Construction Review Africa

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Since 1989

December 2015 - January 2016, Vol 27 No. 1 Africa's leading construction journal

Africa Oil and Gas The boom that never was

Architecture in Africa: Lexicon+ion in Kenya Atelier in Ghana Steel: South Africa's Steel Awards reviewed Steel building technology by Zenith Machinery: The generator market Stone crushing and screening equipment Botswana Pula 60.00, Ethiopia Birr 140.00, Ghana Cedi 23.00, Kenya Ksh 500.00, Namibia N$ 80.00, Nigeria Naira 1,300.00 Rwanda Rwf 4,800.00,South Africa R 60.00, Tanzania Tsh 12,700.00, Uganda Ush 20,000.00, Zambia Zmk 40.00, Zimbabwe US$ 7.00






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MANAGING EDITOR Robert Barnes COUNTRY EDITORS Kenya - Francis Makari Uganda - Samuel Bujingo Nigeria - Boladale Ademiju South Africa - Newton Mthethwa WRITERS Jimmy Swira, Thunile Alletta Nkosi Lindsay Wagner, Yvonne Andiva Erick Mongare, Hope Simuli Dorcas Kang'ereha WEB & GRAPHIC DESIGN Augustine Ombwa Bonface Kimunyi ADVERTISING Kenya William Mutama, Fred Okoth, Trizah Njoroge, Joseph Mwangi South Africa: Manoko Thosago, Happy Mokoena Shepherd Mthethwa, Winnie Sentabire, Angeline Ntobeng, Nqobile Ndlovu Uganda: Dan Nsalasata,Bill Collins Musaazi Botswana: Dickson Manyudza, Gerald Mazikana Ethiopia: Haimanot Tesfaye, Ruth Girma Tanzania: Tom Kiage Malawi: Anderson Fumulani Ghana: Samuel Hinneh Zambia: Susan Kandeke Zimbabwe: Chiedza Chimombe Rwanda: Collison Lore Nigeria: Seni Bello China:Weng Jie

The editor accepts letters and manuscripts for publication from readers all over the world. Include your name and address as a sign of good faith although you may request your name to be withheld from publication. We reserve the right to edit any material submitted .

Send your letters to: Construction Review is published eleven times a year and is circulated to members of relevant associations, governmental bodies and other personnel in the building and construction industry as well as suppliers of equipment, materials and services in Africa, the Middle and Far East. The editor welcomes articles and photographs for consideration. Material may not be reproduced without prior permission from the publisher. The publisher does not accept responsibility for the accuracy or authenticity of advertisements or contributions contained in the journal. Views expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the publisher. Š All rights reserved.

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Africa Oil and Gas

Current low crude oil prices have put the brakes on the capital investments that would have brought about a boom in the construction industry with the promise of skills transfer and inflows of foreign exchange. The dream remains alive but indications are that it will take longer than planned Cover Picture Drilling for oil. Many projects are now on hold until prices begin to pickup.

14 REGULARS Editor's Comment


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Guest: James Mugerwa, Managing Director Shelter Afrique


The grand quandary


WABAG India to construct water treatment plant in Nigeria


Lexicon+ion Marks 15 Years


Atelier - One of Ghana's leading Architectural firms


Steel Award 2015 winners


Zenith Steel Fabricators Ltd.


Pioneering the multi-storey Steel building technology in Kenya

Published by Group Africa Publishing Ltd Consollidated Bank House, 4th flo oor, Koin nange Street, Nairob bi 00100 0 Kenya a, Tel: +254 7726420 042, groupa africapu ublishin Email: info@g Uga and da Offi fice e SM MG Ugan nda Lim miteed Kam muk kam mu Plazza, Enttebb be Road d Kam mpa ala-U Uga and da, TEL L: +256 6 77 74 079 804 4, Em mail: uga and da@ @gro oupa africcapu ubliishin ng.ccom m Uga and da Age entt Pro ojectts Unussua al Ug gand da Ltd.. Jem mba a Pla aza, Lu uwum m Stt. Kam mpa ala, Uga and da bettty@ @con nstrructtionrreviiewo m

Ma alaw wi Offi fice Cen ntree forr Meedia a Ad dvoccacyy P.O O. Bo ox 1732 2, Blanttyree, Malaw wi 6599 9548 854 4 Tel: 26 E-m maill: malaw wi@ @gro oup pafriicap m Bottsw wan na Office Cad dline (P Pty) Ltd d. P/B Bag 494 4 Ga abo oron ne, Botsw wan na. 267 318 8 7101 I Fax x: +267 7 3118 10 02 Tel: +2 E-m maill: bo otsw wan na@g grou upa africcapu ublisshin ng.ccom m


December 2015 - January 2016 Volume 27 No.1

Editor's Comment


Crude Oil prices and its effect on Africa

Two notable Architectural firms have been profiled here. Atelier Architects in Ghana and Lexicon+ion in Kenya. Both give their take on their local industry, the challenges and achievements

22 Steel In this section we first look at the 32nd Steel Awards in South Africa which recognises excellence in the use of structural steel in various construction projects.


We also look at Zenith Steel and their promotion of the use of steel building technology in East Africa and beyond.

Credible generator suppliers


Selecting the right tamping machine


Stone crushing and screening


Selecting what’s best Trenchless Technology


Pipe jacking, an integral part of the trenchless technology “family” Sou uth h Affric ca Office Colllegee Pu ublissheers CC 1st Floor, 267 7 Oa ak Aven nue,, Oak kfiellds,, Ra andb burg g, Jo oha anneesbu urg Tel: +2 27 11 78 81 4253 3, Fa ax: +27 7 11 7811 42 287 Em mail: sou utha afriica@ @gro oupafriicap m Eth hiop pia a Offfice e Hayymii Ad dverrtisiing Servvicees 22 Mazzoriia, Gen net Bldg g 4th h Fllr P.O O. Bo ox 1316 6 - 1110 0 Ad ddis Ab baba a Tel: +2 251 118 955 85 55, Celll: +2 251 930 0 09 99 152 Em mail: eth hiop pia@ @gro oup pafriicap publish m Zim mba abw we Offi fice J.S.. Reecon nnecct (Pvt)) Ltd 436 6 Ettting gton n Ro oad d, Grreysston ne Park, Ha ararre Zim mbab bwee

Current crude oil prices and the risk that they could go even lower with some predicting prices below US$30 have put a damper on Africa’s hopes of benefitting from recent discoveries of both crude oil and natural gas, at least for now. Predictions that the pricier shale oil that has boosted US production would be forced into remission at prices below US$50 has proved false as innovative ways have been found to cut costs leading to increased US stockpiles which is an indicator of excess inventories. On the other hand Saudi Arabia’s insistence on maintaining production levels in order to retain market share has meant that the world is awash in oil. How long will the low prices last? Its anyone’s guess but in the near horizon Iran’s oil will be coming on stream after lifting of sanctions along with increased production in Iraq while the US may begin exporting oil and gas soon all indicators of sustained supplies. For Africa cutbacks in capital investment on developing new fields has been severe as investors have adopted a wait and see attitude. Just over a year ago massive investments in infrastructure for oil and gas would have boosted the construction industry both on and off-shore in Mozambique, Kenya, Sudan and Uganda as well as Ghana Nigeria and Angola but now plans have been put on the back burner as the battle for market share takes its toll. However it is not all doom and gloom because countries can also benefit from the low prices which have helped conserve valuable foreign exchange and helped governments divert revenues to other pressing needs in the health sector along with provision of water, energy and roads.

Robert Barnes

Ken nya a Offfic ce Norrthw westt Veentu uress Ltd d P.O O. Bo ox 164114 Nairrobii 00100 0 Tel: +2 254 20 267 79809 I 26 6798 808 8, 20 0913 305 5 Em mail: ken nya@ @grou upaffrica apub blishing om Gh hana a Offic ce Ima age Con nsorrtiu um 1st Floor, TheeEccoba ank Buiildin ng, Tessano o. Tel: 23 33(0 0)30 0 22 23 2728 8 I Fax:: 233(0)24 4 88 82 8286 6 Em mail: gha ana@g grou upaffrica apub om Nig geriia Offi fice Rah hma a Asssocciatees B23 3/24 4, Aisheetu u Em moew wa Plazza, 196,, Iju u Waterr Wo orks Road, Ifa ako Ijayye Lg ga,A Ageg ge, Lag gos. Tel: 23 34-11-734 478 860 Em mail: nig geria a@grou upa africcapu ubliishin ng.ccom m

Rw wan nda Offi fice e Kolllinee & Hem med d In nc., B.P.. 33 328,, Kig gali, Rw wand da Tel: +2 250 03 748 8106 6 E-m maill: rw wand da@ @grroup pafriicap pub blish hing m Weebsitte: www w.k kollin neh hemeed.o org Zam mbia Offi fice e Dayyflex x Liimitted,, 4th h. Flloorr Tazzara a Ho ousse Ded dan n Kim math hi Roa ad, Lusa aka,, Za ambiia. Tel: +2 260 2111 23 30 529 / +2 260 0 977 7 75 56 663 Em mail: ma akuk kasu ue@ @ma ail.ccom m, da ayflex06@ @gm mail. com m





New gas find a boon for Egypt

Construction of the Kenya-Ethiopia converter substation to commence

Egypt aims to begin production of natural gas from the recently discovered Zohr field by 2017 a year ahead of scheduled. The gas discovery by oil exploration company Eni, is likely to turn the country from a net importer to an exporter and help ease the crippling energy shortage currently being faced in the country. The discovery is a Godsend since only early this year the country entered the LNG market with a burst of imports that made it one of the world’s top growth markets, after leasing a floating storage unit (FSRU) from Norway’s Höegh LNGfor five years in April. “We felt comfortable in Egypt’s demand for LNG over a five-year period and we still feel that there’s a good chance Höegh Gallant will serve for longer, but it all depends on how quickly local reserves are developed,” said Richard Tyrrell, chief executive of Höegh LNG Partners LP. In a sign of Egypt’s strong import demand, Tyrrell said the Höegh Gallant was probably the best utilised FSRU in the world.Egypt has since added a second FSRU leased from Singapore-based Norwegian gas shipping company BW Gas. Offshore gas fields typically take several years to come on stream, however, as Egypt already has some of the infrastructure in place it’s expected to be able to accelerate the process. The gas is estimated to contain 30 trillion cubic feet of gas and the discovery will essentially rank it with middle East countries that have large reserves of natural gas and it remains to see how the competition for exports will eventually turn out.

Kenya Electricity Transmission Company (KETRACO) has announced that the construction of US$ 230m high voltage direct current Kenya-Ethiopia converter substation is now set to begin. A US$ 230m contract between KETRACO and a consortium of Siemens AG and Isolux Inginieria for the construction of the sub-station has already been signed. The project which will be constructed in Suswa is intended to create power lines that will link Kenya to Ethiopia. It is being funded by the World Bank and is considered as an important interconnector between the two countries. Ketraco acting Managing Director Fernandes Barasa confirmed the reports and said that the transmission line contractors are already mobilized and are expected to commence construction soon and will be completed in 2017. “We want to make sure that by 2018, we have the inter-connector in place,” Mr. Barasa said during the signing ceremony upon receipt of advance payment guarantees as well as the performance guarantees, the advance payment would be paid to the contractors directly to allow the project to kickoff.

World’s largest concentrated solar power plant


Kenya Google eyes share in Lake Turkana wind power construction project Information Technology giant Google has announced that it was buying 12.5 per cent stake in Africa’s largest wind farm that is the Lake Turkana Wind Power construction project in Kenya. The IT firm has agreed to purchase the stake in the wind farm project in Kenya from the project’s third-largest investor Vestas, when it becomes operational in 2018. Google is set to invest US$400mn in Lake Turkana wind power construction project in Kenya. The announcement by Google to fund the project makes it part of a diverse group of international investors supporting the project, key among them the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (Opic), the US government’s development finance institution and Vestas, which is also supplying turbines for the wind farm. Google Energy leader for Africa Joseph Mucheru said that the decision to invest the the biggest wind farm in Africa was informed by the fact that the project makes economic sense. He added that the project had the potential to have a massive impact on Kenya’s energy grid, helping to accelerate the deployment of renewable energy in one of the world’s fastestgrowing countries.

The construction of what is expected to be the world’s biggest concentrated solar power plant is ongoing in Morocco. According to the World Bank, when complete the concentrated solar power plant in Morocco will supply electricity to 1.1 million Moroccans by 2018. The plant is being constructed in a 30 square kilometer area outside the city of Ouarzazate, on the fringe of the Sahara desert. The first phase, titled Noor 1, will be operational in the next few weeks, according to officials. The most notable feature of the project is that it will be producing constant power even during the night. The Noor complex will use a technology called Concentrating Solar Power (CSP), which is more expensive to install than the widely used photovoltaic panels, but unlike them, allows storage of energy for nights and cloudy days. It uses mirrors to focus the sun’s light and heat up a liquid, which is mixed with water and reaches a temperature close to 400 degrees Celsius. This produces steam, which in turn drives a turbine to generate electrical power. It’s hoped that the project, whose construction was officially launched by Morocco’s King Mohammed VI in 2013,will reduce carbon emissions by 700,000 tons per year and even generate an energy surplus for exports. Lack of reliable power has in many occasions been Africa’s setback in a bid to industrialize and trigger economic growth. In Sub-Saharan Africa only 24% of the population has access to electricity, which is the worst rate in the world. December 2015 - January 2016





Construction of largest port in East Africa

Senate halts construction of second runway at an airport

Major facelift as construction of roads in Lagos begins

Tanzania has begun the construction of what it says will be the largest port in East Africa at a cost of about $11bn. Backed by China Merchants Holdings International and Oman’s State Government Reserve Fund, the project is expected to be a game changer in Tanzania’s quest to industrialize. Officials in Tanzania believe that the construction of the largest port in East Africa will not only boost the economy of the tourist town, but also put the country in good stead to compete for regional business, especially with neighbouring Kenya. President Jakaya Kikwete who attended the ground breaking ceremony said that the construction of the Bagamoyo port and a special economic zone is geared at realising the government’s goal of bringing about an industrial tranformation in Tanzania. It is expected that the new port will be able to handle 20 million containers annually. It will take two years to complete, and includes building rail and road links. The construction of the port was initially slated for 2014 but has been marred with delays. Shipping agents had opposed the move saying that the port will have no significant impact for the first 20 years after its construction. In June this year, Tanzania Shipping Agents Association said that with the current economic environment in East Africa they are skeptical that larger vessels can dock in the country in the coming 20 years. However, Tanzanian Transport permanent Secretary Shaban Mwinjaka said all plans were in place to have the port constructed.

