Construction Communications Gold Medal Edition - Carolina's Weaver Cooke Construction Headquarters

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In 1986, Joe Millikan opened Superior Mechanical, Inc. part time as a residential HVAC contractor with only four employees. Within 10 years, the company’s annual sales grew from $200,000 to more than $11 million. Now, Superior Mechanical is open full time and employs 87 HVAC professionals. Additionally, the company incorporated a large commercial division and now provides HVAC services to both residential and commercial clients. Specializing in energy-efficient design, the company offers every aspect of HVAC contracting, including engineering, design, installation, service and maintenance. Engineering and design services include feasibility studies, existing condition evaluations, value engineering, life-cycle cost analysis and problem analysis. Superior Mechanical also works on indoor air-quality projects and mold prevention.

Providing services for medical facilities, office buildings, clean rooms, manufacturing buildings, military bases and various other building types, Superior Mechanical has developed a long list of satisfied clients. These projects include: • The O.Henry Hotel in Greensboro, NC • High Point Bank and Trust Operations Center in High Point, NC • North Asheboro Middle School in Asheboro, NC • Richard Petty Museum in Randleman, NC • Cary Town Hall in Cary, NC • Knuckles Restaurant in Greensboro, NC • Fort Bragg Barracks and Assorted Buildings in Fort Bragg, NC • Friendly Baptist Church in Greensboro, NC

Superior Mechanical keeps ahead of its competition with a large service department, inhouse test and balance work, computer-aided design (CAD) capabilities, three graduate engineering professionals,and technicians that can fix anything. “We personally meet the needs of each client,” says Millikan, President of Superior Mechanical. In addition, as the company is aware of increasing energy costs, it has evolved to accommodate these changes and has begun offering more energy-efficient options, according to Millikan. Superior Mechanical provides energy modeling to save its clients money while also ensuring they have quality indoor air. The company performed many of these environmentally friendly services on the recent Weaver Cooke Construction, LLC Corporate Headquarters project, including utilizing ener-

gy modeling to optimize the facility’s energy performance. Superior Mechanical monitored the building’s energy use in order to increase the building’s energy efficiency, which earned the project 20 percent of its total Leadership in Energy and Environmental ® Design (LEED ) points. Having recently contributed to another ® LEED -certified project, Superior Mechanical is building a reputation for providing excellent conceptual design and preliminary engineering, while keeping within budget ® and LEED certification constraints. — Corporate Profile

Superior Mechanical, Inc. P.O. Box 877 • Randleman, NC 27317 • 336-498-7609

Greensboro, North Carolina

Facts & Figures Owner/Construction Manager:

Weaver Cooke Construction, LLC Corporate Headquarters

Weaver Cooke Construction, LLC Type of Project: A new headquarters building Size: 15,700 square feet Cost: $1.8 million Construction Time: Completed in

When Weaver Cooke Construc-

light from its sawtooth roofline,

used in the construction industry

June 2007

tion, LLC built its new corporate

which features windows at each

in an artistic design,” said H.

The Need: A new headquarters

headquarters in Greensboro, N.C.,

vertical slice. To add to the drama

Daniel Estes, president of Weaver

facility that showcases the

it wanted the facility to provide

of the gallery’s architecture, multi-

Cooke, the project’s owner and

a showcase of its building materi-

ple paint colors and finishes were

construction manager.

als and methods in order to facili-



Looking toward the future,

tate better communication with

according to Andrea Sexton, IIDA,

Weaver Cooke made a commit-

its clients.

interior designer for Small Kane

ment several years ago to become



and techniques and serves as a model of sustainability

The new 15,700-square-foot

Architects, PA, the project’s interi-

an industry leader in sustainable

facility is a one-story, wedge-

or designer. Additionally, wood


shaped structure composed of

accents in various drop ceilings

green building as part of our cul-

two long office wings connected

and a stained concrete floor add

ture and worked hard to build

by a light-filled gallery and recep-

to the gallery’s dramatic style.

a solid foundation of expertise


construction company’s materials

The Challenge: Ensuring the facility is as environmentally friendly as possible


tion area. The gallery serves as a

Made of load-bearing concrete

in green building techniques,”

place to showcase the company’s

with site-cast, tilt-up panels, the

extensive art collection, and fea-

building incorporates concrete

In keeping with this commit-

tures the building’s entrance at its

floors and walls with exposed steel

ment, Weaver Cooke decided to

narrow end and a large confer-

beams. “The decision was made

use sustainable techniques, meth-

ence room at the wider end. This

to leave these elements in their

ods and materials to build its new

space receives most of its natural

raw form to showcase materials


said Estes.



