasing the cross sectional area


insisted the new building enforce

building to operate in an extremely

of the filter section to reduce the

Surrounding the facility is a vast

sustainable development and busi-

energy-efficient manner while main-

velocity of the air flow, resulting in a

open space nearly three times the

ness practices.

taining a comfortable environment

lower pressure drop and associated

building’s natural footprint, which

for the occupants,” Smith said.

energy-use reduction,” Riley said.

was reserved to promote biodiver-

Selecting the appropriate materials for the distribution center was

A full 40 percent of the total prod-

When JohnsonDiversey was mea-

sity. According to Liberty Property

important to achieving LEED® cer-

ucts that were installed within the

sured against other multiple energy

Trust, the open space helps reduce

tification, requiring diligence and

facility contained recycled content.

baselines to verify energy savings

the urban heat-island effect, increas-

thought. “The selection of materials

In addition, to reduce the environ-

and increased energy efficiency, the

es storm-water infiltration and pro-

included insulated precast panels, a

mental impact of transportation, 70

facility proved its sustainable tech-

vides the human population on the

white TPO [thermoplastic polyolefin]

percent of the materials installed

niques were top notch. Compared

site with a connection to the out-

roof and a higher R-factor of insula-

were locally produced and extracted

to other baselines, JohnsonDiversey


tion than required by code,” said

within a 500-mile radius of the proj-

will use more than 40 percent less

To control indoor air quality,

Stephen P. Smith, AIA, principal for

ect site, said David R. Riley, president

energy than a building designed to

builders used low volatile organic continued on page 8

gold medal award winner

wisconsin edition

The Architect’s Perspective with Stephen P. Smith, AIA, principal, Stephen Perry Smith Architects, Inc. Q: What were some of the drivers behind the design? What design materials or concepts were used? SS: The driver behind the design was assembling a development team that was well versed in LEED® buildings as a prerequisite of JohnsonDiversey’s build-to-suit proposal. The selection of materials included insulated precast panels, a white TPO roof and a higher R-factor of insulation than required by code. Energy modeling was extensively used in both the office and warehouse design to allow the building to operate in an extremely energy efficient manner while maintaining a comfortable environment for the occupants.

Q: What were the greatest challenges encountered on this project, either from your firm’s point of view or as a project team? SS: The greatest challenges are similar to other projects where both time and cost constraints are involved, but with a rigorous LEED® process added to the equation. This required the team to make timely, informed decisions that would not delay project completion. The single greatest challenge, however, was integrating design of the heating and ventilation system to simultaneously provide outstanding indoor air quality while optimizing energy use and minimizing maintain[ance] costs.

Q: What were some of the lessons learned from this project? SS: The lessons learned were having a well-developed course of action whereby each team member is actively involved throughout the entire process and has a vested interest in the successful completion of the project. Commitment by the team, including the developer, tenant, general contractor, subcontractors and design consultants, was crucial for success of the project. Photo courtesy of Stephen Perry Smith Architects, Inc.

Q: What else would you like to mention? SS: This type of project highlights the importance of a coordinated team approach to provide a complete facility that meets the building owner and tenant’s vision for an environmentally responsible, aesthetically pleasing and operationally efficient facility.

N88 W16447 W. Main St., Ste. 400 Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 262-437-4000

Pursuing Diverse Projects with Novel Ideas: Pierce Engineers, Inc. Pierce Engineers, Inc. (PE) enjoys a good challenge.

technology, allowing it to advance and adapt to an ever-

ments had to be met while also minimizing the number

Throughout its existence PE has sought out unique and

changing market. A few current technologies and con-

of roof drains, this proved to be a challenging aspect due

diverse projects. Founded in 1991 by Richard Pierce,

cepts being implemented include Building Information

to the size of the roof.

PE, SE, the company was incorporated in 1995, and has

Modeling (BIM), Integrated Project Delivery (IPD)

Critical to the facility’s outcome and level of

since grown from a one-person business to a 40-person

and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

performance was the slab design. “For a distribution

company in 2008.