The construction of a second runway at an airport in Nigeria has

December 2015 - January 2016

suffered a major blow after the country’s senate terming the project expensive. The construction of the runaway at Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport in Nigeria’s capital Abuja was set to cost

The Lagos State Government, has committed over US$95m towards the construction of one hundred

US$320m. Although it acknowledged the urgent need for a second

and fourteen local roads in Lagos

runway at the airport, the senate lamented that the amount needed

Metropolis in Nigeria. The road

for the project construction was too high. The Senate urged the

construction in the city is part of

Federal Government to ensure that due process is followed in the

campaign promises by Governor

design, award and procurement of the contract and the cost reduced

Akinwunmi Ambode to develop

considerably. The Senate argues that the cost of constructing the

and improve the standards of

runway far exceeded the cost of constructing some airports in Nigeria.

roads in Lagos and also fix the

For instance, says the Senate, terminal 5 in Heathrow Airport with four lanes of 4km runway, cost less than N25bn (US$125mn). The Nigerian Senate therefore wonders why the proposed construction of a mere runway at Abuja Airport would cost US$320mn. This is not the first time that the construction of the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport in Nigeria has faced obstacles.

ones in deplorable conditions to world class standards. The Lagos State Government announced acceptance




bids for the construction of the different roads across the Lagos

Ethiopia European Union boosts road construction

metropolis. The construction of roads in

The European Union (EU) has pledged €540mn to boost road

Lagos Metropolis in Nigeria

construction in Ethiopia especially in rural areas for the next five

spreads across the 20 local

years. Mr Antonio Capone who is the infrastructure leader of EU

government areas in the State

delegation announced that the money will be used to continue what he

which includes Agege, Ajeromi-

referred to as “a remarkable expansion of road network in Ethiopia.”


The country had 26,000km of roads in 1997 but as of last year it had

Odofin, Apapa, Badagry, Epep,

100,000km. He observed that as a result, the road density per 1000 square kilometers has increased from 24 kilometers in 1997 to 90.5 kilometers in 2004. “The condition of road network has improved substantially. The proportion of road network in good condition increased from 22 percent in 1997 to 70 percent in 2014,” he said.



Etiosa, Ibeju-Lekki, Ifako Ijaiye, Ikeja, Ikorodu, Kosofe, Lagos Island, Lagos Mainland. Mushin, Ojo, Oshodi Isolo, Somolu and

Mr Capone also noted that since 1997 the EU has invested €400m in

Surulere. With the influx of

road improvements in Ethiopia currently experiencing high economic

such funds into such projects,

growth. Capone added that the percentage of population living within

the government is committed

2 kilometers from an all-weather road has increased each year by 2


percent and today more than 65 percent of local districts have access

development in the state. The

to the national road network including during the rainy season.

move is set to massively boost the



economy positively especially the building and construction industry which has experienced no major progress for the past six months. In addition, it will




sector of the economy when implementation commences. 5



South Africa

Morocco Square Towers launched

Abland to construct grade A office Park

Egypt Shortage of funds delays the construction of Grand Museum

National Housing Corporation


(NHC) has launched a mega

Egyptian Museum has delayed



over time since the conclusion

in Tanzania. The construction

of its design due to the challenge

project dabbed Morocco Square

of fundraising for the $795

Towers in Kinondoni District,

million for the project. Now, a


in East and Central Africa. The Morocco Square Towers was launched by Deputy Minister for Lands, Housing and Human Settlements Ms





Director General, Mr. Nehemia Mchechu, confirmed the reports and said that the mega housing construction project in Tanzania will provide space for multiple and local businesses, residential, Hotels,




shopping malls. “The



consists of three blocks including a shopping Mall which is bigger than the current Mliman City,” he said, adding that the Shopping Mall at the Morocco Square consists of 20,000 square Metres bigger than Mliman City that occupies 18 square metres. The Corporation is in discussion with the Tanzanian government to construct a bridge at the Square that will lead to easy movement of business people, customers and other people. Some of the



state prosecutor in Egypt has

Dar es Salaam, has been taunted as the biggest housing project


ordered an investigation into Property Development Company Abland is constructing a 35000sqm grade A office park in South Africa worth US $51.83m. The office park construction project dabbed Hill on Empire and located at Parktown will become the first new office park that the company has done in the area in over ten years. The company is hopeful that the grade A office park in South Africa which is strategically placed on Empire and Hillside road in Parktown will have its first four buildings complete by June 2016 with an area of 6 800 m2. Empire road offers accessibility to the metro buses and minibus taxis given that it’s the main route. Construction of the Office park will incorporate green spaces, water features and a coffee shop all of which will be fully complete by 2019. The site will also be connected to the Rea Vaya bus rapid transit system stop which is 50 meters away with a Gautrain bus stop just 100 meters away. According to the Development Manager for Abland, Donald Majola, a gap was identified in the market thus his company will deliver a competitive product located in an excellent location. Hill on Empire will be compared to the offices associated with Sandton and Rosebank but will be more affordable with an exceptional ease of access for both private and public transport users.


the possible embezzlement of foreign funds loaned for the museum’s



Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) loaned $400 million



the for

Egyptian the


in 2006, with a favorable 1.5 percent interest rate and a grace period of 10 years, and the investigation follows media reports concerning the alleged embezzlement of some $20 million in funding earmarked for the project. Construction on the Gizasited, Henaghan Peng–designed institution began in March 2012, with an initial completion date of August 2015. The opening

Construction firm Dorra announces plans to build 10,000 houses

has since been pushed back to

Construction firm Dorra Group has announced plans to construct

major allegation of impropriety

10,000 residential houses in Egypt in a bid to tackle the current demand

to involve the construction of

for housing in the country. Managing director Omar Dorra said they

Egypt’s museum. In March,

intend to target the youth in their housing project. He said that they recently submitted a request to the Ministry of Housing to develop a residential project for youth and middle income persons. “We have not yet received official feedback from the ministry on this, but we are confident that we will hear from them soon in an official capacity,

beyond 2018. This is the second

the director of the country’s museums authority was arrested on bribery charges connected with restoration work on the Museum of Islamic Art in Cairo, which was damaged in

because we are ready and eager to begin right away,” he said. The

January 2014 by a suicide bomb

company has been eyeing construction projects in Egypt and they had

attack against a police station

previously developed and constructed a youth project, which offered

nearby. Egypt’s administrative

around 2,000 housing units that were spread over approximately



168,000 sqm. The director however added that they will work on the



building materials, components,

construction project once they get the green light from the ministry

embezzlement of funds allocated

concrete article and other related

since they have fulfilled all ministerial requirements, including client

to construct the Grand Egyptian

articles among others.

paperwork for people who satisfied the youth housing requirements.

Museum early this year.

roles of NHC are to undertake the construction of houses for sale, construction of buildings as part of approved scheme, provision of facilitating the provision of


an alleged

December 2015 - January 2016


Nigeria BASF Construction launches concrete admixtures production Germany based construction product manufacturer BASF Construction Chemicals has launched its new concrete admixtures production plant in Nigeria. The plant is expected to respond to the ever growing demand for concrete admixtures products. Speaking during a press briefing, Nair Narayanan who is the country Manager for BASF Construction Chemicals, Chemicals said that the construction of concrete admixtures production plant in Nigeria is aimed at giving Nigerian construction industry the best. He further added that, the admixtures will guarantee the production of concrete that is stronger and more durable as well as increasing its work ability retention leading to faster setting and hardening and finally accelerating the construction progress. The new facility will allow tailor-made products for the local customers in order to meet their specific needs whereas the admixture product will lower the total cost of ownership in the country. The company is also eyeing to expand its business wings and export to other West African countries such as Liberia, Togo, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Benin and Burkina Faso. According to Christian Geierhaas, BASF’s Regional head for the Construction Chemicals division, the company’s aim is to support the local industry by reducing imports, and thereby cutting down the long lead times for supplies and other transport related issues. More employment opportunities will be created to aid in the nation’s economic growth. December 2015 - January 2016

South Africa First commercially viable biogas plant in South Africa begins operation

The first ever commercially viable biogas plant in South Africa has began operation supplying renewable energy to automotive manufacturer BMW. A year ago, energy company Bio2Watt and BMW SA signed a deal for power generation which saw the first power supply happen early October. The two companies have a ten year deal that will see to it that up to 30 percent of 12MW of energy is delivered to the Rosslyn plant from the 4.4MW Bronkhorstspruit plant which was constructed at a cost of US $11.50m. According to the CEO of Bio2Watt, Sean Thomas, in order for them to generate biogas, organic waste has to be present. This is then directed into a digester where biogas is produced then transferred into a gas engine for electricity production. It is inserted into the power grid for uptake by power purchasers like BMW. Thomas also indicated that the biogas plant used up to 500 t/d combination of manure, abattoir waste, food sludge, vegetable waste and paper recycling sludge. There biogas plant was located in a place near fuel supplies, grid access and sufficient water from Beefcor’s storm water collection dams.

Algeria Peugeot to put up plant Plans for the construction of a Peugeot car manufacturing plant in Algeria are almost complete and it is set to be commissioned, minister for Industry and Mines Abdessalem Bouchouareb has announced. Speaking in the French capital Paris, Abdessalem said that once completed the shareholders pact will be signed. “It is nearly finalized as there are only two points to address,” the minister said. Last September, Bouchouareb said the negotiations between Algerian and French partners were due to be brought to a successful conclusion “in the near future.” A source close to the ministry said the problem of the land for the establishment of the plant, in Oran (432-km west of Algiers), was settled, and that 25 hectares were devoted for subcontracting. A part of the production of the future assembly plant should be destined to export, affirmed Bouchouareb, who called the project a “complex” given its capacity of integration and subcontracting. The construction of Peugeot car manufacturing plant in Algeria was announced during French President Francois Hollande’s last visit to Algiers last June.

Nigeria Dangote refinery set for 2018 The Dangote Petrochemicals refinery in Nigeria will commence its operations by 2018 a senior manager has announced. Speaking at a press briefing during his tour of the plant site at Lekki Free Trade, Kelkar said that the construction work on the project is expected to be completed by 2017 adding that live streaming will kick off by 2018. The 650,000 barrels per day capacity Dangote petrochemicals refinery in Nigeria is aimed at boosting the nation’s refining capacity and enhance industrialization. Besides boosting the nation’s refining capacity and enhancing industrialization the plant will as well create over 2000 jobs. Jande Nul, a soil investigation expert from a Belgium-based dredging company is in charge of the project’s dredging and soil investigation. On completion, the construction project will enhance Nigeria’s crude oil refinery. Assembling of equipment is expected to take a couple of months. The project is also opening a door of opportunity for the country to host the longest single train refinery in the world in line with the Dangote’s Group vision. When operational the plant is expected to produce 750,000 metric tonnes of polypropylene per annum whereas the fertilizer plant will produce 2.8 metric tonnes of Urea and Ammonia. The Dangote Group is a strategic investor in a number of upstream oil and gas projects in Nigeria and is at an advanced stage of project development in the downstream sector. 7


Sika expands African footprint Sika








Systems, one of the world

mortar production facilities in

leaders of material processing

Nigeria and Ivory Coast. The




Kohler launches diesel-powered mobile generators 55REOZT4


Terex appoints Penta Machinery as distributor for Kenya





portable and static crushing and

company has established new

screening equipment is pleased

subsidiaries in Ethiopia and

to announce the appointment of

Tanzania to participate in the

Penta Machinery as Distributor

growing markets in the Sub-

for Kenya and Uganda. Penta



Machinery as Distributor for


Kenya and Uganda,will now



region. its



successful expansion strategy


and is enlarging its presence to


sixteen countries on the African

service and support in Kenya

continent. Sika established the

and Uganda. Customers’ needs

subsidiary in Nigeria and Ivory

will be met by a dedicated team

of end users and features Kohler’s unmatched quality, reliability

Coast in 2014 and is now in Lagos

who has been fully trained to

and flexibility. Built to withstand the elements and run long hours

and Abidjan, investing in local

in prime and standby applications, the new generator model meets

production facilities for high-

all emissions standards. “The 55REOZT4 is a great addition to our

quality concrete admixtures and

diesel mobile generator line and is ideal for a wide variety of settings

mortars to supply the booming

where power is needed – from remote construction sites to large-

construction, refurbishment and

scale events,” said Anne Feudner, product manager for Kohler Power

maintenance markets in both

Systems. “This new model is being offered in response to the strong



ohler Power Systems is adding a new model to its robust line of diesel-powered mobile generators. The 55REOZT4 offers customizable options to meet the varying needs

feedback we’ve received to our existing diesel-powered mobile units. This is the fifth model introduced within our Tier 4 Final lineup and is capable of a 46-48 kW standby rating and 42-43 kW prime and continuous rating.” The 55REOZT4 is EPA emission certified for non-road use and comes equipped with a rugged DOT-certified trailer and durable enclosure. Like all Kohler gaseous and diesel mobile generators, the new model is compatible with the company’s recently launched Mobile Paralleling Box, which delivers cutting-edge flexibility by allowing users to parallel different sized generators with different fuel types to optimize power for the specific task at hand. The 55REOZT4 integrates a number of user-friendly features to deliver straightforward operation and dependable performance in the field, including: •