building was designed to achieve ®

LEED [Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design] certification by incorporating specific strategies to conserve energy, water and materials, as well as incorporating other sustainable strategies such as daylighting and heat gain reduction,” said Scott Lahr, AIA, LEED AP, principal for Calloway Johnson Moore & West, PA, the project’s architect. While not all the project’s team members were familiar with environmentally



Gold Medal Award-winning Team Members Calloway Johnson Moore & West, PA Architect Johnson’s Modern Electric Company Design-build Electrical Contractor Interior Enterprizes, Inc. Drywall Contractor Superior Mechanical, Inc. HVAC Contractor Fred Adams Paving Co., Inc. Hardscaping Contractor Small Kane Architects, PA Interior Designer

techniques, that didn’t stop everyone involved from participating to their best abilities. “Sometimes in




change meets resistance,” said Tommy




Interior Enterprizes, Inc., the project’s drywall contractor. “For ®

instance, the LEED requirements on Weaver Cooke’s new building were new to us, but with a little





tance…we figured it out and have Photo courtesy of Small Kane Architects, PA

gold medal award winner

the carolinas/georgia edition


been involved with several [green]

achieved an exceptional perform-

room is not in use. Additionally,

building’s heat absorption. To

projects since.”

ance of 104 percent greater vege-

high-efficiency glass windows and

ensure these energy-efficient fea-

The environmental impact of

tated open space than our local

insulated concrete wall panels

tures were doing their job, Weaver

the project was initially reduced

zoning code requires,” said Estes.

were selected to minimize temper-


by situating the new facility on the

The facility was also oriented to

ature transfer from outdoors to

enhanced commissioning of the

site of a previously established

take advantage of natural light to

indoors. In addition, the building’s

building’s energy systems. “This

business park instead of leveling

brighten its interiors.




roof materials include heat-reflec-

commissioning process allowed

undisturbed land. Additionally, the

To conserve energy, the project

tive, cool-colored metal on the

us to verify that the building’s

building footprint maximizes open

team incorporated elements such

steep slopes and white synthetic

energy systems were installed,

space, promoting the biodiversity

as infrared sensors that automati-

membrane on the low-sloping

calibrated and performing accord-

of local plants and wildlife. “We

cally shut off the lights when a

areas. These materials reduce the

ing to the project requirements

Photo courtesy of Bill Kund Photography


the carolinas/georgia edition

Photo courtesy of Small Kane Architects, PA

gold medal award winner

Photo courtesy of Small Kane Architects, PA

and the design of the building,”

Mechanical, Inc., the project’s

improved occupant comfort and

fixtures…can cut water usage and

said Estes.

HVAC contractor, energy model-

productivity,” said Estes.

costs in half,” he said.

In order to continually track the

ing was a huge help in obtaining ®

building’s energy consumption, a


points. Each month, the

baseline building energy model

actual energy used is compared to

According to Lahr, the building’s



Another sustainable element


of the project involves the use

selected to minimize the impact

of Turfstone for overflow parking.

for the new facility was calculated,

the estimated energy use, and cor-

on the municipal water supply



rections can be made, if necessary.

installed on the lighting, heating





and cooling equipment as well as


is a structural lawn

while maximizing water efficiency.

product that serves as a grassy



These fixtures include waterless

area and parking for this project,”



urinals; low-flow, sensor-operated

said Mark Tiernan, general man-

the gas meter. According to Joe

ensures reduced energy use, low-

faucets; and dual-flush toilets.

ager for Fred Adams Paving Co.,

Millikan, president of Superior



Inc., the project’s hardscaping


performing operating





continued on page 10

Photo courtesy of Small Kane Architects, PA

gold medal award winner

Photo courtesy of Small Kane Architects, PA

Photo courtesy of Small Kane Architects, PA

the carolinas/georgia edition


The Owner/Construction Manager’s Perspective with H. Daniel Estes, President, Weaver Cooke Construction, LLC

Q: How did working as both owner and construction manager benefit the project? HDE: Acting as owner and construction manager allowed us to have a unique perspective on the construction process. Issues that would typically delay the design or construction schedule were minimized by our ability to see the construction project from both sides and make more informed decisions. Q: What was your vision for this project? HDE: We charged the designers, Calloway Johnson Moore & West, with creating a facility that [is] not only visually appealing by incorporating contemporary and traditional design, but [that] would also minimize the impact on our natural environment. Q: Were any extra precautions taken to ensure the quality of the facility’s interior? HDE: No smoking is allowed in the building or within 25 feet of any entrance or air intake vent. This minimizes the exposure of occupants and indoor surfaces to tobacco smoke…. Control of indoor air quality was maintained during construction. Strategies included keeping stored material dry and covered to prevent moisture damage and mold…. HVAC equipment and ductwork openings were protected from dust until the final connections were made, and then filters were installed to protect the openings until construction was completed. Q: How do your employees benefit from your attention to the facility’s interior? HDE: Individual control of lighting and thermal comfort systems promotes

