Kill Work Before Work Kills You

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Kill Work before Time Kills you! Work and Time are like ससतन. They seldom co-exist! The चचालक मचालक Leader who have time do not have enough work and vice versa. This becomes more complex when you have neither quality time nor quality work with you. This is when you become a hard(ly) working चचालक मचालक Leader who gets killed by time every day and bounces back the next day to do more work. Is there a way that we can stop this daily kill of my चचलक मचलक Leader in the hands of time?  

Do you allow “work” to walk up towards you?

Do you sprint (not walk) towards “work” even before it decides to walk (sometimes, sprint) towards you?

Do you do the “work” when it becomes both “urgent” and “important” or do you proactively go and finish it when it is “Important” but not yet “Urgent”? 

Is urgency an addiction for you?

क्यचा ककससी कचाम कको करनने मने तबतक मजचा नहही आतचा जब तक वह Urgent नचा हको जचाए? 

Is it possible to start treating “important” things as “urgent” even before it becomes “urgent” for the world?

Do you make a lot of things “urgent” by procrastinating them? Out of all the urgent things in your life, 80% “urgent” work is due to

your procrastinating them when they were “important” but not “urgent”. What are the tools which you can use when you walk (sprint) up to the work at hand with a view to kill (finish) the same before it becomes a “big work”? Try the golden rule of 4D Test: Delete, Defer, Delegate, Do! Ask yourself these 4 questions before beginning to do a work. a) Do I at all need to do this work? If the answer is “No”, delete the work from your To-Do list.

e.g. Your friends want you to go for a lunch get together during office hours b)

Do I need to do this work now on priority or can I defer it? If the

answer is “Yes”, fix up a date on your calendar when you would like to attack this work.

e.g. A What’s app message from your friend pops up in the middle of the work. Defer this act of checking the message right now in the middle of your work.

b) Do I need to do this work myself or can I get this done by someone else who can do it better than me?

If the answer is “Yes”, you must

delegate the work but remember that you have just delegated the authority to do the work but the responsibility of the work being

completed on time is still yours. Hence please update your calendar with the task of follow up accordingly.

c) Any work which cannot be deleted, delegated or deferred must be done with priority. Why will time kill you if you do not kill work on time? Every human being is expected to allocate their time towards their work, society, family and self.

If you struggle with your time and yet not be able to even finish your official work, you are never going to find any time for family, self and society in that order.

The time that you invest with your family rejuvenates you like a turbocharged engine. The time that you invest with yourself helps you talk to your soul which in turn helps you release your kundalini power.

The time that you invest on society is returned back to you by society, almost like a boomerang, in double proportion. Lessons for my चचालक मचालक leader

1. If you do not have time for work, family, self and society in equal proportion, you are not living life. You are just waiting to leave life.

2. The value of time in hand is 100 times more than money in bank.

3. Do not overdo your work just because you do not know how to do it. 4. Proactively attack work when they are important but not yet urgent. Use the 4D Tool kit when you address work.

5. If you have time, you will be able to do your work. With no time at hand you will fail at work. Family, society and you yourself will mock at you.

Let us Kill work before Time kills us!

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