A heavy-duty air cleaner with restriction indicator

Fuel tanks sized for 24-hour runtime

External emergency stop

Stainless steel door latches and hinges

Two-way fuel valve to easily switch from onboard to external fuel sources

Three position selector switch

A cold weather package that includes block and battery heaters

A convenient single point lifting eye

Durable steel sound-attenuating housing with quiet operation of 69 dB(A) at 7 m (23ft.) at full load





new and

provide the exceptional levels of customer support for which the Terex MPS distribution network is globally renowned. Neeraj Gulati, Terex MPS Area Director said: “We selected Penta Machinery to represent Terex MPS due to their vast

US based Genesis Water Technologies launches initiative

industry experience, technical

US based Genesis Water Technologies (GWT) has developed a comprehensive advanced Green Communities Program initiative integrating both a specialized renewable energy grid with their advanced water & waste water solutions for off-grid communities/ municipalities and real estate development projects across the world. The GWT green communities program initiative originated out of the necessity to develop a sustainable infrastructure solution to provide basic services of drinking water, waste water, and power to coastal & inland communities where there was limited or no existing infrastructure available.

after-care. We are confident

knowledge and commitment to providing customer solutions& that the appointment of Penta Machinery




Uganda will strengthen and expand Terex MPS presence in those specific markets.” With a strong and in depth knowledge earned over many years industry experience



provides equipment and support services for customers in the crushing and screening in Kenya and Uganda. Speaking of the new Distribution, KishorVasani, Director Sales, said “We are looking forward to developing a strong working relationship with Terex MPS and delivering outstanding support to customers in the market. December 2015 - January 2016


ABCEC hails Zambia govt for huge budgetary allocation Association of Building and Civil Engineering Contractors (ABCEC) has expressed optimism that the construction industry in Zambia is poised for expansion following the allocation US$1.4m towards infrastructure development in the 2016 budget. ABCEC president Michael Nyirenda said the proposed US$1.4m allocation towards infrastructure will boost infrastructure development and enhance economic growth. The ABCEC president said the money will also help sustain jobs already created in the sector. He said the money will turn Zambia into an enormous construction site as works will cut across all sectors. “As ABCEC, we are excited that the government has prioritized infrastructure development as a key driver of the economy. It is a good gesture considering the number of jobs that the construction industry has created,” said Nyirenda. He said part of the money has been channeled towards road infrastructure which will enhance communication in Zambia and help in the completion of various road projects which have stalled. But Nyirenda urged Industrial Development Corporation to take advantage of the massive budgetary allocation to construction activities to build capacity in construction companies through acquisition and venture capital arrangements.

December 2015 - January 2016

MBAWC in South Africa appoints John Matthews as new president In keeping with its long-standing commitment to addressing transformation and representation within the built environment sector, the Master Builders Association of the Western Cape (MBAWC), has appointed John Matthews, CEO of Garden Cities and Managing Director of Pinelands Development Company, as President of the Association for the ensuing year. The organisation has also named Antoinette Farrar as Senior Vice President and Marten Govender as Junior Vice President. According to MBAWC Executive Director, Allen Bodill, “The building industry in the Western Cape region has been built upon generations of highly skilled people across the demographic spectrum of its local population and it is fitting for us, as a registered trade association for employers in the building industry, to continue to lead the transformation process by example.” Matthews serves as Chairman of both the MBAWC Skills and Education Trust and the MBAWC Development Trust. He also holds a Degree in Economics and an MBA from the University of Cape Town. From 2006 to 2009, he served on the National Home Builder Registration Council (NHBRC), as well as on several committees.

NCA Kenya establishes regional offices The




Construction Kenya


which is mandated to clear builders




eliminate rogue contractors and malpractices in Kenya’s building and



has set up 11 regional offices across Kenya so as to deliver their services efficiently. The National Construction Authority in Kenya Executive Director Mr. Daniel Manduku confirmed the reports and said that the offices will tremendously ease pressure experienced




office. He further said that the new offices which are set up in Mombasa,



Eldoret, Kitui, Nyeri, Isiolo, Garissa, Kakamega and Kisii will make their own independent decisions and will serve areas L to R: Marten Govender, Junior Vice President, John Matthews President and Antoinette Farrar Senior Vice President.





“ICT staffs that will register

Ghana Institute of Construction honours excellence in the country

contractors and projects, issue

Ghana Institute of Construction has feted 21 individuals in the Construction Excellence Awards held in the country’s capital Accra. The coveted Awards function is meant to recognize hardworking individuals who have excelled in the industry for the past 20 years. Speaking during the event, Minister for Roads and Highways in Ghana Alhaji Inusah Fuseini noted that the construction industry was playing a major role in the development agenda of Ghana adding that it was important to boost the capacity of professionals in the Industry. He also called for improved laws of respective institutions in order to control the operations of fake contractors. According Alhaji Inusah Fuseini the Ministry of Roads and Highways is working with the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development and other key stakeholders to boost construction industry in the country. He urged construction designers and engineers to consider the environment during their work. He explained that designs need to be done according to approved standards and competent professionals with the appropriate professional license must sign-off on the designs. Such designs must also be subject to sheer review and complete scrutiny by the public.

engage in quality site inspection

compliance certificates as well as have been employed in the new offices for effective service,” said Mr. Manduku. The National Construction Authority in Kenya (NCA), which was constituted under the Act No. 41 of 2011, is mandated to register contractors and to prepare a new register of builders cleared to work in Kenya.



Lifting the standards in mobile crane technology

New patented sonic pile-anchors provide earthquake protection

Johannesburg-based EMCOMH (Pty) Ltd, trading under the brand of EMCO,is the exclusive Sub-Saharan distributor of electric mobile gantry cranes manufactured by Eden Technology – which has remained an internationallyrecognised specialist in the design and manufacture of special equipment for lifting and moving heavy components,with experience of more than 40 years. EMCO gained local distribution rights to the Eden rangeof cranes, which are fully-customisable to offer unique solutions to highlycomplex and niche applications, in mid-2015. EMCO director Wynand Andeweg points out that conventional mobile and overhead cranes are not always suitable to uniquely specified projects, and require additional supporting infrastructure. “Eden mobile gantry cranes are fullycustomisable to ensure that they meet the precise individual specifications for projects such as bridge building, civil construction and heavy industry lifting – while eliminating the need for costly support infrastructure that is a requirement with conventional rail mounted cranes.” One of the greatest breakthroughs in the patented design of the ‘EVA’Eden mobile gantry crane range is the elimination of all hydraulics.

circle and back to one of its earliest uses as a pile driver. Today, new

Graco is very excited to launch

sonic piling technology is far superior and set to revolutionize the

the Graco Xtreme XL sprayer,

construction industry as well as help create new revenue streams

which has the largest air motor

for drilling companies. Canadian engineer, Ray Roussy, who

Graco has ever built. This

originally patented and successfully commercialized modern sonic

sprayer is ideal for spraying high-

drilling technology, is the inventor of this latest development. In a

volumes of protective coatings

move that had been anticipated for nearly a year but was kept secret

for applications such as bridges,

until patents could be filed, Roussy recently announced his new

ships and water towers.

sonic pile-anchor, which allows a building to rest on top as well as

Designed with the new 10,000

be bolted and anchored to it. Representing a huge leap forward in

cc XL Air Motor, the Xtreme

securing building foundations, especially in vulnerable seismic areas,

XL sprayer can run up to six

Roussy’s patented sonic pile-anchors provide exceptional earthquake

spray guns in a high-output

protection by preventing buildings from shifting or separating from

environment with virtually no

their foundations – a significant cause of damage and death. “In

pulsation or pattern fluctuation*.

addition to the seismic benefits of sonic pile-anchors, using a sonic

The efficient design includes

drill rig to install them also provides a number of advantages,” says

advanced features that ensure

Roussy, president of the Sonic Drill Corporation and Sonic Drilling

superior performance.

It’s taken more than 50 years for sonic drilling research to come full

Graco launches the Graco Xtreme XL sprayer

Ltd. Features and Benefits:

• Graco Xtreme XL sprayer has Higher output per cycle means less total cycles for any given job-which means less wear and tear on pump components, and ultimately, less downtime and maintenance expense. •




efficiency 10,000 cc XL Air

FlowPlumb ‘push-fit ‘plumbing – Now available in Nigeria

Motor lets a contractor use MULTIple guns with almost no perceivable pulsation.

Leading importer and distributor of quality construction materials

MULTIple spray guns get

Wichtech Industries, famous in Nigeria for stocking the country’s

the job done faster, which

largest range of roofing and hot/cold water pipe systems, have introduced FlowPlumb push-fit plumbing and accessories. The pipe


is better for the bottom line. •

The Xtreme XL eliminates

market in Nigeria has grown in recent years from stainless steel, to

non-restartable icing stalls

PVC and increasingly to PPR. FlowPlumb represents the next step

for more uptime. External

in piping evolution. A spokesman for Wichtech Pipes explains, “The


challenges on building sites in Nigeria are numerous, but one of the

from cold exhaust air and

key difficulties is lack of electricity. FlowPlumb push-fit plumbing has two great advantages. Number one, it requires no electricity to




warmed from the warmer ambient air.

connect the pipe to the fittings; nor does it require glue. Secondly, the pipe is flexible, not rigid, and its lengths are up to 50 metres. This means very few fittings are required, saving time and money.” Because of its efficient design, FlowPlumb is now the fastest selling plastic pipe system for hot and cold water in the UK and the company is expanding operations across Africa and the Middle East. 10

December 2015 - January 2016


The Lighting Show Africa 2016

Council of Registered Builders of Nigeria to organize building congress

Date: 15 – 16 March 2016

Date: 2nd-5th November, 2015 Venue: International Conference Centre-Abuja Time: 8.00am -6.00pm daily At a glance: Over 3,500 building professionals attending.

Venue: Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg, SA Cotac: Nivasha Govender Tel: +27 (0) 11 516 4011 Email: Nivasha.govender@

The Lighting Show Africa is the place where Africa’s Lighting community meets to discuss their lighting challenges and needs and where they make decisions to invest in new solutions. This is a platform for thought leaders and



Transport Infrastructure Summit in Egypt Date: 26-28 January 2016 Venue: Cairo, Egypt Website:

The council of Registered builders of Nigeria (CORBON) is organizing a building congress with the theme Nigerian Building Industry and National Economy. • To bring together major public and private sector players in the built sector to harness ideas and the solutions on building standards. • To advance the technical know-how of operators in the field and apply relevant current innovative technologies in building systems To provide continental networking opportunities with the authorities , international organizations and top industry players • To unmask the synergies and opportunities in the building sector





Transport Infrastructure Summit will discuss the next steps in developing a multimodal transportation network for Egypt following the new government appointments.



influencers in Egypt’s transport infrastructure sector, including the River Transport Authority, General Authority for Dry & Land Ports, Egyptian National


Institute for Transport, Suez

their solutions to Africa’s buyer

Canal Authority, Egyptian Metro

community. The show presents


a lucrative opportunity for the




Operations the


continent’s foremost solution


providers to meet new customers

Planning and more in Cairo

and to grow their client base in

in January 2016 to learn more


about these developments.



- Tanzania Institute of Quantity Surveyors

- Architectural Association of Kenya

- Institute of Botswana Quantity Surveyors

- Construction Regulation Board (CRB)

- Institute of Quantity Surveyors of Kenya


- Tanzania’s Registration Board of Architects

- Institute of Engineers of Kenya


- Association of Consulting Engineers of - Kenya

- Construction Contractors Association of Ethiopia

- Association of Professional Societies of East

Association Partners


and Quantity Surveyors (AQSRB)


Africa APSEA)


- Kenya Property developers Association

- Zimbabwe Institute of Quantity Surveyors

- Association of Consulting Engineers Nigeria

- Institution of Surveyors of Kenya

- Zimbabwe Institute of Engineers

- Association of Professional Women

- The Construction Industry Federation of

South Africa - ASAQS


Zimbabwe (Cifoz)

- South African Council for the Quantity Surveying Profession - Khuthaza ( Women for Housing)

Ghana - Ghana Institute of Engineers

Engineers Of Nigeria - Council of Registered Builders of Nigeria - The Nigerian Institute of Architects - American Association of Petroleum Geologists Africa Region

- Concrete Manufacturers Association

- Architects Registration Council

- Green Building council of SA

- Ghana Institute of Surveyors

- Nigeria Society of Engineers

- South African Property Owners Association

- Ghana Green Builders Association

- Nigeria Institute of Architects

- Master Builders South Africa

- Ghana Institute of Planners

- Building and Construction Skilled Artisans

- Association of Building and Civil Engineering

Association of Nigeria (BACSAAN)


Contractors of Ghana

Institute of Surveyors of Uganda


Zambia - Zambia Institute of Architects (ZIA)


Institute of Namibian Quantity Surveyors

- Association of Ethiopian Architects

Association of Consulting Engineers of Namibia

- Association of Building and Civil Engineering

- Ethiopian Association of Civil Engineers


Contractors (ABCEC).