Photo courtesy of J Knight Photography

employee productivity, comfort and well-being. At least 90 percent of our employees can control lighting levels at their workstations, and at least 50 percent can adjust their thermal controls. Q: Are you taking any further steps to help educate the community about green building? HDE: As part of our commitment to sustainability, we have provided educational opportunities to school, community and business groups to tour our new offices and learn more about the benefits of building green. [We] hope visitors learn how to reduce their impact on the environment by applying similar methods and techniques in their own homes and offices. Our employees have been invited to speak to community groups and serve on various local committees. We have used these opportunities to spread the enthusiasm for sustainable construction and development, and provide information on what green building is, why it should be done and how to do it.

8401 Key Blvd. Greensboro, NC 27409 336-378-7900 fax: 336-378-7901

Johnson’s Modern Electric Company has been providing North Carolina with superb electrical contracting services for 40 years. Specializing in design-build, multifamily apartment buildings, institutional facilities, commercial office buildings and high-rise buildings, the company has built a reputation through the years for being a leader in its field. Founded in 1968 by Walter Glenn Johnson as a residential electrical contracting firm, Johnson’s Modern Electric started with annual sales of $1 million to $2 million. His son and current President, Steve Johnson, purchased the company in 1972. Today, Johnson’s Modern Electric employs 300 electrical contracting professionals and grosses $40 million annually. Offering its clients a one-stop-shop solution, Johnson’s Modern Electric provides drawing, engineering, safety and all electrical systems in house. The company is able to work with a project’s owner from preconstruction through completion, as well as offer repair service 24 hours a day, seven days a week. “We usually partner with the general contractor early and attend preconstruction meetings,” says Steve Johnson. “Our customer comes first, which is why we have a tremendous amount of repeat business.” A few recent projects that have benefited from Johnson’s Modern Electric’s experience are the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Proximity Hotel and Weaver Cooke Construction, LLC Corporate Headquarters. In addition to providing quality customer service, Johnson’s Modern Electric ®

is the only Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED )-certified electrical contractor in North Carolina. “We see green building being good for us over the horizon,” says Steve Johnson. “We receive numerous [phone] calls for our services [because of our green building techniques].” Recently, Johnson’s Modern Electric put its green building expertise to work on the Weaver Cooke Construction, LLC Corporate Headquarters project. The company performed design-build electrical contracting services, including the installation of motion sensors to turn the lights in a room off when no one is moving inside, dark-sky fixtures to minimize the spillage of indoor light outside, and meters on the HVAC equipment to help minimize energy usage. In addition, the company used as much local material as possible, according to Steve Johnson. Ordering the materials in state as opposed to out of state requires less gas for delivery. “This does contribute to saving the environment,” he says. The cooperative partnership between Johnson’s Modern Electric and Weaver Cooke Construction, LLC worked out so well on this project, Weaver Cooke Construction was contracted to build Johnson’s Modern Electric’s new office building in East Bend, N.C., which opened in April 2008 ®

and is expected to be LEED certified. — Corporate Profile

The Architect’s Perspective with Scott Lahr, AIA, LEED AP, Principal, Calloway Johnson Moore & West, PA Q: Was your firm a part of the project early on? SL: As with all projects, and furthermore with sustainable design projects, you cannot have the entire team together too early to discuss the strategies and goals for the project. It is imperative that everyone be at the table to set the goals and compare the tradeoffs of the various strategies. Q: What were some of the project’s critical design issues? SL: One critical issue in the design was getting light and views deep into the space for daylighting and occupant comfort without damaging the [company’s] works of art. In addition, a significant segment of Weaver Cooke’s work consists of the renovation and adaptive reuse of old mill buildings throughout the Southeast. The sawtooth roofline provides a visual link to that building type and allows ample light throughout the building’s central core. Q: Did the project team face any other challenges aside from meeting ®

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED ) requirements? SL: The project was designed and constructed on an expedited schedule, thus demanding close communication and coordination between the architect and the contractor. This was further challenged by the added layer of sustainable design features and tracking of the recycled content and waste levels being used and produced in the project. Q: Were you able to apply any value engineering techniques to help offset any green building costs? SL: There’s a perception out there that green design has to be expensive —

Photo courtesy of Calloway Johnson Moore & West, PA

it doesn’t. We’ve been designing green features for almost 10 years now, and many of the strategies we incorporate cost nothing. Others may be somewhat more costly, but they have a payback over time — often a very short time — that makes them affordable. Q: What advice would you give to owners debating whether or not to build green? SL: The bottom line is it’s sensible. It’s the right thing to do; it’s the smart way to do it; and it doesn’t have to be cost prohibitive if you work with experienced people.