(LEED®). Sarah Frecska, PE, SE, says that “technical

facility, the slab must perform under constant use, while

PE is a structural engineering firm that offers pro-

innovations help educate professionals, new materi-

the remainder of the building simply acts as an enclo-

fessional design services to architectural and construc-

als push the design envelope resulting in buildings

sure,” says Frecska. To ensure success, PE took the slab’s

tion clients for commercial, industrial, institutional,

designed with increased efficiency.” Implementing these

design into careful consideration with a highly detailed

residential and building renovation projects. The firm

concepts, PE is able to produce advanced designs and

analysis, paying special attention to performance, effi-

specializes in designs with structural steel; posttensioned,

improved project coordination at competitive costs.

ciency and constructability.

conventionally reinforced and precast concrete systems;

And as the industry grows, PE is dedicated to maintain

By applying PE’s technical ingenuity, design effi-

masonry; and timber design.

creativity, explore new concepts and implement new

ciency and collaboration, another award-winning proj-

technology to maintain its competitive edge.

ect has been completed. PE’s diverse range of expertise

Over the years, PE has performed structural engineering for numerous award-winning projects including the Prairie School Athletic Center and the

and devoted clients make it the choice structural

Broadening its Expertise

engineer throughout Wisconsin. Whether it’s a large

Manpower Headquarters as well as the JohnsonDiversey

PE’s work on the JohnsonDiversey Distribution

commercial property or a small residential project, PE

Distribution Center, which is featured in this publica-

Center was varied in scope, ranging from schemat-

offers individualized care with technical solutions and

tion. Since many projects come from repeat clients and

ic design, structural systems selection and analytical

cost-effective results.

owners, PE attributes this to dedicated staff, strong cli-

design of the slab and framing systems to construction

ent relationships and successful projects. Its collaborative

administration. The company was also involved in

work effort and commitment to technical competence

reviewing structural implications for various systems to

are among the many factors that allow PE to stay ahead.

acquire additional LEED® points, resulting in a gold

With active registration in 33 states, PE serves clients


from two offices located in Milwaukee and Madison.

— Corporate Profile

Because of its magnitude, the facility required special design requirements as minor design variables could

Excellence through Innovation

greatly affect the project cost. Getting involved early on

In order to understand the client’s program, the

in the project, PE assisted the architect and owner in

architect’s vision and the monetary aspects of the

reviewing schematic design systems and limitations. PE

project, PE prefers to be involved with the design team

also discussed cost-saving options in design and detailing

and contractor during conceptual and schematic design

to facilitate construction efficiency.

phases. This helps the team engage in collaborative

However, the highly efficient design was not accom-

discussions that can have significant impact on project

plished without its challenges. Designed to promote

design, cost and schedule.

roof drainage, the sloping structure had to stay within

In keeping with the advancements in the profes-

specific parameters of the required clearance height and

sion, PE maintains steady growth and embraces new

the maximum exterior wall height. Since these require-

241 North Broadway, Suite 500 Milwaukee, WI 53202 414.278.6060 10 West Mifflin Street, Suite 205 Madison, WI 53703 608.256.7304

The General Contractor’s Perspective with David R. Riley, President, Riley Construction Company, Inc. Q: What is the most innovative aspect of the project (or of the design/construction process)? What could other owners learn from for their future projects? DR: During the design and construction phase the team worked to select materials that were locally produced and contained a high recycled content. Forty percent of the total products that were installed within the facility contained recycled content. Of those materials installed, 12 percent contained post-consumer content and 34 percent contained pre-consumer products. To reduce the environmental impact of transportation, the project ensured that 70 percent of the materials installed were locally produced and extracted within a 500-mile radius of the project site. Furthermore, over 60 percent of the regionally produced and extracted materials noted above came from a distance of 200 miles or less. With 964 tons of waste generated during construction, the team was able to recycle 941 tons. Essentially, 97 percent of the total construction waste was recycled. In addition, 12,130 tons of bottom-ash was reclaimed from a local landfill and used under the building, in place of regular gravel, therefore literally taking materials from the local landfill and clearing space.

Q: What were the greatest challenges encountered on this project and how, specifically, did you overcome them? DR: The greatest challenge we had to overcome was the weather. The fall of 2006 brought over 20 inches of rain in a three-month period, and on December 1 we received 17 inches of snow. In order to deal with the moisture we used a product called “bottom ash� for the sub base, which performs much better than stone when there is a lot of moisture. Photo courtesy of Riley Construction Company, Inc.

Q: How did you work with the architect and owner to save time and/or money on the project? How was value engineering applied to your responsibility? DR: We had half-day meetings every two weeks throughout the duration of the project. At these meetings we reviewed all cost items and the schedule as a team. Together we made decisions in order to keep the job on schedule and on budget.

Q: What were some of the lessons learned from this project? DR: Have a back up plan for inclement weather.