December 2015 - January 2016



Why adopting technology in construction industry in Africa is necessary


James Mugerwa, Managing Director Shelter Afrique

If we acknowledge the rental housing sector as a legitimate option then the question becomes what have we as a continent done or what are we currently doing to make sure that it is properly regulated and that it plays a bigger role in reducing the housing deficit in Africa? 12

or the longest period we in the housing industry have called for governments across Africa to lower the interest rates; we have called for governments to better regulate the real estate industry and show more interest. We have made these calls because we believe the dream of home ownership is one that should and can be realised by all. The housing deficit in Africa is a yawning one; the housing deficit in Ghana is estimated to currently stand at 1.7 million units and with a population boom that could see the country host 35 million by 2030, an estimated 170 Thousands units will be required in Ghana over a ten year period. Going nearby to Nigeria the housing deficit is estimated to be 17 million units annually and an expected population boom that will see the country become the world’s third most populated country ahead of the United States by 2050, the deficit is billed to double. We can cast a gaze across the borders to other economic hubs in the Sub-Saharan region and the story is much the same; in Kenya the deficit is estimated at 2 million units with an estimated 150000-200000 units annually required to bridge that gap. Kenya will also experience a demographic shift along with the rest of Africa; it is expected that 60 percent of the Kenyan will be living in urban centres by the year 2020. If these numbers reveal anything at all, it is the fact that we can no longer assume that home-ownership is the only way to bridge the gap and provide affordable housing for all.We must begin to address the fact that the housing deficit in Africa has to be approached with various solutions and Rental Housing is one of them; it is not entirely new, certainly in North America, Asia and Europe there are homes that are leased with the option to buy and several other tenant purchase schemes; we can design the same schemes here in Africa, schemes that speak to country specific trends and market trends. There is a cultural limitation when we begin to approach the issue of Rental Housing; automatically we are conditioned to think that this is an inferior option as we have

all grown up with the notion that owning a house is the ultimate accomplishment and measure of success and while that may be, we have to acknowledge that a large majority of Africans live in rental houses as unfortunately financing for home ownership is not nearly universal and where it does exist, it isn’t affordable. One of our mandates at Shelter Afrique is to provide affordable housing for all Africans and ultimately make housing finance and mortgages cheaper to access and indeed it is a challenge we pose to all African governments but we will be the first to admit that we are not quite there yet and while we continue to work on making finance cheaper and accessible we must acknowledge the reality that rental housing is prominent on the continent. If we acknowledge the rental housing sector as a legitimate option then the question becomes what have we as a continent done or what are we currently doing to make sure that it is properly regulated and that it plays a bigger role in reducing the housing deficit in Africa? The answer to that is precious little; and that is why over the last two years we have hosted two rental housing conferences in Nairobi and Ghana with our partners Agence Francaise de Developpment and the Ministry of Water Resources, Works and Housing ,Ghana. The conclusions and recommendations from these conferences are helping shape our advisory to governments and helping us develop a product specifically for rental housing. Rental Housing is just one of the many areas we have addressed over the last three years as we continue in our quest for affordable housing solutions; we recently turned our attention to social housing because we know that demand is most apparent at the middle-low income bracket , we can proudly mention the Rugarama Integrated Housing Project in Rwanda which we have over 1000 affordable homes and the Karibu Homes project in Kenya which will have over 1000 affordable units. To read more and to comment on this story visit

December 2015 - January 2016


Africa Oil and Gas

The boom that never was


frica’s total oil output last year was about 8.26mn bpd with the top producers being Nigeria, Angola, Algeria and Egypt. Other producers such as Libya, South Sudan, Chad, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea and the Republic of Congo also made modest contributions. In all Nigeria and Angola remain top producers of crude oil on the continent though Libya has the largest proven reserves though production has been significantly disrupted due to the political instability that has reigned ever since the demise of Gaddafi. On the other hand, Egypt has the most developed oil refining industry on the continent and its strategic location means that it sits astride an important route through which most of the oil destined for Europe passes via the Suez Canal. Despite the fact that Africa produces only a small fraction of the world’s crude oil it none-the-less consumes less than it produces making it a net exporter which means that overall low oil prices in the last year or so has had a negative overall effect on its GDP and as promising new entrants in the oil and gas industry struggle to come on stream the new reality of low oil prices may mean that the party for Africa has ended even before it begun. The new oil finds had created an air of excitement in the construction industry as the need for infrastructure development became a priority. Talk of pipelines, refineries and roads promised to spur the industry to greater heights last year when discoveries of new oil and gas fields were made in Ghana, Tanzania, Mozambique and Uganda. Other countries such as Kenya,


Sierra Leone and Mali also established prospecting fields. The discoveries promised a new era of wealth and prosperity but those days seem in the distant past as investors and oil majors have made cutbacks in capital expenditures in both drilling and prospecting soon after the price of oil dropped by half towards the end of 2014 bringing with it weakening local currencies and increased inflation especially in the more oil reliant countries of Nigeria and Angola. Proof of this slowdown can be seen by the fact that late last year the IMF had predicted Africa’s GDP growth would be about 5.8 percent which was revised to 4.5 percent by mid this year. Price slumps In the past year the slump in crude oil prices has seen it fall from over US$100 per barrel in 2015 to as low as US$45 per barrel this year before making a modest recovery. This massive drop has been attributed to several factors such as the slowdown in the Chinese economy which has caused China to reduce its import bill while in the USA the worlds largest consumer, the reduced demand for imported oil has also played a part in reducing consumption from traditional suppliers Nigeria and Angola as well as the Middle East. In the oil export countries of Nigeria and Angola which represent the highest producers, the effect of lower oil prices has been lower oil revenues and capital inflows December 2015 - January 2016

with a negative impact on foreign exchange valuations for local currencies. In addition it has seen significant cutbacks in capital expenditures by oil companies as well as significant deficits in government revenues which has curtailed growth in the construction sector. In East Africa, Uganda and Kenya had made discoveries of oil and are embarking on developing infrastructure which includes a US$4 Billion pipeline from Uganda’s Lake Albertine Basin where there are prove reserves of 2.5 billion barrels through Kenya’s northern oil rich region to Lamu. These projects along with a yet-to-be-built port in Lamu as well as a refinery in Uganda would be a boon for the construction industry but these plans have become less promising with oil prices close to the threshold for which the projects were deemed viable. More recently talk of an alternative route for the pipeline through Tanzania have thrown further confusion as regards the way forward for the projects. Natural Gas Just as the crude oil prices have dropped so too has the price of natural gas driven by the US shale gas phenomenon that has made the country the largest natural gas producer in the world. If US exports of gas are to kick in further turmoil in the market can be expected. For African countries like Mozambique and Tanzania December 2015 - January 2016

which have made significant strides in developing proven reserves of natural gas funning to develop these has become more difficult to come by. Mozambique sits on 180 trillion cubic feet of gas enough to supply most of Western Europe for over 15 years. The country’s reserves are reported to be greater than those of Angola or Nigeria giving the country the potential of becoming the third largest producer of natural gas in the World after Australia and Qatar. However they now face an uphill task in securing funding for infrastructure development as investors fight to cut back capital expenditures. Recent news reports however indicate Anadarko Petroleum Corp are inching closer to developing a US$15 billion onshore liquefaction plant to allow the company export over 12 million tons of LNG annually. Tanzania also harbors hopes of becoming a major gas exporter but as in Mozambique the going is slow because it will require the construction of a liquefaction plant which in the face of stiff competition from USA, Qatar and Autralia makes the project less likely in the near future and at present price levels. In the meantime however the country hopes to spur the use of natural gas to generate electricity and reduce reliance on hydroelectric generation that has been plagued by drought induced cut backs. The completion of a 532 kilometer pipeline from Mtwara to Dar will be used to transport natural gas for the generation of 3,900MW of electricity. The country has been using natural gas since 2008 when the Ubungo gas plant was completed. 15


Egypt aims to begin production of natural gas from the recently discovered Zohr field by 2017 a year ahead of scheduled. The gas discovery by oil exploration company Eni, is likely to turn the country from a net importer to an exporter and help ease the crippling energy shortage currently being faced in the country. The discovery is a Godsend since only early this year the country entered the LNG market with a burst of imports that made it one of the world’s top growth markets, after leasing a floating storage unit (FSRU) from Norway’s Höegh LNGfor five years in April.


Egypt has since added a second FSRU leased from Singapore-based Norwegian gas shipping company BW Gas. Offshore gas fields typically take several years to come on stream, however, as Egypt already has some of the infrastructure in place it’s expected to be able to accelerate the process. The gas is estimated to contain 30 trillion cubic feet of gas and the discovery will essentially rank it with middle East countries that have large reserves of natural gas and it remains to see how the competition for exports will eventually turn out. The future The USA’s success in reducing reliance on imports has seen the country satisfy about 90 percent of its domestic needs from new shale wells that have been sunk in the last 4 years. Though a controversial method of drilling for oil, fracking has proved successful in extracting more oil from shale rock formations at cost effective prices. On its part the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) that has

traditionally played a stabilizing role by regulating supply has taken a more aggressive stance of maintaining production levels in a bid to retain market share. This strategy has been a blow to more costly drilling operations which cannot survive in the current pricing environment while countries such as Saudi Arabia at production costs estimated to be as low as US$10 per barrel expect to ride out the storm comfortably. Compare this with estimated costs of production of US$50 for East African oil and the picture becomes clear why oil majors have adopted a wait and see attitude before investing in the development of new fields. The implication of this is that in the foreseeable future prices are bound to remain soft due to these supply factors. Added to this is the fact that the USA is likely to lift an existing ban on exports of crude oil and gas, while the lifting of sanctions on Iran will also bring more supplies into the market while Iraq supplies are also likely to ramp up even in the face of the current instability in the region.

December 2015 - January 2016

Davis & Shirtliff is the region’s largest water & energy equipment supplier with an unmatched product range, a wide network of branches and stockists, extensive stocks, full service support and ISO 9001:2008 certification. Contact the Professionals for the best water and energy management solutions available!

December 2015 - January 2016



The grand quandary


he Grand Renaissance Dam construction project in Ethiopia is a project which has elicited disputes between the Egyptian and Ethiopian government for a while now and despite this Ethiopia has been determined to go forward with the construction having reached about halfway. The current situation can be traced to the colonial era when Egypt was granted the majority use of the Nile’s water. Egypt’s concerns are understandable when one considers that the country relies on the Nile for 97 percent of its water needs and the Blue Nile on which the dam is being constructed provides 85 percent of that water. On the other hand Ethiopia which was excluded in those colonial agreements is one of the fastest growing economies in the world reaching a rate of 10.8 percent a year and the need for energy is non negotiable in order to power this growth. The dam will have the capacity to generate over 6000MW of power. According to experts the dam will reduce the Nile River inflow to Egypt by about 5.0-7.0 bcm/year on


average and the hydropower of Aswan reservoir by about 30-40% on average (about 1,000 MW/year). In addition to the Renaissance dam, Ethiopia will add three other dams to the Nile River namely the Border, Mabil, and Kara Dod dams and though they are not part of the current negotiations they will only exacerbate the situation This could pose a dire problem for Egyptians, as the per capita share of water in Egypt is less than 625 cm/year, and the annual food gap is 7 billion dollars. Deficiency in drinking water exists in most of the coastal cities and remote villages, and deficit in irrigation water exists in the tail ends of most irrigation canals. ” Ethiopia’s main focus is economic development, which is demonstrated through its decision to build the dam. Meanwhile, Egypt’s national security is inextricably tied to its water security. Ethiopia’s decision to build the dam threatens Egypt’s water resources, thus possibly causing food and water shortages, as well as public health problems. According to Egyptian Irrigation Minister Hossam December 2015 - January 2016

impact of the dam and the other on the hydraulic impacts on the eastern Nile Basin. The technical committee, however, failed to reach agreement with the firms on a plan for jointly conducting the studies. The mechanism suggested by the technical committee was to give the French consulting firm 70% of the work as the main contractor and the Dutch firm 30%. The Dutch firm withdrew from the process, rejecting the 70-30 arrangement and failing to agree with the French firm on a unified plan for conducting the studies. More recent meetings in Cairo, held in November were called to discuss options for conducting the studies in light of the firms refusing to work together. The project The project is located approximately 500 km north west of the capital Addis Ababa, in the region of Benishangul - Gumaz along the Blue Nile. At the end of the works, the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam will be the largest dam in Africa: 1,800 m long, 170 m high and with a total volume of 10 million mÂł. The project involves the construction of a main dam in Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC), with 2 power stations installed at the foot of the dam. The power stations are positioned on the right and left banks of the river and comprise 16 Francis turbines with a total installed power of 6,000 MW and estimated production of 15,000 GWh per year. The project is completed by a 15,000 m3/s capacity concrete spillway and a rockfill saddle dam 5 km long and 50 m high, both located on the left bank.