119 Brookstown Ave., Ste. 100 Winston-Salem, NC 27101 336-724-1503 fax: 336-724-2407

Founded in 1984, Fred Adams

• Retaining walls

Paving Co., Inc. has been providing

• Stamped concrete

hardscaping services and products

• Architectural curb systems

throughout North Carolina for more

• Sealers and joint stabilizers

than 20 years. Initially, the company offered solely interlocking paver

The company is often brought in

installation. Now, Fred Adams

on a project from the beginning and

Paving provides a multitude of resi-

usually works hand in hand with the

dential and commercial services

owner’s project manager, ensuring

and products, including:

everything goes smoothly. “Not only

• Unit pavers

do we have highly skilled project

• Natural stone pavers

managers and superintendents, we

• Clay brick pavers

have a software package that

• Permeable pavers/

enables us to communicate with

a commitment to excellence, loyalty

[each] client every step of the

to all, accountability for our actions

• Engraved pavers

porous pavement systems

way,” says Mark Tiernan, General

and respect for one another,” says

• Slabs

Manager for Fred Adams Paving.

Tiernan. “Working in total partner-

• Architectural slabs

“Our Field 2 Base system allows us

ship with our clients and always

• Roof gardens

to send pictures and up-to-the-

providing exemplary customer serv-

• Grass and reinforced

minute information to our clients

ices, we far exceed our customers’

from start to finish.”

expectations and produce award-

turf systems

In addition, the company stands

winning results.”

Three years ago, people didn’t ®

head and shoulders above the

Fred Adams Paving is also proud

competition due to its integrity and

to offer recycled and environmental-

Tiernan. “The increased awareness

the integrity of each of its employ-

ly friendly products, many of which

has put focus on storm water runoff,

ees. “The Fred Adams Paving team

qualify for Leadership in Energy

LEED [points] and the recognition


know about LEED

points,” says


lives and works by being honest

and Environmental Design (LEED )

in all we do and with whom we

points. “The industry is moving

of keeping the water supply clean.” Recently, Fred Adams Paving

interact — and consistently exhibits

toward more [of a] green mindset...

completed work on the Weaver Cooke Construction, LLC Corporate Headquarters project. To provide overflow parking, the company ™

installed Turfstone , a structural lawn product that serves as both a grassy area and a parking area for this project. This product increases filtrated water into the surrounding soil and decreases polluted runoff. By understanding industry trends and prioritizing customer service, Fred Adams Paving has become a leader in its field and is sure to provide excellent services and products for years to come. — Corporate Profile

continued from page 5

contractor. “It increases filtrated water into surrounding soil and decreases polluted run-off.” Local, renewable and recycled materials were also utilized. Based on the total value of materials used in construction, 21 percent of the building is made of recycled content. Furthermore, 77 percent of the project’s construction debris was recycled instead of sent to a landfill.




Johnson, president of Johnson’s Modern Electric Company, the Photo courtesy of Bill Kund Photography

project’s design-build electrical contractor, the team tried to use as many local materials as possible, which helps to save gas since the deliveries are made from nearby facilities as opposed to out-ofstate manufacturers. In addition to using recycled materials, 72 percent of the building’s





Stewardship Council (FSC)-certified. This certification ensures the lumber was grown and harvested using environmentally responsible forest management practices that protect wildlife habitats, prevent soil erosion, minimize water and air pollution, and properly handle the waste generated. “We were able to complement Photo courtesy of Small Kane Architects, PA

Weaver Cooke’s overall mission in

Photo courtesy of Small Kane Architects, PA

the interior design by selecting

systems are designed to maintain

batteries, toner and ink cartridges.

its goal of leading the industry in

materials that would contribute to

a minimum fresh air intake volume

“Using recycled materials in con-

green building techniques in the

certification,” said

that exceeds the industry standard

struction and daily operations

best way possible — by example.