5614 52nd St. Kenosha, WI 53144 262-658-4381

A Family Business with a Reputation for Excellence: EDS Architectural Openings, Inc. Starting out as little more than a builders’ supply and tool store, EDS Architectural Openings, Inc. has since blossomed into a trusted name in the door and door hardware industry. Since the beginning, workers at EDS have become more educated, and the company has become more client based in hollow metal doors and frames, wood doors and hardware. Its growth is rooted in hard work and family values, which is almost a mantra for the employees at EDS, who ensure a quality product to customers in a time frame they demand. One-on-one Assistance for Individual Needs Commercial construction, heavy abuse, high-traffic applications and healthcare facilities are services the company specializes in, always delivering quality goods on time. And unlike companies that use automated answering services, there is always a human available at EDS to answer the phone and knowledgeable personnel to address any client questions or concerns. Through years of meeting contractors’ schedules, EDS offers upfront and honest lead times and is willing to go “above and beyond” to make sure its services are delivered within the job schedule. EDS works with clients one on one and can offer them the full range of products from value engineering to high-end and durable materials. The company buys directly from more than 300 manufacturers, making it a valuable resource to customers for their door and door hardware needs. EDS’ employees gain further education in the industry with extensive knowledge of codes and regulations for all types of projects. Within the company, the family-oriented workforce has 75 years of combined family and employee experience. In a Growing Industry, Products Count As the industry grows, so do the companies within it. Because of its association with the premier and most reputable manufacturers in the industry, EDS is constantly kept up

to date with the newest products that consumers demand. Pressing environmental concerns have become an issue as well as greater restrictions regarding fire code needs, handicap needs and life safety concerns. EDS is also aware of the steady and ever-increasing cost of metallic products, which will eventually lead to the use of alternative materials like fiberglass, plastics/non-corrosive resins and green Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) materials. The company is able to maintain excellent relations with contractors “by being honest and doing everything possible to meet or exceed their needs,” says Rick Zimmerman, vice president of operations at EDS. But its close relationships with clients and quality of service are really what make EDS a memorable company — and the most renowned building materials supplier in the area. Local Ownership, Big Business Ideas The company is also locally owned, allowing decisions to be made quickly by people who know and respect their customers. EDS is large enough to have strong leverage with its suppliers and maintain enough stock to meet customer needs quickly, yet small enough to react promptly when situations arise. This unique balance is crucial when considering the pace of business today. For the JohnsonDiversey Distribution Center, EDS supplied formaldehyde-free, Forest Stewardship Councilcertified wood doors and was able to facilitate the green building standards. It also provided security products for the entrance doors, which were integrated into the overall security package. Zimmerman enjoyed working on JohnsonDiversey and especially with Riley Construction, the general contractor on site. “It was a pleasure working with Riley Construction’s skilled construction team. From the project’s coordination to the fine installation of our products, [JohnsonDiversey] was an overall successful project,” he says.

Horlick High School, Racine, WI (built in 1930) EDS measured existing conditions and change dimensions as needed through timeless detail. In the end, it delivered and finished the complete project in three months during the summer. Great Lakes Naval Center (GLNC) Barracks, Great Lakes, IL EDS supplied a total of 2,500 openings — 250 openings per month for 10 months in 2006 and 2007 — with no late shipments or delays in construction.

— Corporate Profile

6926 46th St. • Kenosha, WI 53144 • 262-654-5600 •

continued from page 3

compound (VOC)-emitting materi-

fied wood doors for the project

product mix. “We had numerous

According to Riley, overcoming

als such as interior paints, adhesives,

and was able to help in achiev-

conversations with JohnsonDiversey

the weather was the greatest chal-

sealants and carpet to aid in provid-

ing green building standards. “All



lenge. “The fall of 2006 brought

ing a healthier building environ-

of our products were delivered on

goals,” said Patrick Evans, RCDD,

over 20 inches of rain in a three-

ment. To conserve natural resources,

time, which allowed Riley to meet

project manager for CC&N. “Then

month period, and on December

waterless urinals, water-conserv-

their job performance schedule,”

we worked closely with PANDUIT

1 we received 17 inches of snow,”

ing toilet fixtures and low-flow

said Rick Zimmerman, vice president

to design an appropriate infrastruc-

he said.

showerheads were used to give the

of operations for EDS. “[It] was an

ture solution.”

facility a 50 percent water savings

overall successful project.”