AFRICA ADMIR-UGANDA Moghazi, Egypt’s share of Nile water is non-negotiable, adding that it will work on increasing the country’s share of Nile water. According to Moghazi, there has been a noticeable development in the relationship between Egypt and Nile Basin countries. He added that Egypt is “rectifying the mistakes of the past,� making the relationship with Nile basin countries a priority for foreign policy. In September, Dutch consultancy firm Deltares withdrew from the assessment of the dam. Deltares stated that it had withdrawn from the project because the conditions imposed by the Tripartite National Committee (TNC) — which includes representatives from Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia, as well as the French consultancy firm BRL — did not provide sufficient guarantees to Deltares that an independent high-quality study could be carried out. The trilateral technical discussions over the dam’s impact began in August 2014, after the release of the May 2013 report by the International Panel of Experts citing the lack of Ethiopian studies to assess the effect the dam might have on Egypt and Sudan's water security. During late 2014 and early 2015, Cairo, Khartoum and Addis Ababa agreed to approach French and Dutch consulting firms to undertake two studies, one on the socioeconomic December 2015 - January 2016

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WABAG India to construct water treatment plant in Nigeria


ABAG India has captured an order with a value in excess of EUR 30 million to construct a water treatment plant in Nigeria. Dabbed industrial raw water treatment plant (RWTP), the plant construction will have a capacity of 60,000 m3/d and process lagoon water using a combination of biological and UF/RO-based tertiary treatment. The water treatment plant in Nigeria will be constructed for Dangote Fertilizer Ltd. as part of a greenfield, integrated fertiliser and refinery complex. Dangote Fertilizer Limited is a company of the Dangote Group, one of Africa’s most diversified business groups. The fertiliser complex will be located near Lagos, Nigeria’s largest city, and be the largest of its type in Africa. WABAG is to secure the water supply for this important new production facility. The raw water from the lagoon will be processed using a combination of biological treatment and membrane filtration – ultra filtration & reverse osmosis – as a tertiary treatment. The scope of the contract for WABAG includes the design, engineering and supply of the water treatment plant, as well as supervision of installation and commissioning. Furthermore, in the beginning of September 2015, WABAG received a follow-up job for a desalination and demineralization plant for Dangote based on the ion exchange process with mixed bed filter. The units will treat salty water emanating from the WABAG Raw Water Treatment Plant. The contract value amounts to US$1.9 million. The Dangote order is not WABAG’s first in Nigeria, as July 8th 2015 saw the successful conclusion of the performance guarantee trial run for a WABAG demineralization plant (2 x 150 m3/h) for a fertilizer complex belonging to the INDORAMA corporation. 20

The new order on the African continent represents confirmation of WABAG’s continuing focus on this emerging market and a major success for the multinational WABAG Group as a whole. Around the world, the WABAG name stands for innovative and successful solutions in the water engineering sector. As an internationally respected expert group, they act as a systems specialist and full service provider with a focus on the planning, installation and operation of drinking and wastewater plants for local government and industry in the growth markets of Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Latin America, South East Asia and India. The WABAG Group represents a leading multinational player with a workforce of around 2,000 and has companies and offices in 25 countries. It thrives over unique technological know-how, based on innovative, patented technologies and long-term experience. Since 1995, WABAG has completed over 1,200 water and wastewater plants worldwide. Through the conservation and ecological use of the world’s most valuable resource, WABAG has made a sustained contribution to an improvement in the quality of life of well over a 100 million people. WABAG is thus one of the world’s leading partners for investments in a future that is worth living. For enquiries, please contact: VA TECH WABAG GmbH Dresdner Str. 87-91 1200 Vienna Tel: +43-1-25105-0 E-mail: December 2015 - January 2016



Sustainable Water Solutions created by WABAG As an international systems supplier, we have a wealth of experience in plant design, construction and operation. For over 90 years, through our technologies and services, we have been making a major contribution to the provision of secure water supplies and wastewater treatment in the interests of both humanity and the environment. We offer sustainable solutions for: • Drinking water treatment • Industrial water treatment • Desalination • Water Reuse & Recycling • Wastewater treatment • Sludge treatment • Operation & Maintenance Tailor-made overall solutions from one single source. State-of-the-art processes guarantee our municipal and industrial customers clear ecological and economic benefits.


Since 1995, WABAG has completed over 1,200 water and wastewater plants worldwide. Including the world’s first direct potable reuse plant for the conversion of wastewater into drinking water in Windhoek, Namibia.

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VA TECH WABAG Ltd. “WABAG House” No.17, 200 Feet Thoraipakkam – Pallavaram Main Road Sunnambu Kolathur, Chennai 600 117, India


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Zuri Center -Thika.

Lexicon+ion Marks 15 Years A team of four young energetic Kenyan architects has within a short period created a formidable consulting house as CR found out.


Strathmore Business School.


trathmore Business School (SBS) is one of the finest institutions of higher learning in Africa. But the school is also known for its captivating architectural design with giant waterfalls, a tensile structured glass roof curtain and a multidimensional atrium. It is one of Lexicon + Ion’s outstanding works. Lexicon+ion, a Kenyan architectural, interior design, landscaping, planning and urban strategies practice, is redefining the building and construction industry with cutting edge projects. “We consider Strathmore our signature project. It opened up opportunities,” says Felix Lati, a founding Partner. He adds that the SBS building was part of a bigger project that also included the student centre and the management science building, all valued at Sh1.5 billion (US$15m). For Lexicon+ion, the journey to the mainstream architectural space where it can compete for any job has been one of hard work, resilience and determination. The firm is the brainwork of four partners, three of whom were in same architecture class at the University of Nairobi, went separate ways after graduating but soon after came together to build one of the leading practices managed by relatively young architects who profess to the mantra that conservatism should not be the norm. According to Lati, Lexicon+ion is a firm that traces its roots to the University of Nairobi where it was founded as December 2015 - January 2016


Lexicon Design. While the common practice for graduate architects is to look for employment in well established firms to gain experience and cultivate connections before going into private practice, Lati decided to take the path less travelled. “I left campus and took over Lexicon Design in 1999,” he states, adding that he decided not to look for employment owing to the fact that back then the country’s economy was in a shambles and the building and construction industry was literally on its knees. “The economy was performing poorly and architectural firms were not hiring. Those that were hiring were not paying well.” Leaving campus and plunging directly into private practice was akin to being thrown into the deep sea. With no experience, references or track record, factors that are critical in the industry because clients often prefer to hire experienced architects, it meant that jobs were hard to come by for Lexicon. Luckily for Lati, the firm had sublet office space from a quantity surveyor from whom it would get many jobs. From 2003, the practice that is today Lexicon+ion started to take shape after Oscar Onguto, Solomon Mbicha and Kamata Gachanja came on board. Oscar joined in 2003. Kamata joined in 2005. The firm officially become Lexicon+ion in 2008 after merging with Ion Design, which had been founded by Mbicha. “We are a firm that believes in creativity and innovation,” explains Onguto. He adds the firm has been on a growth path over the years and has its signature in many buildings cutting across residential, office, commercial, education, health, hospitality facilities as well as culture and religious spheres among others. Apart from Strathmore, some of the other projects that Lexicon+ion has implemented successfully include Karibu Homes in Athi River, a model low-income housing project, Zamani Business Park in Karen, Ananas Shopping Mall in Thika, Sh6 billion (US$60m) factory in Machakos County for Wrigley (manufacturer of Big G, PK, Doublemint, Juicy Fruit and Orbit) and Toyota Kenya Academy that this year won an award for Public Service Architecture at the Africa Property Awards. Lexicon+ion has in a span of 15 years managed to become a leading practice that can bid for any project and compete with other firms both local and foreign by creatively and innovatively seeking to meet the desires of clients. “We give clients personal attention. We listen and seek to understand what they want and come up with designs that meet their desires,” explains Mbicha. The close focus on details has seen the firm, which has 15 employees, grow beyond Kenya to undertake projects in Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo. Although the building and construction industry in Kenya is on a growth trajectory and expanded by13.1 per cent last year from 5.8 per cent in 2013 according to the December 2015 - January 2016

Toyota Academy.

2015 Economic Survey, Kenya is far from becoming a home of magnificent and amazing skyscrapers like those found in major cities like Dubai, Hong Kong, Shanghai among others. According to Gachanja, there are many components that must fall in place for Kenya to witness building projects that are breathtaking. While Kenyan architects have the ability and expertise to design aweinspiring concepts, the other components must also come into play. “To have these skyscrapers it must be a team effort among all players,” he says. He adds that more importantly, Kenya needs brave clients willing to spend a fortune. “People do not want to take risks. There must be brave clients for this to happen.” Besides, there is need for laws regulating the industry to be amended to be in tandem with modern realities. Currently, the industry is operating under regulations that were last reviewed in 1968. Indeed, the challenge of fresh graduates failing to meet the expectations of the job market is one the architectural industry is grappling with. “There is a problem with graduates. We have to retrain them,” observes Lati. He adds that despite these challenges, Lexicon+ion is determined to keep growing and contributing to the growth of the industry.

Standing from Left - Felix Lati and Oscar Onguto. Seated from Left - Kamata Gachanja and Solomon Mbicha




C3 Peponi Plaza, Peponi Road, Westlands P.O. Box 52768, City Square 00200 Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254 20 3740510, +254 3748716 Email:

Congratulations Lexicon+Ion on your 15th Anniversary! We are proud to be associated with you. Applewood Park, 4th Flr, East Wing Wood Avenue, Kilimani P.O. Box 28341-00200 Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254 20 3544776, 0722 387814 Fax: +254 20 241 5006

Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Consultants

We Congratulate Lexicon + Ion as they mark their 15th Anniversary

Congratulations Lexicon + Ion on your 15th Anniversary. We are proud to be associated with you! 24

December 2015 - January 2016


Building Services Group P.O. Box 54529 Nairobi 00200 Kenya Tel: +254 20 2694697 Email:


as you mark your 15th Anniversary

December 2015 - January 2016



Head office building for the national communication authority at airport city Accra - Ghana.

Atelier One of Ghana's leading Architectural firms


telier is a dynamic Architectural firm, which was established in 2003 by Arc. S.M Quartey. Made up of a team of highly motivated, competent and

Planners and Urban designers, Civil and Structural

dedicated professionals in related fields of Land Surveying,

and Landscape Designers, Quantity Surveyors and

Geotechnical and Geophysical Surveys, Electrical and

Valuers, to Photographers.

Mechanical Engineering, Physical and Urban Planning as well as Quantity Surveying.


Engineers, Mechanical and Electrical engineers, through IT Specialists and Telecommunication Engineers, Interior

The firm’s ultra-modern office utilises current technologies in design to aid in producing architecture of

“We are backed by a team of on-call Consultants in

inspired genius and aesthetic intuition for customers, thus

various disciplines ranging from Geodetic Engineers,

beautifying the environment and creating a niche for itself

Danicom Office Building - located at Kwame Nkrumah Circle

The proposed Allied Oil Headquarters, Dzorwulu - Accra

December 2015 - January 2016


Proposed CAL Bank head office, Accra - Ghana.

Prime property within the Airport Residential area in Accra, Ghana

in Ghana. We seek to make our built environment not just functional and suitable for business growth, but also beautiful.

Building it is located at Kwame Nkrumah Circle, opposite

Motive Atelier’s main aim is the client’s business success through the provision of intelligent solutions from diverse people, whereby adequate and modern tools and other resources have been provided for the design and secretarial staff to help produce the working drawings and the supporting office correspondence to our required high standards while safe and adequate transportation is readily available to enhance speedy and reliable project management. This approach ensures that each design is thoroughly investigated and all areas of expertise are properly coordinated from the very beginning till the end.

residential house into a 3 storey head office building for

the One-Touch building. It is a three – storey structure of open plan offices only. Meticulously remodelled from a

Gateway Africa investments ltd. Each floor comprises a large office space fully Air-conditioned with washrooms. Completed Projects As a maturing firm Atelier has managed to complete a few project successfully like the UNA Homes, designed to maximise the stunning views of the Airport from the south facade and the rest of Accra on the North façade. Each floor comprises 2 fully air-conditioned multipurpose spaces, an office space, male and female washrooms and a

Challenges Faced “Mostly my challenges are with client’s inability to secure funds for a well thought out designed project. The clients come to you with a dream and with all the enthusiasm to design something iconic, it never comes to fruition because of lack of fund and land ownership ambiguities.” Laments Arc Quartey Ongoing Projects The Prime property project within the Airport Residential area, overlooking the Independence Avenue is the location for this masterpiece. This three storey structure has open layout office spaces on all three floors, adequate parking plus amazing views of the airport, surrounding terrain and built environment. Situated alongside the Danicom Office December 2015 - January 2016

lift access, and the Allied Oil head office.

Hold broke office block at Dansoman, Accra.