Sexton. “Some examples of mate-

by 30 percent. “An increase [of]

reduces the environmental impact

The company’s client base, sub-

rials we used [are] carpet tile and

fresh air into a building positively

of harvesting new materials,”

contractors and suppliers have all

porcelain tile that utilize post-

affects the indoor air quality for

said Estes.

shown an increased interest in


the comfort and well-being of the

their LEED




flooring, [since] rubber is a rapidly

green building since learning of

project team worked hard to

Weaver Cooke’s own efforts. “We

Weaver Cooke takes its commit-

ensure the facility is as environ-

feel we are setting an example by

occupants,” said Estes.

renewable material; and low-emitting adhesives.”

Weaver Cooke and the entire

ment to the environment serious-

mentally friendly as possible, with-

showing corporate responsibility

The building’s indoor air quality

ly. Aside from the steps it took

out cutting any corners. Their

to reduce [our] impact on the

was also taken into consideration

with the design and construction

efforts were rewarded when the

environment,” said Estes. “We are

in the design. Sensors were

of its new headquarters, the com-

building received a LEED


not only demonstrating to other

installed throughout the building

pany currently uses recycled letter-

certification — the first in the

corporations the need to be envi-

to detect increased levels of car-

head and paper products in

Piedmont Triad area of North

ronmentally responsible, but pro-

bon dioxide and then trigger the

its day-to-day operations, and

Carolina. All the facility’s sustain-

viding education so these applica-

ventilation system to increase the

recycling collection areas are

able features are labeled so visitors

tions can be used in future con-

amount of fresh air taken into the

located throughout the building

can see what went into construct-

struction projects.”

system. The heating and cooling

for paper, plastic, glass, metal,

ing it. Weaver Cooke has achieved


the carolinas/georgia edition


— Kelli Cook

gold medal award winner

Founded in 1983 in Greensboro,

The company utilizes a workforce

N.C., by Carl Walker and Deleno





Flynn, Interior Enterprizes, Inc.

employees, which gives it better con-

provides general contractors in

trol over meeting tight schedules and

the area with drywall, metal stud

providing high-quality products. In

framing, batt insulation, stucco,

addition, the company matches

exterior insulation finish systems

employees and superintendents with

(EIFS), acoustical ceilings and other

the projects they are best suited to

acoustical products.

handle. “We know which crews are

In 1985,Tommy Hylton became a

more successful on a certain type of

small percentage partner in the

project, and it would be foolish to put

company, and by 1988 Flynn was

a crew on a job that you know they

bought out and Sam Pugh came in as

aren’t comfortable with,” says Hylton.

only contracted to perform the metal

design and construction practices in

a third partner. Walker retired in

As a testament to the company’s

stud framing, batt insulation, drywall

order to achieve Leadership in Energy

2002, leaving Interior Enterprizes in

determination and expertise, it has



and Environmental Design (LEED )

the hands of Hylton and Pugh.

recently finished work on 25 new

Enterprizes was able to help with

certification for its new headquarters.

Kohl’s department stores. Given mere-

other aspects of the project thanks to

Many of the project’s green building

ly eight to 10 weeks to complete the

its talented employees.“We ended up

standards were new to Interior

Experience gets the job done




entire scope of work on each of these

doing a lot of the carpentry work,

Enterprizes, but it learned all it

With experience in hotels, office

projects, Interior Enterprizes placed

installing windows and door frames —

could about environmentally friendly

buildings, shopping centers and

experienced superintendents in charge

whatever Weaver Cooke needed us to

building practices. Since then, it has

retail stores, Interior Enterprizes

of its crews to ensure the deadlines

do to help with the project,” says

been involved with several other

enjoys working with the same con-

were met. According to Hylton,

Hylton. Additionally, since Weaver

green projects.

tractors time and time again in

Interior Enterprizes never alters

Cooke was hoping to move into its

Interior Enterprizes continually

order to build long-lasting relation-

the end date, but meets it every time

new facility as soon as possible, the

displays determination, diligence,

ships.“We like to find a relationship

without excuses.

Interior Enterprizes team pushed hard

hard work and quick thinking on

to get everything completed quickly.

every project.These qualities set an

that works for both parties and

Going above and beyond

The company is also quick to learn

example for other businesses to fol-


new and innovative procedures and

low, as well as ensure the company

over and over and over again,” says

Interior Enterprizes was the Weaver

products. This was essential on the

a place in the construction industry


Cooke Construction, LLC Corporate

Weaver Cooke project, as the compa-

far into the future.

Headquarters facility. While originally

ny desired to implement sustainable

work hard to provide the client with a quality product, on time, current

Interior Enterprizes.






— Corporate Profile

24445 Northwestern Hwy. Ste. 218 • Southfield, MI 48075 • 248-945-4700 • fax: 248-945-4701 •

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