In the end, the project was com-

Since it was such a large-scale

pleted successfully, guided by the

as compared to a baseline calcu-

CC&N serviced JohnsonDiversey’s

warehousing facility, the team came

hard work and dedication of each

lation. And since the landscaping

networking solution needs, focus-

across some lofty challenges, but

individual who worked on the proj-

doesn’t require permanent irriga-

ing on future-proofing the infra-

it managed to find a way around

ect. Smith said, “Commitment by

tion, potable and natural water sites

structure throughout the facility.

them. Smith said the usual con-

the team, including the developer,

aren’t depleted.

The company did this with the

straints such as time and cost were

tenant, general contractor, subcon-

help of PANDUIT, a global leader in

prominent, but these competed

tractors and design consultants, was

supplied formaldehyde-free, Forest


with the larger task of achieving

crucial for success of the project.” n

Stewardship Council (FSC)-certi-

that helped determine the right

EDS Architectural Openings, Inc.



LEED® requirements.

— Megan Merritt

Photo courtesy of JJ Images

wisconsin edition

gold medal award winner

management rack systems and the PatchRunner

vertical cable management system. “Cable management and routing are critical to network performance,” says Peter Martin, PANDUIT project manager. “Improper installation, such as overbending of cables and incorrect terminations, can significantly compromise cable integrity and impact performance of the network itself.”

Innovative Cabling Meets Green Design

in high-performance cabling and cable management made it the ideal partner.

JohnsonDiversey, a global leader in the cleaning and

“From past experience, we knew that PANDUIT was

hygiene industry, took “going green” very seriously when

the right manufacturing partner,” says Evans. “Their

constructing its new 550,000-square-foot distribution cen-

end-to-end networking solution offered assurance that all

ter in Racine. So seriously, that its environmentally friendly

components would work well together. Having a single

construction earned the state-of-the-art facility Leadership

vendor that satisfied our entire product needs also simpli-

in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED ) certifica-

fied management and execution of the project.”


tion for new construction at the gold level. A “smart” building that automated many of the

As a PANDUIT-certified installer, CC&N is extensively trained on the installation of PANDUIT products. This exclusive designation ensures quality installation that can increase the lifespan of the network.

Green Network Design Long product life not only enables scalability but lessens waste, as required for LEED® certification. “Thinking green from a networking perspective is closely tied to

Building a Network to Last

longevity of the network components — especially the

building’s functions, including energy-efficient lighting

JohnsonDiversey required one-gigabit cabling,

systems, air ventilation systems, wireless communication

however, its networking solution centered on “future-

“We are always mindful of quantities when purchas-

systems and security, was the foundation of the construc-

proofing” the infrastructure throughout the facility. To

ing materials for installation,” says Evans. “However,

tion plan. A “smart” building enables many different

provide scalability for future growth, the PANDUIT®

to support LEED® certification, we measured and re-

systems to “talk” to one another. Effective smart building

Opti-Core® 10Gig™ fiberoptic distribution cabling sys-

measured the areas of install to order near-exact cable

technology is dependent on a high-performance, reliable

tem was deployed from the data center to distribution


cabling infrastructure that allows open and consistent

points throughout the facility. This 10-gigabit fiber

CC&N’s diligent approach to planning and instal-

communication among all the systems and controls.

cabling system, designed to support high-density net-

lation resulted in an impressive 98 percent recycle rate

working and connectivity, is a cost-effective way to add

of project waste, including cardboard cable boxes,

years to the infrastructure.

packaging and cable remnants. “CC&N was able to

CC&N, a leading communication solutions provider headquartered in Pewaukee, currently services

physical layer,” says Evans.

JohnsonDiversey’s networking solution needs. When

CC&N deployed the PANDUIT™ TX5500™

meet our aggressive installation time frame,” says

the project was ready to move forward, CC&N’s Racine

Category 5e cabling system in the horizontal channel

JohnsonDiversey’s regional operations manager Harold

branch introduced JohnsonDiversey to PANDUIT, a

to connect telecommunication rooms with work-

Miller. “They were very professional throughout the

global leader in physical infrastructure solutions.

stations and wireless access points. Additionally,

project from the early planning stages through the final

“During a visit to the PANDUIT headquarters in

CC&N complemented the cabling systems with

equipment testing period.”