Apex Steel has achieved many “Firsts”


pex Steel began its operations as General Hardware and Construction material Trading and Supply House and has grown to be the leading manufacturer of construction and structural steel, deformed bars; sections and hollow tubes that cater to the needs of a growing industry in East and Central Africa. The new generation steel - namely deformed bars (also known as ribbed bars) is now being used all over the world. In Kenya, Apex Steel was the industry leader and in 2007 pioneered the manufacture of deformed bars, manufacturing them locally but to international standards. The KEBS requirement in Kenya is for the steel to have a tensile strength of Grade 460. Apex Steel manufactures Grade 500+ Construction and Structural Steel (BS:4449). It has several ‘firsts’ to its credit - the first to introduce deformed bars, the first to be awarded a KEBS approval for conformity and then achieve a ‘Diamond Mark of Quality’ for


compliance. As a major supplier of steel to the construction industry, Apex Steel has been involved in many major Kenyan projects. Amongst the iconic structures, the Thika Superhighway stands out. Hotel Villa Rosa’s concrete is held together by the deformed bars manufactured by Apex Steel. And you swim with confidence at the Hotel Sankara because ‘APEX TMX’ the high quality steel from Apex Steel is the assurance that the building is secure. Apex Steel isn’t just about ‘Sustainable Solutions’ but ‘Sustainable Construction’ too. Apex Steel is the first Steel manufacturer in East and Central Africa to be certified for LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design). Developers seeking to construct buildings and other projects with ‘Green Steel’ can now do so as this is available locally with Apex Steel being the sole manufacturer to have a LEED certification and produce ‘Green Steel’ for supply to the continent. December 2015 - January 2016


Overall Winner - Tubular - SKA Africa

Steel Award 2015 winners


teel Awards 2015 has come and gone and according to Awards Convenor, the Southern African Institute of Steel Construction’s (SAISC) Spencer Erling, the quality of the entries easily matched the outstanding quality of previous years. “We are going through very tough times in the steel construction industry yet, in spite of this, we are able to produce world class work - an indication that the future is a bright one,” he said. Steel Awards 2015 was held simultaneously in Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban on September 3rd. Overall Winner and Tubular Category Winner: SKA Africa Radio Antenna Positioner The SKA Africa Radio Antenna Positioner was the Overall Winner at Steel Awards 2015. It was also the winner of the of the Association of Steel Tube and Pipe Manufacturers (ASTPM) Tubular category. This is the second year in a row that the overall winner comes from this category. The judges said that this project “radiates excellencenot only in the use of structural steel but in every aspect of its structure and purpose.” Bridge Category Winner: Kirstenbosch Canopy Walkway (“The Boomslang”) In praising this outstanding structure the judges said that it was a true team effort. “The end result is an efficient, flowing structure that provides the visitor with a truly memorable experience,” they said. The brief could be summarised in a few words: to design a pedestrian bridge between the tree tops of the Arboretum at Kirstenbosch. But the project was indeed a challenging one and is the ‘story’ of how well the whole project team worked together to realise the brief. The walkway was designed to be ‘organic’ and blend unobtrusively into the forest, while

December 2015 - January 2016

minimising damage to the trees. To achieve this, a delicate structure, carefully located between the trees, and finished in a colour that would blend in was required. “Steel was clearly the material of choice, to satisfy these criteria,” the project team said. LSF hospital roof wins Steel Award In designing the award-winning light steel frame (LSF) roof structure for Mediclinic Midstream, MiTek’s aim was to keep the load on the supporting structure as low as possible while containing all the necessary hospital services. The Mediclinic project was a joint winner of the light steel frame building category, amongst a record number of entries in this category this year. The Ultra-Span® light gauge steel truss system covers 9 100m² of the roof and weighs almost 68 tons, just below 7,5kg/m², including purlins. “Being one of the merits of Ultra-Span®, this is extremely light considering the significant loading on the roof due to all the necessary hospital services, and the fact that some of the roof trusses span 19m,” says UweSchluter, business development manager at MiTek. The design also allowed for supporting 100mm- FBI insulation between the truss top chords and the purlins. On-site manufacturing Hi-Tech Nail Plate supplied and installed the roof structure, manufacturing most of it on-site, especially the long-span Ultra-Span® trusses and girders, eliminating transport difficulties and saving time. According to Dave Anderson, managing director of Hi-Tech Nail Plate, clusters of four large trusses were assembled into braced roof sections on the building slab. These big, prefabricated roof portions were then hoisted into position using the site tower cranes and were then connected together to form the 29


Mediclinic Midstream-Structure truss.

final roof structure. “The magnitude and the size of the span made it a very interesting and challenging project,” he comments. “The programme, as on most builds these days, was very tight and that is where the Ultra-Span® product came into its own for speedy erection.” While the overall project program ran over a few months, with the roof being put up in blocks, each section of the roof was constructed within only two to three weeks. The fact that most of the trusses were fabricated on site, also sped up the process. Anderson adds that efficiency was another deciding factor in choosing this type of roof and the overall cost at the end of the day proved it to be the most economical solution for the project. The cost of the light steel roof structure was approximately 25% lower than timber trusses, and approximately 30% lower than the cost of a conventional structural steel roof structure. Judges’ comments The Steel Awards judges cited this project as an excellent testimonial for light steel frame roofing. “It illustrates all the beneficial aspects of steel – formability, guaranteed

Joint Winners Light Steel Frame


high strength, low mass, straight and true elements, narrow tolerances, ease of transport, handling and erection, with life-long corrosion protection supplied by the thin zinc coating,” they commented. Winner Residential Category: Zinkwazi Beach House Located on the steep eastward facing slopes above the Zinkwazibeach, the judges said that this gem, using glass window walls framed by an exposed structural steel structure, has unimpeded views from the living spaces. “It was an absolute pleasure judging this home. Even more of a pleasure was to see first-hand the innovative, yet functional use of steel finished off by some skilled and very neat fabrication,” they said. The expression of this building is derived directly from the usage requirements – enclosed spaces are built in concrete and masonry and open or transparent spaces are constructed from steel and glass. “These structural systems define the aesthetic language of the building and speak directly to the functional aspects of the spaces that they enclose,” the project team noted. The proximity to the coast required careful attention to the coating of the steel. Steel with a high specification duplex paint coating system was therefore used. The balustrades are fabricated from stainless steel. Residential Category Commendation: Hennie De Clercq House The key notion behind the de Clercq house in Cape Town on the slopes of Table Mountain is that of outside living, with ‘outside’ incorporating essentially everything on the ground floor, with as few boundaries as possible. Thus the single, large living room, encompassing the kitchen dining and lounge area, opens to the patio on the one side and onto a wide ‘stoep’ without columns on the other, December 2015 - January 2016

Mediclinic Midstream-Structure exposed.

bordering on the fynbos garden. A structure consisting of I-section beams and columns enables the open plan and the cantilever ‘stoep’, while carrying most of the storey above. Much attention was given to the details and finishes of this structure as it constitutes a key architectural feature. Just as the ground floor is intended to be as open as possible, so the first floor, containing the bedrooms and study area, is intended to be a safe, warm refuge. The floor structure is made of cold-formed lipped channels and the walls and roof of light steel frame construction. The roofs are clad with concealed fix sheeting. Winner Mining and Industrial Category: Medupi Power Station-Air Cooled Condenser In 2007, GEA approached A.Leita and Kentz to submit a bidfor the Medupi air cooling structures, some 26 000 tons of steel.Leita teamed up with Cadcon and Boksan Projects and formed the ABC Joint Venture with Leita leading the fabrication team with Kentzdoing the on-site work. “And what a great business decision that was for all the players,” the judges said.“They are one of few power station contractors which can proudly boast to being on time and having produced a virtually problem-free, high quality product.” The judges said that even though this is a mega project, it is not something new for the South African structural steel industry “What is it that makes this project special and deserving of first place in this category?” they asked and answered as follows: • That the Medupi site has been beset with labour difficulties and despite all the troubled times on site, the GEA/ Kentz/ ABC JV team maintained good relationships. • That, given a chance, South African contractorscan and will ramp up to deal with any size of project. December 2015 - January 2016

That South Africa has the facilities, equipment, skills, labour and technology to fabricate and manage such projects. That the welding requirements for those massive girders and A frames, all to AWS D 1.1 can be achieved by following the recommendations of AWS and by training the welders to meet such requirements.

Winner Factory and Warehouse Category: Value Logistics Distribution Centre The judges said of Value Logistics’new Distribution Centre, in Kraaifontein, Western Cape that “this is one of those model projects in which from start to finish one can see that the structure was well-designed, that the team worked closely to make the programme work and that the architects could fulfil their vision of a highly aesthetically pleasing office facility.” The judges said of Value Logistics’new Distribution Centre, in Kraaifontein, Western Cape that “this is one of those model projects in which from start to finish one can see that the structure was well-designed, that the team

Joint Winner 2 - Medi Clinic



has been developed as the flagship to the current campus. The judges said that the use of steel played a vital role in emphasising the filigree detail that completes the building. Winner Cladding Category:‘Peak Cap” at Multichoice City Passed by thousands of commuters daily, the under slung cladding to the peak cap feature on the new Multichoice City, which won the inaugural Global Roofing Solutions Cladding category at Steel Awards 2015, must be one of the most visible cladding solutions in South Africa. Multichoice City also won the Architectural category. The judges said that this project was a clear winner. “Hanging underslung cladding is a process not for the feint hearted. It is exceptionally difficult to do well especially 47 House De Clercq - Cape Town.

with the hidden fixing type cladding used on this project,”

worked closely to make the programme work and that the architects could fulfil their vision of a highly aesthetically pleasing office facility.” They added: “In order for Value to offer its wide range of logistical services, it needs to have distribution centres which enable them to offload, sort, store, reload and deliver any product imaginable, from the biggest to the smallest quantities, both domestically and internationally and that the new facility fulfils these requirements ingeniously.” The installation consists of two warehouses, one for Value Logistics (about 13 000m²) and one for Freightpak (about 7 000m²), as well as support facilities such as wash bay and vehicle inspection, despatch, refuelling, gatehouse and canopies to many of the structures.

they said. The cladding is to a 12 metre cantilever which follows its structural shape requirements tapering from width at the support end to a narrow tip. The project team said that the installation procedure was a challenge due to the length of the sheet and the fact that the underslung design meant few or no blemishes. “The curved end detail succeeds in making the extremely narrow tip edge of the cantilever the important feature it has become in the finishing of this daring architecture,” they said. Winner Retail Category: The Watershed at the V&A Waterfront ‘The Watershed’is the name given to the redeveloped Blue Shed, situated along the pedestrian route from the Victoria

Winner Architectural Category: Multichoice City Multichoice City is a large expansion to the east of the current Multichoice/MNET campus on the eastern side of Bram Fischer Drive in Randburg. The primary purpose of the building is for offices and a call centre but the building

Wharf Mall to the Two Oceans Aquarium at the V&A Waterfront. Previously, part of this historic warehouse was occupied by a craft market, with the remainder having long been vacant and in poor condition. “This project displayed innovation and excellence in the use of structural steel,” the judges said.

SAISC Steel Award Winner 2015 Wa r e h o u s e C a t e g o r y

We are proud to have engineered this award winning project.

VALUE LOGISTICS Warehouse & Fast Freight Chemical Warehouse Structural, Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Facade Engineers


w w w. s u t h e r l a n d e n g i n e e r s . c o m

December 2015 - January 2016

LIGHT GAUGE STEEL The low mass per m2 (between 2-10kg) of this roofing system ensures both savings on the supporting structure as well as on transportation and erection costs whilst also being vermin proof and non-combustible. Large sections of the roof can simply be pre-assembled on the ground and hoisted into position on the walls – making this one of the most viable systems with a large range of applications up to a clear span of 40m. Supported through a substantial network of licensed truss suppliers, Ultra-Span is equally ideal for all local and export applications where it can be pre-assembled or site assembled.

The non-combustible solution. MiTek Park,754 16th Road, Randjespark, Ext. 34, Halfway House,1685. Midrand (Head Office) Tel: + 27(0) 11 237 8700 Cape Town Tel: 021 905 0244 • Durban Tel: 031 700 6332 • Port Elizabeth Tel: 041 581 7525 email: • *MiTek

Industries South Africa (Pty)Ltd, a division of the worldwide MiTek Group.

creating the advantage


13 storey structure in Dar-es-Salaam.

Sifa Towers in Kenya, a twisted double helix 13 storey structure.

Zenith Steel Fabricators Ltd. Pioneering the multi-storey Steel building technology in Kenya Since its inception in 1977, Zenith Steel Fabricators has evolved from a small fabrication workshop to become a pioneer in multi-storey steel building technology, Construction Review spoke to Raheem Biviji who is at the helm of the company


aheem Biviji was excited by a new building technology that he saw while studying civil engineering in the United Kingdom. However, the multi-storey building technology as he would later learn had been used in Europe since the 1930s. Contrary to using reinforced cement concrete , in multi-storey steel building, the structure is designed and assembled in the workshop and then later while on site, the steel is fixed to come up with the desired building. Buildings made of steel frame are known to take a shorter construction period. This is because most of the materials used are designed and assembled in a workshop ready for installation. The minimum onsite labour and the short period taken by the project translate to lower costs of construction. In addition due to the strength of steel, fewer columns are erected when setting up the structure because steel allows for longer spans than concrete. For instance, it took seven months for the structural steelwork frame to be completed for one of the projects designed by Zenith Steel Fabricators that is the Sifa Towers. Eventually it took one-and half-years for the whole building to complete; including the civil works, interior design, plumbing and electricals. The architectural wonder of Sifa Towers is based on the shape of a Hyperbolic Parabolic Curve. The building appears shaped despite the use of multi-storey steel system in its construction. The iconic structure is an ultra-modern commercial complex with 11 floors. The building is


located in Hurlingham along Lenana road. On the other hand, the Kithiki tower in Mombasa, also erected by Zenith Steel Fabricators is one of the sturdiest buildings in Kenya today. Raheem offers that it is a trend that is gaining pace in Kenya as it seeks to replace brick and mortar. Using the same steel technology, in Tanzania, Zenith has constructed a one of a kind multi-storey building. The Quality Centre in Dar es Salaam that was constructed using this technology houses Uchumi Supermarket. With over 70 shops and restaurants under one roof, Quality Centre is one of Dar es Salaam’s biggest shopping malls and is set to make a difference in shopping and relaxation in Tanzania. In the pipeline is Africab buiding also in Tanzania. This is how it is done The process of a multi-storey building starts by laying the foundation first by the civil contractor. This serves as the grounds of the steel columns, which are erected vertically. Once the columns are set up, primary steel beams are placed horizontally. Another layer of beams is added to form a grid. The fifth step involves drilling of steel floor decking sheets to the grid to get the building’s first floor. The flooring is done by steel decking sheets. They are strong and of high intensity making them resistant to cracking, warping or splitting. They are never affected by changes in temperature or humidity and can even withstand earthquakes. After the decking sheet layer, December 2015 - January 2016

concrete is spread on it. The process of erecting columns and laying beams is repeated for the remaining floors to have a building's steel frame. With efforts to conserve the environment and especially trees in top gear, the technology comes in handy. Kenya has a very low forest cover and environmentalists have been urging the government to embrace afforestation and forest conservation. According to Raheem, adopting multi-storey steel construction is one way of reducing the use of timber during construction. The beauty of building using steel is that the steel can be recycled and re-used. The technology is eco-friendly especially considering that Africa is being urged to go green in a bid to conserve the environment. Kenyans have been concerned over steel being prone to corrosion due to rust. However Raheem says that all precautionary measures have been put in place to ensure the safety of buildings. He reveals that a special paint is applied on the steel to ensure that it is not affected by rust. Sturdy structures With recent collapsing of buildings in Kenya, Raheem recommends use of steel in construction as a way of enhancing their strengths. It is a technology that comes handy especially in the wake of collapsing buildings. In Kenya for example, officials from the National Construction Authority have been forced to halt construction on sites due to safety reasons. Additionally, the officials noted that contractors used poor quality building material. According to Raheem contrary to concrete where a contractor has less control on the quality of construction , in steel building quality is assured. Zenith is also engaged in offering affordable housing using alternative building materials in Kenya. Apart from being instrumental in constructing commercial buildings, Zenith is also helping in the construction of residential structures in Nairobi, Mombasa, Kericho and Eldoret. A leading steel fabrication company and ISO 900:2008 certified company; Zenith started its operations in 1977 as a small fabrication workshop. However over the years, the workshop emerged

December 2015 - January 2016

Single span suspended deck in Dar-es-Salaam.

to be a magnificent company that is taking the fabrication industry by storm managing to get several jobs. Currently, Zenith operates in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Rwanda, Southern Sudan, Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of Congo and Ghana. The company specializes in the erections of go-downs, stadia, petrol stations, churches, towers and bridges. Although the uptake of the multi-storey steel building technology is impressive in the country, a a weak shilling is derailing the pace at which Zenith steel fabricators intends to grow. “We import the steel. Obviously if the shilling is weak it means that we get the material at a higher cost and this determines the ultimate cost of a building,� explains Raheem. But this has not deterred the company from remaining afloat in an industry that is gripped with stiff competition. Zenith’s top notch design mind, blowing innovations, the adoption of computer Aided Designs and newly launched state-of-art automized steel fabrication processing plant has continued to ensure that the company remains top in the market. Raheem now urges Kenyans to fully embrace the use of steel in construction adding that contrary to timber that can be destroyed by fire, steel is fire resistance. Additionally, he says that steel does not promote the growth of moulds. In the near future, Raheem discloses, Zenith plans to spread its wings not only in East Africa but also across the African continent and beyond.



Doshi the most innovative steel company in East Africa


stablished in 1930, Doshi Group has diversified interests in manufacturing and trading, which include Steel, PVC/ PPR/HDPE pipes & fittings, Electrical products, Power/ Telecommunication cables and General Hardware. With its long and rich heritage, Doshi is known for its unwavering focus on quality and integrity of its products. Doshi & Co (Hardware) Ltd produces a comprehensive range of Steel and Plastics based products for water systems, irrigation, construction, mining, automotive, gas and plumbing industries. Core strength lies in their ability to foresee and identify evolving customer needs, build up competencies and match them with needs. They recently enhanced their manufacturing capacity by installing a state of the art, high precision European tube mill. The mill produces unmatched quality of steel tubes with exceptionally tight dimensional tolerances, perfect profile shape, exact length and a very strong weld. Doshi is constantly looking for innovative solutions that can help improve their customers’ productivity and also reduce costs. One such product range is Pre-Galvanized Steel Tubes in square, rectangle and circular shapes. These tubes are manufactured and sold under the Galtron brand. They are best suited for structural and general fabrication applications that are exposed to humidity and the elements. Galtron eliminates the need of painting every few years - the zinc coating on the tubes provides a long-term


corrosion protection. These tubes can last for over twenty years with zero maintenance cost. Greenhouse manufacturers can now save cost and time by sourcing them locally from Doshi instead of depending on importation. Another innovative product is High Tensile Tubes, which is manufactured and sold under the HyTen 355 brand. These tubes are particularly suited to structural and mechanical engineering applications. . Fabricators across the region have been using tubes of higher wall thickness because locally available structural tubes in commercial quality typically conform to S235 (minimum yield 235N/mm2) and in some cases S275 (minimum yield 275N/ mm2). The HyTen 355 tubes that Doshi is now producing have a minimum yield strength of 355 N/mm² and comply with European Norm EN10219 S355. The biggest advantage of using HyTen 355 is the high strength to weight ratio. Proper design and use of these sections can lead in savings of weight of the structure of up to 30% as compared to the normal tubes of commercial quality. At Doshi’s Nairobi branch, they offer CNC sawing and drilling of structural sections as per customer’s design specification. The technology employed eliminates laborious measurements in sawing and drilling of structural steel sections such as Beams, Angles, Channels and Hollow sections.

December 2015 - January 2016


Credible generator suppliers Africa is facing a power supply crisis, with uncertainty that state-owned utilities will rectify the challenges anytime soon, and project developers need a provision for alternative sources of powers. Standby generators provide much needed convenience. But this does not mean they should compromise on getting products that offer real value for money.


When selecting a generator for the ‘load shedding-prone’ African environment, there are certain steps to be followed to ensure that the right equipment is selected either for a construction site or to be used on a property. More often than not, mistakes end up costing huge amounts of money to rectify at a later stage. They can create unnecessary inconvenience, during the time of critical need. Imagine experiencing generator failure during the peak of a construction project when the client is expecting delivery or in a hospital theatre when a surgeon is in the throes of a critical operation? In both scenarios and numerous others, the consequences can be dire, if not fatal. Thus, the following steps will ensure that you get real value for what you spend: Buy cheap buy twice If you need to use a generator for vast range of appliances, you have to determine its capacity. Granted, it is very tempting to settle for a cheap price. Nonetheless, note that cheap might mean that the product might have a limited output. As most would attest, cheap products do not last long or are prone to frequent downtime. Most importantly, be acquainted with the technical details like voltage. December 2015 - January 2016

After-sale service Do not be excited about buying a generator for whatever application in construction at a ‘bargain’ price from a supplier with no track record or credibility. A credible supplier provides a guaranteed of providing assistance in the event of product failure. Ask yourself the following questions: Will I get replacement parts? What is the scope of the warranty? It has to be emphasised that it is important to read the fine print. There are a number of credible suppliers of generators in Kenya and Construction Review visited two of them to get their views on the present state of the market. Among these firms is leading motor dealer Simba Corporation Ltd (Simba Corp). The company imports and distributes power generators in the country for both domestic and industrial use. Simba Corp first ventured into generators in 1997 with the aim of tackling a serial power problem in the country. The company is now a leading genset dealer, importing AKSA power generators from a top notch Turkish based manufacturer. The sets are powered by Perkins and Cummins engines, are well suited for the Kenyan market and also come with a one year warranty. Simba Corp. sells the generators through its network of branches in Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu and Kisii. 39


Simba Corp sells AKSA generators ranging from 3kVA to 2,000kVA and have a rapid response team to cater for any problems

Before settling on AKSA generators, Simba Corp performed a thorough market survey of leading global generator suppliers in order to ensure that their clients get high quality generators. Dinesh Kotecha, Simba Corp. Executive Director notes that the increasing demand for power generators in Kenya cannot be disputed. In the past year alone, Simba Corp sold over 200 AKSA generators. “Since the inception of the Power Division at Simba Corp we have seen the rise of demand for power generators”, says Kotecha adding that generators can be very useful when electricity from other sources is unreliable.


Although the use of generators is common in homes, Kotecha foresees demand for generators to be largely driven by large institutions like universities, hospitals and commercial / industrial parks. “We know that the demand for power is going to be largely built around industrial applications, real estate developments, hospitals, schools and other large institutions,” Kotecha says. With that in mind, Simba Corp is positioning itself to meet the evolving market needs by providing a range of quality products that differentiate Simba Corp from other dealers, reveals Kotecha. The company also offers comprehensive after sales services that Kotecha says has continued to provide a competitive edge over other companies engaged in a similar business. “We have a rapid response team that caters for any problems that may occur after installation of the power generator and resolves technical issues to ensure clients do not experience power supply interruptions when intending to tap into their backup power source” Kotecha notes. Simba Corp. sells AKSA generators ranging from 3kVA to 2,000kVA and holds generators of up to 500kVA in stock. While demand for generators is currently on a growth path, Kotecha appreciates the evolution of the power sector and growth of other renewable sources of

December 2015 - January 2016

Ryce East Africa has adequate stocks of spares for their generators

Ryce East Africa imports generators from France based SDMO

energy, for instance wind, solar and biogas noting that generators continue to be a good source of back-up power to complement both national grid output and renewable energy sources. However, Kotecha says that power generators are not meant to replace electricity from the national grid but to serve as backup power. When there is a power blackout or electricity interruption, he says, some households and businesses can experience significant losses. Construction Review also talked to Mr V.N. Srinivas who is the Group Managing Director of Ryce East Africa Limited a leading distributor of SDMO power generators in Kenya. Mr Srinivas says that some organizations such as supermarkets cannot afford power interruption even for a minute. A gold award winner from SDMO France, Ryce East Africa ventured into generators after realizing that various institutions in Kenya required reliable power backup. “Some institutions like hospitals require consistent power. You can imagine what will happen if a hospital has no power for an hour, quips Mr Srinivas. Ryce East Africa imports their generators from France based international company, SDMO with the range of DG sets from 3 Kva to 3000 Kva Capacity Mr Srinivas says that they settled on SDMO after undertaking a serious feasibility study of their products and their market reach. From their research, SDMO stood out as one of the most reliable companies that produce top notch generators. Ryce East Africa has been distributing SDMO power generators since 1995 and sold over 2500 Dg sets to the private clients apart from the supply of more than 1200 Generators to the telecom network operations. According to Group Managing Director Srinivas they are excited to be part of concerted efforts geared at ensuring that Kenya is power sufficient. Ryce East Africa imports an array of power generators ranging from those that can be used in industries, to institutions and homes. For instance, Ryce East Africa

stocks SDMO generators powered by World class engines like John Deere/Volvo/Mtu & Mitsubishi whose performance is mind blowing. Equipped with an LCD screen, the user-friendly power generator offers highquality basic functions to guarantee simple, reliable operation and supervision of your generating set. Perhaps one of the most outstanding features of SDMO generators is the fact that their noise level is minimal. Additionally, Ryce East Africa can sell synchronized generators which is In-built feature of the SDMO brand DG sets. Synchronization is the process of matching the speed and frequency of a generator or other source to a running network based on the Load demand. An AC generator cannot deliver power to an electrical grid unless it is running at the same frequency as the network. Mr V.Balakrishnan the General Manager of Ryce East Africa Limited says that the move to import low level noise emitting generators is informed by National Environmental Authority demands that seeks to reduce noise pollution in the country. With the ever rising demand for electricity in Africa as a whole the need for power backups remains essential for many institutions and having a credible supplier to ensure you get a quality product with after sales support is equally essential.

December 2015 - January 2016

SDMO generators are powered by world class engines with impressive performance



Selecting the right tamping machine


electing the right machine for the particular track conditions and circumstances has become quite a science due to the very large variety of machines and their various features. Tamping machines can be classified aseither plain track tamping machines or universal tamping machines specialised for tamping of track in turnouts, crossings, around splice joints, checked rail sections and other restricted track in addition toplain track.The following are some of the features that must be considered when a machine is specified in a tender:

distributes the weight of the sleeper and rails across three lifting

1. Lifting and Aligning Unit Tamping machines are equipped with a combined lifting and aligning unit mounted in front of the tamping units between the bogies. Plain track tamping machines are equipped with double roller clamps to grip the rail under the crown and two flanged rollers which run on the rail crown to transfer the lateral force to the track for alignment. Universal tamping machines lifting and aligning unitshave additional special features such as lifting hooks which grips the rail under the crown or base for lifting in restricted track such as turnouts, checked rails, splice joints, etc.

2. Measuring System A fully automatic measuring system determines the relative difference in the vertical and horizontal positions of the track at a centre measuring trolley between two reference points, the front and rear measuring trolleys. The measuring system works together with the lifting and aligning unit to lift the track to a uniform height removing any vertical defectsin the process and to simultaneously slew the track to correct any horizontal defects in the track leaving a uniform level track behind. Tamping machines of high quality use optical or laser equipmentmounted to a mobile trolleywhich is moved 100 to 150 metres ahead of the tamping machine, depending on geography and other conditions.This effectively lengthens the chord length to the distance between the rear measuring trolley of the machine and the position of the mobile trolley which provides utmost accuracy in the vertical and horizontal track level. The measuring system can be supplemented with a computer-based system (such as the WIN-ALC) which can be used to measure the track and for automatic calculations and/or setting of the offsets in curves.