Tinley Park, Ill., we saw actual datacenter racks con-

accessories and cable managers, including Open-

figured as we would have them in our own environ-

Access Horizontal Cable Managers, four-post cable ™

ment,” says Tom Mainland, senior IT architect for JohnsonDiversey. The PANDUIT solution presented two significant advantages for JohnsonDiversey. First, it delivered higher density rack configuration and second, it resulted in significant cost savings, according to Mainland.

Defining Requirements The project required the design and installation of a highly efficient and reliable cabling infrastructure that met JohnsonDiversey’s networking needs for today and tomorrow. “We had numerous conversations with JohnsonDiversey to learn their challenges and goals,” says Patrick Evans, RCDD, project manager for CC&N. “Then we worked closely with PANDUIT to design an appropriate infrastructure solution.” An expert on the physical infrastructure, PANDUIT’s knowledge of smart building technologies and expertise

1621 Renaissance Blvd. • Sturtevant, WI 53177 • t. (262) 884-9184 • f. (887) 884-9111

— Corporate Profile

­­­­­­­Bringing Growth Your Way: Trees on the Move For All Your Landscaping Needs­­­ Trees on the Move, Inc., now one of the largest tree transplanting and tree supplier services in the state of Wisconsin, initially began in 1977 with only one truck. The company’s growth was driven in large part by overwhelming response from its customers. “Our client base created more demands for full landscape services,” says President Gary McHugh, and Trees on the Move delivered. The current staff of more than 70 employees, with more than 100 years of combined experience, and a fleet of 60 vehicles provide the service and flexibility to meet clients’ needs, whatever they may be.

Experienced personnel Trees on the Move specializes in landscape design and construction as well as value engineering and redesign of others’ work. The landscape architects, designers and sales professionals who work for Trees on the Move are well-versed in construction management, landscape design, municipal regulations and installation techniques, allowing them to work with clients every step of the way and to effectively manage budget constraints. They also pay close attention to details such as drainage, site stability and site sustainability — important facets of the company’s culture and methodology. “We’ve

been ‘thinking green’ ever since our inception,” says McHugh. During the past seven years, the demand for commercial landscape services has soared, and developments are sprouting up where 20 years ago the topography would have prevented them. “Our skill set has evolved to shadow that trend,” he says. Trees on the Move team members continually educate themselves through training and networking to keep in step with the changes in the industry. Reliable product Trees on the Move offers clients more than 200 acres of quality nursery stock. “Our trees have

the highest livability and survival rates since they are locally grown and accustomed to our climate,” says McHugh. “Because we grow, install and warranty our trees, we feel we provide a higher level of service than the competition.” Furthermore, he adds, “relationships with our suppliers offer our clients countless options on any project and bring real value to our clients.” With the largest fleet of tree spades in Wisconsin, Trees on the Move is capable of moving and replanting trees from two inches to 10 inches in diameter and evergreens up to 25 feet tall. This facilitates the installation of realized

landscape environments, instead of waiting 15 years for a newly planted seedling to become full-grown. Value-added service On a typical residential project, customers come to Trees on the Move with only a concept. Utilizing its broad expertise, the company advises the client how best to achieve that vision. For commercial projects, Trees on the Move is actively involved throughout the design process, working with project team members to provide clients with a design

suited to their specific needs. For example, at the Harley Davidson Museum, Trees on the Move was able to meet the architect’s strict design standards while also staying in line with the owner’s budget thanks to its database of nursery suppliers. The company supplied trees from all over the country, carefully considering their previous climates and urban environment as well as the conditions of their new home. On the Willow Tree Development BuySeasons Project, Trees on the Move was able to

overcome the municipal challenges and the stringent landscape budget through a simple redesign and meeting with local authorities, thereby saving the owner thousands of dollars while staying within the city’s guidelines. A passion for the job According to McHugh, success in this industry requires passion, and Trees on the Move has plenty. “Our passion and our business sense create our opportunities in most cases,” he says. This dedication has also led to strong bonds

of trust with clients. “We work really hard, and our clients know it,” says McHugh. “We put their needs first, and they recognize how much we care about what they care about.” After 30 years in business, Trees on the Move has the proven stability, experience and resources to deliver what customers want and need for their projects. Contact Trees on the Move at 262-679-5200 or visit their web site at — Corporate Profile

5611 S. Calhoun Rd. • New Berlin, WI 53151 • 262-679-5200 •

24445 Northwestern Hwy. Ste. 218 • Southfield, MI 48075 • 248-945-4700 • fax: 248-945-4701 •

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