A conventional tamping machine must accelerate and brake between

3. Third-Rail Lifting Device Modern universal tamping machines are fitted with a hydraulically operated, telescopic third-rail lifting system on either side of the machine which is synchronised with the lifting and aligning unit. The additional synchronised lift on the outside rail of the turnout

stress is exceeded. Considering that the minimum maintenance lift

09-3X Continuous Action Plain Track Tamping Machine

Unimat 08-475 4S Universal Tamping Machine


points which is essential to tamp turnouts effectively. 4.

Tamping Units

Tamping units can be identified by: •

Number of Sleepers Tamped per Cycle– Tamping machines can be fitted with tamping units to tamp from one to four sleepers per cycle. High production tamping machines are extremely cost effective when their capacity is optimised. Specialised Turnout Tamping Units – Problems associated with tamping restricted track such as turnouts is addressed by the use of split units which are principally divided in two (field side and gauge side). Each one of the total of four units can be lowered and put into action separately from the other. The units can also be displaced laterally on horizontal guide columns so that the tamping tools are centred exactly over the area to be tamped.


Auxiliary Satellite Frame for Continuous Action Tamping

tamping insertions. To increase tamping production ratesthe tamping units can be mounted to an auxiliary satellite frame which runs on its own axle/s separatefrom the main frame. Thisallows continuous motion of the main frame while the cyclic braking and acceleration for the tamping action is performed by the much lighter auxiliary frame. 6.


Wheelbase refers to the distance between the centres of the bogies. During the tamping process, the track is lifted at the lifting unit by at least 20 mm to ensure a residual lift. Where a vertical alignment defect is encountered, the lift becomes progressively more by the depth of the defect. When the lifting units lift the rail between the wheelsthe induced stresses in the rail due to the radius of the bend will increase with an increase in lifting height and decrease in wheelbase. Research has shown that tamping machines with a 6 metre wheelbase cannot lift more than approximately 40 mm before the maximum rail by a tamping machine is already around 20 mm, a 6 metre wheelbase machine will not be able to even lift out a vertical alignment defect exceeding 20 mm in one passwithout over stressing the rail and creating a potential future rail break.

December 2015 - January 2016



Universal split units for high production plain track and turnout tamping with 3rd rail lifting and integrated stabilisation

3 sleeper continuous action tamping for high production plain track tamping with integrated stabilisation

Selecting the Right Tamping Machine is Essential for Productivity and Durability Not all tamping machines are made equal. Plasser & Theurer has invested a great deal of research into creating the worlds highest production tamping machines which are renowned for its reliability, features and quality and durability of the tamped track. Selecting the right machine supplier is however not the only important decision but further criteria for selecting the right machine is production, its position in the existing eet whether it should be plain track or universal and if universal is selected, many different features must be considered such as 3rd rail lifting, split units etc. Plasser South Africa (Pty) Ltd | PO Box 103, Maraisburg, 1700 | Tel: 011-761-2400 |

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2015/04/23 9:52 AM


Stone crushing and screening

Selecting what’s best


tone crushing and screening equipment plays a vital role in the construction industry because it provides the vital aggregates required for concrete production as well as for road construction. In Africa where the use of concrete and road aggregate has continued to expand due to the development of needed infrastructure, the use of good quality equipment is very handy for a busy contractor with tight deadlines to meet. Once a good quarry is established, the next requirement is the installation of stone crushing and screening equipment. There are several suppliers found worldwide and buyers are literally spoilt for choice. However the age old rule must be followed – beware of buying cheap it will in most cases mean buying twice because of lost production time due to breakdowns. After sales service is also a critical aspect for equipment so ensure that you can get spares and technical support. Stories abound of contractors purchasing equipment from fly-by-night suppliers who subsequent to selling the equipment can’t be relied upon to know anything about how to maintain the equipment or where to buy spares. In Africa’s vast hinterland where much of the construction of infrastructure is being undertaken, equipment must be able to withstand the harsh conditions of both temperature and dust. Ease of use is also paramount because there is no point in buying sophisticated equipment that probably costs more but is less than optimally used much like a smart phone with a myriad of functions but used only to make calls. The stone crusher and screening plant work in tandem with the screening plant segregating the crushed rock into 44

different sizes but this is done only after the large rocks go through the jaw crusher and or the impact crusher. When determining the type of crusher bear in mind that the jaw crusher is suitable for primary and secondary crushing with strength less than 320MPa. On the other hand the Impact crusher is used also for fine crushing and is therefore popular for sand and aggregate used for roads, railways and building construction. When getting down to the details of the type of equipment a contractor needs to consult regarding his requirements. A reputable supplier will easily offer this service since different needs lead to different equipment configurations. The plant can have a stone production line and in addition a crushing stone production line. The crushing plant consists of storage bins, vibrating screens, jaw crusher, impact crusher, circular vibrating screen and belt conveyors all these need to be assessed depending on the type of rock and the end product desired. So you would be advised not to buy just any machine. A reliable supplier like MEKA is a professional enterprise focusing on manufacturing of crushing & screening plants and concrete batching plants in Turkey. MEKA produces feeders crushers screens and washers MEKA boasts 300 personnel, 30 engineers and 4 manufacturing facilities (at Ostim/Ankara – 5.000 m², 1st Temelli/ Ankara- 25.000 m², 2nd Temelli/ Ankara- 18.000 m², Eskisehir – 30.000 m²) equipped with advanced technological infrastructure. December 2015 - January 2016



biggest Mosque ever built in Africa

Concrete has been a part of our life for centuries. It provides us with shelter, it helps us to control the nature and turn its power into energy resources. However, before that, there was only stone.

New Cairo and Ismailia Cities of Egypt are built on concrete coming from MEKA plants

In 1987, MEKA has dedicated itself to provide high quality affordable solutions for shaping the stone and turning materials into concrete.

Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Mali is about to be constructed with MEKA

Lafarge and Dantata Sawoe choose MEKA to construct roads and residences in Nigeria

In Ethiopia MEKA is connecting the roads and railways together in East Africa

In nowadays, MEKA is a Leading Professional Enterprise focused on manufacturing of Concrete Plants and Crushing & Screening Equipment. We provide a complete scope of services such as identifying customer’s needs, project planning, design, engineering, manufacturing, quality control, commissioning, personnel training and after-sales support working on 4 modern facilities with over 350 personnel. Africa was always one of the main markets for MEKA. 8LI ƤVWX GSRGVIXI TPERX [EW MRWXEPPIH EVSYRH ]IEVW ago in Cameroon. A lot has changed since then. Today there are more than 250 concrete plants and a couple of crushing units running on different important projects, building better cities and infrastructure all around Africa: •

In South Africa Wind Turbines rise with MEKA

In Algeria MEKA is involved in construction of the

+90 312 397 91 33

&VERGL SJƤGIW ERH PSGEP HIEPIVW MR 1SVSGGS %PKIVME Libya, Egypt, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania and Mozambique support all MEKA users in Africa technically. MEKA is a Choice of Many Professionals and a reliable partner you can trust. We do not only offer standard equipment, but also deliver cost-effective solutions to a variety of civil engineering projects no matter how complex they are. Each MEKA Concrete Plant or a Crushing & Screening Unit is the result of 28 years of full dedication, stability and determination. There is therefore a knowledge and care in every detail.


Crushing & Concrete Batching Technology


A birds eye view of the outlet chamber and culvert.

Franki pipe-jack #1 & #2 in progress.

Pipe jacking, an integral part of the trenchless technology “family”


ipe jacking, an integral part of the trenchless technology “family”, is a technique for




ducts and culverts. Powerful hydraulic

but Franki has developed a reputation for overcoming these challenges and for delivering successful results on tough contracts time and again. This is the story of one those contracts.

jacks are used to push specially designed pipes through the ground

Wentworth Station

behind a shield at the same time as

Due to extensive flooding of the area

excavation is taking place within

during heavy rains, the Ethekwini

the shield. This method provides

Stormwater Department needed to



increase the capacity of the existing

pipeline as the tunnel is excavated.

storm water system at Wentworth

Pipe jacking is not easy and is often

Station in Durban. Franki contracts

fraught with significant challenges,

manager Byron Field says this area,



The first fourpipe-jacks completed and entering the reception chamber temporary works.


which is situated at the lowest point of the Bluff area, has been subject to heavy flooding for several years owing to the inadequacy of the existing drainage system there. “Flood water frequently engulfs both the railway lines at Wentworth Station and adjacent buildings and Ethekwini decided that something had to be done about it,” he says. The pipe jacking contract, which was awarded to Franki Africa in August 2014, includes 5 No. x 100m 1473 ø pipe jacks, to be installed beneath the Wentworth Railway Station and 20 adjacent railway lines, as well as inlet and outlet chambers, a 20m culvert extension, pipe tie-ins and associated enabling works. “This sounds pretty straightforward,” says Field, “but this contract is one of the most difficult below-the-water-table jacking contracts our company has undertaken in recent years. The main challenge here is that the pipes needed to be installed 6,5m below ground level, where the ground consists of running sand with a consistency December 2015 - January 2016

Pipe jacks #1 (centre) & #2 (left) in progress and #3 (right) is preparing to start.

of soup, all without disturbing the normal operation of the trains!!” Field explains that the five 100m-long pipelines are installed side-by-side under the railway lines, with two large in-situ cast concrete chambers at each end to evenly distribute the storm water flow in and out of the pipes. “The construction of the chambers and of a new culvert that ties into the existing storm water system is also part of our scope of works,” he says. Field adds that inverts of the pipe jacks are –6.5m whilst the water table is at –1,5m. “This necessitated extensive dewatering and shoring operations to facilitate the civils construction and jacking operations and these challenges were made more difficult by frequent ESKOM load shedding, which resulted in flooding on site due to the consequent failure of the dewatering system,” he says. “Furthermore,” says Field, “the trains had to keep running above our operation, which created dynamic loading through significant vibrations which in turn caused the ground to consolidate around our pipes, thereby increasing the ground pressure”. Preparation prior to jacking was a prolonged process, involving: the installation of the dewatering system along the full length of the jacks and sheet piling around all the new chamber and culvert works; and ensuring that the temporary works, comprising the jacking December 2015 - January 2016

pits and reception pits, were constructed safely by being sufficiently stabilised to contain the jacking loads placed on them. “The high jacking pressures, due to the ground loads, necessitated multiple interjack stations along each crossing in order to keep the pipe jacks moving,” Field says.

Operations above the jacking pit.jpg

augering, thrust boring and large diameter case boring - to a wide range of clients on the continent.

Franki is able to

install sleeves from 100mm to 3000mm diameter and offers a variety of trenchless technology solutions including augering, cased boring, pipe laying, bridge jacking

The Right Pipes The right pipes were crucial to the success of the Wentworth Station contract and the precast concrete jacking pipes developed especially for this project have proven to be an unmitigated success. Having watertight joints was perhaps more critical in this contract than in any previous contract in which Franki has been involved. “The sand is so fine, it would have flowed through the joints of ordinary jacking pipes,” Field said. Work on site was carried out on a 24hr basis. Practical completion of this project was achieved on schedule by the beginning of October 2015, including additional works.. The contract will continue for an additional 2 months primarily due to extra works. Franki’s Capabilities For more than 30 years Franki Africa (Franki), the most renowned geotechnical brand in Southern Africa and now part of the Keller group, has successfully provided pipe jacking and other trenchless technologies –

and more. Being part of the Keller Group, the world’s largest independent geotechnical engineering contractor, gives Franki Africa significant advantages including access to a wide range of innovative technologies



technologies, finance for future growth and, of course, a wealth of geotechnical intellectual property and experience.

Franki pipe-jack #1 & #2 in progress.



Admir - Uganda ...................................... ......................................19 19

Krane Ghana Construction ...................... ......................28 28

Athi River Steel................................... ...................................OBC OBC

Mabati Rolling Mills ............................... ...............................38 38

Apex Steel ................................................. .................................................11

Meka .......................................................45 ....................................................... 45

Armitech Consulting Engineers .............. ..............24 24

Mitek ....................................................... .......................................................33 33

Bernard James & Partners (BJP)............. .............32 32

Plasser South Africa................................ ................................43 43

Building Services Group .........................25 ......................... 25

Rigo ......................................................... .........................................................17 17

Clasico Builders ...................................... ......................................24 24

Sets waterproofing ..................................13 .................................. 13

Crystal Rivers.......................................... ..........................................16 16

Schindler Ltd...........................................36 ........................................... 36

Davis & Shirtliff ..................................... .....................................17 17

Simba Colt ..............................................40 .............................................. 40

Doshi & Co Hardware Ltd ...................... ......................37 37

Sutherland Engineers ..............................32 .............................. 32

ESPCO .................................................... ....................................................28 28

Tana & Associates Ltd ............................ ............................24 24

Fit Tight Fasteners .................................. ..................................35 35

Tandem & Stark ...................................... ......................................25 25

Gill Consult Consulting Engineers ......... .........24 24

Tile and Carpet ..................................... IBC

Hafele .................................................... ....................................................IFC IFC

Urvashi Entreprises ................................. .................................25 25

JM Kariuki Consultants .......................... ..........................25 25

VA Tech Wabag ltd ................................21 ................................ 21

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July - August 2014, Volume 8 No. 4

Loulo-Gounkoto Mine Complex Mali's key gold producer

Inside: Collision Avoidance Technology Dealing with corrosion Minesite catering



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